SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL World Sabbath€¦ · occurs in Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad 5.2.2. SEVENTEENTH...

SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL World Sabbath An Interfaith Experience of Music, Dance and Prayer: Seeking to build a world of tolerance, justice, faithfulness and peace. Sunday, March 6, 2016 Fort Street Presbyterian Church Detroit, Michigan

Transcript of SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL World Sabbath€¦ · occurs in Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad 5.2.2. SEVENTEENTH...

Page 1: SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL World Sabbath€¦ · occurs in Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad 5.2.2. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL World Sabbath . ... “Maitri Bhavana” (The Universal


World Sabbath An Interfaith Experience of Music, Dance and Prayer:

Seeking to build a world of tolerance, justice, faithfulness and peace.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Fort Street Presbyterian

Church Detroit, Michigan

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Signer: Pamela Tucker

Gathering Music Fort Street Chorale, Ed Kingins (Musical Director), Augustus Hill (Pianist/Organist)

Processional: “We Are Marching”World Sabbath Committee, Religious and Faith Community Leaders, Participants, Children of Peace

Sounding of the ShofarRiley Grossman Lempert, Temple Israel, West Bloomfield

Followers of Judaism worship one God, and are all the children of Abraham, the man who brought God’s message to the people. The holy book of Judaism, the Torah, tells the story of how God promised to protect Abraham’s people, if they vowed to love and obey God and to follow God’s laws. The most important laws are the Ten Commandments, handed down from God to a leader named Moses at Mt. Sinai. The shofar is a ram’s horn used by ancient Jews in religious ceremonies and is now sounded at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, two of the most important holy days for Jews.

Muslim Call to Prayer Rettik Ishtiaque, Islamic Organization of North America (IONA), Warren

Five times a day, all over the world, followers of the Islamic faith stop what they are doing and pray. With each prayer, they show their devotion to God, most often called by the Arabic name, Allah. Today, there are more than a billion followers of Islam across the world. The word Islam means “surrender to God,” and followers of this faith (known as Muslims) must obey God’s will. The religion’s holy book, the Qur’an, contains the word of Allah, as told by an angel to Islam’s founder, the prophet Muhammad.

Blowing of the Conch Shell Vishal Chandu, from Bharatiya Temple, Troy, MI

Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest living religions. It is a rich collection of hundreds of spiritual and philosophical traditions, followed throughout Asia for more than 5,000 years. Most traditions within Hinduism share certain distinctive core beliefs, despite the absence of an identifiable beginning in history, single founder, central religious establishment or sole authoritative scripture. The concept of Pluralism is expressed through the diversity of Hindu practice and centuries of peaceful coexistence with various faiths. Hindus blow the conch during worship at home and the temple, or to mark an im-portant occasion. When the conch is blown, the primordial sound Om is produced, which is considered to represent the Universe and the Truth behind it.

WelcomeRev. Dr. Bob Agnew, Fort Street Presbyterian Church Gail Katz, World Sabbath Chairperson

Worship Through Dance in the Hindu TraditionHindu Temple Rhythms The HTR Dancers will present Maithreem Bhajata in the classical dance style of Bharata Natyam, a song composed by Hindu Acharya Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswathi.The lyrics in Sanskrit allude to the three “da”s” – damyata, datta and dayadhvam, or control, generosity, and compassion and a story which occurs in Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad 5.2.2.


World Sabbath

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Worship Through Music in the Jewish Tradition Kidz Klez – Annie Citron, Leah Pernick, Chana Weiss, Kinneret Weiss, Sarah Weiss Kidz Klez will begin with a traditional klezmer tune called a freilech. “Freilech” is the Yiddish word for “happy”, and a freilech is a joyous dance tune. They will then segue into “Hevenu Sha-lom Aleichem”, a traditional Israeli folksong whose words mean “We bring you peace”. The words ‘Shalom Aleichem’, by themselves, mean “Peace be unto you” and are a traditional Jewish greeting, equivalent to the Arabic “Salaam Aleikum”.

