Sermon Disucssion Guide - Clover...

Sermon Discussion Guide Will I Accept God’s Destiny for Me? “The angel said to Mary, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you!’ Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.” Luke 1:28-29 NIV The quality of our lives is determined by the questions we ask ourselves. The more brave and honest your questions are, the further you will go in life. In this five-lesson series, we’ll examine five people who played major roles in the birth of Jesus. Each of their lives was deeply influenced by how they answered the questions we’ll examine. They are questions we must all answer. Most of the questions we ask in life don’t really matter, but these establish our life’s course. This week we’ll look at Mary, who had to answer the question: will I accept God’s destiny for me? As a background to the lesson, read together the story of Mary’s visitation, from Luke 1:26-38. OPEN YOUR GROUP WITH A PRAYER. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE SELECT THE POINTS YOU WANT TO DISCUSS. WHY GOD’S DESTINY FOR ME IS BEST Mary’s Song: Luke 1:46-55 1. BECAUSE GOD MADE ME FOR HIS PURPOSE! According to Luke 1:46-47, what emotion is Mary expressing in her song and how does this relate to her purpose? What might Mary have been thinking as she was responding to God? Why are we God’s people, according to Psalm 100:3? Who knows best what something is designed for? Why is it sometimes hard to trust your destiny to your Maker?

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Page 1: Sermon Disucssion Guide - Clover…  · Web viewThe quality of our lives is determined by the questions we ... Do you

Sermon Discussion Guide

Will I Accept God’s Destiny for Me?

“The angel said to Mary, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you!’ Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be.” Luke 1:28-29 NIV

The quality of our lives is determined by the questions we ask ourselves. The more brave and honest your questions are, the further you will go in life. In this five-lesson series, we’ll examine five people who played major roles in the birth of Jesus. Each of their lives was deeply influenced by how they answered the questions we’ll examine. They are questions we must all answer. Most of the questions we ask in life don’t really matter, but these establish our life’s course. This week we’ll look at Mary, who had to answer the question: will I accept God’s destiny for me?

As a background to the lesson, read together the story of Mary’s visitation, from Luke 1:26-38. OPEN YOUR GROUP WITH A PRAYER. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE – SELECT THE POINTS YOU WANT TO DISCUSS.

WHY GOD’S DESTINY FOR ME IS BESTMary’s Song: Luke 1:46-55

1. BECAUSE GOD MADE ME FOR HIS PURPOSE! According to Luke 1:46-47, what emotion is Mary expressing in her song and how does this relate to her purpose?

What might Mary have been thinking as she was responding to God?

Why are we God’s people, according to Psalm 100:3? Who knows best what something is designed for? Why is it sometimes hard to trust your destiny to your Maker?

Ministry – You are God’s idea, invention, innovation, and creation. He formed, designed, crafted, constructed and built you for his purpose. Do you know your purpose? If you’re not sure, the best way to find out is through serving. Ask your group members to help you identify the area of ministry that might be best for you.


In Luke 1:48a, what is God mindful of? In order for God to be mindful of us, how do you think he is paying attention to us?

According to 1 Peter 5:7, what are we to give to God and why? How exactly do we “cast” our cares on God?

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In what way does Matthew 10:29 reassure us about God’s care for us? How does it make you feel to know that God has even numbered the hairs of your head?

Worship – Worship is honoring God with your life. Since God notices everything that concerns you, what can you do this week to be more mindful of God?


From Luke: 48b-50, list what Mary declares about God’s character. Faith and obedience are keys to hearing and following God. Describe when God blessed you for being faithful and

obedient. What were the results in your life? How will knowing that what you do on earth will be remembered throughout eternity change the way you live?

Read Deuteronomy 30:19. What proclamation and question does God put forth? Why is it critical to make a “faith commitment” in following God’s plan for our lives?

In James 4:17, what warning are we given? How can we avoid missing what God has planned for us?


Look at Luke 1:50-53. What two kinds of people does God deal with? God resists the proud. Humble yourself. Honor finds you. Discuss why humbling ourselves is so difficult.

Discipleship – True disciples are committed to growing in knowledge of God’s Word. Mary knew the Word, as exemplified by the many portions of Old Testament Scripture woven into her song. How are you going to inspire those around you to “be in the Word” this week?


