SERVICES MUSIC - Bristol Cathedral · Worship translation is used at all other services. ......


Transcript of SERVICES MUSIC - Bristol Cathedral · Worship translation is used at all other services. ......

S E R V I C E S & M U S I C




he date of Easter varies and this year it’s very early, which means that the March

Services and Music list takes us through Passiontide and Holy Week, right up to Easter

Day on 1 April. So we start the month with music and worship that focuses on the

reflective, sombre season of Lent and end it on a joyful note at the Easter Vigil on the last day

of March. The music over the next four weeks will enhance our worship and lead us through a

rollercoaster of emotions, as we re-live Christ’s last days on earth and then finally celebrate the

joy of his Resurrection.

In the middle of March we take a break from the austerity of our Lenten discipline, as we

celebrate Mothering Sunday. This day is known as Laetare Sunday, which comes from Isaiah

66.10 “Laetare Jerusalem” and translates as “Oh be joyful, Jerusalem”. The vestments change

to rose pink (only worn on this Sunday and Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday in Advent),

there are flowers in the Cathedral once again which are handed to every female present and

the music is carefully chosen to celebrate the importance of all those who have nurtured us

throughout our lives – not just our mothers.

As we enter more deeply into the season of Lent many Christians are attempting some sort of

Lenten discipline, which will traditionally include fasting, praying and almsgiving. For those who

haven’t yet decided what to do don’t worry, it’s never too late! The most important thing is to

observe Lent in some way, however small, with the aim of being spiritually prepared for the

life-changing events of Holy Week and Easter.

May God give us grace this Lent to deny ourselves,

take up our cross and follow him more closely.

The Revd Canon Nicola Stanley

Canon Precentor Dean of Bristol The Very Revd Dr David Hoyle

Canon Precentor The Revd Canon Nicola Stanley

Master of the Choristers and Organist Mark Lee

For more information, please contact the Music Administrator Tim Popple [email protected]

0117 926 4879



About the Cathedral

The original foundation on this

site was an abbey established in

1148 by Robert Fitzhardinge of

Berkeley Castle. It was built just

outside the original walls of Bristol

on high ground overlooking the

river. The new monastery was

dedicated to St Augustine.

Initially all the abbey buildings

were in Norman style

(characterized by massive pillars

and round arches) but between

the 13th and early 16th centuries

a sequence of rebuilding projects

transformed the church into a

Gothic one, showing the

successive developments of

Gothic style.

The last section due to be rebuilt

was the nave. However, just after

the old nave had been

demolished, and before much

progress had been made with the

rebuilding, Henry VIII dissolved

the country’s monasteries and

confiscated their assets. The new nave was therefore never built, and the work that had

already been done was dismantled to provide stone for other projects in the area.

On 9 December 1539 the last Abbot of Bristol handed over the abbey to the King’s

Commissioners. Unlike many other cities, it was not originally intended that there should be a

diocese of Bristol, and so its abbey was not due to become a cathedral. However, when it was

discovered that St Peter’s Abbey in the nearby rival port of Gloucester was to be made a

cathedral, Bristol’s citizens petitioned for equal treatment and in 1542 the disused abbey

church was designated the Cathedral of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, Bristol.

In 1877 the rebuilding of the nave was finally completed, 350 years after the original, Norman

nave, had been demolished.




Selected translations of anthems which are not sung in English are available from page 17.

Bible Translation

The Cathedral uses the NRSV Anglicised Edition translation of the bible for all services except BCP Holy Communion on Sundays.

Reading selections are taken from the Common Worship Lectionary, with Evensong readings taken from the Pillar Lectionary.


Unless otherwise specified, all choral services are sung by the Cathedral Choir. On Mondays the boy choristers sing with the lay clerks and choral scholars. On Tuesdays the girl choristers sing with the lay clerks. Weekend services alternate between boy choristers and girl choristers.


If it is your custom to receive communion in your own church, you are welcome to receive here, whatever denomination you are.

