SETTLES Lloyd George, To MRS.GIBERSON Says Wife WILL … · 2017-12-15 · mSETTLES UNDIDWIFE Mme....

m SETTLES UND ID WIFE Mme. Couraud Said to Have $800,000 Left of Big Crocker Fortune. By BASIL D. WOON. Cnl-eraal Herviré Staff fji-re-ipondcnt. Spertitl fable to I nl-rerssal Servire. PARIS. Oct. 20..Almee Crocker Gouraud today »settled out of court for $600 the 8ult brought against her .n appeal by Count Ferri I'isani, who alleged unpaid salary as her secre¬ tary. Almee'· defense at tho original hearing last spring was that Count Pisani was not her secretary, but her companion, and therefore was Bot entitled to salary. She affirmed that she threw him out because he brought women friends to her house. Incidentally It is reported that Almee has also -settled out of court for half the amount a suit for $10,000 brought against her in New York by Mrs. Brune Schill, who alleged «alienation of her husband's affec¬ tion·. Count Pisani now employed by the Paramount company as scenario .Attor. It in learned that Almee is about to sell her fantastically furnished home in Rue Vineuse in order to pur¬ chase a villa on the Riviera, plan¬ ning to retire to a quiet life. She denies that she Is about to marry Frank Slpriotl. who calls him¬ self Prince Cantacuzene, but Who, it la alleged, has been disowned by the Cantacuzene family. Intimates of Almee assert that It la untrue that she Is financially em¬ barrassed, affirming that she still has $800,000 remaining of her former fortune of several millions. Almee has informed friends that she never intends to return to the United States. Babyhood .with its dancing eyes and dimpling smiles.a stage of life's journey well worth perpetuat¬ ing in Underwood portraits. Small Art Leaves, $20 Dozen. Pia«· Ohriststss ordert note. UNDERWOOD UNDERWOOD Portraits tf Quality 1230 roismeetlrnl At·. Phoa« Malm 44M Fighting b a Tonic To Lloyd George, Says Wife Hy FORBES W. FAIRNBAIKN. I nlsrnal Servire. LONDON, Oct. 20.."Ypu can take it from me that what¬ ever happens my husband is quite ready for it," declared Mra. Lloyd Georg«, in a speech in London last night. "He loves a fight and hi· spirit goea up and hi· health improves when there is a fight going: on. "1 am always pleased when there is a fight because he pive· me far leu trouble. A fight is like a tonic to him." HERE, S DUD Rear Admiral Schroeder Had Record of Long and Dis¬ tinguished Service. Rear Admiral Beaton Schroeder, U. B. N. retired, died late yeeterday at the naval hospital, where he waa taken two week· ago after suffering from heart disease at his summer home at Jamestown, Ft. I. Funeral services will be held to¬ morrow afternoon from hla late residence, -1816 ? street northwest. Admiral Schroeder was born In this city in 1849, the son of Francis Schroeder, long In the diplomatic service and at one time minister to Sweden. Because of his father's connections abroad, the admiral re¬ ceived most of his early education In foreign countries. He graduated In 1868 from the Naval Academy at Annapolis. In 18»7 Admiral Schroeder was with Commander Gorrtnge when he brought the obelisk from Alexandria, Hgypt, and placed It In Central Park, New York city. During the Spanish-American war, Admiral Schroeder was executive of¬ ficer of the battleship Massachusetts. Appointed in 1900 to be governor of the island of Guam, he held that office for three years. When the fleet was ordered by President Roosevelt to make Us tour around the world. Admiral Schroe¬ der was assigned to the command of the fourth division and made a read admiral. In 1906 he was given the command of the battleship Vir¬ ginia. On March 8, 1909. Admiral Schroeder was made commander-ln- chief of the Atlantic fleet, a com¬ mand he held until August 16, 1911, when he was retired. Recalled Into active service during the world war, Admiral Schnsedor eerved In the hydrographie office in this city. He published a book of his life last spring. The admiral Is survived by his widow, two sons, Beaton Schroeder, jr., and Wainwright Schroeder, and three daughters, Sarah Franklin Schroeder, Joanna* A. -fchroeder and Mrs. Moulton K. Johnson. MRS. GIBERSON