Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and...

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Transcript of Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and...

Page 1: Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and · Science approach may help. 7. Atmospheric correction remains a major challenge.

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Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and Wetlands

Page 2: Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and · Science approach may help. 7. Atmospheric correction remains a major challenge.

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Page 3: Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and · Science approach may help. 7. Atmospheric correction remains a major challenge.

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• There are significant users for S2 data in the CZ/IW

• A vibrant and innovative community

• CZ/IW is linked to significant Societal issues: “Where people interact with the water cycle”

• Marine applications in these zones are challenging - they need an Integrated approach: We are in a new world of “marine integrated measurement synergy”

– = OC + SST + Altimetry + land use + wind + tides + Precipitation + biogeochemistry + PEOPLE…

• Measurements are required as model outputs are challenged in the CZ/IW

Page 4: Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and · Science approach may help. 7. Atmospheric correction remains a major challenge.

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Key findings from session

1. Synergy appears everywhere – notably for S2+S3 (S1). Impacts on inter/cross calibration, shared access: VIRTUAL MISSION (Sentinel- “123”), data cube.

2. S2 will bring amazing opportunities for CZ/IW. Community is preparing. Sustained R&D is needed to be ready for launch.

1. We need to understand what we want to do (SNR vs strong signal trade off).

2. We need to understand the high resolution biogeochemical processes in action and what we measure.

3. Increasing robustness of EO algorithms

4. We need to understand and model atmospgere include specifically the adjacency effects.

5. We need to understand calibration and cross calibration with other sensors (need to check the acquisition mask)

6. We need to develop integrated validation and verification (SI traceability?)

7. Will we attain a useful accuracy to address the Regulations?

Page 5: Session Summary Water: : Inland, Coastal and · Science approach may help. 7. Atmospheric correction remains a major challenge.

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Key findings from session

4. Innovative R&D “products/tools” + application training: Service is not just a data product but all elements of the product delivery and support chain – helping end users “use the knowledge”

5. Some countries have very challenging coastlines and IW environments (e.g FI 40,000km coastline and 56,000 lakes > 1 ha.: can be measured using S2-MSI.

6. Some issues related to sensitivity of socio-economic impacts of outputs – Open Science approach may help.

7. Atmospheric correction remains a major challenge. A “one size fits all” approach may not work and regional/local approaches are probably a good route

8. Community consensus, definitions (e.g. GloboLakes) protocols, analysis frameworks, calibration processes etc are required: help communities to support each other.

9. Community is keen to participate in validation activities (S2VT?)

10.Keep science community closely involve. IOCCG would be proper contect to consolidate scientific user requirements