Feast Days Key

On each day there is an indication of whether it is a day of significance. The different significances are indicated as follows:

Feria (no commemoration or otherwise) Commemoration Lesser Festival Festival PRINCIPAL FEAST

For Festivals and Principal Feasts, (and the evening service the day before) the altar colours will reflect the occasion, and Festal Responses are said or sung at the close of the evening service.


Hymn numbers refer to the New English Hymnal (NEH), with tunes following.


On some feast days, incense is used during the service. This is indicated by the † symbol.

Photography and Recording

No photography or recording of any kind may take place during services, concerts, or rehearsals without the express permission of the Chapter.



The traditional BCP Coverdale translation is used at Evening Prayer and Evensong. Common Worship translation is used at all other services. Congregation sit for the psalms, standing for “Glory be to the Father…” at the end of the last psalm.

Service Length

Said morning prayer lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Said Lunchtime Eucharist lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Evensong lasts around 40 minutes; evening prayer around 20 minutes.

Eucharist on a Sunday lasts around 1hr 15.

On a Sunday, Evensong lasts around one hour, incorporating additional hymns and a sermon.

Quire Services: those unable to stay for the whole service are asked to sit in the Nave.

Joining the Cathedral Choir

If you have a child in Year 4, with a passion for music and singing, there are details of the Voice Trial Day towards the back of this booklet.

If you are coming to Bristol as a student in September and sing alto, tenor, or bass, there are details of our Choral Scholarships towards the back of this booklet.


Sunday 25 February Second Sunday of Lent 7.40am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) QUIRE

10.00am CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST NAVE Preacher Canon Martin Gainsborough Setting Missa Aeterna Christi Munera – Palestrina Psalm 22.23-end Motet Sicut cervus – Palestrina Translations are available from p.17 Hymns Entrance 338 Evelyns

Offertory 76 Breslau

Communion 382 Song 13

Post-communion 359 Duke Street [322]

Voluntary Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (BWV 686) – J.S. Bach 3.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Preacher Canon Derek Chedzey Responses Leighton Psalm 135 Canticles Collegium Magdalene Oxoniense – Leighton Anthem Drop, drop slow tears – Leighton Hymns 507; 379 Wychbold; 67 Aus der tiefe (Heinlein) Voluntary Fantasy on Heinlein – Leighton

Monday 26 February Verses | Decani Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL

5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Sanders Psalm 119.105-120 Canticles Sixth Service – Weelkes Hymn 404 Iste confessor

Anthem When David heard that Absalom was slain – Weelkes

Tuesday 27 February

George Herbert, Priest, Poet, 1633 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL

1.15pm LUNCHTIME RECITAL NAVE Oliver Parry (bass), Choral Scholar, Bristol Cathedral 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Leighton Psalms 121, 122 Canticles Wise in F Hymn 77 University

Anthem I got me flowers – Vaughan Williams


Wednesday 28 February Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL

5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Boy Choristers QUIRE Responses Fox Psalms 132.1-13 Canticles Berkshire Service – Archer Hymn 368 Cwm Rhondda Anthem Wash me throughly from my wickedness – Handel

Thursday 1 March David, Bishop of Menevia, Patron of Wales, c.601 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm Evening Prayer QUIRE Psalms 4, 5

Friday 2 March

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL

5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Lay Clerks EASTERN LADY CHAPEL Responses Millington Psalms 10, 11 Canticles Short Service – Batten Hymn Ave Regina Caelorum Anthem Nolo mortem peccatoris – Morley Translations are available from p.17

Saturday 3 March Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL

3.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Radcliffe Psalm 17 Canticles Purcell in g Hymn 349 Nativity

Anthem Salvator mundi – Blow Translations are available from p.17


Sunday 4 March Third Sunday of Lent 7.40am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) QUIRE 10.00am CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST NAVE Preacher Canon Nicola Stanley Setting Sherborne Mass – Bednall Psalm 19.7-end Motet Salvator mundi – Blow Translations are available from p.17 Hymns Processional 383 Aberystwyth

