Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG...

Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the number of flatware. This was done and implemented immediately. Through our contemplation, we feel the pain of the planet which leads us to witness by our actions and our lives. Insights from Tables Spunti dai Tavoli Ideas de las Mesas

Transcript of Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG...

Page 1: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the number of flatware. This was done and implemented immediately.

Through our contemplation, we feel the pain of the planet which leads us to witness by our actions and our lives.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 2: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Vivere più semplicemente per permettere agli altri semplicemente di vivere (79)Siamo consapevoli di essere chiamate a tessere con gioia relazioni di solidarietà

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 3: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Sensibilizzarci nei confronti della solidarietà globale facendo piccoli passiPercepire e vivere tutto come se fosse connesso a ogni altra cosa. Una sola comunità di vita che affonda le sue radici nell’unità(74)

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 4: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Conversion pour un monde plus juste et harmonie avec toute créatureSe laisser toucher afin de prendre la décision de s’engager pour la solidarité ensemble !!!

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 5: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Appel à la conversion des cœurs, dans les petites choses qui touchent la planète car la création est bellePrendre conscience de l’environnement , vouloir faire quelque chose et s’engager concrètement : présence d’espérance et de transfiguration

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 6: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Hacer que nuestro ser religiosas nos lleve a un cambio de voluntad para establecer relaciones nuevas con toda la creación.Cuánto más unidas estemos, mejor tejemos y hacemos posible la solidaridad con la creación.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 7: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Vivir la conversión del corazón, mente y voluntad para ser presencia sensible, consciente, activa y creativa ante desafíos de la realidad personal y ecológica.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 8: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Gratas pela criação tecendo Relações Globais em defesa da vida.Não façam nunca sózinhas o que podem fazer juntas; sozinhas podemos ir mais rápido, juntas vamos mais longe.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 9: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

TESTEMUNHAR com acções mais VISÍVEIS o cuidado com o meio ambiente. Começar aquí ...

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 10: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Lass uns mit anderen zusammen tun, was wir alleine nicht koennen.Die Bekehrung unserer Herzen ist notwendig, um unseren planteten zu heilen!

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 11: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Welch eine Kraft, wenn wir Ordensfrauen anfangen, uns bewusst zu warden, dass wir in einer Welt, die miteinander verbunden ist, partnershaftlich leben wollen.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 12: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

There was a request that the “wonderful songs we sung” on Monday be placed on the UISG website

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 13: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

We do note that every one of our congregations is doing much already (though certainly not enough) to move us more deeply into conversion of mind and heart and will. This is a journey we need to intensify. We have begun to engage in exhilarating new partnerships which we could never have imagined ten years ago. Pope Francis has been learning from people like us so that he could articulate “Laudato Si” and give greater legitimacy and greater energy to our efforts.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 14: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Why not put newsprint up around the walls and invite people to write some of the projects and things they are doing for the environment.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 15: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

There was a suggestion that we begin to pay our employees livable wages, at least the minimum wage. It could go a long way in helping them, their families and the planet.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 16: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Cura responsabile della casa comune dove tutto è interconnesso (81)Relazioni nuove in sinergia tra noi e con il pianeta. Relazioni ciroclari (75)

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 17: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Siamo chiamate a diventare ecologiste nello spirito, mediante una formazione coraggiosa e evangelicaUna presenza viva, essenziale efficace

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 18: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Una presenza viva, essenziale efficaceUn’espressione ecologica dei nostri carismi per una solidarietà tutta da tessere

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 19: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Dio ci pone nel giardino per coltivarlo e custodirlo.Non “calpestiamolo” con indifferenza, ma curiamolo con coscienza, iniziativa, testimonianza, amore (82)

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 20: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Chi ama Dio Ama le cose uscite dalla sua mano: essere promotrici di nuova mentalità e di cambiamenti, tutto a partire dal quotidiano.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 21: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Essere testimoni di Cristo attraverso la emplicità e la sensibile presenza nel creato di Dio.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 22: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Réapprendre à être une créature, liée au Créateur et dans le respect de toutes les créatures. A partir de là, sensibiliser , conscientiser, former, respecter.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 23: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Afin que nous fassions seules ce que nous pouvons faire ensembleNe plus faire seul ce que nous pouvons découvrir et faire ensemble

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 24: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Ne faisons pas seules ce que nous pouvons faire ensembleAvoir le courage d’initier, sans avoir peur de se tromper pour passer de la relation d’autorité au partenariat

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 25: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Créer des réseaux de partenariats. L’union fait la forcePrendre conscience de notre responsabilité dans la destruction de l’environnement en faisant connaitre comment il est détruit et les gestes qui sont posés pour sa sauvegarde

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 26: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Elaborer une charte des comportements pour sauvegarder la planète « notre maison commune »

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 27: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Susciter un véritable partenariat autour de nous

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 28: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Nous avons pris conscience de notre responsabilité face à l’environnement : le maltraiter, c’est maltraiter l’humanité…mais quels actes poser dans la simplicité du quotidien ?

