Page 1:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Page 2:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...
Page 3:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Journal and Year Book


Florida Conference,



Live Oak, Fla., December 12-17, 1901.


Gainesville, Fla. HILL PRINTING CO.


Page 4:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...



I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'l a. .. Feb. __ l!H~ . -- Bishop .T. Soule .• .. - -- -- - -- -- -- T. C. Benning __ __ _ 2Mouttcellu, Plu _ J.'eb. ll.IH46 ... Btshop.J. 0. Andrew ·- -- - ---- P. P. Smith _____ _ _ :!Quincy, F'lu .. __ F'eb. 10,11147 . Bl~hop W. Cupet'l< •.. _ ·- · · ·- -- " ·• 4 W11y11e•vlllc,Ou .. Feb ... 11!48. lllsbopJ. 0. Andrew .. _______ _ 5 Alb,.ny. C.~u ... ..... Jun. 3, 111-111 ... BL•lwv W. CJapers . .• ••.•...... 6M!!dlson.F'h• ... lfeb . .. 181\0 .. lmL. Potter · - · - --- - ---· .. . .. 7,'l'homl!svllle, G1\ . Jun. l!:!, IHllL •• Bl•ho11 R. Paine ....•..... ___ _ R'l'u.Jlnbussee. lflll .. Jt\n. 28, 18112 •. . lllshopJ. 0, Andrew __ ---- - · \l Quincy, Plu ..••... Jan. 1811:1.. . Bishop W. Uupcrs __ ___ •....•..

IOMonttcello, Flu ... Dec. l!l.'i!I. .. R. U. Howre11 ..•.•.••.......• II Madison.Flu .•. Dec. lt!M .. Bt~bop W . Cupers •. ... . . . ... . 12llainbrldtW. Gu . Dee. 1855 . 1· H. I'. Hlchnrdsoo ·· ; ····--·-· 1 'l'. N. Gurdncr I l:!lsbop .J. 0. Anclrew . ____ f l:l Allhcntor. Flt\ ..... Dec. 2~ . 1 Hr>6 .. lllshopJ. 0. Andrew .. ___ ___ __ P. F, Smith ___ __ _ _ l·l 'l'hum11svllle, Hu . Dec . . . 1 1!.~7 ... B1shopJ. E.1rly __ ______ ·-- · ____ ·· •· 15 J1>1.>l<sonvl1JP, 1<'l11 . Dec, 15. UJ,'llL . Bishop J. 0. Andrew • ...... .. J.C. Ley ____ --- ---16Mlc1~11opy. Fh1 --·IDec. 28.11!.~IL . Hlshop H . H . K11v11nt1u1<h .. .. P . P. Smith . ..• ..• 17 Muulloello. l<' lt1 .

1nec. 12, ltiOO ... lllshop G. F. Pierce __________ " •·

18Qutncy. 1''11•------· Dec. t:!, 1861. __ Rlshop G. 1''. Pierce ________ __ " " rn 'l 'llllllhllSsee ll'la .. IDcc. 12, 1 86~ -- BlshopJ. 0 All(lrew __ ________ .. ..

J.'O 'l'bvmasvllle. Ha ... Dec. JIJ. JlitJ:J __ _ Blsb"P J . o . Andrew -- --- - ---- F. A. Branch ----, 21Monticello . 1''111 .. Dec. 14, 186-l .. S . P. Rtcb11rdsn11 _______ _____ __ " " 2:l M1ullson, Fiii. -1 Nov. c'!l. l l!t~; - . Bishop G. F. Pierce _______ ___ " " 2aQutncy, ];'la .. . •... Dec. 1:\. 11166 . Bishop H. N. McTyctre .... . . 1!-1 Monllcello, Fl11 ... Dec, 6. ll!tl7. Bishop H. F. Pierce . ___ _____ _ 2,; J 11cksonvtlle. F la . J un. 1:i.1 11tm ... Bishop W. M. Wll!htma,n ___ _ 26 LUJ<e GltJ-. J.'la . 1Dco. ~>O. 1 ~9 . .. Bl.-bop D.S. Do1<1(etL •• ..... . _ J .P. DePass - ----zr '1'11lluhussee , J;'l11 . ·Jun. 4, 187 1. . Bishop W. M. Wil(htnmn ... . U.S. Bird ... . . ..•. 281M11dtson.Fhi. ... Jun . . 1872 ... Bishop W. M. Wl1<htm1>n____ " ·· 2ll!<'ern1>ndlni>. l!' la .. Jnn. _ 187:1.. . BM1oµE. M. llfarvtn __ ________ ·· ·· !lO)J11ol<sonvtlle , Flu .. 1Jan. 7.1874 . . Bl•hop (-! }'. Pler«e . __ ____ __ _ Frederick Pasco. :it Live OtLk. Fin ... 'Dec. 16.1875 . .. Bishop W. M. Wl1<htm11n . . . . ·· ·• 3"JQutncr. Flu ... . ... -J'"'· fi, 1876 • . . Hlsbup W . M. Wl1<htm1rn _____ _ " " 1111Monticello,1''1a .. . Jt1n. 11 .11!'77. __ Bishop G. Ji'. Pterec . ••. - -- - · " " :l l 'l'11mp11 , l!'la . . -·-· Nov. 15, 1877 •.. Bishop G. !<'.Pierce ___ ____ ___ " " MG11l11csville.Fla ... Nov.1:1.1878 ... Bishop II. R. Kavnn11u1?h .•.. 00 T1\llnh11s.-ee, Fin .. Dec. 17, 18711 . . Bishop D. S. Dnitllf'tt .. _______ _ 37 0<•11111, J;'la . . ______ Dec. 16, 18!'0 .. Bishop G. F. Plerne _____ ____ _ 38 Monticello, Fla ... Jim. 18, 1882 . .. BL•hOP H . N . Mc'l'yelre _______ _ 89 Jllul.sonv llle, Fla. Jan. ll, 188:!. . Bishop H. H. Kuv11nnu1<h . . .. -IO M1Ldlson. F in ____ .. Jan. 8, 188-1 .. . Bishop .J. C. Keener ---- __ ___ _ 41 G11 tn e•vllle. Fl11 .. Jun. 7. 18!!-'\ .. . Blahup Linus Parker •.. .. -----4~ Orl11ndu, .F'la .... __ Jim. 6. 181«1 .. BM1011 R K. H11r1trove ____ __ _ _ 4.1 Tal111h11s.~ee. I<'l11 .. Dec. 16. 11186 . . BMwp E. R. Hendrix: ____ .. ___ _ 44 1Leesburir. Ptu . ... Dec. 14. 1887 .. BtshopJ. S Key ___ _______ ___ _ 4.' flo.rtow. Fl11 ...•.. Jun. 11, lll!IU . .. IJtshop U. H. G11lloway --- -- -· 46011tnesvllle.l<'lu ... Jun. H, 1800 . . Bishop.I. U. Keener ----------41 Monticello, Flu •. . J11n. 7, 1891. . . BL,hop W. W. Duuuun _______ _ 48 '1'ampa. h'la .. .. ... Jo.n. 6. IRll"l ... Bishop .J.C. Granb e rry ______ _ 49 Oca.Ja. Jo'lu ... . ... . ,Jan. 4. JH03 • • Bishop O. P. Fttz1<emld -- -- ---50 P1Llutka, Pia .. ___ Jun. 3. lflll.I. _ Illshop A.G. H11yirood _____ __ _ 61 J11cksnnvlll1\ Fla . Jun. 0.18\111_ . Bishop W. W, Duucnn ____ - ---r.20rlundo. Fla .. . • . . Dec. IR.1 8115 .. Bl•hopJ. C. Granberry - ----- -ll3)Tullah1LS11ee, Fla . . Dec. II, (8\l6 ___ Bishop C. B. G111low11v -- -- -- --114 Tumpa, Fla ..• .. . . Dec. 17, U!\17_,_ Bisho p W.W. Duncan--------MIGufnesvllle, Fla ... Dec' 14. fBIJA ___ Bishop W. A . Oandler ____ ___ _ M Monticello. Fla ... Dec, 13, UllllL. Bishop W. A . Oandle r _______ _ fi7 Bartow. Flu ...•.. Dec. 13, lllOIL . Btfihop W. A . Cundler --------liR 'Llv" 0111'. Fin ___ .. Dec. 12. 1001- .. BIHhop ,J.,hn C. Hmnbery .. ·---


Page 5:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Officers. BISHOP JOHN U. GRANBERY _______ _________ President REV. F. PASCO ____ __ _____ ___________ _____ __ Secretary REV. C. F. BLACKBURN ________ } REV. S. W. 4 WLER _· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Assistant Secretaries REV. E . .!?. LEY ____ ___________ _ REV. J.B. LEY _______ ______ ______ FinancialSecretary

Legal Conference.

REV. T. w. MOORE- ---------- - · ___________ _ President REV. F. PASCO ______ . ______ _____ . ____ _____ _ Secretary REV. J. C. COOPER . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 'rreasurer

Board of Missions.

T. W. Moore, President; F. Pasco, Secretary and Treasurer; T. W. 'romkies, W. H. Steinmeyer, W. M. Boswell, J.M. Barco, A. 0. MacDonell, R. F. Webb, J . . T. Bernard, J. R. Lites, E. J. Hardee, B. F. Mason, J. P. Hilburn.

Board of Church Extension.

G. W. Mitchell, President; W. J. Carpenter, Secre­tary; C. W. White. 'I'reasurer; H. W. Long, J.E. Wilson, A. W. McLeran, W. M. Boswell, W. B. Tresca.

Board of Education.

J.P. DePass, President; R. L. Honiker, Secretary; J. E. Mickler, Treasurer; B. K. Thrower. J. F. Bell, H. E. Partridge, J. A. Howland, R. A. Edmondson, T. J. Phillips, W. N. Sheats, S. G. Wilson, W. K. Zewadski.

Page 6:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Sunday School Board. H. Dutil, President; E. J . Gates, Secretary and

Treasurer; F. Scott, J. P. Durance, 'l'. M. White, W. E. H. Mabry, F. A. <Jurtis, A. P. Hampton, W. C. Norton.

Committee on Memoirs. R. L. Honiker, C. A. l!,ulwood, B. K Thrower.

Committee on Conference Relations. W. H. Steinmeyer, PresidPnt; R. H. Barnett, G. W.

Mitchell, H. Hice, B . .J:i'. Mason, S. Scott, E. H. Giles.

Committee on Bible Cause. T. 0. Bradford, Chairman; W. S. McMannen, R. M.

Williams, W. 0. Norton, J. L. Pattillo, W. H. Parker, F. L. Stokes.

Orphahage Committee. R. M. Evans, Chairma.n; J. A. Hendry, Secretary;

W. B. Tresca, H. Hice, E. A. Harrison, W. N. Sheats, J. L. Pattillo, J. Beers, S. G. Wilson, B. F. Mason, H. A. Hodges, J. A. Giddens.


Sabbath Observance. S. Scott, Chairman; R. J. Wells, H. Hice, T. J. Evans,

W. J. Gray, Ii'. L. Church, John Beers, A. P. Hampton, D. W. Stanley.

Temperance. R. V. Atkisson, W. J. Carpenter, F. L. Stokes, J. A.

Vernon, A. M. Mann, Bl J, Hardee, J. G. Johns, H. H. Sassnett, G. W. Sutley. W. B. Tresca.

District Conference Records. E. A. HarriROn, T. H. Sistrunk, J. L. Jones. 0. W.

White, F. A. Taylor, J. T. Mitchell, P. E. Steinmeyer.

Page 7:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. 11. onuncn, souTrr.

Epworth Leagues.

R. L. Honiker, J. A. Hendry, B'. E. Shipp, J. R. Walker, B. K. Thrower, F. Pixton, S. Phillips, M. T. Bell, •r. J. Kennelly, W. C. Norton. ·

Books and Periodicals.

H. A. Hodges, J. E. Wilson, W. E. H. Mabry, H. B. Frazee, W. N. Sheats, H. E. Partridge, H. W. Long, F. R. Bridges, R. F. Webb, E.W. Peabody, L. E. Roberson, T. J. Watkins, C. A. Saunders, J. A. Howland.

Memorials to the General Conference. B. K. Thrower, J.B. Ley, T. C. Bradford.

Public Worship . . T. J. Nixon, J. P. DePass, J. B. Evans.

Publishing. W. J. Carpenter, J. P. Hilburn, I. S. Patterson, T.

J. Nixon, W. N. Sheats, C, W. White, L. E. Roberson.

Joint Board.

W. M. Poage, F. Pixton, F. R. Bridges, J. E. Wilson, C. A. Saunders, C. T. Carroll, L. E. Roberson, H. W. Long, W. M. Boswell, E., W. Peabody, 'l'. M. Strickland.

Visiting Committees. WESLEYAN COLLEJGE- 1. S. Patterson, A. E. House­

holder, W. N. Sheats. EMORY CoLLEGE--J. P. Hilburn, 'r. G. Lang, S. M.

Sparkman. Examining Committees.

ON ADMISSION-W. M. Poage, T. J. Nixon. FrnsT YEAR-E. F. Ley, R. A. Edmonson, J. E.

Mickler. SECOND YEAR- F. R. Bridges, W. J. Carpenter, I.

S. Patterson. THIRD YEAR-F. E. Shipp, T. G. Lang, D. A. Cole. FOURTH YEAR-T. W. Moore, F. Pasco, E. J. Gates.

Page 8:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Classes. FmsT YEAR- J. S. Tilley, G. S. Roberts. W. H.

Funk, W. A. Myers, T. L. Z. Barr. J. 0. Baker. SECOND YEAR- C. H. Summers, A. H. Cole, J. N.

Weatherford, L. D. Lowe. THmD YEAR- D. L. Switzer, E. DeLefeu, J. R.

Walker, H. W. Baker, E. Diaz, I. Barredo. FOURTH YEAR- N. H. Williams, R. L. Sumner, F. E.

Steinmeyer, J. T. Mitchell, G. H. York, M. 'I'. Bell.

Trustees Florida Conference College. A. E. Householder, President; E. F. Ley, Secretary;

T. J. Nixon, 'rreasurer; R. H. Barnett, C. A. lj'ulwood, C. A. Saunders, R. L. Honiker, L. W. Moore, .T. P. Hil­burn, I. S. Patterson, S. W. Lawler, G. M. Lee, G. C. Warner, C. W. White, R. F. Webb, Frank Adams, J.M. Barco, S. M. Sparkman, W. K. Zewadski, A. 0. Mac­Donell, A. W. McLeran.

Trustees Southerland School Property. J. P. Hilburn, I. S. Patterson, R. M. Evans, R. F.

Mason, H. A. Hodges, W. M. Poage. W. N. Sheats, H. H. Sassnett, L. E. Roberson, H. W. Long, I. S. Giddens, W. 0. Richardson, D. W. Stanley, D. A. Cole.

Trustees of Preachers' Fund. C. A. Fulwood, President; E. F. Ley, Secretary;

H. W. Long, Treasurer; 'I'. W. Moore, O. W. White, . C. T. Carroll.

Lay Delegates. C. 'l'. Carroll, G. W. Sutley.* A. L. Woodward, W.

N. Sheats,* W . . Jil Baker,* J. J. Cram, L. E. Roberson,* J. G. Johns,* H. W. Long,* S. Phillips,* J. D. Watkins, W. R. White, E. W. Peabody,* H. H. Sassnett, * H. H. Smith, A. 0. MacDonell,* D. W. Stanley,* G. W. Mc­Lean, F. B. Hanna, C. E. Howard, T. J. Watkins,* Alter­nate, R. F. Webb,* J.C. Carter, T. M. Strickland, J. F. Bennett, A. P. Hampton, Alternate.

*Present at this session.

Page 9:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


FIRST DAY. The Fifty-eighth Session of the Florida Conference,

Methodist Episcopal Church, South, convened in the Methodist Church at Live Oak, Fla., at 9 a. m., Decem­ber 12, 1901, Bishop John 0. Granbury in the chair.

Opened with religious services conducted by the Bishop.

Roll was called by the Secretary of the last Confer­ence and 78 preachers and 10 lay delegates answered tu their names.

Organization of Conference was completed by the re-election of Frederick Pasco, Secretary, assistants, C. F. Blackburn, S. W. Lawler.

Bar was fixed to include the space reaching to the two side doors. Hours of m,eeting and adjournment fixed at 8:45 a. m. and 11:45 a. m.

On motion the presiding elders were allowf'd to withdraw and nominate the usual standing committees.

The following reports and communications were read and referred:

Book Agents to Committee on Books and Periodi­cals.

Missionary Secretaries to Board of Missions. Church Extension Board to Conference Board of

Church Extension. Sunday School Editor to Sunday School Board. The Presiding Elders made tne· following report of

standing committees, which was adopted.

Page 10:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

8 J'LORJnA ANNUAL oo:n1m11NOB,

Committee on Sabbath Observa.nce-8. Scott, H. Hice, T. J. Evans, W . .J. Gray, F. r_,. Church, R. J. Wells, Jno. Beers, A. P. Hampton, D. W. Stanley.

Committee on 'l.'emperance-R. V. Atkisson, W. J. Carpenter, Jil L. Stokes, I. A. Vernon, A. M. Mann, E. J. Hardee, J. G . .Johm~, H. H. Sassnett, G. W. Sutley, W. B. Tresca.

District Uonfcre11ce Rccorrl.s - E. A. Harrison, T. H. Sistrunk, J. L. Jones, C. W. White, F. A. 'l'aylor, J . 'r. Mitchell, F. E. Steinmeyer.

Epw01·lh Lea.ones R. L. Honiker, J. A. Hendry, F. E. Shipp, J. R. Walker, B. K. 'l'hrower, I!,. Pixton, S. Phillips, M. T. Bell, 0. K Howard, J. I!'. Bell, T. J. Ken­nedy, W. C. Nort,m.

Books aml Periuclii:cil8- H. A. Hodges, J. E. Wilson, W. E. H. Mabry, H. B. Ji'raz e, W. N. Sheats, H. E. Part­ridge, I-I. W. Long, F. R Hridgos, R. F. Webb, KW. Peabody, L. K R1>bersou, 'r. J. Watkins, C. A. Saunders, J. A. Howland.

P11bli<: ll'orsltip - T . .f. Nixon. J.P. DePass, J.B. Evans. The report of the 'rrustcos of the Florida Confer­

ence College was read, also a paper from the donors at Leesburg, signed by A. B. Efird, Chairman, and G. 0. Stapylton, Secretary, cour~ernmg the college. On mo­tion these and all other papers pert11iniug to the college wero ref rred to a specia.I ~ommittee of two from each district, viz: Tallahassee District- W. M. Poage, W. N. Sheets. Live Oak District- J. P. DePass, L. E. Rober­son. Gainesville DistriJt-H. A. Hodges, H. W. Long. Jacksonville District- T. W. Moore, H. H. Sasnett. Orlando District- D. A. Cole, D. W. Stanley. Tampa Distrtct-B. F. M~Lson, A. P. Hampton.

Communications were read and referred, viz: Secretary of Epworth Leagues to Committee on Ep­

wol'th League. Edward Thompson,· genera.I manager of Epworth

Page 11:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

~!. E. CUURCJI, 81\UTJI. 9

Leagues in America, referred to Committee on Sabbath Observance.

Editor Florida Ch?-istian .Advocate to Committee on Books and Periodicals.

Secretary of the Board of Education to Conference Hoard of Education.

Quostion 6 was taken up and the following transfers were announced: H. W. Joyner, North Georgia Con­ference; N. H. Williams, South Georgia Uonference; J. E. Wilson, Baltimore Conference. 'l1hese brethren were introduced with Rev. Mr. Kimmons, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Live Oak.

Question 20 was taken up. The following were called, their charactors passed and on motion they were referred to the Uommittee on Conference Relations for superannuated relation: J. C. Ley, J. D. Rogers, E. Wilson, E. J. Holmes, J. T. Waters, J. S. Barnett, E. Ii'. Gates who stated that he made no claim this year on tho Uonference Claimants' Fund.

The following were called, their characters passed and on motion they were referred to Committee on Con­ference Relation for superannuated refations: W. H.F. Robarts, J. F'. Shands.

A. E. Housholder, Presiding Elder of the Tallahas­see District, and E. J. Nixon, Presiding Elder of the Live Oak District, were called, represented their dis­tricts, and. their character::; passed, with the following elders: W. F. Shoemaker, W. F. Alexander, B. K. Thrower, W. J. Gray, W. E. H. Mabry, J. 0. Pace, W. M. Poage, G. J. Taylor, R. A. Edmonson, B. T. Rape, J. L. Yeats, J.P. DePass, W. S. McMannen.

C. S. Ularidy was called, and at the request of his presiding elder he was referred to a committee of trial, having already been before a committee of investigation, who found a trial necessary.

On motion B. T. Rape was appointed Conference postmaster.

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On motion W. B. Tresca was placed on the Board of Church Extension in place of I. S. Patterson, resigned.

After various announcements Conference adjourned with doxology and benediction by the Bishop.


Conference convened at 8:-10 with the Bishop in the chair; opened with religious service conducted by 'r. J. Phillips.

Roll was called and five additional preachers and one layman responded present.

On motion further calling of the roll was dispensed with.

Minutes of yesterday's session read and approved. E. F. Ley appointed Assistant Secretary.

Report of J. W. Roberts, President of Wesleyan Female College, read and referred to Board of Ed uca­tion.

On motion J. E. Wilson was placed on Board of Church Extension in place of I. Ryder, transferred.

Communication from Synod of Florida, signed by Stated Clerk, Wm. B. Y. Wilkie, on the subject of di­vorces was read, and on motion a Committee on Memo­rial to General Conference was appointed, to whom this communication was referred.

Committee on Trial in case of C. S. Cla-ridy was ap­pointed as follows: T. J. Phillips, chairman; R. A. Ed­mondson, I. A. Vernon, W. C. Norton. J. T. Coleman, J. P. Durrance, R. M. Williams, H. E. Partridge, F. E. Shipp, M. H. Outland. W. E. H. Mabry, counsel; G. J. Kennelly to prosecute.

Question 2 was taken up: Who remains on trial? C.H. Smmers and A.H. Cole were C!Llled. their charac­ters passed, and the Examining Committee reporting favorably, they were advanced to the class of the second year.

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M. E. ORUllCH, SOUTH. 11

G. F'. Venable was called and his character passed and wa!! announced transferred.

J. S. Tilley, a student of Vanderbilt, was called, his character passed, and, not having been before the Ex­amining Committee, question 1 was taken up and he was left on trial in class of first year.

Question 8 was taken up. D. L. Switzer was called, his character passed and be was elected deacon, the Ex­aming Committee reporting favorably.

Question 2 was resumed. J. N. Weatherford and L. D. Lowe, aslstudent at Vanderbilt, not having been before the Examining committee of the 2nd year, they were left on· trial in class of second year.

Question 4 was taken up. D. L. Switzer was called forward and, having answered the usual Disciplin­ary questions and been addressed by the Bishop, was admitted into full connection.

S. W. Walker, of South Georgia Conference, was introduced, also Dr. E. G. Law, District Superintend­ent of the American Bible Society, who addressed the . Conference.

Rev. Mr. 'I'empleton, of the M. E. Church, was in­troduced, also H. A. Huckabee, of the Orphan's Home, Macon, who addressed the Conference.

Question 7 was taken up. Who are the deacons of one year? The following were called and the Examin­ing Committee reporting favorably, they were advanced to class of 4th year: N. H. Williams, R. L. Sumner, F. E. Steinmeyer, J. T. Mitchell, G. H. York and M. T. Bell.

E. DeLofeu, J. R. Walker, H. W. Baker, E. Diaz, were called, their characters passed and, not having been before the Examining Committee under Question 4, they were left in the class of the 3rd year.

I. Barrado was called and his character passed. Question 9 was taken up. E. A. Harrison was

~ed, his character passed, and the Examining Commit-

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tee reporting favorably, being already an elder, he was announced as having completed the course of study.

R. L. Sprinkle called, his character passed, and the Examining Committee reporting favorably, he was elected elder.

Question 1 W<LH resumed and the following duly re­commended by the District Conference and Committee on Admission, and '1Jxamiuing Committee reportin" .favorably, they were admitted on trial into tho traveling connection: Gladstone S. Roberts, Tallahassee Dis­trict; Wm. H. fi'unk tmd Wm. A. Myers, Orlando Dis­trict.

B. K. Thrower, J. 0. Ley and T. C. Bradford were appointed a Committee on Memorials to General Con­ference.

Question 20 was resumed, the following were called and their characters passed; I. S. Patterson, P. E. Gainesville District, who represented his district; R. L. · Williams, H. E. Partridge, R. J. Wells, A. M. Mann, W . A. Wier, 0. W. Inman, J. S. Collier, :I?. Pixton, E. H. Giles, F. A. Taylor, T. J. Phillips, W. J. Carpen­ter, H. Du till, W. F. Norton. W. C. Norton, H. A. Hodges, J. Beers, T. S. Armistcd, R. M. Evans. H. S. Miller, 'l'. H. Sistrunk, 'l'. J. 'Euans, 'l'. C. Bradford.

On motion, tomorrow at 10 a. m. was fixed as the hour for the election of delegates to the General Con­ference.

After various announcements Conference adjourned with doxology and ·benediction by the Bishop.


Conference convened at 8:45 a. m. with the Bishop in the chair.

Opened with religious services conducted by H. E. Partridge.

Minutes of yesterday's session read and approved.

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M. E. OHUllOR, 80UTU . 13

Rev. Dr. Mickel, of the the Presbyterian Church, was introduced.

Majority report of special committee on the Florida Conference College and two minority reports were read, and, on motion, the discussion and action upon them were made the oruer of the day for Monday, just after the reading of the minutes.

Report No. 2 of the Trustees of the Conference College was read, and, on motion, referred to the, special committee of 12 on Conference College.

Report of W. J. Carpenter, Editor of Conference Minutes, read for i~formation.

Qu.estion 10 was taken up and G. S. Roberts, Dan'l McDaniel were recommended by the Tallahassee Dis · trict Conference; T. L. Z. Barr, by the Live Oak Dis­trict; Henry P. Blocker, by the Gainesville District; Wm. A. Myers, by the Orlando District, were elected deacons.

Question 14 was taken up. Answer, none. Credentials of Wm. C. G. Kilgore, local elder, were

surrendered to the Conference. Question 1 was resumed, T. L. Z. Barr was recom­

mended by Live Oak District Conference; J. 0. Baker, by 'l'ampa District Conference, the Committee on Ad­ministration and Examination reporting favoraby, were duly admitted on trial.

Question 20 was resumed, the following were called and their characters passed: J. Anderson, T. G. Lang, J. H. D. McRae, R. H. Barnett, F. Pasco. C. A. .li,ull­wood, Pl'esiding Elder of the Jacksonville District, rep· resented his district. 'rhe hour fur the order of the day having arrived, on motion time was extended to R. V. Atkisson to allow a collection to be taken for McTyeire Memorial Church.

'rhe Conference then proceeded to the election of delegates to General Conference.

Page 16:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


The Bishop called for the number of members of the Conference. Answer, 137. He then announced that the Conference was entitled to three clerical and three lay delegates. H. W. Joyner, 'r. H. Sistrunk and F. E. Steinmeyer were appointed tellers for clerical del­egates; E. W. L'eA.body and L. E. Roberson for lay. The following is the result of the election:

First ballot, clerical- Whole number of votes, !:l2; necessary to a choice, 47. No election.

Lay d legates- Whole number of votes, 16; neces­sary to a choice, !:l. W. N. Sheats. 13, and elected.

Second ballot, clerical- Whole number of votes, 88; necessary to a choice, 45. J. P. Hilburn, 60, and elected.

Lay delegates- Whole number of votes, 16; neces­sary to a choice, 9. No election.

Third ballot, clerical-Whole number of votes, 90; necessary to a choice, 46. R. H. Barnett, 53; .T. Ander­son, 50; and elected.

On motion the three having the highest number of votes on next ballot were declared the alternates.

Fourth ballot, alternates-J. B. Ley, 47; F. Pasco, 36; 'r. J. Nixon, 35.

Third ballot, lay delegates- Whole number of votes, 15; necessary to a choice, 8. D. W. Stanley, 11, and elected.

Fourth ballot, lay delt1gates-Whole number, 15; necessary to a choice, 8. No election.

On motion time was extended untH the election was completed.

Fifth ballot, lay delegates-Whole number, 14; nec­essary to a choice, 8. No election.

Sixth ballot, lay delegates--Whole number, 14; nec­essary to a choice, 8. 0. W. White, 9, and elected.

On motion the three highest on next ballot were de­clared alternates:

Seventh ballot, lay alternates-A. W. McLeran, 12; T .. T. Watkins, 10; E. W. Peabody, 8.

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)f. E. onu11on, SOUT II. 15

Dr. 0. E. Dt>wman was introduced and presented his report as President of Emory College, whi0h was re­ferred without reA.ding to the Board of Education.

On motion time was extended to bear Dr. Anderson, who presented 'a request for superannuated or location as the Conference wished. On motion he was referred to the Committee on Conference relatiom1 for a super­annuated relation.

W. J. Ca1·penter was elected editor of the Confer­ence Minutes.

The following changes were made in Joint Board of Finance: H. H. Sasnett, in place of 0. Earnest; R. P. Webb, in pltwe of J. R. Lites; D. W. Stanley, in place of J. 0. Cooper. ·

After various announcements Conference adjourned with doxology and benediction by the Bishop.


The fourth day of the Florida Methodist Conference convenedatthe usual hour, with the Bishop in the chair, Rev. T. S. Armisted leading the devotions.

Minutes of Saturday's sess'iou were read and ap­proved.

The Bishop reported that the following were or­dained yesterday: Traveling deacon, DanielL. Switzer; local deacons, Gladstone S. Roberts, Daniel J. McDaniel, La.Fyles Z. Barr, Henry P. Blocker, William A. Myers; ordained traveling elder, R. L. Sprinkle- answering questions 9, 11 and 12 of the discipline, as above.

Question 20 resumed. and the following reported and thefr characters were passed: F. C. Church, J. L. Jones, J.E. Wilson, R. L. Honiker, .J. L. Patella, J. F. Bell, W. H. Steinmeyer, A. M. Daiger, J.E. Mickler, C. l!'. Blackburn, T. W. Moore, E. F. Ley, J. T. Colemau, T. W. Tomkies, L. W. Moore, J. S. Crandall, F. E. Shipp, E. J. Hardee, W. H. Parker, D. A. 001~, Smith Hardin, S. Scott, S. W. Lawler, J. P. Hilburn, :f. B. Le.v, I. S.

Page 18:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Brooke, F. L. Stokes, H. Hice, H. B. Frazee, M. H. Out­land, W. B. Tresca, E. J. Gates, 0. A. Saunders, G. W. Mitchell, M. DeLofeu, T. M. White, J. A. Howland, 0. W. White, H. W. Penny, J. A. Hendry.

On motion of J. P. Hilburn, the name of T. G. Blue was phtced in the hands of the Presiding Elder of the Orlando Di.strict for investigation.

Dr. Charles E. Dowman, President of Emory College, was called to the platform, and in a few well chosen re marks presented the interests of this institution.

'rhe r port from the Commintee on Books and Peri­odical was offered, and, pending adoption, Conference adjourned to meet at 3 o'clock p. m.


Opened with religious services, conducted by T. S. Armistead.

The Bishop presented certificates of ordination as follows: D. L. Switzer, G. S. Roberts, D. G. McDaniel, L. T. B. Barr, H. G. Blocker, W. A. Myers, were or­dained deacons; R. L. Sprinkle, ordained elder.

Question 20 was taken up and the following preach­ers were called and their characters passed: T. W. Tumkies, J.P. Hilburn, F. L. Church, J. E. Wilson, R. L. IIoniker, J. L. Pattillo, J. F. Bell, W. H. Steinmeyer, A. M. Daiger, J. Jij. Mickler, C. '!!'. Blackburn, T. W. Moore, E. B. Ley, T. J. Coleman, L. W. Moore, J. E. Crandall, F. E. Shi.pp, F. R. Bridges, W. H. Parker, D. A. Cole, S. Hardin, S. Scott, S. W. Lawler. J. B. Ley, J. S. Brook, F. L. Stokes, H. Hice, H. B. F'razee, M. H. Outla,nd, W. B. Tresca, C. A. Saunders, E. J. Gates, G. W. Mitchell, B. F. Ma.son, T. M. White, J. A. Howland, J. P. Durrance, C. W. White, H. W. Penny, J. A. Hendry.

The case of 'l'. G Blue was left in the hands of the Presiding Elder of Orlando District for investigation.

The time for the order of the day having arrived, the eommittee of twelve ou the Conference College made

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their report. The majority and second minority re­ports were withdrawn and a report presented for them. Before entering upon the discussion of the. college re­port, the committee on the case of C. S. Olariday made report, finding him guilty as charged. The Bishop then announceJ his expulsion from the church. The report of the committee of twelve was amended, and, after dis· cussion , was adopted.

'rhe report No. 2 of the Committee on Books and Peri­odicals was presented, and, pending its discussion, Con­ference adjourned to meet at 3 p. m.


Bishop Granbury in the chair. G. W. Mitchell led the religious services. After reading the minutes the report of the Committee on Books and Periodicals was taken up, and, after discussion and amendments, was adopted. Conference proceeded to the election of the Publishing Committee, which r esulted as follows: Cler­ical - W. J . Carpenter, J. P. Hilburn, '11

• J. Nixon, I. S. Patterson, Lay-·W. N. Sheats, 0. W. White, L. E. Rob­erson.

Conference then adjourned to meet at 7 :45 next day.


Conference met at 7:45. T. W. Moore in the chair, by appointment of the Bishop. W. F. Norton conducted the religious service.

After various reports had been adopted, W. N. Sheats, J. P. Hilburn and W. J. Carpenter were ap­pointed a committee to carry out our recommendation of the report of the Temperance Committee.

Resolution adopted on publication of the minutes, authorizing the Board of Missions to appropriate $70

. for the purpose, which is to be returned from collec­tions taken by the preachers.

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Reports were then read from the Conference Treas­urer, Board of Education and Treasurer of Board of Education.

L. W. Moore was elected editor of the F'LORIDA


Dr. Lambeth, Missionary S cretary, addressed the Conference.

'.rbe credentials of J. A. Owen were restored. H. R. Someillian's name was called, and, as he had

withdrawn from the church, his name was ordered stricken from the church.

Rev. R.H. Barnett was, on motion, recommended for appointment as Colporteur of the Conference, and addressed the body in the intEirest of his work.

The Board of Trustees of the Florida Conference College offered a supplementary report, which an­nounced the following committee to adjust college mat­ters with the original donors to the college in Leesburg: W. M. Poage, L. E. Roberson, T .• T. Watkins.

J. C. Ley and L. W. Moore briefly addressed the conference. H.eport of the Joint Board was read.

On motion, the College of Bishops was requested to hold the lJonference in li'lorida in Jtinuary, not begin­ning earlier than the first Sunday, and to begin on Thursday.

Memoirs were read of Mrs. E. J. Wilson and Mrs. J. 'l'. Waters.

W. H. Parker was put on the effective list. 'I'. W. Moore was elected President of the Legal

Conference. Resolution of thanks was adopted. The Bisllop then announced the Joint Board and

Visiting Committees. After prayer the appointments were read.

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Tallahassee District.

J. B. LEY, P. E. 1. -Tallahassee ________________ . ________ W. E. H. Mabry. 2 Monticello _______ ..,,_ : ________________ ~w. M. Poage. 3 Leon Circuit __ n- _ ?_ f _~_ _ _q __ • _: ____ G.-J.-Kennelly. 2 Quincy _____ -r ---~(-_______ :- ~- ___ ... _J. P. DePass. 1 Gadsden Circuit ___ R(; _21 __ _________ • ___ J. C. Pace. 2· WaukeenahCircuit ___ ; ____ ~ _________ . __ W. J. Gray. 1 Mid way Missifln _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F_ ~- ______ W. S. McMannen. 4

~,C}? • ' / I Concord Circ off-hh __________________ '[_ S.-Vernon. 2'

Liberty Miss on _______ . Suppli~d by B. H. Preemai;i. 1 Aucilla Circuit __ 'n~_._: __ ;_~ 0, _______ . G. H. York. 3 Madison ______ / __ ~_r!,, ___ J?( ______ J. A.Hendry. 1 Madi son Circuit . Jl __ c_f __ ~_.;i ___ ·, ______ G. S. Roberts. 1 Taylor Mission ___ -,- ____ Supplied by 0. W. Braswell. I Apalachicola _____ - _________________ . E. H. Harrison. 2· Carrabelle Mission __ t;_,J_ Y.J .!_ ~'- _· __ : _ ___ T. M. White. 1 Woodville Mission ________ Supplied by E. J. Austin. 1

Live Oak District.

