SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few...


Transcript of SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few...

Page 1: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.


HOT 10

Page 2: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

Last Week Homework

How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK

Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book

How many people actually prepared the best answer for today’s top 10 question?

Jubail Dawah Center

Page 3: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

Video 7 & Video 8

Video 7 NBC WHY 20,000 Americans convert to Islam annually.flv

Video 8 15 people accept islam.flv

Jubail Dawah Center

Page 4: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.





Page 5: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Polygamy

Lola Shoneyin's grandfather had five wives and her grandmother, the first, never forgave him. But she was shocked to find that polygamy is still prevalent in Nigeria.

I find this disturbing on so many levels: (1) That polygamy is going on in Canada, (2) That anyone would want to have more than one spouse, and (3) That some of these “brides” aren’t even old enough to babysit as far as I’m concerned, but they have their own children. Jubail Dawah Center

Page 6: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Polygamy

Islam is a practical religion.Islam is centered on the well being of the

community rather than the individual.The Quran is the only revealed text which

has LIMITED the number of spouses.Everyone practices it in some form; Islam is

the only one which has set strict guidelines.StatisticsThe marriages of the Prophet (s)?

www.dawahcorps.comJubail Dawah Center

Page 7: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Aisha (r)’s Marriage

Does Islam promote forced child marriages? Jubail Dawah Center

Page 8: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Aisha’s marriage

Quraish did not say anything1400 years ago; Cultural differencesAisha saying after death of Prophet

Muhammad (s); her character itselfWho sets the standards?Maturity of women and men Jubail Dawah Center

Page 9: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Why Jizyah? (taxes) Jubail Dawah Center

Did Islam force others to become Muslim or else pay a fine?

Did Muslims take money from the poor to serve the rich?

Page 10: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Why Jizyah? (taxes)

Do you taxes?Is Jizyah a Tax?

Service provided by Muslim s to Non-Muslims living on Muslim lands

Based on income Even less than Zakaat of Muslims!

Story of Saad ibn Waqqas when he conquered Hems

Caliph of Umar Ibn Abdul AzizZakaah given to non Muslims Jubail Dawah Center

Page 11: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Alcohol, Pork

What is so bad about a little piggy?Why is Islam so strict?Why can’t you ever have any fun? Jubail Dawah Center

Page 12: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Alcohol, Pork

Because Allah said soIn Bible Pork is prohibited

Leviticus 11:7-8 Deuteronomy 14:8

Bible prohibited Alcohol Proverbs 20:1 Ephesian 5:18

Effects of Alcohol/Pork Cases of accidents, Disease, Rape Jubail Dawah Center

Page 13: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Non-Muslim NOT Allowed in Makkah?

“This is written in quran for idolators like jews Hindues. What about Christians & Sikhs they are monothestic and believe in oneness of lord as i am a sikh i also want to see and bow before mecca(Prataksh) the place of Great Prophet. How can i enter in makkah without changing my religon??”

“Non-muslims are not allowed in Mecca because muslims to do not respect those of other religions or those of no religion. So, why should you respect people who hold such intolerant beliefs?”

Page 14: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Non-Muslim NOT Allowed in Makkah?

It’s a type of Visa Requirement (Analogy)/Border

Saudi Arabia allows more nationality of people then any other country in the world

Importance of MonotheismMuslims are even denied from entering!Center point of worship for the entire world

—all prayers focused there, so how could shirk be tolerated? Jubail Dawah Center

Page 15: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Muslims are Terrorists Jubail Dawah Center

“So many terrorist acts are committed by people calling themselves Muslims during the last 30 years. Are most Muslims terrorists, or terrorists in training?”

“All Terrorists are Muslim, therefore all Muslims are Terrorists”

Page 16: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Muslims are Terrorists

Religion is NOT the main cause of warThird Parents: TV/MediaThe winners write the historyWestern propaganda

Waco Texas—David Koresh Oklahoma City Bombing

Why after Sep 11, what happened to previous decades

Islam is still the fastest growing religion in the world Jubail Dawah Center

Page 17: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Spread by The Sword Jubail Dawah Center

“Non-Muslims had to choose either Islam or death.”

In a discussion with a Baptist Minister he said to me that "Muslims tend to kill non-Muslims and anyone who disagrees with them".

Page 18: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Spread by Sword

Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peaceMuslims ruled Spain for 800 yearsIndonesia, Malaysia and East Cost of Africa“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands

out clear from error.” [2:225]Between 1934-1984 Islam 235% Christianity 47%1st to come up with Etiquettes of WarUmar (r) letter to Christians of JerusalemSura An Nasr (People come rushing in crowds)Flip Side—CrusadesZakat Recipient—Muallafa Qulubuhum (winning over

the hearts) Jubail Dawah Center

Page 19: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Hijab for Women Jubail Dawah Center

“Why is hijab only for the women?”“Young women are forced to wear it by their

parents or by male family members.”

Page 20: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Hijab for Women

Hijab for MenHijab vs. LiberationBabylonian/Greek/Roman CivilizationHijab – Not Just a Piece of Cloth! Also Moral

conduct, behavior, attitude and intentionHijab prevents molestation--TwinsSwimsuit StudyNuns! Jubail Dawah Center

Page 21: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Equality of Witnesses

“2 women equal 1 man?? That’s not fair!” Jubail Dawah Center

Page 22: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Equality of Witnesses

Mostly in financial transactionsSometimes 1 female > 4 maleSolitary witness of Ayesha (r)Female witnesses are preferredIslam is practicalRealistic—Emotions/Physiological Jubail Dawah Center

Page 23: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Inheritance

“Can’t I give my money to whoever I feel like? Why are we forced to give to some family members who we are not even close to?”

“Why does the son get double the share of the daughter?” Jubail Dawah Center

Page 24: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

TOP 20: Inheritance

Key word: RESPONSIBILITYPractical—The male has a duty to spend on

his familyIrrational/Unjust acts are null and void

(Dog, Anger, Pressure, etc)CommunityEliminates family feuds (Insurance!!)Money is not yours—It’s a trust from Allah Jubail Dawah Center

Page 25: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

Next Week Homework

Before next class you MUST encounter with a non-muslim

Read about Christian belief

Jubail Dawah Center

Page 26: SESSION 4 HOT 10. Last Week Homework How many people actually encountered? – MANDATORY TASK Few things from Dr. Zakir Naik book How many people actually.

Workshop Schedule

Session 1 Introduction

Cash Cow

Session 2 Revert Story

Lang. Sensitivity

Session 3 Dawah


Session 4 Misconceptio

ns Part 1

Session 5 Christian Beliefs

Session 6 Misconceptio

ns Part 2

Session 7 Hindu BeliefsEncounters

Session 8 Conclusion

Path Forward