WILL APPEAL LAWYERS SAY [Woman Convicted of Slaying Husband Declare« She Is Disappointed. . Hy t'nl-erutl Hes-rla-e. TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 20..Coun¬ sel for Mrs. Ivy Giberson, convicted of the murder ot her husband and sentenced to life Imprisonment, late thla afternoon made the first move In a fight to appeal the ver¬ dict. W H. Jeffrey. Mrs. Oibereon'· chief attorney, took out a writ of error in the supreme court. Ht declared that he waa determined to take the fight tor re-trial to the United States Supreme Court. Sev¬ eral constitutional rights of Mis. Giberson were involved, Judge Jef¬ frey said. Mr. Jeffrey said he waa contl- d«nt the orde·* for a new trial will be granted by the Supreme Court here, on a review of the caee. The appeal for a new trial .n*is as a stay and Mrs. Giber-ion will remain in th· custody of the sher¬ iff of Ocean County until decision in the case is reached, which may take a year. At the Jail In Toms River Mrs. Giberson today seemed to have been Uttle affected by her convic¬ tion and the ordeal ahe had gone through. She waa In high apirlta and remarked tc an Interviewer: "You can say that I am dU_n pointed at the verdict but I am not downcast. I have Juat begun to fight. I will spend the rest of my life in an attempt to find the mur¬ derers of my husband. In the event I am finally compelled to go to prison my attorneys and detec¬ tives will still be busy in my be¬ half and eventually the guilty per¬ son will be brought before the bar of Justice." SEMMES CO. EMPLOYES ATTEND BUFFET SUPPER An exchange of ideas on how bet¬ ter to serve the public was had at a buffet supper given last night at the City Club for employes of the Semmes Motor Company. About 200 were present. Rapheal Semmes. vice preslde'nt of the company, outlined the policy of the organisation and Introduced the president, C. W. Semmes, who de¬ clared that In proportion to popula¬ tion, Washington ranks first in tbe number of Dodge cars owned by the residents. Held Up, He Reports. Boris lanose, 2C34 Thirteenth street northwest, complained to the police early this morning that while he was walking near his home ho was held up at the point of a pistol by a color««d man. When other pedestrians put In th«Mr appearance .The man became frightened and made off. He got nothing. Shoe-Money Is Wisely Spent When a Man Invests in Fall "TRI-WEARS ·,* Cor. 7th & ? Sts. 414 9th St. "City Club Shop" 233 Pa. Ave. S£. 1318 G St. 1914-16 Pa. Ave. Saturday is "Ready-to-W ear Day** in our birthday celebration and it brings many unusual values in women's and children's apparel, men's and boys' clothing, shoes, millinery and dress accessories. Brushed Wool Scarfs, $3.98 Novelty Border Scarfs, good heavy quality, with wide fring¬ ed ends, finished with pockets and belt. In such popular com¬ binations as navy and tan, tan and brown, jade and peacock. Full width and length. First Floor.Neck wesr Dept. Women's 15c to 25c Handkerchiefs, 9c Embroidered-corner Hand¬ kerchiefs of excellent quality lawns, Swisses and dimities. Many are salesmen's sam¬ ples and are on the original sample cards. Remarkable values at 9c each. Goldenberg's.Fir»! Floor. Women's $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Handbags at $1.77 New Chiffon Velvet and Duve¬ tyne Handbags, in black and colors; small and medium shapes, including the popular pouch ef¬ fects; silver oxidized and nickle finish frames; silk lined; some with purse and mirror fittings, others with double inside metal frame coin pocket. Women's Leather Handbags Well mad«· styles of calfskin, 01 CQ morocco, walruH grain, em· m*.»WJ bossed and plain leather·-; choice of pouch, vanity, swagger, envelope and 'Sully'" bags, In black, brown, navy, tan and gray; silk lined, fitted with purse und mirror; leather or silk braided handle». $3.50 to $5.00 Handbags Women's Leather Hundltags, in blark und colors; an flJO OO assortment of the s<ason m most popular styles, Including wm.OO swagger, envelope, (?