Offertory 137 Down Ampney Communion 307 Divine Mysteries Post-communion 74 Stockton Voluntary Prelude and Fugue in b (BWV 544) – J.S. Bach 3.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Cathedral Consort QUIRE Preacher The Dean Responses Smith Psalms 11, 12 Canticles Sumsion in G Anthem A Litany – Walton Hymns 507; 63 St Bernard; 360 Shipston Voluntary Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam (BWV 684) - J. S. Bach

Monday 5 March Verses | Cantoris

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Cathedral Consort QUIRE Responses Smith Psalm 26 Canticles Walmisley in d Hymn 414 Caithness

Anthem Like as the hart – Howells

Tuesday 6 March

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL 1.15pm LUNCHTIME RECITAL NAVE Jusim Park – piano 5.15pm Evening Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL Psalm 31


Wednesday 7 March Perpetua, Felicity and their Companions, Martyrs at Carthage, 203 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Boy Choristers QUIRE Responses Noon Psalm 36 Canticles Bairstow in E flat Hymn 441 York

Anthem I will sing of thy great mercies (from St Paul) – Mendelssohn

Thursday 8 March Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, 1910 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm Evening Prayer QUIRE Psalm 40

Friday 9 March

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL

5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Lay Clerks EASTERN LADY CHAPEL Responses Moore Psalms 45, 46 Canticles Short Service – Weelkes Hymn Ave Regina Caelorum Anthem Laboravi in gemitu meo – Caldara

Saturday 10 March Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 3.30pm Evening Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL Psalm 57


Sunday 11 March Mothering Sunday 7.40am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) QUIRE 10.00am CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST NAVE Preacher The Dean SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Setting Missa Alme Pater – Millington Psalm 34.11-20 Motet Ave Maria – Bruckner Hymns Processional 185 Abbot’s Leigh Offertory 285 England’s Lane

Communion 387 Quem pastores

Post-communion 413 Nun danket

Voluntary Prelude in e (BWV 548, i) – J.S. Bach 3.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Preacher Canon Derek Chedzey Responses Tomkins Psalms 13, 14 Canticles Blair in b Anthem Deep River – Tippett Hymns 507; 181 Eisenach [425]; 186 Woodlands Voluntary Fugue in e (BWV 548, ii) – J.S. Bach

Monday 12 March Verses | Decani

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Radcliffe Psalm 63 Canticles Collegium Regale – Howells Hymn 62 Herzliebster Jesu

Anthem Salvator mundi (from Requiem) – Howells Translations are available from p.17

Tuesday 13 March

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL 1.15pm LUNCHTIME RECITAL NAVE Huw Williams, Director of Music, Bath Abbey – organ 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Tomkins Psalm 68.1-18 Canticles Daniel Purcell in e Hymn 65 Gute bäume bringen

Anthem Hear my prayer, O Lord – Purcell


Wednesday 14 March Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Boy Choristers QUIRE Responses Archer (accompanied) Psalm 72.1-7 Canticles John Wood in G Hymn 331 Eventide

Anthem Stabat Mater – Pergolesi

Thursday 15 March Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm Evening Prayer QUIRE Psalm 77

Friday 16 March

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL

5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Lay Clerks EASTERN LADY CHAPEL Responses Clucas Psalms 80, 81 Canticles Verse Service – Marson Hymn Ave Regina Caelorum Anthem Let my complaint – Morley

Saturday 17 March Patrick, Bishop, Missionary, Patron of Ireland, c.460 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL

3.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Radcliffe Psalm 88 Canticles Hereford Service – Lloyd Hymn 278 Gartan

Anthem Expectans expectavi – Wood


Sunday 18 March Fifth Sunday of Lent Passiontide begins 7.40am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) QUIRE 10.00am CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST NAVE Preacher Canon Martin Gainsborough Setting Leighton in D Psalm 51.1-13 Motet Steal away – Tippett Hymns Processional 79 Gonfalon Royal [128ii] Offertory 84 Herongate Communion 308 Adoro Te

