SERM0N3 OF THE DAY. DREAT QUESTION.< ANSWKRED BY TIIE GREAT TKV11ER. ONE OF A SERIES OP BI80OOBBM BY THE REV- B. B. TYLKH. THK PAfl-OB OF THU ORVBCH op thk nisc ipi.i>. THe congreeatlon of the Chureh of tbe Dlirlplev ln West FIHy aBrth -t-. llsV*ned witb mrerest and pretit ve*terd>iv morning to tlie ilfth uf a taaflM R tBBBMM nn --Great QaaflBBM Answered bv |hS BfBR Tea.-hcr." p'r*.*ci.ed bv the Kev. h. B. Tyler. Mr. Tylcr la aa energeti,, whole souh-d man. BB well a> an aarBSfl BBd surce*siul j.ast.-r. and hls people an- L-r-atly attaehed t. li'in Hc B tbe s-cretary and ttr-suirr of IM Clcr- rvni-r* OBMMlhtifi R Um BaopRra Maaktffll League, nnd l- pRflflaaR -'* ti.e Bear Vork Ohaalaaajaa I ahnt, tv Masl Rn I- oi arHeh B ln hR eflareh. He ls une ,,'f ihe edito:> of "Tbe ClU-tlM stand*u*l.- tl- ****** «Lnerof ihe nisupies nf Chrtot. pablRhad ls UnRn Li and at the re.'ent gen-ral euiivei.tiun uf th" DR- ,.*^ held ta He. Mulnes. I,- wa- matl- of t!; standing Committee on C_tt*a_Ba Cflton. He is ,,.. . aMBher -I ti," CiBtmBBrr m PR80M ta Ois Blble sucictv, and is a member of U"c Bxeeu £ Saa-ahBfls of lha hatat-M ***** R fMattan llBaaophy, . .Mcr't text yt-terday moramg WM, 1- it mm- H-»trfkaRetoOaaaar Hatt s^-.i-- Hesa.d: Tiie lIerod._4.-ii. pilgl I8BR mm L-roat gBBBflM R Rl Tooiip pt*t*** et ..V.,;.,-. Tuer paipo* ara* B tflrtp .,,. aad --o m* aad* .- Be-ta. ">" "* ******* Hls OM" ,y\.,,>-<t^ I ¦ « ****** to **' \\ZL "iiiTr. *RR ******* ,w,s ***** 'TTt-Raeaaabaa tn- BaradRM b r IM *B**tafl agent* .. .... anwertucal »"d aaae-BMa-a* FhartoBBB. The Yr^r wm a BBUttCBl. the UtUr 9J99 a laltglM* party. ST 4-cre rqaaUi Mpta-R. PR1«* ot*m*mt BU* S M aMaafto iataa ... BB ~U. tt* *m* MBMaehed ,,v ***** am .._... !,"r' *** ,.o.,*h of tru.h in ....... R -aM th-., Iwam **W. ¦¦;.,,. Th"., Bfl BB. BBd t-a.-hett Re IZ tt OSS in ".¦¦itb.-r <'»r"sf ThBB Rt BBJ BBB*, ... .- Om penaa R bbm XUa Has , ,,v i.. thc charaetei *1 Mar: - u, w». ladrwaflrat, rearle** nml iratfcfBl. fl ?w* v- .." bm. B* ira* fr-. tr*** all ...-a. Ke laafle* ot .... ,., aao S*part_ta. et « UR. ".'- .*¦¦. >" ihMBht, parMM 8iteaea *a e-Raet, at ¦ sreatoi dlatance mbi Uu- mRUbb Bcenptod bf U" dt__g8gBe, ahetMf . oi political. loi IMr* ar- both, tban ,. M pcaaant Teaeher-TM Rsadei R R* ChrlRRB . '. oo. ii- «.>. truth Rea aa* . what vav d.d th- PBariaaaa aad _heh aappk im BatMlM* ¦ .._,!. the lam-iil. * ..4-sar: ln thi*. way: Dw B«hre*» aeaRt bad be«B eMqnered H ib* B8BB«a Pal t-Uae, bMb Bary* Baa »i< i-.m. 1 » .epeadaat prart. * R Mm flt-aaa i-'-i- - »nd Re Bbb* -,: Abraha- ¦¦ ":- "' '"v ;' SS .o Oaaaar. R* Mpert. -' ,.,.... '.J ......d. m UU* pamcBlai h LtR wiu. a.. Rtea* aM Rttet hat. d Um i«'«eriu'-r ~r* bv 1- ¦'¦ Tl" NMMiafth. i ¦w.tog'flwHebreweoaMMtweattb u AMBBBB* aa* a Mi '. ** o-R»ter*3 MND *"¦ "' '''"¦ 1;,t' J." °f U" u ,:.. Md the lu:-..- blttemea. MUowtog Re wai di.n.iL- ihe period oi wetaMSRettoa la eai bwb land farlata m ta .plrtl ,-f Ih. partRa la IM ,...,...,:.: Tbew aa* at lhal Bomeaa, m thc p tbe people.) ***** ot a bsfly eeo- «lgn, and Jbbb* bbs, dtuRg IMa* Mya, IBOBf UC ..'«- 'I-.' e ,i . dara aad aagiy, bM day bg day lh..jr , more iBraal ataa a.,.- v». 9 a< i. itto I. t '-".¦ waa r aehR B._ i- B_aa, b b ;..- reatral Bgare, mbm lo lii. doara. in a R R a* "'' ta -- .". a walRBrtnr. A S,KlU"l'I.bV l.AlD nup, Th" ajaaottaa aai ¦*,:'1 PBBBBBB**. It ni'i-t bc bmwi red, i Je8u* aaaal M\ that lt :- fBl B glV. BlhSt* I* BBBM, or II" BMBl mv that lt is n.i... Tn wae aapBraBtly BP* "**4" .'i; *M R r BBflB -ll'-nt iii an is-ii. wool !-- i-Ibbw* i' ¦¦ -"¦ **y* **t II M u. pay .rtl .ai bb aaa a: wlll t.r tmt lallglin- bM polil . waa I* Bm daaeaad- Abraha~ Th. Stmt arUl b* told that B H ptBt* aed im .-.i"ii.v i,f t)l, H .. IB. This v ill BXClt* .... im tnaR "f IM ieme. Bat ntppa* uiat B-.lara* awlnst BM lawfulu.-. of paj-inv irllitte to ¦i ¦.¦ upi,.., ,..;. ii. bb h aa ereat, bc la IM Ba_M oflirmls. Ben, th" PMrl.I bM B**B8-*ni would *ay. h. B*B* BBBt; a man B_M BB thlng rn. oiiraL-.-s dBBBlMIBrtUn MBOM UM ptBOpR; ¦ BBBB BhtBM go, t;;,,. t .,.1- 'u '"' .* dtatoyal Md San. Bvro«t li, *ayi Ihatgl I* aol lawfB] la pay Rj '*" BR ., ernrocnt \ ttraeg appeal agB-M< :.| Md* to Bibm if ll" bad ghren a au.».i |8 RC MlBltiy fraincd q'-i'-stion ptOpOBBSCd WlR fvil intent by *'''. h* ,,..- of t:o l.i"-:.>:.- Bf Ihl* v tfil* tfal patBOB aafl-fl"B. n.'.i'd n"i tnat any IfJ et bbb ta B* Bb**» bMI *ra* la M." IW* BBawledg* fl mt maa-atcd aa I Bhd la Um ready al **bb* to thr gaRtlBI ...:.-.r:..i:- MM PByBMBt Bl tnl.ut,-. Tlo Uiliili ie whaa- a* ar* chl By Rdebted for thl* Incldent il, Ui. il.'' ".' .** BB4 BMB tolll Bl 18.I IM ¦ Bfl** Bl JBBB* -ujok ,oun>,'i Ma tii'.> aflghl MfeaagB bM B bl* ta:., »nd RR ".'.."¦¦ pereelwd R«li Blchedne** aa* **i«i. \\*T.v t.-npt r ¦* T* hypaaRRBr BB BB**rei bb* af each a BbBiaeM Rat "Shay aoarveBaal aad kft Bta, aad wmt Ih. b < B.Bl v B* th" BBBa 11 RB asK"d for a pic,:,' of BMCy, whieb vhaa Bi raeetved. He «.id: "WM B thi,. Man* «nd BBpa*BiiliRaBl Ihej *ay MR Blat, ( Ba8ar*B. Ihaa m-i ¦« aata *M*b, B«ad*t, tii,-r-f.i.. aat* Oacaa* IM BMi «hirh ar,- Oaaaar^, and MR uod thc thiucs Ta* mB-M of .1,-1..-. aaaaai 1 ROa* Ba did not bbbM pmtk a .. di R Bm (juemoii aa his aata bBR rapyaaai fla BMI pn*. Ti...-' wa* only aae Ihlag ta flua do. aad mm IMy dR-'-flMy BR Bta and btmI IMIi «»y- plalaly thr yaaag mi ir l'roph.-t of Galflee-teBeM* th.t Bh i.i'i- *»». "¦HBBBg ut Mm BtMa Bc IcaeM*, UT ond a doubt, RR clMl lawn are M> Ih- aMyad. that IM 6U.U- ls Ui R MBtpMBR. »"<» that Chl-MBB* ought to be a hiip aad no. a RRBm R Baad ga«aiBBnaat THt RULAT10S OP OHBIBXIABI TO CIVJL AfVAXBfl. Thl* brinp* M to a bntf caaaatatB.BB nf thc rclation of ChrRBBM to ."ivii Bflatra. To Bhe wm I RRRu -Raa* m ti.,- alttaat* BBlaatlty, BR w**dl i- BaaL Pia_ it thf. bm R "<> aaajnat BB eaaflael 4va» alway* riaha. -I,. itf, «>* hui,, .;."- H" uid no bR. ObIB wa» pot foond n. his waafla, BB wlmtmrn m BBcqaall**, RB rood'if.* B BaaaaBtRaa* aM BafasBBBaahR. j.-sus lov.-d Hls Btaflta MR-4M BM (I HR birth. He Raa* nflh * peeBlRr RHRlaa, BB bbb paaeR BM H8B1* with ahaat ii- ».*> a-aetty c*bb»Rb* by Ra Ue* of, and Wu«d. He wept a* Be l<jui.*-d oft IM doo..._ ,-aultai fl R* BSBMB CBMMBWaaBh, and IhBBghl of tlu- LM>u*ni of flre ar.d bio.Kl throug* BhRb B woaR Pttet* irs ,«*s on bccobM et Ui. eaetMdtog .rlca la *. peapla. Ia Hmb* taaUafi aad imIMbbB h- t paBRMR an baBataaa. XM tta ChRaaBa to, aM mtm ,,,. a uatr.ot. n r, ,.,,,* in the minds of the hyiio-rit<-. when thoy mmfk BRhM Oaa wflfl RB gaaattoa aboal im pmrmtml fl Ra« oaaat bj wMa Maaa araa aa trlal ta Bto ni' Mtar* Pilau- a«d Haas* H. aa* aatad R IM laiMB if Ba aRRMd R ** ¦ bktfl. ¦" *** * * ** u - low To un* laqalq H* bbb** ¦«-** a fej Ir,. K...-.-u. Ctow*-M8 araa ea^alled to aay Ral B foui.d ."-,o:au:t" R Bta. BMJ BM mR pRRly RMRe that tfa was a BRg, that H- was MtB to MR, but BM Ba mbm B-ma b*b t.y BaaaRg anflBaaa m u.- t.uth aiid that BB ktosRBM BM no". of tii.s world: that U BB BB8JSMB t-ta a 4.o.-n:iy JRtdM HR ******** w"1"11 MM t. Mm Bta trom con.l.,..' RR Ra baa** fl BB ¦mbHbb. PBM -bmbh B hflra eanaRty aaflRaaaR Ra -taoaer m Bto peaaeaea Ha ******** M fom,d -no fauif .., Jaaaa Tha bbRRb a.BBra, aawc-er M aaaaa Raa TUmttr'a psaaaa of »"*- *" ¦*" iUn,.d BM Bair. aaa aiw I* IM torartotad papatoM __«<1 on bv Bl and psflttoR dBBBgBBBBBi ile Mgfcl B* **M "... S*aM oi. BM "".. a- a > ¦<.. < .TMa J. m* be* eartato R bta dtaclpto* to ke apootl -. and v-j, ii - M»R Prtaeh. taMahaatthBl ..Jr v,. .1 to your word... Rl - MR l-ani Bpak. Bl RbmsB bM R bfl 8>B*ak8aa a. aatbaBaa- Sbbb- BBRtotae* ptatlpatMtRry-R Ra Chrta. Ha wid. ior lhal M mai ¦' *"' "' ' ***** IBaaMa no« u. IM laaaasad taaehRa ol RB aaa aM ., Ul... ,..-, m nnd Ra RaaflR fl ¦.-..- ¦* to aa*aaa_-R aa* R M rRMBM or CBiIiIIbbi to BR BBbR carri>d BM mtm lui.y. la tii- aaliUcaR eMMc* of Mm Kplilli to Hm Baaaaaa, th. ,.,__ r,.;, af MR flRR. ¦<-, a.aR-rat aaaa BaattB. m Ba*. B bbMbb R a. tn- BflBRta R Oa* M OM** BflBtoaar. ... bsam Ra aaraR Ba BR paahflwaal ot eflHaapa aud ior ua pasasRRa R aeR smb. IHaate. M ar.- U-.'i-_i»t. 1. t< 1^- I". to bhB, anU BMdj fl¦¦. :. 81 fl aaflflRa* a* to BR acnsBaaBflRRB oi EMay. Bha ¦ BBBt to Bfl BM u- an tammt, BBd R > BtRtfln of (.od. Bad. tor in.ui- 9, «- Bl lold. h. ld the rljilil hand vi t-T,,:.-!, it ,- 1. UiOl.Sll ).' '¦.¦ '.«- "(j. u.*d l-Jl-s I,- lor>- bta. Ji', MBfe. of < ina* as BB - uii that le- »liould utrtorn, Hi. pipakurr. Cyrus wa- th. aaaBBSR of Mm Lo.-u. B Bfl BaBaaaar of isaiah u creaibi.-. aid l RBaM that it ta. BTBaa »o RRBBBM a ir,*.. *s B8M BM 88 Hfl U.rone, on^ of our IM*** B-BBB aaasaaaaflaBMa ,'Xhort^I ChrlsUa... to pr*.v foi l.lm and for all R autliorlty, U on*- of ti,- La.u.1- rumil>*. U.4- ii.J.l»U*r of the ciMDel .* Uj.'I uui Z ^-opi.- m nand to ba aahRR R BRaRjafll BBBBBB u, oh-r nastatrau*. u, b< Bta** lo Btatfl aao* "SaflB MM ntSR ->"¦* saaalnR pe«p" M"),7*.. JT^TsV-B BBSflBR RBSfl M iRRRRBfl - CKd on e»rth. -xherU-d tho*e whom he dosctlbed a 'the iv,.,,;.- (,r ..od" to --honor th.- K'.np" Bt BB. BBBB . Uo to '-*iilHiilt to **\-*ry ordln»n<-o of m»n lor th Ca**** *ake, wh.-th.-r It lx- lo th.- K.g B* BBgaBBB, BB unt.i covern.-r*., a* unto th.-m Uiat ar..- sent bj Him for the of B.MaaBB and fnr the prul.e of them that do well." THRI'.l DXTnri INSTITFTIONS. There are thre.- divini- instltutlons among m^n.the faii.lly, th. OBBBBB, tli. S-al<-. IhSH ar. ..f BBBBM, tlme* »nd clKtimfUnr*.* aBSB sbe*.aaa u> aha Km- m Bm flhraaaai <»..uici in- t: at*">n t.. f.od. Th.-re »re tlni..* al... BBBfl BM BBB* BBBBbM BlhlhBBd by x r-hellion .inn-»t 9*0*9 e.-.l .*1a**tli*l »U|H-rlors. There aro occaslori*. t"0, BlMB th- volre of .... * father BBBt Ix- BBB*. -rardrd. MB h BBBMB, BBBh BBMBBB, ln.*A'V.r ?.¦. ,-\ ptloual. Tht- BBBbBBBB.Bl authoriti-*. BB ln*tane-. ln *ie »m.-l .t .*__ ..f .l.-rusaVm, arralcn.-d nw. ef ******* r-pr-»-iitnt;ra dl-elplis i..r t.-lilna. in piihliI aod *>-. Uie rtory <.f the.- Maaaar, aad pereuat.g aaa to bahwra on hu¦ ¦« the S..11 of <;«!, and comm.ldt-d U..-n. to d.-l-t. Th.-,r reply wBB: "We ought la atug O* ***** maa." Of thl. hirfi-i i.v.- and ite SBBBBltaBI IbeTS ** not tlm. now t. Hp.-ak. What ar- some of our daBMB to-day a* Ctotattaa rr..-n a* an aaaBaa te errg aBBbal i»" yau doubt what tln- poiiltiuii of BM n.i of BB***** would be if ba ****** in peiaaa i.i baa eBj M Baw.TerBI Can raa for » ***** -i.U-rtain a doiil.i Bl to BM MMB. tha-t W«_* b>- pBTSBad I'V s.ih of llls friend* as wett Paul, and i'es-r. and laba Tln- word* el *****.-. at.d af tl,-.- BMB BBTS .I. UBBlUllld. Th.-lr BMBBlBg Ik- ebvtsBa to ail aaa Chriotians mu.t b.- ot^-rt.. i.: la bha laBjaaraaaaa. of tba St:.-.' ui BB BBBBB iu whtab .ap ll" li,>l ********* wlth **" etaarl] r-v*ai.d wlU el '-od ObrlaaiBBa ..upi.t to hav. surh an int.-r.~t in ai.d IW. h a «yni|*tthy wlth rivU aflair* .like iu <ity, a_aa :md BsUaa, a- ta be BhM to paajr daily l.r all * autl.orir BB* ** "*»y l*ad ijulet and paeaeabla Irraa la all bbb_mm o* basBMj, Tuis a aa* p*.Ues.H k 9 part >.f Ba rrlbTtsa of Jeeua. <'hri-tun* eagbl ss ajral Bad art la baraaay witli ti,-;* in-ay-r*. II BBM M BtWJ n: rbBICb f'.r BM d.-feat i.f BBd BBM m BBtbSrllT ln th.- .-ond.Mt of iuui.m Ipal irhlle n*. aBan l* aaahi '.. bbtbm abau aataat, it i* MasghaaMsa m pleai pbaaa ta pray for p..r.- gs««a- m'-i.t in Bm baaaa al tb baM aa B* awa baig day .d darlag Bm wet* mal ipeeehM ^. le-haif af and v.u- h.r a. i.:-i.tu.n of kjwwa t*x**4r*i* and vlilain* i.i aB CbrlaBaaa eogbt ta glv* ***** toaaeaea ta errrjr nauet poaatbta * totm ot aa bsaaB ....<i |aa bb_IbIbBbB.b "f ;*.:.>¦¦.. iii th- iniiMBBirj la «*!¦ h **_ ret**. Ta da BilBni i* t<, tara ever Bmm taMicata la tad bmb. II ta ha tbla v.-ry raasoa B_I bbera B Bl M. preaaal t.n.e sach aa rsraeet Md (astrj ladlgBaat aalcrj aa .itv iiiriinaiaal CbrtatBa aea bave aag.eled bha btgh sad botp da.ea aad tati -¦.- W_aglag la e_*ai«hlp, ll i* _M ihai Bmm bw 80,000 bmb ui Bew-Terk, gsad ¦aa, too, wbo babttaally ai..>.. Um bm_**m frt_ Bm peU.B I.waa ou .l.-ctii.n Bar*. lh'* ttaag, mj breikren, aagbt a... m M be. i '«v:i refrrt «eee*_gly to i.-um that bbjt ¦nabii ..f u.i* rhar ".'." :- eal.ted t.. <i<. *a aeglect* ¦_,, eaal i \.i, .. d raaadag ta favor of ibs caadlda e* adMgs »:.¦. ;...ii. Baa al* pelal ef rlaw, praaB.a an ba. ¦oubmui in Ibe a. :! of abrte aifair*. «... t.. Ibe potla aad role u rrtlgleaaljr as you * tba am um. .1. ta ptoee to-day. There ;.r.- perfli sbeal m tareaBBBlag tl.e prosperity, not Ui siv th.- |>.rpetiilty. of our BepahUe. ta BBdaM lO*< ,,a. ;tni| ,,. -!::iu m^n 0UL'..t U< b. ... tbe f....... Tbrj oarbl t* -.¦"- ***.'<*.' uMtler*. Bsbm perBa t.. whlcfe we **. nga*rd ar- __lgiat.b ii- th. Itaooi y"i':. eeofealed araatlb, eo_btnstloo* -,,:,- ef latM.r. nn-jt ul--, eampt mu- atelpallUca, el le. la all af tbcai Ibtaugs, aad ¦ Ibe.aad otban ef -. .r-iy haTrrtof tatp..aee, leaaa ra* qalre* j i». _*elgle*. for tke H""<1 af Ibe adMla peegla, Be .¦ut- itai:. ai.d n,:.:i:i.-i ¦* praeUeal eaaee., Bat ¦ awa e. uu t -how bl* tateraet ta Bbeee aiaftrri for pood *rke ,_.... | ,,, th . IboagBt, aml "ho. when BM .,;,. is ai ever. rettag-^laea Ibe ag- porti.nitv i- p.-*. nt-<: :-: m lecltaea t.. cxpr.** bg th, M tatellIgaal u..d bmMbm eornic- Uon* against Ibe irroac and ta favoi i.f the rlcl.t. \\'i*J _, N. ,,;,. t, before bm, m ;> .'iiristian n,»i,, i._ ., , rtar, taal bilattaa pelptt, i imd it diffl- ,.,llt, ,., ,..¦., tbal rar* bm* bowerei o.-d Bbelr laaoeeat oftbe .-vii* sa..< wiii.-h at tbe ornaent .. proMst .- made l.y tha best aseo and wobmb ta Un- clty of S. :. nuin- e_el tas ef geaoa. L-t ii* be Cbrl.lani Le faet, and not raeretr ta fona. L-t u Ih* Cbrie..« on iiacUaa Bara, as aa tb. b_3 Lord'* J.ay. I_et ... ir plet. M manlfrrttrl at tbe pcO* a- arell ..* al bm ptar«r*a .""* *Nlil we nn.eoil ear bol? >... llgtan ta Bll bb aad - ran Bm approral and baaedlcUca of th- » -f Bm Be*y-erea our Lord Jeeaa thri-t. FRGED TO VOTE POB UPRrOHT MF.X. Tin: BEV DR. .i"*i l'H i i.a*:it. BCOB.B TAM* M .fT r.FKK.'TlVKLT. Ti.e nev. Dr. .lo-i.ii 3. Lami>e Breaebed a ti.r.ucln- fn] .-md ii,-i-n. nv- aenaen M Chrlal Prasbg-ffaa . .'.r.-'i. ITtV.M West Thlrtvlffh-'-t-. >"¦' Ibe snbject: "Tbe l>uty ot Votlng for Uprighl Men.'' Hi* i»\T wns. uMtatorer, thou ihall gror_e all tbe people bmb, ¦¦ u toai Ood; bmb ol hatli | .