T. J. NIXON, P. E. 2. Live Oak .,:1 _ y ____ Z.:, f' C.!_ ~ ___ ___ __ R. A. Edmondson. 1 Welb~rnbircuit _____ -- ---- ----- __ R. M. Williams. 2-Jasper _____ ___ ____ ;Li~~ _(J:0J:;[ _____ J. P. Durrancd. 1 Hamilton Mission __ ____ _____ _________ To be supplied. White Springs ________________________ W. C. Nor ton. 1 -Bradford Circuit ______ -~- _____ T. T.i. Z. Barr. 2

Fort White and High Springs J -------. A. M. Mann. 2 ~ ( Supy. W. H. J. H.oberts

~ J /' '1. ,, /

Page 22:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


LafayetteMission ______________________ J. L. Yeats. 1 -' Alachun. Circuit f. _j:"_ _____ _ E. L. Stokes. 1 ColumbiaCircuit_ _ __ (._ .:~------ J. S. Collier. 2 Ln.ke City __ _ ___ __ :: ___ :. __________ F. Pixton. 2

Lake Butler . ____ Supplied by .J. W. Austin. 1 M('Clenny __ ··---·. ,_ ---~!-- -:-' ____ Oliver Faus. 3 Starke ···-··-· ·-------- M. H.Outland. 1 --Waldo . --,-- --·-;----- ___ W.F. Shoemaker. 1 Melrose .. ______ _ ____ 'r .. J. Phillips. 2

Gainesville District.

I:-S.- PA'.P'l'ERSON, P. E. 2. :?>. a. l ' .

Gflinesville and Paradise . _________ W. J. Carpente1-. 2 Bronson -----~-------- __ C. W. Inman. 1 Rochelle _____________ .. __________ E, F. Steinmeyer. 1-Citra _ _ _ ___ /_ _ ___ _ : _. ________ ____ 'I'. G. Lang. 1 Micanopy _________ •.. ; ____ L _________ H. S. Miller. l Williston Circuit. _____ •. _______ _. ____ J, L. Patillo. 1 Ocala _ _ . __ ~ _ _ ___ ~ ___ . ______ H. Du till. 2 Cotton plant Circuit ___________ ~ ________ B. T. Rape. 1 -Wildwood ___________________________ J. Crandell. 1 ·-

Anthony Circuit .. - - - -- -- : --~-------- T. R. Sistrunk. 2-Reddick Mission __ ·---- _________ J. R. D. McRea. 1 Inverness Circuit ___ _ )t _____ , ____ . ___ 'r. C. Bradford. 1 We bste1· Circuit __ _____ (I!~ _____ -'I'- S. Armistead. J Bushnell Circuit . ___ ~!L:t_}_ •- _,_ t _ ~ ________ "'P; -J. Euans: 1 Brooksville Mission ~ __ . _ _ __________ . W. B. Tresca. 1 Hernando Mission . _ . _,. ___ .

1 .• ______ .. R. P. Blocker. 1- ·

.Leesburg ________ ';:-__ .... ___ . . : .• _______ D, A. Cole. l Lady Lake ____ _t ________ ·~---·--- - ------ •T. L. Jones: 1 Umatilla ____________________________ _ R, J. Wells. 1-Interlachen Mission . ___ . Supplied by R. N. Sanders. 1 Judson _______________ ___ Supplied by J. W. Porter. 1 Editor Florida Christian Advocate ______ L. W. Moore. 1 Conference Col porter ____ _ . ____ .. ___ . R. H. Barnett. 11 Superintendimt East Florida Seminary ____ .F. Pasco. 2

Page 23:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. B. OltURCU, SOUTU. 21

Jacksonville District.

C. A. FULWOOD, P. E. 3.

Jacksonville, McTyerie Memorial_ ___ R V. Atkis1'EID. 4 v Jacksonville, Riverside __ .. ___________ J, E. Wilspn. 2 Jacksonville, St. Mathews and Mandarin __ ·.

_ . _____ F. L. Church. 2- and one to be supplied Panama Mills ________ "t.! ___ v_ ~ ·_ ·~:,- _____ To be supplied · Fernandina _____ ____ ____

7 ________________ E, F. Ley. 2 -

King's F erry Circuit . ___ /_.-·~· ______ J. T. Coleman. 2 Callahan __ _ __ __________ _______________ W. A. Wi1'Q,. 1 ----Green .Cove and Middleburg ______ . _. ____ . _____ _

_ _ _ _ _ ______ _ To be supplied by W. H. Hae flinger. Moultrie ___________ : - .._ __ ____________ To be supplied

,...J.· • ) • RLH l Palatka ____ f __ ,x~_. __ / _______ J- · __ • • onirnr. 4

FruitlandaudVolusia __ {; __ _ Xt ____ C. H. Summers. 1 DaytouaMissiou _____

1,. _____________ W, A. Mcyert'l. J -

New Smyrna ______ (. _____ : ______ J. N. Weatherfol'd. Sa.nford ________ f..,_c_,_ .• _'_f." ____ c ___ J, F. Bell. 2 Titusville and Cocoa _ _. _ _ _ _ A. M. DrLiger. 2 lh. Pierce and Stuart . _. ',~,._ __ !_ ,·:_• __ '!'\ W. Moore. 1 Sebastian Mission ___ __ ___ Supplied by W. T. Laiue. 1 DeLand _____ ---;.,::r----- · - ----- ______ J, E. Mickler, 2 -MiamL __ ... _____ _ ·q: (J:f!.~~1_"".:" _______ . _ _ .. C. W. White. 1 Biscayne Bay _____ ____ ______ __ _______ J, R. Walker. 1 West Palm Beach ___ ____ __________ o. F. Blackburn. 1 -- • Student atVanderbilt __ __ r- - .-

1 • . _______ ___ L. D. Lowe

;.- "I'~ , . '--'\

Orlando District.


Orlando ____ --~_ {/_· __ _ ·_· - ~ ___ ____ H.-.1£. P1:trtrid~. 1 Apopka __ __ ___ . ___ . , ..... Supplied by J. D. Riniker. 1 Oviedo __ ____ __ ,_ , _ ·_ ~;_c _____ _ . ___ _ E. R. Steinmeyer. 2

K . · d M' · c r f_) " ' F E Sl . 2 iss1mmee an iss10n - / ~ _._: _. _ _ ,. ____ . . npp. Maitlu.nd .. __ . _____ __ __ C? _____ . ___ ____ R. L. Sumuer. 1 -Bartow _. ___ __ . __ _ . ___ . ______ .. ___ __ F. R. Bridges. 2-Mulberry Circuit ___ . ___ .... Supplied by T. E. York. 1 -

Page 24:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Ft. Meade and Homeland . ___ . ___ .. _____ E. J. Hardee. 2 .._ Bowling Green . _______________ . . _. ___ .F. A. Taylor. 1 -Wauchula _ ·-·---- ___ ----~ -------- J. •r. Mitchell. 4 Arcadia ___ . _______ . ___________________ B. F. Mason. 1 -DeSoto Circuit __________ _____________ _ W. H. Funk. 1 Myers l ------ ---- - ____ __ ______ L. W. I~awler. 2 - •

f _ . _ . ____ . . Supernumerary- J. F. Shands Punta. Rassa _. _. _. __ . _ .,. _. ______ .. _ _ __ To be supplied Alva Circuit __ __ )~_· ____ ;_~ _ ___________ M. T. Bell. 1 Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor ______ H. W. Joiner. 1 -Ft. Bassenger . __________ .i ... __________ -A. R. Col. 3 Lakeland and Mission . .. S. Hardin 1 and-.J. 0. Baker -Everglade Mission . ____ _ . ______________ . J. A. Owen. 1 Seminole Mission _____ . _________ To be supplied

Tampa District .

.J., · P. HILBURN.,- P . E . 4. .

'ra.mpa, First Church _____ _ ___ .. ___ . B. K. Thrower. l - · Tampa, Hyde Park ______ ~~~--J. A. Howland. 1 'l'ampa, Tampa Heights . __ .• _..:- _____ . T. W. Tomkies. 1 Se:ffner Circuit . _. . _ . _ :..:r. _ _ _ ... _. ___ J. S. Brook. 2 Port Tampa and Missiou __ (fk~~!!~ ..... D. L. Switzer. 2 1 Alafia _ _ _ _. _. . . __ . _ . _ . ___ . _. ___ _.. ___ . E. H. Giles. 1 Braid en town ._ . . . _____ L _ flV'> _ _. __ .H. Hice. 1 Manatee ___________ --·----'~···-···-· H.B. Frazee .. 2 .Palmetto _________ ~--- ____ ·_, ~-----N.H. Williams. 1

Ellenton and Oak Hill } : : : : ~ : ~-u-~~~i~~- ~~ ~. ii. °J~~·lt~! Sarasota Circuit .. -~_: __ .J._ .. ___ · __ · ____ .. J. R. Taylor. 1 Clear Water Circui~ ___ '~ / P.:1 -. ~ P! -"'-~ . __ W. F. Norton. 1 St. Petersburg _._ 1-. ____ " _. ____ .. ___ ___ .E. J. Gates. 2 Largo Oircu it _ .. _ ~'} . _0

__ -~ ~~ _ . -~A. Smmners. 2 Bhrnton Circuit ._ . .) _ r ~ _ -~ ::-'..~- !". l. __ '":.W. H. Parker. 1 Dade City Circuit ._ ).J __ ;,]: _ -°"!.-. ~ ~- _ .. G.--W, Mite'hell. 2 Plant City . ___ .. __ .A.: ... .Jc _ .. _: __ _ __ . _ .-R..L. Sprinkle. 1 West Tampa Cuban Mission _____ _______ M, DeLefeu. Key Largo .... _. _. _____ . _. __ .. ___ _ W. F. Alexander. 1

Page 25:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Key West, First Charge ____ __________ H. A. Hodges. 1--Key West, Sparks' ChapeL _______ __ _____ __ S. Scott. 1 Key West, Memorial Church. _____ ___ ____ J. Beers. 1 Key West, La Trinidad Cuban Church __ ,!. Barredo. 2 Missionaries to Cuba _____ .I. Barredo, H. W. Baker, E.

Diaz, H. Penny.


S. M. Sewell-to North Georgia Oonference. R. 0. Wier- to North Georgia Conference. G. F. Venable- to North Georgia Conference. J. S. 'I'illey-to St. Louis Conference.

Page 26:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...



Your Board begs to report that it has considered the interests which wai:; before it, and we note with grat­itude the prosperous condition of Emory and Wesleyan Perun.le Colleges. The enrollment of students at the first-named institution amounts to 279, with fourteen professors. 'fhe report of President Dinsmore is full of encouragement, and we rejoice in the work being done there for the higher education of our young men.

One of the pressing needs of Emm-y College is a modern up-to-elate Science Hall. This, we hope, may soon be secured. A generous layman, Capt. J. P. Wil Iiams of Savannah, Ga., has proffered $15,000 for this purpose, provided the churches in the patronizing Con­ferences will raise a like sum. 'fhe North Georgia Conference in its recent session pledged $5,000, and the South Georgia Conference promised at its last session $2,000 toward securing the proffered donation of Capt. Williams. There still remains about $2,000 yet to ba collected in order to obtain the sum promised.

Wesleyan .B'emale College pursues its shining way. The year now closing has been one of great prosperity. Roberts' Hall, the new building, is crowded, and the difficulty now before the trustees of this institution is to find room for those seeking admission therein. The enrollment is greater than ever, and could room be made- as it must be-it would not be difficult to chron­icle an attendance of five hundred pupils.

It is hoped a new building, the equal of Roberts' Hall, may soon be erected at Macon. The need is great,

Page 27:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. l!l. OIJUHOU, sou·rir. 25

but the people of the patronizing Conferences are pros­perous, and their liberality may be depended upon to bring this desired end to consummation.

We commend these institutions- Emory and Wes­leyan- to the consideration A.nd generous patronage of the Methodists of Florida. We wish the best for our children- then let us pA.tronize these time-tried and worthy colleges, as they are prepared to do for us the work needed by our young people.

We were pleased to have with us at this session of our Conference Rev C. E. Dowman, a former member of this body, A.nd now Presidest of Emory College. We assure him a warm welcome whenever he may come among us.

We request the Bishop to appoint Jos. F. Ben, Con­ference Secretary of Education; F. Pasco, Superinten­dent East Florida Seminary; L. D. Lowe and J. I. Til­ley, students at Vanderbilt University.

The following are the assessments for Education for 1902:

Tallahassee District ------ - · ___________ ___ ___ $ 375.00 Live Oak " - -- - -- -- ----- - ---- -------- 325.00 Gainesville '' -- -- ---- - - --- --- -- -- - - - - -- 325.00 ,Jacksonville " __ __ -- -------- - ----------- 325.00 Orlando " ------ - - -- ----- - ---- --- - - - 415 .00 r.rampa " - - - .. --- - -- - - - - -- ---- --- - .. - 460.00

Total__ _______ __ ___ ______ ____ __ __ $2,22.5.00

Respectfully, R. L. HoNIKER, Sec'y.


To the Bishop, Fathers and BretMen oj the PlO'l'ida Annual Gonf m·ence: Your committee was called together this evening at

7 p. m. and was opened with prayer by Brother B. F. Mason, a majority of the committee being present.

The offer made to this Conference by the Southerland Co. having been referred to them for their action; they

Page 28:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

26 FLORIDA. ANNUAL OONFERENOE 1 ---------heard from Brother Evans and Dr. Richardson repre­senting the owners of the hotels and the lands offered by the Southerland Co. and the money offered as a gift to this Conference without conditions. After a full, freP and prayerful consideration, the following resolu­tions werf~ offered and unanimously adopted:

llesofrecl bit, That we recommend the acceptance of the offer made by the Southerland Land Oo.

!Jcl. That a board of trustees be appointed by the Florida Annual Conference be appointed to receive the same.

8d. 'J.llmt the school be opened as soon as possible. 41/t. That the following named brethren be appointed

by the Florida Annual Uonference as the Board of Trus­tees: J . P. Hilburn, I. S. Patterson, R. M. Euans, B. F. Mason. N. A. Hodges, W. M. Poage, W. N. Sheats, R. H. Barnett, L. E. Roberson, N. W. Long, I. S. Gid­dens, W. 0. Richardson, D. W. Stanley and D. H. Cole.


Account 20th Century Fund from December l7, 1900 to December 30, 1901.

Dr. Dec. 17. To amount on hand .. ---------- --· --····--··-- $ Dec. 17. To deeds to lands valued at.---- ·-···-····-·-Dec. 17. To cheok fl'om J. B. Ley, Treas urer _________ _ .Tan. 5. To check from I. 8. Patterson and W. B. Tresca Jan. 10. To cheok from D. H. Oole .. _________ .. ···--·-Jan. 12. To che0k from W. rn. H. MabrY -···---·-··--· Feb. 15. To check from W. B. Tresca .·- · ·--····--·-·­Juty-Dec. 23. To sundry checks J.B. Ley, Treasurer __

296 75 228 00

2,245 14 58 00 50 00 25 00 30 00

200 00

Dec. 30. To total receipts ______________________ ________ $3,133 54

Cr. By postage, etc __________ ·---------- - -----· -·· $ By expenses L. W. Lawler in Conference_. __ _ By check to J. D. Hammond, Gen 'l Board Ed. By check to J. D. Ha=ond, Gen'l Board Ed. By check Lo T . J. Nixon, Treasurer Trustees

Conference College._. __ .. __ ._ . __ ... ____ ... _ By deed to lands valued at ____________ ·--·-·-

42 9 00

606 12 40 10

2,246 90 228 00

Dec. 30, 1901. By total disbursed--- -------····--··---- $3,133 54 J. E. MICKLER,

Treas. Board Ed. Fla. Conference.

Page 29:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. E. cnuncn, SOUTH. 27

Account "Regular Fund" for Year Ending December 31, 1901.

Dr. 1900. Dec. 17. 'ro amount on hand _________ ------------- ·-- $1,741 72 1901. To amount from J.B. Ley, '.rreasurer________ 1,197 76 1901. To amount from sundry notes________________ 107 65 1901. To amount h•orn E . • T. GaLes, 'l'reas. S. S . B'd. 28 00

T ota] ___________ --------------------------- $3,095 13

Ct" 1901. Dec. 17. H.emittecl to T. J. N ixon, Treas. B'cl. 'rrustees $ 650 00 1901. Hernitted to T. J. Nixon, Treas . B'd. Trnstees 1,048 87 1901. H.emitted to T . G. T .... ang fo r minister students_ 275 00 1901. Hemitted to J. D. Hammond, 8ecreta,ry Eel. __ 178 88

TotaL _____________________________________ $2,152 75

Dec. 31. Bala,nce on ha,nd.---------------------------- $ 932 38 J. E. MICKLER, Tre asurer.

Account Fund Education Young Preachers. Matured notes he1d by Treasurer ______________________ $1,500 95 Unmatu1·ed notes --_________ _________________ __________ 775 00


From E. K. Whidden _________ _________________________ $ 47 00

From J. F. BelL ---------- --- ------------------------ 40 65 From J. H . Owen . ____________________ . _. ________ _____ - 25 00

$ 112 65 Amount on hand for ministerial education _________ ___ $ 932 38

J.E. MICKLEH, Treasurer.


Your committee has carefully and respectfully con­-sidered the r"port of the Editor and Publisher of the FLORIDA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, in which he tenders his resignation; and recommends for adoption by the Con­ference the following:

Resolved, That this Conference accepts the resigna-

Page 30:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


tion of Rev . • J. AllClerson, D. D., as Editor and Publi<;her of the PLORIDA CIIRIS'l'IAN ADVOCATE, as tendered in hi:s report; and in so doing express its appr eciation of his earnest and self-~mcr ificiug labors for fourteen years in t he work of the paper; its unshaken confidence in his integrity of purposo and purity of life; and desires to }l:>sure him of its abiding love for him as one of its most honored membtlrs and a brother beloved in the Lor d; and will evor pray for hi s pea.en and welfar e.

H. A. HODGES, Chairman. HENRY E. PMtTRlDmD, Secretary.


We have considered the report of the Book Agents of the Church and notice that there has been a net in · creaRe in tho sales of th e house over last year of $16, 954, and a net gaiu in assets of $37, 426, while the liabilities of the house are only $17,181. The Methodist Review and Epwotth Rra have been published at a loss of $7,696. Whether tbe increased sales are from other periodicals published, or from book Sftles, is not stat ed, nor of what nature is the increase of assets. If these items were more detinitely stated, we could better judge if the hous e were doing the business that might reasonably b e expected of it. It is a matte I' of regret that its business or protits are so diminished, from causes not qefinitely s tated, that no longer is there paid a dividend to our needy Conference claimants. Iu a business amount~ng . to $400, 700, it seems that the profits should be sufficient for all the expenses of the house and a good dividend to said claimants.

The Review is worthy of a larger subscription list; the .Epwo1'th Era should have double or treble its circu ­lation among the young people of the Church; while that most excellent and well-edited religious paper, the Chris­tir.in Advocate, should entflr thousands of homes where it does not, and remove the reproach of being able to "live on its own means by close watching." 'l'hese ends can

Page 31:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

~I. E. Oil UR<"fl, llOUTU.

be reached only by a larger interest being taken by our preachers in their circulation. Only in the dissemina­tion of the best religious literature can we counteract that which is vicious and hurtful: and a first -class Meth­odist paper is essential to build up an intellgeut and sturdy Methodism. We commend these pa,pers to our people. Let us also try to induce them to buy and read some of tho many excelleut books, new and old, issued by our house. In this connection we highly commend tho labors of Hev. R. H. Barnett, out· Conference Oul­porter.

We trust tha,t by J,~nuary 1 ourConfeTence organ will have started out anew on its career of usefulness and blessing, and under new auspices and with new hopes shall receive a lib ral and enthusiastic suppoTt from all our people.

The committee offers the following for adoption: Resolvell, 'l'bat the Conference accopt the proposi­

tion of the Hill Printing Com1mny, of Gainesville, Fla.., for the publishing of the FLOH.IDA UHH.lSTIAN ADNOCATE under tbe terms of the appended coULnLCt :


'I'his memorandum of au agreement, ma.de and en­tered into this December 10, A. D. l\:JOl, by and between the "Hill Pl'inting Company," a corporation organized and existing undei· and by virtue of the laws of the t:ltate of Florida, party hereto of the first part, and the Florida Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, party hereto of the second part; witnesseth, as follows, to-wit:

That for and in consideration of one dollar ($1.00) cash, to each party in hand paid by the other, the re­ceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the addi­tional consideration hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto covenant and agree to and with each other as fol­lows, to-wit:

1st. 'I'hat first party shall be delivered a list of the names of subscribers to the Florida Christian Advo­cate, and shall receive the good will and right to use the name "Florida Christian Advocate."

Page 32:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


2d. That said first party shall pay the edit)r of said Advocate compensation weekly, at the rate of twelve hundred dollars (~il,200) per annum.

3d. 'rhat the editor shall be elected annually by the Conference upon the nomination of the Publishing Com­mittee, and said editor so elected shall be -appointed by the Bishop presiding over the Florida Conference.

4th. 'I'hat there shall be elected annually, by bal­lot, a Publishing Uommittee, consisting of seven mem­bers, four of whom i;;hall be clerical and three lay mem­bers. Stticl committee, when elected, shall nominate an editor for the next ensuing Conference year.

5th. That said committee Rhall be empowered to fill fmy vacancy that may occur in the editorship during int rvals between Conference sessions, with the ap­proval of the Bishop having charge of the Florida Con­ference.

6th. That the subscription price of said Advocate shall be one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per annum, payable in advance. except that the price to all ministers shall be one dollar ($1.00) per annum.

7th. That ministers of the Florida Conference shall be authorized to act as agents for said Advocate. and on all subscriptions taken at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents (~1.GO) per annum, in advance, shall be authorized, in forwarding said subscription, to retain twenty-five cent~(2r1) as commission. In no ciLse shall any agent take subscriptions at less than full rate in order to secure said commission.

8th. That all advertisements inserted in said Ad­vocate shall be of un<>xeeptional character. No adver­tisrmPnt shall be ndmitted that would not be taken by religious publications of the highest class.

llth. If any questions aL'iRe as to the character of advertisements bl'tween the editor and publishers, said questions shall be referred for settlement to the Pub lishing Uumrnittl'(', whose decisions thereon shall be final as tu the difl'Prences a.t issue.

10th. That said Advocate shall be changed in form to a sixteen (Hi) page paper, stitched and cut, eleven and one-half by eighteen (11 Jxl H inches in size, printed in firi:;t-class manner and on first-class paper.

11th. That tliis contract sha.11 continue for a period of six (6) years and :;;hall become operative as soon as

Page 33:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


executed by the first part and by the Publishing Commit­tee of the second p11.rt.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto subscribe their names and affix their seals in duplicate the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of

Resolved, T'hat if, for any unforseen cause, the basis for a contract this day adopted does not result in secur­ing the publication of any Advocate for the Florida Con­ference, th e .Publishing Committee provided for in said contract shall be authorized to arrange as they may be able and shall deem best for the publication of the paper, with the approval of the Bishop having charge of the Florida Conference.

H. A. HODGES, Chairman. H. E. PARTRIDGE, Secretary.

2. 'rhat the Conference rescind its former action in taking money from certain funds for publishing the minutes, and that the sum of $125.00 or more, if needed for this purpose, be added to the assessment for Con­ference expenses, the present year's minutes to be paid for as heretofore.

3. That the Conference proceed to elect a Publish­ing Committee of four preachers and three laymen as mentioned in contract.

4. 'rlut R. H. Barnett be recommended to the Bishop for appointment as Conference Onlporter.


DEAR FATHERS AND BRETHREN:- From the report of the Secretary of the General Board we learn that there was collected on the nineteenth assessment the sum of $67,815.28, being an increase of $2,235.42. Yet this large sum is not sufficient to meet the demands of our growing church. Its rapid development in Cuba, Mexico and Brazil call for much more liberal contribu­tions upon the part of our people.

'l'he Loan Ji1 und of the General Board now amounts to the handsome sum of $191,096.48, which is in con•

Page 34:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


stant use doing the work for which it was contributed. The growth of our Church in this State is· very

encouraging, and your Board has many pressing calls for assistance, which it tries to meet.

'I'ho collections this yenr show a slight incref1se over th last year, the total amount collected being 'Kliti.iu, n.n increase of $;JK.66.

The special collection for McTyerie church, Jack· son ville, amounted in eash and subscriptions to $705.RO, a t1)tal of $1~>72. 50.

'rho following Churches were aided by the Board this year:

Ul'istol, Tallahassee District ________________ .$100 00

Lloyds, " " ---·-- .. ·--- .. --- ii> 00 l\Jadison " " ----------------- 75 00 Bethel, Jacksonville District ____ ____ ____ __ __ 50 00 .McMcckin, Gainesville " -------- ·---- --- -- 100 00

The asse . .,,sments put upon our Conference for next year is $12:'lll, and is apportioned to the Districts as fol· lows :

Tallahassee .. -· .. __ __ ..•. -· ·- _____ . ___ . ____ $ 215 00 Li\•e (1alc . _____ -~ __ .. ___ _ .. ____ .. ________ .. - . li5 00

Jacksonville . _____ .... ------------- .. --- ----- 180 00 Gainesville _ ---------------·- --- ------------ 180 00 Orlando ... -- --- -- _ -- ----- - . _____ .. _ -- __ .. ____ - 220 00 Tampa. - _ - - - . __ - - - . - __ .... __ . __ • _____ .. _ .. __ . _ 280 00

Respectfully submitted, W. J. CARPENTER, Secretary.

SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD. There has been a gutifying increase of interest in

Sunday School work in our Conference. We note the holding of District Conventions and the increasing fund for the observance of Children's Day, and trust the increasing interest will be fostered by our presiding elders alJtl pastors everywhere.

While no communication has come before us in refer­ence to the newly enterprised work of our church un-

Page 35:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. Iii. OUURCH 1 80UTU.

der the supervision of Dr. Hamil, we wish to heartily commend that work. We recommend the formation of Bible Teachers' Study Circles by pastors and superin­tendents of Sunday Schools throughout our Conference for the better equipment of our teachers and for train­ing of new teachers.

Our Sunday School publications are of the best and ought to be used in our schools to the exclusion of union literature so-called.

We are glad to note our increase in the number of our Sunday Schools and pupils. At present there are 278 schools, 1, 788 officers and teachers and 13,474 scholars, being an increase over last year of 12 schools, 84 officers and teachers and 832 scholars.


Balance from last year.· -····---- ------ - ---- -- · -· Appropriated to needy Sunday Schools ........•. $56 35 Fur postage for Secretary ____ ________ ____________ 1 52

Balance divided between Annual Conference 3oard of Education and general Sunday ~chool Board

Received from Children's Day collections, 1901. .. Ten per cent remitted to general S. S. Board ___ _ _ Ten per cent remitted to general Board of Ed ... . .

$116 86

60 87

55 99

$197 00 18 70 18 70

Balance on hand--------·------- -- -·---------- - $159 60 How ARD DU'.!'ILL, Chairman.


To the Bishop and Members of the Florida Annual Confer­ence: We, your Committee on Epworth Leagues, beg to

submit the following: We note with plea~:rnre that the leagues are growing

in numbers and efficiency throughout the connection. We are glad to learn that the "Era" is fast becoming

self-sustaining. We heartily endoTse this paper and commend it to our young people and plead for its wide­spread circulation. We recommend the holding of Dis­trict Conferences and the use, as far as possible, of the

Page 36:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


young people in carrying on 'the works of the league in all its departments. · •· ·

We here express onr a'flpreciation of space given in the Advocate and the efficierit ·work of bur department editor. We urge y'{jtf.t· pastors to organize leagues in all the charges, as far as possible. Reports to this Con­ference show~ putnber of leagues 96, and number of members 2,632 'in the Conference, an increase of ---· over last year. J. A. HENDRY, for Committee.


Your committee feels it necessary to enumerate the many and various evils which can be traced directly, or indirectly, to the liquor system as legalized and in prac­tice in our land. 'rhese evils are patent to us all. But it would call attention to the power of the Church and urge it to use this power in meeting and resisting this evil in every practicable way. It would suggest that the individual Christian consider prayerfully his own responsibility and that he use his influence at all times against the evil by guarding the ground well whipp has already been won for temperance, an:i that he persist­ently meet the invasions of the foe and keep him from the many counties which have been secured from his grasp. Also it would urge that, in the Epworth Leagues and Sabbath Schools, the lessons upon this vitally im­portant subject be taught with special influence; that the youths and children of the Church may be thorough­ly strengthened against the evil, and would further ad­vise that, as far as possible, the pastors use the unfer­mented juice of the grape at tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; and that by example in our homes, by the preached word from our pulpits, earnest prayers from our closets and firesides and the public ba.llot at the polls, we do all we can to banish this evil from our be­loved hmd. We further recommend that a committee of two clerical and one lay members of this body be ap-

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M. JI. OtrURon, llOUTH. 85

pointed to co-operate with other organized bodies of the State in the work of temperance reform..

R. V. ATKISSON, Chairman.


The subject given to your comt;iiittee is one of ".ital imp01·tance, therefore we cannot afford to make any compromise of the subject. The Sabbath was given for a day of rest and wo1·ship, sanct~fied and blessed by the giver, coming to us with a strong injunction, "R.e­membei· the Sabbath day to keep it holy."

This command is as binding as any of the ten, and if we would have long life and possess the land of prom­ise, we must keep our hands clean from the violations of this law.

· We hope the time will come when every business man will claim for himself this rest day, which is so essential to true success and hfLppiness. We should discourage the opening and reading of business letters on the Sabbath day, as well as the selling of goods and the running of trains.

We note with pleasure the work and success of the Sunday League of America, the largest and strongest organization in the world, with one hundred and seventy­fi.ve thousand members, a.nd about five million adherents. We not only wish them success, but promise to do all in our power to help on the good work. They have dis­tributed over five million leaflets on Sunday Reform this y13ar; but notwithst11nding the reform done by this league and the pulpits, yet there is room for increased efforts on the part of the Church, for in the rush of business and the love of pleasure many of our people are led to violate the Sabbath law. Let us preachers and delegates do all in our power to induce our people to keep the Sabbath clay holy.


R. J. W EJ.T_,s,


Page 38:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...



'I'he treasurer of the American Bible Society very aptly puts the question: Is it not the chief duty of the Church and every indiviJual Christian to promote the spread of the Holy Scriptures, to the knowledge of whiclrwe owe our own salvation? And your committee desires, on this occasion, to emphasize as sharply as possible this question, and thus by divine grace to stir up the pure minds and lay upon the hearts and con­sciences of our preachers and people this great work. its needs and its opportunities.

For nearly one hundred years this mighty agency for good bas been sending out to the people of earth great and ever-increasing stores of the bread of life, the pure word of God, without notes and without comment.· And its sphere of operations and consequent blessings continues to widen as the years go by. We note not -0nly with satisfaction, but with devout thankfulness, the fact that during the past year there has been an increase in the work of distribution of about 150.000 volumes over the year previous, and that it now requires from ten to twelve millions of copies per annum to supply the demand for the blessed book. "Who can estimate the 1·esults to liberty of thought, higher national ideals, truer conceptions of the divine nature n,nd the richer ex­periences of spiritual life growing out of this vast seed­sowingl' What will the harvest be?"

It is a matter which calls for the profoundest grati­tude to God that the prayer of the Uhurch for an "open door" is answered, and well-nigh all outward barriers to thh~ introduction and spread of the Holy Scriptures are now removed.

We also rejoice in the fact that these scriptures are now published in about four hundred languages and dia­lects, thus immeasurably facilitating the work of the missionary as he enters upon his field of labor.

We beg, before closing this report, to call the atten-

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M, JI. ORUllOII 1 llOUTH. 87

tion of the members of this Conference to the splendid liberality of the American Bible Society in proffering to relieve whatever absolute destitution may be found on our works, without money and without price, and add that the address of its agent for our territory is Rev. Thos. H. Law, D. D., Spartanburg, S. C.

What a debt the world owes! What a debt we owe this great institution! How shall we discharge our part of it? Certainly not by neglecting to bring this matter prominently before our people and their comin~ up to Conference with a "one dollar" contribution from one's own pocket. Therefore, in view of the great importance of this work and our hitherto remissness in the pren1ises we offer the following:

Resolved, That our presiding officer. at every annual . Conference hereafter, be requested to put to each preacher in charge the question: Have you conformed to the requirements of our Book Discipline in regard to the American Bible Society?

T. 0. BRADFORD, Chairman.


Your Committee on Orphanage, submit the follow­ing:

We have in the Home at Macon, thirteen children from Florida. We have raised for orphans, cash, lt193.23. and valuable boxes of clothing, the value we do not know. We would remind the Conference that the needs and opportunity for establishing an orphanage has come, and we therefore ask this Conference to delegate to this committee the right of receiving bids and secur­ing place and property for an orphanage home in the bounds of this Conference. They not to involve the Conference or the property with Clebt.

We appreciatE) the help and sympathy and help of Mission Societie's an·Q. ,Leagues and Sunday Schools and ask their further help in this direction.

·Respe·ctfully submitted, J, A. HENDRY, for Committee.

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Conference H.ecords, beg leave to report: We have examined all the District Conference Rec­

ords l\Dd find Tallahassee H.ecord well kept. Live Oak Record well kept. Jacksonville H.ecord well kept, but roll not complete. Gainesville H.ecord well kept. Or­fando Record well kept, but roll not complete. Tampa Record well kept, but roll not complete.

H.espectfully, E. A. HAR.RISON, Chairman. F. A. TAYLOR, Secretary.

December 14, 1901.


The Committee appointed in the case of n S . Ular­icly as a Committee of Tria,l, do hereby report that we :tincl him guilty as charged, and hereby vote. his expul­sion from the Church and Ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.



Resolvecl, That we hereby acknowledge receipt of a communication from the Presbyterian church ·ou the subject of divorce; and that .

2d. We are in hearty accord w,ith the sentiments therein expressed; and ·

Page 41:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. IL Ol!UHCH 1 SOU T)J. :J!l

3d. That in keeping therewith we memoralize our State Legislature, as follows:


WHEREAS, 'I'he fast Legislature of our State passed a law granting a disolution of the marriage vows on the groul'ld of in~tirable insanity; and ·

WHEREAS, We believe the enactment of this law to be opposed the good of society, and that it sets aside the authoritative teachings of Jesus Christ; therefore

Resolved, 'rhat we-enter our protest against such a law.

Resolvecl al.so. 'I'hat we are opposed to all divorce laws which are not in harmony with the Word of God, and urge the r epeal of the same.


Question 21-What is the number of local preach­ers and members in the several circuits, stations and missions? 20,594.

Question 22-How many infants baptized during the year? 620.

Question 23-How many adults have been bap­tized? 455.

Question 24'-Wlmt is the number of Epworth Leagues? 96.

Question 25-What is the number of Epwort' League members? 1 2,682.

Question 26-What is then umber of Sunday School$? 278 ..

Question 27-Wha,t is. the number· of Sunday School teachers? 1, 788.

Question 28-:-What is .tl;te number of Sunday School scholars? . 13,474.. . . . ·

. :Que.st.ion. 29~W.hat, ar.Uo~nt is. n,ecessa:i;y for the, superannuated prea0l;1e:r;s, a,J;l.d the wido;ws . and orphans. Qf pi:eachtn;sf.

Page 42:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


---·----· Question 30- What has been collected on the fore­

going account, and how has it been applied? (See re­port of the Joint Board.)

Question 31- What has been contributed for Mis­sions? Foreign, $3,159.64. Domestic, $2, 709. 79.

Question B2- Whathas been contributed for Church Extension? $866. 70.

Question 33- What has been contributed for the American Bible Society? $157.37.

Question 34- Wl1at has been contributed for pre­siding elders and preachers in charge? Presiding el­ders, $6,698.06. Preachers in charge, $50,954.88.

Question 35- What has been contributed .for the support of bishops? $746.10.

Question 36- What is the number of societies and houses of worship owned by them? Societies, -. Houses of worship, 318.

Question 37- What is the value of houses of wor­ship, and what is the indebtedness thereon? Value, $36,592.30. Indebtedness, $10,124.

Question 38- What is the number · of pastoral char­ges, and the parsonages . owned by them? Pastoral charges, - . Parsonges, 97.

Question 39- What is the V!t.lue of parsonages, and whitt is the amount of indebtedness thereon? Value, ~5, 790. Indebtedness, $4, 630. 45.

Question 40-What is the. number of districts and of district parsonages'? Districts, 6. Parsonages, 5.

Question 41-What is the value of district parson­ages, and what is the amount of indebtedness thereon? Value, $9,000. Indebtedness, $1,09Q.

Question 42-What number of churches have _been damaged or destroyed during the year by fire or storm; and what was· the amount of damage? Number dam-aged, 1. Amount of "damage, ·$27,000. · · ·

Question 43-What are the insurance s'tatistics? In•

Page 43:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. ll. cnunou, SOUTJJ.

surance carried, $65,975. I...1osses sustained; $27,000, Premiums, $843.80. Collections on same, $8,012.

(No report was made as to educational statistics.)