Post-communion 393 Mannheim Voluntary Toccata in d (BWV 538, i) – J.S. Bach 3.30pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Cathedral Consort QUIRE Preacher Revd Sarah Evans, Minor Canon Responses Smith Psalm 34 Canticles Stanford in G Anthem How lovely are thy dwellings – Brahms Hymns 507; 344 Melling; 239 Slane Voluntary Fantasia in G – Parry

Monday 19 March Verses | Cantoris

Joseph of Nazareth 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Cathedral Consort QUIRE Responses Smith Psalms 1, 112 Canticles Dyson in F Hymn 160 Coelites plaudant [190ii]

Anthem Geistliches Lied – Brahms Translations are available from p.17

Tuesday 20 March

Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, Missionary, 687 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Tomkins Psalm 103 Canticles Blow in F Hymn 459 Crimond

Anthem Versa est in luctum – Lobo Translations are available from p.17


Wednesday 21 March Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr, 1556 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Boy Choristers QUIRE Responses Nardone Psalm 105.23-36 Canticles Long in F Hymn 407 Ravenshaw Anthem Crux fidelis – Handel arr Higginbottom

Thursday 22 March Choir in Residence Feria The Melgás Consort 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Introit Memento homo – Melgás Translations are available from p.17 Responses Smith Psalm 107.23-43 Canticles Merton College Service – Ešenvalds Hymn 82 Song 46 Anthem In ieiunio et fletu – Melgás Translations are available from p.17

Friday 23 March

Feria 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL

5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Lay Clerks EASTERN LADY CHAPEL Responses Rose Psalms 112, 113 Canticles Tomkins in falsibordone Hymn 82 Song 46 Anthem Absalon fili mi – Josquin Translations are available from p.17

Saturday 24 March Walter Hilton of Thurgarton, Augustinian Canon, Mystic, 1396 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 3.30pm Evening Prayer QUIRE Psalm 118


Sunday 25 March Palm Sunday 7.40am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) QUIRE 10.00am CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST WITH PROCESSION OF PALMS NAVE Setting Messe Solennelle – Langlais SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Motet Hosanna to the Son of David – Weelkes Crux fidelis – King John IV of Portugal Voluntary Les Rameaux – Langlais 3.30pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS Nave

SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Music Five Spirituals (from A Child of our Time) – Tippett

Monday 26 March Verses | Decani

Monday in Holy Week 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars QUIRE Responses Plainsong Psalm 25 Canticles Amner in the Dorian mode Hymn Ave Regina Caelorum Anthem In manus tuas – Sheppard

Tuesday 27 March

Tuesday in Holy Week 8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist SEAFARERS’ CHAPEL 5.15pm CHORAL EVENSONG QUIRE Responses Plainsong Psalm 55.13-24 Canticles Andreas in falsibordone Hymn 91 All for Jesus

Anthem In ieunio et fletu – Tallis Translations are available from p.17


Wednesday 28 March Wednesday in Holy Week

8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Eucharist ELDER LADY CHAPEL 5.15pm Evening Prayer QUIRE Psalm 88

7.30pm COMPLINE sung by the Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars EASTERN LADY CHAPEL with the Lamentations of Jeremiah – Tallis

Thursday 29 March MAUNDY THURSDAY

8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL

10.30am DIOCESAN CHRISM EUCHARIST sung by the Cathedral Consort NAVE Preacher The Bishop of Swindon SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Setting Coronation Mass – Mozart Motet Ave verum corpus – Mozart Voluntary Final from Symphonie VI – Widor 12.30pm Midday Prayers BERKELEY CHAPEL 5.15pm Evening Prayer QUIRE Psalm 39

7.30pm † LITURGY OF THE LAST SUPPER (TRIDUUM I) NAVE Preacher The Dean SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Setting Missa Bel’ Amfitrit’ Altera – Lassus Motets Ubi caritas – Gjeilo A Litany - Walton Tantum ergo - de Severac