-ov-toii-...--. ani place s.a*h .n-,-r .ii.-..! to be ralen M IhooBand aad ml-r- ..r hondreia, rntora oi Bftlei and mM i <-f lena." Dr. I.mpe aaM la part: "We beBeve tbal gorei.bmbt li f. unded oa the aulaorltv "f Oo*. and the powen I ..-¦; ba are ordalned ot Ood "nr t- i* what -,.ri of power* <¦..<: wouM ordaln ll Hli vviii v.,-,-) followed in :his matter, and tberefore, bg eompartng oar rutora wiin t'u l»ivine ]>;itt'-r:i, v.- rus; hnow j how an appr. - bare made to i.odv plan. We all feel that men ptasi Ing those o-_dltle* BBmcd in tbe b_1 ougbl to be our rutora, and wben thej are we --hall bave an admlnUtratlon of pablh airair- whieb will re*ult m wMeapread bl¦..- iin.-. eoatforl am, prosperity to the peopto. ii- BOW pro.-ed t> ci.nti a-' «i:li t'.K fhe ar^i'.i ebaraetsr of oar muidclpal offlceis, tbe bmb arbo gorern ».ir eity. Have thej any of tbe gnaUflea- ti'.ns whlch I'.xi Bm prescrlhed lor offleer* tt Qoi eniment.' Are tbe] Bble in-n The ir-fh. I-:i. y wtth viii.-ii ii,.-,- dlarbarge He-.r datbe deddedly Boswers .\..:' Ar<- ti.ev in-:. of until. sncti bi tear God 1 People would la.i^-li a: v.iu lf vou aflirmed it. D.» they I.te eovatonsnes* a'.d srorn t.. aaa* brlbea i; yon should BBBB h,nt a! tl,- pOBBlblllty of MKh B v irtu0, it WOBld l.e toOBBi upon bi BB attoinpt a, BU*. Bsm. A publie ..p-..iai Lnve.btatlon ha- ibown beyond all contra dl. tion that ..,1. f;nr city ls fWCrued by a si-l of i.i-'i banirtl togetber for the ibaple porp .*¦. of _M_aglng llif people of all they ean lay tbelr hand-. on. They an- not n. Ibe MaM eoaeeraad abaal au booaal ud- BBtaMtvattoB of the afTalrs of tbe city: tbal is niere bv plav, bi:t BBCh one r_I with the other- ln a paBig att--:iii., L. C-; I.;- Il-t.* a.- a* BOBBlbM ln. Ibe pui.lir erib, There i- bb era_ng the dlagraceful fa-t that oar etty ta taiaaly Baier tba eoatrol of a irant; of aagrtaetpled rllbiln*. tMeves, thngs, i....*.iier.-, i.r:i». tniv.-r^. gamblen aad beepen of bro heM ani .-.. Their rliai.u le ha- b<*en ui,errl;i--!v ; botograpbed iu Uie pablM preas. it i- ao aeeral, Bverybody hnowa it, ami tbe n.--n UMBBMlvea bave abao.|ely .... reply ut BB_. t" the (laina^iin; Indlctment Tbelr itnbborn ¦Uence ta equlvalenl i" .. coalaaaton tbal the Inl. -id t.i their . harge ar-- tni-. "i.b at tbe royal aaa axpeodad by ih.-m f..r the adiiiini-tiativc porposea of tba .ity aad the eaormoui Imreaie ta 'ho d<-bt of the <ity. what beeo_ea of all thia mon.-.v . A pivnt BBD i- d-vut-d (or ch.B* Ing thi Baetoi aaeagh to pvt ua tbe eMaaatt clty i: tba v .*ii.i. l.ut only ta* itreeta are k;-pt in anj *ort of iaeeat ihaiiUneaa Bnoagh bmb ar*-. aaaatoyad an.l paM tor th* *NB.i bu. H ta BOt don-. An E.\- ..-.. OmmUtrnti has been createi t.i restrld tbe llquor t.-.ifln to make it a* dcent snd liarm_ts*a aa posalble. Tbaae eoaualaa.aeta, wlth their at;.-i.daiib*. recelrs bmb ibaa gBBfbOO a year, and pal aboal ai; tbej do i- to ^hieid unlavvfni llquor iflBMrs BBi erbntaaB aud la Uecp IhaniiMvea m osVe. if a ba.i boaite should lie opened ln yoar iMlfhbafBOOd, go* BXmM i.i.d tbeae oMoan ta your waj if yoo eaBearorad to hav..- tha nui-aii'.- Bhated. Thej aeeea t" Ibtah that they were elerted to erin,;aak ii tl.Ir aetartoni -. Tbe poin- eearti turalsh aaoihar Inata re of the flapr.ii.t w.i-t- of bmne. and ::. .- | v-r-ion ol ofh'ial power. Nov.. this gang of raecal* :- iipiKstiiin; agata t" the people fm .. (artber tenure ol oface, and we i."' i¦. determice whetber th,- iii- BTaeerai ttaaa ><f things ta t.. be cootlnned for another .nn of tw., veur-. ¦Th.-v ii,-n bnae Ibelr hope* of eoattnaBd i«.«er noon th- aM wbtoh they wlll re dre lr-.m th«d \_not iiitere*t. .<i>l trooi au tbe rUe habltue* of bretheb* and gambling bouse«. n __* a renuu-l.ble fn.-t thal about all lhe .irlun* elemenU ..f ..... .in are banded togetber wltb these polltkaJ t>i ;,nd that tbeae elesnents are belidng them and ma... t«< contbme ... power. What if Uu ... ceed. sn.h a BMladmtaisiraUon <.f ailuii*- w,n a<id «iev4.arj t-. the burdeii* ..f Ute ptrnle. uol oab to U;,s-i. _xpayer*, l.ut partieolart] t.. tbe great body of wurklng peopte. -Tiie iii-i- robber. of tbe publb fund* i.- no. tn.- wi,r*t of tbe evlta, bnt tbe moral rontagb. witi. whiih ti iii- tbe eity, Bnking U oae va-t Brnal pe*Vbon*e. Think vvh.ii ;,., exMupli Ii s.-i i*io,-»- our yo_is men Wben ib* liUhaat an-: i. » ofhee tn our manlclpaiitv th<- rewardi .<f brlbery ami rarraiaton. The »-i.,.i ¦aad of the i.our i- tbat tbe rlUaoi sboald permll hli ..ii-' i-i"'- to <. ]¦...-- it«*"lf ... ll" n.aflvr uf vi.iim;. Tbe pulpH bo* ample reaeon Bar uj. trdi qae Uon Poople who never go to ehareh an.l bqnor rt,-.|o.-s an- l.oldinp np tbelr haads i.. holj borrur, be- rstue a* tbej *ay, mlnl* :- nre brlnidux * reprotwh ,,ii reUl "f P°litlc». ,,f their -jH-nk-r- aa ex-Tongre**...i, -hi.I ttd week -, pi.i.i" speecb, The .- whether tbe govara ilifiit <>f thi* .all be given ..v.-r i, me nurrow-chested. narruw mlnded, lonc-earad. halred nlneompoop* who sit lai the .!..:¦.'- Thl* i,i*,ilt »nd .i ehaltenfe, Oik thlog. li rertaln: if Muirrh-BAilna l«'opl'- ..l.t..m .oiitnd of lhe clty Koverii- 11-1,1 '.V'- *¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ **..'¦¦ " i4'' * "'" -fhe pulplt iu day* gone bj ha* ....t been almid t., nx-ak lilainlv al-'.it wlcke.-.**.* in lilpli plnr«-s. and _a Tiurltv and pn«.i»erli.v of our r iimirv are tarnely S Vu, i?..s ton- H*g_B*. **'" iHMstlon at l*s.e ta . t one of parU*-«i. polities Wltli thl* th- pulplt hu» nothtag S do. lt - » A<»*> efl^1 <". Mta part of both BaaahBeana and DaaMataR to aaaiHuaar a <-"r~'Pt gmrernnent. Then: nothina wbich i.pponi'*. the^ .¦¦*¦ Bfl - ...h as tha aatrld rottcni.e-... whlrh <"'r*''?"a lhe cuv.nim.'iit ol t&a elty fmn, top «. betRf. .'"" lt 1* tharefnre must aertalnh thc <lut\ ot al «*..*« clttoen* i. vote for oprlght men to tal;e th-' I";|,' ..' uf the pte-BH ean.:. Wc ail sxpcci tM v" " ¦ i" rats R Baal w ea tatt Tue-Ray: wny aflfl .*> " cxpect tliat all th<- cood wm aN-, voR '"' THF. TJUUMPH OFTHE I.F.AC.l'F- T.-MMAXV*. :,: VHkATXOfl A UOfl OP H-"-5* AP PROACHIXC, D0WB7AIX. T!ie P.rv. Thomas Dixon, Jr. -poke at ASSBStStRR Hall yc-lerday morniti-j ea .. T!:e Triumph R .'"' Muniiipal l.t-gnc." Ile pumted out tb" ce«s f.r lha I'nion tRkat, and tho BaaaaMM indica- B.M .. Tamniaiiy*. desperation. He sa.d Th- BjmI .!.. fl .". .-¦ b*taB*B MM laatM of eifla* »nd aampflaa, psnaaMtad by lawaaay Ball, bM BR ****. ,.. flew.Tatb la bbb apaa aa Thani. Ba*. ut bM th* By* (Ma*a* fl MM M*tI*pBU* ar-' up ln arm- and >_--r for lha. 8VMflBl fray. 1'jmm. th, taaa* p\ t>,at ila.v bRflaa the d**« tlny of tli< tmmttt ity of .Jie Bea World. Th. laaac ta fla Ob bm hand stand Rs bo*t* "' the ti?,t. Th- v ara aaBa* Om mientT HRaght BRflB aat* raataaflbM taaaala ..r Mm baaa*.ab* aaaey Ma They hrar It -iiicl" I" tho rlty tr-a-ury. lt fkafUm in ***U aekaR. They aHl co down in Om Bal dBeb BgMBag trttk th<- dBBpetato Mpt BM tmn bmj baai MM »w*R ¦bR* ***** two pcata Bager. Ihey bi* Bd by :, BBtf-etB-BeaR trtmt* aal, win, tobix-d Mm aaawfl.ata 4-.h. fell toto bto elntcb** af 9B1 0 '." darlas aa* yew *f bta MMBtotrattoB BR ":" On Uie other hand .land th, loyai pCBfR af S-wYork- tho*.- w!,o lo\. ti.i. .-|t.4 fBt Its own Hha BM blu»h at itf dbgraee, who Mr* baaaed UmbmRt. lageflMi B - MBpai IR r*». ¦. ;. ' m Mm elM be* of Hm beata RR bm wtatp* and Blabto* to palaea* bafll by Rc eBUaa Bflfl* ,: ¦ me* paaaR efly. .\n,i ta th.s dtolac u«b uiey *s* bm Bxpcel r- wai.i *t Bavar, IM asR i*> OMglrca. II h ¦" Un' na.. .. o.' OM -ui'i BBB, n.nd" !n Hls bB8SJ* Trmrg .:.-".! bo* pBlato to ih,- wiptag tHtaapb of thi* :. mi aflatt ta Ba patlBaaflBB and Mlrattaa BMUaaRto, "... aa RaaRII R TMibmbi Ball in uie B.perato taaaaei in arhleb Ray aie r IM -TT-'r* Tke ***ih r af bald Ita told i>-1 Maale u the ear* *yvRaa- tt tta .,. *terte* tt ¦ to*l cbb* titud,' of wfclalas raaeera rtllgtoa which MMeeMcd Ita fll-t bui**'. ,,; ridi.ul- for fllfBl* In pollfle* BBB, B.RR ti" _____ i, beea Maged to OM fl IM ttk eal al,,.-" of r.'llplon and of th** BflatotoB* R ,'"d *! dar.-il |* defy th<- di*4 il ln Hfl* S8 fl i.N lat...- -)-"¦.ii.-. eekraa th,- aaVtol bibR bb* ladfatlMii. layB, aeeatdRg to "TM Baw-Tara ¦aa' ..ti,- aflatotce* aM ar MPP**1 "' ** ri ¦ ***** Uxr"t'"' is ¦ -r.y-'r* tt aerainy ipflfl rto*. R< beUerc tha: tbe latdtlgcaei B to M (otnfl Ln in im aalpfl aM la IM aanaa ibaatM, Barrow.*.aded. lony-balrcd ntecompaBp* «ta M beRr* th***. Rrt .*..' * ,,.,.. ia ael -.. II '--,':--. bt* baaa Mtter, \\i,..n. Bm g*flfl atob to Rttey MMP Br*t ni»k^ mad. I bbR* »t la.t. *a de->p.'rat" i- th*- hour. ata ti," BB*l*gai*M beate B all bta Bere* ijriit.iiity th- sr «b eaeay al paaea and pBttty, baaM aM Oa*, baaadi rartb witk gla. b aad aRrptaa* aRw* bsltta .mt" death Tl,.- Se*p*l8l 'A(!*'" manif.'-t-d ln tho fart that th- bta~M Mra *baad.Md laeal baaat and ¦. _aa...j* hoars-. ityRg to em ady that Rey twABy ia t*a****Bl flattoaal Da.«.*_¦ R ¦'¦ aay Bhey for Ihey Mt* andeHaBaa ;. hRculasn Rb. ThouKh th..'. *MBl aiM *ere**B :,..d w!,....|, li.itil rl..'il of tini". th.v v,ii aiiiii aintind ir, cbbtR«lagaayflajRIeittad ana aM ha- a RaR Rg ratlBgb to rattl^ ln a Uilr.ib,'*. »nd wh,, y,-t n.,\. s ,,ut-ld- of a laiiatic asyluni. that IM] B ¦g except IM BitattM af u.- vbRbm m i^.uti,-.. Th.- Btaaapt to appeal to th.* pr..judi^o« .t th.- _MB*aaia .1,-rn .-o-n ii,-ii ..ho UM ln flSW-Tatfc by RB tri.K la simjily toataBiptlhlr. tM fl an taaafl t*< erery BaadMia bbm ia IhB elty. M a rato, R* .S(,utt,.,":i peepl. aM Mv* Ufl thn- far N..rt.h kBOa bBB t. r,-:ul and wrlt*-. Tl.--- Mt* nttblng to cmbbmo attfc RB gaag ¦ M rnle Mm etty through Igaoraaee, 4..-.-. MspRMy aM ertae. T* Reet, aweraey has erer mmmt bat aai Ring, IM woaitii -.i'm.-. jmiit, and toleUlsaae* of th- emtmmnttj banded eBMBto pBtaaalfled to TBiBhany Ball B Befl'Tork. . bora eltttea, Ral1**" *t ****** B°°* ,,:,,]. ..' ii;v toll BBttTC i.ind, 1 upMlBl* « l* ¦ ¦ :<n,: todlgnaUae *-'¦" "-"" Baadei bapltad la ld.tttfylas Iheaa tnu-'s "Ith the h,,i,,,r and Int-ciity ,.f tli- >-utli. Tli- eflortt XBauBMy B bow BHktag, *BlkfBg urni-i IM .._-'..'... RU," to reaeb Uiis elnaent, todlcgtr* that Mmn 1,.i- I.B little Bltogtlag of tl. BMB «Itli th.' I.rav. .,f ti,,- flfigaaa MtetRBie. lal Hicnt, ButilMin n.-n Baea tha-. naaaaaay i^s bhmc Mmb bbb* baea 'i.-lr .inda- [aearlfl in '.li- bBB* R National trlal. TMy know that Tammany tperattoo to >'. al Mm only Dcbm Bl itoe* R* **ai. ai,,l is to-day hl« liltu*r> st to*. Thi-y know that Tammany Hall ha_. d*B* MOt* t.> danm IM eaaac of D Bweaae] ta Mm \..rth, in th- eyaa of th^ d^c^nt i..,---- than all other CBtUCB t.MBCfl, lt, taflCB RB |, .,|,h-f. to 1018888 th- EBCt that tli" DaBMQBUC l>:.rtv r-u, n-4'-i bap* toi rett iiubcbb anfll it "<!.:< tt* baaflb nor- tot all of tho+r* rransr. of fr»'»*N>«t.'r*, »ho ot^al an hlatorl,* nan-, and RaeaR Rl* m:._*k mmmlt buTclary. TM '-'¦''.m|,', *f Ra faagB* trtU m^an an hon-«*.t. rapaM- man In IM CBy BaU, v. bo 4*111 know how to r-nd and a rB wh. "ill ba al'l" to ol.uin ra|Hd tninelt for tht- Itv. and falth in Mm honor and teteg .> i \:.-k Clty** saf rnni-nt in u,- iiiiio!* R th- paaaR >¦' thls Nat'-n. It Tii! BM8B the ina':'."ira!j,.i nf a iumv ,-ra btatory fl Hm ''... la trbkb laa alll bc te*pe*ta* ertae paatahed, Um elty eleaaR snd mad^ h^althr and beantiful. Let every mnr, whn tore* th- rlty. w{m torc* bta hon,". ni-n. wh,. toTC* R* Q**. SlTC 'h- f-lll aretabt R hls TBti tM aambood aa a*-R T.n*d*j tin- -BBjertty af tta ' Mm PeapR'i Haalelpal I...,-.'.-, and Mrj l«'i'-ath an BTBlBBrM IM BaU that now lUlCBCC for th- clty and tln- RattoB. THF. I8SUE OF THIS CAMPAIGS. PBOIXS80R P.SUZ IDXtEB DI PIBBB IT TO a LABOE Miur.v i: 4T OHK KERIBG BALL, Chickorini: Ilall w;is nt-nin rrawflM vest.-rdiy mnrn- iti-'. when Profeaaor FeUl Adler deli\ere<l bl* -«*. <>;nl afldna* "ii iii" leeue* "f th<- Baalelpa] CaaapalgB.1 XotwltMtaoalag Ihe taet tliat the pr,,fess,,r d*.pr",'«.t.'s any manif.-tafnn, of applMM :it IM BMB*HngB ,>f HM ot Ethlcal Calture, tiier,- .ra- hearty applan-e. ai -e4"r:il rhma-te* of hla ..ddre-s yeaRrflay, ln liis previoM addre** Profe**or \<iier d.'itit with tii** lauae* ;,i ..ii.ii whlrh the People'* Municipal Leagae movemcnl I* baae*. Veaterday ta dBexpse* \\\f ;,:-e-,'!it refOt. nn.'. "tii'Tit *- a lo-'.-s-itv f,,r 'afety und utegllM ln tli" future. Thc addre-s wh- in aah* -tini.,* as fBBowa i BhaO bogln by refentog t., the iK,int at which i elosed RB Miuday- the aeesaaBy ot proper smalclpal pn'!-. When 4M- look frno ths praaaafl gMalBg wn> Imteray t" the greater probRaii beyond wa iK-rnme eenvlnced th^it the ealthratiaa ef pmper efrto atRe is llie .'l.iv true s,.luti,,n nf th-* dlflb ully. li: BBCRbI Greeee the well iieinc R th<" towa laaBR Ugber thM taaafl] aflBd.. Municipal pat.i panaaaaed UR rary Btm-Mpbere R Oreeb thonght lt i- ?!_.. shssaaa '»' tliat shmeal teflay ihat ihaaR awaaea profoantUy serious thOBght. V.'h', of us tqke«; 'irirtc hi Ni-\. ^,lrk Thi. 'ity i- a Craeaaa. it d,*.. baaR an* cm bsaR ,,niv ur it. bmIIB and ttaa Bal it laii,- pebtte Wa. it- UbrarRa are talsrlor, tta -riiiN.!- ar"- bMhaard, and of lt* poUtle* tbe i*- afld tha better. To many ¦.' ont baat rttRen* tho pnbUc bf.' af thta town s,s-in- -" l-i,l ihat they think H not* worth wliile to attemp: ,t- iHiprsivenn ;it. In tli"-,- dai- tli it" hi- dtTllna* and Bm BbBRb and National i.-u.-s aiv ln ihe fortsjrround. It i- ,'\a<t!y tli- lerCIM of the CODdlBoa R our cunlH ..l aaerflM .ii.- ehange t., three ¦ First. tho inll.ieti" R B>BMirialto in-t!tii?loaa, iv!,., h Ra* y.-.-ii'-it". aM malar whleh Btata _bm ara R paal nn ,-n:-, OhBRtBtl s-s-ond. t tli- f.i.r thnt "Ur Natioimi taaa* are RrfBty mut'Tiai aai peeaalary. um- appMllag t, ti;.- phyaaoa] wttmim tt *B mdi- rtt..a and. third, t., narpaitl >4-t<'m. Another vitut- lag eRaimfl I* t be feeUng i hat ehVe thall l," heU .. ia ward* tor p,,!itn-»i *errlee*. To-day Bea v..r* Cttj fl aajoylag a lueld Interrai Two yeara beeee tit.- eoaa¬ try aill ied in a Battoaal ttraggto, and Hmb gDOd-by I" l.niiii'.pul r«*f.,nn: __By M ill a,.!. th'-n Vhj thM bi v. j'.it Rrtfa -inh ,'ITorts if lve know MAaataa* Ihelr fmn- wUI M Rat in National _.tru_._.K We aaaaar, pat '" a bbm now as flapor arho «- kn *w v. ill icfi-rni und nul,,* i,e< . s.ury lartltBl BhaasM "'¦ uu ettj gararBiMat. Ata Baea Sestraagain t<> uttcr an samatt proRR ariii.