The F'lorida Conference of the M. E. Church, South, in session at Live Oak, Fla., December 12-17, HJOl, re­spectfully memoralizes its General Conference assem­bled at Dallas, Texas, May, 1902, as follows:

First-That, whereas, the Senate of the United States has deelared that our war claim of $288.000 was obtained by the use of deceptive methods on the part of our agents, and whereas a great scandal has grown out

\ of the same,· that has caused our church to suffer and greatly disturbed her peace; therefore it is our godly judgment that the General Conference should return the whole amount of said claim to the Senate, thereby satisfying the conscience of our beloved church, by vin­dicating her honor and integrity, in settling right that which can never be settled in any other way.

Second-That, whereas, it is the mature conviction of this Conference that the order of deaconesses is both apostalic in origin and character and that its reinstitu­tion in our church will be productive 'of untold good in the addition of another strong arm of service to our al­ready well equipped and splendidly organized system; we therefore r equest the General Conference to enact a law that will make available for high and holy achieve" ment the latent but potential forces of thousands of our consecrated women.

'l'hird-That measures be taken that will make our Conference claimants fund connectional in its scope, so that the distribution may be made more equitable, thus aiding the weaker and niore burdened conferencei;;.

Fourth-It is further the sense of this Conference that as far as practicable that all of our connectional

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9rgans be consolidated, thus savitig, a useless) expendi-ture of men and money. "

Fifth- We recommend, that in a way that may be for the glory of God, the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society and the Woman's Home Mission Society. be united.





From J. B. Ley, Conference Treasurer ....... $3872 90 From Barbee and Smith, Colvin Fund_______ __ 15 00 Amount on hand from last year for Conference

expenses __ _______ ------------------------ 36 97--$3,924, 57 Amount received from J. B. Ley, stated above to be credited

to various funds as follows: Conference Claimants.-------------·------------~-------$2,622 97 Bishops Fund ____ ___ ------- _____ ------- _________ ._.---- 739 07 P. & L. Institutes---- ----- ------------- -------- -------- 122 57 Delegates General Conference. __ - : . . _ - . _____ . -- ___ - - - -- 121 68 Annual Conference expenses. ·---~-c, __ ·_:~-·--------------- 109 23 Bible cause---------·------------- "c·------------------- 157 38


Amounts paid Conference Claimants _________ $2,501 45 Check to Barbee & Smith for Bishops________ 739 07 Check to Barbee& Smith delegate general Cont. 121 68 CheckT. H. Law Bible cause---------------- 157' 38

P. & L. lniititute ---------- 122 57 'l'o J. P. DePass, Annual Conference expenses 145 90 For publishing minutes·----------- ------- --- 40 00 Incidentals- -- ------------------------------ 3 75--33,831 80

Balance on hand---····----------- ------- i 92 77 The following amounts were appropriated to the C.Qnference

Claimaat1: Mrs. Mary A. Blake .. '.--.---~-----------·---------------•· ~v·. J. D; Rodgers._----- ____ . ____ •• _~ ______ . ___ . ______ _

To Mr. Benjambl for-Mills. T. W. Cooper .••••••••••. ~~--Mrs. Wm. Scott.----------.---~---------·, ---~·----~------:-

150 oo -80 00 11 '5 25.,00

Page 45:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Mrs. L.B. Robinson ________________________ ___________ _ Mrs. A. E. Munden ____________________________________ _ Mrs. C. E. Pelot _______________________________________ _ Mrs. T. Taylor .. -- _____________________________________ _

Mrs. J.M. Stokes·----------------- ---- ----- --- --------­Mrs. Geo. Leavell------------------------ - -- ---- ------­Mrs. 0. Eady . ..IO----·-·------------ --------- ------------Mrs. Wm. Davis .. -------- _____________________________ _

Mrs. W. J, Morris---------·---·-------------- -------- -Mrs. R. M. Tydings-- ----------------------- -------- --Mrs. T. H. Capers ------- ------ ------ ------------ ------


50 00 100 00 40 00 70 00 70 00

100 00 60 00 80 00 40 00 70 00 90 00

Mrs. S. A. McCook ____ --- - ------ _______ ___ ------- - ____ : 150 00 200 00 100 00

Rev. J.C. Ley _____________ .----------------------------Rev. E. J. Holmes. ___ __ -- -- .. -- .. ____ ----- ________ . ___ _ Mrs. A. A. Barnett.._--------·----------'-- _________ __ _ _ Mrs. J.C. So.le _________ ·-- -----··----------------------Mrs. T. Bish9p - - . - -. -- - - - - - - - -- - - . - - - -: - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -Account of Mrs. Sweat .. ---------- _____ _____ ___________ _ Mrs. M. Williams . ____ ___________ -------- ______ ------- -Rev. T. J. Wa.ters. __ ----- __ -- ---- ____ .. ,. .. _______ . ___ _ Rev. E. Wilson .. ______ ------- _____ ---- ___________ .. ___ _

Mrs. S. E. Booth--------------- ------ ----------- _____ _ Mrs. U.S. Bird----- -----------------------------------Children of R. Martin------------------------- ---------Mrs. W. S. Richa.l'dson. ______ ••. _ ..•.. _. ___ ...... _ --·-Mrs. E. F. Taylor. _______ ·_ •. ____ ...•. ____ . ___________ •• _

Rev. J. S. Barnett--------------------------------------Children R. Stock .. __________ ------ __ --- __________ -----

.Rev. E. I. Gates ._. ____ - ___ - . ___ . _____________ . ________ _

Mrs. W. C. Collins.-.-------------- ----------------- ----


c. c. Talla.hassess District .. ___ . ____ .• ________ ._ .. $ 513 00 Live Oak District ..•. ------ ---- -----------··_ 474 00 Gainesville District. : ..•..• ·-··------------ 655 00 Jacksonville District.-:-: ••• ----. -- - - - .• -----. - 555 00 Orlando District. --- _ - ---------- --- - - -- --- __ 580 00 Tampa District. -- --- __ -- -- ---- -- . - - - -.•.• - __ 750 00

93,527 00

00 00 12.5 00 100 00 100 00

35 00 35 00

150 00 50 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 40 00

100 00 25 00 50 00 25 00

92,501 45

Bishops •150 00

140 00 160 00 1'70 00 1'70 00 no oo

U,000 00

P. & L. Cont. E:a:. Tallaha.18"· Distriot ••••••• ~-·---------------l 33 00 • 40 00 Live Oalt District .•.....•..•• ~- •••.•• ""'""""" 2.7 00 36 00

Page 46:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Gainesville District __________________________ 35 00 40 00

J a.oksonville District. __ - _ - _. _____ - - - -- -- - - _ _ 30 00 55 00 Orlando District-- -------------- -- ------ ----- 35 00 45 00 Tampa District ·----·------- - --------·------- 40 00 60 00

$200 00 $275 00 R espectfully submitted,

w. M. POAGE, Chairman . . Fmm. PJXTON, Secretary.


Resolved, 'rhat the Board of Missions is requested to advance seventy dollars to the Editor of the Minutes to be used, together with funds on band, in paying for the publication of the minutes.

2nd. 'rhat the preachers be requested to take up a collection on their charges within the first month of the new confer ence year for the publication of the minutes.

81·d. That said fund so collected shall be remitted to Rev. F. Pasco, Secretary of Florida Conference, and shall be by him prorated among and paid to the several Conference Boards making appropriations to the min­ute publication fund, in the percentage they sustain to each other. H. H. SASNETT.

C. W. WHrrE.


Resolved, That we acknowledge with due apprec~a­tion the cordial manner of our rece~on, and the very kind hospitality we have received at the hands of the people of Live Oak.

2nd. That we acknowledge the courtesy shown us by our sister churches in the use of their houses of worship for committee work and for their pulpits on the Sabbath.

3rd. To the railway systems for reduced transpor­tation rates to and from conference, and to the bank at Live Oak for courtesies shown; ·

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4th. That we thank J.P. DePass, the pastor of our church at Live Oak, for the many courtesies shown us during the conference session.



Dr. to receipts as follows: Direct from charge ___ ___________ ____ ____ __ $12,930 46

Anniversary Missionary Collection._______ 18 03 T. W. Tomkies to cover deficit on Misson'y 12.5 47 Collection from Odando Dist., special call

at Conf. for McTyeire Church, Jackson­ville, and cTedited to "Church Extension Special"- - -- --- - . .. --- ---- - ---- -- ---- - -- 83 20- $13,157 16

Cr. By amount to Bishop's Fund ______ _____ ___ $

By amount to Oonfe1·ence Cla.ima.nts . _ .. __ _ By a.mount to Foreign Missions __ ____ ·-- - -By amount to Domestic Missions ____ __ ___ _ By amount to S. S. Spec'l Dom. Dissivns. By amount to Church E:xtension Asst. ___ _ _ By amount to Church Extension Special for

Jackson ville . . _ - -.. - __ - . -- - - - - - - - - -- . - • . -

739 17 2,622 97 3,230 91 2.779 52

416 17 866 70

121 9.5 By a.mount to education assessment . . __ ___ 1,202 86 By a.mount to education special Soochow

University : ___ __ __ ___ ·- ----- - ------ - - --- - 60 00 By amount to education P. & L. Inst.itutes 122 57 By amount to education 20th Cent. special. 363 65 By amount to Children's Day__ __ ___ ______ 197 59 By amount to Bible cause-- - -- - - -- - ------- 157 38 By a.mount to General Conference delegates 121 68 By amount to Annual Conference expenses 109 23 By amount to Cuba special. ---- ----------- 72 00 By amount to South Georgia. 01•phana.ge. . 70 66 Ry amount to Chinese famine sufferers... . 2 15- 1813,157 16

NOTE.-Tampa. District reports a deficit on missionary col­lections of $41.88 which the presiding elder, Rev. J. P. Hilburn, affirms is providecl for and will be pa.id.

J. £3. LEY, Tree.surer.


Page 48:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

ll'LORlDA. ANNUAL 00Nll'11REN 011 1


Solvent notes in hand December 15, 1900, amount in the aggregate to .- ---- - - - -- - ------$1,735 00

Madison Co. bonus $200.00 at6percent . . : .. . .. Interest on $11535.10 at 8 per cent-- ---------- --Interest on L. Jones note .. _ . . -.. .. - . - . . .• - .. . -

Total interest --- -- ---- - --- ----- --- - -- - - ... . Exchange on collections .. ..... .. ------ - - -- - -- - 1B 25 Collection on tax certificates . . .. ------- - -- --- - - 2 50 Money order and postage .. . ------- ------- - - - -- 10 To W. K. Zewadski legal service .. ______ ____ __ 5 00 Interest due on C. T. 'at·ol's note_____ __ __ ____ 4 00 Incidental expenses .. . .... -- - - --- - -- - - -- - ·- ···· 6 00 , ,

12 00 122 80

21 00

$161 80·

$ 17 85

Interest to disburse ... . .. .. .. ... --- -- - -------- - $143 95 Donated to Rev. J. Anderson --·---- ------ -- --$ 40 00 Donated to Rev. R. C. Ley ... ·------ - - - ------- 40 00 Donated to Mrs. Bishop and children . . .. ..... 40 00 Donated to Mrs. Stokes . . . . . . -- -- . ---- .. __ .. . 15 00 Retained for incidental expenses . .... _.. . ... . . 8 95 $143 95.

H. W. LoNG, Treasure1·.

(Extract from the report of the Board of Trustees of the Florida Conference College, which follow a recital of the conditions which made it inexpedient to try long­er to operate the college in Leesburg, without such release of the property as would be recognized by the donors.)

A committee was appointed by the Board to secure from the original donors a recognized release of their claims, or failing in this, to socure an equitable settle­ment. Said committee met the original donors at a called meeting on tho evening of May 29th and morning of May 30th, 1901, and submitted the following prop­ositions:

1. 'I'o continue our work for another year, and longer if the conditions justified, on condition that an acknowledged absolute release of the contract should be

Page 49:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M . E. OIIUROJI, 80UT!i, 47

given- the college faculty having'lbeen elected with this understanding. This they declined. '1 ·'

The committee then req·uested their terms of set­tlement. 'I'hey replied they had 'no proposit~otls 11Jo sub~ mit, but would consider further propositions from the committee. Our committee then proposed= · ·

2. 'ro surrender to the donors the real estate, in­cluding buildings, in settlement in full. This they res­pectfully declined.

3. A third proposition was then made by our com­mittee to refor the contra.ct a.nd settlement to arbitration upon the following conditions: The trustees to select a man who was not to be a trustee nor a member of the Florida conference; and the donors to select one not to be a donor nor a citizen of Lake county; these two to select a third subject to like requirements. 'rhis they declined, and in answer to the second and third prop­ositions submitted the following resolution:

1. WrrEREAS, It was the understanding in 1886, aside from any contract, that the conference should establish and provide upon the ground donated, a college properly equipped and furnished of the requi­site grade; and whereas, the conference have never carried out the :first•condition of the gift; and

2. WHEREAS, In the opinion of this meeting, their failure to do so, or·to provide more than a shell of a college, is the all-sufficient reason for the want of suc­cess attending the college:

"Now, it is the sense of this meeting, representing all of the original donors present, to reloa,so tho con­ditions of the gift within one year after the conference shall have provided and operated at Leesburg a college with equipments adequate for the accommodation of a number of students, sufficient for the maintenance and well-being of a college of the required grade; tho scale and expenses of such equipment and provision to be subject of future negotiations between duly accredited representives of the college and donors.


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3. That this meeting, having put on record their willingness to release the conditions of the gift upon the conference, doing their part in good faith and to meet the conference in any reasonable manner to ena­ble them to do their part, and seeing no ground for arbitration of a contract which is plain in its terms, re~ lies upon the contract, and calls u:pon the conference to do their part."

Our committee then submitted their fourth and final propo~ition, to surrender all of our college prop­erty, including real estate, buildings, furnishing, library and apparatus in full settlement of all claims. '!'his they declined.

F'rom the foregoing facts it is plain that the original donors represented in the called meeting, avow that we have failed to maintain a college according to the origi­nal contract, and their offer to grant a release demands more than the original contract, and would require upon the part of the Uonference a greater outlay of funds than we have been able to make during the fourteen years past. As the original donors claim that we have not complied with the contract, notwithstanding the fact that we have expended all that they invested and a much larger sum raised by the church in founding and maintaining the institution, and as our.Board of Educa­tion has listed us as a college, and the charter under which we operate so grades us, and the curriculum taught in the sch1Jol so fixes us, and as the work done has vindicated this claim, we conclude that it is impos­sible to maintain a school that will meet the demands of the original donors. 'l'hey having refused all the prop­erty in vested by them and us in settlement of their claims, should our church make further in vestment, and any cause or causes prevent the continuance of our work in Leesburg, we would be confronted with the un­avoidable loss of all our property and still the donors would prosecute their claims against us.

In view of the above we have discontinued the work

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of the Florida Conference College in Leesburg. REPORT NUNBER 2.

M1·. Preaident and Brethren : WHERE.AS, The Sutherland Land and Improvement

Company and the citizens of Sutherland and vicinity in Hillsborough county are desirous of having an educa­tional institution among them, and

WHERE.AS, They offer to this body certain valuable property considerations including concessions on ele­gant and commodious buildings, five thousand dollars in cash and four hundred and forty acres of valuable land for two thousand dollars; therefore, be it

Resolved, 'l'hat this Conference accept the same and ·make provision for the transfer of property.

Respectfully submitted. A. E. HOUSEHOLDER, President, EDWIN F. LEY, Secretary.

Live Oak, December 14, 1901.

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Tn mtmoriam. MRS. MARY JANE w ATERS, the daughter of

Rev. DfLndridge C. and Susan J. Walton, was born in Barren county, Kentucky, September 25, 1836; was married to Rev. John T. Waters in 1860, and departed this life at Viola, 'rennessee, March 20. 1901.

Our sainted sister was of Methodist lineage: her father and one grandfather, nine uncles and cousins being ministers of our Lord in the Metho­dist Episcopal Church, South. Giving her heart to God in her fifteenth year, she adorned her profes­sion by a godly walk and a pious conversation. Fittfld by heredity and early associations, there was a meetness in the life of a minister's wife which she entered and sustained with honor and blessing for over forty years. Four children were born to bless the married life of Mrs. Waters­three of whom preceded her to the world on high­the fourth, a son, lives to illustrate the example and precepts taught by his Christian mother.

One who knew her well, writes: ''In all her church relations Sister Waters was faithful; her walk was consistent; her experience was genuine and satisfactory, and her death a triumph."

And it is ever thus! They who walk with God know nothing of defeat. Even in the final con­flict they are more than conquerors. The power which sustains the soul in life is never missing when the end is nigh. In holy confidence tho saints of our Lord await His coming, and in blessed antic­ipation of the glory that shall be revealed have naught to do but breathe their lives out on His bosom.

Our honored friend and brother-a superan­nuate of our conference-is beyond doubt a lonely man, but heaven has unfailing joys for those who sorrow here, and in the hope of a blissful reunion, he awaits the summons which is to call him to his home in the cloudless empire of the saints.

It,or the Committee, R. L. HONIKER.

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Tn mtmoriam. Mrs. Lilian 'I'. Wilson, eldest daughter of Rev.

Sylvanus and Anna I . 'l'ownsend, of the Baltimore Conference, was born April 9, 1863; married J. Edgar Wilson, October 16, 1883; transferred to Florida in April, 1901, and was translated to her heavenly home from Jacksonville, November 13, 1901.

Mr!>. Wilson had long suffered from that insid­ious and dreaded disease-consumption- and it was hoped that a milder climate might pr0long her life even if recovery could not be expected in her case. But the disease was su deeply seated it was soon seen that this hope was vain. Quietly, as sinks the light of day, her pure spirit winged its flight to the eloudless realms of life.

Coming to us a stranger, she soon endeared her.self to the people of Riverside among whom she dwelt, and the patience and gentleness she dis­played in her last illness made luminous the grace which cheered her passage through the valley and shadow of death.

Her husband and her four boys are indeed be­reft by this dispensation, but it is· comforting to believe that she rests in a world where sickness and sorrow, pain and death, are felt and feared no more. For her blooms the amaranth; we, alas, must mar the asphodel!


For the Committee.

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Page 57:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


'I'"ll"h"ssee_ ---- ---- _____________ _ Live Ol>k ______ . __________________ _ Go.lnesvUle. ___ ---- ______ ----- ____ _ Jaclrnunvllle ____ ---- ---- ______ ----Orlttndo ----- ____ --·- ---- ---·------'l'ampo. -------- ---- -- ---- ---- ------

STATISTICAL TABLE NO. L - Reoapitulatlon.


3002 :1708 188 a:1211 a:12s 141 2988 2985 17 4 2701! 2478 263 287~ 26!15 198 4fi.58 3971 454

llJ.l 2.'>4 60 180 :l0'7 4H 200 400 61 a12 aaa 1H 2:~2 242 73 308 aso 200

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1~700000 l!-1400 00 222 50 27000 00 !!000 00

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---- -·---

Page 58:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


PrP..,.iding Prone her F.lcl!! _ In Oh><rirc 1 Bi,hops l'onrcrcnce - Forcli.rn Domestic Ohur,·i1 ~XllCllSCS or

Delegates to U-eneral Con­ference


___ Clnlmu_'=1.ts Ml8"lons ___ ll-Q."-slous __ l~xLenslon

Pu id Paid

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12 llll • • •• 18 <Kl fo !Kl ................. ·- 1.

.• . - 170 00, I !XII. ---1- -1---'--1:m •! '>I* '!2~ !\tl *lfl)I) Olli* ·!:1 11 $

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Page 59:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Oonrerence Foreign L>nmestll! Oht11·ch

--'""'m'""I '1""°""; -M""'""" •''"""""

~ I ~ 'g 'E ~ :9 I & ~ rd ~ ~ &! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Presiding 1Jre,1cher Bider In Oimr1te

NAME OF CHARGE. 'd 'd 'd 1)J 1)J 1)J U) ;i; 12 U) ,,, 1)J 'd 1') 'd I)) 'd <ll !:! r. "' ·;; ·; J. ·a < p.. -11 p.. < p..

Blsbops Edncatiou g I :,... .Wxpcusc o r1 'Qj s.~ " Dclcl(utcs to. ...

o" :0 U enoral Con-~c :il~ i:Q _!~1·~1~- u:

:r. g$ \ .u:i::: P;., ., "'~ " i:o., l:lO Cll)J " ~-~·s ~·~ 'j:;"t) 'd :0 ~~~ I)) 0 Q) 0 c~ SUI ij) ' "" ~ ..

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-11 p.. 0 --.,----'----'----GAINESVI[.T.E DIS'.CRIC'.C. I 2·.> ._,,),. I I I I I I I I

Ga.tnesvllle __________ ____ ______ $ 15500 $ JG5oo.* 11001J0$ JJ1J01x1$ _ ... , 22·10$ 7800$ 8110.11< 0700$ 9785$ 8:!85$ ~J<>;$ 2a1>0$ :ia'81 $ :Woo$ :111:11$ 11:iri;l\:t;o110 $ ·11 2$ :100$ ______ ~ 4U8$ 21'188!! BronRon _______________________ l~l 00 4R 1:1 f>OO (X) ·lll5 12 H ~;1 8;);; 2R 00 2!l oo, :1.\ 1\1) 3\ 001 :JI 00 :ll CM) 8 70 8 00, 1:1 3;,I 1:1 (JO 21 00 J3•! 18 -------- I ·•; l 20 ~ 40 1•10 18 Rochelle______________________ 60 (JO 51 20 .J(\O 00 •115 80 8 :!.'i ·I 2.; 20 on H 2:; :lll ((I i11 Oil ill (l(l 20 Oil 8 7ii 4 50, rn 2,; II 00 ---- --· -------- 8a I 801 75 I()() Sl I Oli Ultra_____ ____ ____________ _____ 81 00 81 (I() /Ji)()()() (J!xl IX) 12 001 4 ()() 43 00 1:3 (I() il:J ()(I IH 011; 4Cl (~I 12 (I() J:l 0-0 1li (1()1• 20 00 Ii IXl 02 [.I lii7 -JO 3 00 I ml 2 ()() JI :w 1071 &I Micanopy Circuit... ... . ...... 5n 00 311 30 52f> !Ml :J07 20 7 :!ii 8 00 27 llO Z7 00 :lil 2:, 3:l !Kl i!O 00 30 00 fl 00 fi !XI 12 00 12 lXl __ ____ 01 00 I 00 I oo' 1 LIO !l.9130 Williston Circuit _______ ------ 50 m iiO oo :l:Ji\ oo :1:J5 oo 7 40 8 oo 2.; no 21 cx1 :I~ oo ~1 00 27 50 ao oo 8 oo 8 oo 12 oo 10 oo o:l wl ;; oo 1 oo :i 001 1 oo 1 oo 100 1 45 Ocala-------------------- ----- 180 {I() 120 00 JI)()() 00 rn1 Ill 18 :),; H ()() 0.1 00 50 ti() 81 Oil 611 i>O 71l tl0 50 00 20 00 lii (Ml :IO 00 ---- -· 20 00 118 (ii; I\ HI I 2;1 !l ()(1 J! 76 20~1\ 28 Cotton Pif1nt; Clrcuil,_________ oo Oil 45 \lo: ·lfiO oo :J:J7 1;; 8 2.; 2 21 28 Bil 1a :Jo aii oo l·J oo a1 oo 12 20 810 ~ 1

002I i:i Hi\ :1 .111 -·------ 12 iO r,o ~ l


1 400

;; ~r; ·!!la 7A Wll<lwoocl -- ----------- -··· ·16 ()() ·IO 001 100 rKJ :m •18 H ()[I I 8 00 J!.j OU 2'1 {)() an tXI :lJ JO 2.) 25 :i:, 00 8 00 n 1'1 00 II 00 70 fin :11170 :l J!.i " 2~1 :n1 J();)3 10

Invel'llefisUircult _____________ 7500 53 11 tiUOOO a9,;;17 I07ii 5:,5 :1110 2320 IUfJO Jiil5 ·JO:!.> J.107 11 50 aoo 112; :150 ________ souo r.oo fO________ 7:la~! AnthonyO!rcult •.. ___________ 75 oo 7n 001 n2il oo 520 OU , woo 11 oo ·10 oo :l'i' on ·JU ou ~; lMJ ·IO oo 40 00 11 oo ii oo 17 001 18 <JO 40 85 o!l iifi 1 <Xl 1 rio' a oof o;, 70 , !l-J;, ~5

Webster Circuit______________ AO oo Ofl :io (i(JO 00 1 f\')2 li1 11 7.; !loo :1.1 t~l au oo ·12 txl •tl oo an 75 a1 oo 10 IO iO oo Iii 75 17 oo 611 oo 5.1 oo ·l il6 1 501

1 50 1 001

.118 1 17 HernandoMls.~lon .__________ 2000 2000. 2MOO, 2-~768' ;1001

_______ IJ ()() _____ ___ H 00 1200 11 50 JI 2.; 32.; ______ . ii<~J _____ -------- -------· -------- no.--------' 2ii32 .11:1 1;o Leesburg _____________________ 8ii00 moo U<XJOO 50000 1200 657 4100 :1000 IJ!iOO ;ooo 1800 •1800 1a oo 700 21100 !000 424UI. ____ ·1 72 iJU ________ J __________ ~au:!ii Interl:i~hen Ml.~sion __________ 2.; oo ~} ool :mo oo l 24,1 0£, ~ liO 2 l\O 1:) ~o 1~ 09 woo I? oo 1:i 1~ . i:i oo 4 l~l ______ _ r, no ________ -------- Ill 7tl 1 :?ll 7;, ~01 17H 001 r11:1 ~~ Newlie1ryMls~10n. ___________ ---- ---- "" UO ------·--- IH 41 .l r.o I 00 I. 1>ll 3 7o 10 !XI "00 l·I 00 0 00 1 00 JOU U 00 ------- '-- ------ 1-------- .10 I 001 oO 47 001 !!JO •It Oc11!11Ml88IOn --------------·- 30 00, 18 101 :!50 (M) I 187 20 •I 50 I 00 HI 00 I\() 20 tXl f> 00 17 f>ll I\ 00 5 00 _____ ___ 7 00 :1 tlO ·- ----- -------- J 00 70 rm_______ ___ l!l2 fJO Broolrnvllle Oircuit___________ iiO (JO, 25 UO 411() 00 Jfl8 00 7 011 2 OU ~.1 50 l•J 00 82 00 ti Oil 28 00 IS 00 8 00 1 i10 II no I 1\0 ___ ---- ------- I JO --------1 ~I 3 ~:, •1011 -13 Lo.dyL1ikeOircuit ___________ 3ii00 30001 2(K)00 110001 1(~1 1 22; IUOO 800 2110() IOllO 17 20 000 490 2ao 72.• :l:ll) ________ ---- 50 ________ 701 1 7fl 210ll0

Tot111.. ____________________ $111;; oo $102s 1a $ 0140 oo $ 11102 on~ ;;o $ 121 rJO $ 5os 1;; * mi rn lfi 1rn ~5 $ :iii! uo :i: 1>12 ;;;; $ -rn1 o• $;$-;-; * 1i!'ii * 2;:1 oo'* ;;;Jo$ .rn8°7.;:;; 10011 88 $ ai r;o d: 2; rio :11 1-r 51 $ ooili ':ll 15~1!; ORLANDO DlSl'JUCJ'.C. I I I I I

Orilindo __ _______ ______________ $J6tl00$1000(1>\I JUl.Xl(l0 $ llXXJOO $ ~ll0U$ 20(1()>\I !1800$ (18(Xl$ 81 (Kl$ bi(JO$ UUOO>j\ 0000$ 2500$ 1:100'$ 17()()$ 2:l1J0$ 2•00i$12051$_ -----* il001$ 4001$ 100'$ Apopi<;i_______________________ 61 <Xl' :l2 -12 :ltXI 00 217 01 ll OU il 00 ~o OU 10 llO ~I 00 12 011 20 ()() iO :18 8 [)tJ I Ill 14 llO 80 -------- -------- -------- I 001· I()() ----------Umatllltt --------------------- 70 !Ml :lfi oo ·1"0 llO ~;;a oo 7 oo 7 oo :J.I <~l 15 oo 28 oo 1:, lXI 2-J uo 1a 00 Q oo 7 <Xl 17 UtJ 8 oo', _____________ --- ----- 1 oo Joo :Joo Kissimmee_ --------·------·-- oo m no m 700 oo 7!0 (HJ I:! oo 12 oo 40 c~1 40 oo 18 oo ·18 uo ·IO oo 40 110 Iii oo 1a tKl 2R no :!8 oo 21 :11 8:1 iii 5 \lU 2 ool 2 LI01- ----- ----Malth1nd Mission_____________ :J7 :m 37 :m :Joo m :loo oo ti lXl u oo ~o OJ 20 oo ~·I CMJ ~I oo 20 oo 20 oo 8 00 ~<Kl 11 ()() J.J <Kl ' ______ I ------- ________ 1 oo 1 oo \l 40 Bartow----------------------- 1o:i oo wa tJO JCXJO oo IOOO oo lfi llll 15 oo '>7 oo 57 !Ml m 0t1 lil <Xl rio tJO no ou 20 uu 20 oo a:; m ______ I ll8 oo 111 oo -------- 2 oo ---· __ ----------Bartow Mission.____ __ ______ __ sow rn (I(): 2 10 oo 210 m . :1 oo a oo 10 oo 10 oo 12 uu 11 <XI JO llV 15 oo 4 oo .J. oo , :Z; ptiuoJO 11"~,·. 2<




1 --_--_i ___ 7_~·-, 1 ----1 .J-,00.,,o, - ·r·-~-~-1 1 oo 1 001 2 001 Fort Me11dc uncl Homelund . ;,o oo WM 400 tlO ·IO:l oo 7 VO 7 2.; ~11 ou :!ti ov 28 vo :>J OIJ ~·l 00 ~7 OIJ ll uo JU 7<il a I ool l ~"1---- -----BowllngG1·ecn Circuit _______ nO(JO 30201 H~iiOO 27·1:!5 (jl),) HOO ~000 1:/00 :!IVO HOO 2000 1000 suo 100 llJO 1 0() __________ 1 Wauchuhi Mission.___________ 4;; oo •15 lXI 271\ 011 275 oo U uo CJ oo 20 oo 20 tKJ :! I UO ~·I uo 20 00 20 uo 8 ~o B !Mll M &j ~~ l1,3 l\l~ &ii 1 ~~ :~: i\ ~ loo 1 uo ----------Arcaclia. --·-------------- ___ Bfi (IO 8ii ()(I 7i\O 00 71iO OU 15 LIO 15 Ou ~\ r) 00 CXI O~ VO {ii 00 ~ ~ fl() 00 20 lO ~U 00 2 tXI :I 00,----------DeSoto Circuit___ ____________ f>l) CXl' fi() ()() 340 {)() '1a;;:.~ Ooof 7 00 I~ 0000 -· K) 2-1 ()() 2 LIO ~II 000(1 2·1 lKl \I (XI \) 001 17 OJ 17 00 :!O 70 ~:! 20 I()() I lKl 1 llll - 1~'!0 la Myers ______________________ 10000 ICXJOO 7000ll1 v> 1:ltJO a •J7CXl 4700 woo •1700 3.'\(JO !Sou 1800 :Ho.i 1.100 J8lXl' asr~1 100 ~<Kl 100 11r.oo Ortloosali:itcl1ee.............. fiO 00 l\O 00 -100 001 :178 00 7 UO 7 GO :t7 00 6 Oll H~ Ou JO :!fi 2ii OU 7 -10 10 00 n fiO 11) 00 2 f>O -------- ------- !l:l J 00 -------- 310 &1 FortBiisslnger _______________ 50m, !Oll i 2llULIO 11704 :JOO f>O IOUO 200 J~VO ;LIO IUUO -IUO •l(Jll ________ , 7!IO __________ -------------------- JOO _________________ _ PuntaGorclu.&Char.Hu.r. .• (l5(Xll 05(1() 50000 :l21l8ii \)()() ~00 :13()() 3~00 •IUUU 4ZUO 8-100 3500 taou 18ll0 2300 :!:JOO ________________ IUO 1 00 1001----------Lalrnland_____________ ______ 80 l•ll 80 00 070 fMJ, 070 OD 12 00 /2 00 •Ill 00 40 llU 48 VO ·I~ 00 ·IO 00 .JI) 0() Ii> ()I) Iii ()() •I :18 LO 2M W -------- -----·-· ·------- :! VtJ 2 00


._ --------

Chuclmlusi<ee&Stin M1irco. 25 (XI 2ii ool l!iO <Xl IOi\ :lo 2 00 2 00 7 lXI 7 OD 8 UU 8 lJO II OU <loo ll oo 2 ou r; oo 5 oo -----·-- ________ c iitl 1. 00 1 uo 1r. r,ol Lu.i<elo.nd MlsHlon_____________ zo 00 7 Oi> l. ·IO oo N 72 ---- ---- ________ ---- ---- __ ______ --- --- 5 00 ---- ---- 4 oo .••• ---- -------· ---·--- -------- -------- -------- --- ----, ----

lll8! 51 ~n1 s11 -101 00

J.IW 75 525 00

[\107 5 I 210 ~o

IOUI 117 :l71 :10 108 '15

IHt;.1 00 JRI I :l7

10128 50 81 I 00 11s on 1171) ~;; M7 tJO 2H\J HO

n7 82

TotaL ________________ --- $12~·1 80$1()86 18;!\ R8JO 00$ 82118 04 * lfiO ()():$ l4H 2ii~ 518 OU$ ·11)7 ()()$ 01& UJ$ 57i 27>* 590 00~ 471178•$ ~05 00,~ 171 11 '$ :m; ()()$ ~H\l (),'\:j;;J\lO 70$ 000 J!7$ 21 58$ :1'i 00$ 2~ :in'$ 173116 $2iiiiG!l 2:J

'l,AMl?A DISTRI<'i'l1 • .

