Service Statements - Barossa Council

The Barossa Council Service Statements

Transcript of Service Statements - Barossa Council

The Barossa Council

Service Statements

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Service Levels Output 1 - Elected Member Meeting Coordination Activities Service Level Schedule Council Meetings Monthly meetings held Schedule Council Workshops Monthly workshops held (excl

January) Prepare & disseminate Council meeting & workshop agendas

Three days prior to meeting

Prepare & disseminate minutes Within 5 days of meeting

Record & monitor confidential actions Reviewed annually unless otherwise resolved

Output 2 - Elected Member Representation Activities Service Level Undertake Elector Representation Review Every 7-8 years

Output 3 - Elected Member Complaint Management Activities Service Level Manage complaints about an elected member or CEO

Confirm Receipt within 1 week

Manage complaints regarding a council or CEO decision

Confirm Receipt within 1 week and Conduct review within 21 days

Output 4 - Elected Member Function Attendance Support Activities Service Level Manage invitations for Elected members and the Mayor to civic events and community functions

Within 5 working days of receipt of request

Coordinate bookings and payments for Elected member function attendance

Within 5 working days of receipt of request

The Barossa Council Service Statement Elected Member Decision Making Support

Provision of support to Elected Members e.g. provision of information, agendas and minutes

Outcome Elected members are provided with administrative support to be able to make informed decisions.

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999 Freedom of Information Act 1991 Privacy Act

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Support for the full employee lifecycle, including recruitment, selection, induction and on-boarding, termination and exiting

procedures, and performance management

Outcome Council's employee management obligations are met and skilled workers are attracted and retained to deliver Council services.

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – HRM Framework Activities Service Level Review and update Human Resource Management (HRM) policy

Every 4 years

Review and update HRM templates As required Maintain HR portal in SharePoint and Internet site

As required

Output 2 – Recruitment and Selection Activities Service Level Review and update Recruitment and Selection Process

Every 4 years

Review and update Recruitment and Selection templates

As required

Maintain recruitment records in EDRMS As required Administer complaints received regarding Recruitment and Selection

As required

Coordinate recruitment and selection process

As required

Output 3 - Induction Activities Service Level Review and update Induction Policy Every 4 years Review and update Induction Process Every 4 years Review and update Induction templates As required Coordinate Induction of new employees Within 4 weeks of employee

commencement Ensure induction documentation completed, returned and marked on TNA

Within 5 weeks of employee commencement

The Barossa Council Service Statement Employment and HR Support Services

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Employment and HR Support Services

Output 4 – Probation Activities Service Level Review and update Probation Process Every 4 years Review and update process templates As required Probation completed Within 3 months of employee commencement

Output 5 – Performance Management Activities Service Level Review and update Performance Appraisal Policy Every 4 years Review and update associated Processes Every 4 years Review and update performance management templates As required Ensure all Performance Partnering documents are completed, stored in TRIM and marked off HR Staff List


Assist Line Managers with Performance Management, document records of conversation, action plans, warmings and file notes

As required

Output 6 – Workplace Relations Activities Service Level Review and update The Barossa Council Enterprise Agreements Every 3 years Code of Conduct for Employees Review and update associated Processes Every 4 years Review and update Workplace Relations templates As required Review and update Assessing and Handling Criminal History Information Policy Every 4 years Administer Criminal History checks and document accordingly As required Development and implementation of The Barossa Council Workforce Plan Annually

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Output 7 – Equal Opportunity Activities Service Level Review and update Equal Opportunity Equity and Inclusion Policy Every 4 years Review and update Equal Opportunity Equity and Inclusion templates As required Deliver Equal Opportunity training Within 12 months of employee commencement

Output 8 – Leave and Entitlements Activities Service Level Review and update Long Service Leave Policy Every 4 years Review and update Emergency Services Leave Policy Every 4 years Review and update associated Processes Every 4 years Review and update Leave and Entitlements templates As required

Output 9 – Exit and Termination Activities Service Level Review and update Exit and Termination Processes Every 4 years Review and update Exit and Termination process templates As required Administer termination documentation and Exit process for all terminated employees As required Conduct exit interviews with terminated employees As required Retention Rate As required

Output 10 – Organisational Structure

Activities Service Level Maintain Organisation Chart - Update Monthly on SharePoint Monthly Undertake Job Analysis as required 10 working days Undertake Classifications Reviews as required 10 working days Position Descriptions reviewed, signed and stored in EDRMS - marked off HR Staff List As required

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Output 11 – Staff Recognition Activities Service Level Review and update Recognition of Employee Service Policy Every 4 years Arrange Staff Recognition Awards End of Year Yearly Arrange 10 years of Service in Local Government Awards Yearly Review and update Workplace Relations templates As required Recognition of Service upon resignation/retirement As required

Output 12 – General HR Administration Activities Service Level Maintain Salaries Register according to Act Monthly HR Quarterly Report provided to CMT Quarterly Annual HR Audit Annually Maintain Gifts and Benefits Register Monthly Maintain HR data using Excel Spreadsheets Ongoing Maintain Employee Files TRIM/Hardcopy Ongoing Track Classification Increments Monthly Track Contract End Dates, Probations and Staff Number Reports Monthly Administration of Speculative Applicants Ongoing Administration of Work Experience Students As required HR Service Agreement Ongoing Remuneration Surveys Yearly

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Employment and HR Support Services

Output 13 – Staff Uniforms/Equipment Activities Service Level Review and update Corporate Wardrobe Policy Annual Review and update Corporate Wardrobe Ordering Process Annual Coordinate determination of annual staff uniform allowances Annual Conduct Annual uniform fitting event Annual Coordinate staff payments of co-contributions towards uniforms Within 4 weeks of receipt of Council invoice Coordinate delivery, allocation and returns of uniforms Annual

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Staff Professional Development

Management of training system (including technical and compliance-related matters), workshops with managers

Outcome Professional and constructive leadership decision making and development mechanisms in the organisation.

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Professional Development Delivery Activities Service Level Organisational Managers Group Monthly People Management Group Quarterly

Output 2 – Training Coordination Activities Service Level Review and update Training and Professional Development Policy

Every 4 years

Review and update associated policies and process

Every 4 years

Training Needs Analysis compiled for employees (TNA's)


Prepare TNA report for CMT Annually Maintain Training Register (currently being developed in SharePoint)


Northern Regional Training Group - assist with the development of a training plan for the region


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The Barossa Council Service Statement Executive, Governance Support and Project Management

Executive and governance support to provide governance advice and support in the discharge of legislative responsibilities

for policy development, Freedom of Information applications, internal review of Council decisions, delegations and

authorisations, Native Title claims and land sales and project management, including continuous improvement projects

Outcome Council's legislative responsibilities are carried out in accordance with appropriate guidelines and standards and policy and projects are successfully implemented to ensure organisational effectiveness and compliance.

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999 Code of Conduct for Council Members Freedom of Information Act 1991

Service Levels Output 1 – Governance & Policy Advice Activities Service Level Maintain & Review Policy Framework Ongoing Provide Governance Advice - Local Government Act

2 days

Provide Governance Policy Advice 2 days Process applications under the Freedom of Information Act

30 days

Process applications under the Internal Review of Council Decisions Policy

21 days

Output 2 – Delegations and Authorisations Management Activities Service Level Update Sub Delegations in accordance with staff changes

1 week

Undertake Delegations and Sub-delegations Review with CMT

1 month

Undertake Statutory Delegations Review 2 months Update Authorisations as needed and update Authorisations Register


Output 3 – Native Title Management Activities Service Level Monitor and respond to case management requests from Council's legal representatives regarding the Kaurna and Ngadjuri claims


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The Barossa Council Service Statement Executive, Governance Support and Project Management

Output 4 – Community Land Activities Service Level Update Community Land Register Quarterly Develop organisational processes regarding incoming and outgoing community land Ongoing Provide advice and facilitate community land revocation process on various parcels of land Ongoing

Output 5 – Project Management Framework Activities Service Level Review and update project framework Every 2 years Review and update project manual Every 2 years Review and update project templates As required

Output 6 – Organisational Development Activities Service Level Undertake OCI/OEI remeasure, debrief organisation and set up team/directorate plans Biennial Coordinate undertaking of LSIs for OMG members Ongoing Initiate Team-based PMG learnings model Ongoing Develop 2017 PMG program and deliver Ongoing Improve work cultural practices to achieve more responsive service levels – provide debrief to Council of biennial survey results

Feb 17 / ongoing

Ensure all units under Directorate have actions plans and they are reviewed as part of Managers PP requirements


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The Barossa Council Service Statement Marketing & Communications

Management of media, social media, digital communications, branding and strategy, special projects, grants and research, corporate publications, community engagement and events.

Providing advice and direction in the areas of marketing, creative and media relations to achieve an integrated

approach to all internal and external communications in alignment with the strategic objectives of Council.

Outcome The community is well informed and actively engaged, and has an awareness of the projects and services Council delivers

External/Internal Delivery External and Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation

Service Levels Output 1 – Branding Strategy Activities Service Level Continue implementation of branding strategy as it applies to corporate documents and design and branding generally

Templates updated as per elected member direction

Output 2 – Grant Application Management Activities Service Level Support and lead grant applications to lever up budget allocations where appropriate through research, grant writing and letters of support


Output 3 – External Communication Coordination Activities Service Level Prepare corporate and community publications

Monthly, quarterly, annually

Prepare Marketing Collateral (creative and design)

Monthly, quarterly, annually

Coordinate Content for Digital Communication and Social Media

As required

Coordinate Council Advertising Monthly; ongoing needs basis Coordinate Media relations As required

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Output 4 – Internal Communication & Service Provision Activities Service Level Coordinate internal digital communications Monthly/Bi-monthly

Output 5 – Community Engagement Activities Service Level Implement community engagement strategies for key projects and service delivery As required

Output 7 – Event Support and Promotion Activities Service Level Provide strategic and creative marketing support for major and community events As required

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Procurement includes continuously improving and updating processes and templates, providing induction training on the

procurement system, providing advice and sign-off on procurement processes, custodianship of tender boxes to

receive responses for tender panel and ongoing line management of shared regional procurement resource.

Outcome Acquisition of goods and services in accordance with legislative requirements and Council's procurement principles to deliver value for money outcomes for the community

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Govt Act SA 1999 - Section 49

Service Levels Output 1 – Procurement Framework Management Activities Service Level Review and update procurement policy Every 2 years Review and update procurement processes

Every 2 years

Review and update procurement templates

As required

Deliver procurement awareness/induction training

Within 1 week of employee commencement

Output 2 – Procurement Advisory Services Activities Service Level Provide internal advice 2 working days Provide external advice to contractors 5 working days Provide external advice to other Councils and LGA stakeholders

2 working days

Participate in Network of Procurement Professionals

bi-monthly meeting

Output 3 – Tender Box Administration Activities Service Level Receive & Open Tenders Within 24 Hours of Tender/RFQ

Closing Register Tenders within Records Management System

Within 24 Hours of Tender/RFQ Closing

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Output 4 – Contract and Contractor Register Administration Activities Service Level Undertake system administrator tasks for workflow issues and error management Within 24 hours of request for change/assistance Generate Reports for staff Within 2 days of request

Output 5 – Compliance Monitoring Activities Service Level Review payment register to determine new contractors and PO compliance Weekly Prepare report for OMG detailing areas of potential non-conformance requiring clarification Monthly

Output 6 – Contractor Management Activities Service Level Online Induction Record Administration Within 3 days of Receipt

Processing of License, Induction and Insurance renewals Within 3 days of Receipt

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Assessment and reporting of risk, including updating risk register and reports to Audit Committee.

Outcome Management of Council service delivery in accordance with an appropriate risk management framework

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Govt Act SA 1999

The Barossa Council Service Statement Risk Management, Assessment and Reporting

Service Levels Output 1 – Risk Framework Management Activities Service Level Review and update Risk policy Every 4 years Review and update Risk processes Every 4 years Review and update Risk tools, templates & checklists

As required

Deliver Risk awareness/induction training Within 1 month of employee commencement

Review and Maintain Corporate Risk Assessments

Every 4 years

Output 2 – Risk Reporting Activities Service Level Prepare Risk Activity and Performance Reports

As required

Prepare Audit Committee Risk Reports Quarterly

Output 3 – Risk Evaluation (LGA/RTW Audit) Activities Service Level Coordinate LGA/Return to Work Risk Reviews of Output Areas


Output 4 – Risk Register Management Activities Service Level Maintain Organisational Risk Register As required Maintain Strategic Risk Register As required Develop and Maintain Compliance Register (for legislative updates in consultation with Governance)

As required

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Insurance & Claims Management

Manage Insurance coverage requirements and liaison with insurers and claimants

Outcome Council's insurance coverage is appropriately maintained and claims are managed in a timely manner

External/Internal Delivery External and Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Govt Act SA 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Insurance Policy Management Activities Service Level Coordinate review of Insurance Cover Annual review Notification of asset acquisitions/disposals to LGA Asset Mutual Fund

Upon change notification

Notification of motor vehicle acquisitions/disposals to LGA Asset Mutual Fund

Upon change notification

Maintain Motor Vehicle Insurance Schedule in accordance with acquisitions/disposals/changes in insured values

Upon change notification

Maintain Asset Insurance Schedule in accordance with acquisitions/disposals/changes in insured values

Upon change notification

Manage Local Community Insurance Scheme referrals - for one-off events not covered by Council

Upon request for insurance

Output 2 – Insurance Claims Management Activities Service Level Maintain Insurance Claims Register As required Coordinate Mutual Liability Scheme reporting on potential claims (as required by MLS Rules)


Coordinate lodgment of Claims via LGRS Member Centre

As required

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Output 3 – Public Liability - External Request Management Activities Service Level Review customer request notifications of injuries or property damage to assist claims management As required Providing LGAMLS Confirmation of Membership to external bodies As required

Output 4 – Policy/Process Development Activities Service Level Develop, review and update Insurance and Claims Management policies Every 4 years Develop, review and update Insurance and Claims Management processes Every 4 years Review and update Insurance and Claims Management tools, templates & checklists As required

Output 5 – Return to Work/Injury Management Activities Service Level Review and update Return to Work Policy and associated Processes Every 4 years Submission of Return to Work Claims to LGWCS 24 hours Coordination of Return to Work Claims administration As required Coordination of Recovery and Return to Work Plans As required Provide Training to supervisors on Return to Work As required Submission of Income Protection Claims to Echelon As required Coordination of Income Protection Claims administration As required Coordination of Internal Return to Work Plans As required

The Barossa Council Service Statement Insurance & Claims Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Work Health Safety WHS Plan Coordination, WHS training, inspections, incident

management, committee coordination, reporting, audit coordination

Outcome Council provides a safe system of work

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Work Health Safety Act 2012 Work Health Safety Regulations 2012

National Codes: Confined Spaces; Demolition Work; Excavation Work; First Aid in the Workplace; Hazardous Manual Tasks; How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks; How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace; How to Safely Remove Asbestos; Labelling of Workplace Hazardous Chemicals; Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace; Managing Noise and Hearing Loss at Work; Managing Risks in Stevedoring; Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace; Managing the Risk of Falls in the Workplace; Managing the Risks of Plant in the Workplace; Managing the Work Environment and Facilities; Preparation of Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Chemicals; Spray Painting and Powder Coating; Welding Processes; Work Health and Safety Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination.

South Australian Codes: National Code of Practice for Precast, Tilt Up and Concrete Elements in Building Construction; AS/NZS 1220 Pressure Equipment; AZ 4024.3001 Safety of Machinery - Materials forming and shearing - mechanical power presses; AS 4024.3002 Safety of Machinery - Materials forming and shearing - hydraulic power presses; AS 1418 Cranes, including hoists and winches; AS/NZS 1576 Scaffolding; AS 1735 Lifts, escalators and moving walks; AS 1755 Conveyers - Safety Requirements; AS 3533 Amusement Rides and Devices; AS 2030 Gas Cylinders; AS 2550 Cranes, hoists and winches - Safe use; AS 2593 Boilers - Safety management and supervision systems;AS/NZS 3788 Pressure Equipment - In-service Inspection.