-t tta lir.t sIbbm ot lhe r**- tora. eres*. ta whRh it B .sut._ thal --nnfflfal en\ enuaeat B btiRnaB* and m.t potltlcs. rtiat la a hair mnh tliat is vlrtt.J ntoehoo*. .Muiii, goTernmeni hat Iti baalaeB* -iii**. but ,i ba* u-s uae poUUeaJ flde ..- aefl. Wlthoni poliUci i,,, fiiTernmenl tan go on. flThal n iranl i* bul laore poBI -. -t""d iliUca, hlgh f,.- j,,v. poUtle*. I'.liti-- are queation* "f i-ut li. poUey \r- there, t!-ii. ti" iinaaUon* nf publlr pollcj m ,-it- povern- nient v-n.,i v- .-,.-._ ,,ts- mnnkipal ]..u-ii,- entirely diktluct from 'ii- National partle Tot ,(u".-:..'ii at ihe liinit of cducatloti ln Ihe publie nehool*. tM car*- ,,r tie- Indlgen. and flck. the huuar. .f eorrertlon .md * '.' peblk j> iii. j u- j, ,i,t. .. ,u,rt nm -: i.- ¦¦ .:.->..--! surh jiBc*tioii i,-,.i io otben »«f moment "f .be Umn ,-t inRrferenee, ..t ti, ou1 Ib biaUad mtrol ,. tli- mwti R tranidt and other preat Improremenu, <>f Um nbwiluti taxaUon, .-«nd .,; u. estMbliabBMnt i a mui l< Ipal i"-;-..'...r»*. n \<m bal hav** prinripi.* ii. tiie rontt*. meu 'f -hlntj and hoaoi u:ii i.. utad tu werve ih- rlty. ..oTerlmeni ls ..n art. lt rannot i- ..,iii,-<i bj in'.iii.ioii. i .... governmenl ,,f rttto* '- .- ;,- ial!4 importai ' Ue* nr.- Ihe da:if>'r p.,llits \-4ti.,i They u<- Um- iu vhleh rapub llrau nist'.uii-.ii» taTc bitiutto (Bltafl. They mu«t iafl l_iil, or the Nation niu*t fall .. llCBM you BM li"' re.v*,n foi TIm* liit.-n-i- mt'Trst !>, thi. nitii,lilp*4l r>f..ii. tuin.'nu'iit. Th. UR "f the sat,on i- ..t Hake. V.. ar* UTlag Ht a Um- ol lo ,, tnerirati dltlcs. n..v. pMteaca, and tb- Mfla wlll turn. rhrrv **i!l again Ih' (freat lsxues. inrtl'r thi»n Um- paal ta* known. Entcr mu, tt.c aeanr de tall. of niiml'li.1 rrform. and ron wiU t* reudy f"r the flattoaal strif** Attend to tLe aaaattani "f ratflja tbat demand your attentlun now, and you win be tlie lxtter preparcd lo promotc tbe welf*P" of your ..¦juritry.** roone vouna men* to work aud vote. The Kev. Hr. R. I|.*h<*r NVwton. rector of All ».».l-' rp,t.-"H.:t K.j.i-. ..pal Cliurrh. 4vbo has j,erform<*d reuman service in BSBalf <>>* People'- ii'l't and jtootl povernnicnt miidc his tlnal appeal in |lr, sertnoti yesterday mornlnfr. lt *_,, hr- s»id. the dutr of every efl BM to excrclse his BaaC.laa i,o\t Ifleaafly R the end tliat the clty mljrht be redeemed fromi tbe aPSBBV. **A Bnlf wa* it s dutv from tlie siafldnrd of civll a-Ttilrs. but lt waa a Christian dnty to do all in ono'- pOBSff t.. nvcrthrow a rorrupt orcaniz.tlon and aecnra 0**1 povcrnnient f.r tlie I»r. Newtot) BTgad tlie yutinjt men not only to for the tlcket l-epresenting an hnncst r'v*r!iment. but to do all in tiieir power to ¦ee tha: thr s,.i.rHC«>- "f Other* were .."' interfere-l trl th. TM yoang men. ii,' arifl, a**e th" f.r,-,-. of tii<* fBtara in poUtle* and -.hould at an ear.v sta^e ln their raeecn idrntifv themselves with tl," Interarta 4v!ii,h n,**-,' foutided on a ba-i- «'f tho wclf-in* of the whole people. _________________ TIIE FARSON'S STUDY. MF.N AND THINGS. tiood mornlne. Bia* to -of yea. Ta!;e n ehalr, Repreeenl both n*ii(rion ,ind paBttea BJtkX Btea, Rhe Iwa ehalrs. Baaa a rig_r. Oh, you din't BSBOha. N'oither |o I: bui I keep ¦ few elfBfa on the maiit'-l. ta thnt I r;,n if I should feel so .. di-.iw.f-.'d." i la tbe im BMwtal sairev 8aa_p. Hen. ahe! ls it thB ¦aaralBgl Oh, the poiitlml CBB-PBlgB, and the jmrt the p.r--o>.- are tahtog ln it. Vea, of eeane, IhR B Baa topic I'.ut r*-.i!!v the pimblers. heelers nnd ntn sellers liave ni id" more nf lt than It amount- t". Tot rbere nre. .;,¦.-. ahoR 700 BtfaBtera of n lielon ln thB Of theae perhaps 1B0 bbbI in Ihelr mbmb ns -\ B-pathbtB-g aasrs or i«-s wlth Ihe afaM R the Be Bnaletpal Leagae. Aai of these aot ¦ ,i*e thaa si'4-entv five loaad themselves ln .4 pRM wberc reald laka bbj setJva part in tetplng ths Leaga - there you are. Seventv five rfergTBWn out ,.f TOO in this trr.'%t ,itv iiftinc up thetr veRe agabnfl URII aai pottMeR rorniption. only seventv tlv and yet R -. ¦.! ,nie of tlie p-sprr-s yon would iapp(Me thal every a in t'.-.m WM tunilne hls inl.. a campnis- . lub. To ni» the atraasB Ihteg is. ii-.t tili! theae tow elergyaMa baaa RhBfl part in tin* eaaapalga, but M many have KfkalBS* from dolng -,,. r,,r lha Bsns B ;. parely nnd Rsttact- ly m'.ral aaa, invnlvini:. SMtBOTer, the future destlny of the creatc^t etty to ABiartoa. flfhy l* lt thal ooo .*.id etagyaiea ta Baw Votk baae bad aothlng to aay m IhR baraiag qaesatoa I why |s it that some of the omR taflaenttal and rorerta paatan, aRoa¦ aaawa i si.aii n<>t spanttaa aaaa be«n apparaetly ta lahal Mptaaaata R a -botbbb.rl to dri\e thtoaM and raBMellera >,ut <>f Bm etty Rovenim<'.nt * Why B U that, ae mt a- i know, only cne eRrgynm R a pvat :it,d BBClSBl <"ii:n*li lin- consMepvl it bta dutv t-> siv anything oo thta qaeettoel I won't try U< answer these qne*tioM: ImbI of all nHI I Ry anything that niiirht Impann tta awttaea R IBsm aOafll bm poltleal pn- B0BS. I aay point to them as an anii/.init and Lnex- pllrahta taet, aad n thrtag praef R Bn dlRcalty or getting a.i good mtm tofataRr in any unlted aaaaeaasnl Bga n*1 monil evil. I ceaU eaally imncine another type of p.liti- ral pars.,n who, pertep*, Bmi extot, and of ahoaa, therefbre, we hAve. heard not.'.inR ln thi*. II,* wonld refBM tO *enOBBCS rascaUty beeaaM it wa* te ta toaad la bta own potttteal party, or beeaaM the arseNhlesi aad naoR taflasaBtal men in hfl parlafe takansd to tha party af Brlel ,"t-s mH inseab, n saaB beeaaM M* aaet taneflted bp Bto laatatliy nnd thtorsry of the partv ta qaesttoa. I'erhap- thB BTOaM no. eOBBtltuR him a polWeal par- ioa, bat oalj a polttte parsoa. Be it .>: I won't qaarrel over an nfljeetlae. I "iii only* that lf ..\<r any large body of ilercyni-.'i thoaR tall to de- nouiue Btehedaeaa for *aeh reasoa* i shoaM Beel way torry for tb.* charctaa R whtob they wera members. And if there thoaM happea t<> be aaet a panon ta Baw- Tork, i bope that B wlll ipsedlly aes the srros of Ua Aii. >.*«;. you aay: it i. rery easy for *he panon in bB tnriv to etter great, iwdBag wonta aboal dnty and j-riniipi>*. Hut Jaat rome down t" a SoBcrRa eaM li-..- h uttk XSekhsart, paator af tta BtaesteM < bnrch. Ii<* ba* a arlta aad mtm ehOitaa aud |et* borely eooagb ju^t to lasd and ehflhs them. Ia fact, be (BB iianlly do that 4vitlmut rtiniiiii^ ni debt. W-ll th.-n. Beskheart, m raa kaow, i<* no preaeher and not _aei ". a a rtRr. If he wcrc to lo*c this Mareh, lha l.ord only BBOWa when he would Bfl Btathsr. Mavt.e be Bflghl tfi somethin; fo d,> after ;i Rw tooatha, but ln the ni'-.inwhile what 4v,ui|d hi- B_9 and hlldren e;,t WhSTS would Ihsy Basl You don't kno4v ? \":-y well. tben: now Rr tta point I am Bttklng. tfeekhearl i terrihly in eatnesl abonl ths earaa ot drink; a lered brotber tii: :, dranhard'a grare. He voeB iii.- ',' t-il bta p^npie to btoR the aalooa; bal U ta *R ta WOBR nn rtally nir.-rd the t\4o biggaR nen ta hla ehareh, who Ihelr atoney n tlie Uqaor bariae**, aad arho eaatrihata mo*( of tiie noni :. tappori of the church !!.¦ knoaa thal U ta Mii.uid tr. i.t then ta might as 44,-n icnd ta hl* raalg aad ttan ta tooha R tbe wlfe nnd Uttle onea :.i..i ;."*'tis tttont, Yoa are right; it I* aondron !y eaay t,. t.-ll the other feDow what ta onght t<> do. Bnt vou d, n'l r'.illze btJW nnn h iiiat Uttk Wt*d "OBght" ii.voivcs until you yoaiaSU ;ir- tta otter teUnw. I pkk<_ up tl.e other day Uui qaeer book "Oaeaa-*- ii.iuni::." whieb pmpacta to ihnw bow tiie maaeea rose ii). ;,L-alt:-t lin- ChMSe* ln the twentieth ,-eiitiiry and deetroyed tbem, t,,.-vther with ersry Tsstlga of dT__a- i:on. Tiie wrlter B ea.flatly * *"hri>ti.t;i who oaty a* ii ta lhe preeeat aoetal teaaTaactoa. Ttaee ara many powerfnl and tnie thinzs in tiie book, but 8 pood in:inv 01 i-i- RraeaaR ara ahaply taataeHf; v\imt ha geserib bi » hanfliad yean bmes eoaM bR powibly iprlng mi ol aay easalltloaa thR extot lo-*ay. Take, hr taataace, tne ehapter Aesrrlbing a aervtos Ib b taahfcmahle tareBtleth*.»tory ehareh ta Bea York Clty. A_-ctilte.tur.illy and arti-ti, ally H 1* fOTfeOMly beaatlfhl; it i- ths verv i-erfection <>f hunrioB* aad .encuOB* eouifort. I'nifornicd tlunk-y- aiB st.iti-.n-d .1, tii" doon i,> k'l'p out lha ik>o:-. In .he aaallbiiR aro Uauiifully esccatM rude -i.itues. The prtacMr is aii miui of P";,t oraRrfcal abllitv. WBOM sernion is .-iniply a rilliai.t rsaaflBS of the Ktoottfle tpeealattoB of ihe amak. Hs repa*R8M any belief ln lintiiorl.ilir. eZBlto oier the f:i't tl;a. mlllion.s of huinaii betngt am RUlag .'"'i -tarvinn for tlio benetit of uie 11. h. and ejkh'.rt,- hi. e\i,ui-.le!v rcline/1 but inoiallv 11111 han partohtooera t<> enjoy UR th, atore ticcuuse th-y kaew that thc rauaille B cut off from "all the j.,v- ,.f Bfe. Kinaiiy. ikft»r U-vwing urathasa* ;,ii tta oi»: idci- "f |as*Baaa and aaataUty, he delivers an impassioned ciiloir,- ea BBMB.I thl Bhoto of religton. And after um' -thi',11 a iiumbiT of tli- M-oiiien, 44J.o, !«.. it renienibei-ed. belOBg m Bm rerj UfheR a.a aaosl ezelaRf.elea ,-t toclety. pubii, ly caraaa bta t«. -h.w th.-ir appre. of h.s flotrlhg pcttofla. Bow wten yoa reflMt thnt thl* 1- mppo-id to he the aaMral aod nec«*sBry ev.>- lniiini i.f -11.1, wealthy and taablonable rhurche* as tta Kifth Av.'iii"- I*:-. .I.v t.-i-i;.,n aml St. Tboma*'*, tta plcture I* timplj groto«qtte- Any one ouUlde of a lunatli aay lum know* thal whatever may be of our rnrreut C_rtstlanlty, it i- i»,,t golng to produce sh, 1 devU. Ball as thal ta the eeane of a :.u:ni:i"i yeara._ \ :-l.,ii'." al B-lllSTJ riWWB M bow IdR it B to pre- dld whal ".'¦ill l"* tta contUtton of Ihe world two hun- ii:--ii or eTei. bnndrad year* Moce. rhe areraM rei 1 Nen England rhmtlan of.hundred yeara n-. .uld not j,,..rTlv have imaglned the eondiu I ., to-dav.the "i<i PuRtan ideata, whieb t" him were the whole of reUgton, elther dead or emennng Into other RWircption* Rr dltr,-r.*nt, the th.aUe i\.1 ,,[ the L'-Jn-cB thrown aaRe In the tamber* room i.f anUqnlty, ii.*' Boman CathoMc Chnrch becom¬ lng one "i tta ttroagi^l reUglon* bodle* m the country, the ndlcuioiis Uttle Hplscopal ."" W*1' '":1 a* one nl ti.e ni..-t tnflue.'itial lT.»testant denominatlons, Methodtam wlnmlnir mlUlon* bj preaehlnc a lioanel thc antltlu**L*i of .alvlin-i... ao man.4 of the churnte* of New-Enitland In whlrh the -pure word" "a* preai-h's-i becomlng rnllaria ta Ihelr creed. t .:¦ t oi a'.i ir."*.i- and of ti creed* takli | lt* ptore aa .ceeotM prtneipta "f rtWca, -<i"n,e UMimlns t'> qBa* tlon manv <>f tln* tradltlooal rtowi .,t ti.,- chnrch a.iid an* Klvh* up tii.»s«* view* ln deferenee to teleire and the worM wlth its material eopcerna and artlvltict taking Ihe ptore in BMn'« khooght* once aecuraly taM by tbeology. Why, tt aone *eer tad all thi* patmrama of tta future to Ihe laal -, rhrl-tlati of 4vii.,m I bave been ipeaklng. h.- rv.mid' itiv.s dmoanrad tb** aiaii a- -wi impi.Kis blo* and Rn '" OM M woul.l bBTe had him hnrnM! No prophesyin, a n-l;v l,iu,lrv_*».*. and tl>_e who'mav n-ml -Caaaar'* Cotamn" and .. 1. arkwa^- a hundred yeara bence wlU tough 1. ,,4*r tho a*t.M RMRBR B MR RiasasR R t tt rlever auth'-r--._m_ tO'.KT r.iLEXDARS FOR TOI,.\Y. ¦aptaata CaaiB oaaaaR Xaaaa-Raaeat aatfl Jt..n.iar, Un^- 1- 17B. W»ore*t »« l«3 1461 IH34. Ml {..8 iV.iV'l'.O' I*". '¦¦-'¦ IR* ir-K Iflflk IBCS. las?. iaaa. ^ T(,.m_ !>lin ,,. B,.;, r>. ,^_w . .P,.r" ~ No* >,HI itR. 1,i; ";1 i:* LI5 iifliwiRi :',:v' *** 1M "y vxu i-***** 1 !''^' JXt-rircuit-l'att I__atora haatawa, t. v j,'i? 'ic.iH '1«: BBI2, BWB, :.'.'.. J101. .MM L".:'l Tii '..¦". laiB 2138 siat >.i"- rlm Ce, t-T I'ail II I.'".' 0*9t I- B . ana bmi o-u i.n. "hto tmn, isai isn, u»*:. Nw*. 122--. U07, 69". 1»63. I**** m*\ -0?1, 7?*. 15BT _ BUFFALO LITHIA WATER. Nature's Remedy for Brigiifs Disease, The Gouty Diathesis, Dyspepsia, Calculi, &c. &c. Dr. BTM. A HAMMOXD. of N>*York. Surir-on'i<*n.ral I'. S. Arn-v (r<*tlred). ProfenHor of DI»«**»-« of Uie Mind .ni Baraaaa <"..,.-m m th» BaHaaafap of xe».York *. .I hav- ha BBBB tlme made u** of Uio Huftalu Ultloa Wet-r ln ci»e» of affnctlooa of the >rr»o«* *»y««em. MB> pllrat-d wl. liriaht'e DWra.e of Ike Hldneym ..r witn a l.onty Dintbeala. Th.* l**»ulU BBM tNBB <*m|. n.ntly MBhBBaBBnr. I.lthl* h»» for manv rBBBB be.n » BMMBB is-m.-dv wlth BN ln like cat***. bnl tbe Huflalo WBaa* .-rriBinU BBBB better Ihan any e*ieinparm«eoaa aaln'loa af lhe I.libla BBBB*, »nd I*. BMBBBVaBi M*B* born.- »t Uie utoroaeh. I alaa ofteu pnacrlbe It In Uione a* * (erebral Hyperesoila r-».ilUu« fron. ***** aaaaal bbbb-. which Bm condition ******* ******** Dv.orp.ia e_ea*-aad gaaaaaBp ¦.* mark.-d **>n.*ni " fl.'NTl !I*. MWM'IRK. bt D.. .U ».. ¦**" YT>*t*t**OT of Buaasy, BBBB.*1 thMBga of Vlrulnla, Riehmond; .BIKIAI... UT.I* SVATI.K. 9***t BB, 9, ** sn; Dlt/B.TtC " taaatBaM* in t r.ic acid t.ll.v***____,, and. Inde.-d. in dtitat'i generaUu dtpendtnt BBBB I CV10 ACID niATIIF.Kl*.. U U <* ******** *f EXTh.ORDINARY POTa.ICT. I bBBB prfB rlty-.l I* lu BBBM of 1-.1IKI'M.nt BOITT, vklelt had rrtttltd lt* unlntary rrmttlttt, *citi\ uotidtrf-ilty 9**4 BMB., l M.vVF. BB.B IT ALSO IN MY 'AVN CA.B, BBIBO a OB.AS BUPWgggB. KR..M T1U-* Ma..BT, *MB BAVE DF.R1YF.D MORF. Bi.NF.FI'l' PROM II THAB II-...M ANY llTHF.R RKMF.U<t. It b.x* v-ry mari.-d .iM-.tion m dmbbmb of bh bib.arnvg objOaxb. In Uiat condition BBBST..y known a- Ni'.UV. ,!'-* l'Ki-siA. frsaaaaay ***** b_ ovcrmkKTAt LABOR, and ln tho*e ras.« BBM ***** BMH la «"« »/ ACID, ln th*- ******* et nntritioit. tt tr*U * found hlshl* t<*¦*¦* ioui" WATER I\ OA**.I OF ONE DOZEN b..< THOMAS DR. WM. R TOWI.KS. I'rof -mxrf of AratomT »nd MAfc^rlB Mfdira In Um b_dlcal D. of Uie I'alveralty of V.rfinla: .ni'FKAI.n LITHIA M'RIXOS, Xo. 2, beloner* U Uie a_.A_Ut. or BaBBBg* Bi the ADKALIXF. B._.. rlae*. for It ha. |*rov<*d f»r i>fnc* lon. In many dte- *****<A condlUou. than any of th- almplc AI.KAI.INE aaaaa. "I Bal ne hoalUinrv whatever In *»TB»r th»t In iiomt Rbeaaatlr <i#-,, Kbeamatlaa*. tttmme In ibe B.IBB.Bj and ln all dl**a~-» of Ui- I rlr Acid D.BBBB. 1 know of no r-medy at all oomparsl Ir lo R. "IU vff-cu arv roarked In BBBBB e a diaappearane^ of Albaaraa from ahfl BBBBB In a BBBBB* <.»