-uch and vanity effect«; morocco, walrus, pin- seal and fancy grain leathers. Goldenberg'». First Floor. Featuring Extraordinary Values in Boys' Winter Clothing For Our Anniversary Sale Mothers who want to outfit their boya for cold weather at real savings should come to our Boys' Department tomorrow and take advantage of the super-special values have preparad for our Anniversary Sale. A wide selection of newest styles in boys' well-tailored suits, warm overcoats and mackinaws offered at g-reatly lowered prices. $16 and $18.50 Two-Pant Suits, "Smart Set" Suits, for boys from 7 to 20 years ö»*| ? I7P of aere, of fine quality woolen material-*, in new ¦uj.L'x· I «3 fall shades and mixtures. Newest Norfolk models, with both pairs of pa« s fully lined. Regular, extra and stout sizes. $10 and $12 Suits, Mackinaws, and Winter Overcoats $7.88 Two-pants Norfolk Suits, in neat mixtures; both pairs of pants fully lined: sizes 8 to 18 years Heavyweight all-wool Mackinaws, in heather mixtures and rich plaids; sizes 8 to 18 years. Fur and plush collar Over¬ coats, sizes 3 to 10 years, and Overcoats for big boy· from 8 to 17 years of age, made with convertible collars. $5 Juvenile Suits and Overcoats, $3.29 Suits in Oliver Twi.t and Middy models, of pretty tweedH, In assorted colorings; sizes 3 to 10 years. Overcoats In button· to-the-neck models, with muff an·* flap poi laveria··] plaited back anil full belted eaay-tllp yoke and piali body linings; oliva and brown mixture»; alte» 2 to » year*. Boys' $6j00 and $7M Overcoats, $1.98 Of chinchilla, in gray, blue, tan and brown; also neat dark cheviots; button-to the neck mod els, with muff and flap pockets; inverted plait back and belted; sizes 2',-i to It) years. Goldenberg's.Third Floor. Little Girls' Winter Coats Dressy Models of Unusual Style Charm for Little Tots of 2 to 5 Years Exceptional values offered tomor- U_"l O QQ row in Rmart, dressy winter Coats for f 1L· .a/O little girls of 2 to 6 years; cleverly fashioned of beautiful Broadcloths and Wool Velours; in all the rich Autumn »shades. Yoke models with smock¬ ing, trimmed with fur collars and finished with fine linings. Anniversary Sale price, $12.98. Girls' Winter Coats, $15J98 fîlrls' All-wool Coats, superior quality materials, In brown, reindeer and blue; some with fur collars, others have plaited hacks; also some with stylish loóse sleeves; beautifully lined and tailored; sizes I, 7, 8 and 9 years. Little Tots' $5 Coats, $3J8 Of heavy wide wale corduroy, in white, smocked yokes and belted nu..!· la. fine quality but¬ ton trimmed; well lined; sizes 1 to 3 years. Babies' Cloaks and Capes, $4.98 Long White Cloaks and Capes, fine quality cashmere and Bed ford cord; capes have silk-lined hoods: all trimmed with silk braid or with pretty embroidered designs. Girls' $8 Sweaters, $5J98 ? ? t r a heavy-weight Wool Shaker Knit Sweaters, mannish weaves, pullover models, with roll collar: navy blue, maroon and white; sizes 14 to 18 years. Little Tots' Sweater Sets, $4.48 Little Tots' Sweater Sets, pure wool quality, heavy weave, tn brown, white, cardinal and copen; leggine, sweater and toque. Children's Petticoats, 44c Flannelette Petticoats, heavy soft fleece grade, plain white and stripe»! effects; m u s 11 ? waists; finished with deep flounces, sizes 4 to 1Z years. Sleeping Garments, 88c "Iwanta" Sleeping Garments, of good quality flannelette. In plain white and assorted striped effects; with and without feet; sizes 2 to 10 years. Goldenberg's.Third Floor. Anniversary Sale Specials in Winter Underwear Misses' Union Suits, white I Hoys' Union 8ults, medium- fleeced cotton; high neck and weight gray fleeced cotton; high long sleeves; ankle length pants: neck and long sleeves; ankle sizes 2 to 14 years; worth ??_» pants: perfect quality; sizes 4 to 65c each . aWf 16 >e**re* "orth «« «1 00 Goldenberg's. First Floor. each garment. «px.VV ChamO'Suede Gloves, 62c Pair Stylish Chamo - Suede Gloves, with embroidered backs. In self or contrast colorings. Strap wrist gauntlet style, In new fall shades, all sizes. Goldenberg's.First Floor. 