Session IV



Session IV from a fun series of sessions I did the world of fast and lasting change -- the key deliverables of all RTSC work

Transcript of Session IV

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Real Time Strategic Change Learning


Session IV

May 18, 2009

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Conference Call Dial In Number

The conference call will begin at 12:45pm


Access code: 241230

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Series Purpose

To learn how to make the future

happen faster in all of your change


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Series Outcomes

• Understand and be able to apply the six RTSC principles to accelerate all of your change work

• Know the best ways, best times, and best people to include in your change work to achieve the best results

• Understand how to identify key leverage points to accelerate your change work

• Gain insights that you can act on right away

• Know ways that you can support or sabotage your efforts

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To make it easier to “RTSC-ize”

your work by integrating all of

your learning from the Series.

Session IV Purpose

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• Understand how to gain the most leverage in applying the Principles and Areas of Work

• Feel and be smarter about how RTSC can help you create even more value for your clients

• Know the best ways for you to continue learning about RTSC

Session IV Outcomes

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• Questions and Insights From Our Earlier


• Rules of Thumb For RTSC Practitioners

• “Live” Case Study Work

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Questions and Insights

• In what ways have you found it easy

to apply what you’ve been learning?

• In what ways have you found it


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Rules of Thumb For RTSC Practitioners

•  Focus on the client’s needs and on how RTSC can help meet those needs

•  Get clear about purpose and outcomes and stay open to revising them when needed

•  Be willing to start anywhere and go everywhere

•  Integrate your work with other methods and stay true to the principles

•  Approach “real work” as “change work” and “change work” as “real work”

•  It’s all about large, complex, system-wide efforts and small, simple, individual actions

•  Work on many fronts at once and align diverse efforts in a common direction

•  Be aware of what “wants to happen” and continue aiming for what “needs to happen”

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Focus on the client’s needs and on how RTSC can help meet those needs

• Start where the system is

• Real Time Strategic Change is a means to an end, not the end in itself

• Use the principles as a lens to see the organization more clearly

• Notice which principles are naturally managed well and which need special attention and focus

• The Areas of Work are “bases to cover,” not steps to follow

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Get clear about purpose and outcomes and stay open to revising them when needed

• Related to Your Purpose and Outcomes…

• Who has a say in deciding them?

• What are you measuring to assess progress on them?

• Why are you assessing progress on them?

• When are you assessing progress on them?

• How are you assessing them?

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Be willing to start anywhere and go everywhere…

• Find the energy in the system

• Understand it

• Respect it

• Support it

• Follow it

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Integrate your work with other methods and stay true to the principles

• RTSC is an open platform; leverage the value offered by the many available “plug in’s”

• Find ways for RTSC to support work you’re already doing; you don’t have to “start doing RTSC work” now

• Use the principles as a litmus test; don’t get trapped by them becoming dogma

• Play with the possibilities of the many ways that RTSC can accelerate and sustain progress made with other approaches

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Approach “real work” as “change work” and “change work” as “real work”

• It’s all work and it’s always about creating a preferred future

• RTSC is the same as and different from anyone’s “day job”

• The principles are agnostic – they don’t care how, when, or where they’re applied

• They are always about the same “why” – creating your future faster and sustaining gains made over time

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It’s all about large, complex, system-wide efforts and small, simple, individual actions

• Take advantage of RTSC’s scalability – use it when and where it will add value

• Context and connection create power and leverage

• Large, complex, system-wide efforts are comprised of many

• Small, simple, individual actions are always part of some larger, complex, system-wide effort

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Work on many fronts at once and align diverse efforts in a common direction •  Working on many fronts at once…

•  Increases the likelihood of being able to “cook” on at least a few

•  Accelerates learning

•  Invites others to lend a helping hand

•  Encourages experimentation

•  Aligning diverse efforts in a common direction…

•  Frees people to “do the right thing” without needing unnecessary oversight

•  Leads to systems thinking – how things connect and relate to each other…and don’t

•  Optimizes the use of limited resources

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Be aware of what “wants to happen” and continue aiming for what “needs to happen”

• Marv Weisbord and Sandra Janoff: “Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!”

• Meg Wheatley and Stuart Kauffman: “You get order for free”

• Henry Mintzberg: Crafting Strategy

• Ongoing oscillation – paying attention to what is and envisioning what can be

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“Live” Case Study Work

•  What’s the situation?

•  Who’s involved? What’s your role?

•  What’s working well already? Where are you feeling challenged?

•  How would you describe what you’ve done already in the RTSC Areas of Work?

•  Which principles seem to be well tended to in the system now?

•  Which seem to need more attention and focus?

•  What ideas so we have about how to “bring about greater health” in the system?

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Thanks for Joining Us For The Real Time Strategic Change Learning Series!

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