Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace”...


Transcript of Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace”...

Page 1: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


Page 2: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


First Congregational

United Church of Christ

700 Poyntz Avenue telephone 785-537-7006 Manhattan, Kansas 66502 The Rev. Caela Simmons Wood, Pastor The Rev. David Jones, Campus Pastor Alfred Cochran, Moderator Sandy Nelson, Administrative Assistant Tai Amri Spann-Wilson, Youth Ministry Robert Edwards, Mary Ellen Sutton, Organists Barrett Scroggs, Director of Children’s Ministries Nancy Holmes, Custodian Gretchen Lewis, Choir Director Dave Smit, Treasurer Joy Schell, Financial Secretary

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 10, 2016, at 10:45 a.m.

Welcome! If you are worshipping with us for the first time, we hope that you will find God’s

presence among us. Your presence with us enriches our vision of the Body of Christ, and we give thanks that you have joined us today. We hope you will sign the register pad when it is passed. Immediately following worship, refreshments are served at Fellowship Hour in Pioneer and Blachly Halls. Just exit the doors to the left of the pulpit and follow the crowd. Enjoy a cup of fair trade coffee. We look forward to greeting you there. If you have questions, please ask.

If you have special needs, please let one of the ushers know. Hearing assist devices,

wheelchairs, and walkers are available. The elevator provides access to all three floors of the building. Restrooms are located on each floor. Our lower level has wheelchair accessible, all gender restrooms. A diaper changing table is in the Nursery upstairs.

Children are welcome in worship (and we know they may need to wiggle!). If you'd prefer, we

do offer activities upstairs. Children ages 3 and under are welcome in the Nursery at any time. After the Word for Children, children 3 and up are invited to join us in the theater for Kids Worship - a worship service that mirrors our service in the Sanctuary. Please check out our website for information about Sunday School for children and adults at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays during the school year.

---- Assisting in Today’s Worship ---- Greeters: Judy Ahrens, Rachel Martin Reading Scripture: Rick Doll

Word for Children: Emily Brueseke Flowers: Carrie Lewis

Fellowship Hour: Kerri Keller Lawn Care: Rachel Martin

Page 3: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


Gathering in the presence of God

Gathering Music Tower Chimes

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude Robert Edwards, organ “la Triomphante” Michel Correte

Called in God's Presence One: Let us start this service well, by reminding ourselves: That it is not we who chose God, Many: but God who chose us, One: That we are not here because of our goodness Many: but because of God's grace, One: That we are not here to enlighten ourselves, Many: but to allow God to enlighten us, One: That we have not come to be entertained Many: but to worship God with heart, soul, mind and strength.

Adapted from Bruce Pewer

Unison Prayer of Confession

They may not be beaten down or lying by the road, but there are people we pass by, Watching God. Some are family and friends we take so much for granted we cannot see how we have stripped them of our love and compassion. Others are neighbors: who have been left half-dead by crushing work; who have fallen into the hands of despair; who have been abandoned by all those who walked on by them. Many are strangers, people we don't know, but quickly judge: they are weak, or poor, or the enemy or because they remind us of whom we once were, or could become.

Page 4: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


Rescue us from the power of our sins, Righteous One of all generations. Pour out your justice on us, rather than your judgment, that we would be moved with compassion, and spurred to action; that we would hear of the hope that is ours, and share it with our kindred; that we would shower mercy on all we meet, even as we have received your grace.

(Silence is kept for individual reflection and confession) One: ...through Jesus Christ, our Ruler and Savior. Many: Amen

Hymn 541 (The New Century Hymnal located in pew backs)

“They Asked, ʻWho's My Neighbor?ʼ” Neighbor

Indicates all who are able, please stand.

Words of Assurance

One: Children of the Most High: you are forgiven and brought into God's house. Be filled with spiritual wisdom, lead lives worthy of your inheritance, bear fruit in all you say and do and think.

