SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak

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  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Sexual Differentiation

    Sexual Differentiation

    Prof.Dr. Rveyde BUNDAK

    Prof.Dr. Rveyde BUNDAK

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Sex determination and


    Sex determination and


    is a sequential process tat

    involves at least fourcaracteristics tat aredelineated in various sta!es

    is a sequential process tat

    involves at least fourcaracteristics tat aredelineated in various sta!es

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Fertilisation Genetic sex

    Genetic sex Gonadal sex

    Gonadal sex Phenotypic sex

    Hormones + Social environment Psychologic sex

    Gender identitiy

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    "enetic sexis determined atfertili#ation

    "onadal sexis determined $y !eneticsex

    Sexual differentiation of te !onadsleads to te development of internal!enital tracts and te external

    !enitalia and ence te %Penotypicsex&

    "enetic sexis determined atfertili#ation

    "onadal sexis determined $y !eneticsex

    Sexual differentiation of te !onadsleads to te development of internal!enital tracts and te external

    !enitalia and ence te %Penotypicsex&

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    'e development of seconder sexcaracteristics provides additional

    visi$le penotypic manifestations atpu$erty.

    Psycolo!ical sexual identity is

    acquired postnatally $y sociolo!icalimprintin! on te developin!personality.

    'is postnatal process(to!eter )itprenatal ormonal influences(dedected te !ender identity or

    psycolo!ical sex.

    'e development of seconder sexcaracteristics provides additional

    visi$le penotypic manifestations atpu$erty.

    Psycolo!ical sexual identity is

    acquired postnatally $y sociolo!icalimprintin! on te developin!personality.

    'is postnatal process(to!eter )itprenatal ormonal influences(dedected te !ender identity or

    psycolo!ical sex.

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    "enetic sex

    "enetic sex

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    The human genomeconsists of two copies

    of each of 23 chromosomes (a total of 46).One set of 23 comes from the mother andone set comes from the father. Of these23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 areautosomes, and one is a sex chromosome.There are two inds of sexchromosomes!"#" and "$". %n humans and in

    almost all other mammals, females carr&two # chromosomes, designated ##, andmales carr& one # and one $, designated

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    ' human egg contains onl& one set ofchromosomes (23) and is said to e haploid.perm also ha*e onl& one set of 23

    chromosomes and are therefore haploid.+hen an egg and sperm fuse at fertiliation,the two sets of chromosomes come together

    to form a uni-ue "diploid" indi*idual with 46chromosomes.

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    Human Karyotype

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    The sex chromosome in a human egg isalwa&s an # chromosome, since a female

    onl& has # sex chromosomes. %n sperm,aout half the sperm ha*e an # chromosomeand half ha*e a $ chromosome. %f an egg

    fuses with a sperm with a $ chromosome,the resulting indi*idual is usuall& male. %f anegg fuses with a sperm with an #chromosome, the resulting indi*idual isusuall& female. 'n eggs sex chromosome isalwa&s an #, so it is the sperms sexchromosome that determines an indi*iduals


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    "onadal sex


    Penotypic sex

    "onadal sex


    Penotypic sex

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Sex is not really determined bychromosomes

    Genes are the underlying basis for sex


    Some on sex chromosomes, others onautosomes

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  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Intrauterine sexual differentiation

    Differentiation of gonads,

    Differentiation of internal genital ducts,Differentiation of external genitalia

    I. Differentiation of gonads:-Until approximately ! days of gestation

    embryonic gonads of males and females are

    indistinguishable, there is a primiti"e gonadal structure

    -Subse#uent differentiation of gonads into testes oro"ary depends on the presence of testes determining

    gene or Sex determining Region of Y on

    $ chromosome

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    %Dr& 'eter Koopman (asable to pro"e that the S)$

    gene is the *D+ from

    studies on male

    %S)$ is $ specific, andthere is no analogue on the


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Intrauterine sexual differentiation

    Genes important for gonadal diff.