Prayer for Peace in the Buddhist Tradition Shoma Barua, Dipannita Barua, Arsh Wasnik, Sana Wasnik, Trupti Bankar, Mahes WasnikBuddhism is a spiritual tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development and the attainment of a deep insight into the true nature of life. There are 376 million followers worldwide. Buddhists seek to reach a state of Nirvana, following the path of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who went on a quest for Enlightenment around the sixth century BCE. There is no belief in a personal god. Buddhists believe that nothing is fixed or permanent and that change is always possible. The path to Enlightenment is through the practice and development of morality, meditation and wisdom. Buddhists believe that life is both endless and subject to impermanence, suffering and uncertainty. Our mistaken belief that things can last is a chief cause of suffering.

Worship Through Music in the Baha’i Tradition - “O Son of Spirit”Guitarist: Bob Schneeweis, Kids: Kian & Iulia Schneeweis, Adora, Jordan & Leila Lady

The Baha’i faith began about 150 years ago in Persia (modern day Iran). Its followers believe that there is one God for all people. He might be known by different names to people of different faiths, but followers of the Baha’i faith feel that everyone worships the same God. They also believe that all people are equal and belong to one human family. The goals of the Baha’i are to spread the ideas of unity and world peace. There are no religious leaders; instead, respected members of the church conduct the services.

Worship Through Music in the African American Christian TraditionSecond Grace United Methodist Church Drummers- Connie Chapin, Director. Led by Rev. Anthony Ballah and Tracey Moore, Rashid Alghali, Drum Captain and drummers

Part I – The Calling Drums: Wonkae (Let us go), Shika N’goma (Playing the Drums) and Kake (Ready? Go). Part II – Traditional Music of Joy: Tumblack and Kaladja We affirm our unity in Jesus Christ while acknowledging differences in applying our faith in different cultural contexts as we live out the gospel. We stand united in declaring our faith that God’s grace is available to all, that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Worship Through Music in the Aztec Tradition Aztec All Saints Performed by Ballet Folklorico Moyocoyani Izel from St. Gabriel Parish in Detroit

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Prayer for Peace in the Zoroastrian TraditionSarosh Irani

Zoroastrianism is considered to be one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world having originated in Persia or modern day Iran over 3000 years ago. Its founder Prophet Zarathustra or Zoroaster taught belief in one God Ahura Mazda. His teachings are contained in the divine songs called Gathas. A dominant religion of the civilized world from 500 BC to 500 AD Zoroastrianism influenced many other faiths that originated in the Middle East with concepts of Heaven and Hell, the coming of a Savior and the final Day of Judgement. The religion also preaches non-violence, religious tolerance and philanthropy. By practicing the principles of Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds, Zoroastrians work to create a Heaven on Earth filled with peace and prosperity.

Worship Through Music in the Jain Tradition: “Maitri Bhavana” (The Universal Friendship Song)Shikha Lakhani, Siddharth Lakhani, Nilay Dedhia, Yash Mehta, Ruhin Shah, Krishi Shah, Rahi Shah, Arushi Shah, Priya Shah, Neal Sanghvi

Jainism is one of the oldest living religions of India, predating recorded history as referenced in Hindu scriptures. It is an original system, quite distinct and independent from all other Indian philosophies. Jains believe in the philosophy of Karma, reincarnation of worldly soul, hell and heaven as a punish-ment or reward for one’s deeds, and liberation (Nirvän or Moksha) of the self from life’s misery of birth and death in a way similar to the Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Though there are similarities in these South Asian religions, there are some major portions of the belief system that remain unique to each religion.

Prayer for Peace in the Native American TraditionChris and Euphemia Franklin, Pearl and Clarence Byrd

The history of the Native Americans, or First Nation People goes back at least 30,000 years. Beliefs vary greatly from one tribe to the next, but they all share a close relationship with the natural world. This is reflected in many of their beliefs and ceremonies, such as the smoking of tobacco in a shared pipe, purification in a sweat lodge, and the ritual of smudging. The lodge keeper is called a shaman, who forms a link between the spirit world and the everyday world.

Presentation of Peace Award World Sabbath Peace Awardee: Faith FowlerPresenter: Robert Bruttell, InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan DetroitRev. Faith Fowler is the Pastor of Cass Community United Methodist Church and Executive Director of Cass Community Social Services (CCSS), a Detroit nonprofit agency which responds to poverty with programs for food, health care, housing and employment. She has held these roles since 1994.Beyond her work at CCSS, Rev. Fowler has served as a Board Member for the Cass Corridor Neighborhood Development Corporation (CCNDC), an advisory Board member of the Detroit Area Agency on Aging, as well as a Board Member

and Trustee for the General Board of Church and Society. She currently is an Albion College Trustee. In 2014, Rev. Fowler became the publisher of Cass Community Publishing House.