Service Levels Output 1 – WHS Inspections Activities Service Level Undertake scheduled WHS compliance inspections - Buildings

Annual/bi-annual inspection

Undertake scheduled WHS compliance inspections - Plant

Annual inspection

Undertake scheduled WHS compliance inspections - Playgrounds

Fortnightly inspection

Undertake scheduled WHS compliance inspections - CWMS

6 monthly

Undertake scheduled WHS compliance inspections - Recreation Parks/Halls


Maintain inspection schedule Annual Review

Output 2 – WHS Plan Coordination Activities Service Level Review and Maintain Work Health Safety Plan

4 yearly review

Implementation of WHS Plan Actions Within 4 years Monitor and Report on Progress of Plan Quarterly Report

Output 3 – WHS Committee Coordination Activities Service Level Schedule WHS Committee Meetings Bi-Monthly Meetings Held Prepare and disseminate meeting agendas

2 days prior to meeting

Prepare and disseminate Minutes Within 1 month of meeting

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Coordinate implementation of WHS Committee actions and recommendations Enter in CAPA within 1 month of meeting

Output 4 – WHS Training Coordination Activities Service Level Coordinate Delivery of Warden Training Every 2 years Coordinate Designated Workplace First Aiders Training Every 2 years Coordinate general First Aid refresher training Every 2 years Coordinate CPR Refresher Training Annual Coordinate Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) Training Annual Coordinate Council wide general WHS Training identified within Training Needs Analysis and Training Plans

Within 12 months of TNA Sign Off

Output 5 – WHS Incident Management Activities Service Level Secure the incident site Immediately following the site being 'made safe' Advise relevant bodies of Notifiable Incident Within 24 hours of incident Advise the Office of the Technical Regulator of Electricity or Electric Shock Incident Death - Immediately

Medical Assistance - Within 24 Hours All other cases -Within 10 Working Days

Coordinate incident investigation Commence within 24 hours of notification of the incident Communicate Corrective Actions or Lessons Learned from Incident to relevant stakeholders Within 5 business days of report signoff

Output 6 – WHS Audit Coordination Activities Service Level Coordinate Council response to external WHS Audits Every 2 years Coordinate scheduling, implementation and reporting on internal audits In accordance with Audit Schedule

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Output 7 – Coordination of WHS Reporting Activities Service Level Coordinate Return to Work SA injury management reporting Monthly Prepare and disseminate WHS activity reports to CMT, OMG, Audit Committee Quarterly

Output 9 – Inductions Activities Service Level Deliver employee WHS inductions Within 1 week of employee commencement Provide and Maintain Online Induction for Employees, Contractors and Volunteers As required

Output 8 – Chemical Management Activities Service Level Maintain Chemalert Database Annually Coordinate stock take of Chemicals Every 4 Years Coordinate stock take of Chemicals At Time of Purchase

Output 10 – Emergency Management/Business Continuity Activities Service Level Review and Maintain Emergency Management Plans Every 4 Years Review and Maintain Emergency Evacuation Diagrams Every 4 Years Maintain Emergency Evacuation Drills Annual Review Emergency Control Organisation for all sites Annual Resource and train new ECO members As required Review BCP Critical Functions for Council Annual Coordinate Business Continuity Planning training Every two years Coordinate testing of BCP Annual

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Output 11 – Hazard Management Activities Service Level Review Hazardous Tasks for Council teams Every 4 Years Review Task Risk Assessments for Council teams Every 4 Years Develop and Review Safe Work Instructions for Council teams Every 4 Years Develop and review Static Risk Assessments for Council plant Every 4 Years Develop and review Safe Operating Processes for all plant Every 4 Years

Output 12 – WHS Register Management Activities Service Level Maintain Incident Register Incidents entered within 2 business days Maintain Hazardous Task Register As required - if hazard report is submitted Maintain Corrective and Preventative Action Register As required - following identification of Action Maintain Register of all Task Risk Assessments/Safe Work Instructions/Static Risk Assessments and Safe Operating Processes for all of Council

Annual Review

Maintain Register of signed onto Safe Work Instructions As SWIs are completed Maintain Council Asbestos Registers Every 2 years Maintain Risk/WHS Document Development and Review Schedule Register Annual Review

Output 13 – First Aid Activities Service Level Maintain First Aid Kits (at Council properties and within vehicles) Annual

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Output 14 – Asbestos Management Activities Service Level Monitor implementation of Asbestos Management Plan Annual Coordinate Asbestos Awareness Training Within 12 months of sign off of requirement on employees

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Output 15 – Policy/Process Development Activities Service Level Review and update WHS policy Every 2 years Review and update WHS processes Every 2 years Review and update WHS tools, templates & checklists As required Deliver WHS awareness/induction training Within 1 week of employee commencement

Output 16 – WHS Advisory Services Activities Service Level Provide internal advice 2 working days Provide external advice to contractors 5 working days Provide external advice to other Councils and LGA stakeholders 2 working days Participate in Regional WHS practitioners group Bi-monthly meeting Sharing of legislative updates, safety alerts, LGA Circulars As required

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Provision of organisational performance report (outcomes), activity report (outputs), a range of statutory reporting

(eg public health, tax, superannuation) & financial reporting

Outcome Transparency and accountability regarding Council activity and expenditure

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Govt Act SA 1999 Environment Protection Act 1993 Food Act 2001 Housing Improvement Act 1940 Liquor Licensing Act 1997 Safe Drinking Water Act 2011 South Australian Public Health Act 2011 Legionella, Wastewater and General Regulations 2013 Development Act 1993 Development Regulations 2008

Service Levels Output 1 – Strategic and legislative reporting Activities Service Level Produce organisational performance and activity report


Produce Monthly Finance Report Monthly Produce Quarterly Budget Update Report Quarterly Produce Annual Financial Statements - SA Auditor General


Produce Budget Expenditure Report for OMG


Review and Update Long Term Financial Plan


Review Community Plan 4 yearly Review Corporate Plan Annually Prepare Annual Report Annually Prepare Annual Budget and Business Plan Summary


Produce Environmental Health Report - The South Australian Public Health Act 2011


Produce State Government System Indicator Report – Planning


Produce Food Act 2001 Annual Report Annually Produce Payroll Tax Report Monthly Produce GST Reporting Monthly Produce Annual Payroll Taxation Report Annually Produce Fringe Benefit Tax Report Annually

The Barossa Council Service Statement Strategic & Legislative Reporting

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Output 3 – Financial Monitoring Activities Service Level Review Model Financial Statements, Budget & Business Plan, Budget Updates and Mid-Year Reviews


Review adequacy of Risk Management systems, Internal Control and other Financial Management Systems


Oversee and monitor role of external auditors in the financial reporting process Bi-Annuallly

Output 2 – Data Management Activities Service Level Maintain Holistic Reporting Framework - including software solution Ongoing

Output 4 – Audit Committee Activities Service Level Schedule Audit Committee Meetings Quarterly Meetings Held Prepare and disseminate meeting agendas 5 days prior to meeting Prepare and disseminate Minutes Within 1 month of meeting

The Barossa Council Service Statement Strategic & Legislative Reporting

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Accounts Payable

Invoice matching to orders and batch process; seeking payment approval; and reconciliation of accounts payable

Outcome Expenditure and payments are accurate, timely and reconciled; Compliance with legislation including Accounting, local Government Act and Taxation

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation LG Act/AASB

Service Levels Output 1 – Accounts Payable Management Activities Service Level Matching invoices to orders • Invoices Matched to Orders

Weekly• All invoices have a matchingpurchase order unless falling withinan exemption category withinprocurement policy

Running of Batch process Run Weekly Facilitation of utility invoice and usage data upload

Data uploaded monthly

Facilitation of Invoice approval process (No Purchase Order)

Invoices Processed Weekly

Invoices Processed Weekly Information as and when provided by suppliers is checked to the ABN lookup ; GST allocations is processed on invoice entry/upload

Coordination of payment run process for payment checking/approval

Undertaken weekly Payment run processed and approved by 12pm each Thursday

Coordination of Masterfile update - Name, address, ABN, Bank Details, contractor type, etc.

Masterfile updated on receipt of new information

Reconciliation of payment run Reconciliation completed within 2 business days of payment run approval on a weekly basis?

Reconciliation control account Reconciliation of control account conducted monthly

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Accounts Receivable

Invoice raising, organisation of inter-charges between subsidiaries, and debt collection

Outcome Revenue generation and receipting is controlled and received; Compliance with legislation including Accounting, local Government Act and Taxation

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation LG Act/AASB

Service Levels Output 1 – Debtor Request Management Activities Service Level Raise and process debtor requests to generate invoices for payments owed to Council (including recurring charges maintenance)

Invoices raised within 3 days of receipt of a debtor request

Debtor Invoice Enquiries and Adjustments (CS Request Types)

3 Days

Masterfile update - Name, address, other As required Ledger account allocations and GST application appropriate

As required

Output 2 – Debt Recovery Activities Service Level Monitor Arrangements Monthly Issuing two collection notices, followed by debt collection process (Martin)


Coordinating for credit notes, statements, reconciliations


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The Barossa Council Service Statement Aged Care (Talunga)

Manage the contract with Junction Australia to deliver the service, pay the insurance, and inspect the buildings

Outcome That existing service to Mt Pleasant community for aged care housing is maintained

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discetionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Building Code

Service Levels Output 1 – Talunga Village Insurance Management Activities Service Level Pay insurance on a cyclical basis (refer to Memorandum of Understanding and Lease arrangements)

Payment processed annually Recharged to Junction Australia

Output 2 – Talunga Village Building Inspections Activities Service Level Inspect the buildings on a cyclical basis Every 4 years as part of condition


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The Barossa Council Service Statement Loan Management

Management of the loan portfolio, coordination of investments through bank.

Outcome Council manages its finances holistically in accordance with its overall financial sustainability strategies and targets; Affordability of specific project proposals having regard to Council’s long-term financial sustainability

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation LG Act/AASB

The Barossa Council Service Statement Loan Management

Service Levels Output 1 – Loan Reporting Activities Service Level Prepare a specific report regarding treasury management performance relative to the loan portfolio

Report submitted to Audit Committee & Council at least annually

Output 2 – Loan Management Activities Service Level Acknowledge and manage interest rate and other risks (e.g. liquidity and investment credit risks)

• Report submitted to AuditCommittee at least annually• Target ranges for Net FinancialLiabilities ratio are maintained - iethat ratio will not exceed 100% oftotal operating revenue

Prepare loan applications collating financial information/data/assessing impact for Council and/or Community needs

As required and appropriate for timing and amount of loan; if substantial amount consider Prudential Management Policy

Reconcile loan database to control accounts

Monthly Reconciliation Conducted

Reconcile Community loans to control accounts

Monthly Reconciliation Conducted

Check, approve and process loan repayments


Output 3 – Investments Activities Service Level Prepare a specific report regarding treasury management performance relative to the investments portfolio

Report submitted to Audit Committee Annually

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Facility Management

Management of buildings, maintenance, and occupancy, including inspections and advice

Outcome Safe, accessible, fit for purpose and well managed community facilities and office spaces

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999 Liquor Licensing Act 1997 Food Act 2001 Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) 1994 Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and Regulations 2012 Community Titles Act 1996 Development Act 1993 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 South Australian Public Health Act 2011 and Regulations 2013 Building Code of Australia Crown Land Management Act State Records Act 1997 Freedom of Information Act 1991

Service Levels Output 1 – Community Masterplan Coordination Activities Service Level Develop and Review Community Facility Masterplans

Plans reviewed every 4 years

Output 2 – Community Land Register Management Activities Service Level Maintain Community Land Register Update with Changes within 5

business days of change Develop and Review Community Land Management Plan

Plan Reviewed every quarter and uploaded to website

Output 3 – Facilities Management Operations Activities Service Level Coordinate Planned Buildings and Structure maintenance

Planned Maintenance carried out per Asset Management Plans and 10 year maintenance plan

Conduct Periodic condition assessment to determine 10 year maintenance plan

Periodic Condition Assessment completed every 4 years

Conduct scheduled site visits to identify reactive maintenance requirements

Quarterly site visits conducted or as issues reported. Triage System as per Pathway Priorities above

Output 4 – Facilities and Community Engagement Activities Service Level Actively engage community committee, volunteer groups and volunteers to provide advice on repair and maintenance, associated budgets, new initiative requests and facility occupancy.

Proactive and as per Request for Service Policy

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Output 5 – Asset Management Renewal Activities Service Level Renewal - Renewal of existing assets at an optimum time in their lifecycle Accurate budgeting and full expenditure of allocated budgets.

Community satisfaction. Renewal - Planned works that requires replacement identified as part of periodic inspection Planned Renewal Works

Output 6 – Asset Management Upgrade/New Activities Service Level Facilitate New Asset Proposal through New Initiative process Generally assessed during budget process and adhoc during

year Facilitate Upgrade/New Facilities Assets Renewal and upgrade / new asset projects identified via New

Initiative or Asset Management plans

Output 7 – Lease and License Management Activities Service Level Negotiate, determine shared or exclusive usage, document and manage Agreements executed to define usage, requirements and


Output 8 – Facility Availability Activities Service Level Community Halls - utilised by the community, user groups and sporting clubs with availability for adhoc hiring

Halls utilised but with availability for adhoc hiring

Recreation Parks and Reserves - utilised by the community, user groups and sporting clubs with availability for adhoc hiring

Parks and reserves utilised but with availability for adhoc hiring

The Barossa Council Service Statement Facility Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Indoor Recreation

Supporting community recreation in Council indoor facilities - Barossa Aquatic and Fitness

Outcome To deliver a safe, fit for purpose, well utilised and well maintained indoor reaction facility.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation WHS Act 2012 Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Administration Management of Facility Activities Service Level Negotiate, document, procure and manage contract for Management Services

• Contract renewed at end of termvia open tender• Monthly Contract ManagementMeetings Held

Undertake Whole of Life Assessment for Facilities

Assessment completed every four years as per Asset Management Policy

Manage Membership Services Fees as per

Facilitate Building Opening Hours Staffed: Monday 6:00am - 9:00pm Tuesday 6:00am - 9:00pm Wednesday 6:00am - 9:00pm Thursday 6:00am - 9:00pm Friday 6:00am - 7:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am - 5:00pm Unstaffed: 24 hours access to Health Club/Gym

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Output 2 – Utilities Management Activities Service Level Monitor power, gas, phone, internet charges Expenditure monitored as invoices received and annual review


Output 3 – Stadium Courts Activities Service Level Multi-purpose (basketball, badminton, netball, gymnastics, kindergym, vacation case, sports wall) 3 courts

courts available for scheduled and adhoc usage $50 court hire fee - 1 hour

Output 4 – Squash Courts Activities Service Level Multi-purpose (squash and group fitness) 6 courts

courts available for scheduled and adhoc usage $50 court hire fee - 1 hour

Output 5 – Swimming Pools Activities Service Level Leisure and lap swim pool available for swim school, rehabilitation, recreation, club swim, birthday party and hire

2 heated pools - 1 leisure pool with spa area and 1 lap pool with 8 dedicated lanes

The Barossa Council Service Statement Indoor Recreation

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Swimming school Swim & Survive Royal Life Saving Society of Australia endorsed program Fully qualified AUSTSWIM Instructors Wonder Aqua babes (6mth - 3yrs) Courage Preschool (3yrs - 5yrs) Active School Age / Squads Private and adult lessons

Facilitate birthday parties Pool Parties Sports Parties Catered and non-catered

Output 6 – Health Club Activities Service Level Gymnasium and spin room Gym room with contemporary equipment, spin room with 15

stationary cycles and group fitness classes. Timetable available at

Personal / Group Training Services Fees as per

Output 7 – Creche Activities Service Level Provision of Regular and Vacation Care Regular weekday and school holiday programs Opening Hours Weekdays 8.30am - 12.30pm

Output 8 – Cafe Activities Service Level Food & Beverage provision Available until 3pm weekdays Provision of Sports/Swimwear Sales Merchandise Weekdays 8.30am - 12.30pm

The Barossa Council Service Statement Indoor Recreation

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Management of contracts for pool management

Outcome Safe and fit for purpose pool facilities for community use

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation WHS Act 2012 Royal Lifesaving

Service Levels Output 1 – Swimming Pools Management Activities Service Level Provision of outdoor pool facilities 2 outdoor pools - Nuriootpa &

Williamstown Nuriootpa Swimming Pool - Pool Availability

• Open Dec-March whentemperature is above 26 degrees• Monday to Friday (morningsession): 6am to 10am. Monday toFriday: 3.30pm to 6pm• Saturday 10am to 6pm• Sunday 12 noon to 6pm• School holidays weekdays - 6amto 10am and 1pm to 6pm

ADMISSION CHARGES Kids Swim Free - Kids 16 and under swim free during the school holidays General admission - $4.30 MONTHLY PASS Single $62.50 Family $73 10 Visit Pass - $38.00 MEMBERSHIPS (access public sessions and lap swimming) Single Concession - $115.00 Single - $125.00 Family - $190.00

Nuriootpa Swimming Pool - Contractor Management

Management of Professional Pool Operator who manages all aspects of pool operations and staff

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Output 1 – Swimming Pools Management Cont… Nuriootpa Swimming Pool - Facilities Heated Pool

1 x 50m 8 lane pool 1 x kids wading pool Changerooms Kiosk BBQ facilities

Nuriootpa Swimming Pool - Customer Request Management Triage System as per Pathway Priorities above Williamstown Swimming Pool - Pool Availability • Open Dec-March when temperature is above 27 degrees

• Monday to Friday - 3pm to 6pm• Weekends 1pm to 6pm

ADMISSION CHARGES Kids Swim Free - Kids 16 and under swim free during the school holidays General admission - $4.30 MONTHLY PASS Single $62.50 Family $73 10 Visit Pass - $38.00 MEMBERSHIPS (access public sessions and lap swimming) Single Concession - $115.00 Single - $125.00 Family - $190.00

Williamstown Swimming Pool - Facilities Heated Pool 1 x 50m 8 lane pool 1 x kids wading pool Changerooms Kiosk BBQ facilities

Williamstown Swimming Pool - Contractor Management Management of Professional Pool Operator who manages all aspects of pool operations and staff

Williamstown Swimming Pool - Customer Request Management Triage System as per Pathway Priorities above

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Output 2 – Swimming Pools Complaint Management Activities Service Level Swimming Pools Complaints (CS Request Types) 3 Days

The Barossa Council Service Statement Swimming Pools

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Tenant Management

Management of tenant leases/licences, including post-season handover inspections and maintenance (plumbing, electrical,

roofing, etc) in accordance with service matrix

Outcome User agreements well managed and user group supported within their use of community facilities.

