set I

1. The side of a right angle isosceles triangle is 2a cm. Its hypotenuse is (A) cm (B) cm (C) cm (D) cm 2. L.C.M. of the expressions 15(x + 3) 2 , 25(x + 1)(x + 3), 35(x + 1) 2 (x + 2) is (A) 525(x + 1) 2 (x + 2)(x + 3) 2 (B) 525(x + 1) 2 (x + 2) 2 (x + 3) (C) 105(x + 1) 2 (x + 2)(x + 3) 2 (D) 105(x + 1)(x + 2) 2 (x + 3) 3. In a DABC, ÐA = 100° and AB = AC. Then ÐB equals (A) 20° (B) 30° (C) 35° (D) 40° 4. The side of a right angle isosceles triangle is 2a cm. Its hypotenuse is (A) cm (B) cm (C) cm (D) cm 5. The value of (x b+c ) b - c (x c+a ) c - a (x a+b ) a - b is (A) 0 (A) 1 (C) x (D) 1/x 6 The law of motion given by Newton which gives the definition of force is : a) 1st law b) 2nd law c) 3rd law d) none of these 7 Inertia of a body is: a) Directly proportional to its mass b) Inversely proportional to mass c) Independent of its mass d) none of these 8 The physical quantity which is a product of mass and velocity of a body is known as: a) Inertia b) Momentum c) Force d) Change in momentum. 9 Action and reaction are equal and opposite and they act on: a) Same bodies b) Different bodies c) Both a and b d) None 10. The wavelength corresponding to violet, yellow and red lights are λ v y λ r respectively. (a) λ v >λ y > λ r (b) λ v <λ y < λ r (c) λ y <λ v < λ r (d) λ y <λ r < λ v 11. A solution turns red litmus blue, its pH is likely to be-



Transcript of set I

1. The side of a right angle isosceles triangle is 2a cm. Its hypotenuse is

(A) cm (B) cm

(C) cm (D) cm 2. L.C.M. of the expressions 15(x + 3)2, 25(x + 1)(x + 3), 35(x + 1)2(x + 2) is

(A) 525(x + 1)2(x + 2)(x + 3)2 (B) 525(x + 1)2 (x + 2)2(x + 3)(C) 105(x + 1)2 (x + 2)(x + 3)2 (D) 105(x + 1)(x + 2)2(x + 3)

3. In a DABC, ÐA = 100° and AB = AC. Then ÐB equals (A) 20° (B) 30°(C) 35° (D) 40°

4. The side of a right angle isosceles triangle is 2a cm. Its hypotenuse is

(A) cm (B) cm

(C) cm (D) cm

5. The value of (xb+c)b-c (xc+a)c-a (xa+b)a-b is(A) 0 (A) 1(C) x (D) 1/x

6 The law of motion given by Newton which gives the definition of force is :

a) 1st law b) 2nd law  c) 3rd law d) none of these

7 Inertia of a body is:

a) Directly proportional to its mass b) Inversely proportional to mass

c) Independent of its mass d) none of these

8 The physical quantity which is a product of mass and velocity of a body is known as:

a) Inertia b) Momentum c) Force d) Change in momentum.

9 Action and reaction are equal and opposite and they act on:

a) Same bodies b) Different bodies  c) Both a and b d) None

10. The wavelength corresponding to violet, yellow and red lights are λv , λ y∧λr


(a) λv>λ y> λr

(b) λv<λ y< λr

(c) λ y< λv< λr

(d) λ y< λr< λv11. A solution turns red litmus blue, its pH is likely to be-

(a) 1

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 10

12. A solution reacts with crushed egg-shells to give a gas that turns that lime-water

milky. The solution contains –

(a) NaCl

(b) HCl

(c) LiCl

(d) KCl

13. According to Arrhenius acid gives-

(a) H+¿¿ in water

(b) OH−¿¿ in water

(c) Both a and b

(d) OH−¿¿ in acid medium

14. Milk of magnesia is an-

(a) Acid

(b) Antacid

(c) Alkali

(d) Rock salt

15. Which of the following is not a strong acid?

(a) H 2SO4

(b) CH 3COOH

(c) HNO3

(d) HCl

16. During cellular respiration one molecule of glucose is first broken down into two molecules of _______

(a) Acetic acid(b) Pyruvic acid(c) Lactic acid(d) None of the above

17. Right part of the human heart contain (a) Oxygenated blood(b) Mixed blood(c) Deoxygenated blood(d) No blood

18. Involuntary actions including blood pressure, salivation and vomiting are controlled by _________ in the hind brain

(a) Medals(b) Cerebellum(c) Medulla(d) Cerebrum

19. The endocrine organ present in human female but not in human male is

(a) Testis(b) Ovary(c) Pituitary gland(d) Thymus

20. Where are sperms formed in the human body?(a) Vas deferens(b) Prostate gland(c) Ovary(d) Testis