Offertory Appeal Rev. Dr. Bob Agnew, Augustus Hill, Pianist/Organist All donations collected during today’s World Sabbath will go toward the support of future World Sabbath programs. If you prefer, checks can be made out to The Interfaith Leadership Council, a 501(c)3, with “World Sabbath” in the memo line

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Interfaith Pledge Led by Rev. Dr. Bob AgnewClergy, Religious and Faith Community Leaders

We pledge ourselves this day in the name of all we hold holy to raise our voices in the cause of peace. No longer shall we remain silent when armies march and children die, while dictators lay the blame on God. No longer shall we remain silent when religious and political leaders use religion as an excuse for bloodshed or claim faith as a reason for war. We shall raise our voices when prejudice and persecution are blamed on God. We shall raise our voices when scriptures are twisted. We shall build a world of tolerance, justice, faithfulness, and peace. We shall build a world where all may know that our faith calls us to be builders of peace, not makers of war. And this we pledge: Salaam, Shalom, Shanti, Peace.

Responsive Prayer for PeaceRev. Faith Fowler

We pray this day for children and families who suffer, starve and die as victims of environmental degradation, racial conflict, ethnic persecution, and religious war. Shalom, Salaam, Shanti, Peace

We weep as bullets fly, suicide bombs explode, houses of worship burn, machetes draw blood, and the life drains from the eyes of innocent children in holy lands and sacred cities across the globe.Shalom, Salaam, Shanti, Peace

We remember especially today the children of Sudan... Syria... Palestine... Israel... India... Pakistan... Afghanistan... Iraq... and other countries around the world that have suffered war and unrest. Shalom, Salaam, Shanti, Peace

We call on all people of faith in every land to unite their hearts in the pledge that all boys and girls everywhere will have full and fair access to education, healthcare, nutrition, environmen-tal protection, prosperity and peace. Shalom, Salaam, Shanti, Peace

Musical Selection – Children of Peace, “We are Children of Peace” Renaissance Unity Youth Choir, Kim Lange, Director

We are children of peace. We are the children of the world. 2x

We are children of friendship. We are the children of the world. 2x

We don’t want war anymore. We are the children of the world. 2x

CHORUS Listen people everywhere - hear our song. Come and take somebody’s hand, sing along. The choice is ours - what will we do? It’s up to me, it’s up to you.

We are children of justice. We are the children of the world. 2x

We are children of compassion. We are the children of the world. 2x

We are children of love. We are the children of the world. 2x


We are children of music. We are the children of the world. 2x

We are children of love. We are the children of the world. 2x

We don’t want war anymore. We are the children of the world. 2x


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Prayer for Peace in the Quaker Tradition – “Give Peace A Chance” Detroit Friends Meeting - Samantha Smith, Douglas Smith, Jayson Smith, Thalia Hunter

We attend the Detroit Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Most people know us as Quakers. We turn to an inner guide for continuing spiritual direction called the “Inner Light” and believe that there is that of God in everyone. The Quakers have been known for their social and political involvement and have received the Nobel Peace Prize. The Detroit Friends Meeting practices an unprogrammed form of worship where they gather in silence and expectant waiting. Quakers believe that each person has a direct relationship with God.

Closing Song- “Let There Be Peace on Earth” Renaissance Unity Youth Choir, Kim Lange, Director

Please wave your colorful banners!!

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.With God our creator, children all are we.Let us walk with each other, in perfect harmony.Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow.To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

Announcements and AcknowledgementsGail Katz, World Sabbath Chairperson

Passing of the Peace Banner FROM: Rev. Dr. Bob Agnew, Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit TO: Rev. Jim Lee, Renaissance Unity, Warren

Dedication of the Seventeenth Annual World Sabbath to

Rev. Rodney Reinhart Gail Katz, World Sabbath

Chairperson Sadly Fr. Rod Reinhart passed away in

December 2015, and as the Co-Founder of the World Sabbath,

the Committee is dedicating this 2016 World Sabbath in his memory.