In Luke 1:54-55, Mary’s declaration demonstrates what beliefs in God? What happens when we acknowledge that God has a destiny planned just for us? What happens to our faith when we make a choice to live out God’s plan for our lives?

According to Isaiah 7:14, what is the sign that the Lord promised to give? This son would be the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham 2000 years before Mary lived. Why does it

sometimes seem that God is taking too long to keep his promises?

Mission – God promised Abraham he would show mercy to him and all his descendants more than 2,000 years before Jesus was born. Two thousand years later, his promise is for us today. His mission for each of us, our destiny, is that we now participate in sharing that promise with others. Think of someone you know who needs to ask themselves about accepting God’s destiny and share what you’ve learned with them this week.

Take a moment to review any assignments/challenges made during the personal application and commitment section of your previous meeting. Seeing God at work in the lives of those who commit to Him is essential for growth.

PERSONAL APPLICATION AND COMMITMENT:“I am the Lord’s servant and I’m willing to accept whatever he wants.” Luke 1:38a

How will you answer the question Mary had to answer? Will you accept God’s destiny for your life? Mary made a faith commitment, knowing full well that no one would understand. After all, she was a very young teenager and a virgin. What is God asking you to do that no one around you is likely to understand? Remember that he made you for his purpose, he cares more about your life than anyone else, accepting his destiny is key to blessing, God honors humility, and God always keeps his promises.

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Because of Mary’s willingness to accept her destiny, Jesus was born. But his birth is not as important to us as his death. Because he came to die for us, we can know his purpose, accept his destiny, and have the hope of heaven. Two symbols of our faith are baptism and communion. If anyone in your group has not yet been baptized and wants to be, consider holding a baptism service right now. Or take communion together. Then discuss how you will answer this lesson’s question: will you accept God’s destiny for your life? Most people say no and they miss it. Don’t miss what God has for you.

Sermon Discussion Guide Leader NotesGoals for this Week’s Study

What’s the dumbest question anyone has ever asked you? Share some examples. Examine the five reasons God’s destiny is best for us. Thank God for designing a destiny for you. Now read together Mary’s Song (Luke 1:45-55) as a prayer.

Preparing to Lead Your Group

PRAY for insight as you begin to prepare for leading your group. Ask for God’s wisdom, that the Holy Spirit will be the teacher and that you will be God’s instrument to lead the group to greater understanding and a willingness to commit to becoming more like God. Prayer should be your primary source of personal preparation for leading your group.

PLAN where you want to take your group in the next 60-90 days. Is your group strong in some areas and weak in others? How can you challenge the members to live more balanced Christian lives? Consider God’s five purposes for the church: Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, Mission and Worship, and make a plan to encourage your group members to growth and commitment in their weak areas.

PONDER YOUR PROGRESS after each session and at the end of a series. Reflect on what went well and what didn’t. Re-evaluation is key to your growth as a leader. Consider whether your plan is being effective in moving the group to greater understanding and commitment. How are you doing with leading the discussion: is it stimulating, challenging, and meaningful? Are you able to keep the group on track? Do you need to make some changes?

Using This Sermon Discussion Guide

This Sermon Discussion Guide is only a tool to aid you in meeting the needs of your group. For most groups there are too many questions to answer in one session together. After considering the needs of your group you may choose one of the following options:

One section of questions; One or two questions from each section

Feel free to adapt the format to meet the needs of your group. If your group is mature and wants to dig deeper, add Scripture and ask suitable questions. Remember that this is only a guide.

The questions relating to the five purposes are helpful to develop balance and spiritual maturity in our lives. You can bring your group to an awareness of their needs in these areas by using these questions as a regular part of each discussion.

Personal application is key to everyone’s growth and should be included in every discussion. When asked how he or she intends to apply a certain principle a group member may say, “I need to spend more time in the Bible and in prayer.” It is important for you to help group members make applications that are more specific and commit to a specific plan of action by asking, for example, “How are you going to begin?” An example is to get up 30 minutes earlier each morning, spending 15 minutes reading the Bible and 10 minutes in prayer. Encourage each group member to be accountable to the group for personal progress at the next meeting.

As the leader your goal is to help bring the group into a stimulating discussion that helps the members recognize their need for personal life change. Ultimately you want them to be willing to commit to change with accountability to the group. Accountability helps us to persevere in our commitments and achieve the blessings of success.

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