'l'iimpii-Fir,tOhurch ________ $22llCXl$~~000$ 1500tl0$ 150000$ ~700$ 27<Xlill 9700$ ll700$10000$JUllJO$ ll:IOO$JOOOOI!\ 3000$ :JlltlO:f> tl:itMI~ rnitXJ$ llB00$·10100~ 100 $ 2001*--- _,$ 210ii00$ ;;:l4SOO

---- -,-- ----- ------------------ ---·-·-- ------------ ---,---·----

" Hyde P1irk ----- --·- ---- 80 uo Rtl (Ml 800 lXl ~ J(j 00 \) llU \)Oll i' :Jo tJ1) ~u 00 ;j\) uo l\< (XJ al uo 3,1 00 1:1 OU 1:l 1X1 ~:! llO 2:1 CXl ---- ·--- w;; 211 I uol ''°1 fill---- ----- J'i~O ·18 Serrne1· Oh-cult--------- ------ 'l:i 00 ·Iii <Kl ·ff)/)()() ,l.iU tKJ Cl IX) I){)() 21! 00 20 llO tl~ llU ~! :!8 20 VtJ 20 OU 8 VO 8 oo: I~ 00 I:! I.Ill, w :!.'i -------- Cl vo, I OU Im, _____ ----/ s:;o fi:J Port 'l'ampa & Mission_______ 4;; tlO ' ~7 ;;5 3un cx1 ·!118 1:1 o oo 8 cx1 ~'.! ~ 5 oo, ;i;i ~ JI 7f• ~~ &; 11 11.; 8 w -I lXI 12 uo ~ 1x1 ---- ---- ---- -- A~ 1 ~. 1 ~i----i-i~-io\· 1 ~J~ fill Al11tlti .....•••..... ____________ ~1\ llO f>5 3a ffJO 00 ·l? J uu ~ ~: ~ 'l31 !!l OJ 2! l~ :J' Utl :t; ~I 28 OU 2~ g:i ~~ ~: I({ ~l ~1 g:i ll LIO-------- ------00 I ool I IMJ 1 ()() ~200 00 ~ra.iclentoorn-j--------------- ~~~ g~~J ;;~t~~ ~~1 9? HOO ~~l ~-oo :;;bu ~~uo :WlX~ :'l'lJO ~l'~ llluo 1h~· ;:llll{ nl~---10-iiu 187 200 1001 1001·· __ :::::: lillO!l.'i P~l~1~!~Co- _':~'.'.~:: :.::::::::::: 05 :Xl O~ ~O fi:~I :~ 37t\ :l\l 7 00 5 ool 2:1 00 ~ 115\l :J:! UO ~ 00 ;; 00 ~~~I LI t){J 7 ll01 ~2 Clll ~~!~I ___ '. ____ -·-:;cj-iiiJ 2:\ I tMI f>O ----- ---- llO:! il8 Ellenton&OakHUL _________ flOlXI f\000 50000 rJ()(10o lltKl 3001 :!HOO 5CXJ 2nLIO 15(JO 2.iUll 1500 000 :tOO 1800 :100 _______ --------- 100 J[JO• 6tl0ll0 S11rnsot11______________________ ao cx1. ~o oo: 275 lXI :!82 85 ·I u.i 4 no \~ gg 15 !Ml 15 Ut~ rn UtJ \1 w 1:, CX• r; llll 5 ~o ~ oo ~ 2.; ________ -------- 2 oo too . 1 WI 1~ tJi 1 ~:;3 ~i ~~~~~~~~;~t~·~~~-1~_:::::::::: ~J )~I ~~ ~~ ~~ ~! ~g;; )~ ~ :~ h ~ ~o tJU &i ~ !)~ ~ :!1\ ~~ ~ ~ ~g Ui :t1 ~ 1 ~: ~ l~ ~ 1~ ~~ :::::·:: ,---i»i-4i; --- 2·40 ---- i-iJOI :::: :::: ___ __ ____ J:14;; 21 Ln.rl(OUircult _________________ 65flll o:;(Xl• ntMl()() •18878 BOO 8001 :!11(1() 21100 :J:J()ll :11:l:l l!l)(J() 1100 11001 2000 2om 3;;2; 1!201· 200 100 JOO 1010 77146

~:~an:Clt~ic~~~~.ii:::::::::::: ~~ &i ;;;; &1 ~~ :~ t~ ~: ~ :~ ~:~I ~~ ~ 3~ ~: :\~ :~:1 .:r &; ~~ ~~ n ~~ 1i ~ ---i1 iii1 :g ~ iii l~ -·-17-~5 -- a8 ~:; ---:i·w I~ ------00 ---- '. ~\ ~~ ~ Plant0lty&'l'nmm1Hel1Chts. 85UlJ Mcxl 7rn100 7iiOOO 1100 11ot1 :1100 3-Jl!O l:.!tlU 4700 Hooo IJ<JU 1;qo Jfill0\ 23U11 2:100 uoo 1-1850 27ii ______ ------------·---- 1075:!0 Yb'lr 0. & W. 'l'am. Cub. Miss. 2ii Ull 2:i 00 -- __ 211 !Xl 2 lXI ---- ---- fi {I() ____ ---- Ill UO -------- 8 CJO 17 00 :1 llV ____ ---- 4 <Kl ---- _ __ __ ---- ____ ---- ---- ---- 50 ---- -·-- ;! 50 100 37 KeyL1>rf!O-------------------- 40{1()1 :lii7ii 500-00 :!80 11 Ollll 000, IBCJO 18lXl 20CIU 2lli\ 171)() {i(JOIJ 7(1:1 700 1100 1100 _______ , ______ JllO 100, 100\'-- ---···-- 5:1830 Key West- F'lrr;t Charge____ 13fi Olli l:lfi 2;;1 lliXl 00 \101 25, 17 <JO 17 00 O~ 00 01 tXl U7 llll 1:1 Ull fiH 00 80 OU 21 l)(I :!-J llll •IU 00 •lO 00 10 8:\1 2;; 00 2 (JO I 00 I 00 ---- ---- 17~!1 50

" StmrksOhapeL_ __________ 185 IXl 00 {]() llXlO CXl 741 50 17 00 10 (JO 01 uo 20 w Ou ll<.I JO 00 57 LIO ~I f10 ~.l l)(J 10 ll<.l Ill 00 14 2.; -------- --- - - -------- 1 00 I 00 lKMJ 00 121il! 00 Memorl11!Ch:tpeL.------ :,ooo nHll~ oW()(ll u2011<.l 700 720 JZ,l(Ml 28f>O 271JU 2;;;i1 21 ov 500 1100 fl25I 1100 ii Oil :Hoo 111;;0 200 ______ , -------- ____ . 11 12~1 La 'l'rlnldo.d, Cub1m ______ 20 00 20 00 ___ ____ _ 12 'JO H cx1 a 00 u oo o 001 8 ool 8 !Kl :; oo ____ ____ :l 00 :loo fl oo ___ __ _ _ _ ____ ___ __ _ ___ ____ no fJO I 00 ill .;o

TotaL ____ ------ ---------- $1405 00 $JolrnJ (17 $ 1 rnao ()() * 11:!80 ;.-;; * illO {Xl,$ I/JI 70'$ Ollii (JO if 5Uf> 2n $ 7(i(J 00 $ 7:.\1 fill$ I\ JO (.) $ OH r;:J '11 2.1.~1$ ~I l C\51$ I 15 ool;i! :~-,-;-;; $ :112 :m $1~:17 112'!< :ir. 70 ~ii iJl.l ~ 11 iU $ 2:16:\ 1\l $ :!1167-1 72

Page 60:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

STATISTICAL. TABL.E NO. 2 . - Reoapltulatlon.

°5- ~---- -EXvenses or ~ ·~ "s·!!l ., Delegates to " ~ 0 " :0 General Con- g

&: I:' ~Jl pj rerence !! rn

~lllgzi ~oor:. ~$ o ~ ~.9.!!l ~g "" -~ p"'l "" "' "' "' "' "' "' "" s 12" a·ra ·,;·s "' .g .:;

~ ~ \I;! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ojJl o~ aJl ~ ... ~--· lfJ 'C " "' ~ "" .,; "' ~~ "' ~ "" ., "" ., "" ~ - IS: < \I;! :E ., -l? ~ i:< ·;; i:i ·;; gj "<l ·a · ~ ·;; i:l ·;; ~ ·~ P11ld Paid Paid r. " :l 0 < ,... -i: ii.. < ii.. < ii.. p. ""< ii.. < ii.. ""< ii.. < ii.. 0 E-<



'fallahaH,ec.. •.• ••. • •.• • •• • • $ 1300 00 $117~ 491$ 8•165 {)() $ 1:~10 121$ 160 00 $ IOI! llO $ ·l(!O- U7 $ ~%2 70 ~ 7·!0 001$ 51i2 17$ MO 0011$ ·IOI 8! $ 201\ 00 $ 146 00 $ 420 00 $ 265 n $ 5~8 53 $ a:;-::rn $ 21 18

1$ 24 1i0:$ 2 2.'il$ 2tl01 851$ 18045 91

Live Out, .............. .... . .. . 1118 00 \lO:i It! 84aHKl ll77o 7H1 155 00 \)',! ))5 540 00 :J7·1 •17 filiO 00 :l33 86 500 00 21lll !ill 175 00 98 00 ~ll3 00 122 87 1:i:1 :!2 61 4fi 9 :JO, H2 00 31i 16 122 62! 11 l:l'J 72 ,Jnokso11v1lle ................ .. 117:JOO 110.11:i 057500 11:1nsrJtll 1ooao 10900 .JJ:l 11 :mo;; ii0:!7fi \ '11820 0846;; 12000 101 20 11010 2rn20 t:l02ii 2ll2fi0 1onooo 2;; 11 4175 :JI 7fll ~80491 J71llll08 l·h1lnc,vlllc ................... . 1175 oo 1(12;1 -18 nt woo 7110'~ 60 168 riu 121 co 51l8 7:; -mo 46 740 B.'i1 riM 60 042 55 497 07 18 1 70 122 Rn 27:l 60 tnn 16 438 111 1onn 88 38 r;o 2.; 1iO 17 57 ooo 26 15874 29 Orlitndo .................... ... 1:121 RO 1086 18 11810 00 820:1 0 1 156 00 llll 2ii fi48 Oil 4117 00 0·13 oo , 577 25 580 00 4711 78 2011 00 171 41 :l75 00 239 o:; 800 79 600 27 2-l 581 2ii 00 2·l 25


17:11 10 25569 2:1 'l'amptt .. ............. . . . . .. H\)5 00 HOO 67 llfi:JO 00 ll:ll!O 52 I~ J6l 70 605 00 l\O~ 2fl 760 00 723 M 6<10 001 014 56 ;!.i5 00 21J 6ii "'15 00 :l:il 80 a12 80 12:17 \)~ 85 70 15 50 11 70 2;l6fl rn 29671 72 ----------------- - -------- --------- ----- ---- - - -- -- -- --- ---------

'l'ol"L ........... .. .. .. $7i\11i :!0$61!08 06 $ 5(1,'!r>I 00$ l'i0\lii4 H~ I ~ n:18 80$ 7·J6 I01$:11<~15.~ 1 $:Z02:l ll7 i$-1007 601$:Jlfi0 61$3ii87 20$27(M) 711$1188 \)()$ 8110 70$1\lllii 80$1202 86$20'Z5119$-141 ·171 $ lfi7 :17$ 1912:;1$ 121 08$ 17100 57$118837 9fi 'l'otul L""t Yetll' .. . ... .. ~:! 13 500(1 071 ~~I ~llO ri~ ,~ 0'2 ~ :11 ~'OOH :1.1 ~ii 741 HOUO ()\) 27{\I ~ _a4:l5 ~~I 2:l92 08 ~~ 808 ~ 229'2 9ii 1800 88 ~'1-IO 27 u~:q l2fi ~~ I 346 a~ 2.'<8 12 ~112 ·10 ~ lnerca~e ...... ...... ... $ liOt 20,>! 707 Oil ,~ <lltlfl l!Olli :!11 14 8tl$1i!ll 78$ J6.'i 7u:i\2ii7 ~0 1 $ 4-17 2:J$ ·II iii$ :1!1198$ 102 00\i\1RIU81 $ 5 1 ~0$ fi8 66$ ...... - $ ....... $ .. . . .. $ . ..... . $ :ll 7:J$ •••••• $. . ,$ .. _. ··- $ ....... . DecrenHe ........ ...... . . .. .. . ... . . ........ ~ .. _ ....... ~-=~ .. ·----1- .. ........ ............................ ....... ~=·--~~- -~frl l n n:Jifi2 ~ll·l~H 2:\0~11~ .... . _102~1~~1<1 <lf>1Hl7 :!2 180H

Page 61:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Sta.latloal "I •ble No. 3.



Tallahal!See. .. .•.. ...•.• .. ..• . 45 1 BJ 283 It 76 00 I! 33 r;.; •······· ! ....... e 109 116 Monticello.................... 1 SO 1 19 100 107 oo 88 00 4 04 27 00 176 6l Leon Olroult ..••.•..•.•....•. ... . .•.. 4 Ill lffi 12 00 2 Sli •••••••• 5 00 JU 85 Quincy························ 1 0 I .••. M 311 46 8 ()() •.•..•.• .•..•••• 47 46 Gadsden Circuit.............. •••. ••.. 2 B 75 12 75 ........ ..•..•.. 25 00 87 75 Waukeenah Circuit.......... 1 BO 5 Bl! 140 2li 2li •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• 26 2li MldwayMlsslon •••..•....•••....•••.. 2 6 40 400........ .••..•.. .•••.••• 400 Concord Circuit.............. 1 16 4 16 80 .... ••.. ... . .. .. 3 00 .•.. •••• 3 00 Liberty Mission •... .••• .• .••. 1 20 2 7 40 .•. . .... 2 00 ..•. ··'· 8 60 II 60 Aucllla Circuit. .••. .•. • .• •••. •... .•.. 8 18 llJO 16 oo ... . .. .. ..•.. .. . .•.• .•.• 16 00 Madison •..•...••• ,............ ...• .•.. 2 18 lM 40 oo 7 liO •••• •••• 2 !JO 50 00 Madison Olroult •••. ••• . .• .••. ...• ••.. 2 8 60 5 00 ... . .... .... .... .••• .•.• 5 00 Taylor Mission................ •••• ••.. 1 2 20 .••..............•...... ••... ••• .•.. ••.• Apalachicola................. 1 85 I 14 JOO 35 79 13 82 11 90 18 00 68 51 Carrabelle Mission........... •••• ••.• 8 17 93 11 60 .... .•.. 8 45 .•••.•.• Ill ffi Woodville Mission............ .••• ••.• 4 12 120 00 ..•..... ........ ....•••• 8 00 -- - - - -------------- ---

Total...................... 1 191\ 88 218 1616 $ 372 85 $ lffi 22 I! 16 89 I! 76 10 $ 590 56

Lrvll OAK DISTRICT. Live Oak •••..•••••.••.••.••••.•••••••• Welborn Circuit.............. I 28 Jasper........................ I Bl! White Sprlnll!I •••.•.••••.••••...••••.• Branford Mission............. .•. • •.• Fort White and Hl1rh Sprl'irs .•.•.•.• LaFayette Mlsalon........... 1 16 Newnanav!Ue Circuit ••......•.•.•..• Columbia Circuit •.••......•.......... Lake City..................... 1 88 Lake Butler .•••.•....•....•.......... MoC!enny •..••.••....••...•...•...•.. Starke and LaOrosse........ 1 88 Waldo........................ 2 llO Melrose.................... . .. 2 25 Hamilton Circuit •.••.•....•.•.....••.

1 11 5 28 1 14

' 20 4 16 s 25 2 15 s 18 5 25 1 18 s 11 2 12 2 12 8 18 5 2ll 2 ll

64. 84 85. 16 86 $ 7 Ml··· ·····. 165 8500 4li0 ••••..•••••••••• 120 a.; 02 2a s4 •••••••••••••••• 1411 20 oo 2 oo .••••••• ao 50 1211 2300 •.•.•••• 235 800 242 41! 16 IS illl 0 84 •.•.•.•. 125 18 00 5 10 .••••.•.•••••••• 103 26 00 4 40 3 00 57 00 100 BO 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 100 42 24 2li 16 5 04 12 119 88 1 40 ..............•.•••.•••. 80 .•.. •... 2 00 .•...••.•••••••• 75 40 <JO 8 41 ·--· . ... 17 15

100 45 00 ll r;.; • ••• ..•• II 00 220 311 00 8 30 •••••••••••••••• 45 10 00 2 118 •••• -- ••••••••••

60 79 Bil llO 6ll li8 52 50 33 85 67 81> 28 10 11()40 80 00 811 113

1 45 2 00

48 41 Ml 35 4H 39 12 M

Total. ..................... ll 227 46 267 1897 $ 444 5H 127 09 IB 25 21 I! 130 24 It 720 08

JACKSONVILLE DISTBIOT. Jaoklonvllle-McTylere . .•.. 1 so 1 11 100 It 120 00 $ •..••.• It....... 26 oo • 145 00 " Riverside .••.•...••....•.• 2 88 2 21 172 52 oo 15 00 o 14 .••• •••. 76 14 " St. Matthews &Mandarin 1 48 4 22 2711 115 SO 16 00 •..•.•.. 18 711 150 00

Fernandina................... 2 70 1 12 92 70 BO 15 oo ..•• .••• .••• ••• • 85 so Kinn Ferry Circuit 1 9 2 15 60 16 oo II 00 2 oo .• . • •• .. 22 90 Callahan..................... . .•.. .••. 6 25 125 24 81 9 00 711 4 00 39 06 Green Cove&Mlddlebur11.... •••. ..•. 5 20 142 29 78 ..•..•.. ••••.••. .••••••. 29 78 Moultrie Mission.............. 2 24 2 7 66 13 D5 8 86 5 03 S 16 80 08 Palatka... ... ................. .••• •••. 1 Ill 100 76 87 6 00 2 211 81 28 110 75 Fruitland and Volusia........ ••• . .... 4 20 150 1111 00 2 00 3 00 25 00 65 00 New Smyrna Mission........ .... .•.. 8 18 115 48 17 5 116 6 40 11 00 &I 18 Sanford....................... 2 46 1 7 65 45 75 16 59 8 46 •••••••• 66 80 Oviedo .................. . ..... 1 15 3 18 1311 27 61 10 78 80 2 80 41 90 Tltuavllle and Coooa..... ••.. I 14 8 19 112 86 00 •••• •••. 1 57 •••••••• 87 156 Fort Pierce Circuit.......... •••. •. .. 4 22 · 109 48 20 ••.. •••• ..•.• .•. •••• •••• 48 IC> DeLand:Missl.on............... :: 44 1 II 66 Ill 88 7 87 3 12 17 25 48 67 West Palm Beaob.. .... .. •.•. 1 28 1 10 82 41 46 17 111 •••• •••• ••• ..... fill 11 Bleoa111e Bay :Missl.on.... ••.• •••• ••. . 2 UI 100 ••.••.••••.•.•••.•••••.••••••••••••••••• Miami......................... l 19 1 9 53 41 61 16 24 6 118 •••••••• 64 08 ---------------------Total...................... 17 879 47 2114 IOIU 846 78. 150 56. 44 6118 188 18 •um 11

Page 62:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Statl•tlca I Table No. 3 .-Contlnued.

r; '<l '<l.!!l '<l '<l~ '<l :g ~~ " "0 .,g " " ~_g " SA ~~ :l :l~ r; +' +'.~ >. r; <) Orn <) .0

:5 sd) ,g ,g .,o ""'

.,. ~o ::-;(/)

~hn 0 :::l(/J :::lC :=l c

"'"' fi::::S §,!!l .c 82 00 o" O k ">. NAME OF CHARGE.

~8 ~8 IS'" <) o~ o.8 Q<l OcO (/JO 0:8 (/J ..,<:l +'. +':E ..,:J 8'<l

..... b(o"""4t.6 ... o ,_.<)

0 §§ s:: §o co <§ o" od o.c o" " 3(/J 6~ 6~ 6ci5 ·" O(/J 0 .. Oc "" zE-< 6 8 .. a.e ~o

00 o.9 z z il' z ""1.£ ""1 a ..... E-< <

GAIN ESVILLE D ISTRICT. ~4 1 Gainesvllle ... _________________ 2 60 18 180 $ 75 60 $ 20 2.3 $ ll 40 $ _______ ~ 100 28 Bronson__ __ ______ __________ ___ 1 26 / I 20 205 63 113 2.~ 88 2 rn ------- - 81! 95 ~ftchclle................... ... ~ 75 t 2g I~ n ~ g~ g ~L::::::: ~ ~ M1c':~n-cii>'Yoi1:cuit::::::::::::: ____ :::: ~I 14 1~ 45 oo ________ 2 31 10 50 03 oo m!~i1~t~1'..~~~~~~~::::::::: :::: """ j --25 I I : ~ !all I~~ ,,ll 38 ----8".u :::~:::: 1ili1 ~ Cotton Plt•nt Clreuit ......... ____ ---- 3 18 118 28 Ill ll 36 5 00 8 Sil 52 16 WJldwood ··------------------ 2 fiO 4 2•1 t an 42 85 7 41 7 71i 41 07 98 58 Anthony Circuit .............. a 81 71 40 3