*. of BHabl'e al ibe Kidnrr*. I nl'jt**-*.- d.*rlde<llr b^rv- fltlal r°*.r.t.. Iron. it. u*-. aod fron. ll* a<-tion in ihl» c*0*n I should hav. tr-at tBBBBBBMB ln lt a* a remedr In e^ru-i .tag^ of thi* di-f»».\ in Dr*p<*t*«ia. BagaajbBlp U»aS form of lt ln whk-h ther** I* an excoaBre prolu-tion of Arld durln- tii. BBM ** of nutrlUon, 1 bBB* found It nBaaataaa." DK. THOMAS II. RfCKI.V.n. of Parl* (form.*rlr of Bal- tin.or t.t._tv.-^_,.T of l.iuua . a BMfBBl for (J. I d "BOI*Bg 1 ..,.ild sav wo.iid add to tlv *B_B__.¦ M.W.V B.1*1 TAIIDN <IF THF. III t-'AI.', blTHIA WAl.ii. i .iavi: P.BQ1 i.s ii.v ix.b ir wrni BOO0 BM. gC_T* ib i BIC A'ti. DLATHB.IB, B..VMATIB. A.M. ....: T. Mbd 'rtth BVB BB**B / fc*if nrdertd it ** F.l'K '!':'. from .. .f BMtlmon-. I.ithia le ln n.. fara «.. v*i:u:i ... , ,-.\¥r. a Ba r*rbonat» :. 111 a_ab .1 found n, aa* Bi ikai.o i.ithia WATE v t -.«.'.iti .n aod drrkBBB m w»t«.r flrhleb m -> Uirougii L-pid.-it. and >i>odumcaa Minoral Iurn.jt:on*.'' F-l.AII.tIN Hill B.> %i V. O. H. HEBE. F. QOODE, Buffalo Lithia Springs. Va. "046 UMt-a tt*, Bglg. '-"'. ".__ ***> ***. *¦¦**. **- .;-.-' lftBO** i*00. 1959, 1B*1, 1* -,'ip MM Oourt-4 1:- ult -l'-ut IV It-fo-s* Barr-tt, n.i- Ss "::¦.** \. 688, -17. 1*8* 1*9* lw__- IH is:.' W. -94. .-¦.''¦ I-***. i--,:- 1-''~- ***** ***. 1,u' 184C' ln4O'a 1S<*8. U*''0. .*1-M'. 1(W3 ::>'4- a 1 auir^-e'e U-Vl Uef. haa*. *. Me cal-udar. >up-r.o.- v'.mrt-..'-..-rul T-MB -Al I NUB d until thl* Li"*-"l".-rlor Coart Bpeetal Term-Befu... lr^dman. J.- %upartei r~art-_BBllg ****** ****_ T;"»x',.i-^,.,r "aVuBrMl Conrt-Trlal Term-Pefor- Inicr.*.J.-N- &V_ Kl. B*2, 8*4, 71*, «_*. BM. 1*01, BM, _..¦ ; 'r- ,40 989 f*)U, 805. 8*7. 4-, 4.-., 400, Ml. .81. BBB, ^B-^_r___ga_n r v ,ui: .1 VI, .27 729, .'->!¦ sl* -*-.>, »¦»". J..No*. 4W. ,-.. *.*.*-. *¦*-'-.. <__,i t.-to .iii. 741 bJl. ,">.-*. Vi J<''3 "-"*. BBi flO. BBB. .'-'J. J'". '*.'. !«i;.^.v"rN'i!^^-:)!S1,V.:-n.. BbBws P*iy. C. I. °'cAftMMEt& S rt si H il P^: if .8 s j\l,^^ria!T:^,^rtII-Ad,-,,r,,.-dfo-tl.'' .-: ::.>._.. 1897, 86*7. !*.£. ,,_.. ,,, - [m v.ii. B7 ^^¦Sniii-SV^-i^^U^.. -5 io, 1418, -..Ji;. -i'-! _;',-..1;'iv-speciai rBlaiiar. . .-Zii^Z^^* v!*< i »H:^":';-".i'i' £: a.d AssUU-.t l,,-tn,-t-A'."r.".v MaataBB, No*. 1 ta 17. **$£_ -f ...-.,--' S-.*io,..-1-ar« If-n;fore CawbaT fc., an.l Aaabttaat 01sWe*.ASt-~w D»rbv-»as. i t ,, ',.-,, ',:^s-,on^artn-!Vfr, ^11. ^ .aaliunt Dbrtrfet-AtaorBag ParBar-aiaB. __? .- 2/7/; r,/.on7.vt; MU8BUM OB ABT. adpitioxs to its T-_abc«b_ made by VARiors fnVTBB TWli UH* F.XH1BI- TIOX OF riiTlli>. T1io annual reeoption at tBB ********* ***** J Art win be held IBM Bltornooa frcsn j "- - " °*£ ^ m__ ... ,.M Bf ti.e BMWt taasrestlng r-.'1't""1 :::''C ,vtiu-d.ns-t,,r-,fth..M'.-_»».¦ .,.:.. ,., tlie"'l..-.'.."ns n,.t air,,«ly n,.-.t..e..'d > Se Trtbuie are tb* otoom Mt bv **» WeasuB. >.- ;;, !l:...I,1-l,.-,t* imd i,.v.-l,W,,:-.v.,,..., " ,i:.,it..(, ,.,i,e Maaeaai hg Ma bbbbbb. AMde ,..,.,, topoe-naa, tbag are beautm. :..,';..,. ,, 90 ***** BB in,e...'. .. Z v.'-v-i and atBdJed aith prMII hv momr*V . V v :,, OftlMB. were on exhlMttoa . I'hlhul.-I S i.wi «* .*- ih<-' M"'J""t "f J _"___! it, v..:ir,,e bv the great tovaatar. Tbaai ****** ,.a(,v f.r eM.IM.ion. It will be B-BB IMa* bM** M paMUtaa. ' vn .M,;,.,nli,i;.rv BBd l.'-ant.ful marble NrCBBBBCB* f.. "- 1880 M CapraBlBB, ta th* R*-an C******** m.'..n-d l.v the Museuni. H aa* toaad Ibv uM a-a. ol aaaaoaiy. ******* aaaBaad ta . ,,-,n built over It to BBM II M some B*rtoi »f "- it eontalMd tl.e aBBtotaa M a raang aawrtoi .'¦''.t^^rihr^h^i-T,:-,:;: Sid-S B^li of th,- M_ jaatoi - Bobmb ;.r t,l(. a-iptarai inaatrallBg b_ ****** iUl '.r;u ..,.,,.,. ..f the prlBdpto M MtB. OB tb* ttadj anoph^i. toBT gOBBl tMh-BB, BT gSBH. BBB- ::f'',,;;;: ,;"v r_^_ib*, *>-. t.,-, -r** g*r. :;l - veral.y- are thr-e aaBMB Trotn tho ***** _\\\__n* aad ThBaaBB. i" the 9r* bbbbb she Btra* hba t ^ Hi-v a .mi "f BBraat, M bb* loorof the Ua^rlnlhj et, -eaai he Oar* th* b-aaBBBr. aai M Ma Udrd J . i i aba ahaaa Oa taa Mra *b*b at tha Z££_Zk*T£^ ^onlhe' Hi hl low-relief carvlnir. represeiitin, tW* ,..,.,....- of Httle CBBtdS, rtdlng BBBB or BBBWB M :Ztut- i.v bulto. i.o,w heara, aOi boara mt wUl Soats whieb the Caphto hav* toaaai and hfaagM Mto '. ,«...,. The two Diwesslons meet at a paim ^UB^taa. rh;,M..Aime,.,d,,.^BBBfBtBBBJ SL «OW*^iW*BB« ornament, u. a style lmitatedjl.y _Tir_M. Bf the Utb ,.'ut..rv. The .ir.,,,. ta q_M l-erfect. without tbe Maet ********- __i_ Id f.tiinri W UM arttoB Of the Utb <e..t..ry. The *.9*8** l Um aarfaal, .*!**- «. "_- Tt!_Tarb_ lt. tl.t often tliat B R*BB_ BB^BBBBgaB .- found w ;::-rn .'I. Tiie-'ry''iA'':.^.-^vorlte :.,;i^n,ant.,mh.hutt.,-s,-,.:,.-V,,ally,,.,.:' - al,- tl.e -lavine of the M.noUur and Ba. Im* fem in*. .tl-'thed.-tedAriadne. **^~~; . ums a aaraBahagB* wMh aaa bbbbb af tha ehya*. u,- _aabI-Baraa has added a luuaber of la* aad JSL Sitota her ,-....' lb.,.. "t..eM.,es Umot colleetlon." of miaMtarr. BrtteMala gaM. *£. rtooes. _ns, et,. Haa- bataM, -,, of ^^« BUrqusnd, baa preMBtod a.. B**rla_Bil al *. , ,-veral P-und-. Bbteh was found M .-'"". Thl* oblect ls iMltovad to ba aatojaa by i,.._ ol tbe Mu-".....- v »i"" '"*r,,lc S_ ^-^Apr^.^M^BM^^ t^il^to^^^ fron vv,-iiii,...vv-., iiaiaagMBta-a M bbbbbBBB* and muip'.ure. uf B'aabtogbM. t ,. VBtaabM *^**°*^*f^^ln^u of u on.-*. hav-- been made ln th Z,.\\lMil,rl,-_n indlan I'.rnvian potaetg and BBChBH BBB " pald proamenta. . ...^ ;i Baabar af ex- Of tbe liBUMd pi.¦tiire^. tle- .». i|uii. hlbttlon before, n. the l".*n *.**m* l v ,.,,., vvorrl.yof menti,... ai^. l^c-.a. "-''¦¦ ;, _****> l _.},*: ,'nVIar.t.- toaiMd by Duraod \rj itobaaW "Bab* ofjaarn^ (.)tni>r Bnal; C*wrbet's -Alarr tha "**£* Atooett*. ,,v Ku..-dk-r *v <-"..>¦.;-;, -, ^" uaut.-r'- -VlHsge i.t. .- taaned b] J*"*': ,,,",r: *.Ddrea« Acben l,t,""1| Ifre - *t rr,.- l-'^n-d by t. Ab_Bnder. -X^:J,T'iH SJmm -t 1,'iday. and bas never bahw* bec" exlubltod._ BIMORS OF ABBW l__BB_**_WW ******** CkteBBB Xov. 9 BBjIBMII^TBa C-hBBJB Trlbune- ,.vs tod,V thBl B BBB. MBBBBBhlg line is to be MbkV , ,.t».,n BBB-BB and ***8** **" J""f 1' who .* tts- Beneral n-nagai Ifl G**B*** ******** t ***** ******* st.-' stafbalalksg firn. wbtoh built tn- ! .tral BBBB M the gr_M OBBBBl Imo,*-. ; aidV..,..V" i,ade reient.y a tnp ,..n,.,h the lir.n-h Prorineea bla bMbbbb being to aathar MaM and m- tonBBltoa ... i."a**** "Ml Ma ********* *'* MB nne ..f BBBBBlMBlM ** t.» run direct be- i .. ..rr.-,i aud Halifa*.. and to be in full ofiera- ;\;; '.;- eopen.nTof tl.e (olU-bUl, WorldN Kv .. .. iT, in,. Htv Tbe liiti-nt.uii l- to l.ave tlie '^Jrn.'-. eJdv f.-r servl.e ,., tba BBBUBer pf IBB*. ni- vlui -dlfraaa lt****** ***** ******* ****** i_T***V**u\__mm *** Qucnstow... and tla* \-*-^*gn acioa." I* not .-M-e-td to be loagar Uia.i four BBMaaja- half dav-. while Uie hopee mr* that tlie tlme will ba even le** U_D tbat. AMONO THE SMALL FARMER8 MR. CHILUM BBKJHT OITLOOK IX THE F1KST CONGBBB DBTBJCT. HOW THF. XI.W TARIIK II vs BEBEPITBD TllE UtBSTtt BOB kakm PBODUCX OUEEBB COtXTV UKSLT TO 00 BBPVBUC-i-g. The pspajB.ln in two ,,f the teaattoa eompaaang the Kt Ooograaa in-tri.t taetaaei a taraa propaRRa ot f-ir.'iiera aad grewera R sniaii aarflm pteflaaa. Ihfl ii a r.iritf RU, witii its toeraasad RaBta m potat.ios omoiis, eabhsflsa, paaipklM and sthaa srttaRa arhRB lha Long l-land farmer groBs, has air,ady made a iivoiiiT BbarBal f.,r snaay of the-,* ptaaaet, witinut ii. ii-iug ta any apijnviablc BaglM IR ,<».t f,, BR ronsamer. Tho taraaeta R QaeeM and Bafltak asaafltoa ara raady to aek.aarMfa theh htMSMadRaas to tlw Itepubileaa party Rt taciaaata ptaapaaltg. The toetlng iu th- DssMsiatfc party whtot R s ti.Kteet aflahaR OoaaTaasaaaa Oeaart, at NR last electloe, has not entirely ihsppearei. Hs las Boaghl to obtaln bsbbb tili- fall bv ataBHnanh .- t>. tha legtohfltoa hs bm "i.t i Md bsaaflflag tha MlrtRet, Ths raBars, hoarerar, aaflsrataad that r;,-* asaflB R ths lay laws at the last Corigress belonir* to tta Bepahltaaa majxritv. Mr. Oorert bad i:,,t nearly the inilueme in the HSSM of nepru- wMsh I'erry Lelmont nad ui tho Deawcratle Haase, bat -Mr. IIsIbimI sanM never fraaa Ma party eauaaajaM aa Rwa BBBtanflsi by Mj conrtftaeata. ytr. Oorert, thsnflaa, ha.. n.,t BB.Mfl :r. popahvtty, bat rlic BspahBCM i>a:t, has made uew 1 :. nils. \s BflslnR Ur. Osasrl lhe BapahUeBM bave nom- nated John Lcwis (liilii,, tt Klorul Pkt% Queen* . ounty. lf, js u _>ucri>,ful lui-tine-ss man and farnier BBd BM B rapahB.¦ as a "haatRv" WhM any work 1* to ba done. llc ls p ipular witb the !t*-_idrnt-> of Queen* .n.l SufMk countle-i. Hc I* not as weU hnown it\ I.irhmoiid ObBBtJ, but ta has spent esaRflsralh. time __Ree liis nomiiiation ta niukini: ac<|iialnt..nces ,,n tjta'eti l-lanrt and gRRf lhe voters M opportuiiity fo leani iii- virws on pubiic qaeattoea, He has a eorps of er.erp'tic; workcrs. who have b<*en biisjTfor two wueka nt his behalf. ile has visjted vaRSBH parts nf the diatrtol and BM made .i RTOtahR inip.essiou every- mhata. Ia relatins the qaaHfleattoM arhtah he bSflSsas th;it n. Keprcsentitive in .'on^ress fn.m tlie i>t Distrlct iheaM pesaaaa, be leaerftaa lha aaaflsI ReptassB-hR-fa 8* B man Who lias BB interest und SBBSSBBBM in tiie agrlealhaial sad other taanehha R tlie district. and who can Bppreeiate tlieir tatptalBBM and rcjuirenifnt*, and *.*. iii fa4-or leglilattoa alralafod t,, praaaRs tlieir tateraRa Om arta RBaa a BaRy RtsaaR m lha mtB* fure of thc li!-.'"-' Clauea, BBd \4ill favor BBBBSBSBB for the proRcttoa and elevation ,,f AaaatSM tahST. one WhO favor-, thc BhlpRng bill, u ¦aBSBM of preat importanBB to thi* dlrtrtoi Ons who BaahtoM tliat our towns and \ ill.i-e~. ahleh aiv saflttRi to the tri-n Bttsr BeMasry tyaSaat, m operahR ta cities, BhoaM i.ave H at ome. Ota who bthet.a tliat iu all Rs seta .a Beareeeatathre ihoaR ta paasrasi by a aon-e of rlghl and faattoa rath-r than by jinrtv BM >Ir. l iiiids atoo expre ttt bta etf m la haas R iii.or.jvl appiopnations f,;r th<* impioicni. nt R the :a»> milo* of naeaaR and tarhan in the tlistri. t. and for ncedofl publie balBB.gB, The di-tn.t iu which Mr. CliiMs is a aBBt.B.fl haa ei'i'ed DasMMaaB* i:« peasaaRRn.-. RB h aR hapa* toaalj Deeaoetatle. Mr. ent Tt' phuaBty R the BR lection waa nawarhal o4cr l.'uxi, aad tow ysara .-u eral Btehard C. BeConatofe eaate withla Bflfl aoRa f iafjastag ivsrrv BaRtMh ta.Totb l* tha aady ono of tii,, Itaaa esflatha eoaapaaflag 11.»¦ dlatrlcl whleh eaa lie relied on a-. RepahUcaa. It HftaaHy glasi a Be. pahlflBB majority ,,f several hundred 4ote... aM war .Mr. ( hilds's popul.tri.y < upht to carry i. BB t" 4 bigher Btotaaoad (ounty, aa thc other, baa bSM i:ii:fornily Dein-i, ratir, and it has aftBB Rta eoaraged BepahltoaM i.ficr a haafl stnici-'i'' ta tbe other eoaatRa R bm Itatr etfort-, aaniaaai al m aaall iv ..a oRttaaa nastiinsllti inajornv in BR.flaaaa. Tiie DaaaaeratR SMaatera la BtohaasaR Ooacty Bbtb Ijc-'-i uiis, nipulous and cralty. and haie mt tasM.Rl 09 use brttSry and fr.iud to Blt Ihem in CBBBaaaa BBBB. Uoaa. Dperlal sBBantRa ta* bSM gttea bp the ite> pafcHras bbbbbbbbi Bfla jrear R Ihe ranv-B ta BRb> mond Ooaaty, and Hto BBM tiii.nt R BR ..'-w BB.M laa girM thaaa bepa lhal Ra eRettaa m BtRBa l-iand this ear 4a:1! b" BM ttttk th'* fraud, of prevlou* \,-:ir-.. QaesM Coanty is tha MbataeR P*** n"* >cur. Il ha- u.uillv «iven a Iicmo.iatie majorttv . Baaaattaaaa euite small- but itu. 4.*:.r it i- iicUcved Uie county .mv I*. aetMsal t<> thc ¦afflbBeaaa. Br. fiiiids i- oaa R Bto bsat-aaara sMRans of tta eeaaty and has aaaay Waafla R aotk hs BRa. The :.uv of laRlalag lha if<-ti-*- R BateaasaflBUaM la Bepehlfcaa c-nitr"! B hfl bj MR BRaaera and othars who *ee their Interesta threatt.'-i-d b> Ueraocratto Mvocata* <>: frw trade, Br. < W* ha* acoud pro»- uect of .urcea* and ln. mauager* belleve that li** «ill hare a majority ln i«>;h eu.iTolk and cobbom that cannot ta oven mm by the Tote of Btoi-foo <i L ounty. Th.s opintoi B b*uofled on ralm dedacuoas fron. the iiiformati.ii ISUfltad ta a eSSflflB BBBBflR « llie diatrtet._ A ito-rs str IBBB riifflCT- I-Yom The rhhaglt IcBarOaSBB. Un-, asflsrlBMet «a- Bhfl .> ha raaia tp* whB a roung Ohio foxbound; lln\ nur m.iK.'rt tii- dog'* RRat r,,r tindint; bl* way Ibroogb ^'ic ttreet* of a large < _t.i. a number <>f »port*a igrcM t<> try bta >k,II by a^r te-t. and """ Bvenlng put lum In a t**«x and ti»,k him awaj "ii a BlBta tniln, after maktaa siirw thal he wa4 altOKeltar unalilo t>, gUe<_-> thc <l,.s.'.,.i ,,i nis inp. * ,: I'R "hk-* Hi\,*r the.4" Bfl ¦'¦¦- taafll at a pla.e ,-alloil Klnjt'B Mountain. and 'ha. MBM 88ght i<"..» IMir pnwiucr t., a tonnhosae m tlw bllla, aooifl *btm atlR* e_-t .,f tiif rail-*o»d. Iler-*" Bto -hal i4;t- |,m I.nI iii. 11. a darlc ktable aml carried to a baaflBg tfiimnd R lh«* ndjolnlng BeR* tta next hornlng. after aaRlng lim ... a ,i-- za* K,tii-se ihnniKli l:'"'li-','s and gallle* the .'xp_riui. tben turn.-d Ui- 8.g bMM ana -*' d,,44ii i>n the rtdii'i ,f a bill t«> wati h lu- movemvnts. At tir*-t lie -.s»n.ed ratli-er afr.ud to atray .<*-. far aau, iht.ik- Ins peraap*. thit ta a*ooJd lf ra apiue-si at ti.e Bnt ti. leave bl* kRnapper*. bui Bwllne thal ih.v -ho\4ed no di-i«jsitioii t.. tatarRra wna tn* Smmsb, h# bta «*4 aeroaa a taahy rav,^. und tben struck a path leadinn 1.1 tbe direnu.11 -rot of the fannliou-e or the tioxt rallway ¦taBSB, imt due northeaat, towaN Ita vali-y <jf tt>e L,rklug Rlver and his far away <>!.-. hoine. That wa* tl.« !,.« ihe k'ue-.t» >>f the Kentucky f..rm.-r ..'¦ .,f tJieii. ri..- ttiat dav. but before tlie end of the wii.*.,-***-* turned u;. all rntht at th * d,-.r of hl- ma*ti-r. '>!»*-t»- ti\. in le* la a bsa line from MR BSBSB u here lie had heen t irii.-d Rsan ^. - , M mn. b 4M*.-. esrtslB, thit he rould not have re- tracai bl* Bip *_y a mRM |!"' ,:ii Bafl t.H.ii btas awav from tl.e ORS ''BB v »h- BOWB ln lexa* by ibat tlm-: tiicre BSM .t l^iH ta*MtJ small rlver* alid briKikx 10 rr,-. '...!¦,re 1." mild reiuli llie end ,,f hls J.iuniey or any point south of tlie OhR he had «Ver before s.ei, ln lus l.fe. CaaR the vnoke of a torae Rt] ara gaBtod him ba,'i, There »w aatat » noky tow ,s all aniund, and Itetidc*., dog* wlll retam to a ¦ottRry tarnuUxMl iu Uie liitu ju»t a> ouUiA a* lo k rlty home.