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Retail Commercial Leases Act Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Tenant Management Activities Service Level Monitor, repair and facilitate maintenance responsibilities as determined by service matrix in Council's Lease and License Policy

Triage System as per Pathway Priorities above

Coordinate User Agreement development, negotiation, execution and management (Lease, Licence or Land Only Agreements)

• Standard agreement term is 2years• Agreements renewed within 6months of expiry • Insurances & prequalificationcriteria must be current

Bookings Management (adhoc use of Community Facilities)

Bookings accepted up to 1 Week prior to event/facility use

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Caravan Park Management

Management of caravan parks, including maintenance, enquiries, and bookings

Outcome To deliver accommodation and associated services to the community and visitors to the Barossa region

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999 Residential Parks Act 2007 Residential Tenancies Act 2010

Service Levels Output 1 – Caravan Park Administration Activities Service Level Respond to maintenance requests Triage System as per Pathway

Priorities above Manage Caravan Parks Complaints 1 Week Contractor (Caretaker) Management - Support, guide and monitor contractor performance

• As needs support provided• Annual performance reviewconducted

Output 2 – Accommodation Services Activities Service Level Provision of Council owned caravan parks • 4 parks

• Located in Nuriootpa,Williamstown, Mount Pleasant andEden Valley

Nuriootpa - Cabins, Powered Sites, Unpowered Sites, Tourist Information, pool, games / meeting room

57 Multi grade cabins 70 Grassed caravan sites 50 All weather caravan sites 20 Grassed Tent Sites 10 All Weather test sites

Williamstown - Cabins, Powered Sites, Unpowered Sites (on oval), informal dump point, Tourist Information

4 cabins 28 Powered sites flexible unpowered sites

Mount Pleasant - Powered Sites, Unpowered Sites, Dump Point

Approx 30 Mix of Powered and unpowered sites for caravans and tents

Eden Valley - Cabins, Powered Sites, Unpowered Sites

Approx 30 Mix of Powered and unpowered sites for caravans and tents

All - Amenities (Bathrooms, Laundry), Camp Kitchen, BBQs, playgrounds

Facilities are safe and fit for purpose

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Grant Management

Provision of grant funding, coordination of grant applications and approval processes, acquittals etc.

Outcome To support youth, community and heritage projects within the Barossa region

External/Internal Delivery External and internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Community Assistance Scheme Activities Service Level Coordinate provision of Community Assistance Scheme Grants

• Youth, Community and HeritageGrants Available• 4 funding rounds per annum forYouth & Community Grants• 1 funding round per annum forHeritage Grants• $x per recipient available• Applicants must be a resident orbeneficiaries must reside within theBarossa region

Community Assistance Scheme Application Management

Applications acknowledged within 5 business days of receipt

Coordinate Community Assistance Scheme C'ttee Staff Feedback

Feedback provided by staff within 2 Weeks of request

Coordinate Community Assistance Scheme Committee

• At least 4 meetings held a year• Agenda provided at least 5business days prior to meeting

Coordinate Community Assistance Scheme - Administration Group

Assess and award youth grants in accordance with Policy and Guidelines

Monitor and Manage Grant Acquittal process

Acquittals requested within 12 months of awarding Grant

Oversee and monitor: policy, terms of reference, guidelines, applications forms and process

Annual review

Prepare report on grants funded under the scheme


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Output 2 – External Grant Management Activities Service Level Maintain Grant Register All grants maintained in register with status updated within 2

business days of change Monitor and report on grant status and prepare acquittal reports Grant status and aquittal reports completed as per grant funding

deeds / agreements Facilitate grant reconciliation, validation, reporting and audit Annual in conjunction with financial statements

The Barossa Council Service Statement Grant Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Financial Management

Maintenance of finance policies and processes; Accounting, Taxation, finance, reporting and administration services for

Council, staff, external parties and reporting bodies

Outcome Budgeting, monitoring costs, analysis, compliance, variance and other reporting along with annual financial statements; Compliance with legislation including Accounting, local Government Act and Taxation; Long term planning, analysis and reporting on financial sustainability; Financial risk management through ongoing Audit control; Service provision is provided effectively to the Community through the use of staff resources

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Financial Advice Activities Service Level Provision of Budget Manager Support Advice provided immediately or <2

days of request Provision of Asset Accounting Advice Advice provided immediately or <2

days of request Provision of General Finance Advice Advice provided immediately or <2

days of request

Output 2 – Payroll Activities Service Level Facilitate payment of salaries and wages to staff

• Payments Processed Fortnightly• Payments match hours worked

Conduct disbursement checks for compliance with Awards, Enterprise Bargaining Agreements, Relevant Legislation and Taxation

Random checks carried out fortnightly

Carry out checks for allocations to match budget and/or new employee forms

Random checks carried out fortnightly

Process payments for employee payroll deductions including Unions, Taxation, Health providers etc

Payments made Fortnightly/Monthly

Facilitate Compliance, deductions, allocations, reporting and payments for superannuation for both employer and employees


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Output 3 – Budget Management Activities Service Level Coordinate development of Annual Budget summary Budget summary prepared annually

Budget balanced for current year Prepare budget entry for various areas including depreciation, insurances, utilities, tax, etc. input Annual process

Base budget prepared by 31 May each year Reconcile budget input and prepare draft budget for consultation Annual process

Draft Budget prepared for public consultation by 30 June each year

Coordinate Annual Budget and Business Plan preparation and reporting Draft Document prepared by 30 June each year Coordinate final budget and financial statements preparation for Council adoption Final budget adopted by 31 August each year Conduct analysis of budget variance, adjustments, forecast and prepare quarterly budget review reports to Council

• 4 reports prepared per annum and presented to Council within 2months of the end of each quarter• Budget results to be on budget or variations no greater than 2%every quarter• Budget amendments are to be approved before additionalworks undertaken

Output 4 – Financial Control & Audit Activities Service Level Coordinate Reconciliation of control accounts to subsidiary ledgers Undertake Monthly Monitor and review financial results/outputs and transactions for validity and accuracy Monthly Prepare, reconcile and report on Annual Financial Statements Annual Coordinate the engagement of external auditors and facilitate External Audit process Auditor engaged in accordance with procurement policy and

process External Audit activity carried out onsite x times per annum

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Coordinate report preparation for the Audit Committee A minimum of 4 meetings held per annum

Application and Compliance to AASB and LG Act and related legislative requirements As required Review and update Finance Policies and Processes Documents reviewed within 6 months of approved review date

Output 5 – Long Term Financial Plan Activities Service Level Prepare and review plan with alignment to current information including updated SMPs', Council direction and external factors


Prepare and review Sub-plans for each significant service, inc Sec 155 Waste & CWMS services, single subsidiary, and Council Operations


Align the LTFP to next year’s budget with future years indexed and assumptions Annual Coordinate measurement and reporting of Key Financial Indicators and financial sustainability Annual

Output 6 – Banking & Investment Services Activities Service Level Coordinate Banking & Investment reconciliation and control Weekly/Monthly Undertake Corporate Card reconciliation Completed by the 15th of the month following the expense Oversee banking services Quarterly review undertaken

Output 7 – Taxation & Levy Management Activities Service Level Administer and ensure compliance for FBT, GST, PAYG, NRM, ESL other relevant taxation & levies (inc. CITF Levy)

Compliance maintained for all transactions

Facilitate BAS, PAYG & FBT returns Monthly BAS; Fortnightly PAYG; Annually FBT Facilitate provision of information and data to ATO (including Contractor GST compliance) and other Government bodies

Annual return submitted

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Output 8 – Asset Accounting Activities Service Level Coordinate asset policy, accounting requirements and reconciliations Annually Coordinate revaluation & condition assessment Annually Coordinate asset lives, depreciation, capitalisation, reconciliation and reports Annually Coordinate asset policy, accounting requirements and reconciliations Annually Coordinate asset reporting, assessment of expenditure and final budget and revised budget(s) inclusion and control

Annually & Quarterly

The Barossa Council Service Statement Financial Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Internal Control and Compliance

Financial compliance system checks and reports to CMT and Audit Committee

Outcome Financial risk management, compliance testing / internal auditing and reporting

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Internal control and compliance reassurance Activities Service Level Coordinate cyclic review of controls used by all managers


Implement Internal Control (IC) Plan Annually Facilitate Internal Audits / Compliance testing

Ongoing program of activities

Coordinate reporting to Management, Audit Committee and external Auditors


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The Barossa Council Service Statement Rates Management

Rates, revaluation and forecasting for revenue purposes, collection, and recovery of rates; including payment arrangements and negotiation parameters, hardship

arrangement negotiations, Property & assessment management

Outcome Revenue raised and collected and provide the required services to the community; Property and assessment database is up to date, accurate, maintained and accessible; Level of Rating is sufficient to ensure Councils Long term financial sustainability; Council Rating policy and strategy existing and future

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act 1999

Service Levels Output 1 – Rates Management Activities Service Level Facilitate annual revaluation and forecasting

Annual Process

Produce Rate notices • Quarterly production• Notices provided 30 days prior topayment due date• Mail or Email Delivery OptionsAvailable to Customers

Produce Overdue & Final notices Quarterly Process Receipt Transfers for Rates Within 1 Day Process Name and Address Register Change / update

3 Days

Process Requests for Rates Arrangement to Pay

3 Days

Conduct Rates Update before Property Settlement

3 Days

Process Valuer General New Tenancy Application

1 Month

Process Rates Fine Waivers 3 Days Facilitate administration and raising of Rates and charges


Coordinate rates forecasting and review valuation and rating processes, methods and fairness

Annual Process completed by 30 June

Review Rate business plan and facilitate reporting

Annual Process completed by 31 July

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Output 1 – Rates Management Cont… Prepare Rates declaration and public notices Annual Process completed by 31 July Coordinate Rates database maintenance Updates completed within 5 business days of receipt of new

information Process Valuation/Land use reviews and tenancy amendments Weekly

Output 2 – Debt Recovery Activities Service Level Manage debt recovery procedure Quarterly process

Debt collection commences for debts of $500 or more Facilitate regular collection of overdue rates and monitoring of special arrangements Weekly Facilitate Section 184 processes - Sale of property for non-payment of rates As required

Output 3 – Property Database Management Activities Service Level Undertake property database maintenance - general As required Undertake property database maintenance - sub-divisions Weekly Respond to street maintenance, rural property addressing & numbering enquiries Within 2 business days

Output 4 – Electoral Roll Activities Service Level Maintain the electoral roll used for the Council election process Updated on a monthly basis

The Barossa Council Service Statement Rates Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Community Development and Events (internally delivered)

Management of community development projects and events, including enquiries and logistics (split into children's and adult


Outcome Foster community spirit and connectedness, activation of community spaces through delivery of events, through partnerships with volunteers and council

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 – Community development events delivery Activities Service Level Ongoing annual event management - Tour Down Under, Australia Day Breakfast

2 majors events delivered annually

Adhoc event management - eg. ACA Cricket Match, Queen's Baton Relay, Royal Visit

2 events per annum

Provide media and marketing support for community events

As required

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The Barossa Council Service Statement External Event Management

Support for community development projects and events, including enquiries and logistics

Outcome To support the delivery of successful, community focused events throughout the region through in-kind support and approved financial contributions.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Work Health Safety Act Safe Work SA Fair Work Act

Service Levels Output 1 – Pre Event Support Activities Service Level Process event request forms to facilitate council venue bookings including electronic booking management and advising event organiser of booking confirmation

5 Business Days

Facilitate invoicing and payment for event bookings

payment processed prior to event

Facilitate traffic management arrangements and advise affected stakeholders - including road closures

3 months

Provide letter of support for liquor licensing application

3 months

Coordinate provision of required waste management assets (bins/toilets) for community events

1 Month

Output 2 – Event Implementation Support Activities Service Level Implement traffic management arrangements


Carry out statutory inspections (health, traffic, by-laws, parking, safe work)

Random events inspected

Output 3 – Post Event Support Activities Service Level Venue cleaning and waste removal 1 business day post event Post Event Review 1 month post event

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Output 4 – Supporting community group hosted events – Community Development Activities Service Level Planning activities and approval guidance/advice •Requests for support acknowledged within 10 days

•Advice turnaround within 10 days•Approval turnaround post 100% information provided within 5days

Budget preparation for Council Advisory Group events •Requests for budget acknowledged within 10 days•Budget recommendations added to base budgets annually

The Barossa Council Service Statement External Event Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Community Transport

Provision of home and return transport services, including management of enquiries, driver accreditation, and bookings.

Outcome To provide and fill transport gaps for community in the region

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation

Service Levels Output 1 – Enquiry and Booking Request Management Activities Service Level Telephone enquiry and booking management

• Office open for calls 8.30am to5.00pm Monday to Friday• Calls answered within three ringswhen officers available• Missed calls returned within 30minutes during Office hours

Written/Electronic enquiry management Customers / clients contacted within 3 business days

Respond to My Aged Care referrals Customers / clients contacted within 3 business days of referral being accepted

Facilitate car, shopping bus and bus brokerage service provision • Eligibility assessed or referred for assessment as required

• Service available 7 days a week• Access limited to numbers of seatsand drivers available• Bookings confirmed at time ofbooking or within 24 hours

Schedule vehicle and passenger allocations and arrange trip

• Car trips scheduled so that driversand passengers receive ample priorwarning of pick up times and trips -5 days notice for drivers• Clients given times at booking and24 hours notice of changes whereable

Manage driver roster Drivers provided with 5 days notice of Rostered Trips

Induct Flash cab drivers Driver inducted prior to first trip

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Output 2 – Volunteer Coordination Activities Service Level Manage Volunteer applications and Conduct Mandatory Volunteer Driver Accreditation Process For all new drivers - paperwork / tests to be completed within 3

months from start to finish Conduct driver inductions for car, bus and bus brokerage Prior to first drive Maintain volunteer driver accreditation requirements All volunteer drivers to have current accreditation certificate (6

year renewal with midpoint police check and medical questionnaire)

Keep drivers informed of non-routine changes and updates Newsletter distributed at least twice per annum Information relevant to service sent via email as required

Organise and maintain a Drivers Group Quarterly meetings Recognise and celebrate volunteers Annual party / lunch for Community Transport volunteers

Output 3 – Purchase and Maintain Vehicles Activities Service Level Conduct bus inspections Conducted after each trip Purchase vehicles Cars replaced every four years. Buses replaced as scheduled. Organise vehicle maintenance and inspections Cars and buses serviced as required and inspected according to

operator accreditation requirements

Output 4 – Client Support and Advocacy Activities Service Level Liaise with hospitals and advocate for clients Appointments re-scheduled for clients where efficiencies

available Provide advice and referrals regarding alternate service providers and ways to access services upon contact from client - on demand

• Office open for calls 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday• Calls answered within three rings when officers available• Missed calls returned within 30 minutes during Office hours

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Output 5 – Sector Awareness, info sharing and promotion Activities Service Level Liaise, network, information share with stakeholders and other providers • Attend Community passenger Network Managers Meeting -

Quarterly• Attend monthly Barossa Community Services Network Meeting

Organise and maintain an Advisory Group Quarterly meetings Create and Distribute promotional materials Website content reviewed annually

Distribution list reviewed/contracted bi-annually

Output 6 – Vehicle/Transport Services Activities Service Level Volunteer Driver/Vehicle Provision 8 Passenger Cars Available for Individual Bookings - As per fees

and charges register Scheduled Bus Outings - 2 Buses (11 seater and 18 seater) - As per fees and charges register Over 65 clients must register via My Aged Care Adhoc bookings only - no ongoing hire volume

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Hire 2 vehicles fees as per fees and charges register Available to residents of Barossa and Light region Hirer must have correct vehicle licence

Bus Hire 2 Buses - 18 seater and 11 seater As per fees and charges register Available to community groups and organisations Hirer must have correct vehicle licence

The Barossa Council Service Statement Community Transport

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Home Assistance

Assistance to enable clients to live independently

Outcome To provide services that encourage and enable Clients to live independently within their homes and be connected to their community

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 – Enquiry and Booking Request Management Activities Service Level Telephone enquiry and booking management

• Calls answered within three ringswhen officers available• Missed calls returned within 30minutes

Written/Electronic enquiry management Customers / clients contacted within 3 business days

Respond to My Aged Care referrals Customers / clients contacted within 3 business days of referral being accepted

Respond to My Aged Care referrals Customers / clients contacted within 3 business days of referral being accepted

Facilitate home assist service provision • Service available Mon to Fri,8.30am and 5.00pm• Service provided within TheBarossa Council and Light RegionalCouncil areas• Bookings confirmed within 5working days

Output 2 – Contractor Coordination Activities Service Level Source Home Assist contractors Ongoing advertising via council

website and brochures in Council Office

Pre-Screen Home Assist contractors All contractor applications accepted for pre-engagement check

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Output 2 – Contractor Coordination Cont… Screen prospective contractors Screening conducted prior to contract signing Induct Home Assist contractors Induction completed prior to first client service Liaise with Home Assist contractors One on one meetings held at least once per year Maintain Home Assist contractor records and qualifications System updated within 5 days of receipt of new information

Output 3 – Client Support and Advocacy Activities Service Level Service types provided • Only available to clients over 65 - referral via My Aged Care

• Domestic Assistance - ongoing and adhoc• Home maintencance - adhoc•Home modifications - adhoc•Social Support - Individual (shopping) - ongoing and adhoc

Provide broader information on services within the sector formally and informally • Office open for calls 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday• Calls answered within three rings when officers available• Missed calls returned within 30 minutes during Office hours

Output 4 – Sector Awareness, info sharing and promotion Activities Service Level Liaise, network, information share with stakeholders and other providers

Attend monthly Barossa Community Services Network Meeting Organise and maintain an Advisory Group Quarterly meetings Create and Distribute promotional materials Website content reviewed annually

Distribution list reviewed/contracted bi-annually

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Service Levels Output 1 – Customer Request Management Activities Service Level

Provision of Face to Face Customer Service

Nuriootpa Monday to Friday 9-5 Lyndoch Monday-Friday 9-5 , Tuesday to6

(Closed 12.30-1.30) Mt Pleasant Monday-Friday 9-5 , Thursday to6

(Closed 12.30-1.30) Angaston Monday 2-5, Tuesday 9-1, Wed-

Frid 2-5 Telephone Customer Service Channel

Hours of Operation 8.30-5.15 & Out Of Hours 5.15pm -8.30 am

Electronic Customer Service Channel (Email / Social Media)

Requests actioned within 30 minutes

Request Entry - Customer Request Management System

Data entered within CRM system within 15 minutes of request of receipt

Request Followup & Advice to Customer

Advice sent via customers preferred contact method

Output 2 – Reception Management Activities Service Level Appointment management Guest greeted and Officer

Contacted within 3 Minutes of presentation at counter when no lineup

Coordination of Public Information - Registers, Agendas, Minutes, Public Viewing Plans. Consultations, Tender Responses etc.

