Session 14 Oct 12 2010 Minutes

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  • 7/27/2019 Session 14 Oct 12 2010 Minutes


    Bhagavad Gita (BG) Class Minutes 05OCT2010, 12OCT2010 Session #13, #14

    Session 13

    - Example: To deal with an adamant child, parents distract it by displacing its focuso

    Similarly, one should focus on a greater concept to avoid distraction from thesenses

    o Senses cannot be left astray give your mind something to hold on tootherwise senses will run amok

    - Slokas 2.64 and 2.65o Takes what comes and avoid attachmento This attitude results in relaxation, cheerfulness and peace at all times

    - Sloka 2.67o If your buddhi does not control your senses, then senses will run amok and

    create ruin

    - Slide: Why do we feel empty at times?o The less analytical you are about your life, the more enjoyable it becomes

    - Similarity between the gambling places and the software officeso Look at their similarity in terms of architecture and intent

    Sunlight does not enter the building so that the occupants lose senseof time and never feel late

    These buildings are designed to address all other needs facilities forexercise, food, bath, etc

    - Sloka 2.68o Ramakrishna Paramahamsa: Honeybee makes noise only until it starts

    sucking the honey

    o Turn your attention inwards and take on the personal journey- Vivekachudamani Sloka 51

    o Release from bondage and gaining control of senses cannot be outsourced! This is unlike your debts being cleared by your offsprings Individual effort is indispensible

    - Vivekachudamani Sloka 79o Senses are more deadly than the poison of a black cobra

    Session 14

    - Gita never suggests to run away from worldly actions instead it suggests to be inthe thick of action

    - It advices us on how to live with this world and still develop freedom from action- The key here is to practice detached attachment- Sloka 2.69

    na tatra sUryo bhAti na candra-tArakaM

    naimA vidyuto bhAnti kuto'yam-agniH /

    tameva bhAntaM anubhAti sarvaM

    tasya bhAsA sarvam-idaM vibhAti

    There the sun does not shine, nor the moon nor the stars;

    these lightnings also do not shine - how then (can) this earthly fire?

  • 7/27/2019 Session 14 Oct 12 2010 Minutes


    Verily, everything shines after Him reflecting His glory. This

    whole world is illuminated with His light.

    Mundakopanisad II - ii 10

    - The above verses literal meaning is not very useful- But the one to be reflected on is its subtle meaning of this Vedantic thought- Similarly this Slokas literal meaning is not much useful but one should think about its

    subtle meaning

    - The domain of bliss, knowledge and happiness for a Sthithapragnya is completelydifferent from that of the commons

    o What is very important for the commons is of no importance to aSthithapragnya

    - It is very important to understand that these two domains are mutually exclusiveo One cannot indulge in both

    - Sloka 2.70o

    Even a very broad and deep river like Brahmaputra cannot affect the oceano Ocean is already full and any amount of inflow does not affect ito Similarly a Muni reaches that stage where nothing could shake himthats

    real strength

    o In Sundara Kanda of Ramayana, Hanuman flies over the antahpura (or theroyal harem) of Lanka

    For a moment he asks himself if it is appropriate for him to go there tosearch for Sita

    He then tells himself that for one whose senses are under hiscomplete control, nothing could affect him

    - Sloka 2.71o The day we understand that life has both positives and negatives our

    tension of outcomes will be gone

    o Problem with modern management is that it wants and thinks that therecould only be positives and no negatives

    o Engage with this world but engage with nispruha, nirmama and nirahankara- Sloka 2.72

    o If you could reach the state of a Sthithapragnya and be there till the lastbreath, that is eternal bliss and freedom

    An example would be Dr.Venkataswamy of Aravind Eye Hospitals He worked till his last breath exemplifying a true Karma Yogi

    o If you think, I have to solve the problem then you are stuck! Develop sharanagatha bhava the gift from Visishtadvaita It is a very practical solution Enormous energy will then flow through you the source of energy is

    the larger consciousness which is all-pervading

    If you see everything as a prasada of God, then life will be much morecheerful and energetic

    End of Sankhya Yoga

    - Mahabharata is a classic replica of our own war that we fight within

  • 7/27/2019 Session 14 Oct 12 2010 Minutes


    - In the Yuddha Kanda of Ramayana, Valmiki puts Rama and Ravana on the samepedestal as far as their greatness is concerned

    o But the difference arises in the goodnesso Thus, greatness is important but goodness is even more so.