ORVBCH op thk nisc ipi.i>.

THe congreeatlon of the Chureh of tbe Dlirlplev ln

West FIHy aBrth -t-. llsV*ned witb mrerest and pretitve*terd>iv morning to tlie ilfth uf a taaflM R tBBBMM

nn --Great QaaflBBM Answered bv |hS BfBR Tea.-hcr."

p'r*.*ci.ed bv the Kev. h. B. Tyler. Mr. Tylcr la aa

energeti,, whole souh-d man. BB well a> an aarBSfl BBd

surce*siul j.ast.-r. and hls people an- L-r-atly attaehed

t. li'in Hc B tbe s-cretary and ttr-suirr of IM Clcr-

rvni-r* OBMMlhtifi R Um BaopRra Maaktffll League,

nnd l- pRflflaaR -'* ti.e Bear Vork Ohaalaaajaa I ahnt,tv Masl Rn I- oi arHeh B ln hR eflareh. He ls une

,,'f ihe edito:> of "Tbe ClU-tlM stand*u*l.- tl- ******«Lnerof ihe nisupies nf Chrtot. pablRhad ls UnRn

Li and at the re.'ent gen-ral euiivei.tiun uf th" DR-

,.*^ held ta He. Mulnes. I,- wa- matl- of

t!; standing Committee on C_tt*a_Ba Cflton. He is

,,.. . aMBher -I ti," CiBtmBBrr m PR80M ta Blble sucictv, and is a member of U"c Bxeeu

£ Saa-ahBfls of lha hatat-M ***** R fMattan

llBaaophy, .

.Mcr't text yt-terday moramg WM, 1- it mm-

H-»trfkaRetoOaaaar Hatt s^-.i-- Hesa.d:

Tiie lIerod._4.-ii. pilgl I8BR mm L-roat gBBBflM R Rl

Tooiip pt*t*** et ..V.,;.,-. Tuer paipo* ara* B tflrtp.,,. aad --o m* aad* .- Be-ta. ">" "* ******* Hls OM"

,y\.,,>-<t^ I ¦ « ****** to **'

\\ZL "iiiTr. *RR ******* ,w,s *****

'TTt-Raeaaabaa tn- BaradRM b r IM *B**tafl agent*.. .... anwertucal »"d aaae-BMa-a* FhartoBBB. The

Yr^r wm a BBUttCBl. the UtUr 9J99 a laltglM* party.

ST 4-cre rqaaUi Mpta-R. PR1«* ot*m*mt BU*

S M aMaafto iataa ... BB ~U. tt* *m* MBMaehed,,v ***** am .._...

!,"r' ***

,.o.,*h of tru.h in ....... R -aM th-., Iwam **W.¦¦;.,,. Th"., Bfl BB. BBd t-a.-hett Re

IZ tt OSS in ".¦¦itb.-r <'»r"sf ThBB Rt BBJ BBB*,... .- Om penaa R bbm XUa

Has , ,,v i.. thc charaetei *1 Mar: -

u, w». ladrwaflrat, rearle** nml iratfcfBl. B« fl

?w* v- .." bm. B* ira* fr-. tr*** all ...-a. Ke laafle* ot

.... ,., aao S*part_ta. et « UR. ".'- .*¦¦. >"

ihMBht, parMM 8iteaea *a e-Raet, at ¦ sreatoi dlatance

mbi Uu- mRUbb Bcenptod bf U" dt__g8gBe, ahetMf

. oi political. loi IMr* ar- both, tban

,. M pcaaant Teaeher-TM Rsadei R R* ChrlRRB. '. oo. ii- «.>. truth Rea aa*

. what vav d.d th- PBariaaaa aad _heh aappkim BatMlM* ¦

.._,!. the lam-iil. *..4-sar:

ln thi*. way: Dw B«hre*» aeaRt bad be«B eMqneredH ib* B8BB«a Pal t-Uae, bMb Bary* Baa »i< i-.m.

1 » .epeadaat prart. * R Mm flt-aaa i-'-i- - »nd Re

Bbb* -,: Abraha- ¦¦":- "' '"v ;'

SS .o Oaaaar. R* Mpert. -'

,.,....'.J *«

......d. m UU* pamcBlai hLtR wiu. a.. Rtea* aM Rttet hat. d Um i«'«'-r ~r* bv 1- ¦'¦ Tl"

NMMiafth. i ¦w.tog'flwHebreweoaMMtweattbu AMBBBB* aa* a Mi '. ** o-R»ter*3

MND*"¦ "' '''"¦ 1;,t' J." °f U"

u ,:.. Md the lu:-..- blttemea. MUowtog Re wai

di.n.iL- ihe period oi wetaMSRettoa la eai bwb land farlata

m ta .plrtl ,-f Ih. partRa la IM

,...,...,:.: Tbew aa* at lhal Bomeaa, m thc

p tbe people.) ***** ot a bsfly eeo-

«lgn, and Jbbb* bbs, dtuRg IMa* Mya,IBOBf UC ..'«- 'I-.'

e ,i . dara aad aagiy, bM day bg daylh..jr ,more iBraal ataa a.,.-

v». 9 a< '¦ i. itto I. -¦ t '-".¦

waa r aehR B._ i- B_aa, b b ;..- reatral Bgare, mbm lo

lii. doara. in a R R a* "'' R« ta -- .". a walRBrtnr.A S,KlU"l'I.bV l.AlD nup,

Th" ajaaottaa aai ¦*,:'1 PBBBBBB**. It

ni'i-t bc bmwi red, i Je8u* aaaalM\ that lt :- fBl B glV. BlhSt* I* BBBM, or II" BMBlmv that lt is n.i... Tn wae aapBraBtly

BP* "**4" .'i; *M R r BBflB -ll'-nt iii

an is-ii. wool !-- i-Ibbw* i' ¦¦ -"¦ **y* **t IIM u. pay .rtl .ai bb aaa a: wlll

t.r tmt lallglin- bM polil . waa I* Bm daaeaad-Abraha~ Th. Stmt arUl b* told that B

H ptBt* aed im .-.i"ii.v i,f

t)l, H .. IB. This v ill BXClt*.... im tnaR "f IM ieme. Bat ntppa* uiat

B-.lara* awlnst BM lawfulu.-. of paj-inv irllitte to¦i ¦.¦ upi,.., ,..;. ii. bb h aa ereat, bc la IM

Ba_M oflirmls. Ben, th" PMrl.I bM B**B8-*niwould *ay. h. B*B* BBBt; a man B_M BBthlngrn. oiiraL-.-s dBBBlMIBrtUn MBOM UM ptBOpR; ¦ BBBB BhtBM

go, t;;,,. t .,.1- 'u '"' .* dtatoyal Md San.