Friday 30 March


8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL



Preacher The Dean SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Motets The Reproaches – Sanders Christus factus est – Bruckner Crucifixus – Lotti

Saturday 31 March HOLY SATURDAY

8.30am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL 12.30pm Midday Prayers BERKELEY CHAPEL 3.30pm Evening Prayer SUBCROFT CHAPEL Psalm 116

9.00pm † LITURGY OF THE LORD’S RESURRECTION (TRIDUUM III) sung by the Lay Clerks NAVE Setting Mass à 5 – Byrd SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Motet Vespere autum Sabbati – Handl


Sunday 1 April Easter Day

7.40am Morning Prayer BERKELEY CHAPEL

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) QUIRE

10.00am FESTIVAL EUCHARIST OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD NAVE Preacher The Dean SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Setting Messe Solennelle – Vierne Voluntary Final (Symphonie 1) – Vierne

3.30pm † FESTAL EVENSONG QUIRE Preacher The Dean SPECIAL ORDER OF SERVICE Responses Rose Psalm 105.1-15 Canticles Stanford in A Anthem Worthy is the Lamb – Handel Voluntary Incantation pour un jour saint – Langlais

The Cathedral Choir is on Easter Break until Monday 16 April.


Translations of Anthems not in the English Language

Friday 2 March

Nolo mortem peccatoris Thomas Morley c.1557-1602

Nolo mortem peccatoris: I do not desire the death of a sinner: haec sunt verba Salvatoris. these are the words of the Saviour.

John Reford d.1547 The remaining words in this macaronic anthem are sung in English.

Saturday 3 March / Sunday 4 March / Monday 12 March

Salvator mundi John Blow 1649-1708 / Herbert Howells 1892-1983

Salvator mundi, salva nos, qui per crucem Saviour of the world, save us, who by the cross et sanguinem redemisti nos: and the blood have redeemed us: auxiliare nobis te deprecamur, Deus noster. help us, we beseech you, our God.

Antiphon at Good Friday Liturgy

Friday 9 March

Laboravi in gemitu meo Antonio Caldara 1670-1736

Laboravi in gemitu meo; I am weary of my groaning; lavabo per singulas noctes lectum meum:: every night wash I my bed: lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo. and water my couch with my tears.

Psalm 6.7

Sunday 11 March

Ave Maria Anton Bruckner 1824-96

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Blessed are you among women, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Holy Mary, Mother of God, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, pray for us sinners, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. now and in the hour of our death. Amen.

after Luke 1.28, 42

Monday 19 March

Geistliches Lied Johannes Brahms 1833-97

Laß dich nur nichts nicht dauern mit Trauern, Do not be sorrowful or regretful, sei stille, wie Gott es fügt, be calm, as God has ordained, so sei vergnügt mein Wille! so my will shall be content!

Was willst du heute sorgen auf morgen? What do you want to worry about from day to day? Der Eine steht allem für, There is One who stands above all, der gibt auch dir das Deine. who gives you too what is yours.

Sei nur in allem Handel ohn’ Wandel, Only be steadfast in all you do, steh’ feste, was Gott beschleußt, stand firm, what God has decided, das ist und heißt das Beste. Amen. that is and must be the best. Amen.

Paul Flemming 1609-40


Tuesday 20 March

Versa est in luctum Alonso Lobo c.1555-1617

Versa est in luctum cithara mea, My harp is turned to mourning, et organum meum in vocem flentium. and my music into the voice of those that weep. Parce mihi, Domine, nihil enim sunt dies mei. Spare me, O Lord, for my days are as nothing.

Job 30.32, and from the Office of the Dead

Thursday 22 March

Memento Homo Diogo Dias Melgás 1638-1700

Memento homo qui a pulvis es, Remember man is from dust, et in pulverum reverteris. and to dust returns.