79c Sample Neckwear 47c An entire sample line of Women's Fall Neckwear pur¬ chased from one of the manufacturers of neckwear in the country, secured at a price that enables us to offer some of the season's choicest novel¬ ties at about half price. The lot comprises Vestees, Collar and Cuff Sets and Collars, In Peter Pan and Tuxedo shapes, of Venice lace, embroidered Unen and fancy novelty effects. All new fresh crisp stock, worth regularly 79c each. Sale price, 47c. Goldenberg's. First Floor. Anniversary Sale Specials in Men9s Winter Underwear Chilly days call for a change to heavier weight underwear, and in tomorrow's sale you may supply all your underwear needs for winter at special Anni¬ versary Sale prices. Prudent men will profit by these excellent values. Men's $1.50 Union Suits, $1J00 "Merit'' make heavyweight Ribbed Cotton Union Suits: .ecru and silver gray: made with per feet cloeed crotch; full-cut sizes from 34 to 46. Men's Underwear, 65c Heavy Ribbed Cotton Under¬ wear, ecru color; shirts and drawers In all regular sizes; sp¬ onde of a high-grade make, worth when perfect quality, 89c each garment. Week End Sale of Toilet Requisites Pompeian Night Cream, 28C Jar . Danderine, for the hair; me dlum sized bottles; regu- ??? larly 65c each. Wrislcy's Bay Rum. Regular 45c bottles, at.. Purity Peroxide Cream, toilet ond massage; two- ounce Jars; regularly 2»c each . Powder Puffs, velour finish, with dainty silk ribbon bow. Melba Shaving Cream size tubes; regularly 3.?-, one 25c can of Melba After-Shaving Powder, both for . Ben Hur Extract, flagrant and lasting oriental odor; PJPJp regularly $1.25 ounce.... wt'v FRKF..Trial box of »Ben Hur or Colgate's Face Powder, with each purchase of Extract. Goldenberg's.First Floor. 69c and 79c Stationery, 44c Box High grade Boned Stationery, Including Willow Linen. Lenore Linen and Lineal Weave, in white and colors. Each box con¬ tains 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes to match. Anniversary Sale Special, 44c box. Goldenberg's.First Floor. 29c for 18c wool 15c , full with 35c MEN. What a Sale! Two-Trouser Suits and Warm Winter Overcoats Sensationally Low Priced at. $16.95 Long has been the time when suits and overcoats like these sold for such a low price. Every garment is strictly up to our quality standard.the values are so exceptional that men who want to save many dollars on their winter suits and overcoats should lose no time in getting here. Winter Overcoats at $16M Big, warm, roomy o'coats of good serviceable materials. Includ¬ ing Plaid Backs. Oxfords. Her¬ ringbones and other fabrics, in the popular greens, grays, tans and novelty effects. All ar· excel¬ lently tailored and many are trimmed with silk or satin sleeve linings, sizes tl to 40. Two-Trouser Suits at $16.95 Models for men and young men, as well as High School stu- den.s; conservative styles and Sport Suits, well tailored of good wearing materials. In a variety of the most approved colorings and effects; every suit with an extra pair of trousers, which practically doubles the wear. Goldenberg's First Floor Clothes Shop far Men.Direct Kntrance From Men's $2.50 Union Suits, $1.59 "Bristol Mills" Wool mixed Cnion Suits, close ribbed; nat¬ ural gray color, closed crotch: all sizes up to 46. Men's Underwear, 89c Wool and Cotton Underwear: flat knit; natural gray color; shirts with taped neck and fac¬ ing; drawers fully reinforced: all regular sizes; seconds of $1.50 values.. Goldenberg's.First Floor. Women's $1.00 Nightgowns, 79c Women's White Flannelette Nightgowns, V neck and short sleeves: also assorted striped ef¬ fects; full cut and well made. Women's Flannelette Pajamas. trimmed with frogs; plain pink, blue and <_1 QQ white. «Dl»»70 Women's Knitted Petticoats, fine grade yarn. In gray with assorted striped borders; K(\(* correct lengt he.«JVC Goldenberg's.First and Third Floors. 5-4 Width 39c Table Oilcloth, 25c Yard Standard quality Table Oil¬ cloth, In plain white, fancy pat terns and tiling effec'.s; full 6 quarter width. Seconds of regu¬ lar 89c grade tomorrow at He yard. Goldenberg's.Firat Floor. New Veilings, *cYard New MeV Veilings, In scroll and novaltyV eahes, choice of black. navy.X »_Wn and combi¬ nation celerini Goldenberg's-\^| Floor. gjgjj^iE_u_'i -miiilfBiiirauMa^lulBg^Baii