Bvro«t li, *ayi Ihatgl I* aol lawfB] la pay Rj '*" BR., ernrocnt \ ttraeg appeal agB-M<

:.| Md* to Bibm if ll" bad ghren a

au.».i |8 RC MlBltiy fraincd q'-i'-stion ptOpOBBSCd WlR

fvil intent by *'''. h*,,..- of t:o l.i"-:.>:.- Bf Ihl* v tfil* tfal patBOB

aafl-fl"B. n.'.i'd n"i tnat any IfJ et bbb ta

B* Bb**» bMI *ra* la M." IW* BBawledg* flmt maa-atcd aa I Bhd la Um ready al **bb*to thr gaRtlBI ...:.-.r:..i:- MM PByBMBt Bl tnl.ut,-. Tlo

Uiliili ie whaa- a* ar* chl By Rdebted for thl* Incldentil, Ui. il.'' ".' .** BB4 BMB tolll Bl 18.I IM ¦ Bfl** Bl JBBB*-ujok ,oun>,'i Ma tii'.> aflghl MfeaagB bM B bl* ta:.,

»nd RR ".'.."¦¦ pereelwd R«li Blchedne** aa* **i«i.\\*T.v t.-npt r ¦* T* hypaaRRBr BB BB**rei bb* af

each a BbBiaeM Rat "Shay aoarveBaal aad kft Bta, aadwmt Ih. b <

B.Bl v B* th" BBBa 11 RB asK"d for a pic,:,' of BMCy,whieb vhaa Bi raeetved. He «.id: "WM B thi,. Man*«nd BBpa*BiiliRaBl Ihej *ay MR Blat, ( Ba8ar*B. Ihaam-i ¦« aata *M*b, B«ad*t, tii,-r-f.i.. aat* Oacaa* IM

BMi «hirh ar,- Oaaaar^, and MR uod thc thiucs

Ta* mB-M of .1,-1..-. aaaaai 1 ROa* Ba did not bbbM

pmtk a .. di R Bm (juemoii aa his aata bBR rapyaaai flaBMI pn*. Ti...-' wa* only aae Ihlag ta flua do. aad

mm IMy dR-'-flMy BR Bta and btmI IMIi «»y-

plalaly thr yaaag mi ir l'roph.-t of Galflee-teBeM*th.t Bh i.i'i- *»». "¦HBBBg ut Mm BtMa Bc IcaeM*,UT ond a doubt, RR clMl lawn are M> Ih- aMyad. that IM

6U.U- ls Ui R MBtpMBR. »"<» that Chl-MBB* ought to be a

hiip aad no. a RRBm R Baad ga«aiBBnaat


Thl* brinp* M to a bntf caaaatatB.BB nf thc rclation

of ChrRBBM to ."ivii Bflatra. To Bhe wm I RRRu -Raa*

m ti.,- alttaat* BBlaatlty, BR w**dl i- BaaL Pia_ it

thf. bm R "<> aaajnat BB eaaflael 4va» alway* riaha.-I,. itf, «>* hui,, .;."- H" uid no bR. ObIB wa» pot

foond n. his waafla, BB wlmtmrn m BBcqaall**, RBrood'if.* B BaaaaBtRaa* aM BafasBBBaahR.

j.-sus lov.-d Hls Btaflta MR-4M BM (I HR birth.

He Raa* nflh * peeBlRr RHRlaa, BB bbb paaeR BM

H8B1* with ahaat ii- ».*> a-aetty c*bb»Rb* by Ra Ue*

of, and Wu«d. He wept a* Be l<jui.*-d oft IM doo..._

,-aultai fl R* BSBMB CBMMBWaaBh, and IhBBghl of tlu-

LM>u*ni of flre ar.d bio.Kl throug* BhRb B woaR Pttet*irs ,«*s on bccobM et Ui. eaetMdtog .rlca la *.

peapla. Ia Hmb* taaUafi aad imIMbbB h- t

paBRMR an baBataaa. XM tta ChRaaBa to, aM mtm,,,. a uatr.ot.

n r, ,.,,,* in the minds of the hyiio-rit<-. when thoymmfk BRhM Oaa wflfl RB gaaattoa aboal im

pmrmtml fl Ra« oaaat bj wMa Maaa araa aa trlal ta

Bto ni' Mtar* Pilau- a«d Haas* H. aa* aatad R IM

laiMB if Ba aRRMd R ** ¦ bktfl. ¦" *** * * ** u -

low To un* laqalq H* bbb** ¦«-** a fejIr,. K...-.-u. Ctow*-M8 araa ea^alled to aay Ral B foui.d

."-,o:au:t" R Bta. BMJ BM mR pRRly RMRe that

tfa was a BRg, that H- was MtB to MR, but BM Ba

mbm B-ma b*b t.y BaaaRg anflBaaa m u.- t.uth aiid

that BB ktosRBM BM no". of tii.s world: that U BB

BB8JSMB t-ta a 4.o.-n:iy JRtdM HR ******** w"1"11

MM t. Mm Bta trom con.l.,..' RR Ra baa** fl BB

¦mbHbb. PBM -bmbh B hflra eanaRty aaflRaaaR Ra-taoaer m Bto peaaeaea Ha ******** M fom,d

-no fauif .., Jaaaa Tha bbRRb a.BBra, aawc-er

M aaaaa Raa TUmttr'a psaaaa of .¦ »"*- *" ¦*"

iUn,.d BM Bair. aaa aiw I* IM torartotad papatoM__«<1 on bv Bl and psflttoR dBBBgBBBBBi

ile Mgfcl B* **M "... S*aM oi. BM "".. a- a > ¦<.. <

.TMa J. m* be* eartato R bta dtaclpto* to ke apootl -.

and v-j, ii - M»R Prtaeh. B« taMahaatthBl..Jr v,. .1 to your word... Rl - MR

l-ani Bpak. Bl RbmsB bM R bfl 8>B*ak8aa a. aatbaBaa-

Sbbb- BBRtotae* ptatlpatMtRry-R Ra Chrta. Ha wid. ior

lhal M mai ¦' *"' "' ' *****IBaaMa no« u. IM laaaasad taaehRa ol RB aaa aM

., Ul... ,..-, m nnd Ra RaaflR fl ¦.-..- ¦* to

aa*aaa_-R aa* R M rRMBM or CBiIiIIbbi to BR BBbRcarri>d BM mtm lui.y.

la tii- aaliUcaR eMMc* of Mm Kplilli to Hm Baaaaaa,th. ,.,__ r,.;, af MR flRR. ¦<-, a.aR-rat aaaa

BaattB. m Ba*. B bbMbb R a. tn- BflBRta R Oa* M

OM** BflBtoaar. ... bsam Ra aaraR Ba BR paahflwaal ot

eflHaapa aud ior ua pasasRRa R aeR smb. IHaate.M ar.- U-.'i-_i»t. 1. t< 1^- I". to bhB, anU BMdj fl¦¦. :. 81 flaaflflRa* a* to BR acnsBaaBflRRB oi EMay. Bha ¦

BBBt to Bfl BM u- an tammt, BBd R > BtRtflnof (.od. Bad. tor in.ui- 9, «- Bl lold. h. ld the rljilil hand

vi t-T,,:.-!, it ,- 1. UiOl.Sll ).' '¦.¦ '.«- "(j. u.*d l-Jl-s I,-

lor>- bta. Ji', MBfe. of < ina* as BB -

uii that le- »liould utrtorn, Hi. pipakurr. Cyrus wa- th.

aaaBBSR of Mm Lo.-u. B Bfl BaBaaaar of isaiah u creaibi.-.

aid l RBaM that it ta.BTBaa »o RRBBBM a ir,*.. *s B8M BM 88 Hfl U.rone,

on^ of our IM*** B-BBB aaasaaaaflaBMa ,'Xhort^I pr*.v foi l.lm and for all R autliorlty, U on*- of ti,-

La.u.1- rumil>*. U.4- ii.J.l»U*r of the ciMDel .* Uj.'I t« uui

Z ^-opi.- m nand to ba aahRR R BRaRjafllBBBBBB u, oh-r nastatrau*. u, b< Bta** lo Btatfl aao*

"SaflB MM ntSR ->"¦* saaalnR pe«p" M"),7*..JT^TsV-B BBSflBR RBSfl M iRRRRBfl - CKd

on e»rth. -xherU-d tho*e whom he dosctlbed a 'theiv,.,,;.- (,r ..od" to --honor th.- K'.np" Bt BB. BBBB.Uo to '-*iilHiilt to **\-*ry ordln»n<-o of m»n lor th Ca*****ake, wh.-th.-r It lx- lo th.- K.g B* BBgaBBB, BBunt.i covern.-r*., a* unto th.-m Uiat ar..- sent bj Him for of B.MaaBB and fnr the prul.e of them thatdo well."

THRI'.l DXTnri INSTITFTIONS.There are thre.- divini- instltutlons among m^n.the

faii.lly, th. OBBBBB, tli. S-al<-.IhSH ar. ..f BBBBM, tlme* »nd clKtimfUnr*.* aBSB

sbe*.aaa u> aha Km- m Bm flhraaaai <»..uici in- t: at*">n

t.. f.od. Th.-re »re tlni..* al... BBBfl BM BBB* BBBBbMBlhlhBBd by x r-hellion .inn-»t 9*0*9 e.-.l .*1a**tli*l

»U|H-rlors. There aro occaslori*. t"0, BlMB th- volre of.... * father BBBt Ix- BBB*.-rardrd. MB h BBBMB, BBBhBBMBBB, ln.*A'V.r ?.¦. ,-\ ptloual.

Tht- BBBbBBBB.Bl authoriti-*. BB ln*tane-. ln *ie »m.-l .t

.*__ ..f .l.-rusaVm, arralcn.-d nw. ef ******* r-pr-»-iitnt;radl-elplis i..r t.-lilna. in piihliI aod *>-. Uie rtory<.f the.- Maaaar, aad pereuat.g aaa to bahwra on hu¦¦« the S..11 of <;«!, and comm.ldt-d U..-n. to d.-l-t. Th.-,r

reply wBB: "We ought la atug O* ***** maa."Of thl. hirfi-i i.v.- and ite SBBBBltaBI IbeTS ** not tlm.

now t. Hp.-ak. What ar- some of our daBMB to-day a*

Ctotattaa rr..-n a* an aaaBaa te errg aBBbal i»" yaudoubt what tln- poiiltiuii of BM n.i of BB***** would beif ba ****** in peiaaa i.i baa eBj M Baw.TerBI Can raafor » ***** -i.U-rtain a doiil.i Bl to BM MMB.tha-t W«_* b>- pBTSBad I'V s.ih of llls friend* as wett

Paul, and i'es-r. and laba Tln- word* el *****.-. at.d aftl,-.- BMB BBTS .I. UBBlUllld. Th.-lr BMBBlBg B«Ik- ebvtsBa to ail aaa

Chriotians mu.t b.- ot^-rt.. i.: la bha laBjaaraaaaa. of tbaSt:.-.' ui BB BBBBB iu whtab .ap ll" li,>l ********* wlth **"

etaarl] r-v*ai.d wlU el '-od ObrlaaiBBa ..upi.t to hav.surh an int.-r.~t in ai.d IW. h a «yni|*tthy wlth rivU aflair*.like iu <ity, a_aa :md BsUaa, a- ta be BhM to paajrdaily l.r all * autl.orir BB* ** "*»y l*ad ijulet and

paeaeabla Irraa la all bbb_mm o* basBMj, Tuis a aa*p*.Ues.H k 9 part >.f Ba rrlbTtsa of Jeeua.

<'hri-tun* eagbl ss ajral Bad art la baraaay witli ti,-;*

in-ay-r*. II BBM M BtWJ n: rbBICb f'.r BMd.-feat i.f BBd BBM m BBtbSrllT ln th.- .-ond.Mt of iuui.m Ipal

irhlle n*. aBan l* aaahi '.. bbtbm abau aataat, iti* MasghaaMsa m pleai pbaaa ta pray for p..r.- gs««a-m'-i.t in Bm baaaa al tb baM aa B* awa baig day .d

darlag Bm wet* mal ipeeehM ^. le-haif af and v.u- h.r

a. i.:-i.tu.n of kjwwa t*x**4r*i* and vlilain* i.i aBCbrlaBaaa eogbt ta glv* ***** toaaeaea ta errrjr nauet

poaatbta * totm ot aa bsaaB ....<i |aa bb_IbIbBbB.b "f

;*.:.>¦¦.. iii th- iniiMBBirj la «*!¦ h **_ ret**. Ta daBilBni i* t<, tara ever Bmm taMicata la tad bmb. II taha tbla v.-ry raasoa B_I bbera B Bl M. preaaal t.n.e sachaa rsraeet Md (astrj ladlgBaat aalcrj iiiriinaiaal CbrtatBa aea bave aag.eled bha btghsad botp da.ea aad tati -¦.- W_aglag la e_*ai«hlp,ll i* _M ihai Bmm bw 80,000 bmb ui Bew-Terk, gsad¦aa, too, wbo babttaally ai..>.. Um bm_**m frt_ Bm peU.BI.waa ou .l.-ctii.n Bar*. lh'* ttaag, mj breikren, aagbta... m M be. i '«v:i refrrt «eee*_gly to i.-um that bbjt¦nabii ..f u.i* rhar '¦ ".'." :- eal.ted t.. <i<. *a aeglect*¦_,, eaal i \.i, .. d raaadag ta favor of ibs caadlda e*

adMgs »:.¦. ;...ii. Baa al* pelal ef rlaw, praaB.a an ba.¦oubmui in Ibe a. :! of abrte aifair*. «... t..

Ibe potla aad role u rrtlgleaaljr as you * tbaamum. .1. ta ptoee to-day.

There ;.r.- perfli sbeal m tareaBBBlag tl.e prosperity,not Ui siv th.- |>.rpetiilty. of our BepahUe. ta BBdaM lO*<,,a. ;tni| ,,. -!::iu m^n 0UL'..t U< b. ...

tbe f....... Tbrj oarbl t* -.¦"- ***.'<*.' uMtler*. BsbmperBa t.. whlcfe we **. nga*rd ar- __lgiat.b ii-

th. Itaooi y"i':. eeofealed araatlb, eo_btnstloo*-,,:,- ef latM.r. nn-jt ul--, eampt mu-

atelpallUca, el le. la all af tbcai Ibtaugs, aad ¦

Ibe.aad otban ef -. .r-iy haTrrtof tatp..aee, leaaa ra*

qalre* j i». _*elgle*. for tke H""<1 af Ibe adMla peegla, Be.¦ut- itai:. ai.d n,:.:i:i.-i ¦* praeUeal eaaee., Bat ¦ awa

e. uu t -how bl* tateraet ta Bbeee aiaftrri for pood *rke,_.... | ,,, th . IboagBt, aml "ho. when BM .,;,.

is ai ever. rettag-^laea Ibe ag-porti.nitv i- p.-*. nt-<: :-: m lecltaea t.. cxpr.** bg

th, M tatellIgaal u..d bmMbm eornic-Uon* against Ibe irroac and ta favoi i.f the rlcl.t. \\'i*J

_, N. ,,;,. t, before bm, m ;> .'iiristian n,»i,,

i._., , rtar, taal bilattaa pelptt, i imd it diffl-

,.,llt, ,., ,..¦., tbal rar* bm* bowerei o.-d Bbelrlaaoeeat oftbe .-vii* sa..< wiii.-h at tbe

ornaent .. proMst .- made l.y tha best aseo and wobmb taUn- clty of S.

:. nuin- e_el tas ef geaoa. L-t ii*

be Cbrl.lani Le faet, and not raeretr ta fona. L-t u

Ih* Cbrie..« on iiacUaa Bara, as aa tb. b_3 Lord'* J.ay.I_et ... ir plet. M manlfrrttrl at tbe pcO* a- arell ..* al bm

ptar«r*a .""* *Nlil we nn.eoil ear bol? >...

llgtan ta Bll bb aad - ran Bm approral and baaedlcUcaof th- » -f Bm Be*y-erea our Lord Jeeaa thri-t.


Tin: BEV DR. .i"*i l'H i i.a*:it. BCOB.B TAM*

M .fT r.FKK.'TlVKLT.

Ti.e nev. Dr. .lo-i.ii 3. Lami>e Breaebed a ti.r.ucln-

fn] .-md ii,-i-n. nv- aenaen M Chrlal Prasbg-ffaa. .'.r.-'i. ITtV.M West Thlrtvlffh-'-t-. >"¦'

Ibe snbject: "Tbe l>uty ot Votlng for UprighlMen.'' Hi* i»\T wns. uMtatorer, thou ihall gror_e

all tbe people bmb, ¦¦ u toai Ood;bmb ol hatli | .-ov-toii-...--. ani place s.a*h.n-,-r .ii.-..! to be ralen M IhooBand aad ml-r- ..r

hondreia, rntora oi Bftlei and mM i <-f lena." Dr.

I.mpe aaM la part: "We beBeve tbal gorei.bmbt lif. unded oa the aulaorltv "f Oo*. and the powenI ..-¦; ba are ordalned ot Ood "nr t- i* what-,.ri of power* <¦..<: wouM ordaln ll Hli vviii v.,-,-)

followed in :his matter, and tberefore, bg eompartngoar rutora wiin t'u l»ivine ]>;itt'-r:i, v.- rus; hnow jhow an appr. - bare made to i.odv plan.We all feel that men ptasi Ing those o-_dltle*BBmcd in tbe b_1 ougbl to be our rutora, and ii.itwben thej are we --hall bave an admlnUtratlonof pablh airair- whieb will re*ult m wMeapread bl¦..-iin.-. eoatforl am, prosperity to the peopto. ii- BOW pro.-ed t> ci.nti a-' «i:li t'.K fhear^i'.i ebaraetsr of oar muidclpal offlceis, tbe bmb

arbo gorern ».ir eity. Have thej any of tbe gnaUflea-ti'.ns whlch I'.xi Bm prescrlhed lor offleer* tt Qoieniment.' Are tbe] Bble in-n The ir-fh. I-:i. y wtthviii.-ii ii,.-,- dlarbarge He-.r datbe deddedly Boswers.\..:' Ar<- ti.ev in-:. of until. sncti bi tear God 1 Peoplewould la.i^-li a: v.iu lf vou aflirmed it. D.» they I.teeovatonsnes* a'.d srorn t.. aaa* brlbea i; yon shouldBBBB h,nt a! tl,- pOBBlblllty of MKh B v irtu0, it WOBldl.e toOBBi upon bi BB attoinpt a, BU*. Bsm. A publie..p-..iai Lnve.btatlon ha- ibown beyond all contradl. tion that ..,1. f;nr city ls fWCrued by a si-l of i.i-'i

banirtl togetber for the ibaple porp .*¦. of _M_aglngllif people of all they ean lay tbelr hand-. on. Theyan- not n. Ibe MaM eoaeeraad abaal au booaal ud-BBtaMtvattoB of the afTalrs of tbe city: tbal is niere

bv plav, bi:t BBCh one r_I with the other- ln a paBigatt--:iii., L. C-; I.;- Il-t.* a.- a* BOBBlbM ln. Ibepui.lir erib, There i- bb era_ng the dlagraceful fa-tthat oar etty ta taiaaly Baier tba eoatrol of a irant;of aagrtaetpled rllbiln*. tMeves, thngs, i....*.iier.-, i.r:i».tniv.-r^. gamblen aad beepen of bro heM ani .-..

Their rliai.u le ha- b<*en ui,errl;i--!v ; botograpbed iu UiepablM preas. it i- ao aeeral, Bverybody hnowa it,ami tbe n.--n UMBBMlvea bave abao.|ely .... reply utBB_. t" the (laina^iin; Indlctment Tbelr itnbborn¦Uence ta equlvalenl i" .. coalaaaton tbal the Inl.

-id t.i their . harge ar-- tni-.