Daily update of information

The Barossa Council Service Statement Customer Service

Provision of customer services (walk in to front counter and library, mail, phone, web) including managing enquiries,

payments, and election support

Outcome Customers of Council have a positive experience, where contact is convenient, they are attended to promptly, staff are courteous and requests are correctly recorded and actioned.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

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Output 2 – Reception Management Cont… Delivery processing Deliveries processed within 15 minutes of receipt Fact Sheets & Brochure Maintenance Information updated bi-weekly

Output 3 – Financial Transaction Management Activities Service Level Payment Processing, Receipting & Reconciliation Daily Reconciliation Undertaken at Start and Finish of Day

Errors investigated within 2 days Facilitate Banking Deposit Daily Banking Run

Output 4 – Administrative Support Activities Service Level New Residents Kits Collation Information collated weekly Stationery Purchasing - All of Council, Printing Envelopes, Letterhead Monthly order processed

Urgent requests processed within 30 Minutes via local supplier Staff Uniform Purchasing management Annual Purchase

The Barossa Council Service Statement Customer Service

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Arts, Culture and Events

Organising and facilitating the gallery, arts culture and events, including workshops and concerts and support for art-based

committees calendar of events and exhibitions

Outcome Providing best value community and cultural services by balancing community expectations and service levels with funding constraints and contributing to community cultural development through the planning, management and coordination of cultural activities, projects, programs, services and events

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 – Management of a Regional Gallery Activities Service Level Coordinate venue applications and approvals

All applications will be responded to within 8 weeks

Host tours and school groups at the Barossa Regional Gallery

At least 1 a week

Maintain and exhibit the Barossa Vintage Art Collection

Exhibit 1 per annum

Coordinating bookings and events via calendar

Percentage of register updates completed within 10 days of receipt of new information

Supervision of Gallery Volunteers Percentage of gallery volunteers that work at the Gallery

Output 2 – Exhibition Coordination Activities Service Level Regional Gallery Exhibition Support 8 - 10 Exhibitions per year Participate in Gallery committee Attend committee meetings every 6

weeks Create and distribute marketing material for exhibitions

Every 6 weeks

Manage artists paper work and details every 6 weeks

Enter art work into Vend Details will be entered into Vend within 1 working day of delivery

Coordinate the opening of exhibition Every 6 weeks Provide support for hanging exhibitions Every 6 weeks Coordinate activities to compliment exhibitions

2 - 3 a year

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Output 3 – Workshop Coordination Activities Service Level Coordinate and Provide Adult Workshop opportunities at the Gallery 2 to 3 workshops a year Deliver Arts projects either independently or in partnership 2 to 3 Projects per annum

Engage with students, schools and community groups

Kindergartens 2 tours a year Primary Schools 2 schools participate in

programs in a year High School Engagement

2 High school classes engage in a program in a year

Holiday Care Programs

2 workshops held for holiday care programs

Coordinate and provide child/school holiday Workshop opportunities at the Gallery 4 to 5 a year

Output 4 – Arts and Culture Tourism Activities Service Level Coordinate Hill and Son Organ Tours and try days Christmas Market Held Annually Barossa Sculpture Park - promotion and maintenance Produce flier for distribution every 2 years Coordinate Hill and Son Organ Tours and try days Every Wednesday from 11.30 am Facilitate Hill and Son Organ Concerts At least 3 concerts provided throughout the year Respond to arts and culture enquiries •Email - within 3 days of receipt and messages

•In person - organise interview time within 4 weeks

The Barossa Council Service Statement Arts, Culture and Events

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Output 5 – Retail Management Activities Service Level Source local artists Items will be from South Australian handmade

stock Manage Consignments All consignment paperwork completed within 5

working days Respond to customer enquiries • Phone calls answered within 3 rings if office is

manned•Email - within 3 days of receipt•In person -immediate if possible but within 1week

Stock control / stock take Six monthly stock take Undertaken Promote and stock local artists 65% local and 35% Australian Manage finances for the Barossa Regional Gallery including the Gallery Shop All finances are reconciled and banked weekly Facilitate Gallery Committee 6 meetings per year

Output 7 – Arts and Culture Promotion and Advocacy Activities Service Level Promote arts and culture in the Region • Advertising flyers in hardcopy in Gallery

• Available on Council website• Quarterly column in local newspaperhighlighting a local organisation and volunteer

Assist Hill and Son Organ by promoting their concert series Create and make relevant changes to advertising flyers within 10 days of receipt

Encourage and support arts and culture in the community - Support Country Arts SA regional Officer in projects Quarterly Meeting Advice provided to artists regarding artist opportunities and workshops Advice sent out at quarterly

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Output 7 – Arts and Culture Promotion and Advocacy Cont… Creation of promotional material for the Gallery High Quality promotional material will be created

in line with Regional Gallery expectations and reviewed quarterly

Production of Barossa Regional Gallery Program Gallery Program is distributed half yearly to all local organisations, individuals and libraries

Sector networking participation • Attendance at Community Network Meetingsand Cultural Indicator Framework Working GroupMeetings

Advocate for and encourage services and resources that culturally rich community • Reconciliation Action Group•Disability Action and Inclusion Advisory Group

Arts promotion via websites and social media Content updated within 5 days of receipt of new information

Advocate for and encourage services and resources that ensure a artistic and creative community Participation in: • Barossa Arts Council• Gallery Committee Meetings

Output 8 – Volunteer supervision Activities Service Level Provide mentoring to Volunteers at the Gallery Ongoing Provide advice and support regarding upcoming exhibitions, workshops and events Provided within 2 days of receiving Provide ongoing training as needed around computer programs and use Provided on as needs basis Schedule volunteers into roster All volunteer positions filled over 7 days a week 2

slots a day

The Barossa Council Service Statement Arts, Culture and Events

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Heritage Advice & Promotion

Support of the heritage network (museums, historical societies), including running events for these and provision of heritage

advisory service to support DA applications. Access to historical records and archives during library opening hours

Outcome The heritage of the Barossa is recorded and access to historical records is made available to the community

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 – Heritage Protection Activities Service Level Implementation of Regional Heritage Strategy

4 Network Meeting per Year - 8 hours; Working Group Meetings & projects - 20 hours

Support the development of activities that celebrate the history and culture of the Barossa and its people

20 Hours Preparation Per Large Event; Event 2-4 hours

Output 2 – Historical Records Management Activities Service Level Council & Local History Collection Management

New items added as needed

Digitising Records, Photographs etc. New items added as needed Advice and Support for Local Heritage Groups

5 Minute Phone call, 1 hour Meeting or Ongoing project Working Group - 20 hours

Output 3 – Heritage Event Management Activities Service Level Heritage Events - Vintage Festival, History Festival, Reconciliation Week, ( Library, Gallery, VIC, Bush Gardens)

Various - 30 hours per Large Event, Small 15 hours

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Output 4 – Heritage Promotion Activities Service Level Promote our Aboriginal heritage and ongoing connections to the region e.g. NADOC Week, Reconciliation Week Various - 30 hours per Large Event, Small 15

hours Regional Heritage Network Strategy - Promotion through Heritage Map, Facebook - Barossa Heritage Page Various

The Barossa Council Service Statement Heritage Advice & Promotion

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Knowledge & Technology

IT management, including helpdesk functions, processing new users, leasing hardware, producing reports on IT measures (e.g.

storage space, printing costs), maintenance and upgrades, periodic security testing, agreements with suppliers,

contractors and consultants, Records Management and Compliance

Outcome Provision of Information technology services and support, Management of hard copy and electronic records in accordance with State legislation

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory/Fundamental

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 – Help Desk Management Activities Service Level

Provide Helpdesk services for efficient management of Incidents and Requests

Support provided between 8.30am and 5.15pm, Mon to Fri Priority 1 24 Hours Priority 2 48 Hours Priority 3 5 Business Days Priority 4 10 Business Days Priority 5 20 Business Days

Management of ICT Assets Annual Review of ICT Asset Register Provide user training, documentation and self-help tools


Output 2 – Hardware Management Activities Service Level

Phone provision

Samsung Galaxy S1 - General Use Samsung Galaxy S3 - Advanced App Users iphone - Executive Officers New Mobile Request - Actioned within 10 working days 1 Desktop Handset per workstation unless the officer is in receipt of a council issued mobile phone

Provision of Desktop Hard Drives Replaced every 4 years at minimum

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Output 2 – Hardware Management Cont… Provision of Desktop Monitors Replaced upon malfunction/end of life

Provision of Public PCs PC Usage Reviewed Annually to Determine Numbers Supplied

Provision of Server Infrastructure Reviewed and Replaced every 3 years

Provision of Printing Services

Administration Centre

5 multifunction Devices

Depot 1 multifunction Device Libraries 5 multifunction Devices Visitor Centre 1 multifunction Device Bushgardens 1 multifunction Device

Output 3 – Corporate Application Management Activities Service Level Maintenance of Corporate Applications 1 major upgrade per application per year Process requests for changes to user access and configuration Within 5 business days of request Coordinate vendor helpdesk and support activities Requests escalated if unresolved within 5 Business

Days Maintain availability of Corporate Applications to Staff Support provided between 8.30am and 5.15pm,

Mon to Fri Provision of Advice regarding new corporate applications Acknowledge Requests for Advice within 2

business days

The Barossa Council Service Statement Knowledge & Technology

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Output 4 – Network management Activities Service Level Provide connectivity and access as required to remote sites Support provided between 8.30am and 5.15pm,

Mon to Fri Provide Network recovery, maintenance, and Backup activities Data Restore provided within 2 hours of request Provide Disaster recovery services Standup identified priority Applications within 4 hours

Annual test of disaster recovery plan conducted Provide Business Continuity of ICT Services Generator activated within 5 minutes of power

outage Annual maintenance/health check undertaken

Provide Security Monitoring, scanning and review activities Annual security review

Network Storage Management

C Drive Max limits per user set H Drive Max limits per user set Mailbox Max limits per user set G Drive Max limits per team set

Output 5 – Hard Copy Records Management Activities Service Level Physical storage and management of Hard Copy Records Retention period managed in accordance with

State Records Act Requirements Self-Assessment Undertaken Every 2 years

Provide transfer services to off-site locations including State Records Bi-Annual Review of Offsite Records Storage Plan Provide appropriate Disposal programs Annual review of disposal program

Directorate provided draft disposal schedule for approval of destruction

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Provision of hard copy files for reference Requests responded to within 2 hours

Output 6 – Electronic Records Management Activities Service Level Administration of EDRMS system Support provided between 8.30am and 5.15pm,

Mon to Fri Requests responded to within 1 business day

Incoming Mail Processing Processed by 12pm Daily Outgoing Mail Processing Processed by 4 pm Daily MBX Barossa (email) Processing Processed on day of receipt User Training and Support in relation to Records Management Function Provided within 1 week of commencement of

new employee

Output 7 – Strategic ICT Management Activities Service Level Manage the review and delivery of the ICT Strategic Plan Annual review Explore opportunities to Network and Share Services Attendance at LGIT SA meetings & Regional ICT

Procurement Group Maintain acceptable use of IT policy & process Review every two years Business Analysis and Process Mapping - Configuration of Systems to optimise processing As required

The Barossa Council Service Statement Knowledge & Technology

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Library Management

Provision of library services across five branches, including events (e.g. author visits, skill building), processing of collection items, and assistance to community including self-check and

"concierge" services, computer booking, support of clubs, maintenance of one library system and inter library loan

service parameters, customer service request management, payment and receipt management, photocopying and

printing services

Outcome Delivery of services to support and empower community members in reading, researching, lifelong learning and council transactions.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Libraries Act 1984

Service Levels Output 1 – Library Management & Lending Activities Service Level

Library outlet management

Nuriootpa Open M,Tu,W,Th 9-6, F9-5, Sat 9-12, Sun 12-3

Tanunda Open M,W,T,F 9-5, Tue 9-6, Sat 9-12, Closed Sun - Self check available VIC hours 10-4

Angaston Open M 2-5, Tu 9-1, W,T,F 1-5, Closed Sat & Sun

Mt Pleasant Open M,T,W,F 9-5, Thus 9-6 - closed 12.30-1.30 daily & Sat & Sun

Lyndoch Open M,W,Th, F 9-5, Tu 9-6 closed 12.30-1.30 daily, Sat 9-12

Facilitate Library Membership Free Membership & One Card Users Circulation of Library Item Loans - Books, DVDs, Magazines, Kits, etc.

Loan Time - 7, 14, 28 Days. Renewal x2 Total Loans 100 Books, 20 DVDs, 30 Holds

Provision of E-Resources 24 hours access Maintenance of Loan Collection 55,000 collection items & 4 million from

One Card Network

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Output 2 – Collection Management & Access Activities Service Level Purchase library items - Public Library Services or various suppliers Monthly Catalogue Library items & provide online access to website New items catalogued and provided online within

5 Days of receipt Distribute new items within Library facility Within 1 day of processing new items

5 locations Manage collection - rotate, replace, recover, repair All items have a 5-10 year shelf life Manage & maintain specific collections - Cancer Support, Community Languages, Dementia, Historical Twice yearly review

Output 3 – Information Services Activities Service Level Undertake Enquiries and Research Requests for research responded to within 5

business days Acquire additional resources when requested - One Card Hold or Interlibrary loans, or purchase request Requests processed within 2 business days Maintenance of Online Community Directory Updated within 1 day of reporting

Annual Review of Data Provide Library Information to new residents as part of new residents packs Daily to new Library Members Monthly to

Customer Service

Output 4 – Library Programs & Events Activities Service Level Facilitate Early Literacy Program - language & reading development for children's and parents - Rattle& Rhyme, Little Groovers, Storytime, reader support

Nuri - 4 per Week Lyndoch - 1 per week Tanunda - 1 per week Mt Pleasant & Mt Pleasant - as requested

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Output 4 – Library Programs & Events Cont… Delivery of School Aged Programs - Kindergarten, school Class & Home School visits, after school reading matching, homework help, research

Various times, weekly, Bi month 1 per term

Provision of Holiday Activities for children 4 activities delivered per annum Facilitation of STEM Sessions - Little Bang Club, Coding, robotics, science based Holiday Activates 1 session per week

1 hour to 3 hours sessions Home Library Visits - book and audio book deliveries to home or nursing home Monthly Volunteers deliveries Facilitate Reading Promotion - Author Visits & workshops - writing, poetry, 6 to 8 events facilitated per annum Deliver Wellbeing Workshops - Scrabble, Chess, Healthy Living, etc. 4 to 6 events per annum

Output 5 – Digital Literacy/Training Activities Service Level Provide access to PCs, Internet & WiFi 34 PCs; WiFi all Libraries Ad-hoc teaching people how to use digital resources - email, attachments, letter, informal e.g. MyGov, Website, tickets, printing

Support provided on demand and within 5 minutes of request

Teaching people how to use digital resources - formal sessions 1 hour booked session on a topic e.g. email, tablet, smart phone, iPad, PC, Microsoft, EBooks, Database access, Ancestry etc.

