Severance I Genesis Pro

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Transcript of Severance I Genesis Pro

  • 8/9/2019 Severance I Genesis Pro


    "Peter Ingham" about ???? words

    1D Jews Walk, Sydenham, SE26 6PJ


    [email protected]





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    Prologue ................................................................................................................................ 3Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................................... 8Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................. 18Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................. 26Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................. 41

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    The militia soldiers fingers tightened around the hilt of his weapon, his heart rate quickening as

    he scanned the decrepit hospital ward. At the far side several other soldiers stood stoically by a

    large set of barricaded doors, blades at the ready. The cacophony of screams and steel amplified

    like an encroaching avalanche, it was not a matter of ifit would hit them, only when.

    Dr. we have to retreat, theyve nearly breached the ward.

    The militia soldiers breath stuck to his visor, his respiration becoming erratic. He removed

    his helmet even though he risked his life doing so. He felt the whole suit constricted his frame

    like a snake coiled around his chest, threatening to choke the life out of him.

    He was young, barely out of his teens. They were only supposed to be on a reconnaissance

    mission, but upon discovering the ward the doctors had decided to offer aid. He didnt resent

    them for it; he had joined the militia to help. Some of the veteran soldiers hadnt shared the same

    sentiment but were outranked by the two militia doctors. Now they were trapped and it appeared

    more than likely that the ward was to become their tomb, or worse.

    A deafening explosion shook the room rousing the soldier from his posturing. Flecks of

    concrete and dust sprinkled down to the floor like snow. He took the doctor s shoulder and

    pulled him to his feet.

    Dr. Valkyrie we need orders, if we stay here helping these Galerians any longer then were

    all dead.

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    The doctor adjusted his glasses as a woman in a white overcoat walked over to them, taking

    his hand. Hes right Seth; weve done as much as humanly possible. We cant expect PURGE to

    believe that were here to help.

    Damn it. Seth conceded, removing his glasses and rubbing his bloodshot eyes, Youre

    right Alison. Tell them to initiate an exit strategy while the rest of us try to help as many as


    Seth returned to tending to the man beside them while Alison took the militia soldier to one

    side. She attempted to catch the mans name from his ID but it had been torn off in the earlier

    fray. Noticing this he smiled nervously, Virgil-its Virgil.

    She placed a hand on his shoulder and felt his muscles slightly relax, Inform your

    commander that we intend to pull out ASAP.

    Virgil nodded in assent and ran over to the door barricade. His commander stood shaking a

    com device, vainly attempting to get through to anyone on the outside. Commander, weve been

    given the order to retreat.

    He stopped rattling the device and cast it aside, Finally. We can leave these Galerian scum

    to rot before they infect us all. He turned to the men at the door, Move out. Assemble everyone

    at the evac point.

    The soldiers hurriedly dissipated, weaving through the patients cots, causing a chain reaction

    that sent every militia soldier to the far side of the room. He turned to Virgil and instructed him

    to inform the doctors and then regroup with his unit. By now PURGE were at the door, the

    cracks in the wall splintering along its frame like spilled water.

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    Virgil retuned to Seth and ushered him away from the patient, the man on the bed clawed at

    his chest as blood frothed at the corners of his mouth.

    Everyone is assembled Dr. Valkyrie, Im sorry but we have to go.

    The man sighed but made no attempt to conflict his own orders, he could help no-one dead.

    Seth gave one last fleeting glance at the man on the bed and then to the dozens of others all

    around the ward. They all needed help but there was nothing he could do, his impotence

    frustrated him, but he would be a fool to stay here.

    Alison appeared at his side moments later, they were the last three not assembled and Virgil

    could see the commanders frustration from where they stood. Still Seth did not move, his feet

    glued to the floor by the thought of abandoning these people.

    It was his wife that broke his stupor, Cmon, Nero will be waiting.

    He shook his head and looked into her eyes, nodding; they made for the exit leaving behind

    the wails of the dying.

    Virgil was one of the last to file through the exit; he could feel the screams clawing at his

    back and pushed them out of his mind, focusing on the road ahead. Moonlight filtered through

    the cracked windows, sending spears of light into the floor like way posts illuminating their trail.

    The sounds of PURGE echoed through the halls, Virgil hadnt imagined they would break

    through the barricade this quickly and he subsequently quickened his gait. He had no intensions

    to left behind.

    After what seemed an eternity the gap in the hospital wall marked the end of their exile. The

    militia sprinted to secure the exit and Virgil could feel a great weight lift from his shoulders.

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    Then, everything turned a brilliant shade of white and he was thrown across the hallway, the very

    ground rupturing underneath him. The white was soon replaced with an abyssal black as he lost


    Virgil awoke, he had no idea how long he had been out and his first thought flitted to his

    aching head. He attempted to move his right arm but it chose not to comply, obviously broken in

    the blast. His whole body felt as if it had been used as some giants plaything, thrown this way

    and that with abandon. He was able to lift himself off the floor, at least his legs seemed

    functional. Virgil stumbled about the room, his head throbbed and a viscous liquid dripped from

    the wound on his temple. All these injuries took a backseat as he gawped at the wanton carnage

    displayed in front of him like a sick piece of art. Everyone so still and lifeless they could have

    passed for mannequins. He attempted to rouse someone, anyone, but to no avail. Most of the

    militia were scattered to far corners of the room, their blood painting the walls and rubble.

    Virgil fell to his knees and vomited hoping that along with his body, his soul might be purged

    as well. He found no such absolution and groggily walked towards to exit, he couldnt care less

    if PURGE were waiting for him.

    A hand broke his gait, it weakly grasped at his leg, pleading for him to stop. He looked down

    and saw Alison Valkyrie, her leg roughly decapitated at the knee, most of her face held a

    charcoal tinge and the smell of burnt flesh clung to her. She attempted to speak but could only

    muster choked gargles in between laboured breaths. With the last vestige of strength she grabbed

    his functional hand and held on as her last word faintly escaped her lips. The soft whimper of her

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    voice was swiftly followed by the sound of thunder as Virgil s world once again became

    shrouded in blackness.