"i.b at tbe royal aaa axpeodad by ih.-m f..r theadiiiini-tiativc porposea of tba .ity aad the eaormouiImreaie ta 'ho d<-bt of the <ity. what beeo_ea ofall thia mon.-.v . A pivnt BBD i- d-vut-d (or ch.B*Ing thi Baetoi aaeagh to pvt ua tbe eMaaatt cltyi: tba v .*ii.i. l.ut only ta* itreeta are k;-pt in anj*ort of iaeeat ihaiiUneaa Bnoagh bmb ar*-. aaaatoyadan.l paM tor th* *NB.i bu. H ta BOt don-. An E.\-..-.. OmmUtrnti has been createi t.i restrld tbe llquort.-.ifln to make it a* dcent snd liarm_ts*a aa posalble.Tbaae eoaualaa.aeta, wlth their at;.-i.daiib*. recelrs

bmb ibaa gBBfbOO a year, and pal aboal ai; tbej doi- to ^hieid unlavvfni llquor iflBMrs BBi erbntaaBaud la Uecp IhaniiMvea m osVe. if a ba.i boaiteshould lie opened ln yoar iMlfhbafBOOd, go* BXmMi.i.d tbeae oMoan ta your waj if yoo eaBearorad tohav..- tha nui-aii'.- Bhated. Thej aeeea t" Ibtah thatthey were elerted to erin,;aak ii tl.Ir aetartoni

-. Tbe poin- eearti turalsh aaoihar Inata reof the flapr.ii.t w.i-t- of bmne. and ::. .- |v-r-ion ol ofh'ial power. Nov.. this gang of raecal*:- iipiKstiiin; agata t" the people fm .. (artber tenureol oface, and we i."' i¦. determice whetber th,- iii-BTaeerai ttaaa ><f things ta t.. be cootlnned for another.nn of tw., veur-.

¦Th.-v ii,-n bnae Ibelr hope* of eoattnaBd i«.«ernoon th- aM wbtoh they wlll re dre lr-.m«d \_not iiitere*t. .<i>l trooi au tbe rUe habltue*of bretheb* and gambling bouse«. n __* a renuu-l.blefn.-t thal about all lhe .irlun* elemenU ..f .....

.in are banded togetber wltb these polltkaJ t>i;,nd that tbeae elesnents are belidng themand ma... t«< contbme ... power. What if Uu ...

ceed. sn.h a BMladmtaisiraUon <.f ailuii*- w,n a<id«iev4.arj t-. the burdeii* ..f Ute ptrnle. uol oab toU;,s-i. _xpayer*, l.ut partieolart] t.. tbe great body ofwurklng peopte.

-Tiie iii-i- robber. of tbe publb fund* i.- no. tn.-wi,r*t of tbe evlta, bnt tbe moral rontagb. witi. whiihti iii- tbe eity, Bnking U oae va-t Brnal pe*Vbon*e.Think vvh.ii ;,., exMupli Ii s.-i i*io,-»- our yo_is menWben ib* liUhaat an-: i. » ofhee tn our manlclpaiitv

th<- rewardi .<f brlbery ami rarraiaton. The »-i.,.i¦aad of the i.our i- tbat tbe rlUaoi sboald permllhli ..ii-' i-i"'- to <. ]¦...-- it«*"lf ... ll" n.aflvr uf vi.iim;.Tbe pulpH bo* ample reaeon Bar uj. trdi qaeUon Poople who never go to ehareh an.l bqnorrt,-.|o.-s an- l.oldinp np tbelr haads i.. holj borrur, be-rstue a* tbej *ay, mlnl* :- nre brlnidux * reprotwh,,ii reUl "f P°litlc».,,f their -jH-nk-r- aa ex-Tongre**...i, -hi.I ttd week

-, pi.i.i" speecb, The .- whether tbe govarailifiit <>f thi* .all be given ..v.-r i, menurrow-chested. narruw mlnded, lonc-earad. halrednlneompoop* who sit lai the .!..:¦.'- Thl*

i,i*,ilt »nd .i ehaltenfe, Oik thlog. li rertaln: ifMuirrh-BAilna l«'opl'- ..l.t..m .oiitnd of lhe clty Koverii-11-1,1 '.V'- *¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ **..'¦¦ " i4'' * "'"

-fhe pulplt iu day* gone bj ha* ....t been almidt., nx-ak lilainlv al-'.it wlcke.-.**.* in lilpli plnr«-s. and_a Tiurltv and pn«.i»erli.v of our r iimirv are tarnelyS Vu, i?..s ton- H*g_B*. **'" iHMstlon at l*s.e ta. t one of parU*-«i. polities Wltli thl* th- pulplt hu»nothtag S do. lt - » A<»*> efl^1 <". Mta part of both

BaaahBeana and DaaMataR to aaaiHuaar a <-"r~'Ptgmrernnent. Then: l« nothina wbich i.pponi'*. the^ .¦¦*¦

Bfl - ...h as tha aatrld rottcni.e-... whlrh <"'r*''?"alhe cuv.nim.'iit ol t&a elty fmn, top «. betRf. .'""lt 1* tharefnre must aertalnh thc <lut\ ot al «*..*«clttoen* i. vote for oprlght men to tal;e th-' I";|,' ..'uf the pte-BH ean.:. Wc ail sxpcci tM v" " ¦i" rats R Baal w ea tatt Tue-Ray: wny aflfl .*> "

cxpect tliat all th<- cood wm aN-, voR '"'


PROACHIXC, D0WB7AIX.T!ie P.rv. Thomas Dixon, Jr. -poke at ASSBStStRR

Hall yc-lerday morniti-j ea .. T!:e Triumph R .'"'

Muniiipal l.t-gnc." Ile pumted out tb"ce«s f.r lha I'nion tRkat, and tho BaaaaMM indica-B.M .. Tamniaiiy*. desperation. He sa.d

Th- BjmI .!.. fl .". .-¦ b*taB*B MM laatM of eifla* »ndaampflaa, psnaaMtad by lawaaay Ball, bM BR ****.,.. flew.Tatb la bbb apaa aa Thani. Ba*. ut bM th* By*(Ma*a* fl MM M*tI*pBU* ar-' up ln arm- and >_--r for lha.

8VMflBl fray. 1'jmm. th, taaa* p\ t>,at ila.v bRflaa the d**«

tlny of tli< tmmttt ity of .Jie Bea World.Th. laaac ta fla Ob bm hand stand Rs bo*t* "'

the ti?,t. Th- v ara aaBa* Om mientT HRaght BRflB aat*raataaflbM taaaala ..r Mm baaa*.ab* aaaey MaThey hrar It -iiicl" I" tho rlty tr-a-ury. lt fkafUm in ***UaekaR. They aHl co down in Om Bal dBeb BgMBag trttk

th<- dBBpetato Mpt BM tmn bmj baai MM »w*R ¦bR* *****two pcata Bager. Ihey bi* Bd by :, BBtf-etB-BeaR trtmt*aal, win, tobix-d Mm aaawfl.ata 4-.h. fell toto bto elntcb**af 9B1 0 '." darlas aa* yew *f bta MMBtotrattoB a« BR ":"

On Uie other hand .land th, loyai pCBfR af S-wYork-tho*.- w!,o lo\. ti.i. .-|t.4 fBt Its own Hha BM blu»h at itf

dbgraee, who Mr* baaaed UmbmRt. lageflMi B -

MBpai IR r*». ¦. ;. ' m Mm elM be* of Hm beata RR bm

wtatp* and Blabto* to palaea* bafll by Rc eBUaa Bflfl* ,: ¦

me* paaaR efly. .\n,i ta th.s dtolac u«b uiey *s* bm

Bxpcel r- wai.i *t Bavar, IM asR i*> OMglrca. II h ¦"

Un' na.. .. o.' OM -ui'i BBB, n.nd" !n Hls bB8SJ*Trmrg .:.-".! bo* pBlato to ih,- wiptag tHtaapb of thi*

:. mi aflatt ta Ba patlBaaflBB and MlrattaaBMUaaRto, "... aa RaaRII R TMibmbi Ballin uie B.perato taaaaei in arhleb Ray aie rIM -TT-'r* Tke ***ih r af bald Ita told i>-1 Maale u

the ear* *yvRaa- tt tta .,. *terte* tt ¦ to*l cbb*titud,' of wfclalas raaeera t« rtllgtoa which MMeeMcd Itafll-t bui**'. ,,; ridi.ul- for fllfBl* In pollfle* BBB, B.RR ti"

_____ i, beea Maged to OM fl IM ttkeal al,,.-" of r.'llplon and of th** BflatotoB* R ,'"d *!

dar.-il |* defy th<- di*4 il ln Hfl* S8 fli.N lat...- -)-"¦.ii.-. eekraa th,- aaVtol bibRbb* ladfatlMii. layB, aeeatdRg to "TM Baw-Tara ¦aa'..ti,- aflatotce* aM ar MPP**1 "' ** ri ¦ ***** Uxr"t'"'is ¦ -r.y-'r* tt aerainy ipflfl rto*. R<beUerc tha: tbe latdtlgcaei B to M (otnfl Lnin im aalpfl aM la IM aanaa ibaatM, Barrow.*.aded.lony-balrcd ntecompaBp* «ta M beRr* th***. Rrt .*..' *

,,.,.. ia ael -.. II '--,':--. bt* baaa Mtter,\\i,..n. Bm g*flfl atob to Rttey MMP Br*t ni»k^ mad.

I bbR* »t la.t. *a de->p.'rat" i- th*- hour.

ata ti," BB*l*gai*M beate B all bta Bere* ijriit.iiity th-

sr «b eaeay al paaea and pBttty, baaM aM Oa*, baaadirartb witk gla. b aad aRrptaa* aRw*

bsltta .mt" deathTl,.- Se*p*l8l 'A(!*'" manif.'-t-d ln tho fart that

th- bta~M Mra *baad.Md laeal baaat and ¦.

_aa...j* hoars-. ityRg to em ady that ReytwABy ia t*a****Bl flattoaal Da.«.*_¦ R ¦'¦ aay Bhey

for Ihey Mt* andeHaBaa ;. hRculasn Rb. ThouKhth..'. *MBl aiM *ere**B :,..d w!,....|, li.itil rl..'il of tini".

th.v v,ii aiiiii aintind ir, cbbtR«lagaayflajRIeittad ana

aM ha- a RaR Rg ratlBgb to rattl^ ln a Uilr.ib,'*. »nd wh,,

y,-t n.,\. s ,,ut-ld- of a laiiatic asyluni. that IM] B

¦g except IM BitattM af u.- vbRbm m i^.uti,-..Th.- Btaaapt to appeal to th.* pr..judi^o« .t th.- _MB*aaia

.1,-rn .-o-n ii,-ii ..ho UM ln flSW-Tatfc by RB tri.K

la simjily toataBiptlhlr. tM fl an taaafl t*< erery BaadMiabbm ia IhB elty. M a rato, R* .S(,utt,.,":i peepl. aM Mv*

Ufl thn- far N..rt.h kBOa bBB t. r,-:ul and wrlt*-. Tl.---

Mt* nttblng to cmbbmo attfc RB gaag ¦ M rnle Mm ettythrough Igaoraaee, 4..-.-. MspRMy aM ertae. T* Reet,

aweraey has erer mmmt bat aai Ring, IM woaitii-.i'm.-. jmiit, and toleUlsaae* of th- emtmmnttj banded

eBMBto pBtaaalfled to TBiBhany Ball BBefl'Tork. . bora eltttea, Ral1**" *t ****** B°°*,,:,,]. ..' ii;v toll BBttTC i.ind, 1 upMlBl* « l* ¦ ¦ :<n,:

todlgnaUae *-'¦" "-"" Baadei bapltad la ld.tttfylas Iheaatnu-'s "Ith the h,,i,,,r and Int-ciity ,.f tli- >-utli. Tli-

eflortt XBauBMy B bow BHktag, *BlkfBg urni-i

IM .._-'..'... RU," to reaeb Uiis elnaent, todlcgtr* that Mmn1,.i- I.B little Bltogtlag of tl. BMB «Itli th.' I.rav. .,f

ti,,- flfigaaa MtetRBie. lal Hicnt, ButilMin n.-n Baeatha-. naaaaaay i^s bhmc Mmb bbb* baea 'i.-lr .inda- [aearlflin '.li- bBB* R National trlal. TMy know that Tammany

tperattoo to >'. '¦ al Mm only DcbmBl itoe* R* **ai. ai,,l is to-day hl« liltu*r> st to*.

Thi-y know that Tammany Hall ha_. d*B* MOt* t.> danm IMeaaac of D Bweaae] ta Mm \..rth, in th- eyaa of th^ d^c^nti..,---- than all other CBtUCB t.MBCfl, lt, taflCB RB

|, .,|,h-f. to 1018888 th- EBCt that tli" DaBMQBUC l>:.rtv r-u,

n-4'-i bap* toi rett iiubcbb anfll it "<!.:< tt* baaflb nor-

tot all of tho+r* rransr. of fr»'»*N>«t.'r*, »ho ot^al an hlatorl,*nan-, and RaeaR Rl* m:._*k mmmlt buTclary.TM '-'¦''.m|,', *f Ra faagB* trtU m^an an hon-«*.t. rapaM-

man In IM CBy BaU, v. bo 4*111 know how to r-nd and a rBwh. "ill ba al'l" to ol.uin ra|Hd tninelt for tht- Itv. and

falth in Mm honor and teteg.> i \:.-k Clty** saf rnni-nt in u,- iiiiio!* R th- paaaR >¦'

thls Nat'-n. It Tii! BM8B the ina':'."ira!j,.i nf a iumv ,-ra

btatory fl Hm ''... la trbkb laa alll bc te*pe*ta*ertae paatahed, Um elty eleaaR snd mad^ h^althr andbeantiful.

Let every mnr, whn tore* th- rlty. w{m torc* bta hon,".ni-n. wh,. toTC* R* Q**. SlTC 'h- f-lll

aretabt R hls TBti tM aambood aa a*-R T.n*d*j -¦

tin- -BBjertty af tta ' Mm PeapR'i HaalelpalI...,-.'.-, and Mrj l«'i'-ath an BTBlBBrM IM BaU that now

lUlCBCC for th- clty and tln- RattoB.




Chickorini: Ilall w;is nt-nin rrawflM vest.-rdiy mnrn-

iti-'. when Profeaaor FeUl Adler deli\ere<l bl* -«*. <>;nl

afldna* "ii iii" leeue* "f th<- Baalelpa] CaaapalgB.1XotwltMtaoalag Ihe taet tliat the pr,,fess,,r d*.pr",'«.t.'sany manif.-tafnn, of applMM :it IM BMB*HngB ,>f HM

ot Ethlcal Calture, tiier,- .ra- hearty -e4"r:il rhma-te* of hla ..ddre-s yeaRrflay, ln liis

previoM addre** Profe**or \<iier d.'itit with tii** lauae*;,i ..ii.ii whlrh the People'* Municipal

Leagae movemcnl I* baae*. Veaterday ta dBexpse*\\\f ;,:-e-,'!it refOt. nn.'. "tii'Tit *- a lo-'.-s-itv f,,r 'afetyund utegllM ln tli" future. Thc addre-s wh- in aah*-tini.,* as fBBowa

i BhaO bogln by refentog t., the iK,int at which i

elosed RB Miuday- the aeesaaBy ot proper smalclpalpn'!-. When 4M- look frno ths praaaafl gMalBg wn>Imteray t" the greater probRaii beyond wa iK-rnmeeenvlnced th^it the ealthratiaa ef pmper efrto atRe isllie .'l.iv true s,.luti,,n nf th-* dlflb ully. li: BBCRbIGreeee the well iieinc R th<" towa laaBR Ugber thMtaaafl] aflBd.. Municipal pat.i panaaaaed UR raryBtm-Mpbere R Oreeb thonght lt i- ?!_.. shssaaa '»'

tliat shmeal teflay ihat ihaaR awaaea profoantUyserious thOBght. V.'h', of us tqke«; 'irirtc hi Ni-\. ^,lrkThi. 'ity i- a Craeaaa. it d,*.. baaR an* cm bsaR,,niv ur it. bmIIB and ttaa Bal it laii,- pebtte UbrarRa are talsrlor, tta -riiiN.!- ar"- bMhaard, andof lt* poUtle* tbe i*- afld tha better. To many ¦.'

ont baat rttRen* tho pnbUc bf.' af thta town s,s-in- -"

l-i,l ihat they think H not* worth wliile to attemp: ,t-

iHiprsivenn ;it. In tli"-,- dai- tli it" hi- dtTllna* andBm BbBRb and National i.-u.-s aiv ln ihe fortsjrround.It i- ,'\a<t!y tli- lerCIM of the CODdlBoa R our cunlH

..l aaerflM .ii.- ehange t., three ¦ First.tho inll.ieti" R B>BMirialto in-t!tii?loaa, iv!,., h Ra*

y.-.-ii'-it". aM malar whleh Btata _bm ara Rpaal nn ,-n:-, OhBRtBtl s-s-ond. t tli- f.i.r thnt "Ur

Natioimi taaa* are RrfBty mut'Tiai aai appMllag t, ti;.- phyaaoa] wttmim tt *B mdi-rtt..a and. third, t., narpaitl >4-t<'m. Another vitut-lag eRaimfl I* t be feeUng i hat ehVe thall l," heU .. iaward* tor p,,!itn-»i *errlee*. To-day Bea v..r* Cttj flaajoylag a lueld Interrai Two yeara beeee tit.- eoaa¬try aill ied in a Battoaal ttraggto, and HmbgDOd-by I" l.niiii'.pul r«*f.,nn: __By M ill a,.!. th'-nVhj thM bi v. j'.it Rrtfa -inh ,'ITorts if lve knowMAaataa* Ihelr fmn- wUI M Rat in National _.tru_._.KWe aaaaar, pat '" a bbm now as flapor arho «- kn *wv. ill icfi-rni und nul,,* i,e< . s.ury lartltBl BhaasM "'¦

uu ettj gararBiMat. Ata Baea Sestraagain t<> uttcran samatt proRR ariii.-t tta lir.t sIbbm ot lhe r**-

tora. eres*. ta whRh it B .sut._ thal --nnfflfal en\enuaeat B btiRnaB* and m.t potltlcs. rtiat la a hairmnh tliat is vlrtt.J ntoehoo*.