Transcript of SETTLES Lloyd George, To MRS.GIBERSON Says Wife WILL … · 2017-12-15 · mSETTLES UNDIDWIFE Mme....

Page 1: SETTLES Lloyd George, To MRS.GIBERSON Says Wife WILL … · 2017-12-15 · mSETTLES UNDIDWIFE Mme. Couraud Said to Have $800,000 Left of Big Crocker Fortune. By BASIL D. WOON. Cnl-eraal


UND ID WIFEMme. Couraud Said to Have

$800,000 Left of BigCrocker Fortune.By BASIL D. WOON.

Cnl-eraal Herviré Staff fji-re-ipondcnt.Spertitl fable to I nl-rerssal Servire.PARIS. Oct. 20..Almee Crocker

Gouraud today »settled out of courtfor $600 the 8ult brought against her.n appeal by Count Ferri I'isani, whoalleged unpaid salary as her secre¬tary.Almee'· defense at tho original

hearing last spring was that CountPisani was not her secretary, buther companion, and therefore wasBot entitled to salary. She affirmedthat she threw him out because hebrought women friends to her house.

Incidentally It is reported thatAlmee has also -settled out of courtfor half the amount a suit for $10,000brought against her in New York byMrs. Brune Schill, who alleged«alienation of her husband's affec¬tion·.Count Pisani i« now employed by

the Paramount company as scenario.Attor.

It in learned that Almee is aboutto sell her fantastically furnishedhome in Rue Vineuse in order to pur¬chase a villa on the Riviera, plan¬ning to retire to a quiet life.She denies that she Is about to

marry Frank Slpriotl. who calls him¬self Prince Cantacuzene, but Who, itla alleged, has been disowned by theCantacuzene family.

Intimates of Almee assert that Itla untrue that she Is financially em¬barrassed, affirming that she stillhas $800,000 remaining of her formerfortune of several millions. Almeehas informed friends that she neverintends to return to the United States.

Babyhood.with its dancingeyes and dimplingsmiles.a stage oflife's journey wellworth perpetuat¬ing in Underwoodportraits.Small Art Leaves,

$20 Dozen.Pia«· Ohriststss ordert note.


Portraits tf Quality1230 roismeetlrnl At·.

Phoa« Malm 44M

Fighting b a Tonic ToLloyd George,Says Wife

Hy FORBES W. FAIRNBAIKN.I nlsrnal Servire.

LONDON, Oct. 20.."Ypucan take it from me that what¬ever happens my husband isquite ready for it," declaredMra. Lloyd Georg«, in a speechin London last night."He loves a fight and hi·

spirit goea up and hi· healthimproves when there is a fightgoing: on.

"1 am always pleased whenthere is a fight because he pive·me far leu trouble. A fight islike a tonic to him."

HERE, S DUDRear Admiral Schroeder Had

Record of Long and Dis¬tinguished Service.

Rear Admiral Beaton Schroeder,U. B. N. retired, died late yeeterdayat the naval hospital, where he waa

taken two week· ago after sufferingfrom heart disease at his summerhome at Jamestown, Ft. I.Funeral services will be held to¬

morrow afternoon from hla lateresidence, -1816 ? street northwest.Admiral Schroeder was born In

this city in 1849, the son of FrancisSchroeder, long In the diplomaticservice and at one time minister toSweden. Because of his father'sconnections abroad, the admiral re¬ceived most of his early education Inforeign countries. He graduated In1868 from the Naval Academy atAnnapolis.

In 18»7 Admiral Schroeder waswith Commander Gorrtnge when hebrought the obelisk from Alexandria,Hgypt, and placed It In CentralPark, New York city.During the Spanish-American war,

Admiral Schroeder was executive of¬ficer of the battleship Massachusetts.Appointed in 1900 to be governor

of the island of Guam, he held thatoffice for three years.When the fleet was ordered by

President Roosevelt to make Us touraround the world. Admiral Schroe¬der was assigned to the commandof the fourth division and made aread admiral. In 1906 he was giventhe command of the battleship Vir¬ginia.On March 8, 1909. Admiral

Schroeder was made commander-ln-chief of the Atlantic fleet, a com¬mand he held until August 16, 1911,when he was retired.Recalled Into active service during

the world war, Admiral Schnsedoreerved In the hydrographie office inthis city. He published a book ofhis life last spring.The admiral Is survived by his

widow, two sons, Beaton Schroeder,jr., and Wainwright Schroeder, andthree daughters, Sarah FranklinSchroeder, Joanna* A. -fchroeder andMrs. Moulton K. Johnson.


[Woman Convicted of SlayingHusband Declare« She Is

Disappointed. .