1213(61 88 10 12 00 2 llii -------- 103 10

Inverness Circuit......... .... 2 47 :lj 18 f\6 71i JO 00 6 75 -------- 73 f\O WebsterOh·cuit. ---------- -- 1 29 fi 29 204 46 08 14 12 4 00 10 oo 74 20 Brooksville Circ uit ___________ I 3.5 I 12 115 -------- 7 13 2 l!ii 20 15 85 53 Herm•ndo MJsslon............ J 32 4 21 157 14 37 -------- -------- -------- 14 37 Leesbur1r --------------------- t 25 1 tO 120 3il 76 2.'\ oo 3 13 2.~ Ill! 85 88 fot e rlncllen Mission ...... . ... ____ ---- 3j 12 85 -------- 10 00 -------- 18 00 28 00

~~~r~t.i:r.~~~1~-~:::::::::::: ::::::::---ii ·-i5 ··-·os ----~-oo :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ----1foi Ludy L11ke Circuit. ..•....... ____ ---- 3 12 6.'\ 22 00 1 97 -------- -------- 23 97

'rota!.. ____________________ lll •191 6-1 :ma 2s:l8$ 72:143$ 205 OU oo 27$ 144 60$1137 14

0LtLANDo D ISTRICT. I ~~~~g~ (No-report):: :::::::: __ .'. --~ --- ~ --~~ --. '.'.~ ~- '.~_ '. 3 ~- ~ ~~- '.~ ~--- ~-:><: ~-~~: .:><: ~-~-:><: Um&tfJJa________________ ______ 1 36 5 00 200 40 00 7 00 -------- ------ -- 47 00 Kissimmee------------------- I 36 1 12 107 ll5 00 58 40 -------- -------· 153 40 Maitland Mlsslon............. 1 15 4 15 112 llO 00 6 00 2 00 -------- 88 00 Bartow ·----------------------________ 1 17 168 19 67 16 :m -------- -- ----- - 66 06 B i.rtowMlss!on (No report). --~--------·------------------------------·----------- - -------FortMeadc rmcl Homeland.. 2 59 2 16 13.'\ 43 tH --- ----- -------- ----- -- - 43 04 Bowl!ng Green Ofrcuit__ _____ 1 40 ! IO 130 10 150 4 10 -------- -------- 14 60 Wauchula Mission............ 2 20 3 13 135 26 80 9 20 -------- -------- 36 00 Are11dia ····-----------·-- ___ 2 60 1 121 75 81 Oil 70 00 2 00 8 •10 161 49 D eSoto Circuit ............... 1 18 4 321 216 54 00 9 16 ---·---· 5 00 6.5 16 Mye rs _____________________________ ---- t 12 14\l 45 00 -------- -------- 35 00 80 00 Oo.loosabatchee ......• . ...•.. ____ ____ 4 18.· 148 57 28 20 54 301 ·------- 80 83 FortBassin ll"er .. . •........... ____ ---- I Oi 25 2 75 -------- -------- 80 3 55 Punt11 Gorcl11 & Chc.r. Har. .. 2 75 3 19 170 ---·---- 40 00 -------- 35 00 75 00 Li>kelancl 11nd Misslon. ....... 2 65 2 17 165 80 00 30 00 5 70 -------- 115 70 Ohuclmluskee&SanMnr co .. ••.. ---- 2 7 50 ------- - .•..• .•. -------· -------- ------ --

Total.. .• __ __ ______ ________ 17 479 31l 271 2103 $ 742 86 $ 426 92 $ 17 79 $ 048 20 $1260 43


~'ampa-Flrst Church.... ... . 2 fi6 " Hyde P1irk_ ______ ________ _ 2 50

SelTner Circuit---- --- ------- ---- ---­Port Tnmpa &M!ss!on --·---- J -- --Alu.1la .....•.••.••...•• . ••.. •.. ---- ----Braldentown ------------ ---- - 2 86 Manatee Olrcuit .• . .....•..••. -- -- ---­Palmetto. --·- -------- ---- ---- 2 47 Ellenton & Oak Hill •... . ••..• ---- ••.• Sarasota •.• . .•.••..•••• ..•••..•••.••.. Olearwater Circuit -- ·- -- --- - 2 30 St. Petersburg- --- --- -- ------ 1 54 Lariio Circuit. ............... . 1 20 Blanton Circuit· ------· ---- ·- 1 20 Dade City Clrcult....... . .... 3 27 Plant City & Tampa Heights. 2 70 Ybor C. & W. Tam. Oub. Mias. 2 120 KeyLariro ••••••••.•••••••••••••••• , •• Key West- b'!rst Church... . 2 75

" SparksCbapeL .......... 2 10! " Memorial Chapel.____ ___ _ 1 73 " La Trinidad, Cuban------ 1 2ll

, Total.. ••• • ••••.••••••••••• 27 861

2 30 I 11 5 5 2 11 7 27 l 91 2 Ill 1 6 1 7 8 11 3 15 1 12 4 21 4 IQ 3 IQ 4 85 2 11 3 16 I llO 1 48 1 29 2 9

54 415

280 $ 180 00 $ 67 50 $ 5 00 $ 250 00 $ 502 f\O 120 45 00 37 00 6 Oil ---- .. . . 103 00 138 2866 47'2 700 570 4608

ll8 I 73 2 47 3 52 3 21 9 20 2.~ 35 00 23 00 4 85 ----- --- 02 85 Sil 52 00 17 00 ---- -- -- -- -- ---- 60 00 68 ll'Z 06 JO 38 2 00 4 00 46 44 6.5 20 80 6 72 2 68 --- - ---· 30 20 35 15 00 ·---·--· -------- -------- 15 00 80 12 00 15 00 ---- ---- ---- ---- 27 00

140 44 00 12 <» ---- --- - 4 75 00 79 112 24 00 18 3g 2 00 28 44 72 68 170 31 6S 29 37 8 25 ---- ---- 69 25 100 -- ------ ---- ---· ----·--- -------- -- -- ----130 118 61 21 00 4 55 ---- ---- 60 57 295 128 98 31 64 --- - ---- 86 00 100 62 183 8 50 JS 00 -- -- ·--- 5 87 81 87 64 22 ll7 5 40 -·-- ---- 11 71 40 08

325 150 00 44 S.5 --- -- --- ----- · -- 194 85 350 ------ -- -------- -------- --- - --- - ---- --·· 206 107 53 30 07 14 00 5 00 118 07 91 13 llO --- - --· · ---- ·--- 28 85 42 15

Page 63:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Statlatloal Table No. 3.- Reoapltulatlon.

~I 'g 'al~ , ~ 'al~ 'al~ l:a .g ~~ ~ ~ t)~ "E ~i; tl;c' ~g " ~2~ ~ :~" ~'{;, "'"' ~-., ~o 'C'il ~"' ~::<!,"" <>~ _ oc0 'a§ oe> o... :::irn i:i..,~.,§,!!liEl., o-g c;;] o~ o~ h ~&~g: ~g~~ ~ §~ s~ E0.c:i §o <.:,


ci~ ci~ ci~ ci~ . 8° 8.S s§ a.: '"rJl Z Z Z Z ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~B Od 0<:$


0.ci o=' o 0 ,... Os.. .... 0 ... -;§

'.l.'11lh1hnssee .... -.------------------------ ~-.,.-71 ;~,- -38 1!1~ ,·-- ~~;0 $ :lll2 &5 ii> 105 22 $ 16 311 1 ~ 76 10 ~ - 500 5~ Live Ouk ... ... ..... .. ....... .. ~ 227 46 267 Jllll7 414 117 127 Oil 2.5 21 lllO 24 7'.!0 08 .focksonvllle ...... . . ..... . . ... 17 8711 47 284 2011:1 1146 73 lliO 56 H 0.51 1:111 IH 1175 II Gainesville............ .. ...... 10


41ll M 3.'lll 2.5:l8 727 43 205 61 00 ~'7 i HI 00 I ta7 I J Orlando. . ...... . ....... . ...... 11 •179 39 271 2lll3 742 80 ·126 9:2 17 71 fi48 20, 121KI 4U 'l'ampu .•.. . . .. •. ••..••.• .....• 21 Btll M 415 S:l42 Oil! 07 all5 51 00 M 382 83' 17113 84

Totul.. .... ...... ...•.... 116 20ll2 278 1788 13174 $.J140 41 $1410 IH $ 280 77 $1420 1~ 1 $6677 111 '.l'otol Li.st Ye•n. . .. .... 93 20~0 2001170·f 12642 atHI 22 1527 41! 245 841 1377 !!3

1 61i27 73

Increase .... ..•• ....... . -31- ti 121

fill S:l2$ 505 19 $.. ..... ~------- $ ·12 221

1' 140 4a Decrease ..••. .•.•.•.. . . ..... . ...•.. ..•. '····· ..••.•.. 116 5n rn 07 ·····:~-

Page 64:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


I ~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~N ~~~~~~~ I it is high honor. Highest curricula for young ladies in this section of the South.

SPECIAL AND ELECTIVE COURSES. One of the strongest Music Faculties on the con­

tinent. Art and Elocution teachers that are unsurpassed. Large and beautiful campus. High Elevation.

Proverbially healthy. Magnifieeut buildings. Airy rooms. Steam heat. Hot ancl cold water. Excellent bath rooms. New furniture. StPam laundry. Electric elevator. All conveniences. A quarter of a million dollars invested in buildings and grounds. Rates exceedingly low,· advantages considered.

For catalogue and information, apply to J, W. ROBIERTS, D. D., PRll!!!SIDll!!!NT.


This excellent institution, the joint property of the Geor­gia. and Florida Conferences, has entered upon its SIXTY­T•'ciuRTH YEAH, with a strong Faculty and a large patron­age.

It is located at a most healthful place; its m'.>ral and re-ligious sul'l'ournlings are of the highest order. The sale of

~ liquor is forever shut out of 0xford by the charter of the r.' town, and prohibition in the county.

~). The courses of study in the College are varietl and thor-

oui.rh, and the rates uf boa1·d and tuition exceedingl,v low I for the aclYantages otft'red. 1',ull courses in the English, Latin, Greek, French, German and 8panish languages a1·e ofl'er!>d, as well as thorough inst1·uction in Chemistry,

~ Phvsics. Pure Mathematics, Civil l~ngineering, Biology,

. Politicial B:conomy, Psychology, Ethics, Logic, History, et•· · Pupils admitted at any time. For further informa-

~ tion arlrli·~~ E. DOWMAN, D. D., President, d' ~ Oxford, Ga, ~~~

Page 65:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...
Page 66:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...
Page 67:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Journal and Year Book


Florida Conference,,



Live Oak, Fla., Oecember 12-17, 1901.


Gainesville, Fla. HILL PRINTING CO.


Page 68:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


N_o_. , ___ r_[_,A_o_i_; _ -'-~o-N_v_Jll_N_:_ ___ P 1t-1ilS_·1_n_lll_N_·.r SnomDTARY

I 'l'1>ll ahM;.~ee . F l:1 ... l!'eb . .• l&Jn ... Bishop J. Soule ........... •... . 'l'. C. Bennin g ...•. 2 Monticello, FllL ... lPeb. 0. 18•16 .. . Bis hop J. 0. Andr e w .... . .• .. . P. P. Smith .....• . ll Quincy, l!'la . . .. .. . ,Feb. 10, 18•17 ... Bishop W . Onpers. .... .... . ... " " 4 \.Vn.vnesvlllc, G .. ... Feb . .. 1848 . .. l11shop J. 0. Andrew ........•. fl Alb>1ny, Ga ... .... • fan . a, 1&19 . .. Bishop W. Capers .... .. . ••.... 6 M:idison . F la ... .. ·I Feb. ,. I.s.;o __ Irn L. PotLer .. .......•.... .... 7 'L'homasv ll.le, G:1 .. J an . 2"Z, 18.'H ... Bishop R. Pa in e ....•.... .....• 8 'rallah"ssee, Fla .. ,fa n . 28, 1852 ... Bishop J. 0. Andrew ......... . IJ Quincy, l!'la ...... . :Ti>n. 18.'i3 ... Bishop W. U:ipers .........•.. •

IO'MonLlcello. F la ... Dec . .. 1&53 ... R. H. Ho wren ......•.•........ 11 ~facllson , Flu ...... Dec . .. 18.'i'I. .. Bishop W. Caper s •. ...... . . .. I" B I b 11 G1i Dec 18'-fi 1 S. P. Tlichnrdson ······ · ····· I ' l' N G·i d e ~ a n I' ( i!e , .. . ' . . "' . r l:JiHllOP J. 0. Andre w ..•.. . . r . . . '" r ll r ..•. 13 A ILl i!a.tor. F la ..... Dec. 2-1, 1&56 . . Bishop J. 0. A ndre w .......... P. F. Smith .....• . l•l 'L'hu1m1svllle. Ga . . Dec . .. 18.57 ... Bishop J . Ein·Iv . . .............. " .. lo .facl<sonvllle . .l!'la . Dec. 15. 18.58 ... Bishop J. 0. Andr ew •..•...•. J. C. Ley ........• . IO Micanopy, F l11 .... Dec. 28, 1&59 ... Hlsbop H. H. Kavan£1uirh .... P. I:'. Smith .... 17 ll'[ontlcello, l"lll ... Dec. 12, 1800 ... Bishop G. F. riel'Ce .... ... .. . " " 18 Qnlne.1•. Fla ....... Dec. I~. 1801. .. R!shop G. F. Pie rce ......... . " " 19 'l'all11h11ssee F ill .. Dec. rn, 1 86~ - -. 11 s hop J. 0 Andrew .•.... ... . 20 'l'llomasvllle. G11. . Dec. 16, 180.1 .. . Bishop .J. o. Andrew .......... l!'. A. Bmn c h .. •.. 21 Monticello. l!' la . .. De c. H, 1 86~-- S. P. Riclm rclson . . .. •... ....•. " " 2~ Muctison, Fill ..... Nov. 2ll. 18(i5 . .. Bishop 0 . .I!'. Pie rce ... •...•.. 211 Quincy. l!'lt1 ....... Dec, 1:1. 1866 .. . llis hoP FL N. Mc'l'ye ire ..... . 24 Mu11ticello, Fhi. .. Dec, 6. 18ti7: . Bis hu11 G. F . Pierce •........ . 21\ ,Juc lrno nvill e, Fh1 . J11n. Ill, 186\) __ _ .l:!ls lw p W. M. W ig-hLml\ n ...• 26 Laite Ultl". .1!'111 ... Dec. 20, 1860 . .. BiRho p D. s. Dogg-etL . . . . .. .. . . • J . P. DePfLSS ....•. 27 'L':11l :1imssee. l•'ll1 .. . fon. ·I, 187 1 .. Bis ho p W. M. WiJ.rhLmt1n .... U. S. Bird .• .. ...•. 28 Muclison , Fla ...... IJ >ll1. .. 1872 ... Bis ho p W. M. Wii::htm11n.. .. " " t9 l!'erntinclim1. FhL . • fan . .. 1873 ... Bishop K M. Marvin . .. ... . .. . :JO .facl<sonvUle. Fla.. J1in. 7, 1874 .. Bishop G F. Pierce ........ . . Frederick Pn~.co . 31 Live 0111<. Fla ..... Dec. 16. 187fJ ... Bishop W. M. Wlg-htmlln.. .. " :l2 Quincy , Fl11 . ...... • fan. n, 1876 ... Uis hop W. M. Wightm an .... . . aa Monticello. l!'lll . .• Jim. J l, 1877 ... Bishop G. F. Pie r ce . .. ..... . 34 'L'11m1m. FhL ...... Nov. I ii. 1877 ... Bishop G. F. P ie r ce . .... . ... . 35 Ga in esville. Fla .•. Nov. 13. 1878 . .. Bishop H. H. KnvfLnaugh ... . 36 'L'11 ll:ihassee , l!'Ja .. Dec. 17, 1870 .. Bishop D. S. Doi!i:.rett ......... . ll7 Oc•tlr1, Fl:1 ..•..... Dec. 16, 1880 .. Bis ho p G . .I!'. Pierce .. ....... . :is Monticello. FllL.. .• fan, 18, 1882 ... Bisho p H. N. Mc'l'yelre ....... . :m .fackso11viJJe, J!'l!i. J1111. 8. IB&q __ Bisho p H. H. Kavmiaui.rh ... . 40 Mndison, Fh1 .... . . Jan. 8.1884 .. . llishop J .C. Keener .... ....•. •ll Ga inesville . Fiii •. • fan. 7, 1ss.; ___ Bit:hop Liu us Parker ........•. 4~ Or1:111clo, Fla . . .... J11n. 6. 1886 .. Bis ho p R K . Hari.rrove ....... . 4a 'l'all11hitssee. Ji'h1 .. Dec. 16. 1886 ... Bisho p E. R. Hendrix ...... ... . H Leesburg. Fh1 ..• . Dec. 14, 1887 . . Bishop .I. S K ey ............• . -lfi B11rtow. Fhi ..... . Jim. 0, 1881J ... Bis hop C.H. (o}:11low o.y ....• ••. ·16 G11in esville, Fh1. .. • fan. 8, 18\IO.. Bishop J. U. Keener ·······-- · •17 Monticello, l!'la .. . J1111. 7, 180.1 ... Bishup W. W. Duncan ....... . 48 T11mpa , Fh1 ...•... ,fon. 6, 18\!2 ... Bis hop .J. 0 . r:<ra.nberry ..... . • •19 Ocah•. FhL ...•... • fa11. •I, 181!8 . . BM1op O. P. Flt,gernlcl . . . ••.• 50 Po.lat Im, Fll1. ...•. Jim. a, 181!4 .. . Bishop A.G. H1iyirood ....... . 51 J aelrno nvill e , l!'hi . J·tL n . 0, 18\!5 .. Bishop W. W . Dunca11 ...... •. 520rhinclo, Fl>L . ..... Dec. 18, JS!lfi .. BishopJ , O. Gmnherry ...... . 511 'l'11ll:ih11ssee, Fla •. Dec. 0, 1896 . . . Bishop 0. B. Gallowav ....... . 54 T a m pa, Fli> ...•... Dec. 17. 18117 .•. Bi"ho11 w. W. Dunea11 .... . .•. 5!; G11lnesviile. Fla ... Dec· 14 , 1898 .. . BL,bop W. A. U1indler ....... . fiO Monticello. Fiti .•. Dec. 1:1. 181)1) ... Bishop W. A. Candle r ......•. fi71J>Lrtow. Fla ....•. Dec. JS, 1000 ... Bishop W. A. Qn.ndle r ....... . 58 Live Oa Jc. Fla . .... Dec. 12, 11!01. . . BIRhOP J o hn C. Grnnbe ry ..... .

Page 69:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Officers. BISHOP JOI-IN U. GB.ANBERY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ________ President REV. F. PASCO _____________ _ : __ ____ __ ____ __ Secretary

REV. c. F. BLACKBURN -- - - - - - - } . . .REV. S. W. LAWLER _______ ___ _ Assistant Secretaries REV. E. F. LEY _______ _ ___ ___ _ REV. J. B. LEY ____ ______________ . Financial Secretary

Legal Conference. REV. T. W. MOORE ________ _______ __ ____ __ - _President REV. F. PASCO ·- ____________ ____ ____ ________ Secretary REV. J.C. COOPER _______ _____ ___ _____ __ __ 'I'reasurer

Board of Missions.

T. W. Moore, President; F. Pasco, Secretary and Treasurer; T. W. 'I'omkies, W. H. Steinmeyer, W. M. Boswell, J.M. Barco, A. 0. MacDonell, R. F. Webb, J. T. Bernard, J. R. Lites, E. J. Hardee, B. F. Mason, J. P. Hilburn.

Board of Church Extension.

G. W. Mitchell, President; W .. J. Carpenter. Secre­tary; C. W. White. 'I'reasurer; H. W. Long, J.E. Wilson, A. W. McLeran, W. M. Boswell, W. B. Tresca.

Board of Education.

J.P. DePass, Pre:sident; R. L. Honiker, Secretary; J.E. Mickler. 'I'reasurer; B. K. Thrower. J. F. Bell, H. E. Pnrtridge, J. A. Howland, R. A. Edmondson, 'r. J. Phillips, W. N. Sheats, S. G. Wilson, W. K. Zewadski.

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4 l'LO!llDA A :-INUAL CONFER !:Nom,

Sunday School Board. H. Dutil, President; E. J. Gates, Secretary and

Treasurer; .F. Scott, J. P. Durance, 'l'. M. White, W. E. H. Mabry, F. A. Curtis, A. P. Hampton, W. C. Norton.

Committee on Memoirs. R. L. Honiker, C. A. li'ulwood, B. K Thrower.

Committee on Conference Relations. W. H. Steinmeyer, President; R.H. Barnett, G. W.

Mitchell, H. Hice, B. .F'. Mason, S. Scott, E. H. Giles.

Committee on Bible Cause. T. 0. Bradford, Chairman; W. S. McMannen, R. M.

Williams, W. C. Norton, J. L. Pattillo, W. H. Parker, F. L. Stokes.

Orphahage Committee. R. M. Evans, Chairman; J. A. Hendry, Secretary;

W. B. Tresca, H. Hice, E. A. Harrison, W. N. Sheats, J. L. Pattillo, J. Beers, S. G. Wilson, B. F. Mason, H. A. Hodges, J. A. Giddens.


Sabbath Observance. S. Scott, Chairman; R. J. Wells, H. Hice, rr .. J. Evans,

W. J. Gra.y, F'. L. Church, John Beers, A. P. Hampton, D. W. Stanley.

Temperance. R. V. Atkisson, W. J. Carpenter, F. L. Stokes, J. A.

Vernon, A. M. Mann, .K J. Hardee, J. G. Johns, H. H. Sassnett, G. W. Sutley, W. B. Tresca.

District Conference Records. E. A. Harrisnn, T. H. Sistrunk, J. L. Jones, C. W.

White, F'. A. Ta.ylor, .J. '11• Mitchell, P. E. Steinmeyer.

Page 71:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. E. onuncu, sounl. 5

Epworth Leagues. R. L. Honiker, J. A. Hendry, Ii'. E. Shipp, J. R.

Walker, B. K. 'I'hrower, F. Pixton, S. Phillips, M. T. Bell, 'r. J. Kennelly, W. C. Norton.

Books and Periodicals.

H. A. Hodges, J.E. Wilson, W. E. H. Mabry, H. B. Frazee, W. N. Sheats, H. E. Partridge, H. W. f..1ong, .F. R. Bridges, R. F. Webb, E.W. Peabody, L. E. Roberson, T. J. Watkins, C. A Saunders, J. A. Howland.

Memorials to the General Conference. B. K. Thrower, J. B. Ley, T. C. Bradford.

Public Worship. T. J. Nixon, J. P. DePa.ss, J. B. ]J}va.ns.

Publishing. W. J. Carpenter, J. P. Hilburn, I. S. Patterson, T.

J. Nixon, W. N. Sheats, 0, W. White, L. E. Hoberson.

Joint Board.

W. M. Poage, F. Pixton, F. R. Bridges, J. E. Wilson, 0. A. Saunders, C. T. Carroll, J..1. E. Roberson, H. W. Long, W . . M. Boswell, E.W. Peabody, 'l'. M. Strickland.

Visiting Committees. WESLEYAN CoLLEGE-1. S. Patterson, A. E. House­

holder, W. N. Sheats. EMORY COLLEGE-- J. P. Hilburn, ·r. G. Lang, s. M.

Spar kma.n. Examining Committees.

ON ADMISSION-W. M. Poage, 'r. J. Nixon. FIRST YEAR-E. F. Ley, R. A. Edmonson, J. E.

Mickler. SECOND YEAR-F. R. Bridges, w. J. Carpenter, I.

S. Patterson. THIRD YEAR- F. E. Shipp, T. G. Lang, D. A. Cole. FOURTH YEAR-T. W. Moore, F. Pasco, E. J. Gates.

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Classes. FmsT YEAR-J. s. 'rilley, G. S. Roberts. w. H.

Funk, W. A. Myers, T. L. Z. Barr. J. 0. Baker. SECOND YEAR- 0. H. Summers, A. H. Cole, J. N.

Weatherford, L. D. Lowe. 'I'HIRD YEAR- D. L. Switzer, E. DeLefeu, J. R.

Walker, H. W. Baker, E. Diaz, I. Barredo. FOURTH YEAR- N. H. Williams, R. L. Sumner, F. E .

. Steinmeyer, J. T. Mitchell, G. H. York, M. 'I'. Bell.

Trustees Florida Conference College. A. E. Householder, President; E. F. Ley, Secretary;

T. J. Nixon, 'I'reasurer; R. H. Barnett, 0. A. Fulwood, f 0. A. Saunders, R. L. Honiker, L. W. Moore, .T. P. Hi.1-

/ burn, I. S. Patterson, S. W. Lawler, G. M. Lee, G. 0. Warne1-, 0. W. White, R. F. Webb, Frank Adams, J. M. Barco, S. M. Sparkman, W. K. Zewadski, A. 0. Mac­Donell, A. W. McLeran.

\ , Trustees Southerland School Property. ~ J. P. Hilburn, I. S. Patterson, R. M. Evans, R. F.

Mason, H. A. Hodges, W. M. Poage. W. N. Sheats, H. H. Sassnett, L. E. Roberson, H. W. Long, I. S. Giddens, W. 0. Richa,rdson, D. W. Stanley, D. A. Cole.

Trustees of Preachers' Fund. • C. A. Fulwood, President; E. F. Ley, Secretary;

H. W. Long, Treasurer; 'l'. W. Moore, C. W. White, 0. T. Carroll.

Lay Delegates. C. 'l'. Carroll, G. W. Sutley. ·x· A. L. Wood ward, W.

N. Sheats,* W . .fiJ. Baker,* J. J. Oram, L. E. Roberson,* J. G. Johns,* H. W. ·Long,* S. Phillips,* J. D. Watkins, W.R. White, E.W. Peabody,* H. H. Sassnett,* H. H. Smith, A. 0. MacDonell,* D. W. Stanley,* G. W. Mc­Lean, F. B. Hanna, 0. E. Howard, T. J. Watkins,* Alter­nate, R. F. Webb,* J. 0. Carter, T. M. Strickland, J. F. Bennett, A. P. Hampton, Alternate.

* Present at this session.

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The Fifty-eighth Session of the .Ei'lorida Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, convened in the Methodist Church at Live Oak, Fla., at 9 a. m., Decem­ber 12, 1901, Bishop John C. Granbury in the chair.

Opened with religious services conducted by the Bishop.

Roll was CELlled by the Secretary of the last Confer­ence a,nd 78 preachers and JO lay delegates answered to their names.

Organization of Conference was completed by the re-election of Frederick Pasco, Secl'eta.ry, a.ssistants, C. F. Blackburn, S. W. Lawler.

Bar was fixed to include the Rpn.ce reaching· to the two side door s. Hours of meeting and adjournment fixed at 8:45 a. m. and 11:-15 a. m.

On motion the presiding elders were allnwr<l to withdraw and nominate the usual standi Dg committees.

The following reports a,ncl communications were read and referred:

Book Agents to Committee on Books and Periodi­cals.

Missionary Secret~Lries tu Board of MissionR. Church Extension Board to Coufel!ence Boa.rel of ·

Church Extension. Sunday School Editor to Sunday Scboul Board. The Presiding Elders made the following report of

standing committees, which was adopted.

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8 l!'LOIUDA ANNUAL OONl!'lll\llNOlll 1

Committee on Sabbath Observance-S. Scott, H. Hice, T. J. Evans, W. J. Gray, F. f.J. Church, R. J. Wells, Jno. Beers, A. P. Hampton, D. W. Stanley.

Committee on Teinverance- R. V. Atkisson, W. J. Carpenter, E. L. Stokes, I. A. Vernon, A. M. Mann, E. J. Hardee, J. G. Johns, H. H. Sassnett, G. W. Sutley, W. B. Tresca.

District Cori/erence Records-E. A. Harrison, 'l'. H. Sistrunk, J. L. Jones, C. W. White, F. A. Taylor, J. T. Mitchell, F. E. Steinmeyer.

Jtmvorth Leagues- R. L. Honiker, J. A. Hendry, F. E. Shipp, J. R. WfLlker, B. K. 'l'hrower, F'. Pixton, S . Phillips, M. T. Bell, U. 11i. HowfLrd, J. :B'. Bell, T. J. Ken­nedy, W. C. N ortQu.

Boolcs ancl Perioclieals- H. A. Hodges, J. E. Wilson, W. E. H. Mn,bry, H. B. l~'razee , W. N. Sheats, H. E. Pa,rt· ridge, H. W. Long, F. 11.. Bridges, H. F. Webb, E.W. Peabody, L. l!.l. Roberson, T. J. Watkins, C. A. Saunders, J. A. Howland.

Public Wonhip- 'l'. J. Nixon, J. P. DePasR, J.B. Evans. The report o.f the Tt'ustees o.f the Florida Confer­

ence College was read, a.lso a pa.per from the donors at LeeRburg, sig'.necl by A. B. Etlrd, Chairman, a.ud G. C. Stapylton, Secretary, concernrng the college. Ou mo­tion t;hese and <Lll other P<tpers pertaining to the college were referred to a special ~ommittee of two from each district, viz: Tallahassee District- W. M. Poage, W. N. Sheets. Live Oak District- J. P. DePass, L. E. Rober­son. Gainesville DiRtri ~t-·H. A. Hodges, H. W. Long. Jacksonville District- '!'. W. Moore, H. H. Sasnett. Orlando District- D. A. Cole, D. W. Stanley. Tampa District-B. F. Ma.son, A. P. Hampton.

Communications were read and referred, viz: Secretary of Epworth Leagues to Committee on Ep­

worth League.

Edward 'l'hompson, genera.I manager of Epworth

Page 75:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


M. E. CllU llCil, SOU'l'Il. 9

Leagues in America, referred to Committee on Sabbath Observance.

Editor Flon:da Christictn Arlvocate to Committee on Books and Periodicals.

Secretary of the Board of F,ducation to Conference Board of Education.

Question 6 was .taken up and the foDowing transfers were announced: H. W. Joyner, N01·th Georgia Con­ference; N. H. Willia,ms, South Georgia Conference; J. E. Wilson, Baltimore Conference. rl'hese brethren were introduced with Rev. Mr. Kimmons, pa,stor of the Presbyterian Church, Live Oak.

Question 20 was taken up. The following were call~c1, their charactors pa.ssed and on motion-they were referred to the Uommittee on Conference Relations for superannuated relation: .J. C. Ley, J. D. Rogers, E. Wilson, E. J. Holmes, .J. 'l'. Waters, J. S. Barnett, E. :B'. Gates who stated tlrnt he made no claim this year on the Uonference Claimants' Fund.

'The following were called, their char<~cters passed aud on motion they were referred to Committee on Con­ference Relation for superannuated relations: W. H.P. H.nba,rts, J. F. Sha,ncls.

A. E. Housholder, Presiding Elder of the Tallahas­see District, and E. J. Nixon, Presiding Elder of the Live Oak District, were called. represented their dis­tricts, ancl their characters passed, with the following elders: W. F. Shoemaker, W. F. Alexander, B. K. Thrower, W. J. Gray, W. E. H. Mabry, J. C. Pace, W. M. Poage, G. J. Taylor, R. A. Edmonson, B. T. Rape, J. L. Yeats, J.P. DePass, W. S. McMa,nnen.

0. S. Ularidy was called, and a,t the request of his presiding elder he was referred to a committee of trial, having already been before a committee. of investigation, who found a trial necessary.

On motion B. T. Rape was appointed Conference postmaster.

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On motion W. B. Tresca wa,s placed on the Board of Church Extension in place of I. S . Patterson, r esigned.

After various announcements Conference adjourned with doxology and ben ecl ictfon by the Bishop.


Conference convened at 8:40 with the Bishop in the chair; opened with religious service conducted by •r. J. Phillips.

Holl WELS called a.ncl five additional prea,chers and one la,yman responded present.

On motion further calling of th e roll was dispensed with.

Minutes of yesterday's session read and approved. E. F. Ley appointed Assistant Secretm·y.

Report of J. W. H.oberts, President of Wesleyan Female College, read and referred to BoELrd of Educa­tion.

On motion J. E. Wilson was placed on Board of Church Extension in place of J. Ryder, transferred.

Communication from Synod of Florida, signed by Stated Clerk, Wm. B. Y. Wilkie, on the subject of di­vorces was r eEtd , and on motion a Committee on Memo­rial to General Conference was appointed , to whom this communication was referred.

Committee on rrrial in case of C. S. Clar.icly was ap­pointed as follows: T. J. Phillips, chairman; R. A. Ed­mondson, I. A. Vernon, W. C. Norton, J. •r. Coleman, J. P. Durrance, R. M. Williams, H. E. P~trtridge, F. E. Shipp, M. H. Outland. W. E. H. Mabry, counsel ; G. J. Kennelly to prosecute.

Question 2 was taken up: Who remains on trial? C. H. Smmers and A. H. Oole were C!Llled. their charac­ters passed, and the Examining Committee reporting favorably, they were advanced to the class of the second year.

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G. B'. Venable was called and his character passed and was announced transferred.

J. S. Tilley, a student of Vanderbilt. was called, his character passed, and, not having been before the Ex­amining Committee, question 1 was taken up and he was left on trial in class of first year.

Question 8 was taken up. D. L. Switzer was called, his ChfLracter passed and he was elected deacon, the Ex­aming Committee reporting favorably.

Question 2 was resumed. J . N. Weatherford and L. :Q. Lowe, as '. student at Vanderbilt, not having been before the Examining committee of the 2nd year, they were left on trial in class of second year.

Question 4 was taken up. D. L. Switzer was called forward and, having answered the usual Disciplin­ary questions aud been addressed by the Bishop, was admitted into full connection.

S. W. Walker, of South Georgia Conference, was introduced, also Dr. E. G. Law, District Superintend­ent of the American Bible Society, who addressed the Conference.

Rev. Mr. Templeton, of the M. E. Church, was in­troduced, also H. A. Huckabee, of the 01·phan's Home, Macon, who addressed the Conference.

Question 7 was ta,ken up. Who are tlie deacons of one yea,r'? 'l'he following were called and the Examin­ing Oommittee reporting favonLbly, they wern advanced to class of 4th year: N. H. Williams, R. L. Sumner, F. E. Steinmeyer, J. 'l'. Mitchell, G. H. York and M. T. Bell.

E. DeLofeu, J. R. Walker, H. W. Baker, E. Diaz, were callecl, their characters passed and, not having been before the Examining Committee under Question 4, they were left in the class of the 3rd year.

I. Barrado was called and bis character passed. Question 9 was taken up. E. A. Harrison was

called, his character passed, and the Examining Commit-

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The Bishop called for tl1e number of members of the Conference. Answer, 137. He then announced that the Conference was entitled to three clerical and three la.y delegates. H. W. Joyner, T. H. Sistrunk and F. E. Steinmeyer were appointed tellers for clerical del­egates; E.W. P eabody and L. E. Roberson for lay. The following is tbe result of the election:

First ballot, clerical- Whole number of votes, !:J2; necessary to a choice, 47. No ele.ction.

Layc1elegates-"'-Whole number of votes, 16; neces­sary to a choice, \J. W. N. Sheats. 13, ancl elected.

Second ballot, clerical- Whole number of votes, 88 ; necessary to a choice, 45. J.P. Hilburn, 60, and elected.

Lay delegates-Whole number of votes, 16; neces­sary to a choice, 9. ~o election.

rrhird ballot, clerical- Whole numbP-r of votes, 90; necessary to a choice, 46. R. H. Barnett, 53; J. Ander­son, 50; and elected.

On inotion the three having the highest number of votes on next ballot were declared the alternates.

Fourth ballot, alternates-J. B. Ley, 47; F. Pasco, 36; 'l'. J. Nixon, 35.

'I'hird ballot, lay delegates-Whole number of votes, 15; necessary to a choice, 8. D. W. Stanley, 11, and elected.

Fourth ballot, lay delegates- Whole number, 15; necessary to a choice, 8. No election.

On motion time was extended until the election was completed.

Fifth ballot, lay delegates-Whole number, 14; nec­essa,ry to a choice, 8. No election.

Sixth ballot, lay clelegates-- Wl10le number, 14; nec­essary to a, choice, 8. 0. W. White, 9, and elected.

On motion the three highest on next ballot were de­clared alternates:

Seventh ballot, lay alternates- A. W. McLeran, 12; T. J. Watkins, 10; E. W. Peabody, 8.


Page 79:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. Ill. CBUH.Cl:l~ SOU'rn. 15

Dr. C. E. Dowman was i11troduced and . presented his report as President of Emory College, whkh was re­ferred without reading to the Board of Education.

On motion time was extended to hear Dr. Anders.on, who presented a request for superannuated or location as the Conference wished. On motion he was l'eferred to the Committee on Conference r elations for a super­annuated relation.

W. J. Carpenter was elected editor of the Confer­ence Minutes.

The following ch<inges weTe illfLde in Joint Board of Finance: H. H. StLsnett, in place of C. Earnest; R. P. Webb, in place of J. R. Lites; D. W. Stanley, in place of J. U. Cooper.

After various a,nnouncements Conference adjourned with doxology and benediction by the Bishop.


'fhe fourth day of the Plol'icla Methodist Conference convened at the usual hour, with the Bishop in the chai1·, Rev. T. S. Armisted leading the devotions .

. Minutes of Sfiturday's session were read and ap­proved.

The Bishop reported that the following were or­dained yestflrday: Traveling deacon, DanielL. Switzer; lomLl deacons, Gladstone S. Rober.ts, Daniel J. McDaniel, LaFyles Z. Barr, Henry P. Blocker, William A. Myers; ordained traveling elder, R. L. Sprinkle- answering questions 9, 11 and 12 of the discipline, as above.

Question 20 resumed. and the following reported and their characters were passed: F. 0. Church, J. L. Jones, J.E. Wilsnn, R. L. Honiker, J. L . Patello, J. F. Bell, W. H. Steinmeyer, A. M. Daiger, J.E. Mickler, 0. ft'. Blackburn, T. W. Moore, E. F. Ley, J. 'I'. Colenmn, T. W. Tomkies, L. W. Moore, J. S. Crandall, li'. E. Shipp, E. J. Hardee, W. H. Parker, D. A. Cole, Smith Hardin, S. ScotJ',, 8. W. Lawler, J. P . Hilburn, J. B. L ey, I. S.

Page 80:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

16 FLOHIDA ANNUAL OONl!ERENCll. ---------------------- --·

Brooke, F. L. Stokes, EL Hice, H. B. Frazee, M. H. Out­land, W. 'B. Tresca, E. J. Gates, C. A. Saunders, G. W. Mitchell, M. DeLofeu, T. M. White, J. A. Howland, C. W. White, H. W. Penny, J. A. Hendry.

On motion of J. P. Hilburn, the name of T. G. Blue was placed in the hands of the Presiding Elder of the Orlando District for investigation.

Dr. Charles E. Dowman, President of Emory College, was called to the platform, and in a few well chosen re marks presented the interests of this institution.

'rhe report from the Committee on Books and Peri­odical was offered, and, pending adoption, Conference acl;journed to meet at 3 o'clock p. m.


Opened with religious services, conducted by T. S. Armistead.

The Bishop presented certificates of ordination as follows: D. L. Switzer, G. S. Roberts, D. G. McDaniel, L. '11

• B. Barr, H. G. Blocker, W. A. Myers, were or­dained deacons; R. L. Sprinkle, ordained elder.

Question 20 was ta.ken up and the following preach­ers were called and their characters passed: T. W. 'romkies, J. P. Hilburn, F. L. Church, J. E. Wilson, R. L. Honiker, J. L. Pattillo, J. F. Bell, W. H. Steinmeyer, A. M. Daiger, J. E. Mickler, C. 'B'. Blackburn, T. W. Moore, E. B. Ley, T. J. Coleman, L. W. Moore, J. E. Crandall, F. E. Shipp, F. R. Bridges, W. H. Parker, D. A. Cole, S. Hardin, S. Scott, S. W. Lawler. J.B. Ley, J. S. Brook, F. L. Stokes, H. Hice, H. B. F'razee, M. H. Outland, W. B. rrresca, C. A. Saunders, E. J. Gate:::;, G. W. Mitchell, B. F. Ma.son, T. M. White, J. A. Howla.nd, J.P. Durra.ncP., C. W. White, H. W. Penny, J. A. Hendry.

'rhe case of'!.'. G Blue was left in the hands of the Presiding Elder of Orlando District for investigation.

The time for the order of the day having arrived, the committee of twelve on the Conference College made

Page 81:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


their report. 'l'he majority and second minority re­ports were withdrawn and a report presented for them. Before entering upon the discussion of the college re­port, the committee on the case of 0. S. Olariday made report, finding him guilty as charged. The Bishop then announceJ his expulsion from the church. The report of the committee of twelve was amended, and, after dis­cussion, was adopted.

The report No. 2 of the Committee on Books and Peri­odicals was presented,. and, p.ending its discussion, Con­ference adjourned to meet at 3 p. m.


Bishop Granbury in the chair. G. W. Mitchell led the religious services. After reading the minutes the report o-f the Committee on Books and Periodicals was taken up, and, after discussion and amendments, was adopted. Conference proceeded to the election of the Publishing Committee, which resulted as follows: Oler­ical·- W. J. Carpenter, J. P. Hilburn, rr. J. Nixon, I. S. Patterson, Lay- W. N. Sheats, C. W. White, L. E. Rob­erson.

Conference then adjourned to meet at 7:45 next day.


Conference met at 7:45. rr. W. Moore in the chair, by appointment of the Bishop. W. F. Norton conducted the religious service.

After various reports had been adopted, W. N. Sheats, J. P. Hilburn and W. J. Carpenter were ap­pointed a committee to carry out our recommendation of the report of the 'I'emperance Committee.

Resolution adopted on publication of the minutes, authorizing the Board of Missions to appropriate $70 for the purpose, which is to Le returned from collec­tions taken by the preachers.

Page 82:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Reports were then read from the Conference Treas­urer, Board of Education and Treasurer o"f Board of Education.

L. W. Moore was elected editor of the FLORIDA CHRIS'l'IAN ADVOCATE.

Dr. Lambeth, Missionary Secretary, addressed the Conference.

The credentials of J. A. Owen were restored. H. B. Someillian 's name was called, and, as he had

withdrawn from the church, his name was ordered stricken from the church.

Rev. R. H. Barnett was, on motion, recommended for appointment as Colporteur of the Conference, and addressed the body in the intEorest of his work.

The Board of Trustees of the Florida Conference College offered a supplementary report, which an­nounced the following committee to adjust college mat­ters with the original donors to the college in Leesburg: W. M. Poage, L. E. Roberson, T. J. Watkins.

J. C. Ley and L. W. Moore briefly addressed the conference. Heport of the Joint Board was read.

On motion, the College of Bishops was requested to l}olcl the Conference in Florida in January, not begin­ning earlier than the first Sunday, and to begin on Thursday.

Memoirs were read of Mrs. Ji"J. J. Wilson and Mrs. J. 'I.'. Waters.

W. H. Parker was put on the effective list. 'l'. W. Moore was elected President of the Legal

Conference. Resolution of thanks was adopted. The Bishop then announced the Joint Board and

Visiting Committees. After prayer the appointments were read.

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Tallahassee District.

J. B. LEY, P. E. 1.. Tallahassee ___ ______ _____ ____ . ______ W. E. H. Mabry. 2 Monticello _________ _ _ _ _ _____ ___ . ____ W. M. Poage. 3 Leon Circuit .. ____________________ G. J. Kennelly. 2 Quincy ____ __ · ____ . ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ . _J, P. DePass. 1 Gadsden Circuit ____________ ____ _________ J. C. Pace. 2 Waukeenah Circuit ____ ____ _____ ________ W. J. Gray. 1 MidwayMissicin ___ __ ___ __ _______ W, S. McMannen. 4 Concord Circuit _______________________ I. S. Vernon. 2 Liberty Mission _______ . Supplied by B. H. l'.i'reeman. 1 Aucilla Circuit __ .. _. ___ . ________________ G. H. York. 3 Madison . ____ ------------------ ____ J. A.Hendry. 1 Madison Circuit ... _____ __ __ ___ ______ G. S. Roberts. 1 'l'aylor Mission _ _ ___ __ Supplied by C. W. Braswell. 1 Apalachicola ________________ _____ E.H. Harrison. 2 Carrabelle Mission _______________ . ____ 'r. M. White. 1 Woodville Mission _______ Supplied by E. J. Austin. 1

Live Oak District.

T. J. NIXON, P. E . 2. Live Oak ______________________ R. A. Edmondson. 1 Welborn Circuit _______ _________ __ .R. M. Williams. 2

Jasper --- -- -- --- ---------- --- --- J.P. Durranc'. 1 Hamilton Mission . _______ . ___________ To be supplied. White Springs ___ _____________ _______ W.C. Nortou. 1 Braclfo1·dOircuit ____ _________________ T. T,. Z. Ba.rr. 2

Fort White and High Springs { S-u-py.- W~H~j_ ~~~:~·t;

Page 84:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Lafayette Mission ______________________ J_ L. Yeats. 1 Alachua Circuit _________ . ___________ . _F. L. Stokes. 1 ColumbiaOircuit ______________________ J, S. Collier. 2 La,ke City ___________________ _ . __________ . F. Pixton. 2 LakeButler_ _____________ Supplied by J . W. Austin. 1 McOlenny _____________ ______________ _ Oliver Faus. 3 Starke ______________________________ M. H. Outland. 1 Waldo ___ _____ ____________________ W. F. Shoemaker. 1 Melrose _________ ______ _______ __ ______ T. J. Phillips. 2

Gainesville District.


Gainesville and Paradise ___ . _______ W. J. Carpenter. 2 B1'onson _______________ _______ __ ____ __ C. W. Inman. 1 Rochelle _______ ____________ ___ __ __ E . .B,. Steinmeyer. 1 Oitra ____________________________ : _____ rr. G. Lang. 1 Micanopy ___ _________________ " ________ H. S. Miller. 1 Williston Oircui t _____ __ . _______________ J. L . Patillo. 1 Ocala _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________________________ _ I-I. .Du till. 2 Cottonplant Oircuit ___________________ __ B. 'l,. Rape. 1 Wild wood ___________ .. ____ ______ ______ J. S. Crandell. 1 Anthony Circuit _______ __ .. ______ _____ T. H. Sistrunk 2 Reddick Mission ____________________ J. H. D. McRea .. 1 InvernessOircuit ___________________ T. C. Bradford. 1 Webster Circuit ______________ _____ T. S. Armistead. 1 Bushnell Circuit ________________ . _______ rr. J. Eu ans. 1 Brooksville Mission ____ _ ________ ____ _ W. B. Tresca. 1 Hernando Mission ____ ________________ H. P. Blocker. 1 Leesburg ________________ _ _____ . _______ D. A. Cole. 1 Lady Lake ___________ . _________________ J, L. Jones. 1 Umatilla _______________________ ___ ____ _ R. J. Wells. 1

Interlachen Mission ____ . Supplied by R. N. Sanders. 1 Judson __ ___ _________ ___ _ Supplied by J . W. Porter. 1 Editor Florida Christian Advocate _____ _ L. W. Moore. 1 Conference Col porter ___________ . __ _ . R. H. Barnett. 11 Superintendent East li'lorida Seminary _____ F. Pasco. 2

Page 85:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. E. orruncrr. souTrr. 21

Jacksonville District.

C. A. FULWOOD, P. E. 3.

Jacksonville, Mc'l'yerie MemoriaL ___ R. V. Atkisson. 4 Jacksonville, Riverside __ .. ______ _____ J. E. Wilson. 2 Jacksonville, St. Mathews and Mandarin __

_ _ _ . ______ F. L. Church. 2-and one to be supplied Panama Mills ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rro be supplied Fernandina __ ___________ _______ _______ .. E. F. L ey. 2 King's Ferry Circuit ._ ... __ ._ .. ____ .. J. T. Coleman. 2 Callahan .. _ ....... _ ..... _ _ _ . _. _. _. _. W. A. Winn. Groen Cove and Middleburg .. __ . _ . _ . __ ... _ . __ .

__ . .... _ ... _To be supplied by W. H. Hae.tlinger. l Moultrie . __________ : _____________ To be s uprilied Palatka _____ ---------·-··· ________ R. L. Honiker. 4 Fruitland and Volusia .... _... . . _. 0. H. Summers. Da.ytona Mission .. _ ... _ . . _ .. __ .. __ .. vV. A. Meyers. New Smyrna _______ ·-- . ______ J. N. Weatherford. Sanford ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .l . b'. Bel I. ~

Titusville and Cocoa . . _. _ ... _. A. M. Daiger. 2 .B't. Pierce and Stuart . _____ . _. _ _ T. W. Moore. I Sebastian Mission ..... __ .. Supplied by W. rr. Laine. 1 DeLfrntl _______________ ____ .. ... J. ill. Mickler. 2 Miami. __ .. _________ _ _____ .--· _O. W. White. 1

· BiscayneBay _____ _____ _____________ J. R. Walker. I West P1:1lm Bea.ch _._.__ ... _. _. _ . 0. F. BlcLckburu. 1 Student at Vanderbilt .... _. ____ . . .. _ .L. D. Lowe

Orlando District.


Orlanclo __________________ __ ________ H. E. Partridge. 1 Apopka ______ __ __ __ ..... Supplied by J . D. H.inikm:. Ovieclo . ___ _______________________ E. lI. Steinn1eyer .. 2 Kissimmee and Mission ___ . . . . . . . . _ .F. E. Shipp. 2 Maitland .. __ ...... _._ . . . .. __ .. __ ... R. L. Sumuer. Bartow _._ ..... _. _ .. __ ... ___ ... ___ __ F. R. Bridges. 2 MulberryCircuit ___ __ ______ Suppliecl by T. E. York. 1

Page 86:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Ft. Meade and Homeland ___ . _______ __ E. J. Hardee. 2 Bowling Green . ___ __________ __ . _ _ _ __ .F. A. Taylor. 1 Wauchula _____ . _____ . __ ____ ____ ___ ___ J . •r. Mitchell. 4 Arcadia ______ __ ___ . ___ __ __ . ___________ B. F. Mason. 1 DeSoto Circuit _____________________ ___ W. H. Funk. 1

Myers } -- - ---- ------,-----·-----· --L.W.Lawler. 2 ________ __ ___ Supernumerary·-J. F. Shands

Punta Rassa _____ . _______________ . _____ To be supplied Alva Circuit ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ . __ M. T. Bell. 1 Punta Gorda and Charlotte Harbor ______ H. W. Joiner: 1 Ft. Bassenger . ____ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ______________ A. H. Cole. 3 Lakeland and Mission _____ S. Hardin 1 and J, 0. Baker EvergfadeMission ______________________ J . A. Owen. 1 Seminole Mission .___ _ _ __ ___ . _________ 'ro be supplied

Tampa District.

.T. P. HILBURN, P. E. 4.

'I'ampa, First Church __ _ _ _ _ ____ . __ . _B, .K. Thrower. 1 'l'ampa, Hyde Park _______________ . __ J. A. Howland. 1 'l'ampa, Tampa Heights ______________ T. W. Tomkies. 1 Se:ffner Circuit ____ ·_ . _. _. __ . ____________ J. S. Brook. 2 Port Tampa and Mission ______________ D. L. Switzer. 2 Alafia _______ ... ___________ . ______ . _____ E. H. Giles. 1 Braid en town __ __ . _ .... ___ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ____ H_ Hice. 1 Manatee _________ . ___ . __ . __ . __ . __ . ____ H. B. Frazee. t Palmetto _. ______ . _______ .. __ . _______ N. H. Williams. 1

Ellenton and Oak Hill } : : : : : : ~-~~~~i~~- ~~ ~- i. °J~~.\0~ Sarasota Circuit . ______________________ J. R. •raylor. 1 Oletir Water Circuit .'. _____ . _________ W. F1

• Norton. 1 St. Petersburg _. ___ _______ _____________ E, J. Gates. 2 Largo Circuit . ______ _____ ... _______ O.A. Saunders. 2 BlantonCircuit _____________________ _ W.H. Parker. 1 Dade City Circuit __ ___ . ______ _ . _____ G. W. Mitchell. 2 Plant City ____ ______ . ____ . __ ________ _ R. L. Sprinkle. 1 West Tampa Ou ban Mission. ____ ______ _ M. DeLefeu. Key Largo .. ____ ·- ____ · - -· _______ _ W. F. Alexander. 1

Page 87:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M, E. CllURCII 1 SOUTH. 23

Key West, First Charge ___ _____ ______ H. A. Hodges. 1 Key West, Sparks' OhapeL _______ __ ______ _ S, Scott. 1 Key West, Memorial Church _________ __ ___ J. Beers. 1 Key West, La rrrinidad Cuban Church __ ,I. Barredo. 2 Missionaries to Ouba ______ I. Barredo, H. W. Baker, E.

Diaz, H. Penny.


S. M. Sewell-to North Georgia Conference. R. 0. Wier- to North Georgia Conference. G. F. Venable-to North Georgia Conference. J. S. 'rilley-to St. Louis Conference.

Page 88:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...



Your Board begs to report that it has considered the interests whicb was before it, and we note with grat· itu.de the prosperous condition of Emory and Wesleyan l!'emale Colleges. The enrollment of students at the first-named institution amounts to 279, with fourteen professors. 'l'he report of President Dinsmore is full of encouragement, and we rejoice in the work being done there for the bigher education of our young men.

One of the pressing needs of Emory College is a modern up-to-d~tte Science Hall. This, we hope, may soon be secured. A generous layman, Capt. J. P. Wil Iiams of Sa.vannab, Ga., has proffered $15,000 for this purpose, provided the churches in the patronizing Con­ferences will raise a like sum. 'l'he North Georgia Conference in its recent session pledged $5,000, and the South Georgia Conference promised at its last session $2,000 toward securing the proffered donation of Capt. Williams. There still remains about $2,000 yet to be collected in order to obtain tbe sum promised.

Wesleyan Pemale College pursues its shining way. The year now closing has been one of great prosperity. Roberts' Hall, the new building, is crowded, and the difficulty now before the trustees of this institution is to find room for thos/3 seeking admission therein. 'rhe enrollment is greater than ever, and could room be made-as it must be-it would not be difficult to chron· icle an attendance of five hundred pupils.

It is hoped a new building, the equal of Roberts' Hall, may soon be erected at Macon. The need is great,

Page 89:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


but the people of the patronizing Conferences are pros­perous, and bheir liberality may be depended upon to bring this desired end to consummation.

We commend these institutions-Emory and Wes­leyan-to the consideration and generous pfLtronage of the Methodists of Florida. We wish the best for our children- then let us patronize these time-tried and wortby colleges, as they are prepared to do for us the work needed by our young people.

We were pleased to have with us at this session of our Conference Rev C .. E. Dowman, a former member of tbi.s body, and now Presidest of Emory College. We assure him a warm welcome whenever he may come among us, · We request the Bishop to appoint Jos. F. Bell, Con­

ference Secretary of Ecluca,tion; F. Pasco, Superinten­dent East Florida Semina.ry; L. D. Lowe and J. I. Til­ley, students at Vanderbilt University.

The following are the assessments for Education for 1902:

Tallahassee District ------ · ___ ______________ $ 375.00 Live Oak " ------- --- --- --- ------ ---- 325.00 Gainesville '' - ------- - - --- - ------------ 325.00 Jacksonville " --------- -- - ------- - --- --- 325 .00 Ot·hLndo " --------- ----------------- 415.00 Tampa " -- ---- ------------------ -- 460.00

TotaL . _________________________ . $2,225.00

Respectfully, R. L. HONIICER, Sec'y.


To the Bishop, Ji'a,thers ancl B1·ethren of the Ji'torida Annual Confernnce: Your committee was called together this evening at

7 p. m. and was opened with prayer by Brother B. F. Mason, a majority of the committee being present.

The offer made to this Conference by the Southerland Co. having been referred to them for their action; they

Page 90:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


heard from Brother Evans and Dr. Richardson repre­senting the ownE1rs of the hotels and the lands offered by the Southerland Co. and the money offered as a gift to this Conference without conditions. After a full, free and prayerful consideration, the following resolu­tions were offered and unanimously adopted:

Rcsolvecl 1st, 'l'hat we recommend the acceptance of the oifer made by the Southerland Land Uo.

2cl. rrhat a board of trustees be appointed by the Florida Annual Conference be appointed to receive the same.

3d. 'l'hat the school be opened as soon as possible. 4th. 'l'hat the following named brethren be appointed


by the Florida Annual Conference as the Board of Trus­tees: J.P. Hilburn, I. S. Patterson, R. M. Euans, B. F. Mason. N. A. Hodges, W. M. Poage, W. N. Sheats, R. H. Barnett, L. E. Roberson, N. W. Long, I. S. Gid­dens, W. C. l~ichardson, D. W. Stanley and D. H. Cole.


Account 20th Century Fund from December 17, 1900 to December 30, 1901.

Dr. Dec. 17. 'J'o amount on hand _______________________ ___ $ 296 75 Dec. 17. ·ro deeds to lands valued aL -- ---- ----· ______ 228 00 Dec.' 17. •ro check from J.B. Ley, T1·easmer _______ ___ 2,245 14 Jan. 5. To check from I. S. Patterson and vV. B. Tresca 58 00 J an. 10. To check from D. H. Cole ______ ___ __ ----- -- -- 50 00 Jan. 12. 'J'o check from W. E. H. Mabry ___ ____ _____ __ 25 00 Feb. 15. 'J'o check from W. B. Tr·esca__ _______________ 30 00 Juty-Dec. 23. To sundry cbecksJ. B. Ley, Treasurer __ 200 00

Dec. 30. To total receipts _______ __ __________ __________ _ $3,133 54

Cr. By postage, etc _________ ______________________ $ By expenses f_,, W. Lawler in Conference ____ _ By check to J. D. Hammond, Gen'l Boat'd Ed. By check to J. D. Hammond, Gen'l Board ll:d. By check to 'I'. J. Nixon, Treasurer Trustees

Conference College ______________ _________ _ _ By deed to lands valued at __ _______ _________ _

42 9 00

606 12 40 10

2,246 90 228 00

Dec. 30, 1901. By total disbursed----------------· _____ $3,133 54 J. E. MICKLER,

'J'reas. Board Ed. Fla. Conference.

Page 91:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. E. CHU RCH, BOU'rfl. 27

Account "Regular Fund" for Year Ending December 31, 1901.

Dr. 1900. • Dec. 17. To amount on hancl .... .. _ ................ .. $1, 741 72 1901. To amount from J. B. Ley, Treasurer.. ...... 1,197 76 1901. To amounL from sundry notes................ 107 65 1901. To amount rrom E.J. Gates, Treas . S.S. B'd. 28 00

1901. Dec. 17. 1901. 1901. 1901.

Total.. ........ ... .............. ......... .... $3,095 13

C r.

HemitLed Lo T. J. Nixon, Treas. B'd. 'l'rusLees $ 650 00 l1emitted to T. J . Nixon, Trei~s . B 'd. T1·usLces 1,048 87 Remitted to' T . G. Lang for ministel' students. 275 00 Hemitted to J. D. Hammond, SecPeta1·y illcl. . 178 88

'fatal.. •.... ... . _____ .... _ .. ____ .. _ ......... $2,152 75

Dec. 31. Balance 'on b and ... ....... .. ........ .... ..... $ 932 :38 J. E. MroKLER, Treasurer.

Account Fund Education Young Preachers. Matured notes held by 'l'reasurer .........•............ $1,500 95 Unmatured notes. .......... ..... ............... . ...... 775 00

$2,275 95 REOJllIVED ON NO'l'ES 'l'HIS YEAlt.

l!"'romE. K. Whidden ........ .. .. c • ••••••••••••• •• ••••• $ 47 00 From J. :I!'. Bell.. .......... .......... .............. ... 40 65 From J. H. Owen . _ ... __ ..... __ .. _ .. _ . .. __ ....... ... __ . 25 00

$ 112 (i5 Amount on band fot· ministerial education ............ $ 932 38

J. li: . MIOKLlDR, Treasurer.


Your committee has carefully and respectfully con­·sidered the rrport of the Editor and Publisher of the FLORIDA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, in which he tenders his resignation; and recommends for adoption by the Con­ference the following:

Resolved, That this Conference accepts the resigna-

Page 92:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


tion of Rev. J. Anderson, D. D .. as Editor and Publi"!her of the ·PLORIDA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, as tendered in his report; and in so doing express its appreciation of his earnest and self·S<Lcriticing labors for fourteen years in the work of the paper; its unshn,ken con:Ei.dence in his integrity of purpose and purity of life; and desires to assure him of its abiding love for him as one of its most honored members and a brother beloved in the Lord; and will ever pniy for his peace and welfare.

H. A. HODGES, Chairman. HENRY E. PAlU'RIDGE, Secretary.


We have considered the report of the Book Agents of the Church and notice that there has been a net in· crease in the sales of the house over last year of $16,954, and a net gaiu in assets of $37,~2G, while the liabilities of the house are only $17,181. rrhe Methodist Rev·iew and .Evwo1·th Rm have been published at a loss of $7,696. WheLher the increased sales are from other periodicals published, or from book sa.les, is not stated, nor of what nature is the i.ncrease of ~Lssets. If these items were more definitely stated, we could better judge if the house were doing the business tha,t might re<:Lsona bly be expected of it. It is a matter of regret that its business or profits a,re so diminished, from causes not definitely stated, that no longer is there paid a dividend to our needy Conference claimants. In a business amounting to $400,700, it seems that the profits should be sufficient for all the expenses of the house and a good di videncl to said claimants.

'rhe Review is worthy of a larger subscription list; the Epworth Era should have double or treble its circu­lation among the young people of the Church; while that most excellent and well-edited religious paper, the Chris­tian Advocate, should entP-r thousands of homes where it does not, and remove the reproach of being able to ';live on its own means by close watching." These ends can

Page 93:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

j •

~1. E. on um·rr, sou'l'n. 29

be reached only by a hLrger interest being taken by our preachers in their circulation. Only in the di:';S mina­tion of the best religious literature can we counteract th~Lt which is viciom~ and hurtful: and a first-clfLss Meth­odist paper is essential to build up an intellgent and sturdy Methodism. We commend these papers to our people. Let us also try to induce them to buy and r 'ead some of the mauy excellent books, new and nld, issued by our house. In this connection we highly Cl)rnmend the labors of H,ev. R. I-I. Barnett, our Conference Ool­portcr.

We tru:'lt thn.t by J;mua,ry 1 our Uonference organ will have started out anew on its ca,reer of ui:;efuluess and blessing, and nuder new fLUspices and with new hopes shall receive a liberal a.ml enthusiastic support from all our people.

The committee offers the following for adoption:

Be.solved, 'l'hat the Conference a.ccApt the iwoposi­tion of tlrn Hill Printing Company, of Gainesville, Fla,., for the publishing of the FLOH.IDA UHRISTI.AN ADNOCAT.ID under the terms of the appended contra.ct :


'!'hi s memoran<lum of an agreement, ma.de and en­tered into this December 16, A. D. HJOl, by and between the "Hill Pl'inting Company," a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Floriclct, party hereto of the tirst part, and the Florida Annual Conferenee o:f the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, party hereto of the second part; witnesseth, as follow:;;, to-wit:

Th<Lt for and in consideration o.f one dolla.r ($1.00) cash, to each party in hand paid by the other, the re­ceipt of which is hereb,y aclrnowledged, and the addi­tiomLl consideration hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto covenant and agree to and with each other as fol­lows, to-wit:

1st. 'l'hat :first party shall be delivered a list of the :names of subscribers to the J:i'l.orida Christian Ad vo­cate, and shall receive the go1)d will and rjght to use tho name "Florida Christian Advocate."

Page 94:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


2d. That said first party shall pay the editJr of said Advocate compensation weekly, at the rate of twelve hundred dollars ($1,200) per annum.

3d. 'l'hat the editor shall be elected annually by the Conference upon the nomination of the Publishing Com­mittee, and said editor so elected shall be appointed by the Bishop presiding over the Florida Conference.

4th. 'l'bat there shall be elected annually, by bal­lot, a Publishing Uommittee, consisting of seven mem­bers, four of whom shall be clerical and three lay mem­bers. Said committee, when elected, shall nominate an editor for the next ensuing Conference year. ·