In ieiunio et fletu Diogo Dias Melgás 1638-1700

In ieiunio et fletu, In fasting and tears plorabant sacerdotes dicentes: weep the priests saying: parce Domine parce populo tuo spare Lord spare your people et ne des haereditatem tuam and do not leave your inheritance in perditionem. in perdition.

after Joel 2.12

Friday 23 March

Absalon fili mi Josquin des Prez c.1450-1521

Absalon fili mi; quis det ut moriar prote, Absalom my son; would that I die for you, fili mi Absalon? Non vivam ultra, my son Absalom? Let me not live longer, sed descendam in infernum plorans. but descend into hell weeping.

2 Samuel 18.33

Monday 26 March

In manus tuas John Sheppard c.1515-59

In manus tuas, Domine, Into your hands, O Lord, commendo spiritum meum: I commend my spirit: redemisti me, Domine Deus veritatis. for you have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.

Psalm 31.5

Tuesday 27 March

In ieiunio et fletu Thomas Tallis c.1505-85

In ieiunio et fletu, In fasting and tears plorabant sacerdotes dicentes: weep the priests saying: parce Domine parce populo tuo spare Lord spare your people et ne des haereditatem tuam and do not leave your inheritance in perditionem. in perdition. Inter vestibulum et altare Between the porch and the altar, plorabant sacerdotes, dicentes: the priests wept, saying: Parce populo tuo. Spare your people.

after Joel 2.12, 17


Bristol Cathedral Choir

There has probably been a choir singing in Bristol Cathedral since its days as an Augustinian abbey church, founded in 1140. When, in 1542, it became the cathedral church of the new

diocese of Bristol, its new statutes still provided for cathedral life in terms of worship, community and education; of the praises of God sung with perpetual jubilation, of the common table, of the masters of the choristers and of the Cathedral Grammar School. The passing of the centuries has modified but not destroyed the pattern.

The choir consists of 28 choristers (14 boys and 14 girls), all of whom are

educated at Bristol Cathedral Choir School - occupying the former Augustinian refectory, and magnificent new buildings. These are supported by incentives endowed by the Bristol Cathedral Choral Foundation. There are also probationary choristers who fulfil a part timetable and attend other schools in the city, 6 Lay Clerks, and 4 Choral Scholars. Together, with the voluntary Consort, Choral Evensong is sung 6 times a week in the Cathedral in term time.

The Choir enjoys a busy and challenging timetable, and highlights have included singing at the Royal Maundy Service in the presence of HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, tours to France, Italy, Germany, Poland, and the USA (New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island). Recent events have included singing live on BBC One on Christmas Day 2016. The Choir also broadcasts regularly on BBC Radio 3.


Bristol Cathedral Choir

Chorister Voice Trials Saturday 5 May, 2018

Applications for Chorister Voice Trials in Bristol Cathedral Choir

are now invited from children in Year 4

The Voice Trial involves

♫ a single prepared song (secular or sacred) that shows off their voice (range, etc), with

sheet music provided, to be accompanied on the piano by the Master of the


♫ a series of simple ear tests including

o Clapping back rhythms

o Singing back simple melodies

o Distinguishing between two notes played simultaneously;

♫ reading a biblical passage in English;

♫ a brief opportunity to discuss further details with the Master of the Choristers;

♫ an opportunity to discuss administrative details with the Music Administrator.

Being a chorister offers unique opportunities to

♫ receive a musical education second to none;

♫ learn the skill of team work – working with adults as equals;

♫ enjoy excellent education at Bristol Cathedral Choir School;

♫ take part in an unbroken musical tradition dating back to the 12th century.

We are looking for children who

♫ show potential rather than polished performance at the outset;

♫ have enthusiasm and want to succeed;

♫ have the strength of character to take on commitment;

♫ are able to work as part of a team;

♫ have a supportive family.


The Choir is comprised of approximately 24 choristers together with the adult singers (Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars).

The Choristers enjoy a busy and challenging timetable, and highlights have included:

recording a brand new choir CD, 2017 broadcasting LIVE on BBC One, Christmas Day 2016 a tour to Bordeaux, 2016 a tour to Poland, 2014 a tour to Italy, 2012 singing at the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy in St Paul’s Cathedral, 2012 broadcasting regularly on BBC Radio 3

What do the choristers say about singing in the choir?