Hy t'nl-erutl Hes-rla-e.TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 20..Coun¬

sel for Mrs. Ivy Giberson, convictedof the murder ot her husband andsentenced to life Imprisonment,late thla afternoon made the firstmove In a fight to appeal the ver¬

dict.W H. Jeffrey. Mrs. Oibereon'·

chief attorney, took out a writ oferror in the supreme court. Htdeclared that he waa determined totake the fight tor re-trial to theUnited States Supreme Court. Sev¬eral constitutional rights of Mis.Giberson were involved, Judge Jef¬frey said.Mr. Jeffrey said he waa contl-

d«nt the orde·* for a new trial willbe granted by the Supreme Courthere, on a review of the caee.The appeal for a new trial .n*is

as a stay and Mrs. Giber-ion willremain in th· custody of the sher¬iff of Ocean County until decisionin the case is reached, which maytake a year.At the Jail In Toms River Mrs.

Giberson today seemed to havebeen Uttle affected by her convic¬tion and the ordeal ahe had gonethrough. She waa In high apirltaand remarked tc an Interviewer:"You can say that I am dU_n

pointed at the verdict but I am notdowncast. I have Juat begun tofight. I will spend the rest of mylife in an attempt to find the mur¬

derers of my husband. In theevent I am finally compelled to goto prison my attorneys and detec¬tives will still be busy in my be¬half and eventually the guilty per¬son will be brought before the barof Justice."SEMMES CO. EMPLOYES

ATTEND BUFFET SUPPERAn exchange of ideas on how bet¬

ter to serve the public was had at a

buffet supper given last night atthe City Club for employes of theSemmes Motor Company. About 200were present.Rapheal Semmes. vice preslde'nt of

the company, outlined the policy ofthe organisation and Introduced thepresident, C. W. Semmes, who de¬clared that In proportion to popula¬tion, Washington ranks first in tbenumber of Dodge cars owned by theresidents.

Held Up, He Reports.Boris lanose, 2C34 Thirteenth

street northwest, complained to thepolice early this morning that whilehe was walking near his home howas held up at the point of a pistolby a color««d man. When otherpedestrians put In th«Mr appearance.The man became frightened and madeoff. He got nothing.

Shoe-Money Is Wisely SpentWhen a Man Invests in Fall


Cor. 7th & ? Sts.414 9th St.

"City Club Shop" 233 Pa. Ave. S£.1318 G St. 1914-16 Pa. Ave.

Saturday is "Ready-to-Wear Day** in our birthday celebration and it brings many unusual values inwomen's and children's apparel, men's and boys' clothing, shoes, millinery and dress accessories.

Brushed Wool Scarfs,$3.98

Novelty Border Scarfs, goodheavy quality, with wide fring¬ed ends, finished with pocketsand belt. In such popular com¬binations as navy and tan, tanand brown, jade and peacock.Full width and length.First Floor.Neckwesr Dept.

Women's 15c to 25cHandkerchiefs, 9cEmbroidered-corner Hand¬

kerchiefs of excellent qualitylawns, Swisses and dimities.Many are salesmen's sam¬

ples and are on the originalsample cards. Remarkablevalues at 9c each.Goldenberg's.Fir»! Floor.

Women's $2.00, $2.50 and$3.00 Handbags

at $1.77New Chiffon Velvet and Duve¬

tyne Handbags, in black andcolors; small and medium shapes,including the popular pouch ef¬fects; silver oxidized and nicklefinish frames; silk lined; some

with purse and mirror fittings,others with double inside metalframe coin pocket.

Women's LeatherHandbags

Well mad«· styles of calfskin, 01 CQmorocco, walruH grain, em· m*.»WJbossed and plain leather·-; choice ofpouch, vanity, swagger, envelope and'Sully'" bags, In black, brown, navy, tanand gray; silk lined, fitted with purseund mirror; leather or silk braidedhandle».

$3.50 to $5.00 HandbagsWomen's Leather Hundltags, in blark und colors; an flJO OO

assortment of the s<ason m most popular styles, Including wm.OOswagger, envelope, (?-uch and vanity effect«; morocco, walrus, pin-seal and fancy grain leathers.Goldenberg'».First Floor.

Featuring Extraordinary Values in

Boys' Winter ClothingFor Our Anniversary Sale

Mothers who want to outfit their boya for cold weather at real savings should cometo our Boys' Department tomorrow and take advantage of the super-special values w«have preparad for our Anniversary Sale. A wide selection of newest styles in boys'well-tailored suits, warm overcoats and mackinaws offered at g-reatly lowered prices.