Worship Through Music in the Sikh Tradition Manjot Singh, Maheep Singh, Jeevin Singh, Preet Singh Sikhism is a monotheistic religion based on a definitive revelation. With over 25 million followers worldwide, it is one of the youngest major world religions. Sikhism was revealed to Guru Nanak over 500 years ago in the Punjab, the Sikh Homeland in South Asia. Guru Nanak Sahib, the founder of Sikhi (also Sikhism) talked about the principle of Oneness, which leaves no room for distinctions based on race, caste, creed, gender, color or nationality. Therefore, differences between “them” and “us” vanish. As it says in the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Scriptural Canon, “I see no stranger.” For this reason, principles of divinity, dignity and liberty are inherent to the Sikh lifestyle. Sikhism preaches a message of devotion, remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality between all human beings, social justice, while emphatically denouncing superstitions and blind rituals.

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Children of Peace Houses of Worship

Nardin Park United Methodist Church, Farmington Hills; Second Grace United Methodist Church, Detroit, Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit; Jain Temple of Greater Detroit,

Farmington Hills; Renaissance Unity, Warren; The Baha’I Community; Zoroastrian Community; Native American Community; Detroit Friends Meeting, Detroit; Detroit Muslim Center, Detroit; Clawson United Methodist Church, Clawson;

North Congregational Church, Farmington Hills;

The 2016 World Sabbath welcomes clergy, faith and community leaders

Imam Elahi Islamic House of Wisdom, Dearborn Hts

Rev. William Danaher Christ Church Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills

Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Downs Kirk of Our Savior, Westland

Barbara Talley Hope United Methodist Church, Southfield

Rev. Jim Lee Renaissance Unity, Warren

Brother Al Mascia, OFM Song and Spirit Institute for Peace, Berkley

Hazzan Steve Klaper Song and Spirit Institute for Peace, Berkley

Paula Drewek Baha’I Community

Sharon Ottenbreit Detroit Friends Meeting

Rev. Keith Geiselman First Presbyterian, Ypsilanti

Dr. Stephen Butler Murray Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit

Cecilia Holliday Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, Detroit

Fran Hayes Littlefield Presbyterian, Dearborn

Mary BeidronNorth Congregational Church,

Farmington Hills

Hasina Abdu Muslim Community

of Western Suburbs, Canton

Rev. Dr. Bob Agnew Fort Street Presbyterian Church, Detroit

Rev. Fred Harms Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Warren

Janice Boboltz Carol Kindt Mollie Skiba Leslie Kirchof

St. Paul Lutheran ELCA, Alpena

Cantor Dan Gross Adat Shalom Synagogue, Farmington Hills

Jason Cook Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Rich Peacock Co-Chair Peace Action of Michigan

Rev. David Huseltine Big Beaver United Methodist Church, Troy

Jeong Gak Eric Wilkins Hwa Son Josh Plucinski

Still Point Zen Buddhist Center, Detroit

Rev. Wesley Brun Rev. Dale Miller

Rev. Gary Dawes Rev. Beth Titus

Rev. Karen Poole Nardin Park United Methodist Church,

Farmington Hills

Recessional “Scotland the Brave” Roland Hill – bagpiper, Harrison High School, Farmington Hills

Please join us for the Afterglow in the Social Hall of the church. Please recycle your programs if you do not care to take them with you and recycle the cloth napkins so we can use them

again next year! Boxes are placed near the exits.

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Renaissance Unity 11 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48089

Please join us!

Like us on FaceBook! •

Special thanks ...

The Eighteenth Annual World Sabbath will be held on

Sunday, March 5, 2017

to the following donors for their generous support of the March, 2016 World Sabbath

Christ Church Cranbrook for printing of program

The Write Stuff, Inc. for design of program and flyers

Fort Street Presbyterian Church for their venue and assistance

Interfaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit

St. Johns Episcopal Church, Royal Oak for hosting our World Sabbath committee meetings

Home Depot in Pontiac for providing materials for the Peace Banners

Our Thanks to the 17th Annual World Committee

Azar Alizideh, Bev Brun, Rabbi Dorit Edut, Dr. Charmaine Johnson, Eide Alawan, Gail Katz, Janet Pound, Judy Lewis, Lalita Avutapalli, Loretta Stanton,

Mary Gilhuly, Mary Webster, Meredith Skowronski, Micki Grossman, Motoko Huthwaite, Padma Kuppa, Raman Singh, Ruth Turner

Sign up for the IFLC’s weekly interfaith newsletter for information about next year’s World Sabbath and other interfaith events