Set 3 model

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    Section A

    [15 marks]

    1. According to this notice, people should

    A. keep this floor wetB. not walk on this floor

    C. walk carefully on this floor

    D. move quickly on this floor

    2. What is the main message of the above news report?

    A. a warning about buying stolen goods

    B. a security guard was attacked by nine men

    C. RM256, 000 was stolen from a warehouse

    D. shop operators must not buy rice from nine men

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    3. The home remedies above are Tried and Tested because

    A. home remedies have been scientifically tested

    B. these remedies have actually worked

    C. many people have tried them at home

    D. these remedies contain high cholesterol

    4. What can you conclude from the bar chart?

    A. Students prefer comedy to movies

    B. Students prefer watching drama to entertainment programme

    C. Students spend the most amount of time on musical programme

    D. Students watch more dramas than documentary programme

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    5. Which year did most road accidents take place?

    A. 1991 C. 1994

    B. 1992 D. 1995

    6. According to the notice, when will the Green Race start?

    A. At 1 p.m. on Sunday

    B. At 5 p.m. on SaturdayC. At 2 p.m. on Sunday

    D. At 4 p.m. on Saturday

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    7. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

    A. Customers can still come for the sale after 30 October

    B. the first ten customers will receive a 70% discount

    C. The sale will continue even on Sunday

    D. Discounts range from 40% to 50%

    8. In the cartoon strip above, the phrase things come so naturally means

    A. computers are natural products

    B. some things are done very easily

    C. things that can be done in nature

    D. its natural for computers to have problems

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    Questions 9 15 are based on the following passage.

    Bamboo and paper (9) used in the making of kites. Sometimes, cloth is used

    instead of the (10). The bamboo is split and (11) in mud to prevent it

    from (12) attacked by weevils and to make it flexible. Then, itis (13) in

    the sun before being framed, decorated and painted.

    Kelantan and Terengganu are (14) for this beautiful handicraft and kites

    can be found (15) the country at varying prices.

    9. A is 13. A dried

    B are B baked

    C was C cooked

    D were D sunned

    10. A later 14. A noted

    B latter B noticed

    C letter C noticeable

    D litter D noticing

    11. A soak 15. A over

    B soaks B throughout

    C soaked C inside

    D soaking D by

    12. A be

    B beenC being

    D bean

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    Section B

    [10 marks]Questions 16 25

    Read the advertisement below and answer the questions that follow.

    The Italian Impression

    Features authentic Italian food and finedining concept. A cozy and romanticdcor to suit that special occassion

    Village Lemongrass

    Rich Nyonya food served at thisbeautifully restored old Nyonyamansion. Enjoy your meal surroundedby the old world charm.

    The Orientals

    Taiwans delicacies and light mealsserved in this spacious restaurant.Offers an array of delectable menusoriginating from 30 provinces in China.Suitable for wedding banquet and

    family gathering.

    The Sun Rise

    A very impressive Japaneserestaurant offering a wide variety ofsushis at reasonable prices. Patronswill also be entertained by liveJapanese traditional performances in

    the evening.

    Sweet Dessert House

    A wonderful place to satisfy all dessertlovers. Choose from a wide selectionof cakes to traditional kuih to suit yourhearts desire.

    C-Food Delight

    Enjoy a family meal at affordableprices. A great place to savourseafood fresh the restaurants own

    pond. Prices start from as low asRM5!!.

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    Questions 16 - 20

    Using the information on each restaurant, match the individuals with a suitableoutlet

    Situation Name of Restaurants

    16. Maria loves to eat chocolate cake.

    17. En. Jasni wants to take his family out for dinner.

    18. Alex plans to propose in a romantic restaurant.

    19. Mr.Siva wants to impress his Japanese businessclients

    20. Madam Loo is looking for a perfect place to have herdaughters wedding dinner.

    Questions 21 - 25

    Using the information on each restaurant, complete the sentences with short


    21. Which restaurant is suitable for couple to celebrate their anniversary?Couples who want to celebrate their wedding anniversaries would likely

    ________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    22. Asman, who is a student, has his lunch at C-Food Delight mainly because


    23. To enjoy Nyonya delicacies, Farah goes to

    ________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

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    24. Madam Loo has chosen The Orientals for her daughters wedding dinner

    because _________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    25. The entertainment at The Sun Rise will only

    commence_______________________________________________________(1 mark)

    Section C[25 marks]

    Questions 26-31 are based on the following passage.




    In 2009, The China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center signed an agreementfor a three-year panda conservation plan with automobile giant Mercedes-Benz China.The company pledged to help improve the living conditions of baby pandas through itsGreen Legacy programme, a specialized fund for nature conservation it had launched in2007. Xing Hui is the first baby panda resident of the nursery this year. The pandanursery is located next to the Panda Kindergarten, both of which belong to theMercedes-Benz Giant Panda Theme Park. This panda will spend half of its first six

    months in a nursery, after which it will begin schooling at the kindergarten with otherbaby pandas of the same age group.

    Human caregivers look after the pandas from the time they are born throughadolescence. Interestingly, there are more male than female caregivers here, with fourdaddies and two mummies divvying up the responsibilities up the responsibilities oftaking care of the young pandas through their mealtimes, playtime even during thetoilet breaks.