$16 and $18.50 Two-Pant Suits,"Smart Set" Suits, for boys from 7 to 20 years ö»*| ? I7P

of aere, of fine quality woolen material-*, in new ¦uj.L'x· I «3fall shades and mixtures. Newest Norfolk models, with bothpairs of pa« s fully lined. Regular, extra and stout sizes.

$10 and $12 Suits, Mackinaws, andWinter Overcoats

$7.88Two-pants Norfolk Suits, in neat mixtures; bothpairs of pants fully lined: sizes 8 to 18 yearsHeavyweight all-wool Mackinaws, in heather mixtures andrich plaids; sizes 8 to 18 years. Fur and plush collar Over¬coats, sizes 3 to 10 years, and Overcoats for big boy· from8 to 17 years of age, made with convertible collars.

$5 Juvenile Suits andOvercoats, $3.29

Suits in Oliver Twi.t andMiddy models, of pretty tweedH,In assorted colorings; sizes 3 to10 years. Overcoats In button·to-the-neck models, with muffan·* flap poi laveria··] plaitedback anil full belted eaay-tllp yokeand piali body linings; oliva andbrown mixture»; alte» 2 to » year*.

Boys' $6j00 and $7MOvercoats, $1.98

Of chinchilla, in gray, blue,tan and brown; also neat darkcheviots; button-to the neck models, with muff and flap pockets;inverted plait back and belted;sizes 2',-i to It) years.Goldenberg's.Third Floor.

Little Girls' Winter CoatsDressy Models of Unusual Style Charm for Little Tots of 2 to 5 Years

Exceptional values offered tomor- U_"l O QQrow in Rmart, dressy winter Coats for f 1L· .a/Olittle girls of 2 to 6 years; cleverly fashioned ofbeautiful Broadcloths and Wool Velours; in allthe rich Autumn »shades. Yoke models with smock¬ing, trimmed with fur collars and finished withfine linings. Anniversary Sale price, $12.98.

Girls' Winter Coats,$15J98

fîlrls' All-wool Coats, superiorquality materials, In brown,reindeer and blue; some withfur collars, others have plaitedhacks; also some with stylishloóse sleeves; beautifully linedand tailored; sizes I, 7, 8 and9 years.

Little Tots' $5 Coats,$3J8

Of heavy wide wale corduroy,in white, smocked yokes andbelted nu..!· la. fine quality but¬ton trimmed; well lined; sizes 1to 3 years.

Babies' Cloaks andCapes, $4.98

Long White Cloaks and Capes,fine quality cashmere and Bedford cord; capes have silk-linedhoods: all trimmed with silkbraid or with pretty embroidereddesigns.

Girls' $8 Sweaters,$5J98

? ? t r a heavy-weight WoolShaker Knit Sweaters, mannishweaves, pullover models, withroll collar: navy blue, maroonand white; sizes 14 to 18 years.

Little Tots' SweaterSets, $4.48

Little Tots' Sweater Sets, purewool quality, heavy weave, tnbrown, white, cardinal andcopen; leggine, sweater andtoque.

Children's Petticoats,44c

Flannelette Petticoats, heavysoft fleece grade, plain whiteand stripe»! effects; m u s 11 ?waists; finished with deepflounces, sizes 4 to 1Z years.

Sleeping Garments, 88c"Iwanta" Sleeping Garments,

of good quality flannelette. Inplain white and assorted stripedeffects; with and without feet;sizes 2 to 10 years.

Goldenberg's.Third Floor.

Anniversary Sale Specials in

Winter UnderwearMisses' Union Suits, white I Hoys' Union 8ults, medium-

fleeced cotton; high neck and weight gray fleeced cotton; highlong sleeves; ankle length pants: neck and long sleeves; anklesizes 2 to 14 years; worth ??_» pants: perfect quality; sizes 4 to

65c each .aWf 16 >e**re* "orth «« «1 00

Goldenberg's.First Floor. each garment. «px.VV

ChamO'SuedeGloves, 62c Pair

Stylish Chamo - Suede Gloves,with embroidered backs. In selfor contrast colorings. Strapwrist gauntlet style, In new fallshades, all sizes.

Goldenberg's.First Floor.

79c Sample Neckwear47c

An entire sample line ofWomen's Fall Neckwear pur¬chased from one of the large.stmanufacturers of neckwear inthe country, secured at a pricethat enables us to offer someof the season's choicest novel¬ties at about half price.The lot comprises Vestees, Collar and Cuff Sets and Collars, In

Peter Pan and Tuxedo shapes, of Venice lace, embroidered Unenand fancy novelty effects.