    SRY gene:-n short arm of $ chromosome, in close proximity (ith

    pseudoautosomal region&-S)$ codes for a D./ binding protein and facilitates transcription

    of do(nstream genes&-Deletion of S)$ in a 0 $ person results in female de"elopment

    (ith dysgenetic gonads

    -*ransfection of S)$ into 0 mice embryo

    results in male de"elopment (ith testes 1but sterile2-During meiosis in male , pseuodoautosomal regions of the and $chromosomes are exchanged&

    -During this exchange, S)$ can be transferred to the chromosome

    1 males2

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    /enital ridge+T0

    10 im0

    mx2 1gf

    5ipotential gonad

    '#0 SR*

    +nt4 O#



    O*ar& Testes

    Somatic cells "erm cells

    +ullerian ducts ,-/olffian ducts ,0

    1xternal !enitalia

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak



    Sertoli cells Leydig cells






    *estosterone DH*

    AR AR

    34llerian ducts 1-2 5olffian ducts 162

    7nternal Genitalia 8xternal Genitalia

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    -9y ! days of gestation germ cells appear-7f SRYis present, :-;< days ---= differentiation

    into T+ST+S

    >eydig cells ? 0< days3ale external genitalia ? 0;-@@ days

    -7f SRYis not present, (ithin @@-A days

    primiti"e gonad differentiates into-------= ),ARY

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    ther genes important for gonadal diff&

    DSS gene:is on short arm of Bhromosome

    -Dosage sensiti"e sex re"ersal gene

    -Dublication of DSS gene in a 0 $ embryo results

    in 0 $ females

    5*-C gene1Denny-Drash , 5/G) syndrome2

    S- gene1Bamptomelic d(arfism2

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Intrauterine sexual differentiationII. Differentiation of internal genital ducts

    -Up to @ (eeEs? no internal duct differentiation

    primordial structure contains both3ullerian and 5olfian ducts

    -/fter @ (eeEs? de"elopment of internal genital ducts depends on

    the presence or absence of a functional fetal testes and completed

    by C! (eeEs& -+etal testes secrete t(o different substances?

    1. Mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF, AMH) -by Sertoli cells?

    causes regression of 3ullerian ducts1ipsilaterally2

    !. "estosterone-by >eydig cels?

    a2 causes further de"elopment of 5olfian ducts

    b2by being con"erted to dih#drotestosteron(DHT2

    promotes masculiniFation of external genitalia

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    -7n the female fetus,there is no testes --= no 37+--= 3ullerian duct de"elops further

    --= no testosteron---= regression of 5olfian ducts

    Mullerian ducts: Uterus, +allopian tubes, cer"ix C: upper part of the "agina

    -olfian ducts? as deference, epididymis, seminal

    "esicles, eIaculatory duct

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Gonadal differentiation

    Intra terine se al differentiation

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    Intrauterine sexual differentiation

    II. Differentiation of external genitalia:

    -Britical period 1A-C! (eeEs2

    -Up to A (eeEs, no external genital differentiation is present-*here is a primiti"e external genital structure (hich


    Male Female

    Genital tu/ercle? Glans penis Blitoris%0ret1ral folds: Shaft of the penis >& minora

    %0ret1ral groo2e: 'enile uretra >o(er !: "agina&

    %La/ioscrotal s3elling Scrotum >& maIora

    -7f testes, DH*, and androgen receptor present? differentiation into

    male external genitalia completed by C0 (eeEs&

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    DT:binds to androgen receptor on genital structuresand causes?

    -fallic enlargement -Fipping-up genital groo"e into penile urethra

    -Fipping-up labioscrotal s(elling into scrotum

    -prostate gro(th

  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak


    S12 D3441R1N'3A'35NBipotential "onad

    6 )ee7,/

    Di8i y9nnde


    "enes S52: S52;


  • 7/25/2019 SEX Differentiation by.R.Bundak