5th. That said committee shall be empowered to fill any vacancy that may occur in the editorship during intervals between Oonl'erence sessions, with the ap­proval of the Bishop having charge of the Florida Con­ference.

6th. That the subscription price of said Advocate shall be one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per annum, payable in advance, except that the price to ::i,11 ministers shall be one dollar ($1.00) per annum.

7th. 'l'hat ministers of the Florida Conference shall be authorized to act as agents for said Advocate. and on all subscriptions taken a,t the rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1. 50) per annum, in advance, shall be authorized, in forwarding said subscription, to retain twenty-five cents(25) as commission. In no case :;;hall any agent take subscriptions at less than full rate in order to secure said commission.

8th. rl'hat all advertisements inserted in said Ad­vocate shall be of un<"xceptional character, No ad ver­tisement shall be admitted that would not be taken by religious publications of the highest class.

9th. If any questions arise as to the character of ad vertisemen LR between the editor and publishers, said questions shall be referred for settlement to the Pub lishing Committee, wbose decision::; thereon shall be final as to the differences a.tissue.

J 0th. That said Advocn,te shall be changed in form to a sixteen (lG) page paper, stitched and cut, eleven and one-half by eighteen ( lHx18 inches in size, printed in first-class manner and on first-clas:s paper.

11th. Tbat this contra.ct ::;hall continue for a period of six (G) years and shall becnrue openttive as soon as

Page 95:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. E. CllUROlT, SOUTH. 31

executed by the first part and by the Publishing Commit· tee of the second part.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto subscribe their names and affix their seals in duplicate the day and year first above written.

Signed, seale.d and delivered in presence of

Resolved, 'l'hat if, for any unforseE'n cause, the basis for a contract this day adopted does not result in secur­ing the publication of any Advocate for the Florida Con· ference, the Publishing Committee provided for in said contract shall be authorized to arrange as they may be able and shall deem best for the publication of the paper, with the approval of the Bishop having charge o.f the Florida Conference.

H. A. HODGES, Chairman. H. E. PAR1'RIDGE, Secretary.

2. 'l'hat the Conference rescind its .former a.ction in taking money from certain funds for publishing the minutes, and that the sum of $125.00 or more, if needed for this purpose, be added to the assessment for Con· ference expenses, the present year's minutes to be paid for as heretofore.

3. 'l'hat the Conference proceed to elect a Publish· ing Committee of four preachers and three laymen as mentioned in contract. .

4. That R. H. Barnett be recommend ed to the Bishop for appointment as Conference Colporter.


D8AR FATHERS AND BRETHREN:- From the report of the Secretary of the General Board we len,rn that there was collected on the nineteenth as. essment the sum of $()7 ,815. 28, being an increase of $2, 235.42. Yet this large sum is not suffi cient to meet the demands of our growing church. Its rapid development in Cuba, Mexico and Brazil ca.11 for much more liberal coutribu· tions upon the part of our people.

'l'he Loan 1~,und of the General Board now amounts to the ha.ndsome sum of $:I91,09ti.48, which is in con-

Page 96:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

82 l!"'J .. OHll>A. ANNUAL CONl"rnnr..:NOB,

stant use doing the work for which it wa.s contributed. 'rhe growth of our Church in this State is very

encouraging, and your Board has many pressing calls for assistance, which it tries to meet.

'rhe collections this year show a slight increase over the last year, the total amount collected being $866. 70, an increase of $58. 66.

The special collection for Mc'l1yerie church, Jack­sonville, amounted in cash and subscriptions to $705.80, a total of $1572.50.

'rhe following Churches were aided by the Bo~1rd this year:

Bl'istol, Tallahassee District_ __________ ___ ___ $100 00

.Llo.Yds, " " -------- ------ - -- 75 00 Madison " " - --- ------------- 75 00 Bethel, Jacksonville Distl'ict __ ________ ____ __ 50 00

McMeekin, Gainesville " -------- · - - - ------ 100 00

The assessments put upon our Conference for next year is $12;)0, and is apportioned to the Distric ts as fol­lows:

TlLllahassee . _ --- - __ ---- ______ . __ . ____ ---- ____ $ 215 00 Live \.m\L ____ _______ --- --- -------- --- --------- 175 00 Jacksonville ______ __ -_ - __ _ - _ - ____ . __ _ - __ - _____ 180 00 Gainesville .. _ - __ - - __ - - -- - __ - __ .. -- -__ - -- _____ 180 00 Oelando ___________ __ ___ ___ --- --- --- --- - ----- - - 220 00 Tamp a _____ - _ - . - - - -_ - -- - _ - _ - - ____ - _ - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 280 00

Respectfully submitted, W. J. UARPENTER, Secretary.

SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD. There has been fL gratifying increase of interest in

Sunda,y School work in our Conference. We note the holding of District Conventions n.nd the iucruasing fund for the observ~rnce of Children's Day, n.ncl trust the increasing interest will be fostered by our presiding elders ftnd pastors everywhere.

Whiln no communication has come before us in refer~ ence to the newly en terprised work of our church un-


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der the supervision of Dr. Hamil, we wish to heartily commend that work. We recommend the formation of Bible Teachers' Study Circles by pastors and superin­tendents of Sunday Schools throughout our Conference for the better equipment of our teachers and for train­ing of new teachers: ·

Our Sunday School publications are of the best and ought to be used in our schools to the exclusion of union literature so-called.

We are glad to note our increase in the number of our Sunday Schools and .pupils. At present there are 278 schools, 1,788 officers and teachers and 13,474 scholars, being au increase over last year of 12 schools, 84 officers· and teachers and 832 scholars ..

FINANCIAL RE?OR'l' . Balance from last year ____________ ____ . _________ " Appropriated to needy Sunday Schools __ ____ ____ $56 35 Fur postage for Secretary .• --------- ------- - -- - -- 1 52 Balance divided between Annual Conference 3oard

of ~duC"atiort and · general Sunday School Board

R eceived from Children's Day collections, 190L .. Ten per cent remitted to genera! S. S. Board ____ _ Ten per cent remitted to ' general Boa.rd of Ed .. ___ _

Balance on hand _____ _____ ____________________ _

$116 86

60 87

55 99

$197 00 18 70 18 70

$159· 60 HOW ARD D'tJ'rJLL, Chairman.


To the Bishop and Members of the Florida Annual Confer­ence: We, your Committee on Epworth Leagues, beg to

submit the following: We note with pleasure that the leagues are growing

in numbers and efficiency throughout the connection. We are glad to learn that the "Era" is fast becoming

self-sustaining. We heartily endorse this paper and commend it to our young people and plead for its wide­spread circulation. We recommend the holding of Dis­.trict Conferences and the use,. as far as possible, of the

Page 98:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...



youn:g peo.ple iii' citfi.yihk on th.~ work~ br the league iH • , r ' ·~ rf I t· : - I , ' I l

all its departments. · ' ' We hell/3· express ou~ app~eci.ati01i of space given in

the Ad~ocat~' and th'e efficient · work of our department editor.· Welfifg~· f:YBur pastors:'tti organize leagues in all the charges, as far as possible. R~ports to this Ooh! ference show nlfW~~l.'11 bf "'l1etigu~s 96; A.hd nrliliber of members 2,632 in th~ ~bMer~nce~; l:i.n ibcreas·ecbf;~ over last year. . J . A. HENDRY', for Com'.ml't'tee:Jil

t · : nt.-.~'Jf. r. ~ J ·: J. r.: ~, ·

TEMPBR·ANOE. · · '1 · ;

)J~~·iJ .. ,1 ',' , J ! f '.I ~'i~~

Your commit1fee~l$1 'it neMssru=Fy! t'o :el!l!tl'ril.erM~ 1 ~he many and various evtii!! w:fiich oan ·-~f.tr<tUdr,~i.rectTy,' 6r indirectly, to the liquor system.· as4egalized and in prac­tice in our land. 'l'hese evils are patent 116'- us all. ·•lB'tlt it would call attenti01:1'1t6 'the power 0~·· tl1e" ' Chufch and urge it to use ~his J?<?Vffr?i i11 .rR-mrP~n~ ·~?d. :i:~sistii,g · tf.i~ evil in every p:r;act\s:a'\:>J~ vW%7i, 1:: ,it .,;wotJ.ld. s:ugg~~t .! t.hat the individual Christi~!). consiq~r pra.yedully his own

,,,)• , , • . ' '. ''·' .J1 1

responsibility and tha;t he u.se his in:f:l.Jf,~D,Ce at , all . ~mes

against the evil by guarding, the ground well which has already been won for temperance, ani ~hat he p~rs\st­ently m.\::)~t the invasions ;Qf the foe and keep him from the many counties which have been secured from his grasp. Also it w:ould)U'rg'e that; ill"tlie Epworth Leagues and Sabbath Schools, the lessons upon this vitally im­portant subject be taught with ··~p~6ia'fl 'infl.uence; that the youths and children of the Church may be tho'rnugh­ly strengthened against the evil, a!b'd would 'further ad­vise that, as far as possible, the pastors use the unfer­mented juice of the grape at the Sac1~ament of the Lord's Supper; and that by example in our homes;'' by' the preached word from our pulpits, earnest prayers from our closets and firesides and the public "ballot at the polls, we do all we can to banish this evil from our be­loved land. · We further recommend that a committee of two clerical and one lay members' of "this body be ap-

Page 99:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


pointed to co-operate with other· organized bodies of the .State in tb.e ·work of temperance reform.

' . .. ' R. v. ATKISSON, .0hairman.

·i-" ., SABBATH OBSERVANCE;'· . .:. ·1 ( . 1 •

, The subject given to your committee is one of vital importanqe, :•t.herefore . we cannot afford to ma.1,re any compro:i;r;iise.of J;he subject. The Sabbath ~is given for

' . . - ' a day o(.;rest and worship, sancti:fiec;l and "blessed by the giver:, coming to us with a strong injunction, "Re­membe1: the Sabbati1 day to keep it hply. •: · ·

This cq;mmand is as binding as any of. the ten, and if we wquld have long lif.e and possess the land of prom-

. t' ,. · i . . ,' . ' \ . !I . • . .

ise, we must.keep our hands clean from the vlofations of thi~faw . . _,~·-~ . ; ""' ;·· , .'. . . ..,:: . ;

we.hope the time will come when every business .- 1 ' •.\,• ~ I , J.:i.!' ··• J 1 ~ - r 1 1

man will claim . for . hi1J1self this rest day," which is so , , , . l • , • • J'. • ' { I . _j ,• ' I • • !I'

esse.o.tm! to.i .trµ'e si:tpcess. ·and haJ?pi;uess. "· We should d~~Y.6.~r~g~, the oi:>.enf~g and reading ' ofbu11~~~ss letters oP. the '·~ab.h~~h '.aa·y; flS-well as the selling Of 'goods ancl

• • • ' '' . J • • \ : '; ' ;1 .. .. . ; . th~ .. ~uEBW_g . of. tr~j~. . .. .. , , ,; : ., , ·

. . We p.9t.~. ~-\~fl,p~_easur~}~e wor)f. a?-d ~lf:.~pess of the Sunday League of America, · the largest apd strongest

. . . . . " I

organfaation in the world, wi.tl1 one huntj.red:~nd seventy-:fi ve thousand ill.em hers' an a,·fl, bout five millio:p. aclheren ts. We not ,only wish th~in success, bilt IJ.ro;r;{se to do all in our iJ'ow~r to help on ~he good wo~·~r'. .Th~y have dis­tributed over five million leaflets on Sunday Reform this. ytiar; · bu't 'notwiths't~tuding the reform dc'ihe by this lea.gue and 'the pulpits, · yet there is room fot iri.croased efforts on the part of the Church, for in '·tlie rush of

I ' • • ~· . 1

business and the love of pleasure n:iany of' o'Ul· people are led to violate the Sabbath law. Let U.1s" preachers. and delegates do all in our power to inclute our people· to keep the Sabbath day holy. · ' ( ' ! · ·


H. lliciTI.

Page 100:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...



'I'he treasurer of the American Bible Society very .aptly puts the question: Is it not the chief duty of the Church aucl every indiviJual Christian to promote the :spread of the Holy Scriptures, to the knowledge of which we owe our own salvation? And your committee desires, on this occasion, to emphasize as shairply as })OSsible this question, and thus by divine grace to stir up the pure minds and lay upon the hearts and con­sciences of our preachers and people this great work, its needs and its opportunities.

~'or nearly one hundred years this mighty agency for good has been sending out to the people of earth great and ever-increasing stores of the bread of life, the pure word of God, without notes and without comment. And its sphere of operations and consequent blessings continues to widen as the years go by. We note not only with satisfaction, but with_ devout thankfulness, the fact that during the past year there has been an increase in the work of distribution of about 150,000 volumes over the year previous, and that it now requires from ten to twelve millions of copies per annum to supply the demand for the blessed book. "Who can estimate the results to liberty of thought, higher national ideals, truer conceptions of the divine nature and the richer ex­periences of spiritual life growing out of this vast seed­sowing? What will the harvest be?"

It is a matter which calls for the profoundest grati­tude to God that the prayer of the Church for an "open door" is answered, and well-n·igh all outward barriers to this introduction and spread of the Holy Scriptures are now removed.

We also rejoice in the fact that these scriptures are now published in about four hundred languages and dia­lects, thus immeasurably facilitating the work of the missionary as he enters upon his field of labor.

We beg, before closing this report, to call the atten-

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M. E. OllUltCll, 80U TU. Si

tion of the members of this Conference to the splendid liberality of the Ame!l'ican Bible Society in proffering to relieve whatever absolute destitution may be found on our works, without money and without ·price, and add that the address of its agent for our territory is Rev. Thos. H. Law, D. D., Spartanburg, S. C.

What a debt the world owes! What a debt we owe this great institution.! How shall we discharge our part · of it? Certainly not by neglecting to bring this matter prominently before <=mr people and their comin~ up to · Conference with a "one dollar" contribution from one's own ·pocket. ''I'herefore, in view of the great importance of this work and our hitherto remissness iu the premises we offer the following:

.Resolved, 'I'hat our presiding officer, at every annual Conference hereafter, be requested to put to each preacher in charge the question: Have you conformed to the requirements of our Book Discipline in regard to the American Bible Society?

T. C. BH.ADFORD, Chairman.


Your Committee on Orphanage, submit the follow­ing:

We have in the Home at Macon, thirteen children from Florida. We have raised for orphans, cash, $193. 23. and valuable boxes of clothing, the value we do not know. We would remind the Conference that the needs and opportunity for establishing an orphanage has come, and we therefore ask this Conference to delegate to this committee the right of receiving bids and secm·­ing place and property for an orphanage home in the bounds of this Conference. They not to involve the Conference or the property with debt.

We appreciate the help and sympathy and help of Mission Societies and Leagues and Sunday Schools and ask their further help in this direction.

Respectfully submitted, J. A. HENDRY, for Committee.

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DISTRICT CONfl;RE~CE REPORTS. DEAR BRETHREN:-Your · Cornrnittee on District

Conference Records, beg leave to. report: . , . We have examined all the District Conference Rec­

ords and find Tallahassee Record well kept... Live Oak Record well kept. Jackstinvme Record well kept, but roll not complete. Gaines·ville . Record well kept. Or­lando Record well kept, but roll not complete. Tampa Record well kept, but .roll not complete.

Respectfully, E: A. HARRISON, ·Chair.man. F. A. .TAYLOR, Secretary.

December 14, 1901.


The Committee appointed in· the case of C. S. Olar­idy as a Committee of Trial, do hereby l'eport that we find him guilty as charged, and hereby vote his expul­sion from the Church and Mi~istry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

. ' rr. J. PHILLIPS, President. R. A. EDMONDSON . H. E. PARTRIDGE. 1. A. VERNON .



Resolved, That we h~1!E3by acknowledge receipt of a communication from 'the Presbyterian i church I 'On the subject of divorce; and that , · ' . ,, •.

2d. We are. in, hearty accord with the sentiments thereill: expre~s~d; and .

Page 103:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

··'. , ¥· Iii , OllUR!Hil~ ,~OU~B: . . , .. t• 39

, ,~d. That in . keeping th~~with we memoralize our State Legislature, as follows: , . ,

. • • • (. . I • ' T: 1J. PHILLIPS,

r ';,i 'll, A: HODGES,

.( ... ' • ( 11 ' F. L. .STOKES. WH:EREAS, .'I'he last J;.;egislature Qf our State passed

Bi law granting a disolutfon of the marriage vows on the ground of incurable insanity; and

WHEREAS, We believe the enactment of this law to hEl ,opposed the good of society, an\l that it sets· aside the authoritatlve teachings of Jesus Christ; therefore

Resolved, That we· enter · our protest · against such a law. , ' '' ·

· , · :Resolved also, That we are opposed to. all divorce laws which are not in harmony with the Word Qf God,-and urge the repeal of the same. .


·r· · »·. B. K. THRCj>WER.

·. >VI .

"(c·: ". Question 21-What is the number of local preach-

ers and members in the several circuits, .1stations and

missions? 20,594. . . Question 22- How many infants baptized during the

year? 620. · Question 23-Hbw many adults have been bap­

tized? 455. Question 24-What is the number of Epworth

Leagues? 96. Question 25-What is the number of Epworth

League members? 2,632. Question 26-What is the number of Sunday Schools?

278 .. Qµestion 27-Whatis the number of Sunday School

teachers? 1, 788. Question 28-;--~hat is the nu~ber of Sunday School

scholars? . . ,13,47i4 .. . · , 1 : . , :,.

Questiop ·29-What amount is n~,<¥jlS.!'1~1;-Y ·· ~or the superannuated preachers, and t)le wi4qwJ?, and orphans of preachers?. 1;; · ,., 11 ,.- .

Page 104:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Question '30-What bas been collected on the fore­going account, and how has it been applied? (See re­port of the Joint Board.)

Question 31-What has been contributed for Mis­sions? Foreign, $3,159.64. Domestic, $2,709.79.

Question 32-Whatbas been contributed for Church Extension? $866. 70.

Question 33-What has been contributed for the American Bible Society? $157.37.

Question 34-What has been contributed for pre~ siding elders and preachers in charge? Presiding el­ders, $6,698.06. Preachers in charge, $50,954.88.

Question 35-What has been contributed for the support of bishops? $746.10.

Question 36-What is the number of societies and houses of worship owned by them? Societies, -. Houses of worship, 318.

Question 37-What ,is the value of houses of wor­ship, and what is the indebtedness thereon? Value, $36, 592. 30. Indebtedness, $10, 124.

Question 38-What is the number of pastoral char­ges, and the parsonages owned by them? Pastoral charges, -. Parsonges, 97.

Question 39-What is the nlue of parsonag~s, and what is the amount of indebtedness thereon? Value, $95, 790. Indebtedness, $4,630.45, ·

Question 40-What is the ,number of districts and of distric~ parsonages? Districts, 6. Parsonages, 5.

Question 41-What is the value of district parson­ages, and what is the amount of indebtedness thereon? Value, $9,000. Indebtedness, $1,090.

Question 42-What number of churches have been damaged or destroyed during the year. by fire or storm, and what :was the amount of damage? Number dam­aged, 1. Amount of de.me.ge, ~27,000.

Question 43-What are the insurance statistics? 1n·

Page 105:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. E. Ol!UltOH, SOUTH. 41

surance carried, $65,975. J_,osses sustained, $27,000. Premiums, $843.80. Collections on same, $8,012.

(No report was made as to educational statistics.)


The Plorida Conference of the M. E. Church, South, in session at Live Oak, Fla., December 12-17, 1901, re· spectfully memoralizes its General Conference assem­oled at Dallas, Texas, May, 1902, as follows:

First-That, whereas, the Senate of the United States has declared that our war claim of $288.000 was obtained by the use of deceptive methods on the part of our agents, and whereas a great scandal has grown out of the same, that has caused our church to suffer and greatly disturbed her peace; therefore it is our godly judgment that the General Conference should return the whole amount of said claim to the Senate, thereby satisfying the conscience of our beloved church, by vin­dicating her honor and integrity, in settling right that which can never be settled in any'other way.

Second-That, whereas, it is the mature conviction of this Conference that the order of deaconesses is both apostalic in origin and character and that its reinstitu­tion in our church will be productive of untold good in the addition of another strong arm of service to our al­ready well equipped and splendidly organized system; we therefore request the General Conference to enact a law that will make available for high and holy achieve- · ment the latent but potential forces of thousands of our consecrated women.

Third-That measures be taken that will make our Conference claimants fund connectional in its scope, so that the distribution may be made more equitable, thus aiding the weaker and more burdened conferences.

Fourth-It is further the sense of this Conference that as far as practicable that all of our connectional

Page 106:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


9rgans be cqnsolidated, thus saviqga useless expendi-ture of men and money. , ,,

Fifth-We recommend, that in a way thfctt may be for the glory of God, the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society and the Woman's Home Mission Society be un'ited. · ' ,






From J. B . . Ley, Conference Treasurer .... , .. $3872 90 From Barbee and Smith, Colvin Fund...... ... 15 ·00 Amount on hand from last year for· Conference

expenses.---- ~·---·- '--- - - ------ - -· ---- ---- 36 97-$3,92( 57 .; Amount received from J. B. Ley., stated above to be credited

to yarious funds as follows: Conferer.ce Qlaimants .. - _____ -·- _ - _ - __ -.- ______ . _ -.- _____ .$2,622 97 Bishops Fund. ----·--- ------- --- - -- --------------- .----- 739 07 P. & L: Institutes ---- ------ ---- ------ -'-------:: ______ ~ - 122 57 Delegates General Conference. _____ ·- ______________ .__ __ 121 68 Annual Conference ·expenses. _____ __ - • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 109 23

Bible cause-----------------------·--------------------- 157 38


Amounts paid Conference Claimants. _______ . $2,501 45 Check to Barbee & Smith for Bishops _______ _ Check to Barbee& Smith delegate general Conf. CheckT. H. Law ~ible cause----------- --- --

P. &L. In11titute ---------­To J. P,. De Pass, Annual Conference expenses For publishing ,minutes. ____________________ _

739 07 121 68 157 38 122 57 145 90

40 00

$3,872 90

Incidentals ------ ----- ----- --- ----------·-- - 3 75-$3,831 80

Balance on hand----------- ---- -------- -- $ 92 77 The following amounts were appropriated to the Conference

Cl11.imant1: Mrs. Mary A. Blake .... ____________ ___ ___ · _____________ .$ Rev. J . D. Rodgers ______________ . __ ________ _._._. ______ ~ ---·

To Mr. Benjamin for Mrs, 'L'. W~,10oqper,.· --~-'----1.i-­

~rs, , yvm. Scott7 r,~~- C-- - - - - -- - .- -- -- - - - --- .- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

150 00 80 00 11 45 25 00

Page 107:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Mrs. L. B. Robinson ____________________ ______ __ ___ ____ _ Mrs. A. E. Munden _____________________ ----- - -- _______ _ Mrs. C. E. Pelot _________ . _____________________________ _

Mrs. T. Tay lox:- __ -________________ -. _ -. __ -____ _ . ----. ---Mrs. J.M. Stokes _____________________ ________ _ . _____ __ . Mrs. Geo. Leavell ______________________ _______________ _

Mrs. 0. Eady -------------------------------------------Mrs. Wm. Davis __ ----- _________________ •. _____________ _

Mrs. W. J, Morris---------·----·------ - -----· --------· Mrs. R. M. Tydings-------- ·- --------------- ----------Mrs. T. H. Capers- - --------------------•-------- -- - ---


50 00 100 00

40 00 70 00 70 00

Mrs. S. A. McCook ___ ____ _____________________________ _

100 00 60 00 80 00 40 00 70 00

. 90 00 150 00 200 00 100 00

Rev. J.C. Ley ______________ ----------------------------Rev. E. J. Holmes ___________ . _________ __ . _________ -·- __ _

Mrs. A. A. Barnettr ______________ ·- .- - --------------------Mrs. J.C. Sale _________ : ___________________________ ___ _

Mrs. T. Bishop----- - -----------------------------------Accou.nt of Mrs. Sweat_ ______________________________ __ _ Mrs. M. Williams _____________ . ___ . ___________________ _ Rev. T. J. Waters _____ : _______________ . _____ ______ • ___ _ Rev. E. Wilson. ___ . . __________________ ------ ____ . __ . __ _ Mrs. S. E. Booth. __________________ ~ __________ ._ . _____ _

Mrs. U.S. Bird __ ____ : _____ ________ ·--------------------Children of R. Martin ____ _______ ____ . ______ . __ __________ _

Mrs. W. S. Richardson ____ . __ ----- ______ ---- ______ ----Mrs. E. F. Taylor ______________________________________ _ Rev. J. S. Barnett _____________________________________ _

Children R. Stock.----------------------·---------------Rev. E. I. Gates .. : ___ . ___ --- _________ . ______ . _________ _ Mrs. W. C. Collins. ___ . _____ . _____ . . ____ _________ _ . __ ._


Tallahassess District. _________ ______________ $ Live Oak District _________________ . ____ . ___ ._ Gainesville District ________________________ _ Jacksonville District . ___ -- _______ . ________ ..

Orlando District_ - _ - . - . - - ... _ - - . - ... _ - _. _ - - . Tampa District ___ ... _._. ______ .. __ ._. ____ •. _.

c. c. 513 00 474 00 655 00 555 00 580 00 750 00

90 00 125 00 100 00 100 00

35 00 35 00

150 00 50 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 40 00

100 00 25 00 50 00 25 00

$2,501 45

Bishops IB 150 00

140 00 160 00 170 00 170 00 210 00

$3,527 00

P. &L.

IBl,000 00

Conf. Ex. Tallahassee District. __ ._ - . - _ - - . __ - __ . _______ $ 33 00

Live Oak District----------------~----. -----,- 27 00 IB 40 00

35 00

Page 108:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Gainesv ille District _____ _____________________ 35 00 Jacksonv ille District ______ _____ - _ - - ____ - _ _ __ 30 00 Orlando District _____ ___________ ___ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35 00 •ramp a District. ___ ___________ __ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 00

40 00 55 00 45 00 60 00

$200 00 $275 00 Respectfully submitted,

W. M. POAGE, Chairman. FRED. PIX'l'ON, S ecretary.


Resolved, 'l'hat the Board of Missions is requested to advance seventy dolla.rs to the Editor of the Minutes to be used, together with funds on hand, iJ?. paying for the publication of the minutes.

2nd. 'I'hat the preachers be requested to take up a collection on their charges within the first month of the new conference year for the publication of the minutes.

3rd. That said fund so collected shall be remitted to Rev. F. Pasco, Secretary of Florida Conference, and shall be by him prorated among and paid to the several Conference Boards making appropriations to the min­ute publication fund, in the percentage they sustain to each other. H. H. SASNETT.



Resolved, That we acknowledge with due apprecia­tion the cordial manner of our recep.iion, and the very kind hospitality we have received at the hands of the people of Live Oak

2nd. 'I'hat we acknowledge the courtesy shown us by our sister churches in the use of their houses of worship for committee workand for their pulpits on the Sabbath.

3rd. To the railway systems for reduced ti;anspor­tation rates to and from conference, and to the bank at Live Oak for courtesies shown.

Page 109:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

M. 111. CHURCH, ~OUTll. 45

4th. Thitt we thank J. P. DePass, the pastor of our church at Live Oak, for the many courtesies shown us during the conference session.



Dr. to receipts as follows: Direct from charge ___ ________________ ___ __ $12,930 46

Anniversai·y Missionary Collection ________ 18 03 T. W. Toml~ies to cover deficit on Misson'y 125 47 Collection from Orlando Dist., special call

at Conf. fot• McTyeire Church, Jackson­ville, and credited to "Church Extension Special" __________ . --~ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ 83 20-$13,157 16

Cr. By amount to Bishop's Fund ______________ $

By amount to Conference Cla.irnants. __ . __ _ By amount to Foreign Missions ______ ·- ---By amount to Domestic Missions ________ _ _ By amount to S. S. Spec'l Dom. Dissiuns_ By amount to Church Extension Asst. ___ _ _ By amount to Church Extension Special for

739 17 2,622 97 3,230 91 2, 779 52

416 17 866 70

Jacksonville._ -- ________________________ _ 121 95 By amount to education assessment_______ 1,202 86 By amount to education special Soochow

University ___________ ·------------------- 60 00 By amount to educatiori P. & L. Inst.itutes 122 57 By amount to education 20th Cent. special. 363 65 By amount to Children's Day___________ __ 197 59 By amount to Bible cause_________________ 157 38 By amount to Genernl Conferencedelegittes 121 68 By amount to Annual Conference expenses 109 23 By amount to Cuba speciaL-------------- 72 00 By amount to South Georgia Orphanage.. 70 66 By amount to Chinese famine sufferers____ 2 15-$13,157 16

NO'.l'E.-Tampa District reports a deficit on missionary col­lections of $41.88 which the pPesiding elder, Hev. J.P. Hilburn, affirms is provided for and will be paid.

J. 13. LEY, Treasurer.

Page 110:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...



· .' l

Solvent notes in hand December 15, 1900, amount in the aggregate to __ _____ ___ ___ __ _,,, __ $J,;735 00

~ • ' . • I • Madison Co. bonds $200.00 at6percent ____ ___ _ Interest on $1,535.10 at 8 per cent _~ ____ _ ~ ____ ~_ Interest on L. Jones note _. ____________ ______ _ _

'rotal interest ____ ____ -- _______ _________ :- __ Exchange on collections ___ ______ __ ____ _____ ___ $ 25

Collection on tax certificates ____ · .· - ---- ~- -- --"~ -' , 2 50 Money orclei• and postage_________ ___ __________ 10 To W. K. Zewadski legal service ___________ ·- ~- . 5 00 Interef;;t due on C. T. Carol's note- -- - -·-- - - - - .-~ 4 00 Incidental expenses __ ___ __ - ___ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 00 ,

Interest to disburse _ - - - ---- __ ___ __________ - _ ,_~

Donated· to Rev . J. Anderson ___ ___ ___ __ --- - _ -· $ 40 00 Donated to Rev . .. ~· C. Ley _____ ,__ ____________ 40 00

12 00 122 80

27 00

$161 80

$143 95

Don ated to Mrs . Bishop and children __ ___ __ "_ 40 .00 r:

Don ated to Mrs: Stokes-- ·- - - -- -~ -; - - -- ---.• ;..--- 1(5 100 ., ._, ,. R etained for incidental expenses _____ , __ -;- th'l'": 8. 95 $143 .95

' H. W. Lo:NG, Treasuret·.

(Extract fr O'm the report· of the Bbard of Trustees of the Florida Oonfere~ce College , which follo.w a recital of the conditions which made it inexpedient to try long­er to operate th e college in Leesburg, without such r elease of the property as would be recognized by the donors.) . ·

A committee was appointed. by the Board to secure' from the original donors a recognized release of their claims, or failing in this, to secure an equitable settle­ment. Said committee met the original donors at a called meeting on the evening of May 29th and morning of May 30th, 1901, and submitted the following prop­ositions:

1. 'ro continue our work for another year, and longer if the conditions justified, on condition that an acknowledged ab:;;olute :release of the contract should be

Page 111:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


given- theccillege 'faMulty having been' elected with this un:Rerstandir.ig. · This they declined.

'· The ooi'nmittee ·then requ!isted; their 'terms ·of set~ tlenient. ·' 'rhey i:'"eplied they had n:O prO'pbsTtion:s to's'ubl. mit, but would consider further.; pro~bsitions froni the com mi ttee.':i •0 'ui' ·com mi ttei:! lthen· propost>d: ' • · ·

2. · To surr~'ndei~ ' to"tn'e · donch·s:·Ufa •real estate, in­cluding buildings, in settlement in full. This they· res~ pectfillly decline.cl.. . · 11.i · . ; "' 1.J r. • . · • , ... 1i1, . . ·

3. A th:ir.cl pr'opositidb wals' then: made by our com­mittee to·refur t11eibonthct and se~tleinent ;to arbitratiott upon the ·following coriaitions:· 'I'hEJ t;tt-U:stees to selebt a man who was not to be a trustee noi.i1!:iib:iember idf ·the Fl6il'ida confefonce; and the dondrs-tO"JSeiect 'one not to he a donor 'nor a 6itizen io:f Lake ~ c8u'l'.i'ty;· these two t6 select a third subjei'.itiltb like ·requfremtints. · .!This they declined; · and in an§Wer to the second'and• lthird prop­ositions SU bmi tted tl1b1 following resolu:ti'On: ' ' ;

1. ,,;.WrrEREAS, It ·was the ii-ndetstariaing in 1886, aside from any contract, thtW · tl{e ;·' 1confe rence should establish and ·provide· upon th'~' gloun& donaifod; a colleg~'·i)'t;bperly; equipped ·and furnished' oflthe requi: site grade;!'ahd ' whereas[l1tlie•l co'tiferelice have . neV'eT carried ouhhe :first conditfon.ofI.the'gift; and ·

· 2. WHElR'.mAs; In the · ()pinidti'- bf ' 'fil1is · meeting; their failure ilo '· do so, or to iJrovide·mote ·than ·a shell of a college, is th~· all-sufilcient reason .fot 'tlie want of suc­cess attending the college:

"Now, rt is the sense of this meeting, representing all of the original donors i'.>resent, to ·release the con­ditions of the gift within one year after the conference shall have provided and operated at L eesburg a college with equipments adequate for the accommodation of a number of students, sufficient for the maintenance and well-being of a college of the required grade; the scale and expenses of such equipment and provision to be subject of future negotiations between duly accredited representives of the college and donors.

Page 112:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


3. 'l'hat this meeting, having put on record their willingness to release the conditions of the gift upon the conference, doing their part in good faith and to meet the conference in any reasona.ble manner to ena· ble them to do their part, and seeing no ground for arbitration of a contract which is plain in its terms, re­lies upon the contract, and calls upon the conference to do their part."

Our committee then submitted their fourth and final proposition, to surrender all of our college prop· erty, including real estate, buildings, furnishing, library and apparatus in full settlement of all claims. This they declined.

From the foregoing facts it is plain that the original donors represented in the called meeting, avow that we have failed to maintain a college according to the origi­nal contra·ct, and their offer to grant a release demands more than the original contract, and would require upon the part of the Uonference a. greater outlay of funds than we have been able to make during the fourteen years past. As the original donors claim that we have not complied with the contract, notwithstanding the fact that we have expended all that they invested and a much larger sum raised by the· church in founding and maintaining the institution, and as our Board of Educa­tion has listed us as a college, and the charter under which we operate ·so grades us, and the curriculum taught in the school so fixes us, and as the work done has vindicated this claim, we conclude that it is impos­sible tu maintain a school that will meet the demands of the 01·iginal donors. They having refused all the prop· erty in vested by them and us in settlement of their claims, should our church make further investment, and any cause or causes prevent the continuance of our work in Leesburg, we would be confronted with the un· avoidable loss of all our property and still the donors would prosecute their claims against us.

In view of the abov(:! we have discontinued the work

Page 113:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

'M. B. ORUHOll 1 BOUTll. 49

of the Florida Conference College in Leesburg. REPORT NUNBER 2.

Mr. President and Brethren: WHERF..AS, The Sutherland Land and Improvement

Company and the citizens of Suthei;land and vicinity in Hillsborough county are desirous of having an educa­tional institution among them, and

WHEREAS, They offer to this body certain valuable property considerations including concessions ·on ele­gant and commodious buildings, five thousand dollars in cash and four hundTed and forty acres of valuable land for two thousand dollars; therefore, be it

Resolved, 'l'hat this Conference accept the same and make provision for the transfer of property.

Respectfully submitted. A. E. HOUSEHOLDER, President. EDWIN F. LEY, Secretary.

Live Oak, December 14, 1901.

Page 114:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Tn m~moriam. MRS. MARY JANE WATERS, the daughter of

Rev. Dandridge 0. and Susan J. Walton, was born in Barren county, Kentucky, September 25, 1836; wa,s married to Rev. John T. Waters in 1860,' and departed this life at Viola, 'l'ennessee, March 20. 1901.

Our sainted sister was of Methodist lineage: her father and one grandfather, nine uncles and cousins being ministers of our Lord in the Metho­dist Episcopal Church, South. Giving her heart to God in her fifteenth year, she adorned her profes­sion by a godly walk and a pious conversation. Ti1itt0d by heredity and early associations, there was a meetness in the life of a minister's wife which she entered and sustained with honor and blessing for over forty years. Four children were born to bless the married life of Mrs. Waters­three of whom preceded her to the world on high­the fourth, a son, lives to illustrate the example and precepts taught by his Christian mother.

One who knew her well, writes: "In all her church relations Sister Waters was faithful; her walk was consistent; her experience was genuine and satisfactory, and her death a triumph."

And it is ever thus! They who walk with God know nothing of defeat. Even in the final con­flict they are more than conquerors. The power which sustains the soul in lif P- is never missing when the end is nigh. In holy confidence the saints of our Lord await His coming, and in blessed antic­ipation of the glory that shall be revealed have naught to do but breathe their lives out on His bosom.

Our honored friend and brother-a superan­nuate of our conference- is beyond doubt a lonely man, but heaven has unfailing joys for those who sorrow here, and in the hope of a blissful reunion, he awaits the summons which is to call him to his home in the cloudless empire of the saints.

For the Committee, R. L. HoNIKER. ·

Page 115:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Jn mtmoriam. Mrs. Lilian rr. Wilson, eldest daughter of Rev.

Sylvanus and Anna I. 'l'ownsend, of the Baltimore Conference, was born April 9, 1863; married J. Edgar Wilson, October 16, 1883; transferred to Florida in April, 1901, and was t1·anslatec1 to ber hea,venly home .from Jacksonville, November 13, 1901.

Mrs. Wilson had long suffered from tha,t insid­ious and dreaded disease - consumption-and it was hoped that a milder climate might prolong her life even if recovery could not be expected in her case. But the disease was su deeply seated it was soon seen that this hope was vain. Quietly, as sinks the light of day, h er pure spirit ·winged its flight to the cloudless realms of life.

Coming to us a stranger, she soon endeared herself to the people of Ri versicle among whom she dwelt, and the patience and gentleness she dis­played in her last illness made luminous the grace which cheered her passage through the valley and shadow of death.

Her husband and her four boys are indeed be­reft by this dispensation, but it is comforting to believe that she rests in a world where sickness and sorrow, pain and death, are felt and feared no more. For her blooms the amaranth; we, alas, must mar the asphodel!


For the Committee.

Page 116:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...
Page 117:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


"' ,,. Cf!URCH PROPER'l'Y

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Newnansvllle Circuit........... .... 2 1112 16~ 1;m u 17 ,


·I :1000 oo --------- I;;()() oo 22;; oo --------- ----·-·· 1\00 00 aoo 00 .... -----·· 1600 oo 12 00 · ··--·-· 12 oo Columbi>t Circuit_____________________ n·: f;;! ~~~) fl ;J 10 B I ii 2300 00 --·-···-· 400 oo -····--· ......... ----·--- 100 00 oo 00 .... ------- ---------1-------- ---·--·· -------

~1t~l~'S~·8H:• : ! ~ ~ ~I ; i l t ;1 ! ! I; :: I :; ; _ : -z :: - ~; •••• < ••••••••• : -······· H•··~::.~"''.OC : .: ,;;:I ,:; ,:1--i;, ,; ; --.; :l-i1-~" ~= : ; ~; ';,;" ... : ~' ;;; 00. ;;;; ;,; ; ;~ ~; ;;;;-;; c_: = ; ;;;;J;; ;; ~ :: :::: ~ ;;; ;,; ~~~~~~:F'T[J"T: l' ~ ~ ia: ~ 1 4 : 11 1 ii~ :: = im~ ,~~1=7 001 ::·· '::, ~iL l •• :d I: : Micanopy Ci1·<JuiL. ---------------···- .... l:lll 1:lli 1oi: 3 11; ____ ? ---~, ~ I -1 l()(lO oo -------- ·IOO oo -------- ----·-··· ........ 1;,o 00 tlO oo .... 1000 oo :i1 00 ._ ---- . __ __

t"i1:;~L~-~-?~ l'~-~ 1_t_::::::_:::::::: :----- ---i ~~,\ ~l~ H~ ' :i i 2~ · "i' ·--:i 1:1

11 l 1 i~ ~ --2000·00 2~ ~ ::::::::!:: ::::::: :::::::: :: '.~~:~ ---~-~ :::: ::::::: ::~~:~ :::::::: :::::::: ::::::: W\\~~~o~~t1 '.~t-~'.r''.~~~:::::::::::·:::::

1 .. ~ ~~1 200 22')1··--1

1 ~ a~ J : ·I a ~~~ ~ .:::::.:. ;;()() oo -------------------····- aan oo 124 Oil ---- ••••••• 1200 oo s ·10 ------ -- ---- --· Anthony Uil·cult................... 2 a1~1 :83 aua 244 1H, 110 in 16 Iii 111 ;, fl:lOO oo --------- 700 oo ________ -----·--- ,- ------- 4

1000<l 0000 1100271' 300'7 -_-_·_-_ -_·_-_:·.-_-_ --~;;()() ____ oo _____ :.,_'_l _at __ >,---·-··- ------ -

Inverness Ui rcuiL ··········------ --· OH 12ti ' I ··-- iiH 61 --- •• -1 a1 :i 2700 00 ----·-. f>(l() 00 ...... .. '--------- ·---··-- ---····· -------Webster Circuit. .................... I 21111 2'lll 2:>8 II 2·1 22 ,, 6 o ,1n;;o 00 ··------- 1300 00 ........ 1 ......... -------- On 00 30H 00 ---- -·-···- --------- ------- ------- - ------Herm•nclu MIHHlon ................... ' I wa 1\l:l IHHI 2tl ' ~ ;;11 8 161 11 :l IHHO 00 --···--- I 300 00 ________ 1 _________ -------- llfi 00 ---- li\O 00 -------- ....... : ·-·----Leesburg _____________________________ I a ll!O 100 11121 11 40 11 0 I 2

1 1


1 21~!000 ......... I 120000 ........ --·······-------- 11 000 _________ ---- ------------------------ --··-----------

~1E£~~:~::~1:~~~~'~:::::::::::: :::::: :::: ---~~ -----~~ ---<~ :::;1--~~ --- ~ :::~ :::~1---; ---; ---~:-: ::::::::: :: ::::::::: :::::::: 1::::::::r:::::: .:::~~:~~ ___ '. ~~-: :::: ::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::: Brool<Hvlllc Clr<J ui L ................... I 2' 1:1a 1:1:1 13·1 1· I ---- -··· ---- I . I I 3000 00 ------- - I ;;(}().()() ----··· 1---- ----- -------- ····· --- - 200 ()(> ____ -100 00 -------- ---·---· -----·-Lady L11ke Clrcu!L _______ ----------- --·- Il l fll lH 2 7 2 ---- ··-- ~ 4 ~000 00 --------- I GOO 00 2;)() 001 _________ 1-------- nO 00 ta i;o ---· ----- -- -------- ------- · -------- -------___ 'l'_o_t1_1L. ________ ________ ________ 1--;-;-i 2088 211KH 2nH~_-;-:;:;-' 2\lo 400 6i77162 1-;;:r$002Ut"oo~ oo 18~-cx;~:;;;\~-o;;$i00000·~~~ :i 1 ~-r;o;o;;m,----

Page 118:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

~ I


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MkThIBERSHIP I ~. 8~ 1 ~ ~ ~ "C 6

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JACKSONVILLE DlSTRlCT. I l Ji<cks.c_>nvillc.Mc'l'yelreMcmoril~l.. ---·- SM 3tltl :l'H 8 •It! 20 14 1$ 1 AOOOOO~ .....• 1 $0000 0018 .. -----~--------$ ..••... L ..••• $380000 1 $2700000$800000 .... .• . 2700000$800000

Hlverslde ............ .. . ... 198 IU8 103 20 4\l 34 3. I 300000 30000 180000 ..•••••. ---·····--·---·-· 463 00 •..... - •.•...••.•..... 2f>OOOO 8500 ...•••...•..•••• " St.Mutthewx&l\fantlllrinl l 285 285 Ul6 100 ri-1 1 20 3t 14 4 3 U.100 00 ........... --------- -------- .......•. ........ 50 00 10 00 ____ --------- lflOO 00 17 50 ...•.... --------

Fernandln11 ..•.. ----·····-·---------··i-··-1 I02 162 HS IO 21 2'2 II I I l :JOOO 00 ••.•... . JAOO 00 -··----- ·--· ··- ·- .•••....•.•..••• -------- · . ....••.. .... 1500 00 • 27 00 -------- ..••.••. King's .l!'crry Circuit .... ----------·---·- 74 N 79 --- .... 6 ---- --·- 3 2 1500 00 ..... I arlO 00 -----·-· --------- ........ ----·-·-- 30 00 ............. --··-- --- ....... -------- --------Cull11han .. •...... ..... .....•..... ----1 21 188 11!81 174 II 1i g I ---- 7 !\ 2000 00 ..... .... l 3:!5 00 -------- -·-·- --- ------·- ····--··- 30 ()(} ---- -----···· ····- -·-· .•.........•••.....••.. Green Cove :indMltldleburir. ....... 2


142 142 0-Z ll 47 15 10 11 4 2 iltlOO 00 ----···· 1 200 00 -------- •••• ..•. .••.•••. 50 00 150 00 . •.. --------- --------- •..•....•..........••.. Moultrie Mlk,lon. .................... . . ... 114 114 8~ 21 14 B I 6 :1 2 1200 00 ••.•..•. .. . ••••..•. •••••••• .....••.. ..••.... 100 00 .... •.... . ...•.... .... . ••............ -----·-- ----·- -· Polatlrn ......... . . ........ ..•....... . I i!"t7 227 2:lO I II 5 " I I :~<;()() 00 ...... 1 1000 00 .••••••• ..•.•.... •....••. •.....••• •.••.•... ..•• ••..•••.. 3000 00 30 00 •••••.•.••.••.•• Fruitland nnd Volusia _____ ,. ______ .,.__ 2 lrlO 100 200 6 t 70 3 t 8 7 :lilt)() 00 .......... l 000 00 -------- ··------· __ ·-·--· 200 00 50 00 ____ --------- ------ --- ------- -------- --------New Smyrn11 l\llsslon .......•........ I \JO llO 104 l 10 25 H •• • 4 ~ 5!0 Otl ••••....•••••••••••.••••.••••••••••. -------· 100 00 47 20 ••••• •• ..•••• ___ •••••••••••• ·-·----- ------·· San!or<l . . .... . ..•.••.•..•.•........ .. .1 ---· 117 117 10"~ 3 ~'ll 17 6 I I 1 4100 00 IL'05 00 I 1500 00 ••.•••. .....•••. •..•.... ..•..•.•. .. . ... •. . •.. ••.... ..• 3500 00 3.5 00 .•.•..•• -- ----- -O'l'lvtluc".dvo.11.1c .• ·~·n·,·l · C-;o- ·a·o·a··.·.-------·-------- ---.-•• ··.·_·_1····l 114 114 106 IH 4 20 a 8 3 3 WOO 00 ....•.. 1 1200 00 ·------ ·-------· -····-·· ·····•··· ···-····· ---· ·------- - --------- ------- ·-·-···· --------

·' ~ JO:l J03 08 rn 10 10 4 10 3 3 4000 lXl ....... I i!.'iO 00 ..... •. •. ... .... .••.•..• 100 00 16.5 00 .... .•.. •••.. 600 00 ..........• ............ Fort Pierce Circuit ---- ----------- · -· 2 80 80 88 4 10 14 3 I 4 :1 2000 00 . ........ I 450 00 40 00 ....•.. . .•••..•. •• .... . • 83 1 00 .... •..•.• ••• 1200 00 30 00 ....••.......•••

~~:=~=··~ :::::-~:: :: ~~ -J -~ ~i ~ i ::: .~ 1-.:. ! !J~ J~2i.:r : : .;IL!~ . Jltj::2~£~:t~:: ORLANIX> DrnTuICT.

Orlando ···-······· ··--·-·--·-··--·--- I 2-19 2111 2.';.5 I J7 ~4 7 I I 4000 00 .... . ... 2ixl0 00 ......•. 1500 00 •....•.. ··-· ---- - 2.'lO 00 ...•. .. ••.•.. 3000 00 ..•.•....•.•.••.... ..••

~!ii0.ft\l\1a ::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::: -- - ~ ~ 2~1 2~ ~ ~ lig ·--r. ···o ~ ~~ ~ --~-~ :l ~ ··· r,o·oo :::::· .. : :::::::: ·--fiOO·oo ··-·w"ii.1 :::: ---- -- ··- --·--·- ---- ---- --·-···· Kissimmee... .. ....................... 1 167 167 1Rn 2ll 18 7 1 1r. 1 ~'000 oo ..... .. •. 1000 oo ----··· .....••.• ..•..••. 12.5 oo 40-2 •JO •.. . ······ · -- ·-i500·oo ··42·00 :::::::: :::::::: Mt•ltlan<l Mls.';lon --··-······--·-······ I 174 174 141 21 12 10 •. .. . •.. 6 2000 00 ......... 600 00 .•..••.. -------- .•..•... .•••..... 21\ 00 ..•. -------- - ......... -- -- --- •••..•.. ----·-- -Ilurtow - ----- --------- --·-·· --------- · I 249 240 219 I 97 JO 0 3 I I ir.oo 00 ··-···-· I 1500 00 ·· ··· ·-- ---·-···- ········ ·---·- --- 20.3 ()(} .... ----- ---- ----··--- --·---- -------- ·---·--BartowMis Ion • ... ..... •................. -·--·- ------· ------- ....... ____ ... ......... ____ ........... ..... . __ ----·---- ..•. .. ...•............ ............ ---- -- --- ..............•.............. ----- -·- ··-- --- -Fort Mcttclc nnd Homeland ......... . . . . 13-1 13 1 120 28 II 25 0 J.I 2 2 :JOOO 00 .•.... . .. I 1000 00 ........ .. . . . .... ........ . ........ 167 88 .... .. ...... . --- ······ -·---·· ••• ..•.. ·------· BowlinrcGrccn Circuit...... ... ...... 6 210 21\l 180 47 la 35 2 31 5 4 1400 00 .••...... I 400 00 .•.....• .•. .••..• ...•••.. .•••.• .. • 50 00 .... ·-------- ... . .... . ..... .• -----·-- •... •• .. Wauchula Mission ..... _............. . 3 ltl5 HIS 145 15 21 16 3 8 5 2 LOOO 00 UJ 00 I :115 00 ... .. ... •• ....••. ........ 212 00 486 00 . . .. .• ••.• .•. 100 00 3 00 ........... • ....

!~f ;,~~;~+ ++ ::i !~ ~ :~ .j t'1 tJ1

l ! i ~ + i: :~:~ _H- : :::- + + .. ~~.~ -+ /I~ Of+ :-Puntn Gord11 and OJiarlottc Harbor. I llrt Hl2 174 21 I 2 fi 13 2 2 140tl00 •.•• ..•. • J 60000 .••..•.....•.•••...• . ...• ll\000 1000 •..•.. . .......•. • ..•...•••.••. .•.•.......•••.

E~~~r:~~s~~l~~c~:~:~~:~~~~~::::::: ! ~ ~ . ~~ .. '.~ a: g ~ .. '.;, ~ J _ ~~ ~ : .. :~:~ j I~~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~ ___ '.~~ ::::~ :::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Totnl.. .. ..........•...... ....... 2.'i 2872 2872 2655 108 i!2:! 242 7ll 86!! 58 43$30ll7500$ 0140016 $ 1387500 $ 5000 $ 150000


........ $ 123700$11 76578 $M0000$5300 _____ _

'l'AMPA DL~' CRIC'.r.

Tampa, First Church- -- --------····· Ml6 506 500 30 25 50 5 15 I 20000 00 1000 00 1 5500 00 1500 00 1000 00 00 00 .•• .. .•. .... •.. .• .... 4000 00 25 oo .... .. ..•.....•. ·· H.vde Park ..... ........ .... . 1 135 135 •..•.•• 20 32 10

Sctrner Uircult. ·· ·······------- --·· -· .... 100 100 280 ...• 14 70 2 .••• 5 Port'r1Lmpu tind Mission ............. 2 !<II 1'11 • . •.•.. 10 1:1 17 •..• 2 6 AlaU!>..... ....... . ..... ............... .... :io:; 3()5 30-I ~>() IH 3.'i 21 12 0 0 Braldentown ......... . . . .•..... .• . ... 127 127 ll3 15 12 7 7 .... I I :llfonatee Circuit.. . .................. 2 118 118 120 •••. 3 6 .••. 3 2 Pi;lmetto - · ------------·········· ····- 1 106 100 105 4 18 2 1 I I I 1 Ellenton nnd Oak Rill. ..... . ......... 1 67 07 42 18 7 2 .... 2 :1 I Sarasot11.... .............. .... .... .. .... 8 !J(I 00 !16 2 8 6 . • •. ••.. 3 ClearWnterClrcult ....•.............. 2 20-l 201 160 4•1 23 24 •I 14 <I a St. Peter>bUr(l' . ·--·----- - -·-·-----·-- I JS3 ]{,3 120 28 2.'i 20 7 8 I 1 LCLrgo Circuit..... ..... ............ ... I 2·17 2-17 ~'9"2 2 U 45 7 ••.. 4 4 Blanton Circuit·------· -- ··----····-· 2 237 2:17 2]7 15 5 -· -- 4 5 7 7 Dade City Circuit.. .. .......... ..... . l 230 2,'IO 214 8 19 11 7 4

1 5 5

Pl1rnt City and T!Lmpa Heights...... 4 823 3-.l.1 238 40 71 30 "l 141 2 YborOtty&W.'l,umpo.Cul>n.nMiss'n. ....... 70 70 77 5 3 ·- -- ---~ ---· 2 ·------·- --- -·-- -- ------ ------- -Ker Li>rllo.. . ............. . ... .. ...... .. .. 65 ll5 75 ____ ...• 10 o . .. . a ···2 ···iii5<i"oo ::::::::: ·· ···250·00 :::::::: ::::::: :: :::::::: ···-,ici-50 ::::::::: :::: :::::::::

KeJ• }Vest, !~~~~~~r:~~l::: ::: ::: :::~ m ~~ m I~-- -: ... ; ~? :::; l l ~ ~ :::::: ::: l ~ ~ :::::::: :::::::::::::::::··am·~ ----~-:::: ::::: ::::: ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~= ~~~~~~~~ La Trinidad Cuban...... 1 41l 41l 41 8 .... 2 44 8 3 2 3000 oo •.•...... 1 1200 00 ...•.... ---· - ---- ........••.......... • .... ____ --- --·-· - 500 oo .•.... . ....••......•...

Total... .•..•••••..•• ..•.... •. ... 24 4558 ~~I 454 308 386 200 86j64 M $ii300Q00g 11m; oo 10 $200,";o 00$:?740 00$100000$ oo ooa 00~1 50$ 7357 no---- $14000 oo !!217 oo------

, I

Page 119:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

STATISTICAL TABLE NO. 1.- R eca pi tu I a ti on.


CHURCH l:>ROPliJR'l1V .. .. ... .. 6 s " " "' " (/)

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L1v e 01tl<- •.•....•.•......•....... . 21 H32ll :i:129 8:128 1.11 180 207 ·1:1 7ii li6 oo a1221100 u1rioo 1s 1210000 aoooo 150000 ........ 70000 42:1788 •••.•........ 27'.l.'iOO a1 15 ...... . .• 1200 ll>tinesvllle......... ........ .. .. ... 10 2988 2988 2985 174 2llU ·.100 61 77 02 ii7 60202 00 2000 oo 18 15100 00 550 45 2500 oo 1000 oo 50 '10 21101:11 .••. ---···-·· 102;,o oo oo oo ....•.•.. ---- -- --.r .. 01rnonville ...................... 1-1 2769 ~769 211H 2oa 372 a:i:i 114 U4 50 43 60-100 oo :n~o oo 14 16250 oo 100 uo ....•.•.. · -- -·-·· rnua oo 5\)35 65 1 :J'TOOO oo 2-14001XJ 222 50 21000 oo AOOO oo 01fando ___ ··--------··--·-·--···- 2i\ 2872 2872 26.'\!\ 198 222 :t42 7:l 811 f>8 48 Hll975 00 91·1 00 10 1387ii 00 50 00 1500 00 ·-----·- J2H7 00 1176.'5 78 .•.. · · ·- ··· · 0500 00 53 00 . .. •.• •.. •....•• . 'L'amvu .•••....•.•..•...•.•.....•.. 24 4558 4558 :!071 4;;~ HOH asu 200 R6 64 fi4 oaooo oo 1005 oo 16 20650 oo 2740 oo 1000 oo oo oo tma150 1: ~;7 56 ••.• ---·· · ··- l 'IOOO oo 217 oo -------· - --·--···

-- - - . --- - ------ -- - ------- ----- - -------··------------------------- -------'l'otal.. •.•. .....• .•••• .• • ... . 11(1 20·178 20178 190&; 14 18 l!\72 1828 020 455 375 :J 18 $31J.i928 00 $I012-I 00 117 $9ii700 00 $ 4030 45 $ 9000 00 $1000 00 $ 11 588 00 $;100.ill 88 l $21000 00 $65975 00 $8-13 80 $27000 00 $8012 00 'L'otal LltSt Ye>ir ....•....•.. 100 19 1!\0 rn 15H ·---·-- 821 1101 1110;; fi75 :i2 1 ar,7 Hl5 377 107 oo 12082 25


91 83500 00 2127 00 .. •... . •• --······ 14402 70 286:!5 21 1 1800 oo 53.540 00 523 ll5 1000 00 875 25

b~c~;~~~;e·.·:::::::::::::::::: -- ·· ... '.~'.~ ·--~~'.~ ::::::: -~~ - i ii~ ··77 . .''.: . '. ~~ .. '.~·--~$ . i i iii-i-iX1 ~-~~-~~ - ~ ~'.~ '. ~~-~ ~-~~:~ _''.~ ~:::::::: ~::::::: $_2ii7·i·7o ~ '.'. ~~~-~'. :::: ~=~~-~ ~'.~~~-~ ~~. '. ~ ~=~-~ ~'. '. ~~-'.~

Page 120:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


Pr, .... idinu Prt.~:tt'hel' t 11mrt•rt-lil'O FurP-hfll Uomei-;tlc Uhur<'h Elder In I 'h:i r icP JlJ,hotN

I 'liilm"lll'l Ml"lon' l\!IR,Jon• J•]xtenslon l!:d11c1itlon

8 xpenscs or-­Dcleic"tes to ( Jencro.1 ion­reron ·e _

N.\~11•! !W L'lf.\ltl:F:

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'l'.Lllal1~1.., ... ,.t' .\lonth•t•tlu L<'tHI C'ircuit fJllllH') . --

I :f. !!:kl O:l, :?:k1 II.I .

:?tx1 nol '.!ill 1•11 r,;; oo :i.:1 "211 JIU m 110 lMI

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Page 121:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

STATISTICAL TABLE NO. 2. Continued_ --------

Preslding .l:'re1ichcr l!llcler in Chu.rire

Bishops Conre rence IJ;'orelgn Domestic Church . -----~---Clliim1ints Missions ___ MLsslons Ex~ension ~c~ "' h

E>:pcnse o! I ______ .,-"" .,~

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~ Genel'al Uon- ~

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NAME OF CHARGE. 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O 'O "" "' "' "' "' "' "' "' " i2 i2 ~ "' "' "' "' !ii "' "'

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0... <I p.. <t1 0... <I 0...

GAINBsvrru Dm·rarn~:. I I I I j I / I I Griinesville ____________________ $ Iii!\ 00~ l 5fi 00$ 11 00 00$ 11 00 00$ 22 25$ 22 ·m$ 78 00


$ 81 ·10 $ ll7 00$ ff7 85$ 8B 85$ Bl(lfi$ 23 fi0$ 2~ 81 $ 30 oo .~ so 37$ .17 m;1$ lJiiO 60$ ·11 2$ 3 00'$ ....... $ •I u3$ 2148 82