Many: God has rescued us and redeemed us from our sins, setting aside judgment to shower us with mercy. We will go and do likewise. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Thom Shuman

Exchanging the Peace

One: The peace of Christ be with you. Many: And also with you.

As a sign of our reconciliation, please greet those around you

with words such as: “Peace be with you. / And also with you.”

Act of Praise (all join in singing Hymn #85)

“I Woke Up This Morning” I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus, Woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus, Woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus,

Page 5: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah. Singing and praying with my mind stayed on Jesus, Singing and praying with my mind stayed on Jesus, Singing and praying with my mind stayed on Jesus, Hallelu, hallelu, hallelujah.

Listening for our Still-speaking God

Word for Children Emily Brueseke If your child is going to the Nursery or Kids' Worship for the first time today, please fill

out a Child Information Card (located in the back of the pew) and deliver it to one of our

staff members upstairs.

Scripture Lesson Rick Doll Luke 10:25-37 (New Testament page 68 in the pew Bible)

Psalm 25:1-10 (Page 635 The New Century Hymnal read responsively; all join in

singing the refrain as indicated by the symbol R.)

Special Music Timeless A Cappella “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton

Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons Wood “Just Love”

Responding in hope and thanksgiving

Offertory Sentence Prefer to make an electronic contribution? Visit the Giving Station located in the back of

the Sanctuary to make a credit or debit card gift or set up recurring contributions from

your bank account.

Page 6: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


MUSIC AT THE OFFERTORY “Prelude on Rhosymedre” Ralph Vaughan-Williams


Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heav’nly host: Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.

PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH You are invited to share your joy or concern aloud. If you would prefer to have

Caela read your prayer aloud, please use one of the cards located at the back of

the Sanctuary.

We respond: Merciful God....hear our prayer.

Each week, we hold a few of our members in prayer, working our way through the

entire membership over the course of a year. This week, we hold the following

people in prayer: Scott and Paulicia Williams, Tahjai Gamble, Nadiyah Gamble,

Chikezie Williams.

PRAYER OF JESUS (said in unison)

“Our Father” is the traditional way this prayer begins. For many, however, the

traditional language is a hindrance to the intimacy of their relationship with God.

You are invited to use whatever name for God you find most meaningful (Mother,

Father, Creator, God, Friend, etc,). Together, our names for God will create a

beautiful chorus reaching out to the Holy.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Page 7: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


Going Forth to be messengers of good news

Hymn 588 (The New Century Hymnal located in pew backs)

“Let Justice Flow Like Streams” St. Thomas

Charge and Benediction

Congregational Choral Benediction (Sung two times) “Let Us Live in the Light”

“Let us Live in the Light” words and music by Barbara Hamm © 2002 Abingdon Press.

Take time for Taizé

Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. for Taizé Worship.

Taizé is a 30 minute service of singing, scripture, prayer and

silence based on the pattern of worship in use at the ecumenical

community at Taizé, France.

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Join us on Facebook at


THIS SUNDAY, JULY 10 10:45 a.m. Service of the Word, Rev. Caela Simmons Wood preaching 12:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 6:00 p.m. Second Helping

MONDAY, JULY 11 5:15 p.m. Yoga, Andover Hall 6:45 p.m. Timeless A Cappella, Pioneer Hall 7:30 p.m. MOA Narcotics Anonymous meeting, Art Room

WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 7:00 p.m. Vitality & Outreach Committee meeting, Conference Room

7:00 p.m. Turning Point AA meeting, Andover Hall

THURSDAY, JULY 14 7:00 p.m. Taizé Service, Pioneer Hall 8:00 p.m. MOA Narcotics Anonymous meeting, Art Room

FRIDAY, JULY 15 7:30 p.m. MOA Narcotics Anonymous meeting, Art Room

NEXT SUNDAY, JULY 17 10:45 a.m. Service of the Word, Rev. Caela Simmons Wood preaching 12:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 6:00 p.m. Second Helping

Ecumenical Campus Ministry at Kansas State University is a cooperative ministry supported by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the United Church of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For more information on ECM’s activities and schedules, please visit us on Facebook (ECM at K-State) or at

Summer Fun Cancelation - We've decided to cancel the remaining Summer Fun activities for young children and their families, due to lack of interest. Thanks to those who participated earlier this summer!

