Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

Setting the Stage for War

Transcript of Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

Page 1: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

Setting the Stage for War

Page 2: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

Turn of 20th cent. = peace

Page 3: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

I. Rising Tensions in Euro.

A. Rise of Nationalism Helped unify countries Helped fuel competition betw. countries Rivals: Germany, Aust.-Hungary, G.B., Russia,

Italy, & France Competition for materials & markets Territorial disputes

Aust.-Hung. & Russia = Balkans

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Page 5: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

B. Imperialism & Militarism

Competition for colonies in Af. & Asia Rivalry & mistrust deepened Arms race – militarization

Would solve problems Built large armies ready to mobilize 1890s: Germany built navy to rival G.B. 1906: the Dreadnought (G.B.)

The entire able-bodied population are preparing to massacre one another; though no one, it is true, wants to attack, and everybody protests his love of peace and determination to maintain it, yet the whole world feels that it only requires some unforeseen incident, some unpreventable accident, for the spark to fall in a flash…and blow all Europe sky-high.

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Page 7: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

II. The System of Alliances

1864-1871: unification of Italy & Germany changed balance of power

Germany led by Otto von Bismarck of Prussia: German


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A. Bismarck Forges Early Pacts

Bismarck: feared Fr. would seek revenge for its 1871 defeat in Franco-Prussian War Regain Alsace-Lorraine Keep Fr. isolated w/out allies

1879: Bismarck formed the Dual Alliance (Germany & Aust.-Hungary)— Italy joined also to form the Triple Alliance 1881: Bismarck made treaty w/Russia

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Page 10: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

B. Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace

1890: Kaiser Wilhelm II became ruler Did not share power I and the army were born for one another. Let treaty lapse w/Russia

Russia: formed alliance w/Fr. Two-front war?

Pursued ship building (worried G.B.) G.B. = formed Triple Entente w/Fr. & Russia

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Page 12: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

III. Crisis in the Balkans

Balkan Pen = ethnic diversity the “powder keg” of Euro.

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Page 14: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

A. A Restless Region

Early 1900s: Ottomans in decline Many won independence in Balkans

Nationalism drove groups to extend borders Serbia: large Slavic pop.

Goal: absorb all the Slavs on the Balkan Pen. Russia: mostly Slavic (supported Serbs)

Aust.-Hungary—opposed Slavic nationalism

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1908: Aust. annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina Large Slavic pops. (Serbia wanted)

Serbians were outraged (tensions w/Aust.)

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Page 17: Setting the Stage for War. Turn of 20 th cent. = peace.

B. A Shot Rings Out

Archduke Franz Ferdinand & wife, Sophie June 28, 1914: visited Sarajevo (Bosnia)

Shot by Gavrilo Princip (Serbian member of the Black Hand)

b/c assassin was Serb, Aust. decided to punish Serbia gave Serbia ultimatum w/demands Serbia = wanted to negotiate, Aust. did not = WAR!

July 28: Aust. declared war on Serbia Russia aided Serbia