    At about seven a.m., Xing Hui takes his first sip of milk, much to Li Guos relief. He isthe chief of the nursery. The first feeding is typically the toughest. While baby pandas are

    equipped with the natural ability to locate and feed from their mothers nipples, things arenot as simple with foster feeding. First, the caregiver has to carefully wrap the babypandas little body with the cotton gauze patch folded thrice over with one hand, so thatits tiny head exposed. Using the other hand, the nanny has told a 50-millilitre cylindricalmilk bottle and either gently touch the baby pandas mouth with the bottle teat, orsqueeze the bottle to smear some milk on its lips. Hopefully, the milky flavor will arouseits sense of smell, enticing its tiny mouth to open.





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    The baby panda has no idea what you are doing, does it know what a bottle teat is. Itwont open its mouth instinctively. In this case, it is important that the hand holding thebaby panda stimulates a mothers embrace, so that it feels comfortable and safe. If itgets too nervous or frightened, it wont feed, Li Guo recalls.

    Li Guo is a senior daddy in the nursery. There are times when he has to take care of

    six baby pandas all by himself every night. Often, when one is feeding, another willbecome restless. Super-Daddy Li will then have to multitask, hugging one while pettingthe other. By the time he is done feeding all six babies, it will often already be dawn.

    Thankfully, Xing Hui is a good baby, saving his caregivers a lot of trouble. Where itcomes to the more fussy ones, however, feeding can be challenging enough to driveanyone mad. There have been times when Li Guo has had to try feeding a newborn babypanda over and over again. If A single gramme of milk gets cold, he has to warm it uprepeatedly, and the babys tiny mouth moistened with a small cotton ball dipped inpurified water every so often. It could be a whole night of pottering about before the babypanda would finally feed for the first time.

    The key to breeding pandas is to be careful, patience and loving, says caregiverZhang Ya-hui, a Shaanxi native who transferred here two years ago. Prior to coming tothe conservation center, he had done jobs such as field monitoring, habitat surveying,and wilderness training as part of the Scientific Research Department. From the rough-and tumble nature of fieldwork to the gentleness and meticulousness necessitated bynannying the pandas, Zhang recalls how drastic and difficult the transformation hadbeen: he was particularly trembling the first time he held a tiny baby panda, whichweighted only as much as two eggs in his hands.

    These young caregivers are not only protecting the baby pandas, but are alsoprotecting their own dreams. Despite the tribulations that are part and parcel of their work

    at the center, they continue to stand proudly by what they do: playing their part inensuring the continued survival of the giant panda.







    (Adapted from Readers Digest, July 2009)

    26. From paragraph 1, where would the panda be after spending six months in anursery?

    ______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

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    27. From paragraph 2,

    a) Which phrase has the same meaning with the word dividing?


    (1 mark)

    b) What is the role of the nannies?

    ___________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    28. From paragraph 3,

    a) What needs to be done first to start feeding the baby pandas?

    ___________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    b) Why do you think the caregiver has to put some milk on the pandas lips?

    ___________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    29. From paragraph 4,

    a) What does the caregiver have to do to make the baby pandas feelsecure and comfortable when feeding them?

    ___________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    b) What are the two things that can cause a baby panda to refuse tofeeding?

    i. _____________________________________________________(1 mark)

    ii. _____________________________________________________(1 mark)

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    30. Would you like to be involved in protecting the pandas? In your own words,give a reason for your answer.


    (2 marks)

    31. Based on the passage given, write a summary of

    how to feed the baby pandas

    the challenges the caregivers have to face

    Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to changethe original meaning.

    Your summary must:

    be in continuous writing (not note form)

    use materials from lines 18 to 39

    not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

    Begin your summary as follows:

    Feeding baby pandas is not easy especially with foster feeding

    [15 marks]






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    Section D

    [20 marks]

    32 Read the following stanzas ofIn The Midst of Hardshipand answer the

    questions that follow.

    a) What does the word horrendous suggest about the flood?

    ___________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    In the Midst of Hardship

    At dawn they returned home

    their soaky clothes torn

    and approached the stove

    their limbs marked by scratches

    their legs full of woundsbut on their brows

    there was not a sign of despair

    The whole day and night just passed

    they had to brave the horrendous flood

    in the water all the time

    between bloated carcasses

    and tiny chips of tree barks

    desperately looking for their sons

    albino buffalo that was never found

    They were born amidst hardship

    and grew up without a sigh or a complaint

    now they are in the kitchen, making

    jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves

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    b) Name two things that can be found in the flood water?

    i. _____________________________________________________(1 mark)

    ii. _____________________________________________________(1 mark)

    c) In your opinion, what kind of life did these people lead? Give one proof foryour answer.

    ___________________________________________________________(2 marks)

    33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in EnglishLanguage.

    The Curse - Lee Su Ann

    Step By Wicked Step - Anne Fine

    Catch Us If You Can - Catherine MacPhail

    Choose anyoneof the novels above and answer the question below.

    Describe a decision made by any one character in the novel

    Do you think the decision was a wise one?

    [15 marks]

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    Blacken only one space for each question. If you wish to change your answer, erase the

    blackened mark that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer.


    A B C D

    1 A B C D 9 A B C D

    2 A B C D 10 A B C D

    3 A B C D 11 A B C D

    4 A B C D 12 A B C D

    5 A B C D 13 A B C D

    6 A B C D 14 A B C D

    7 A B C D 15 A B C D

    For examiners use:

    Examiners Code:

    Section Marks

    A 15

    B 10

    C 25

    D 25

    Total 75

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