Session Governance - uganda rural water governance undp wgf (pp tminimizer)

Governance Prerequisites to Realising the Rural WASH MDGs Alastair Morrison UNDP Water Governance Facility at SIWI Kampala, 14th April 2010 Kampla 1

Transcript of Session Governance - uganda rural water governance undp wgf (pp tminimizer)

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Governance Prerequisites to Realising the Rural WASH MDGs

Alastair MorrisonUNDP Water Governance Facility at

SIWIKampala, 14th April 2010

Kampla 1

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Millennium Development Goal 7 Target 7c

“Halve the number of people without safe drinking water and sanitation” •Almost 1 billion people lack clean drinking water•2.5 billion people have no access to hygienic sanitation facilities; 1.2 billion lack any sanitation facilities at all.•By 2015, over 784 million people need access to clean water•Each and every year, 173 million more people will need sanitation.

(Sources: UNICEF press kit, UNDP Human Development Report 2006)

Water and Sanitation

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• But the world water crisis is rooted in poverty, power and inequality

• Not physical availability

• Better governanceis needed!

The problem:

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• Technical programmes• Centralised state control• Privatisation• Decentralisation• Community based managementbut• Sustainability still a major challenge

Past approaches:

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Range of stakeholders normally involved:• Central and local government• User groups• Communities and their leaders• Service providers• NGOs and CBOs• Private sector (spare parts suppliers, artisans)Interlinked relationships – best governance?


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Global programme identifying governance requisites to meet


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Institutional prerequisites• agreed overall policy to addresses RWS, focussed on

MDGs• national and local coverage targets set out• strategies and investment plans for RWS laid out and

agreed• central and local government roles clearly defined• users’ role clearly defined to promote demand-

responsive investments• operators and regulators independent

and balanced

Rural Water Supply (RWS)

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Operational prerequisites

• hand pumps promoted that can be managed and operated locally

• supply chain for spare parts efficiently organised, even in remote areas

• specific management model for small and medium towns

Rural Water Supply (RWS)

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Operational prerequisites• professional support available for communities or

small operators (i.e. regarding O&M issues, strategic planning etc)

• local contractors and operators(incl. NGOs) with sufficientcapacity to reach the MDGs

Rural Water Supply (RWS)

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Financial prerequisites• investment requirements to meet RWS MDGs assessed and

agreed by stakeholders • financial flows in the sub-sector sufficient to reach the

MDGs• cost-effective technical standards for small pipe systems• all O&M costs for RWS covered by the price of water

charged• extension costs for RWS covered by price of water charged

by RWS providers• financing mechanisms to encourage efficiency and improve

targeting of investments in rural areas (e.g. local investment funds)

Rural Water Supply (RWS)

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Institutional prerequisites• Overall agreed policy to address RSH• Formal collaboration between Ministries in charge of

sanitation and related Ministries (e.g. Health, Education)

• Rural sanitation a priority in the PRSP• Institution to lead/coordinate the rural sanitation sector

Rural Sanitation and Hygiene(RSH)

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Operational prerequisites• range of appropriate on-site sanitation facilities in use• supply chain of manufacturers and artisans (with

trained technicians)• capacity to deliver sanitation and hygiene programs at

levels required to meet MDGs• specific tools adapted for use to promote S&H in rural

areas and small towns

Rural Sanitation and Hygiene(RSH)

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Financial prerequisites• investment requirements to meet RWS MDGs assessed

and agreed by major stakeholders• financial flows in the sub-sector sufficient to reach

MDGs• on-site sanitation facilities that are promoted through

national programs affordable to poor households• specific government budget allocations to RSH linked

to and commensurate with the MDG/PRSP target outcomes

Rural Sanitation and Hygiene(RSH)

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Sector Coordination and Dialogue • functioning coordination framework between

Government and donors• harmonised donor approaches and procedures• civil society organisations in decision making at

national level• regular joint donor/government sector reviews

Overall sector sustainability

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Information, Monitoring and Evaluation• clear agreement on definitions for WSS targets

(national and provincial levels)

• regular data collection mechanism to assess WSS coverage(household surveys, with disaggregated data - eg on gender)

• poverty benefits from WSS interventions understood(esp by Planning / Finance ministries – SWA meeting next week)

• monitoring of inputs vs outputs(finance – allocation and utilisation)

• specific unit within the WSS Ministry responsible for M&E

Overall sector sustainability

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Transparency• transparency ensured in the sector, especially at the

local/district level, for water supply • (e.g. publicly available documentation, open process

for public comments, corruption being addressed)

Overall sector sustainability

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Particular challenges• Range of non-state actors• Insecurity• Access• Oversight• Nevertheless

progressessential for global MDG targets

Fragile States

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Water Supply Progress

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Sanitation Progress

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Elements for Success:

Wide range of governance issues• as strong as its weakest link?Water governance links to wider governance• State building• Transparency• Gender and equity• National Budget planning• MDG progress reportingAdvocate outside our own sector• Promote the benefits of WASH to other sectors• Financial benefits of our work• Sanitation and Water for All – Global Framework for Action

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““The successful tackling of the WSS crises The successful tackling of the WSS crises could trigger could trigger

the next leap forward in human development” the next leap forward in human development” UNDP Human Development Report 2006UNDP Human Development Report 2006

Access to Water Supply & Sanitation matters !

Human Development is more closely linked to WatSan than any other variable, including health, education, gender equality and access to modern

energy services

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Thank you!