1 hr weekly session provided

The Barossa Council Service Statement Library Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Social Inclusion Support

Advocate and work in collaboration with core service providers to ensure that vulnerable people have increased

access and inclusion

Outcome Vulnerable people within our community are connected with their community and have access to opportunities to improve their lives

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Disability Inclusion Bill

Service Levels Output 1 - Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Implementation Activities Service Level Facilitate Library Membership Free Membership & One Card Users Maintain Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Advisory Group

Monthly Meetings Held

Implementation of Deliverables of the Council Action Plan

• Actions to be implemented by 2023• Annual Review of Plan

Implementation of Deliverables of the Regional Disability Access & Inclusion Action Plan

• Actions to be implemented by 2023• Annual Review of Plan

Facilitation of utilisation of the expertise of the Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Group

2 projects scoped by group per annum

Ensure that all of Councils plans and projects incorporate social inclusion considerations

All New Initiatives and Project Scopes will consider Social Inclusion Impacts

Output 2 – Education and Communication Activities Service Level Elected Member advice Annual Workshop Conducted Staff Education Annual awareness training Maintenance of Marketing Plan Bi-Annual Review Social inclusion promotion via website Content updated within 7 days of

receipt of new information

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Output 3 - Transition support for NDIS clients Activities Service Level Fielding enquiries regarding support services for under 65 year old people with a disability Calls answered 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to

Friday Provide social support service for under 65 year olds with a disability who are currently unfunded by State and Commonwealth

Provision of TUTTI Arts Program - 1 session per week and 1 session per fortnight during school terms

Barossa Leisure Options Bus Management Bookings confirmed within 7 business days Overseeing maintenance of the former BLO bus Monthly, Quarterly & Annual Maintenance

Inspections undertaken

Output 4 - Advocacy and Collaboration Activities Service Level Liaising with Local Area Coordinator (LAC) in Region • Bi-Annual Review of Service Gaps/Opportunities

• Council Facility Resources Provided for Deliveryof NDIS Outcomes

Advocate for Dementia Friendly communities • Dementia Friendly Garden in Barossa BushGardens open 9am to 5pm• Conduct Dementia Friendly audits of Councilspaces

Advocate for and encourage services and resources that ensure equity and support for disadvantaged, disabled and at risk members of the community

Participation in: • Local Govt Access and Inclusion Network• Reconciliation Action Group• Dementia Friendly Communities Committee• Barossa Community Services Network• Gawler and Districts Community Services Forum• Legatus• White Dog Mental Health Group

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Output 5 – Social Support For People Over 65 Activities Service Level Men’s Shed Coordination Men's Shed is open Mon and Tues 9am-12 and

Thurs 9am - 2 pm

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Youth Development

Provision of support to the Youth Advisory Committee, running of Youth Events, representation on advocacy groups

Outcome An engaged youth demographic within the community and with Council

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 - Youth Program Management - Events / Workshops / Initiatives Activities Service Levels Organisation of Youth Week (multiple events)

• Annual event program developed• Aimed at 12 to 15 year olds - howeveranyone can participate

Implement Steer my Career Program (Youth Transport)

16-25 year olds on Learners Permits2 hours per recipient with qualifieddriver

School Holiday workshops 2 school holiday workshops held per annum

Mental Health awareness event(s) A minimum of two initiatives are held year

Facilitate Youth Events A minimum of 2 per year

Engage with students, schools and community groups

School Donations $2,000 per annum Youth Grants $200 per person

maximum Youth Week Expo Support

Annual Stall Holder and Promotion

Primary School Engagement

1 program per annum for year 7 students for each local primary school

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High School Engagement

Provision of Schoolie’s Bus - Provide a bus/buses to Year 12 students to get too and from Victor Harbor for Schoolie’s week

Output 2 - Youth Advisory Committee Coordination Activities Service Level Facilitate Youth Advisory Committee Monthly Meetings Held

Minimum 3 and Maximum 15 Members 12-25 years of age

Encourage YAC membership renewal via engagement with schools Annual recruitment discussions Provide mentoring to active YAC members Access to Youth Coordinator At Each Meeting Provide training needs (as required) First Aid Training Provided to 2 Members per

annum Induction of YAC members Induction completed within 1 month of

committee membership Social Media and Media training to all members Provided within 1 month of commencement

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Output 3 - Youth Services Activities Service Level Youth promotion via website and social media Content updated within 5 days of receipt of new

information Provision of Youth Officer 7 days a week

After Hours Service Facilitate communication between council and skate park user group Bi-Annual engagement Advocacy and advice for the rights and needs of Young people in the community • Membership on Youth Barossa Committee

• Requests for advice responded to within 5working days• Participate on Local Government YouthDevelopment Network Meetings• Member of Youth Affairs Council of SA

Provide a voice for Young people on internal projects within Council 3 days a week Training for Coordinator 2 sessions per year

The Barossa Council Service Statement Youth Development

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Tourism & Economic Development

Management of visitor centres including accommodation booking, tours booking, and ticketing for events, provision of

cycle hub (showers, parking, vending machine) and hall

Outcome The Barossa has a strong local economy that includes a diverse industry base, strong visitor numbers, regular investment in business and innovation and a thriving tourism industry.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 - Visitor Information and Resource Management Activities Service Level Maintain and Develop Factsheet series Fact Sheets Reviewed &

Updated Monthly Maintain and develop information on designated and council website pages

Websites reviewed and updated monthly

Support and co-ordinate privately operated Visitor Information Outlets - Nuriootpa, Angaston and Williamstown

Outlets audited quarterly

Maintain Brochure/information displays (checking currency, ordering, restocking)

Brochures ordered twice weekly as required

Maintain current Barossa Events Board Events board monitored daily

Maintain operator database/register •Database updated weeklyas new members register•Annual renewals sent

Maintain and monitor Social media schedule- Facebook

•Facebook post 2 times aweek•Monitor post engagement5 days a week

Maintain Bookeasy system backend to ensure external facing booking facility is current and correct representation of the product/offer

Annual audit of all operator Bookeasy Consoles

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Output 2 - Visitor Enquiries/Customer Service Activities Service Level Accommodation, Tour and Ticket Bookings (KI Sealink Bookings, Events, Helicopter Flights, Ballooning, Heritage Tours, Butcher, Baker, Wine Maker Trail, etc.)

• Booking confirmation sent immediately uponpayment• Full refund available in accordance to eachoperator's cancellation policy

General enquiries - face to face Open Mon-Sun 9am-5pm, 9am-4pm Sat 10am-4pm Sun.

General enquiries - telephone Open Mon-Sun 9am-5pm, 9am-4pm Sat 10am-4pm Sun.

General enquiries - email Open Mon-Sun 9am-5pm, 9am-4pm Sat 10am-4pm Sun.

General enquiries - social media Monitored during business hours only. Open Mon-Sun 9am-5pm, 9am-4pm Sat 10am-4pm Sun.

Feedback/Complaint handling - Barossa region (operators, signage etc.) and Visitor Experience in the VIC. Received Face to face, written Forms + Trip Advisor

Complaints responded to within 24 hours

Output 3 – Retail Sales Activities Service Level Sales transactions and product information discussions with visitors Open Mon-Sun 9am-5pm, 9am-4pm Sat 10am-

4pm Sun. Co-ordinate and manage an authentic Barossa Gift shop offer - meeting visitors expectations and providing local suppliers with a sales outlet.

Products sold must have Barossa connection (local made) or be branded with official Barossa Brand

The Barossa Council Service Statement Tourism & Economic Development

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Output 4 - Industry Support and Advice Activities Service Level Coordinate provision of Enews - industry updates, stats, trends, opportunities to all Tourism Industry Operators E-news sent fortnightly to Tourism operators1:1 tourism operator business advice/meetings Meeting arranged with appropriate tourism

services staff within 1 week of request (mutually agreeable time)

Develop operator relationships and product knowledge •Familiarisation Visits conducted 6 weekly•Industry workshops/ networking nights hostedquarterly

Referral service for Tourism Operators requiring assistance and support - connecting them with available services. Tourism Operators referred to regional and state stakeholders (Tourism Barossa, Barossa Grape and Wine Association, Regional Development Australia, South Australian Tourism Commission, Tourism Australia, Barossa Food etc.)

Coordinate provision of Bookeasy industry Enews for Bookeasy Operators Bookeasy newsletter emailed Bi-monthly

Output 5 – Cycle Hub Management Activities Service Level Provision of Cycle faclities and services including bike hire, change rooms, showers, bike accessories, storage/lock-up, public toilets

All facilities Open 6am-10pm except: Cycle Hire - 9am-5pm (Mon-Fri) 9am-4pm (Saturday) 10am- 5pm (Sundays

Provision of Cycle information and maps - face to face service and brochure display in Cycle Hub Open Mon-Sun 9am-5pm, 9am-4pm Sat 10am-4pm Sun.

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Output 6 - Economic Development Activities Service Level Develop and maintain economic development strategy Strategy Reviewed every 4 years Support industry accreditation and reward programs Annual funding provided to RDA Barossa

In-kind and advocacy support provided to industry groups

Collaborate with industry leaders to ensure informed decision making and Council representation in relation to economic growth, planning and development

• RDA board membership maintained• Annual funding provided in accordance withfunding agreement

Provide advice and support for small business in competing for local government contracts • Tendering Guide Available Via Website• Supplier information sessions held prior to releaseof panel tenders

Maximise local, regional and state employment and economic benefits through utilisation of industry participation and evaluation initiatives aimed at benefiting our suppliers

Standard Templates include industry participation assessment criteria

Establish and Maintain standing offer supplier panels for key categories of outsourced Council services 3 Panels Maintained Develop and implement long term The Big Project to grow existing and new opportunities in sport and recreation tourism, arts and culture industry and tourism generally

Masterplans developed for each in-scope project Implementation plans agreed and implemented from 2018 -2033

Pursue and support projects either directly or indirectly that build economic outcome and are consistent with the principles of Brand Barossa

Projects assessed on a case by case basis Senior Officer support provided based on economic growth to community

The Barossa Council Service Statement Volunteer Coordination

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Management of registered volunteers, registering of new volunteers and management of them through volunteer lifecycle (code of conduct briefing, training, grievance

management, WHS management), policies and procedures

Outcome Provide support, advice and engage in volunteerism

External/Internal Delivery Internal and External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation

Service Levels Output 1 - Volunteer support external Activities Service Level Deal with enquiry by phone, email or in person

• Phone calls answeredwithin 3 rings if office ismanned• Email - within 3 days ofreceipt• In person - enquiry dealtwith on the spot

Interview prospective volunteer Walk-in prospective volunteers accepted

Referral to suitable organisation Opportunities available with 80 local volunteer organisations across 98 different volunteer roles

Volunteer support - continuation of office service

Contact prospective volunteer between 2-3 weeks after referral to see how they have gone

Subject matter based training to develop volunteer skills

minimum of 1 session per annum

Output 2 - Volunteer support internal Activities Service Level Respond to volunteer enquiries • Phone calls answered within 3

rings if office is manned•Email - within 3 days of receipt •In person - organise interview twithin 2 weeks

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Output 2 - Volunteer Support Internal Cont… Interview volunteer all internal volunteer applicants will be

interviewed - dependent on role Referral to relevant internal program Percentage of applicants referred within 2 weeks Undertake referee checks Undertaken prior to offer of volunteer role -

dependent on volunteer role if required - within 1 week of interview

Ensure appropriate checks are undertaken Screening Checks undertaken prior to offer of role E.g. If Police Check required

Facilitate corporate and WHS induction within 2 weeks of commencement

Coordination of volunteer on-the-job sign off training On the job training forms to be completed within 6 active volunteer sessions

Coordination of volunteer recognition Volunteers recognised at 3 Council meetings per year

Management of grievances and complaints Complaints acknowledged within 3 days of receipt

Maintenance of Volunteer Personnel records Records updated within 5 days of receipt of information

Logging of Volunteer Hours Monthly data entry Identification of training needs for volunteers Annual review Training and maintenance Better Impact Database All information is current and new information

updated within 2 business days

The Barossa Council Service Statement Volunteer Coordination

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Output 3 - Volunteering Promotion and Advocacy Activities Service Level Promote volunteering in Barossa and Light Region • Advertising flyers in hardcopy in Nuriootpa

Library• Available on Council website• Monthly column in The Leader newspaperhighlighting a local organisation and volunteer

Assist local volunteer organisations by promoting their volunteer vacancies Create and make relevant changes to advertising flyers within 10 days of receipt

Cross Council collaboration and support Volunteers referred to Light region organisations Visit local volunteer organisations to provide support and advice Visit various volunteer involving organisations

Encourage and support volunteering in the community. Annual expo attended and at least 2 pop-ups per annum

Email contact with Volunteer Organisations Advice sent out regarding volunteer opportunities and trends quarterly

Production of Volunteer Newsletter Volunteer newsletter is distributed quarterly to all local organisations and libraries

Sector networking participation • Attendance of monthly Barossa CommunityServices Network• Attendance and participation in the LocalGovernment Volunteer Managers Network heldbi-monthly

Management of volunteer flyers Monthly count of flyers taken from Nuriootpa Library

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Output 4 - Internal Supervisor Support Activities Service Level Liaise and provide advice and support to internal volunteer supervisors Ongoing and as required Volunteer role development Advice regarding volunteer role responsibilities

provided within a month of request Refer suitable volunteers Appropriate volunteer matched to role within 2

weeks of request Volunteer mediation Support provided to both volunteer and

supervisor within 2 weeks of request for support Policy and process development Biennial review of documentation Volunteer group facilitation/guidance Provide subject matter expertise at nominated

meetings when invited to attend Coordinate volunteers supervisors meetings Quarterly

Output 5 – Volunteer Recruitment Activities Service Level Manage referrals from Job Agencies and Career Coaching Support and advice provided to Job Agencies

regarding placement of prospective volunteers Promote volunteering within local schools Attend local High Schools Promote and advertise local volunteer vacancies for various organisations Opportunities available with 80 local volunteer

organisations across 98 different volunteer roles

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Output 6 - Volunteer Resource Centre Management Activities Service Level Provide mentoring to Volunteer Resource Centre Volunteers Ongoing Provide advice and support regarding interviews, making flyers, research, Provided within 2 weeks of request Provide ongoing training as needed around computer programs and use Provided on as needs basis Facilitation of Resource Centre Workshops 4 workshops held per year

Provide work plans to volunteers Monthly work plans provided to volunteers

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Collaborative Projects

Provide sector support and development for aged care providers in the region through service and program

coordination and collaboration

Outcome Improved consumer outcomes for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and broader aged care system

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Output 1 - Community Engagement Activities Service Level Disseminate information re: reforms to service providers and stakeholders in a timely manner

Information disseminated within 5 days of receipt

Maintain Seniors Collaborative Action Project page on The Barossa Council website

Content is updated within 7 days of receipt of new information

Undertake consultation with Commonwealth Home Support Program service providers and other stakeholders to identify SCAP priorities.

Annual Consultation Undertaken

Deliver Ageing in Style Expos that provide opportunities for aged care service providers, local businesses and community groups to promote their services to older consumers.

3 expos per annum

Hold consumer Information Forums in the region such as: navigating the Aged Care System, Planning for the Future, Health and Well-being, Dementia etc.

4 Consumer information sessions held per annum

Participate in the State Collaborative Project Officer Network initiatives that aim to build capacity of the sector.

Attend 12 meetings per annum

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Output 2 - Collaboration Activities Service Level Maintain project governance that is representative of the service providers in the region 4 per year and 5 service providers Maintain the Consumer Engagement Working Group (CEWG) that delivers opportunities for consumer engagement in the region utilising a collaborative approach.

At least 3 meetings per year with 4 councils and 3 service providers represented

Facilitate meetings between RAS Managers and Operational Managers of service providers in the region for the purpose of troubleshooting. Information from these meetings will be communicated to DoH.

4 meetings per year, 75% each of RAS and aged care service providers at each meeting

Facilitate meetings of the Gawler Region Aged Care Network involving service providers, RAS assessors and other stakeholders, to discuss and address operational issues, and to promote services.

6 x meetings held per year with representation by service providers and RAS providers at each meeting

Establish and implement a mechanism for feeding information to DoH regarding transition issues and the impact of policy reform on service providers in the region, utilising the State CPO Network

Department of Health is advised on a quarterly basis of state wide issues impacting service providers and consumer

Work with service providers, consumers and other stakeholders to develop a more Dementia Friendly Community in the region

Attendance at DFC meetings

Develop, establish and evaluate a consumer information service At least 2 Councils are involved in establishing the service that attracts funding for marketing

Output 3 - Training and Development Activities Service Level Identify training and development needs of aged care sector staff and Independent Contractors within the region, and coordinate and/or deliver training to address identified needs.

Training and development sessions for service providers are conducted on a quarterly basis

The Barossa Council Service Statement Collaborative Projects

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Assessment of Development Applications

Assessment of Development Applications (DAs) and advice on land use, structures, and related administrative and procedural


Outcome Council’s strategic directions are driven through the encouragement of well-planned and constructed built development.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Development Act 1993 and Development Regulations 2008 Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 Environment Protection Act 1993 and associated Regulations Environment, Resources and Development Court Act 1993 and associated regulations Local Government Act 1999 Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016

Service Levels Output 1 - Building Assessment Activities Service Level

Building Rules Consent Assessment

Building Rules Consent plus Planning Consent

3 wks to 3 months

Building Rules Consent Only

28 Days

Output 2 - Planning Assessment Activities Service Level

Planning Rules Consent Assessment

Schedule 4 Complying

14 Days

Residential Code Complying

14 Days

Merit (Cat 1) 56 Days Merit (Cat 2) 56 Days Merit (Cat 3) 56 Days Combined 84 Days Non-Complying 84 Days

Output 3 - Heritage Grants Activities Service Level Grant Funds Provision & Application Assessment Advice

1 Funding Round Per Annum

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Output 4 - Assessment Panel Coordination Activities Service Level Schedule Assessment Panel Meetings Monthly Meetings Held Prepare and disseminate Panel Agendas Three days prior to meeting Prepare and disseminate Panel Minutes Within 5 days of meeting

Output 5 - Advice Provision Activities Service Level Building Rules Advice 3 days Planning Rules Advice 3 Days - Minor

1 Month - Complex Heritage Advice 3 Days - Minor

1 Month - Complex

The Barossa Council Service Statement Assessment of Development Applications

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Land Use Planning

Urban and regional planning, including project work to give advice on new large developments that are novel or do not fit

a pre-existing category.

Outcome The region is developed sustainability whilst preserving the Barossa's unique heritage.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Development Act 1993 and Development Regulations 2008 Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013

Service Levels Output 1 - Development Policy Amendments Activities Service Level

Manage requests to change development policy (rezoning and/or policies)

Acknowledge Request - Priority 5

5 business days

Advise Outcome - Priority 5

3 months

Coordinate Response to Submissions

Acknowledge Receipt - Priority 3

3 business days

Advise Response to Comments - Priority 4

5 business days

Advise Decision of Minister - Priority 5

2 weeks

Output 2 - Development Policy Reviews Activities Service Level Undertake special projects as required

As required

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Building and Planning Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement

Conducting planning, building, swimming pool, and fire safety inspections in accordance with regulation and managing

enforcement action.