All new fresh crisp stock, worth regularly 79c each. Sale price, 47c.Goldenberg's.First Floor.

Anniversary Sale Specials in

Men9s Winter UnderwearChilly days call for a change to heavier weight

underwear, and in tomorrow's sale you may supplyall your underwear needs for winter at special Anni¬versary Sale prices. Prudent men will profit by theseexcellent values.Men's $1.50 Union

Suits, $1J00"Merit'' make heavyweight

Ribbed Cotton Union Suits: .ecruand silver gray: made with perfeet cloeed crotch; full-cut sizesfrom 34 to 46.

Men's Underwear, 65cHeavy Ribbed Cotton Under¬

wear, ecru color; shirts anddrawers In all regular sizes; sp¬onde of a high-grade make,worth when perfect quality, 89ceach garment.

Week End Sale ofToilet RequisitesPompeian Night Cream, 28C

Jar .

Danderine, for the hair; me

dlum sized bottles; regu- ???larly 65c each.

Wrislcy's Bay Rum.Regular 45c bottles, at..

Purity Peroxide Cream,toilet ond massage; two-ounce Jars; regularly 2»ceach .

Powder Puffs, velourfinish, with dainty silkribbon bow.Melba Shaving Cream

size tubes; regularly 3.?-,one 25c can of MelbaAfter-Shaving Powder,both for .

Ben Hur Extract, flagrantand lasting oriental odor; PJPJpregularly $1.25 ounce.... wt'v

FRKF..Trial box of »Ben Huror Colgate's Face Powder, witheach purchase of Extract.Goldenberg's.First Floor.

69c and 79cStationery, 44c BoxHigh grade Boned Stationery,

Including Willow Linen. LenoreLinen and Lineal Weave, inwhite and colors. Each box con¬tains 24 sheets of paper and 24envelopes to match. AnniversarySale Special, 44c box.Goldenberg's.First Floor.



15c, fullwith


MEN.What a Sale!

Two-Trouser Suits andWarm Winter Overcoats

Sensationally LowPriced at. $16.95Long has been the time when suits and overcoats like

these sold for such a low price. Every garment isstrictly up to our quality standard.the values are so

exceptional that men who want to save many dollars on

their winter suits and overcoats should lose no time ingetting here.

Winter Overcoats at$16M

Big, warm, roomy o'coats ofgood serviceable materials. Includ¬ing Plaid Backs. Oxfords. Her¬ringbones and other fabrics, in thepopular greens, grays, tans andnovelty effects. All ar· excel¬lently tailored and many are

trimmed with silk or satin sleevelinings, sizes tl to 40.

Two-Trouser Suits at$16.95

Models for men and youngmen, as well as High School stu-den.s; conservative styles andSport Suits, well tailored of goodwearing materials. In a variety ofthe most approved colorings andeffects; every suit with an extrapair of trousers, which practicallydoubles the wear.

Goldenberg's First Floor Clothes Shop far Men.Direct Kntrance From

Men's $2.50 UnionSuits, $1.59

"Bristol Mills" Wool mixedCnion Suits, close ribbed; nat¬ural gray color, closed crotch:all sizes up to 46.

Men's Underwear, 89cWool and Cotton Underwear:

flat knit; natural gray color;shirts with taped neck and fac¬ing; drawers fully reinforced: allregular sizes; seconds of $1.50values..Goldenberg's.First Floor.

Women's $1.00Nightgowns, 79cWomen's White Flannelette

Nightgowns, V neck and shortsleeves: also assorted striped ef¬fects; full cut and well made.Women's Flannelette Pajamas.

trimmed with frogs;plain pink, blue and <_1 QQwhite. «Dl»»70Women's Knitted Petticoats,

fine grade yarn. In gray withassorted striped borders; K(\(*correct lengthe.«JVCGoldenberg's.First and Third


5-4 Width 39cTable Oilcloth,

25c YardStandard quality Table Oil¬

cloth, In plain white, fancy patterns and tiling effec'.s; full 6quarter width. Seconds of regu¬lar 89c grade tomorrow at Heyard.Goldenberg's.Firat Floor.

New Veilings,*cYard

New MeV Veilings, In scrolland novaltyV eahes, choice ofblack. navy.X »_Wn and combi¬nation celeriniGoldenberg's-\^| Floor.

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