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 29: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Nous sommes appelées à promouvoir le partenariat basé sur la réciprocité

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 30: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Religieuses, vous y êtes ? Voyez-vous ce qui pourrait arrivez si vous deveniez des tisseuses d’une solidarité globale

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 31: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Pasar de valorar la Encíclica a ponerla en práctica. Comprometernos como IUSG a un gesto concreto.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 32: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Pasar de valorar la Encíclica a ponerla en práctica. Comprometernos como IUSG a un gesto concreto.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 33: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Tomar mayor conciencia del mundo en que vivimos. Como vida consagrada este es el tiempo que nos urge a dar pequeños pasos, peor concretos y significativos hacia la solidaridad

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 34: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Toma de conciencia, conversión, concreción. ¡Estamos ahí!“En marcha …” mirar reír llorar

actuar “… sobre el mundo donde tenemos los pies”.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 35: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Vivir la espiritualidad de la influencia desde la simplicidad, comenzando por la transformación de nuestro entorno.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 36: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

La vida es una y todo está conectado. La solidaridad, la compasión, la ternura incluye a todo lo creado.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 37: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Conectar, conectarse. Espiritualidad de la influencia.Cambiaremos el mundo si cambio el mundo pequeño que tengo a mi alrededor. (Papa Francisco)

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 38: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Ahondar en al conciencia ecológica y actuar en red, teniendo en cuenta la conversión del corazón y la voluntad.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 39: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Comprometernos a unirnos en una acción común. Creadoras de conciencia de cultura ecológica global.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 40: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Todo está conectado y tiene infinidad de consecuencias.Relectura de nuestros carismas desde esta “clave” y luego .. trabajo en red.Por la madre tierra, regalo de Dios,

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 41: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Por la madre tierra, regalo de Dios, conversión e implicación.Unidas somos una fuerza que teje solidaridad en el hoy y mañana del mundo.Lo que nos une… es Cristo.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 42: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Lo que nos une… es Cristo. Nuestros problemas se resuelven si miramos a Cristo: ya no hay esclavos, ni libres … sois uno en Cristo Jesús. Si juntamos nuestras manos podemos más.

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Page 43: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Come UISG pensare e realizzare una proposta per il 08 Marzo che veda coinvolte tutte le Congregazioni Religiose femminili.Sarebbe un modo diverso/alternativo

di “dire donna” al nostro mondo.

Page 44: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Abbiamo bisogno di rinvigorire questo che è più importante -Amare!Proclamare a tutti che il centro, la fonte, il fondamento è Gesù.

Page 45: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Abbiamo bisogno di rinvigorire questo che è più importante -Amare!Proclamare a tutti che il centro, la fonte, il fondamento è Gesù.Così formare, istruire, educare in modo che si possa fondare

Page 46: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Così formare, istruire, educare in modo che si possa fondare sull’amore.

Page 47: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Come le persone consacrate dobbiamo indicare il bisogno dell’amore reciproco e della responsabilità. Non dobbiamo perdere la spiritualità.

Page 48: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Per raggiungere un’ecologia del creato, coltivare un’ecologia del cuore e della volontà.

Page 49: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Partire dal creato è una lingua che ci accumuna, che tutti possono intendere. Forse non si può parlare di Dio molti non ci capirebbero. Parlare di Gesù sarebbe ancora più difficile. Allora…

Page 50: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Parliamo la nostra prima lingua: quella del creato e dalì partiamo per arrivare a Dio ed a Cristo con simpatia.

Page 51: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Non per nulla Papa Francesco ha iniziato la sua opera dottrinale dal “Laudato sì” condito di simpatia.

Page 52: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Cultivar uma mudança de mentalidade para readaptar o nosso ritmo de vida a que o Pai nos deu; conscientizando-nos da capacidade de influencia que a vida religiosa exerce no seu contexto.

Page 53: Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel ......Several tables suggested that UISG leaders talk with hotel staff to use one plate per person for meals and reduce the

Insights from Tables – Spunti dai Tavoli – Ideas de las Mesas

Befriedet in Gott (Aus dem Evangelium vom heute 09.05.16) finden wir heraus aus der selbstbezogenheit in eine groessere Achtsamkeit und Ehrfurcht vor der Schoepfung dann wachsen konkrete Schritte!