‘Everyone is really, really friendly.’ ~ Poppy, Yr 6

‘Making friends, feeling part of a group, and tour!’ ~ Caitlin, Yr 10

‘It’s really helped improve my singing range and confidence.’ ~ Amelia, Yr 7

‘The music is beautiful.’ ~ Marc, Yr 9

‘It's an opportunity of a lifetime, and benefits you in the future.’ ~ Lana, Yr 9

‘Meeting up with your friends and having fun singing.’ ~ Gethin, Yr 4

‘The friends you make, and all the different mu sic we sing.’ ~ Maddy, Yr 5

‘Choir is fun.’ ~ Felix, Yr 8

‘The combination of friendship and music.’ ~ Sam, Yr 6

For more information, or to receive an application form,

please contact the Music Administrator, Tim Popple [email protected]

0117 946 8173


Choral Scholarships

There are places for up to four Choral Scholars in the Bristol Cathedral Choir at any one time. These will generally be two basses, a tenor, and an alto. The alto Choral Scholarship is open to anyone, regardless of gender. They will be expected to sing one weekday service (currently Monday) and at the weekend. They will be of a very high standard, both vocally and in terms of reading, but will not be expected to sing without the support of the professional Lay Clerks. There may be opportunities to deputise for absent Lay Clerks for extra remuneration, but this will only be with the agreement of the Master of the Choristers who will assess their proficiency for such an undertaking.

The current value of a Choral scholarship is incremental on years of service: £2580 p.a. (Year 1), £3100 p.a. (Year 2), and £3621 p.a. (Year 3).

Choir terms are:

Michaelmas: The first weekend after the beginning of the Bristol Cathedral School term in September until Christmas Day

Lent: The weekend of Epiphany until Easter Day Trinity: The beginning of the choir term until the Sunday after the end of the Bristol

Cathedral Choir School term.

The Choral Scholarships can be held in conjunction with a degree course at either Bristol University or UWE, though this is not an essential requirement. It would be our hope that an undergraduate Choral Scholar would be in post for three years, though the Scholarship would be reviewed annually.


Music is an integral part of Bristol Cathedral's life and mission. Evensong is sung on most days at 5.15pm (on Saturday and Sunday at 3.30pm).

The Cathedral Eucharist is sung each Sunday Morning. In addition there are a number of special services throughout the year as well as the important church festivals and feasts.

If you are interested in a Choral Scholarship, please contact:

Mark Lee Master of the Choristers & Organist

Bristol Cathedral College Green Bristol BS1 5TJ

0117 926 4879

[email protected]


Cathedral Consort

The Cathedral Consort was launched in 2009. It is a choir which not only enhances the

worship of the Cathedral, but also provides an opportunity for young people to develop their

singing skills to a professional standard. They also enjoy the social side of being part of such a

close knit team.

The Consort is open to membership from across the city from 11 to 19. It rehearses weekly

and usually sings Choral Evensong twice a month. It also collaborates with other choirs in the

Cathedral, such as Bristol Cathedral Concert Choir, to perform concerts of large scale works

with orchestral accompaniment. The experience offered is particularly valuable to those who

wish to apply for choral scholarships at universities like Oxford and Cambridge.

The girls of the Consort have been an important part of the Cathedral’s musical life since 1993.

In May 2002, as part of Bristol Cathedral Festival, they sang with the internationally renowned

soprano Emma Kirkby, at which time she agreed to become Patron of the Choir. The

Cathedral Consort has toured most recently to Toulouse, performing in St Sernin, the Temple

Du Salin, and previously have been on tour to Belgium included performances at Brussels and

Antwerp Cathedrals, Ireland including performances at St. Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, and St.

Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin.

If you are interested in joining the Cathedral Consort, please contact:

Paul Walton Director of the Cathedral Consort

Bristol Cathedral College Green Bristol BS1 5TJ

0117 926 4879

[email protected]