~~~~~ir.;::: ::::::::::::::::::: :m ~·1 1,~ ~~ ~~ ~· ::?~ ~g : ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~g :is ~1 ~ jl~ zg ~~ gg ~ : ~ ~.11 ~ ~ ~g ~ ~ · :~ ~~ 1i: &i---~~-~i- - '.~~- '. ~ ------85 ] t~I '~g 7 i\3 ~~~ b~ Ultra __ ______ . -------·--·-·--- 81 oo 8-t oo or,o oo Ofio oo 12 oo 4 oo 4:J oo Iii oo 53 oo 18 oo 4u oo 12 oo ia !JO 15 oo 20 oo 5 oo 02 11 1i17 ·IO a oo 1 oo 2 oo 4-1 20 1011 so MiciLnopy Cir •ult_____________ Iii\ 00 ~9 30 . 521\ 00

1 307 20 7 2i\ 8 00 27 00 27 00 :J3 2.'i :rn 00 30 00 :10 00 8 00 i\ !JO 12 00 12 (JO- -----· 1 Gt 00 I 00 t 00 I 00 ---· ------ 831 :JO

Williston Clrcult_ ____________ 50 001 fiO 001 385 00 :!:Ii\ uol 178

:1IO·'' S 00 ~~.:,{)(fill) 2 1 IJO :J·~ 00 ;j

9:.l ~00 27 50 30 00


100x1 8 00 12 00 10 Ckli 52 20 !\ 00 1 0<1 :1 00 1 00 1 00 1001 4;;

Ocrilri - ----- ------·------- ---- - 1:10 m 120 00 1000 00 Oil 101 - J.t 00 u 50 OU 81 00 u u 70 00 r,o 00 15 00 ;!() t)() ________ 20 00 118 6:\ 5 Gt 1 2.'i1 3 (JO z 7ii 2035 :!8 Cotton Pl11nt Circuit _________ (WI W 41i 001 450 00 a:J7 4fi 8 z.; 2 21 28 8.; la HO 3n 00 1-1 00 31 00 12 20 8 70 2 72 13 :l5 3 ·In ·-- ---- 12 10 fiO J 00 ·15 S.'\ 4\l:I 78 Wildwood-- ------------------ ·10 oo .JO m 400 ool a1 1 48 8 oo 8 oo 24 oo 24 oo ao oo :10 10 2;; 20 2;; 1x1 8 oo 8 uo' ll oo 11 ooj 10 n5 :io 10 2 ;J; a 001 1 oo 221 a:.I ion 40 Anthony Olrcult ______________ 75 001 75 001 5W 00 i\'!Q ~f JO 00 11 00 40 00 37 00 4U 00 30 00 40 00 40 00 11 CXl 5 Oil J7 ?<.' I~ 00 ·IO 85 U\) 5i\ 1 00 I t;(J 3 00 u;, 70 91fi 8f> Invernessc;arc~iit_ _______ _ ____ 7i\ 00 1\3 }~ UOO 001 30., .l7 iO 75 5 fifi 37 •10 2:1 20 •lti liO 15 l fi •10 2.1 14 07 11 50 8 00 J7 2., .1 M · --·---- BO UO 5 00 rO · - --·--· -- ----·-·· 7:lii 83

lreer~';;~~c?~~~\~n: ::::::::::: ~ ~; gg gg ~~ &l ~~i U 1 ~ i~ ---·~-oo ti ~ --· ~~-oo ·1! ~ ~ml f~ ~~ :,1i ~ ·~ ~L . '.~-~ 1 ~ ~ -- . '.~-~ ___ '.1~_00 --- ~'..oo .... ·'._~~ 1 ~ .... '..~ 2A 1*! 1 .l~Hii r,,ee~burg _____________________ 85 001 70 00 000 00' oOO 00' 12 00 G 57 44 00 ilO 00 55 OU 55 00 18 00 •18 00 1:100 7 00 20 00 10 00 42 4li -------- 4 72 50 ·-·-·-·· ----- -- --- B3U 2.'i Interhtchen Mission. _____ __ __ 25 00 25 00 ilOO 00 244 00 a.>.~~ 2

1 M00

rn 00 ll! 00 11ul; ~ I! 00 1:1 75 13 00 •I oo ______ . 5 oo --- -·--- _______ JG 70 Joo