Page 9: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


First Congregational UCC, Manhattan—an Open and Affirming Congregation

In the spirit of love, openness, and inclusiveness we welcome persons of every race, culture,

nationality, age, family configuration, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, physical

or mental ability, and socio-economic status to participate fully in all aspects of our church’s

life and ministry. –from Open and Affirming Statement adopted May 11, 2003

The Mission of First Congregational United Church of Christ is

To love and accept others unconditionally as God loves and accepts us,

and by example, to encourage others to do the same.

To challenge ourselves to grow spiritually through worship, education,

nurture, reflection, discussion, fellowship, and outreach.

To minister to others locally, nationally, and globally with the same fervor

as we minister to ourselves, through the sharing of our talents, gifts, and


We hold ourselves accountable before God for this mission statement.

Ready to Become a Member? - On August 21st, we will welcome a new group of members who desire to join with us in covenant as the people of First Congregational United Church of Christ. If you are interested in membership and haven't yet had a chance to sit down with Pastor Caela to talk about what membership means and have your questions answered, please contact her ([email protected]) to set up an appointment. You can also learn more and fill out a new member information form at

You're invited to the annual

Friedens UCC Ice Cream Social

Tuesday July 19 • serving from 7pm to 9pm

5 flavors of homemade ice cream and a variety of cakes!

10 1/2 miles north of Seneca, Kansas on Highway 63

Free Will Offering Rain Date: Thursday, July 21

Page 10: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons


What is Disciple?

Disciple Bible Study was introduced 20 years ago by United Methodist Bishop Richard

Wilke. It was created to address the need Bishop Wilke saw in his denomination to help

church members become Biblically literate. But it was also created with the intent of

doing much more than that. Disciple is based on John 8:31 – “If you make my word your

home, you will indeed be my disciples.” The ultimate goal of Disciple is to not only

increase understanding of the scriptures, but to help people find their own path to walking

in the Way of Jesus through a 34-week process.

A few “fast facts” about Disciple:

It is used in at least 34 denominations and over 20,000 people have been

trained to lead Disciple. Our class will be led by Julie Hunt, Paul Hunt, and

Sue Zschoche.

Over one million people have completed Disciple and it is used in all 50 states

and around the world. It has even been translated into several languages.

Disciple is a 34-week commitment for a group of 10-15 individuals. Each

person commits to daily reading of scripture and a two-and-a-half hour group

meeting each week.

Over the course of 34 weeks, participants read over 80% of the Bible

At the group meeting each week participants watch a video of a Biblical

scholar sharing helpful information, focus on a weekly “mark of discipleship”,

discuss the passages read that week, and focus on at least one passage in-

depth. Groups typically become very close and also spend time learning about

each other’s lives and praying for each other.

Disciple “graduates” at First Congregational include: Paul Hunt, Julie Hunt,

Jim Mock, Marilynn Mock, David Wood, Caela Wood (let us know if you

should be added to the list!)


Class for 2016-2017 will begin on August 28th

with an orientation meeting.

Regular class meetings will be Sunday afternoons from 2:30-5:00pm.

To sign up, just see the bulletin board located in Pioneer-Blachly. Those who

are interested or want to know more should plan to attend an Information

Meeting Sunday, Aug. 14 or 21 immediately after worship.

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What People Have Said About Disciple:

“If you have never read the Bible but have felt a nudge to pick it up and read it, DISCIPLE is the

course for you. DISCIPLE offers you enough broad knowledge of the Bible to whet your appetite

to delve more deeply into God’s Word.” Julia Barrett (Houston, Texas)


“One of the great blessings of DISCIPLE Bible study in my life has been the enhancement of my

Sunday morning worship experiences. It has made the preaching more powerful, the prayers more

fruitful, the offering freer, the Scripture more meaningful, and the music more inspiring.”

