SET Brain pop Time mmar/subjectandpredicate/preview.we ml mmar/subjectandpredicate/preview.we.

SET • Brain pop Time glish/grammar/subjectandpr edicate/preview.weml This lesson we are going to learn about complete subject.

Transcript of SET Brain pop Time mmar/subjectandpredicate/preview.we ml mmar/subjectandpredicate/preview.we.


• Brain pop Time


This lesson we are going to learn about complete subject.

• Objectives/I can statement• Vocabulary• Slide presentation complete subjects• Model how to determine complete and

simple subjects• Groups of 2 determine complete

subjects• Questions• Summary• Game Time• Questions• Summary• Relate to life• Assessment/intervention/early finishers/• Extended writing/set goal/summary


Standards and I can statement

L.3.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.

• Objective: I can determine the complete subject of a sentence with 85% accuracy.




• The man whipped.

•COMPLETE SUBJECT- tells what or who the sentence is about.

•What kind of words could we add to the subject to make it more complete, interesting?



Complete Subject Examples:

• 1. The comet hurled toward Earth. • 2. Its tail was two million miles long.• 3. It kept speeding toward America

every day.• Now, as a class write an example of

a sentence with a complete subject in and underline it once.


• The simple subject is the main word in the subject.

•The ugly man with the wart on his nose

whipped.•1. The comet hurled toward Earth. •2. Its tail was two million miles long.•3. It kept speeding toward America every day.

Reminders:• COMPLETE SUBJECT- tells what or

who the sentence is about.

•The ugly man with the wart on his nose


Model• Model how to determine a complete

and simple subject in a sentence. • I will underline the complete subject

and circle the simple subject.

The tall boy stood up on the bus and hit his head.

Groups of 2 Assignment

• Look at your sentence provided for you. Read your group sentence and in each sentence, highlight the complete subject and circle the simple subject.

• If you finish before the other groups, write another sentence on the back

• Groups will have ten minutes.• Groups will give academic feedback

Questions 1Level 1: What is a complete subject?

Level 2: Explain why this is the complete subject: The little boy wanted to go home to see his parents.

Level 3: How can you determine what the complete subject is?

Level 4: Compare and contrast the difference between complete and simple subject?

Level 5: Can you construct a sentence and explain the complete subject?

Level 6: What do you think about complete subjects?

Summary• Who can tell me what we have learned

and done so far in this lesson?

• Fist to five using our class learning scale how do you feel about your understanding of today’s lesson so far?

• Objective: I can determine the complete subjects of a sentence with 85% accuracy.

Group of 2 Game

• Groups of two will come to the board. Your group will read the sentences together and decide what is the complete subject of the sentences. Then, your group will underline the complete subject of the sentence. The rest of the class will agree or disagree.


•Julie packed her bag for the trip.


•The tiny cabins disappointed the passengers.


•A large crowd waited at the dock.


•A huge storm cloud blew in from the west.


•Rain delayed our travel plans.


•My mother checked our tickets.


•The yellow truck raced down the highway.


•My dad lost his car keys at the zoo.


•The small dog chased the little white rabbit across the field.


•I finshed all of my class work today.

Question 2Other perspectives/cultures: Would students in France need to know about complete subjects?

Generating ideas: Generate ideas on where you would find a complete subject in a sentence. Talk to your group.

Abstraction: Visualize a sentence? Share with your partner and your partner will tell you what the complete subject of your sentence.

Predicting: Predict what would happen if your sentences never had a subject.

Conclusions: What conclusions can you draw about a complete subjects?

Other subjects: When reading your reading stories, would you find a complete subject?

If you were a complete subject, what would you say about yourself?


• Who can tell me what we have learned and done so far in this lesson?

• Fist to five using our class learning scale how do you feel about your understanding of today’s lesson so far?

• Objective: I can determine the complete subjects of a sentence with 85% accuracy.

Relate to Life

Early finishers:Write sentences and underline the complete subject.

Intervention: Group 1 and anyone else needing help meet me at the intervention table.

Extended Writing: We will continue working our writing paper in language.

Set goal:Tell three things to your parents that you learned about complete subjects and make sure you tell them where the complete subject is located in your sentence

Portfolio: L.3.1: Determine the complete subject of a sentence

Explain what is the difference between a complete subject and a simple subject?

Group 1 and 2: Complete the complete subject worksheet and on the back answer the reflection question

Group 3 and 4: Complete the complete subject worksheet and on the back answer the reflection question.