Outcome Building assets are safe and meet minimum industry standards and in accordance with planning conditions.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Development Act and Regulations 1993 Building Code of Australia Referenced Australian Standards Ministers Specifications AIBS Code of Conduct; Development Act (Advisory Code of Conduct); Employee Code of Conduct (Local Government Act 1999) Accreditation - Development Act 1993

Service Levels Output 1 - Monitoring & Inspection Activities Service Level Undertake Scheduled Compliance Inspections

3 Month (substantial completed)

Undertake Building Work Inspection Upon Notification

1 Month / 2 Days

Respond to Requests for Building Asset Management Inspection and Advice

5 Days

Undertake requested swimming pool inspections

5 Days

Output 2 - Building Fire Safety Committee Activities Service Level Schedule Committee meetings Quarterly Meetings Held Prepare and disseminate Committee Agendas

Three days prior to meeting

Prepare and disseminate Committee Minutes

Within 5 days of meeting

Output 3 - Investigation & Enforcement Activities Service Level Undertake Investigations of Alleged Breaches of Planning Approvals

3 months

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Output 3 - Investigation & Enforcement Cont… Activities Service Level Respond to Building & Planning Complaints • Requests to be acknowledged within 24 hours

• Site to be inspected within 5 working days unless urgent• Customer to receive advice regarding the proposedmethod to deal with the request within 24 hours ofinspecting the site and provide a likely response time fortheir request to be addressed or completed

Undertake investigations of reported building incidents

Retaining Walls 5 months / 3 Days Fencing 5 months / 3 Days Building Collapse 3 Months / 2 Day Section 7 Investigation 1 Month / 3 Days Unsafe Structure 3 Months / 2 Days Building Other 5 Months / 3 Days Building Work Affecting Other Land

5 Days

Swimming Pools Fencing/Building issues

2 months / 3 Days

The Barossa Council Service Statement Building and Planning Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Natural Resource Management

Regional development and management of the environment including Natural Resource Management (NRM)

Outcome The region is managed sustainably and the environment is protected and enhanced.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Crown Land Management Act and Regulations Local Government Act and Regulations Murray-Darling Basin Act National Parks and Wildlife Act Native Vegetation Act and Regulations Natural Resource Management Act and Regulations

Service Levels Output 1 - Land Management Activities Service Level On-ground works to improve land management practices amongst landholders within the Upper Torrens catchment

Work plans to be prepared to meet requirements/guidelines set by NRM Board

Roadside Vegetation Management Planning

RVMP to be prepared by Council to meet requirements/guidleines set by the Native Vegetation Council

Community Land Management Planning

CLMP to be prepared by Council to meet requirements set by the Local Government Act

Output 2 - NRM Education Activities Service Level Develop, deliver and promote Natural Resource Management Curriculum


Output 3 - Natural Resource Centres Activities Service Level Deliver Natural Resource Centre Capacity Building Programs

2 resource centres operated - Mount Pleasant and Bushgardens

Deliver Natural Resource education programs

Annual program

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Output 4 - Bushgardens Nursery Activities Service Level Creation/Maintenance of a regional Seed Bank Seasonal collection and propagation of

seeds/plants Management/Maintenance of native gardens and Bushgardens site 7 hectares

Output 5 - Advocacy Activities Service Level based on requirements in the NRM Act Based on requirements in the NRM Act

Co-ordinate the construction, operation and maintenance of flood mitigation infrastructure in the Gawler River area

Based on GRFMA Board requirements

The Barossa Council Service Statement Natural Resource Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Public Health Management

Public Health Management services cover building (including hoarding, unsanitary conditions), waste, drinking water, food

premises (including routine inspections, awareness events, and subsidising online food handler training), immunisation, noise, mosquitoes, notifiable diseases, odour, pollution, vermin, and

swimming pool inspections issues

Outcome The community's health and wellbeing is protected.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation SA Public Health Act 2011 and Regulations Food Act 2001 and Regulations National Food Safety Standards Safe Drinking Water Act 2011 Housing Improvement Act 1940 Local Government Act 1999 Environment Protection Act 1993 Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016

Service Levels Output 1 - Investigation and Enforcement Activities Service Level

Undertake investigations of reported health issues and complaints

Notifiable Diseases (not food borne)

1 Month / 2 Days

Notifiable Disease - Food Borne (CS Request Types)

3 days

Legionella 1 Month / 3 Days

Waste Water System Complaints

2 Days

Discharge of Waste - Effluent/Sewage

3 Months / 3 Days

Food Complaint Ongoing Vermin - Private Property

5 Days

Insects (not bees or wasps)

5 Days

Bees on Council Land

3 Days

Wasps 1 Day Noise Complaints

5 Months / 5 Days

Hoarding 5 Months / 5 Days

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Output 1 - Investigation and Enforcement Cont… Activities Service Level

General Health Complaints 2 Months / 5 Days

Mosquitos 3 Months / 5 Days

Asbestos Complaints 3 Months /2 days Tattoo & Body Piercing 1 Month / 5 Days Illegal Drug Manufacture 3 Months / 3

Days Safety Drinking Water Private Property

2 Months / 3 Days

Insanitary Conditions 3 Months / 3 Days

Sanitary Facilities 5 Months / 3 Days

Grease Trap Maintenance 1 Month / 5 Days Wood Heaters / Smoke/nuisance 5 Days Swimming Pools Private Property 5 Days Swimming Pools - Community 3 days

Output 2 - Immunisation Management Activities Service Level Conduct Immunisation Clinics in accordance with service agreement with SA Health Ongoing Respond to Immunisation Queries 1 Month / 3 Days Maintain Immunisation Records - including National HPV Register 3 Month / 3 Days

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Output 3 - Sharps Management Activities Service Level Facilitate sharps disposal container sales As required Facilitate sharps container disposal 1 Month / 1 Day

Output 4 - Regional Public Health Plan Implementation Activities Service Level Prepare Bi-Annual Report to the Chief Public Health Officer Bi annual Schedule Working Group meetings Bi-Monthly Meetings Held Prepare and disseminate Committee Agendas Three days prior to meeting Prepare and disseminate Committee Minutes Within 5 days of meeting

Output 5 - Pest Control Management Activities Service Level Coordinate preventative vermin (rats) treatments Monthly Baiting Destruction of identified European Wasp nests (Workplan) 1 Day

Output 6 - Inspections & Audits Activities Service Level

Undertake planned inspections and audits of premise

Waste Water Inspections 2 Days/2days Health Asset Management Inspection

5 Days

Food Premises Inspection 1 Month / 3 Days

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Output 6 - Inspections & Audits Cont… Undertake planned inspections and audits of premise Food Safety Plan Audits 3 days

Pool/spa inspections 3 days

Output 7 - Waste Water System Management Activities Service Level Management and enforcement of CWMS septic tank pump out regime. Management of identified failing wastewater systems 2 Weeks Receive, assess, approve and inspect Waste Water Applications 2 Weeks

Output 8 - Advice Provision Activities Service Level Provision of Public health advice to customers 3 Days Provision of food related advice 3 Days

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Animal Management

Management of animal issues including attacks, harassment, complaints, lost companion animals, registration, cage hire and collection, wandering animals, kennel license requests.

Outcome Animals are managed in accordance with legislative requirements

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and Regulations Expiation of Offences Act 1996 Local Government Act 1999 Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 Council By-laws

Service Levels Output 1 - Dog Control Activities Service Level Facilitate the Registration of Dogs (Applications, Renewals)

Upon Customer Demand

Facilitate online payments for dog registrations

Upon Customer Demand

Facilitate the Registration of Dog Businesses

Upon Customer Demand

Enforce Registration of Dogs (Reminder Notices, Enforcement etc.) Maintenance of dog registration database

Details updated within 2 days of receipt of updated info

Respond to and investigate matters dog wandering at large

1 Day. Often much more urgent (< 1hr) depending on circumstances.

Impounding of dogs wandering at large

Responses < 1 Day.

Maintenance of dogs at pound facility

Twice daily, 7 days per week when in use.

Returning wandering dogs to owners

1 Day

Assess applications for excess dogs 4 Weeks Investigate and resolve complaints relating to excessive barking

Responses generally < 1 week. Investigations can take 12-18 months to resolve.

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Output 1 - Dog Control Cont… Receive reports of lost dogs 1 Week

Investigate and resolve reports of dog attacks and harassments Response generally <1 Day. Investigations can take up to 6 Months.

Facilitate statutory reporting to the Dog and Cat Management Board Annually Implement and review Companion Animal Management Plan in relation to dogs Annually

Output 2 - Cat Control Activities Service Level Receive and respond to requests in relation to cat nuisances 1 Week - 4 Weeks Manage cat trap program 4 Weeks Receive reports of lost cats 1 Day Implement and review Companion Animal Management Plan in relation to cats Annually as needed

Output 3 - Bird/Pest Management Activities Service Level Facilitate Corella management program Annually Receive and respond to complaints in relation to Little Corellas 1 Week

Output 4 - Other Animal Control Activities Service Level Address nuisances or hazards caused by domestic animals other than dogs and cats 4 Days / 3 Days Address nuisances or hazards caused by livestock 1 Day - 7 Days Address nuisances or hazards caused by poultry 4 Weeks

The Barossa Council Service Statement Animal Management

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Output 5 - Emergency After Hours Callout Activities Service Level Provide emergency after hours service in relation to dogs wandering at large and reuniting with owners Currently availability for call outs 7am - 9pm -

Future review to daylight hours only at officer discretion.

Provide emergency after hours service in relation to dog attacks and harassments 24/7 On Call Service Officer Co-ordinate after hours call centre in relation to dogs As required Participate in resource sharing initiative with Light Regional Council On Call 1:4 Weekends

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Public Order and Safety

Administering miscellaneous by-laws and Local Government Act administration

Outcome The community's safety is maintained in accordance with legislative requirements and agreed community standards.

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Australian Road Rules 1999 Development Act and Regulations 1993 Expiation of Offences Act 1996 Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 and Regulations CFS Codes of Practice, Guidelines and Policies Local Government Act 1999 Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016 Road Traffic Act 1961 Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016 Council By-laws

Service Levels Output 1 - Abandoned Vehicles and other Road/Traffic Management Activities Service Level Investigate and Respond to Parking Complaints

12 weeks / 2 Weeks

Investigate and Respond to Abandoned Vehicles

6 months / 7 Days

Output 2 - Outdoor Dining Activities Service Level Assess and provide outdoor dining permits

5 Days

Assess Requests for Commercial Use of Footpath (including A-Frames)

5 Days

Investigate and Resolve Footpath Occupancy Complaints

5 Days

Output 3 - Liquor Licensing Activities Service Level Assess General Liquor License applications

2-3 Weeks

Assess Limited License applications 2-3 WeeksMonitor and review of Alcohol Dry Areas

As required

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Output 4 -By-Law Administration Activities Service Levels Review event applications and applications for use of public land Monitor and review of Council By-laws Regulating By-Law 3 Days

Output 5 - Nuisance Activities Service Level

Investigate and respond to nuisance complaints

EPA’s Air Quality Policy

Litter Investigation 2 Weeks / 7 Days

Illegal Camping 4 Weeks / 3 Days

Asbestos Dumping 1 Day

Combustion Heaters 5 Days

Unsightly Premises 12 Weeks / 3 Months

Private Vegetation encroaching in a Public area

1 Week

Temporary Event Signage on Public Land

1 Week

Output 6 -Fire Prevention Activities Service Levels Conduct fire prevention program Annually

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Waste Management

Management of waste contract to ensure appropriate waste collection and disposal and operation of waste transfer station.

Outcome The community receives comprehensive and environmentally responsible waste management services.

External/Internal Delivery External – Contractor for collection/disposal Internal – Contract Management

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Environment Protection Act 1993 Local Government Act 1999 Zero Waste SA Act 2004

Service Levels Output 1 - Waste Collection Activities Service Level

Ensure maintenance of contracted waste collection standards

Rubbish Weekly 140L Bin Mobile Bin Supply & Cost

Recycling Fortnightly 240L Bin Mobile Bin Supply & Cost

Organic Fortnightly 240L Bin Mobile Bin Supply & Cost

Hard Waste Annual (to be confirmed)

Street Litter Bins Weekly

Output 2 - Waste disposal Activities Service Level

Ensure maintenance of contracted waste disposal standards

Rubbish Cost in accordance with waste levy and contractor charges

Recycling Organic Hard Waste

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Output 3 - Waste Education Activities Service Levels Provide community education in best waste management practices Quarterly

Output 4 - Waste Transfer Station Operation - Springton Activities Service Levels Provide domestic hard waste and green waste deposit facility Open second Saturday of each month between

9am and 3pm

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Management of cemetery use, inclusive of site preparation, managing enquiries, maintenance, managing damage

reports, etc.

Outcome Provision of an accurate and understanding service in a timely manner

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Outcome 1 - Cemetery Enquiry Management

Activities Service Level

Manage Cemetery Enquiries Respond within 3 Days

Coordinate Response to Cemetery Damage

Reports Investigate within 3 Days

Outcome 2 - Cemetery Facilities

Activities Service Level

Cemetery Provision

N/A 7 cemeteries provided across Council Area

Angaston Niche Wall, Rose Garden, Burial Plots

Eden Valley Burial Plots

Lyndoch Niche Wall, Burial Plots

Nuriootpa Niche Wall, Memory Garden, Burial Plots

Mount Crawford Burial Plots

Mount Pleasant Niche Wall, Burial Plots

Williamstown Niche Wall, Burial Plots

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Outcome 2 - Burial/Interment Management

Activities Service Levels

Lease Purchase/Transfer 3 Days

Funeral Arrangement - Burial Details Form - Funeral Director 1 Day

Interment Arrangement - Burial Details Form - Family 2 Days

Selection/Allocation Grave Site 1 Day

Marking of Grave 1 Day

Engagement of Grave Digging Contractor 1 Day

Records Management - Burial Register/Pathway 2 Days

Arrangement of Grave Digging by Staff - Southern district 1 Day

Sighting of relevant Certificates 5 Days

Sighting of Name Plate on Coffin 5 Days

Meeting at Cemetery to sight Certificate/Name Plate on coffin when required 1 Day

Preparation of Plaque - Wording obtained from family 3 Days

Quotation/Proof from Manufacturer 1 Week

Plaque installation together with interment of ashes 1 Week

Notification - Ashes interment together with plaque installation 1 Day

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Outcome 3 - Cemetery Maintenance

Activities Service Levels

Grass Maintenance 1 Month

Spraying/Weed Maintenance 1 Month

Landscaping/Replanting 1 Month

Grave site top dressing 1 Month

General Maintenance (Leaf litter/weeds/litter/surplus soil 1 Week

The Barossa Council Service Statement Cemetery Management

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Codes of Practice/Legislation Water Industry Act 2012 and Regulations 2012 Dual Water Supply Systems First Edition Version 1.2. A

Supplement (WSA 03-2002)

Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and Regulations 2012

Sewage Pumping Station Code of Australia (WSA 04)

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986

Vacuum Sewerage Code of Australia (WSA 06)

South Australian Public Health Act 2011 and Regulations (Wastewater) 2013

Pressure Sewerage Code of Australia (WSA 07)

Water Resources Act 1997 AS/NZS 3500: Plumbing and drainage

Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and associated Regulations

AS/NZS 4020: Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water

Local Government Act 1999 AS/NZS 5667: Water quality - Sampling - Guidance on the design of sampling programs, sampling techniques and the preservation and handling of samples

Environment Protection Act 1993 AS/NZS 2031: Water quality - Sampling for microbiological analysis (ISO 19458:2006, MOD)

Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003

AS/NZS ISO 3100: Risk management - Principles and Guidelines

Dangerous Substances Act 1979 and associated Regulations 2008

The National Construction Code (NCC) Volume 3 Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) including South Australian Variations and/or Additional Provisions as listed in Appendix A

Livestock Act 1997 (specifically Section 3.6) Standard Form: Technical Specification-Construction of Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Schemes (DH, LGA)

Guidelines, Design Criteria and Standards for Community Wastewater Management Schemes (LGA)

Septic Tank Effluent Drainage Scheme Design Criteria (DH, LGA)

Community Wastewater Management System Codes 2013 (DHA)

South Australian Biosolids Guidelines for the Safe Handling, Reuse or Disposal of Biosolids (EPA)

Sewerage Code of Australia (WSA 02) and any SA Water supplementary documentation

South Australian Recycled Water Guidelines (DHA)

Water Supply Code of Australia (WSA 03) Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks (Phase1) (NRMMC, EPHC)

The Barossa Council Service Statement CWMS Management

The safe and environmentally responsible collection, transportation and disposal of sewerage waste from properties

within townships

Outcome Township waste water systems are maintained to a healthy and environmentally sustainable level and facilitate the further development of townships

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

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Outcome 1 - Operational Function (Network)

Activities – Operational Tanunda Service Levels

Network Operational Inspection Pump Stations 6 Hours

WWTP Operations Inspections 6 Hours

Activities – Operational Nuriootpa

Network Operational Inspection Pump Stations 6 Hours

WWTP Operations Inspections 6 Hours

Activities - Operational Lyndoch

Network Operational Inspection Pump Stations 6 Hours

WWTP Operations Inspections 6 Hours

Activities - Operational Williamstown

Network Operational Inspection Pump Stations 6 Hours

WWTP Operations Inspections 6 Hours

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Activities - Operational Mount Pleasant Service Levels

Network Operational Inspection Pump Stations 6 Hours

WWTP Operations Work Includes Aerators Repairs, sludge pump outs ,general repairs ,Chlorine Bottle/Drums changes 6 Hours

Activities - Operational Springton

Network Operational Inspection Pump Stations

WWTP Operations Inspections 6 Hours

Activities - Operational Stockwell

Network Operational Inspection Pump Stations 6 Hours

WWTP Operations Inspections 6 Hours

Activities - Operational All site General

Network Asset Repairs 6 Hours

Man Hole Access Repairs 3 Days

Rising Mains Vent Valve Repairs 6 Hours

BIL Main Operational Inspections 1 Month

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Activities - Operational All site General Cont… Service Levels