Mike Hendren (Brentwood, Tennessee)


“Beyond the experience of the actual DISCIPLE Bible study, DISCIPLE graduates have put their

new knowledge and skills to work in many areas. The discipline that results from the commitment

to DISCIPLE really does result in personal transformation. DISCIPLE graduates become more

active members of the Body of Christ . . . . DISCIPLE graduates now chair many of our boards,

committees, commissions, and task forces. They superintend our church school and chair our

work area on education.” Rev. Dr. Rodney Smothers and Annette Knox Bond (Atlanta)


“We discussed and dissected, debated - and sometimes discovered ‘new’ truths in the same-old

stories. The book of Jonah. Wow! God has a wicked sense of humor. Who knew!

Some moments together were simple, profound, miraculous.

Disciple changed us - as a group, and as individuals, we changed. Big-time.

One of us retired after a long and successful career. One of us quit her job to begin life as a

missionary. One of us moved on to a whole new life in another state. One of us was baptized, in

this room, at this fount.

The road was long - 34 weeks long - but in the end, it wasn't long enough.

We had at least three ‘graduation’ parties. We just didn't want it to end.

For me, this friendship was an unexpected and most precious gift of Disciple.

Another unexpected gift took a bit longer to realize. In reading the scriptures for myself -

unfiltered - I gained better knowledge of self, a better understanding of what God is and isn't, at

least in my understanding, and subsequently, a stronger sense of my own identity.”

Vicki Cheatwood (Dallas)

Questions? Contact Julie or Paul Hunt, Sue Zschoche, or Pastor Caela.

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And Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Matthew 19:14 At First Congregational UCC, as Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ, and we welcome the sounds and activity that accompany them. During the month of July, we have created a temporary space for young children to join us in worship. You can read more about The Pray Ground and other options for young children on the back of this flyer. We also understand that it takes a village to raise a child. A few tips for engaging our families with young children include:

Greeting/learning the names of the children who sit near you in worship.

Offering to read or color with one child during worship, especially if another child in the family is especially fussy or upset.

Helping preschoolers and elementary-aged children follow along with the liturgy, locate the hymns, etc. (Children learn to worship by participating!)

Inviting children to serve alongside you in worship as greeters, ushers, etc.

Recognizing that certain conditions or disabilities don’t present physically, and some children (and adults) may make noises or act in ways that seem strange or upsetting, but are perfectly normal for their situation.

Celebrating that God put the wiggle in children, and that children’s “mode of being” in worship is intrinsically more vocal and more physical than that of most adults.

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The Pray Ground The space in the back of the Sanctuary is designed especially for children ages 3-10, recognizing that young children are often more engaged in worship when they can see what’s going on. The Pray Ground has comfortable seating for young children, quiet toys, books, and art supplies to keep them engaged. The rules for The Pray Ground are posted. Caregivers, please guide your children as they learn to follow the rules. Adults are welcome to join the kids on The Pray Ground to help them follow along in worship, play quietly, or simply spend time with our children. The Nursery Children from birth to 3 years of age are always welcome in our nursery, staffed by our childcare staff. The nursery is located upstairs and we ask that you take a Child Information Card with your child on their first visit. You are also welcome to keep children of any age with you in worship, if you’d prefer. We trust our families to work out the best options for them and their child(ren) on any given day. Activity Bags Located just outside the front doors of the Sanctuary and in a basket near The Pray Ground, these bags contain books, crayons, small toys, and other things designed to keep little hands occupied.

Flyer language and concept borrowed with permission

from Grace Lutheran Church in Apple Valley, MN.

You can learn more about their Pray-Ground at

Page 14: Service of the Word 10, 2016  · “Ride in the Chariot” William Henry Smith “Amazing Grace” David Wright, arr., John Newton Revoiced by Pamela Kempton Sermon Rev. Caela Simmons