SEWING’ · SEWING’ ’ Objectives: The’children’develop fine motor’ skills,’ eye hand...

SEWING Objectives: The children develop fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, develop creativity, self confidence and self expression. As well as attention in details, self regulation and reinforce the concept of directions. Materials: Styrofoam dishes, yarn or coloured string in pre cut lengths, needles beans, feathers and scissors. Procedure: Make the children practice moving their arms and wrist making circles on the air, inserting beans, ask the children what else could they insert instead of beans. Show them how to sew first you can tape the end of the yarn with masking tape and begin sewing the yarn and make any shape, show them how to insert the beans then let them explore the material. The children decide when it is finished, then they will help in clean up. Extensions: read a book about culture, show the children that different culture make different kind of sewing. We can talk about feathers and birds, ask what their work look like. Safety: Non toxic material

Transcript of SEWING’ · SEWING’ ’ Objectives: The’children’develop fine motor’ skills,’ eye hand...

  • SEWING  

     Objectives:   The   children   develop   fine   motor   skills,   eye   hand  coordination,  develop  creativity,  self  confidence  and  self  expression.    As  well  as  attention  in  details,  self  regulation  and  reinforce  the  concept  of  directions.    Materials:    Styrofoam  dishes,  yarn  or  coloured  string  in  pre  cut  lengths,  needles  beans,  feathers  and  scissors.    Procedure:       Make   the   children   practice  moving   their   arms   and  wrist  making   circles   on   the   air,   inserting   beans,   ask   the   children   what   else  could  they  insert  instead  of  beans.    Show  them  how  to  sew  first  you  can  tape  the  end  of   the  yarn  with  masking  tape  and  begin  sewing  the  yarn  and  make  any  shape,  show  them  how  to  insert  the  beans  then  let  them  explore  the  material.  The  children  decide  when  it  is  finished,  then  they  will  help  in  clean  up.    Extensions:    read  a  book  about  culture,  show  the  children  that  different  culture  make  different  kind  of  sewing.    We  can  talk  about  feathers  and  birds,  ask  what  their  work  look  like.      Safety:  Non  toxic  material                  



    Objectives:   The   children   develop   fine   motor   skills,   eye   hand  coordination,   develop   creativity,   self   confidence   and   self   expression  because  they  can  express  freely.  Help  children  understand  the  concept.  (fruits  and  vegetables)  or  the  concept  about  magnets.    Materials:  felt  different  colours,    scissors  (for  the  teacher  only),  magnet  and  glue.    Procedure:  Set  up  the  table  with  the  different  colours  of  felt  in  different  size  and  shapes,   in  a  basket,  magnet  and  glue   in  other  basket.    Explain  the   children   the   procedure.     First   make   any   design   by   gluing   the  different   felt   together  and   then  attach   the  magnet  behind   their  design.    The   children   decide   the   end   of   the   activity   and   they   help   with   the  cleaning  up.    Extension:  Find  surface  where  the  magnet  could  be  attract  to,  talk  about  magnets,  We  can  read  books  about  fruits  and  vegetables.    We  can  show  the  children  different  design  or  we  can  let  them  do  their  own.