Quotes 3 Days

Stormwater 3 Days

Graffiti Removal 3 Days

Locations advice 3 Days

Customer Request - Blocked Sewer Connection 3 Days

Customer Request - Overflowing Manhole 1 Day

Customer Request - Overflowing Inspection Point 1 Hour

Customer Request - Damaged Manhole 3 Days

Customer Request - Sewer Odour Complaint 3 Days

Customer Request - Damaged Inspection Point 3 Days

Customer Request - Damaged Inspection Point 3 Days

Customer Request - Damaged Pipe 3 Days

Blockages 6 Hours

The Barossa Council Service Statement CWMS Management The Barossa Council Service Statement CWMS Management The Barossa Council Service Statement CWMS Management

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Outcome 2 - Maintenance Function (network)

Activities - Maintenance Tanunda Service Levels

WWTP Programmed Maintenance Work Includes Aerators Repairs, sludge pump outs, general repairs 3 Days

Activities - Maintenance Nuriootpa

WWTP Programmed Maintenance Work Includes Aerators Repairs, sludge pump outs, general repairs 3 Days

Activities - Maintenance Lyndoch

WWTP Programmed Maintenance Work Includes RBC Repairs, sludge pump outs, general repairs, Chlorine changes 3 Days

Activities - Maintenance Williamstown

WWTP Programmed Maintenance Work Includes, general repairs. 3 Days

Activities - Maintenance Mount Pleasant

WWTP Programmed Maintenance Work Includes RBC Repairs, sludge pump outs ,general repairs, Chlorine changes 3 Days

Activities - Maintenance Springton

WWTP Programmed Maintenance Work Includes Aerators Repairs, sludge pump outs ,general repairs ,Chlorine changes 3 Days

Activities - Maintenance Stockwell

WWTP Programmed Maintenance Work Includes RBC Repairs, sludge pump outs ,general repairs ,Chlorine Bottle changes 3 Days

The Barossa Council Service Statement CWMS Management

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Activities - Maintenance Across Network

Man holes Maintenance 1 Month 4 yearly Line Flushing 1 Month

2 Networks every year Rising Main Vent Valves 1 Month

2 mains per Year to Days Each Bil Reuse Main Maintains 1 Month

2 Valves pits/Year

Outcome 3 - CWMS Management Function Activities Service Levels Capital Works Program Delivery (concept, design, construction and commissioning) Approved program delivered by 30 June

each year Maintenance Contractor Management All contractors have a current contract or

Purchase Order Coordinate plant maintenance All plant is serviced according to

manufacturer’s standards CWMS Extensions design, approval and Inspection The CWMS Extension are constructed to

required Standards SA Health Reporting Annual ESC of SA Annual Compliance Reporting Annual

The Barossa Council Service Statement CWMS Management

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Emergency and general after hours management by on-call depot officers, sometimes additional staff assist in emergencies

Outcome Critical Council infrastructure and public safety is maintained at an appropriate level of service 24 hours a day.

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Outcome 1 - Emergency Response

Activities Service Level

Management of response to emergency events or public safety issues

Flood • 24 hour/7 day a weekresponse

• Two depot offers on callfor base level after hoursresponse

• Immediate contact viaAnswering Adelaide andOn-Call Officer

• Install temporary floodbarriers as per operatingprocedure

• Supply plant andoperators at request ofincident controller (SAPOL/ CFS / SES)

• Minimum response time forOfficer 1 to be on groundwithin 1 hour

• Provision of engineeringadvice

The Barossa Council Service Statement Emergency/After Hours Response

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Outcome 1 - Emergency Response Cont…

Activities Service Level

Management of response to emergency events or public safety issues

Fire • 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after

hours response• Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and

On-Call Officer• Supply plant and operators at request of

incident controller (SAPOL / CFS / SES) -operators will not provide frontline firefightingcapacity

• Supply light vehicles for logistics coordination tocontrol agency/hazard responders

• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be onground within 1 hour

Major Road Infrastructure Defect - traffic safety issue only

• 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after

hours response • Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and

On-Call Officer• Immediate response will involve either

temporary rectification, trafficredirection/signage or road closure

• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be onground within 1 hour

The Barossa Council Service Statement Emergency/After Hours Response

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Activities Service Level

Management of response to emergency events or public safety issues

Storm Water • 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after

hours response• Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide

and On-Call Officer• Immediate response will involve temporary or

permanent rectification of causal factors• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be on

ground within 1 hour

Tree/Branch Obstruction - only where branch or tree obstructs Council road

• 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after

hours response • Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide

and On-Call Officer• Immediate response will involve removal of

branch from roadway• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be on

ground within 1 hour

The Barossa Council Service Statement Emergency/After Hours Response

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Activities Service Level

Management of reports relating to infrastructure failure/breakdown

Public Convenience Blockage/Leak/Biological Hazard

• 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after hours

response • Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and

On-Call Officer• Immediate response will involve rectification of

biological hazards and callout of contractedplumber to rectify blockages where appropriate

• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be onground within 1 hour

Leaking Pipes/Irrigation • 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after hours

response• Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and

On-Call Officer• Immediate response will involve isolation or

rectification of leak• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be on

ground within 1 hour

Traffic Control Device Issue - signs, lines etc.

• 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after hours

response• Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and

On-Call Officer• Immediate response will involve temporary or

permanent rectification• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be on

ground within 1 hour

The Barossa Council Service Statement Emergency/After Hours Response

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Activities Service Level

Removal of Rubbish • 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after hours response• Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and On-Call Officer• Immediate response will involve removal of refuse or isolation of

site/engagement of contractor (asbestos)• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be on ground within 1 hour

Dead animal removal from Council Roads


• 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after hours response• Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and On-Call

Officer• Immediate response will involve placement of animal on the

verge• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be on ground within 1



• 24 hour/7 day a week response• Two depot offers on call for base level after hours response• Immediate contact via Answering Adelaide and On-Call

Officer• Immediate response will involve removal of animal and

disposal• Minimum response time for Officer 1 to be on ground within 1


The Barossa Council Service Statement Emergency/After Hours Response

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Provision of Technical engineering advice for capital works, maintenance and development assessment

Outcome Safe and sustainable infrastructure that is fit for purpose and meets compliance requirements

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act Australian Standards Authority Guidelines Australian Rainfall and Runoff Guidelines Australian Road Rules Work Health and Safety Act Highways Act Environmental Protection Act Road Traffic Act

Service Levels Outcome 1 - Stormwater Management For Protection of Development up to a 1 in 100 year ARI Storm Event

Activities Service Level Develop and Maintain stormwater Management Plans for each township

Reviewed every 10 years

Review and prioritisation off planned capital works arising from stormwater Plan and Asset Management Plan


Provide advice for Development Assessment relating to stormwater management

Response provided within 15 business days

Assessment of Engineering Reports pertaining to development

Response provided within 20 business days

Provide subject matter expert advice to sector stakeholders including other councils and State and Federal ministers etc.

Response provided within 15 business days

Maintain Council stormwater Guidelines

Reviewed every 4 years

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Outcome 2 - Transport Infrastructure Advice Activities Service Levels Deliver and Maintain Transport Infrastructure Plan once developed Reviewed every 10 years Management of requested traffic controls and restrictions - including liaison with Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI)

Initial requests from members of the public responded to within 20 business days

Assessment of National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Transport Route Requests Response provided within 28 calendar days Facilitation of Road Safety Audits • As requested and following all traffic accidents resulting in

serious personal injury or death• Statement of Findings Provided to Requestor within 20 days

Review and prioritisation off planned capital works arising from Asset Management Plan Annually Provide advice for Development Assessment relating to transport infrastructure Response provided within 15 business days Assessment of Engineering Reports pertaining to development Response provided within 20 business days Provide advice to works operations regarding transport infrastructure Response provided within 20 business days Provide subject matter expert advice to sector stakeholders including other councils and State and Federal ministers etc.

Response provided within 15 business days

Maintain Council Road Guidelines Review every 4 years Maintain traffic management plan following development Review every 4 years Assess traffic management requests Response provided within 20 days

Outcome 3 - Bridge Infrastructure Advice Activities Service Levels Deliver and Maintain Bridges Infrastructure Plan once developed Reviewed every 10 years Management of requested bridge controls and restrictions Initial requests from members of the public responded to

within 20 business days Assessment of National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Transport Route Requests in relation to bridges Response provided within 28 calendar days Facilitation of Road Safety Audits relating to bridges Statement of Findings Provided to Requestor within 20 days Review and prioritisation off planned capital works arising from Asset Management Plan Annually Assessment of Engineering Reports pertaining to development Response provided within 20 business days Provide advice to works operations regarding bridges Response provided within 20 business days

The Barossa Council Service Statement Engineering Support

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Outcome 4 - Street Lighting Advice Activities Service Levels Deliver and Maintain Street Lighting Infrastructure Plan once developed Reviewed every 10 years Management of public requests for Street Lighting - including referral to SA Power Networks Initial requests from members of the public responded to

within 20 business days Facilitation of Road Safety Audits relating to street lighting Statement of Findings Provided to Requestor within 20 days Review and prioritisation of planned capital works arising from Customer Requests Annually Assessment of Engineering Reports pertaining to development - including land divisions Response provided within 20 business days Provide advice to works operations regarding street lighting Response provided within 20 business days

The Barossa Council Service Statement Engineering Advice

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Ovals Management

Oval management includes turf management, management of contract for mowing

Outcome Ovals are maintained to an optimal level of service facilitating quality sporting experiences

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Outcome 1 - Oval Facilities

Activities Service Level

Oval playing surface provision

Level 1 SANFL - Pre-season or Minor Round Australian Rules Football matches as per agreement SACA - Pre-season or Sheffield Shield Cricket matches as per agreement BLGFA - A Grade & Lower Grade Australian Rules Football (SANFL Standards) BLCA - A1 Grade & Lower Grade Cricket (SACA Standards) Turf Cricket Wicket

Level 2 BLGFA - A Grade & Lower Grade Australian Rules Football (SAAFL Standards) BLCA - A1 Grade & Lower Grades Cricket (SACA/Cricket Australia Standards) Turf Cricket Wicket (except Williamstown & Lyndoch)

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Outcome 1 - Oval Facilities Cont…

Activities Service Level

Oval playing surface provision Level 3 HFL - Australian Rules Football (Mount Pleasant), BLCA - Low Grade Cricket (Moculta), Little Athletics, Equestrian, School Activities, Events (eg: Annual Shows, Car Rallies, Festivals)

Outcome 2 - Planned Turf Management Activities Service Level


Level 1 - Playing surfaces of Sports Fields Tuesday to Friday

The playing surface to be cut to ensure a playable surface. Ovals to be patterned with a minimum of 3 different cut directions eg circular, horizontal and diagonal, alternating. Surrounds to be whipper snipped to be at same height as the playing surface if required. Cool season – turf to be mown to a height of 35 mm and mowed every second Thursday (the week of home football games). Warm season – turf to be cut to a height of 15 mm and mowed twice a week. Use Reel Mower (Cylinder) – no windrows. Council to inform of special events and cut to season heights. Nominal number of cuts - 64 per year.

Level 2 - Playing surfaces of Sports Fields Tuesday to Friday

The playing surface to be cut to ensure a playable surface. Ovals to be patterned with a minimum of 3 different cut directions eg circular, horizontal and diagonal, alternating. Surrounds to be whipper snipped to be at same height as the playing surface if required. Cool season – turf to be mown to a height of 35 mm and mowed every second Thursday (the week of home football games). Warm season – turf to be cut to a height of 15 mm and mowed twice a week. Use Roller mower – no windrows Council to inform of special events and cut to season heights. Nominal number of cuts - 64 per year.

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Outcome 2 - Planned Turf Management Cont… Activities Service Level

Mowing Cont… Level 3 The playing surface to be cut to ensure a playable surface. The mowing height to be determined in consultation with Council. Surrounds to be whipper snipped to be at same height as the playing surface if required. Cool season – turf to be mown to a height of 35 mm Warm season – turf to be cut to a height of 25 mm and mowed once a week. Use Reel Mower (Cylinder) – no windrows Council to inform of special events and cut to season heights. Nominal number of cuts - 44 per year.


Level 1 20mm per week Weekly irrigation inspections Monthly irrigation system audit

Level 2 20mm per week Weekly irrigation inspections Bi-Monthly irrigation system audit

Level 3 20mm per week Weekly irrigation inspections Twice per year irrigation system audit

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Outcome 2 - Planned Turf Management Cont… Activities Service Levels

Winter Rye Oversow Level 1 once per annum Level 2 as required Level 3 as required


Level 1 Four fertilisations per annum, 220kg per hectare per annum Level 2 Two fertilisations per annum, 220kg per hectare per annum Level 3 One fertilisations per annum, 220kg per hectare per annum


Level 1 10mm washed sand at 150 tonne per hectare per annum Gypsum applied at 1 tonne per hectare once per year

Level 2 10mm washed sand at 150 tonne per hectare every 3 years Level 3 10mm washed sand at 150 tonne per hectare every 5 years

Vertidraining Level 1 four times per annum Level 2 two times per annum Level 3 once per annum

Coring Level 1 once per annum Level 2 every two years Level 3 as required

Herbicide/Pesticide/Fungicide All Levels as required

Outcome 3 - Reactive Turf Management Activities Service Levels Irrigation Repairs Requests responded to within 1 week Surface Defects Requests responded to within 1 week Herbicide/Pesticide/Fungicide Requests responded to within 3 months

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Parks and Gardens

Maintenance of Parks and Gardens

Outcome Parks and Gardens are maintained to an optimal level of service facilitating quality recreational experiences

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation N/A

Service Levels Outcome 1 - Parks & Gardens Facilities

Activities Service Level

Parks & Gardens Facilities Provision

1A Irrigated and manicured garden or park - premium plantings and maintenance

1B Irrigated and frequently maintained garden or park - moderate plantings and maintenance

3 Non-irrigated, passive recreational areas/open spaces, non-manicured, mowing and slashing only and tree pruning as required

4 Non-irrigated, sportsground surrounds, passive recreational neighborhood reserves, bike/walking track surrounds, non-manicured, mowing and slashing only and tree pruning as required

5 Non-irrigated, undeveloped reserves and rural roadside verges, slashing and tree pruning as required

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Outcome 2 - Planned Parks & Gardens Management Activities Service Levels


1A Grass length exceeds 50mm. Lawn edges to be regularly trimmed, no grass to encroach greater than 25mm, all whipper snipping to be at same height as lawn and cut with a Whipper Snipper. Vertical cut to all reserve edges. Cool season - turf to be mown to a height of 35mm. Warm season - turf to be mown to a height of 25mm.

1B Grass length exceeds 50mm. Lawn edges to be regularly trimmed, no grass to encroach greater than 25mm, all whipper snipping to be at same height as lawn and cut with a Whipper Snipper. Vertical cut to all reserve edges. Cool season - turf to be mown to a height of 35mm. Warm season - turf to be mown to a height of 25mm.

3 Grass length exceeds 50mm. Turf surface to be cut to 30mm. Lawn edges to be regularly trimmed - no grass to encroach greater than 25mm, all whipper snipping to be at the same height as the standard.