,5 50 178 00 513 20 NewberryMlsslo1i. __ _____ ___ . - ------- 2ii oo ---------- 114 47 , "v 12 r,o a 7ii "oo 1'I 00 o oo 4 00 I oo 6 (J() ____ ____ ------ -- ---··--- no 50 17 oo 166 17

~~~~i~\fi~031 ,:cuit::::::::::: ~g &l1 ~~ &l ~~ ~f l ~~ gg, i 33 ~ &i ~~ ?,g ,., ~g ~~ ~ ~ g~ ~ & 1 ~ gg ~ ~ --- -i-fiii 1T ~J 1 ?,il ·------- ---··--- { rJ 70 ~~ ---·-·3·2~ !~~ :IB LadyLtikeCircuit. ______ ____ :l!\001 3000! 200001~~-22;; ~-800 ~~ 11 20 ~-~-2 so _ _ 1_:"> -~~ :::::~ 1~~:: __ :.= __ 1_o __ L 7:i ~ooo

TotriL ______ ______ ---- ---- $ 11 75 00 $, 1 02~ ·1:1


$ 9 140 00;$ 7002 60 $ lll8 nO $ 127 00 $ 598 75 $ 130 I ~$ 7·10 r5 ill fi51 00 $ 012 55 $ •107 07 $ 181 70 $ 12'l 83


$ 213 60 $ 153 Ill$ 438 li\1$1000 88 $ 3; ;;o $ 2fi 50 $ 17 Oil$ 0011 20 $ 1587•1 2\l 01U..ANOO DL~TRTCT.

Orlando ____ ___ _____ ___________ $ 100 00$ HIO OOI$ 1000 00$ !()(JO 00$ 20 00$ 20 00$ 08 OU$ 68 00$ 8 1 Xl$ 81 OU$ 06 00$ 06 00$ 2ii 00$ J3 00$ 47 00$ 2:100 '$ 27 00$ 120 51 *- ·--- -- * ii 00$ '1CIOI$ 7 00$ ln81 rit Apoplm ____ ___________ ________ (H mi :l2 42 300 00 217 Gt !; 00 a 00 w 00 II) 00 !!·.I XI I:! Ou 20 00 IO :18 8 OU I !Ill 1·1 ()() 80 ________ ---·---- -------· I 00 I 00 ---------- ~'Ill 80 Um11tilla__ _____ __ ______ _______ 70 001 a5 oo, 450 00 . 2:\:1 00 7 ()(I 7 00 l!<J 00 15 00 !!8 Ill)()() JI\ 00 2·1 00 rn 00 I) OU 7 00 17 (I() 8 001··-· ·-·- ·--·--·- ·--·--·· 1 00 I 00 :l 00 •JU I ()() Kissimmee ------------------- 00 00 00 001 700 00. 710 00 12 00 12 00 40 lXI ·IO 00 ·18 '18 00 40 00 40 00 lij 00 15 00 ;!8 00 28 00 ~1 34 8:1 i\ I !\ 90 2 00 !! 001·----- ---- l·l lB % Mail.land Mission _______ ._____ 37 30 ~7 ao1 300 001 I~ ~I (i !XI (i 00 20 Ou ~·~ gg 2l K) !!l {Xi !!U 00 2U 00 2~ ~ 8 00 !~ 00 H 00 ------ ·- ---·---· -------- l (JO I 00 n 40 5:l.'i 00

~~~~~~Miss1ori ::::::::::: : ::: 1~ig&1 1 ~~~. 1~J~ 2 10001 'g~ iggg ~~~ 1000 ~~~ 0 •. ;~.:ioo{)(oo1 ~& r;~~ .100

2~%1 ·~;~g -- ·-;i -oo ___ ~~ -~--~·~'.-~ :::::::: ~gg---·i·o0 1 ·---··2·00 'g<2,6~i Fort Meacle and Homelancl.. 50 001 50 r,o, •100 00 40:1 001 7 00 1 2;; 20 00 !!U 00 28 ~· " U 00 27 00 U UO JU 7ii 17 Ou '18 7;,1·--· ____ 1'I !\,\ 7 (JO t

1 0<00

1 11

200!\J·.--·.: :-_-_ -_-_-_ IOil l 07

Rowling Green .Ci rcnlJ, ______ . 5U oo a~ 201 H25 00\ 274 a;; ll 00 3 00 2U oo 12 00 2 1 JU l •t oo 2u 00 10 uo 8 uo ·I oo H uo (i (I() J 7;, 8 oo 1 oo __ :m :10 Wnuchull'Mlsston ....... ..... ·l!\00 foOO 27500' 27fi00 600 000 2000 2000 ~ 11~~ 2 1 00 2000 2000 8LO 800 !•JOO 1100 HOO 221Xl 2.i l txl 1 001··-------- 49821;

B~~~~o"ci1;at1it:::::::::::.::: ~3 gg ~ gg, 7

"0 001 ~~ 3~, I~~ I~ gg ~ &: ~~ ~ ;ii;~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ gg 2~ ~3 2~ &: :I~; 83 ~; gg ·1 l~~ ~~ ·~~ ~ ~ gg ~ ~ 1 ~ --·i22ii-:1:i :~~ ~

~:1~'::'.~;ihn-tal;ije::: :::::::: ::: I~ gg I~ gg i~ ~l ~~~ gg I ~ &l J~ ~ ~~ 88 •I~&: ~~ U\l -n ~ ~~ ~ :I~~ :~ gg I ~~ f~ ~ 11 w~ ·-- ~~ -00 ---~~-~ I~ ~ ~ ·--- ~ -'.".1 ~i~ ~ IO~Ti iill E'ortBaRsln ger _______________ 5000 10 11 200<IOI H701 ~looO<l 50 !8~ 200 12~ 500 ~~uo00 '."~,1,0000 •JUO __ ___ ___ 700 .....•.... _. ____ _______________ . 1 00 ... -----·-----·--- 17565 P nnt fL Gorc1a & C har. Har__ _ 65 00 05 {)(I liOO OOI a2\1 8fi l • 9 00 :~il 00 •IU 00 42 UO , IH UO 18 00 2a 0\1 211 001·----- - - -- - - ·--- I 00 l 00


I UO ·- ----·--- li70 8.5 Lltkel11nc1. .................. 80 00 80 00 670 00 070 OU 12 00 12 00 40 uo 10 00 48 OU 48 uo 40 00 •JO 00 15 uo l fi 00 281:0 28 00 ·------- - --·---· ·- ·----· 2 (Kl 2 00 ·-----·--- 917 00 Clrnclmluskee & Stin M11rco. 21i 00 2;; 00 l M 00 IUii 30 2 00 2 00 7 00 7 00 8 \JU 8 !JO ll OU f1 00 2 W 2 OU 5 00 f1 ()() .... ·--- -------- J 50 1 001 1 00 15 50 2:19 30 LakelanclMlsston • ...•........ ~O oof_7 Gn . __ l_4tl oo, __ 7·1 72.:.:..:.::.:.:..:.:: .:.:..:.::.:.:..:.:: .:..:..:.:..:.:~:.:.:. .:.:..:._::.:.:.:_ _r. OU.:..:..:.:..:.:_~::.:.:.:..:.:..:.::.:.:..:.:::._::: ,.:.:..:._:::::::_:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:!:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.=.:.:..:.::.:.:..:.::::.:.:.:. ~:.:.:. l .:..:..:.:..:.:.:.:.::.:.:_:_ __ 97 82

'.L'Ottil__ ____________________ $1224 301$1080 18 '$ 8810 00$ 829:19-1 ~ 15ll 00$ 143 2.5$ 548 00$ ·Ill? 001$ 04HOO* 577 :.!5* 530 00$ •17078$20500" 171·11 1$375 O{)j\23\1o;; '$31)Q7g l$ (jO(i 27$ 2•1 58$ 25 00 '$ 22 25$ 1731 rn* ll5ii09 23

'rAuPA DrsT 1uc·r. 1

1 • I I I I j '.L::imp:i - Fi rsL Ohurch ________ $ 220 00 '$ 220 00$ 1500 00$ 1500 00$ 27 00$ 27 00$ 97 00$ \l100$ 10\J 0<1$ 10\l 00$ 9~ 00$ 100 00$ 30 00$ 8~ 00$ 05 001' ~ 00

1$ 96 00$ •IO! ?<J$ l OO;f. 2 ~1$ •... ,. $ 2 105 00$ 534~ 00

H.rcle P1irk ________ ________ 80 oo . so oo 800 oo· 8 10 oo ll oo n oo ao oo 30 ou :m OU ua 0<1 a 1 uo 31 oo rn uo 1.1 uol 23 no •. l txl ,.... .... H>'> -'ll 1 oo ,\ll no __________ , 172li ·18 SetTner Circuit----- -- -------- 45 001 4fi 00 450 00 •150 00 6 00 Ii CJO 20 00 20 00 02 W 2~ :!ti 2U 00 20 00 8 W 8 00 I ;~ OU 12 001 JU 25 -- ------ 0 W I OUI I CO ·-·--·----1 850 53 Port'l':unpa&Mlsstou _______ 4fi00 2755 :JU5lXll 2oa 1:11 <JOU 3(KJ 2000 5()() 2:JUU H75 11100 ll tl:i 80U ·IUO l200 rioo ___ · · --· 1·------- JOO IUU ]()() _____ . ____ 34908 A la01i_ ____ ____________________ !\ii 00 55 :;;; !\()(} 00 47 1 00 8 00 8 00 27 00 !!i 00 au OU 30 00 ~7 00 27 00 JU()\) Ill 00 IH 00 9 OU -------·-- ----·- 5 50 fiO 50 142 10 11120 :JO Bmidentown _________________ 050<1 6.'iOO 6.'\00<l <l.5000 700 GOO 2nou 2,;ou a~uu 3200 l!80U 2<!00 1100 11001 200<1 HilXJ. _____ ._ J870<l 1 00 lllO 1 00 ....•..... 1 220000 Manatee Circuit .•.. __________ 00 001 55 38 500 oo 'IOI 51 8 !Kl 8 00 !!i UO 27 oo ao w :io 00 2U oo 20 oo JU uo JO (JO 20 ll(I 20 00, ao \10 ___ ____ _ 2 oo l 00


1 oo ·-----·--- ooo ll.5 Palmetto.------------------- - 6.'\ oo 65 56 500 oo H70 an 7 0<1 .'\ 00 21> oo 24 511 a:l oo 22 oo 28 !XI 2i\ oo 11 oo 7 oo 22 0<1 12 oo · ------- 10 118 2i\ 1 oo 50 ----·-- --· 002 38 E llenton&OrikHIJJ ____ ______ r;ooo MOO 50000 ;,oooo ooo :JOO 2:100 f>OU 2000 ln!IO 2&00 1500 000 :iool 1800 HOO' ·--------- -·--- _ ------ 1 l 00


. ....... I 00 OiXIOO Stimsota .. _. _____ _____________ 3000 !!0001 27n00 28l!851 ·l(XI 450 1400 1;;00 150U !GOO !·IOU 15 ()(, 500 5·10 11()() n2\ -- -------- -- ---· 200 I()() 120 24-li ·1858 1 Oletir w:iterClrcult --- ----- -- 60 001 60 18

1 50<1 00 li25 IX1 7 (XI 7 O<l 28 txl 28 !Xl 30 00 :l•I 40 21100 BO •II 10 00 JO 00 Ill ll(I 10 00 ---· ··-- -------· --·---·- '---·---- ·--·---- 100 OOI 1580 77

St.Petersburg _______________ MOO 5840 50000 •10000 700 !100 aooo 2000 alloo IO<JO 2800 2800 111JO ooo 2 1 00 5301--·--·-- !18 -ff> 2.10 1 00 ... -- --· ------·--- 134527 L:iriw Circuit ...... ___________ ll!i 001 6.5 00 500 OQ, 488 78 8 00 8 IJO 21) llO 211 00 ;J;! 00 37 :l:J 29 OU 211 00 ll 00 II OU 20 00 20 00 3.'\ 2;; ll 20 2 00 I 00 I 00 JO Iii 77 l 40 Rl.tiuton Circuit·--·-----·---- 3!\ 00 27 2i\ 340 lJO ~50 00 !\ oo 2 00 15 00 8 tJO 17 00 17 rn I ii OU 17 oo 7 oo ·--·--·- 10 00 2 00 -------- _______ --·----- 1 oo _______ ·i l 001 32 1 25 Diicle City Ctr~ul t............ (I~ 00 o~ oo . ~~)() 001 I\()() oo. 11 !JO 0 00 2~ OU 30 (Xl :;:i ()() 4 1 ()() 28 (JU :H 00 I! 00 1; ()() .' ~) uo ,\~ 00 17 55 :IR n;; ~ 89 oOI 501·--------· 1-07.7~ ~g PlantC!ti•&l:Lmpl'Hell!hts. 8ii001 8.'>00 15000 75000 11 00 11 00 :J700 lH!!O ·12llU 471)() 3000 41()() lnOO 1.i OO 2300 .300 O<lO l~R55 ~7·'----·----------· i-- ------·· I Ybor c. & w. 'l'am. C ub. Mlss. 2;; ool 2.'\ oo .- - ---- ____ .. ~8·u0 0<

11J1 2 oo ____ ____ 5 oo ____ ____ 10 uo ______ __ 8 oo 17 110 a oo --- ·---- .1 w ____ --·- ____ -- -- 1- ------- ____ .... 50


____ ---- 2 50/. !~ :,,110 KeyLfLrgo ...•... -·----------- 4000 H575 50000 ~ 600 00() 18()() 18!Xl 21100 28 17> 1700 0000 700 700 illK) ll(Kl.--·- ---------·- J OO J{)(l !!XI .•..••.... ":!°~

Key West-J<"imt C htirge___ _ 18.'i 00 ISii 21;1 000 00 1101 tn l l7 00 17 O<l 02 00 01 OU o7 OU 70 00 58 00 HU llO 21 oo 24 oo 40 oo .JO oo 11; 3i\ Di\ txl 2 t)(J 1 00 I 00.---- -· -- -· 17tll :iO " Spm•irsChttpel________ ____ t31i 00 00 00 1000 001 7•1 1 fiO I 17 00 10 l~l 61 00 ;l0 00 oil UU 40 llO 57 00 21 ;;o 23 00 10 llO 10 ()() 14 ~i\ --·- ·--- i ·-----· - ·-----·· J 00 I 00 000 00 12118 00 " Memorial OhapeL________ M ooi !\3 03 600 00 020 00 7 00 7 20 28 00 28 50 27 OU 27 fiO 2 1 00 5 00 0 00 tl 2;; l ·I 00 5 001 H·J 001 \ll 50 2 txl ·--·----1-------· .. --· . 1172 IJ.I "La'l'rinldlld,Ouban ______ ~oool~.:.:..:.:.:..:..:.:..:.::_~·~~~-ooo~~-800~:.::.:._:_:.:.:~_aoo_5oo.:.:.:.:.:.::..:.' ~:.=:.=.:.::..:.::.:_:_:_.:.:.._~~~--ll450

TotnL. ____________________ $ t41l.'i 001$1406 67j$ 1 rnao 00;$ t 1289 r.2 $ mo oo $ 101 10 $ BUi\ oo $ 505 29 $ 760 oo $ na nu :ii fi-!O oo $ 61·1 511 ~ 2:% oo ;t: 2 11 li51$ Hi tx> $ a,'\ 1 so :t; a12 so $1237 92 $ a;; 10 $ 15 riO '$ 11 70 $ 2:16.; 19,$ 20074 72

Page 122:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

STATISTICAL TABLE NO. 2. R ecapitu lation.

- --Dn1ue,Zttc: ---- ----

-,Pre,llllnll 1 Piea t•her Cuufcrcuce .Fur chm Church ~ .... J1~x p e11sc1-1 ur "' llM1011s I~du •alion "., " ____ Ekl!!

1·-'''""~ _QaimiLn_!:' Missions M lssfons · 1~x:teusion o; " Dclc1Cates to <:,) -- -- -1-- a·- :a General Con- El

I ... c"' ~~ ~~ ~ ferencc 0

"' UJ ~tr. g ;;· y; c. ""' " s'.;l "'" DIS1L1HHirr "o.,

~~ "'" " "" "' "'

.,, "" ·~ ""

.,, aTg -~·a "" 'E 0

o; "

I " " "' " ~ " a:

srJl " 0 ~ ). ''t p ;~ 9. "' ~~(Jl o, <r ,, "' "' ... ., .,, "

.,, ., .,, " '.;! o; <:I 'l •.j " .,, ., .,, :::: ~ " .,, "' "' 7 ·c; ,:; -;;; ; -;; x ;; "d :F. ... <r ·;i "' ·;;; .c 0 , r " .,, r. "' ;; 7.

0 ..; i:4 ~ i:4 -<: i:4 ~ i:4 -<: i:. ·~ p, .;\ p, -<: p, P1>id Pafel P~fcl -i: p,, 8

Page 123:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


• D



Sta.latloal "1 able No. 3.

~ Q)

.d .d .0

~ ~~ I<,,, I<~

NAME OF OHARGE &~ ~~ ci~ci~ OH OH z z

'.rALLAHASSEll Dis·.rRICT 'l'allah1tssee.___ ____ ___________ Mi Monticello. ........... ........ 1 80 Leon Circu it . ----------------- ____ .... Quincy ____ ------------- - ----- - l Q Gadsden Olrc ui t .. -- · ....• ___ ________ _ WaukeernLh Olrc ui t__________ 1 30 Mid\\•u,y Mission ____ ------ -- -- _______ _ Concord Circuit ________ ------ 1 16 Liberty MlsRlon ---------- --- - 1 20 Auc!litt Circuit. -------------- ____ .... Madison ....•.. ---------------- _______ _ Madison Circuit ____ ---------- ......•. 'l'ttylorMisRion ________________ --- - ___ _ Apalachicola ...•. ·---------- - 1 35 Citrmbell e Mission---------- - _______ _ Woodville Mission _______ _ . .. ________ _

'l'otal. ••. ________ ---------· 7 195


Live 0111<-- -- --------------- --- _______ _ Welborn Circuit •...••..• _____ 1 28 J11sper ••.. ---- ......• . -·-- .... I 82 White Spl'lngs ______ __________ ---- ----Brnnrorcl Mission ___________________ _ Fort White n.ncl Hhrh Spri'gs ____ ___ _ LaFuyette Mission..... ...... 1 J6 NewnunsvlUe Circuit ____________ ----Columbia Circui t _____ _______ _ .•.. ----Lake City_ _____ _______________ I 38 Lrcke Butler ____ .... ---------- ---· ----McO!enny -------------------- ___ _ ----Starlte and Lacrosse ••.. ____ l 38 Witlclo ------------------ ------ 2 50 Melrose... . .. ................. 2 21i Hl11ollton Circuit ______ ________ ___ ....

"" " " ~ ti 'C


<>r; §21 ill., rJlo O.o ....,o o.d

....,<> o" ·" 08 orJJ z z

31 l !l

•1 !ii I ---· 2 8 5 32 2 6 i 16 2 7 3 13 2 18 2 8 I 2 1 14 3 17 4 12

38 218

1 11 5 28 1 14 4 20 4 16 a 21; 2 15 a rn 5 25 I 13 3 11 2 12 2 12 a 18 5 25 2 Q

--- ---·--· rr. 'C"' "' ""o "" ... "'..., ., _ "" UJO

~_g 2; ~~ Q) ~ ·- 0

"' .... ~ "'.d ... <>'-' tJ '-'"' tJ .0 ~tl

" .,rn Q)./) Q)" ~o ~rJl 0 :a;;.. ==" ==" oo o" 0 ... ""' .d u-5 u.a ~Q) 0"

" o·m ...,,s El"' (FJ ...," ~~

+>'-' <I§ ..... ;:..J:::S §El §0 ;l(FJ

56 ?JrFl 0 ... o " 0 ...

0 El 0 s ..... S o ~~ 'Q.S <ti- <I <I 8

283 $ 76 00 $ 33 r,;;;jl __ _____ $ _______ $ JO\) !\5 100 107 00 38 00 ·l 0-1- 27 00 170 04 105 12 00 2 Bii .•..••.. 5 00 19 35 56 31) 46 8 00 -------- -------- 47 46 75 12 75 -------- -------- 25 00 37 75

140 25 21\ ----- --- -------- -------- 25 25 <JO •l ()() -------- -------- -- - ----- 4 00 Bil ____ ____ ____ ____ a oo ____ .. .. a oo 40 ---- ---- 2 00 -------- 3 60 fi 60

150 JO 00 -------- -------- -------- 16 00 !04 40 ()() 7 50 ---- ---- 2 50 fiO 00 60 Fi 00 ------- - -------- -------- 5 00 20 ---- ---- ---- --- . -- ------ --- . ---- ---- --- -

100 S.5 79 13 82 Ii 00 13 00 68 51 9H .I l 60 .... •... 3 45 ---- ---· Ii> 05

120 ()() ---- ---- ---- --- - ---- ---- 8 00

1516 $ 372 8.'I $ 105 22 $ J6 31) $ 76 10 $ !\00 56

&! $ 348.'\$ J6 fl!l$ 768$ ....... $ (1()79 1().5 85 00 4 50 -- ---- -- -------- 31) 50 120 815 IJ'Z 23 34 -------- --·- ---- 611 58 1-15 20 00 2 00 -------- :10 .50 .52 50 12-'I 23 00 .... -- - - 2 35 8 00 H3 35 242 48 16 13 8.5 6 34 ---- ---- 07 S."i 12.'i 18 00 5 10 -------- ---- ---- 23 10 103 2600 440 300 57 00 0040 100 :JO 00 --- ---- - ------- ---- ---- 30 00 100 42 24 2-"i 16 5 \)<! 12 59 85 0:1 88 1 40 ..•. ---- -------- ---- ••.. I 45 80 ------- - 2 00 -------· ----- - -· 2 00 75 40 ()() 8 4 1 ---- ---- 17 15 48 41

100 45 00 9 m; -------- 5 00 69 $.'\ 220 35 00 8 81) ---- - --- -------- 43 30 45 IO 00 2 53 ---- ____ - - -· ---· 12 53

'l'otaJ.. _____ ___ ____________ 9 227 46 267 181l7$144 57$ 127 09 $ 25 21$ 130 2·!$ 720 08


Jncksonvlile - Mc'l'yiere -·--- 1 30 " Rlversicle ------ ---- ------- 2 . 38 " St. Matthews &M1ind11rin l 4H

Fernandina _________ ---------- 2 70 Kings Ferry Circuit 1 0 Callalmn .............•.•••..•. ______ _ _ Green Cove & Middleburic ••• . ---- ---· Moultrie Mtsston . . ____ ___ ____ _ 2 24 Paiatltu. •....... .. ...•••.. __ ___ ---- ----Fruitland l\nd Volusia _______________ _ New Smyrna Mission------- - ---- -- ·· Sanford •... --- ----- ·-- -- --·--· 2 41i Oviedo .. ... --- ---- -- --------- - l 15 Titusville and Cocoa_________ 1 14 Fort Pierce Circuit __________ ---- ----DeLnndMtsston......... . ... .. ~ 44 West Palm Beach____________ 1 28 Biscayne Bay l\llsslon ____ -- -- --- - ___ _ Mtnmt_ ________________________ 1 19

l II 2 21 4 22 1 rn 2 rn 6 2-"i 5 20 2 7 1 15 4 20 3 15 1 7 3 13 8 JI) 4 2"~ 1 9 1 10 2 12 1 9

JOO$ 120 00 $ _______ $....... 25 00 $ 145 00 172 fi2 00 15 00 9 14 ---- - --- 76 14 275 115 30 16 ()() ------ -- 18 75 150 00 92 70 30 15 ()() ---- -- - - -- - - - --- S."i 30 60 15 00 5 ()() 2 00 -- -- ---- 22 00

12-"i 24 31 0 00 75 4 ()() 3ll 06 142 20 78 -- ------ - - - - ---- -------- 20 78 65 13 55 8 S5 5 03 3 15 30 08

100 76 87 6 ()() 2 25 31 23 !10 75

m ~~w ~g: ~~ ri&i ::~ 6.5 45 75 16 69 3 46 --- - ---· 65 80

13."i 27 61 10 78 80 2 80 41 99 112 36 00 - --- ---- 1 57 ---- ---- 37 56 109 48 20 -------- -· - -- - -- -------- 48 20 66 15 83 7 37 3 12 17 25 43 57 82 41 45 17 67 -- - -- -- - -- ------ 58 77

100 -- -- ---- ----- ·- · -- --- --- -- -- ---- ----- - --53 41 61 16 24 6 23 -- -- ---- 64 08

Total...-------- - ---·------ 17 37ll 47 284 2018$84673815056$ 4465$13818$117511

Page 124:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...

Statistical Tab l e No. 3.- Contlnued.

NAME O.F OHAR(+E. .... 0

0 z "'k 00 El""' ""1

GAIN E.~\'TI,r;E DL'S•rnICT. I I I Gnnlncsvillc.................... ~J, ~'°o ~ I ~ ~g~$ ~~ ~$ ~~ ~~$ r :g$.. ..... $ 10089 ~~ ro11so11. ...................... •


1 JfiO -------·

i:~c;_~~ne_:::::.:::::::::::::::: :111 __ '.~ ! 2~, 1 50 n ~g ~ ~~ ~ ~L:::::: ~ ~~ Mlc,.nopy Circuit ............. ---- ··-·· - 1

7• 'i.r,>;o 3:1._~ 00

00 ---·---- 2 31 16 50 63 00 Williston Circuit ............. -·--1---- 811 181 a 50 -------- -------- ·35 50 0l'1tl:1 ---· ..•.. ----- · --·-··· I 25 ',••


11a18o 1

2028· ~1

1 50 00 8 4•! -------- JOO 76

Cotton Plant Circu it ......••..•.. ---· .; , 0 " 9 36 5 00 8 89 52 16 WU11wnod -----·-············- 2 rio 7 t6 ~~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ '/ii ~ ~~ -II 07 g~ 5g Anthony Circu it.............. 3 8J ," ·

8 ~ -------· I 3 1

fovern,, ssCirci!!t............. 2

1 47 , ,\,,I 2J~~ ~~

0785 JO 00 6 75 ------- - 73 50

\Ve lister Uirr u1L . ••...• .. •... J 2ll 5 \ "2 "' ~u 1•1 12 4 00 10 00 N 20 Brooksville Circuit.... . . .. . .. 1 35 ~ I 1· 1 11 5 -------- 7 13 2 25 26 15 35 "8

f.~:~:~?:~Yf,~~~~~~~:~ :::::::::: _..!i}~ ~ , fg fi~ ---~;!_?~ ---~-& ::::~:!~ -- -~n~ ~~ ~ Ne wherry l\!l~slnn •... . ..•........• ... --- - ·-·· ---- -· ---- •··· ···· -··· --- - ---- ---· ---· ---- ----Oc11l11 MiHSion __ .... .... 31 If> O:l 9 00 ...... •. ---· .... ..•. ... . \l 00 Latlr Lake OlrcLin ::::::::::: .... .... ~ 12 65 22 oo J 97 -- ------ ....•• •. 23 97 ---:------------·------

~·otr.L ...•........ ........ rn <101 5ila:ia 2538$72743$20564$ 6027$ 14460 $ 113714 ORLANDO DIST!UCT.

Orl:inclo ·····------------------ J 55 1 2G 178 $ 1 ~7 13 $ mo 13 $ 5 00 $ •16! oo $ 230 oo

i5:~~f~fNJ~~-:~~~:~~:: :::::::: ---i ··au ···r, ··oo --·i!oo ···40·00 ····1·00 :::::::: :::::::: ···41·00 J{isRirumee ----------- ---- ---- I 1l6 1


. J2 107 ~i\ 00 58 40 ........ .. ...... J53 40 Mn.lll!Cnc\ Mls~lon ............. II 15 4 15 11 2 30 00 6 00 2 00 -------- 38 00 B:trtow ----------------------- .... ..•. I 17 168 40 U7 10 3~ .••..... ------ -- 00 00 Bartow 1'11Hslon (No reporL) ..... ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- --- - ---- .....• . ..••..... For·t Mende 1111rl Homeland .. 2 59 2 16 1:1;, 43 64 --.-- . ... ---- ... . .... .... 43 !>I BowllnirGrcen Circuit....... 11 40 4 19 J:lO 10 50 4 !O . ....... .. .....• H 60 Wauchul11Mlssion ... ......... 2 20 3


1:1 J8i\ 20 80 ~ 20 .••..... ....... . 30 00 Arc11dit1 -·------- -- ---···· --- 2 60 ,II ~2 2:~ ~ I 00 70 ()() 2 ()() 8 •IO 16 1 49 DeSoto Circ11lL............. J 18 ' 2 "4 00 \l rn •.•••... 5 00 65 16 MyerH.... .......... ...... ..... .•.. .... 12 149 4i\ 00 .... •... ... ..... 35 00 80 00 C11loosub:1tchcc .... . ... . •. . .. ___ _ ..•. 4 18 148 n7 28 20 54 301 ........ 80 83 Fo-rtR:1'shwer •..... .. . ...... .... . ... I Ii. 2.'; 275 •.........•..... 80 3fi5 PunrnGonl11&Cl111r.Har ... 2 75 8 ml 170 ....... . •1000 ......•. 3fi00 7500 L:ikeluncl :>ml MIH~lon__ ______ 2 05 2 17 16!; 80 00 30 00 5 70 .... ..•. 115 70 Chuclrnluskce & S:in Marco . . .:..:.:.:.:..:.:.:__:~ ~.:.:..:.:..:.:..:.:....::.:..:.:::..:..:.:.:..:..:.:.:..:..:..:.. :.:. .:.:..:.:..:.:..:.:.

'.!'01.111.. .................... 171 470 3~ 271 1· 2~63$ 742 86$ 426 0-2$ 17 70$ 548 20$1200 43

~L1AMPA DISTRICT. I T1tm1m- Flrst Cburch........ 2 56 2 30 280 $ 180 00 $ 67 50 $ 5 00 $ 250 00 $ 502 iiO .. TI.rcleP11rlr ..... . .. ........ 2 50 1


11 120 45 00 37 oo 6 60 .•.. .... 103 60 Sc!Tncr Circui t--- ------ ------... .... . 5 51 133 28 60 4 72 7 00 5 70 40 08

~?~ii;''.1.~.1~'.'.~:'.1:~~'.~~-::::::: ---~\:::: ~ . ~~, 2~g a~ lil\ 2~ ~ i ~ .... ~:~: og ~~ Brnillcntown ..... ............ 2, 86 I OJ 89 ii2 00 17 00 •....... ....•... 60 00 Manatee Circuit .•................ ,.... 2 19 68 32 06 10 38 2 00 4 00 40 •14 Palmetto.. ....... .. .. ........ 2 47 1 6 o.; 20 80 0 72 2 68 . ....... ao 20 Ellenton & Oak Hill.... ..... . •.•• .... l 7 :in 15 00 .••.•... ---- --- - .... •. .. Jfi 00 Sarnsott1...................... .... .... a 11 80 12 00 !5 00 .... . ... ... ..... 27 00 Clearwllter Circui t ---------- 2 30 S J5 140 44 00 12 04 .•.. .... 4 75 60 79 St. Pete rRbnrg . .............. 1 5! l 12 11 2 24 00 18 39 2 00 28 4•! 72 03 Lt1r110Clrcult................. 1 20 ~ 21 170 31 63 29 37 8 25 ..... ... 09 2..~ Bl:mton Circuit---------- -- ·- 1 20 ~ 19 JOO . .... . ...... . . . . -------- ............... . Dade City Circuit ______ ·----- 3 ~ 3 19 130 HS 61 21 00 4 55 ---- ---- 60 57 Plant City & Tampa Heilfhts. 2 70 4 35 29.'; 128 08 31 64 •••• •••• 36 00 100 62 YborO.&W.Tam.Cub.Mlss. 2


120 2 11 18.1 850 1800 ...•.... 537 3187

~~p:~~t.i.;i,:.;i:·e:·liur<:ti:::: -··2 --75 ~ ~ 64 22 97 5 40 -------- u 71 40 os " Sp11rksOhapeL. ........ _. 2 104 I 43 ~ --~~-~ ---~~-~? :::::::: :::::::: --~~-~ " Memorial Chapel......... I 73 1 2ll 20li 107 53 30 07 14 00 5 00 113 rrt .. La'l'rlnldad, Cuban------ 1 29 2 9 .91 13 50 ----- --- ... ______ 28 65 42 15

Tota l. •.. ····--·----· .•.••. 27 861 54 415 33421$ 001 97 $ 395 51 $ 60 54 $• 382 38 $1793 48

Page 125:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...







Statistical Table No. 3 .-Reoa p itu latio n.

--wl .:!l ,,, "" "" """ ~; ""~

., ... "" ,!:,;!; .,. " ~.2 2l .," -5 -s-a '"' " (/]

.,A ..,., ~ ::i

~ ... <>" " ""' ~:o ~o

ti ~ .,cn

""' .,. ..,;::

~Q) =' ., :=th ::io :::" ::;O "" ;., ;.,):;! "" "~ 0" 00 o" 0 ... "<fl DIS'l'Rl0'1' ~~ E.Q) I 3!!i .Q O't:l CY;1 o~ ::)OJ g;, i3., " fil" IJJO O,a IJJ "'" ';:;~ -''2 .,5 3 ~" -<:"" ...... tl """'0 ,._.o ... arJJ ao ao 02 0 ~ I o.g o" 0 " d§ ., 0 ... 0 ... "" 0 ...

~H OH ow oH 0 8 ,8 8'8 So 82 -:n z z z z < < < < ~-==

'l':ill:ilrnssee___________________ 71197> :is. ~ I Ri liilO ll\ :JM 85$ ur.; :!2$ IO :in$ 70 H+ iiOO l\fl LiveO"l'- --- ------·-··-·-·--- n 227 41! 267 JHn7 411 57 127 OllJ 2ii 21 1:lll 2 1 7"!0 OR Jacksonville.- -----·--·-·----· 17 a-rn 47 281 2018 H46 1:1 li\O 1\0


•14 05 1:lll 18. 1175 11 G:tlnesvlllo._____________ ______ I \) <JOI f>I :1:rnl :l,'i;JH. 727 ·IH 2or. 01 tltl ~7 141 tX)I 11 :17 11 Orhindo_._____________________ 171 47n :m 271 2 10:1 712 811 1211 02 17 7 1 n lH 20 12i0 4:J 'l'"m1m ---·--· · ·--·--···-----·. 27 so i n l ·11 5 3:142 nm n7 am; 51 oo 0 1 :18:! H:l 1111:1 HI

'I.'OLllL •• -- ··-· ••. ·- ---- - no 20_8·) 2781l78sl_ 1:1 17'1 ll'll ·IO •I l $ J.JIO 9.11$ ;IBO 771$ 1420 In *111177 I~

~'owl LasL Ye1tr.- .. ·-·· ll:J 20·!0 2116 170 1 12012 ilO ll :l:l 15:!7 40 24f> 8·1 Ja77 ll:I tl:i27 7:1 -1--1-1-'----· ·- - 1-Incrc1tsc.__ _____________ a Ill 12 8 1 8321$ 50ii Jn$· -··---*··-----* 12 22* 1m •l :I D~c r~tisc_ ··-···--·----- ···-··-··-·-\--··I·-·-·-·-···--- 11 0 iiii 15 07 ·-·--- i··-· --··

Page 126:  · SESSIONS OF THE FLORIDA CONFERENCE. No. CONVJJ:NJW PUESLDJJ:NT SBORJr.rA/lY I Tullalrns.,ee. J.'la. .. Feb. __ l!H~. --Bishop .T. Soule .•.. ------------T. C ...


I ~~"~~~~~L~E J:~~~~N ~0!!~e, I =e Its graduates arc everywh ere. A diploma from ~ ~ it is high honor. Highest curricula for young ladies ~ in this section of the Sou th. ;; SPECIAL AND ELECTIVE COURSES. :: ~= One of the strongest Music Faculties on the con-:: tincnt. ~ Ari imd JDlocu tion teacbors that are unsurpassed. :5 Large and beautiful campm:;. High Elevation !" :; ~ l?roverbially healthy. Magnifkeut buildings. Airy :.-;;: rooms. Steam heat. Hot and cold water. 'Excellent ~ bath r ooms. New furniture. Steam lauudry.


2e Electric elevator. All conveniences. A quarter of a ~ million dollars in vested in bui I dings and grounds. ;. Rates exceedingly low, Rdva,n tRges considered. ., ~ For catalogue and information, apply to ~ :; J. W. ROBERTS, D. D., PRESIDENT. ~ ~mmJINNN#NNNNNIHNN#m,wm.f<.W~mlH#.~


Th is excellent institution, the joint propel'ty of the Geor­g-ia anrl Florida Confel'cn1 ·es, bas entered upon its SIX'l'Y­Jl'nutt'l'l:I YEAH, with a, strong Faculty and a large patron­age.

rt is located at !L most healthful place; its m0n1l and re­li g ious s111·ro 1rnrlings a 1·e of the highest o rder. The sale of

\'.,i liqllOl' is fo1·ever sh11L out of uxford uy the chM'tE>r of the f?' town . :ind pl'ohihition in the co unty. ~ The 1~011rses of study in the College !Lre variell fLncl th or-

~ ou~.rh, an<l th€' rall'ti of hoa1·d and tuit ion exceeding-1,v low

r-· for the ndvantages offt>ren. Full co urses in the English, ~· Latin, Greek, !i'1·E>ncb, Ger111an and Spanish languages !We ~j ntl'e1Hl, as well i.Ls tboroug·b instruction in Chemistry, :.;i Plwsics. Pul'o M1Lthematies, Civil l~ngineel'ing, Biology, y ~ Politirml ~cunom.v, Psycholog,v, Ethics, Logic, Histo1·y, fl et•" Pupil., admitted !Lt 11ny time. Fot' ful'ther informa-

tion addt·rss

~ C. E. DOWMAN, D. D., President, ~