4 Grass length exceeds 100mm. Areas to be mown to height of 50mm. 5 Grass length exceeds 400mm. Areas to be mown to minimum height of


Irrigation 1A 20mm per week, Weekly irrigation inspections, Monthly irrigation system audit 1B 20mm per week, Monthly irrigation inspections

Fertilisation 1A One fertilisation per annum, 220kg per hectare 1B One fertilisation biannually, 220kg per hectare

Coring 1A One coring every five years Herbicide/Pesticide/Fungicide 1A & 1B As required

Pruning (Gardens, Rose Beds & Rose Hedge) 1A Two prunes per annum 1B One prune per annum

Planting of Annuals in Formal Garden Beds 1A 2 Annual Planting events per annum Weeding 1A & 1B As required Replacing Plants & Trees 1A & 1B As required

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Outcome 3 - Reactive Parks & Gardens Management Activities Service Levels BBQ Maintenance Requests responded to within 1 week

Steam Cleaned Annually Core Cleaning - wash down, remove oil/fat, hot plates tested, cobwebs removed, waste removed Mondays and Fridays

Signs and Posts - Replacement/Maintenance Response provided within 1 week Park Lighting Repairs Response provided within 1 day Parks, Gardens & Reserve Maintenance Request Management Response provided within 1 month Sprinklers/Irrigation Repairs Response provided within 1 week Playground/Reserve Development Request Management Response provided within 1 month Furniture Maintenance (Bins, Park Benches etc) Request Management Response provided within 1 month Weed/Pest Control on Council Land Request Management Response provided within 3 months Watering Maintenance Response provided within 1 Month Slashing/Mowing Request Management Response provided within 4 months

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Playgrounds

Maintenance and renewal of playgrounds, including inspections

Outcome Management of playground infrastructure assets to appropriate codes and standards

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation AS 4685.0:2017 Playground equipment & surfacing - Part 0: Development, installation, inspection, maintenance and operation

Service Levels Outcome 1 - Playground Maintenance

Activities Service Levels

Management of Response to Requests for Playground Maintenance

Injury Has Occurred

Response provided within 1 day of request

Soft Fall, Parts etc

Response Provided within 3 months of request

Urgent Repairs

Response Provided within 1 Day of Request

Planned maintenance activity to rectify minor defects or required repairs - bolt tightening, soft fall raking/top up/replenishment

Rectification during or following routine inspections as required

Outcome 2 - Playground Inspection

Activities Service Levels

Undertake equipment inspections

Routine Response provided within 1 day of request

Mandated Quarterly in accordance with Australian Standard for Playground Equipment

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Outcome 3 - Renewal and Replacement Activities Service Levels Maintenance of 10 Year Renewal Plan Reviewed every 3 years Annual Renewal Program Delivered by 30 June each year

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Public Convenience Maintenance

Management of Cleaning Contract, Cleaning of Facilities Not Covered by Contract, Management of Graffiti or Damage in

Public Conveniences

Outcome Council provided public convenience facilities are maintained to a safe, accessible and hygienic standard

External/Internal Delivery External & Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation South Australian Public Health Act 2011 Code of Practice for the Provision of Facilities for Sanitation and Personal Hygiene

Service Levels Outcome 1 – Public Convenience Maintenance

Activities Service Levels Reactive Cleaning Requests responded to within 2 Days

Graffiti Removal Graffiti removed within 1 Week of report

Planned/Scheduled Cleaning by Contractor

Tolley Reserve / Behind Nuriootpa Institute / Senior Citizens Clubrooms / Band Rotunda / Tanunda CWA-Cycle Hub

Core Cleaning Undertaken 7 Days Per Week Periodic Cleaning Annually - Cleaning of High Joinery & Fittings, Glass, Lights, Steam Cleaning of Surfaces & Toilets

Coulthard Reserve Core Cleaning Undertaken 1 Day Per Week (Thursday) Periodic Cleaning Annually - Cleaning of High Joinery & Fittings, Glass, Lights, Steam Cleaning of Surfaces, Showers & Toilets

Kroemers Crossing / Heineman Park / Bethany Reserve / Tanunda Oval / Angaston Oval / Angaston Children's Reserve / Hannah Crescent

Core Cleaning Undertaken 3 Days Per Week (Mon/Weds/Fri) Periodic Cleaning Annually - Cleaning of High Joinery & Fittings, Glass, Lights, Steam Cleaning of Surfaces, Showers & Toilets

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Roads & Infrastructure Maintenance/Repair

Grading of unsealed roads, sealing/resealing/resurfacing sealed roads, construction and maintenance of drainage,

footpaths and bridges

Outcome Council provided road infrastructure is maintained to a safe, accessible and hygienic standard in accordance with relevant legislation, standards and codes

External/Internal Delivery External & Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act (1999) Local Government (Financial Management & Rating) Amendment Act 2005 Road Traffic Act (1961) Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act (1986) Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations (2010) Highways Act (1926) Roads (Opening and Closing) Act (1991) Australian Standards (AS) Australian Road Rules (under Road Traffic Act (1961)) Civil Liability Act (1936) Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and Regulations 2012 Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986 South Australian Public Health Act 2011 and Regulations (Wastewater) 2013 Water Resources Act 1997 Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and associated Regulations Local Government Act 1999 Environment Protection Act 1993 Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003

Service Levels Outcome 1 – Sealed Road Maintenance

Activities Service Levels Pothole Management Low Priority - Less than

25 mm deep Monitor only - no immediate action taken

Medium Priority - Between 25mm and 50mm deep

Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

Medium Priority - Between 25mm and 50mm deep

Work to be scheduled within the next 7 days

Extreme Priority - Greater than 12mm and more than 30% of road segment area

Work to be scheduled within the next 2 days

Crack Management Low Priority - Less than 3mm

Monitor only - no immediate action taken

Medium Priority - Between 3mm and 6mm dee

Work to be scheduled within the next 12 months

High Priority - Between 50mm and 100mm deep

Work to be scheduled within the next 6 months

Extreme Priority - Greater than 12mm and more than 30% of road segment area

Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

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Outcome 1 – Sealed Road Maintenance Cont… Activities Service Levels Seal Defect (Stripping & Bleeding) Management Low Priority - Isolated Patches of Defect Monitor only - no immediate action taken

Medium Priority - Less than 10% of the wheel path Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

High Priority - 10% to 30% of the wheel path Work to be scheduled within the next 7 days Extreme Priority - More than 30% of the wheel path Work to be scheduled within the next 2 days

Shape Deformation (Rutting and Shoving) Management Low Priority - Less than 20mm Monitor only - no immediate action taken Medium Priority - Between 20mm and 40mm Work to be scheduled within the next 30

days High Priority - Greater than 40mm Work to be scheduled within the next 14

days Edge Break Management Medium Priority - Less than 50mm deep and less

than 5 metres in length Monitor only - no immediate action taken

High Priority - Between 50mm and 75mm in depth and more than 5 metres in length

Work to be scheduled within the next 12 months

Extreme Priority - More than 75mm deep Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

Centre Line and Edge Line Management Low Priority - Up to 50% faded Monitor only - no immediate action taken Medium Priority - More than 50% faded Work to be scheduled within the next 90

days Hold Lines and Safety Bar Management Low Priority - Up to 30% faded Monitor only - no immediate action taken

Medium Priority - 30% to 50% faded Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Greater than 50% faded Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

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Outcome 1 – Sealed Road Maintenance Cont… Activities Service Levels Temporary Road Closure Request Management Priority 5 1 Month / 2 Weeks / 1 Day Guard Rail Inspection Request Management Priority 2 1 Month Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years

Outcome 2 – Unsealed Road Maintenance Activities Service Levels Pothole Management Low Priority - Less than 50 mm deep Monitor only - no immediate action taken

Medium Priority - Between 50mm and 100mm deep

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Greater than 100mm deep Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

Extreme Priority - Greater than 100mm and more than 30% of road area

Work to be scheduled within the next 7 days

Rutting & Scouring Management Low Priority - Less than 50mm Monitor only - no immediate action taken Medium Priority - Between 50mm and 100mm deep

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Greater than 100mm deep Work to be scheduled within the next 14 days

Extreme Priority - Greater than 100mm and more than 30% of road area

Work to be scheduled within the next 2 days

Management of Loose Material On Road Surface Low Priority - Less than 50mm deep Monitor only - no immediate action taken Medium Priority - Between 50mm and 100mm deep

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Greater than 100mm deep Work to be scheduled within the next 14 days

Extreme Priority - Greater than 100mm deep for more than 30% of the road area

Work to be scheduled within the next 2 days

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Outcome 2 – Unsealed Road Maintenance Cont… Activities Service Levels Corrugation Management Low Priority Monitor only - no immediate action taken

Medium Priority Work to be schedules within the next 14 days

High Priority - Road Safety Issue Work to be scheduled within the next 2 days Material Depth Deficit Management Medium Priority - Various Small Defects Monitor only - no immediate action taken

High Priority - Larger Defects with less than 30% of desirable material depth

Refer to capital works program for possible re-sheet

Shape & Crossfall Management Medium Priority - Poor shape causing minor ponding

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Poor shape causing major ponding, pot holes and scouring

Refer to capital works program for deep cut grade within the next 30 days

Road Vegetation Encroachment Management Low Priority - Minor Encroachment of Vegetation Monitor only - no immediate action taken Medium Priority - Encroachment of Vegetation Work to be scheduled within next 12 months High Priority - Major Encroachment of Vegetation Work to be scheduled within next 30 days

Scheduled Grading Program Management Road Reserve 0 Grades Per Annum Class 5: Track or Laneway (no dwellings) 1 Grade Per Annum Class 5: Local Access (< 5 dwellings) 2 Grades Per Annum Class 5: Local Access (up to 10 dwellings) 3 Grades Per Annum Class 4: Local Access (> 10 dwellings) 4 Grades Per Annum Class 4: Local Collector (Connecting nodes) 5 Grades Per Annum Class 4: Local Collector (Connecting arterial roads) 6 Grades Per Annum Class 4: Local Link (Connecting centres) 7 Grades Per Annum Class 4: Local Link (Connecting towns) 8 Grades Per Annum Class 3: Rural Arterial (non local between towns > 300vpd)

9 Grades Per Annum

Class 2: Designated Freight Route (B Double and HML Route)

10 Grades Per Annum

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Outcome 2 – Unsealed Road Maintenance Cont… Activities Service Levels Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years Management of Requests for Sheeting - Gravel Roads Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Year Management of Requests for Fire Access Tracks - Maintenance Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Week

Outcome 3 – Bridges Activities Service Levels Bridge Construction Customer Request Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 Year Maintenance Request Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 Months Maintenance - Periodic visual assessment to determine condition N/A At least every 5 years

Outcome 4 – Signs & Road Safety Infrastructure Activities Service Levels Street Sign Installation Request Management Priority 3 Requests responded to within 3 Days Management of Request for Business Street Sign - New Installation Priority 3 Requests responded to within 3 Days Floodway Marker Request Management Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Month Dirty or Faded Regulatory and Hazard Sign Management Low Priority - Dirty and or faded sign but clearly

visible Monitor (no immediate action)

Medium Priority - Dirty and or faded so the sign is difficult to read

Clean or replace within 5 days

Damaged or Missing Warning Sign Management High Priority - Sign and or post is damaged or missing so sign cannot be read

Replace within 5 days

Dirty or Faded Parking Sign Management Low Priority - Dirty or faded sign but clearly visible Monitor (no immediate action) Medium Priority - Dirty or faded & sign hard to read Clean or replace within 90 days

Damaged or Missing Parking Sign Management High Priority - Sign and or post is damaged or missing so sign cannot be read

Replace within 30 days

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Outcome 5 – Storm Water Drains Activities Service Levels Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years Management of Requests for Drain Clearing - Rural Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Month Management of Requests for Drain Clearing - Township Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Month Management of Reports Relating to Drainage Priority 3 Requests responded to within 3 Days Maintenance Request Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 Months Stormwater Drainage Construction Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 Year

Outcome 6 – Kerb & Gutter Activities Service Levels Kerb and Channel Installation Request Management Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Year Kerb & Channel Repair - Side Entry Pit Request Management Priority 1 Requests responded to within 4 hours

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 1 day Priority 3 Requests Responded to Within 2 days Priority 4 Requests responded to within 1 week Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 month

Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years Rectification of Kerbing Misalignment Low Priority - Less than 25mm displacement Monitor (no immediate action)

Medium Priority - Between 25mm and 50mm displacement

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Between 50mm and 75mm displacement but satisfactory drainage function

Work to be scheduled within the next 60 days

High Priority - Greater than 75mm displacement and loss of drainage function

Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

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Outcome 7 – Bike Track Activities Service Levels Bike Racks Installation & Maintenance Request Management Priority 3 Requests responded to within 2 Months Bike Path Construction Request Management Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 Year Shared (Bike) Path Maintenance Request Management Priority 3 Requests responded to within 2 Weeks Shared (Bike) Path Maintenance (Injury Occurred) Request Management

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Day

Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years

Outcome 8 – Footpath Activities Service Levels Footpath Trip Hazard Priority 3 Requests responded to within 2 Days Footpath Maintenance Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 Months Footpath Construction Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 Year Footpath Maintenance - Injury Occurred Priority 3 Requests responded to within 2 Days Bus Shelter Request Priority 5 Requests responded to within 6 Months Street Furniture Maintenance Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 Month Street Litter Bin Top Maintenance & Cleaning N/A Weekly cleaning Cigarette Butt Bins Cleaning N/A Weekly cleaning Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years Rectification of Pot Hole in Gravel Footpath Low Priority - Depression of less than 25mm deep

for more than one square metre Monitor (no immediate action)

Medium Priority - Between 25mm and 50mm deep for more than one square metre

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Greater than 50mm deep for more than one square metre

Work to be scheduled within the next 14 days

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Outcome 8 – Footpath Cont… Activities Service Levels Rectification of Pot Hole in Gravel Footpath Low Priority - Depression of less than 25mm deep

for more than one square metre Monitor (no immediate action)

Medium Priority - Between 25mm and 50mm deep for more than one square metre

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Greater than 50mm deep for more than one square metre

Work to be scheduled within the next 14 days

Rectification of loose or uneven surface Low Priority - Less than 20mm deep Monitor (no immediate action) Medium Priority - More than 20mm deep Work to be scheduled within the next 30

days Rectification of surface misalignment Low Priority - less than 15mm vertical displacement Monitor (no immediate action)

Medium Priority - Between 15mm and 25mm vertical displacement

Work to be scheduled within the next 90 days

High Priority - Greater than 25mm vertical displacement

Work to be scheduled within the next 7 days

Rectification of Cracking Low Priority - Less than 10mm wide Monitor (no immediate action)

Medium Priority - Between 10mm and 20mm Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

High Priority - Greater than 20mm Work to be scheduled within the next 14 days

Rectification of vegetation growing over the footpath Low Priority - Minor encroachment over or on the footpath

Monitor (no immediate action)

Medium Priority - Encroachment restricting pedestrian movements

Work to be scheduled within the next 30 days

High Priority - Overhanging limbs likely to fall Work to be scheduled within the next 7 days

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Outcome 9 – Footbridge Activities Service Levels Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years Maintenance Request Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 Months Footbridge Construction Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 Year

Outcome 10 – Floodways Activities Service Levels Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years Maintenance Request Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 Months Footbridge Construction Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 Year

Outcome 11 – Major Culverts Activities Service Levels Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years Maintenance Request Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 Months Footbridge Construction Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 Year

Outcome 12 – Carparks Activities Service Levels Disabled Parking Request Management Priority 3 Requests responded to within 3 Days Asset Condition Assessment - Visual Inspection N/A At least every 5 years

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Tree Management

Planting and trimming of trees at roadsides, parks and Council owned locations

Outcome Council maintained trees are healthy, aesthetically pleasing and do not impact on road safety or the integrity of surroundings infrastructure

External/Internal Delivery External & Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act (1999) AS/NZS – Australian Standards – AS4373-2007 Native Vegetation Act (1991)

Service Levels Outcome 1 – Tree Inspections

Activities Service Levels Management of Requests for Tree Inspections

Priority 1 Requests responded to within 1 week

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 2 weeks

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 month

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 2 months

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 3 months

Outcome 2 – Tree Maintenance

Activities Service Levels Management of Requests relating to Trees and Vegetation Encroaching Public Areas

Priority 1 Requests responded to within 1 day

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 3 days

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 week

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 9 days

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 2 weeks

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Outcome 2 – Tree Maintenance Cont… Activities Service Levels Management of Requests relating to Fallen Trees & Limbs - Property Damaged

Priority 1 Requests responded to within 4 hours

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 1 day

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 2 days

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 1 week

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 2 weeks

Management of Requests relating to Fallen Trees & Limbs - General

Priority 1 Requests responded to within 1 week

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 2 weeks

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 month

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 2 months

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 3 month

Management of Requests relating to Pruning Priority 1 Requests responded to within 3 months

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 4 months

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 months

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 7 months

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 8 months

Management of Requests relating to Tree Removal Priority 1 Requests responded to within 1 day

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 2 weeks

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 month

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 2 months

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 3 months

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Outcome 2 – Tree Maintenance Cont… Activities Service Levels Management of Requests relating to Root Barrier Installation Priority 1 Requests responded to within 2 months

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 4 months

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 6 months

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 8 months

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 1 years

Management of Requests relating to Stump Removal Priority 1 Requests responded to within 2 months

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 3 months

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 4 months

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 5 months

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 6 months

Undertake Township Main Street tree condition audits Priority 1 Audits undertaken at least every 5 years

Management of Township Main Street tree maintenance program

Priority 1 Township Main Street tree maintenance carried out in all township main streets in accordance with recommendations of Township Main Street tree audits

Undertake Township Collector Road tree condition audits Priority 2 Audits undertaken at least every 10 years

Management of Township Collector Road tree maintenance program

Priority 2 Township Collector Road tree maintenance carried out in all township collector roads in accordance with recommendations of tree audits

Management of road vegetation clearance envelopes to cater for 4.6m high stock trucks on major stock transport routes

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 1 year

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Outcome 3 – Street Tree Planting Activities Service Levels Management of Requests for Tree Planting & Replacement Priority 1 Requests responded to within 6 months

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 9 months

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 year

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 18 months

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 2 years

Management of Township Main Street tree planting program N/A Township Main Street tree planting carried out in all township main streets in accordance with recommendations of Township Main Street tree condition audits within 5 years

Management of Township Collector Road tree planting program N/A Township Collector Road tree planting carried out on all township collector roads in accordance with recommendations of tree condition audits within 10 years

The Barossa Council Service Statement Tree Management

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Street Sweeping

Cleaning & Sweeping of Streets

Outcome Council provided roads are maintained to a safe, accessible and hygienic standard

External/Internal Delivery Internal

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Mandatory

Codes of Practice/Legislation Local Government Act (1999) South Australian Public Health Act (1999)

Service Levels Outcome 1 – Street Sweeping

Activities Service Levels Street Sweeping of Township Main Streets

Priority 1 Weekly

Street Sweeping of Township Main/Collector Roads

Priority 2 Monthly

Street Sweeping of Residential Streets with high leaf litter, fruit or nut drop

Priority 3 Monthly on a seasonal basis

Street Sweeping of other Residential Streets

Priority 4 Every 3 Months

Pre & Post Event Street Sweeping

Priority 1 As requested

Investigation of Street Sweeping Requests

Priority 1 Requests responded to within 3 days

Priority 2 Requests responded to within 5 days

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 1 week

Priority 4 Requests responded to within 3 weeks

Priority 5 Requests responded to within 2 weeks

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The Barossa Council Service Statement Street Lighting

Provision of street lighting services in partnership with SA Power Networks

Outcome Council provided road infrastructure is lit in accordance with relevant legislation, standards and codes

External/Internal Delivery External

Discretionary/Mandatory Service Discretionary

Codes of Practice/Legislation Electricity Act 1996 Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 AS/NZS 1158-2010 Lighting for roads and public spaces

Service Levels Outcome 1 – Street Lighting

Activities Service Levels Street Light Installation Request Management

Priority 3 Requests responded to within 2 Weeks

Street Light Maintenance Request Management

Priority 3 Maintenance Requests forwarded to SA Power Networks within 1 week for action