.Muiii, goTernmeni hat Iti baalaeB* -iii**. but,i ba* u-s uae poUUeaJ flde ..- aefl. Wlthoni poliUcii,,, fiiTernmenl tan go on. flThal n iranl i*bul laore poBI -. -t""d iliUca, hlgh f,.- j,,v. poUtle*.I'.liti-- are queation* "f i-ut li. poUey \r- there,t!-ii. ti" iinaaUon* nf publlr pollcj m ,-it- povern-nient v-n.,i v- .-,.-._ ,,ts- mnnkipal ]..u-ii,- entirelydiktluct from 'ii- National partle Tot ,(u".-:..'ii atihe liinit of cducatloti ln Ihe publie nehool*. tM car*-,,r tie- Indlgen. and flck. the huuar. .f eorrertlon .md

* '.' peblk j> iii. j u- j, ,i,t. .. ,u,rtnm -: i.- ¦¦ .:.->..--! surh jiBc*tioii i,-,.i io otben »«f

moment "f .be Umn ,-t inRrferenee, ..tti, ou1 Ib biaUad mtrol ,. tli- mwti R

tranidt and other preat Improremenu, <>f Umnbwiluti taxaUon, .-«nd .,; u. estMbliabBMnt

i a mui l< Ipal i"-;-..'...r»*. n \<m bal hav** prinripi.*ii. tiie rontt*. meu 'f -hlntj and hoaoi u:ii i.. utadtu werve ih- rlty. ..oTerlmeni ls ..n art. lt rannoti- ..,iii,-<i bj in'.iii.ioii. i .... governmenl ,,f rttto* '-

.- ;,- ial!4 importai ' Ue* nr.- Ihe da:if>'r p.,llits\-4ti.,i They u<- Um- iu vhleh rapub

llrau nist'.uii-.ii» taTc bitiutto (Bltafl. They mu«t iafll_iil, or the Nation niu*t fall

.. llCBM you BM li"' re.v*,n foi TIm* liit.-n-i- mt'Trst!>, thi. nitii,lilp*4l r>f..ii. tuin.'nu'iit. Th. UR "f thesat,on i- ..t Hake. V.. ar* UTlag Ht a Um- ol lo,, tnerirati dltlcs. n..v. pMteaca, and tb- Mflawlll turn. rhrrv **i!l again Ih' (freat lsxues. inrtl'rthi»n Um- paal ta* known. Entcr mu, tt.c aeanr detall. of niiml'li.1 rrform. and ron wiU t* reudy f"rthe flattoaal strif** Attend to tLe aaaattani "f ratfljatbat demand your attentlun now, and you win be tlie

lxtter preparcd lo promotc tbe welf*P" of your..¦juritry.**

roone vouna men* to work aud vote.The Kev. Hr. R. I|.*h<*r NVwton. rector of All ».».l-'

rp,t.-"H.:t K.j.i-. ..pal Cliurrh. 4vbo has j,erform<*dreuman service in BSBalf <>>* B» People'-ii'l't and jtootl povernnicnt miidc his tlnalappeal in |lr, sertnoti yesterday *_,, hr- s»id. the dutr of every efl BM to excrclsehis BaaC.laa i,o\t Ifleaafly R the end tliat the cltymljrht be redeemed fromi tbe aPSBBV. **A Bnlf wa*

it s dutv from tlie siafldnrd of civll a-Ttilrs. but lt waa a

Christian dnty to do all in ono'- pOBSff t.. nvcrthrowa rorrupt orcaniz.tlon and aecnra 0**1 povcrnnientf.r tlie I»r. Newtot) BTgad tlie yutinjtmen not only to for the tlcket l-epresenting an

hnncst r'v*r!iment. but to do all in tiieir power to¦ee tha: thr s,.i.rHC«>- "f Other* were .."' interfere-ltrl th. TM yoang men. ii,' arifl, a**e th" f.r,-,-. of tii<*fBtara in poUtle* and -.hould at an ear.v sta^e lntheir raeecn idrntifv themselves with tl," Interarta4v!ii,h n,**-,' foutided on a ba-i- «'f tho wclf-in* of thewhole people. _________________


MF.N AND THINGS.tiood mornlne. Bia* to -of yea. Ta!;e n ehalr,

Repreeenl both n*ii(rion ,ind paBttea BJtkX Btea, RheIwa ehalrs. Baaa a rig_r. Oh, you din't BSBOha.N'oither |o I: bui I keep ¦ few elfBfa on the maiit'-l. tathnt I r;,n if I should feel so .. di-.iw.f-.'d." i la tbe im

BMwtal sairev 8aa_p. Hen. ahe! ls it thB ¦aaralBglOh, the poiitlml CBB-PBlgB, and the jmrt the p.r--o>.-are tahtog ln it. Vea, of eeane, IhR B Baa topicI'.ut r*-.i!!v the pimblers. heelers nnd ntn sellers liaveni id" more nf lt than It amount- t". Totrbere nre. .;,¦.-. ahoR 700 BtfaBtera of n lielon ln thB

Of theae perhaps 1B0 bbbI in Ihelr mbmb ns

-\ B-pathbtB-g aasrs or i«-s wlth Ihe afaM R the BeBnaletpal Leagae. Aai of these aot ¦ ,i*e thaasi'4-entv five loaad themselves ln .4 pRM wbercreald laka bbj setJva part in tetplng ths Leaga .¦ -

there you are. Seventv five rfergTBWn out ,.f TOO inthis trr.'%t ,itv iiftinc up thetr veRe agabnfl URII aaipottMeR rorniption. only seventv tlv and yet R-. ¦.! ,nie of tlie p-sprr-s yon would iapp(Me thal every

a in t'.-.m WM tunilne hls inl.. a campnis-. lub. To ni» the atraasB Ihteg is. ii-.t tili! theae towelergyaMa baaa RhBfl part in tin* eaaapalga,but M many have KfkalBS* from dolng-,,. r,,r lha Bsns B ;. parely nnd Rsttact-ly m'.ral aaa, invnlvini:. SMtBOTer, the future

destlny of the creatc^t etty to ABiartoa. flfhy l* lt

thal ooo .*.id etagyaiea ta Baw Votk baae bad aothlngto aay m IhR baraiag qaesatoa I why |s it that some

of the omR taflaenttal and rorerta paatan, aRoa¦aaawa i si.aii n<>t spanttaa aaaa be«n apparaetly talahal Mptaaaata R a -botbbb.rl to dri\e thtoaM andraBMellera >,ut <>f Bm etty Rovenim<'.nt * Why B Uthat, ae mt a- i know, only cne eRrgynm R a pvat:it,d BBClSBl <"ii:n*li lin- consMepvl it bta dutv t-> siv

anything oo thta qaeettoel I won't try U< answer theseqne*tioM: ImbI of all nHI I Ry anything that niiirht

Impann tta awttaea R IBsm aOafll bm poltleal pn-B0BS. I aay point to them as an anii/.init and Lnex-

pllrahta taet, aad n thrtag praef R Bn dlRcalty or

getting a.i good mtm tofataRr in any unlted aaaaeaasnlBga n*1 monil evil.

I ceaU eaally imncine another type of p.liti-ral pars.,n who, pertep*, Bmi extot, and of

ahoaa, therefbre, we hAve. heard not.'.inR ln thi*.II,* wonld refBM tO *enOBBCS

rascaUty beeaaM it wa* te ta toaad la bta own pottttealparty, or beeaaM the arseNhlesi aad naoR taflasaBtalmen in hfl parlafe takansd to tha party af Brlel ,"t-s

mH inseab, n saaB beeaaM M* aaet taneflted bpBto laatatliy nnd thtorsry of the partv ta qaesttoa.I'erhap- thB BTOaM no. eOBBtltuR him a polWeal par-

ioa, bat oalj a polttte parsoa. Be it .>: I won't

qaarrel over an nfljeetlae. I "iii only* that lf..\<r any large body of ilercyni-.'i thoaR tall to de-nouiue Btehedaeaa for *aeh reasoa* i shoaM Beel waytorry for tb.* charctaa R whtob they wera members.And if there thoaM happea t<> be aaet a panon ta Baw-Tork, i bope that B wlll ipsedlly aes the srros of Ua

Aii. >.*«;. you aay: it i. rery easy for *he panon in

bB tnriv to etter great, iwdBag wonta aboal dnty and

j-riniipi>*. Hut Jaat rome down t" a SoBcrRa eaM

li-..- h uttk XSekhsart, paator af tta BtaesteM< bnrch. Ii<* ba* a arlta aad mtm ehOitaa aud |et*borely eooagb ju^t to lasd and ehflhs them. Ia fact,be (BB iianlly do that 4vitlmut rtiniiiii^ ni debt. W-llth.-n. Beskheart, m raa kaow, i<* no preaeher and not

_aei ". a a rtRr. If he wcrc to lo*c this Mareh, lhal.ord only BBOWa when he would Bfl Btathsr. Mavt.e

be Bflghl tfi somethin; fo d,> after ;i Rw tooatha, but

ln the ni'-.inwhile what 4v,ui|d hi- B_9 and hlldren

e;,t WhSTS would Ihsy Basl You don't kno4v ?

\":-y well. tben: now Rr tta point I am Bttklng.tfeekhearl i terrihly in eatnesl abonl ths earaa otdrink; a lered brotber tii: :, dranhard'a grare. HevoeB iii.- ',' t-il bta p^npie to btoR the aalooa; balU ta *R ta WOBR nn rtally nir.-rd the t\4o biggaRnen ta hla ehareh, who Ihelr atoney n tlie

Uqaor bariae**, aad arho eaatrihata mo*( of tiie noni :.

tappori of the church !!.¦ knoaa thal U taMii.uid tr. i.t then ta might as 44,-n icnd ta hl* raalg

aad ttan ta tooha R tbe wlfe nnd Uttle onea

:.i..i ;."*'tis tttont, Yoa are right; it I* aondron !yeaay t,. t.-ll the other feDow what ta onght t<> do. Bntvou d, n'l r'.illze btJW nnn h iiiat Uttk Wt*d "OBght"ii.voivcs until you yoaiaSU ;ir- tta otter teUnw.

I pkk<_ up tl.e other day Uui qaeer book "Oaeaa-*-ii.iuni::." whieb pmpacta to ihnw bow tiie maaeea rose

ii). ;,L-alt:-t lin- ChMSe* ln the twentieth ,-eiitiiry and

deetroyed tbem, t,,.-vther with ersry Tsstlga of dT__a-i:on. Tiie wrlter B ea.flatly * *"hri>ti.t;i whooaty a* ii ta lhe preeeat aoetal teaaTaactoa. Ttaee ara

many powerfnl and tnie thinzs in tiie book, but 8 poodin:inv 01 i-i- RraeaaR ara ahaply taataeHf; v\imt hageserib bi » hanfliad yean bmes eoaM bRpowibly iprlng mi ol aay easalltloaa thR extot lo-*ay.Take, hr taataace, tne ehapter Aesrrlbing a aervtosIb b taahfcmahle tareBtleth*.»tory ehareh ta Bea YorkClty. A_-ctilte.tur.illy and arti-ti, ally H 1* fOTfeOMlybeaatlfhl; it i- ths verv i-erfection <>f hunrioB* aad.encuOB* eouifort. I'nifornicd tlunk-y- aiB st.iti-.n-d.1, tii" doon i,> k'l'p out lha ik>o:-. In .he aaallbiiRaro Uauiifully esccatM rude -i.itues. The prtacMris aii miui of P";,t oraRrfcal abllitv. WBOMsernion is .-iniply a rilliai.t rsaaflBS of the KtoottfletpeealattoB of ihe amak. Hs repa*R8M any belief lnlintiiorl.ilir. eZBlto oier the f:i't tl;a. mlllion.s of huinaii

betngt am RUlag .'"'i -tarvinn for tlio benetit of uie

11. h. and ejkh'.rt,- hi. e\i,ui-.le!v rcline/1 but inoiallv11111han partohtooera t<> enjoy UR th, atore ticcuuse

th-y kaew that thc rauaille B cut off from "all the

j.,v- ,.f Bfe. Kinaiiy. ikft»r U-vwing urathasa*;,ii tta oi»: idci- "f |as*Baaa and aaataUty,he delivers an impassioned ciiloir,- ea BBMB.I

thl Bhoto of religton. And after um' -thi',11

a iiumbiT of tli- M-oiiien, 44J.o, !«.. it renienibei-ed. belOBgm Bm rerj UfheR a.a aaosl ezelaRf.elea ,-t

toclety. pubii, ly caraaa bta t«. -h.w th.-ir appre.of h.s flotrlhg pcttofla. Bow wten yoa reflMt thntthl* 1- mppo-id to he the aaMral aod nec«*sBry ev.>-

lniiini i.f -11.1, wealthy and taablonable rhurche* as ttaKifth Av.'iii"- I*:-. .I.v t.-i-i;.,n aml St. Tboma*'*, ttaplcture I* timplj groto«qtte- Any one ouUlde of alunatli aaylum know* thal whatever may be

of our rnrreut C_rtstlanlty, it i- i»,,t golng toproduce sh, 1 devU. Ball as thal ta the eeane of a:.u:ni:i"i yeara._

\ :-l.,ii'." al B-lllSTJ riWWB M bow IdR it B to pre-dld whal ".'¦ill l"* tta contUtton of Ihe world two hun-ii:--ii or eTei. bnndrad year* Moce. rhe areraM

rei 1 Nen England rhmtlan of.hundred yearan-. .uld not j,,..rTlv have imaglned the eondiu I

., to-dav.the "i<i PuRtan ideata, whieb t" himwere the whole of reUgton, elther dead or emennngInto other RWircption* Rr dltr,-r.*nt, the th.aUei\.1 ,,[ the L'-Jn-cB thrown aaRe In the tamber*room i.f anUqnlty, ii.*' Boman CathoMc Chnrch becom¬lng one "i tta ttroagi^l reUglon* bodle* m the country,the ndlcuioiis Uttle Hplscopal ."" W*1' '":1 a* onenl ti.e ni..-t tnflue.'itial lT.»testant denominatlons,Methodtam wlnmlnir mlUlon* bj preaehlnc a lioanelthc antltlu**L*i of .alvlin-i... ao man.4 of the churnte*of New-Enitland In whlrh the -pure word" "a*

preai-h's-i becomlng rnllaria ta Ihelr creed. t .:¦ toi a'.i ir."*.i- and of ti creed* takli | lt* ptore aa.ceeotM prtneipta "f rtWca, -<i"n,e UMimlns t'> qBa*tlon manv <>f tln* tradltlooal rtowi .,t ti.,- chnrch a.iid

an* Klvh* up tii.»s«* view* ln deferenee toteleire and the worM wlth its material eopcerna andartlvltict taking Ihe ptore in BMn'« khooght* once

aecuraly taM by tbeology. Why, tt aone *eer tadall thi* patmrama of tta future to Ihe laal

-, rhrl-tlati of 4vii.,m I bave been ipeaklng. h.-rv.mid' itiv.s dmoanrad tb** aiaii a- -wi impi.Kis blo* and Rn '" OM M woul.l bBTe had himhnrnM! No prophesyin, L« a n-l;v l,iu,lrv_*».*. andtl>_e who'mav n-ml -Caaaar'* Cotamn" and .. 1.arkwa^- a hundred yeara bence wlU tough 1.

,,4*r tho a*t.M RMRBR B MR RiasasR R t ttrlever auth'-r--._m_


¦aptaata CaaiB oaaaaR Xaaaa-Raaeat aatfl Jt..n.iar,

Un^- 1- 17B. W»ore*t »« l«3 1461 IH34. Ml{..8 iV.iV'l'.O' I*". '¦¦-'¦ IR* ir-K Iflflk IBCS.las?. iaaa. ^ T(,.m_ !>lin ,,. B,.;, r>. ,^_w. .P,.r" ~ No* >,HI itR. 1,i; ";1 i:* LI5iifliwiRi :',:v' *** 1M "y vxu i-*****

1 !''^' JXt-rircuit-l'att I__atora haatawa, t.v j,'i? 'ic.iH '1«: BBI2, BWB, :.'.'.. J101. .MM L".:'l

Tii '..¦". laiB 2138 siat >.i"-rlm Ce, t-T I'ail II I.'".' 0*9t I- '¦ B .

ana bmi o-u i.n. "hto tmn, isai isn, u»*:.

Nw*. 122--. U07, 69". 1»63. I**** m*\ -0?1, 7?*. 15BT _

BUFFALO LITHIA WATER.Nature's Remedy for Brigiifs Disease,

The Gouty Diathesis, Dyspepsia, Calculi, &c. &c.Dr. BTM. A HAMMOXD. of N>*York. Surir-on'i<*n.ral

I'. S. Arn-v (r<*tlred). ProfenHor of DI»«**»-« of Uie Baraaaa <"..,.-m m th» BaHaaafap of xe».York *..I hav- ha BBBB tlme made u** of Uio Huftalu Ultloa

Wet-r ln ci»e» of affnctlooa of the >rr»o«* *»y««em. MB>pllrat-d wl. liriaht'e DWra.e of Ike Hldneym ..r witn

a l.onty Dintbeala. Th.* l**»ulU BBM tNBB <*m|.

n.ntly MBhBBaBBnr. I.lthl* h»» for manv rBBBB be.n »

BMMBB is-m.-dv wlth BN ln like cat***. bnl tbe HuflaloWBaa* .-rriBinU BBBB better Ihan any e*ieinparm«eoaaaaln'loa af lhe I.libla BBBB*, »nd I*. BMBBBVaBi M*B*born.- »t Uie utoroaeh. I alaa ofteu pnacrlbe It In Uionea* * >¦ (erebral Hyperesoila r-».ilUu« fron. *****

aaaaal bbbb-. which Bm condition ******* ********Dv.orp.ia e_ea*-aad gaaaaaBp ¦.* mark.-d **>n.*ni "

fl.'NTl !I*. MWM'IRK. bt D.. .U ».. ¦**" YT>*t*t**OT of

Buaasy, BBBB.*1 thMBga of Vlrulnla, Riehmond;.BIKIAI... UT.I* SVATI.K. 9***t BB, 9, ** sn; Dlt/B.TtC " taaatBaM* in t r.ic acidt.ll.v***____,, and. Inde.-d. in dtitat'i generaUu dtpendtntBBBB I CV10 ACID niATIIF.Kl*.. U U <* ******** *fEXTh.ORDINARY POTa.ICT. I bBBB prfB rlty-.l I*

lu BBBM of 1-.1IKI'M.nt BOITT, vklelt had rrtttltd lt*

unlntary rrmttlttt, *citi\ uotidtrf-ilty 9**4 BMB., l

M.vVF. BB.B IT ALSO IN MY 'AVN CA.B, BBIBOa OB.AS BUPWgggB. KR..M T1U-* Ma..BT, *MBBAVE DF.R1YF.D MORF. Bi.NF.FI'l' PROM II THABII-...M ANY llTHF.R RKMF.U<t. It b.x* v-ry mari.-d.iM-.tion m dmbbmb of bh bib.arnvg objOaxb.In Uiat condition BBBST..y known a- Ni'.UV. ,!'-*

l'Ki-siA. frsaaaaay ***** b_ ovcrmkKTAt LABOR,and ln tho*e ras.« BBM ***** BMH la «"« »/ ACID, ln

th*- ******* et nntritioit. tt tr*U * found hlshl* t<*¦*¦*

ioui"WATER I\ OA**.I OF ONE DOZEN b..<


DR. WM. R TOWI.KS. I'rof -mxrf of AratomT »nd MAfc^rlBMfdira In Um b_dlcal D. of Uie I'alveralty'FKAI.n LITHIA M'RIXOS, Xo. 2, beloner* U

Uie a_.A_Ut. or BaBBBg* Bi the ADKALIXF. B._..rlae*. for It ha. |*rov<*d f»r i>fnc* lon. In many dte-*****<A condlUou. than any of th- almplc AI.KAI.INEaaaaa.

"I Bal ne hoalUinrv whatever In *»TB»r th»t In iiomtRbeaaatlr <i#-,, Kbeamatlaa*. tttmme In ibe B.IBB.Bjand ln all dl**a~-» of Ui- I rlr Acid D.BBBB. 1 knowof no r-medy at all oomparsl Ir lo R.

"IU vff-cu arv roarked In BBBBB e a diaappearane^ ofAlbaaraa from ahfl BBBBB In a BBBBB* <.»*. of BHabl' al ibe Kidnrr*. I nl'jt**-*.- d.*rlde<llr b^rv-fltlal r°*.r.t.. Iron. it. u*-. aod fron. ll* a<-tion in ihl» c*0*nI should hav. tr-at tBBBBBBMB ln lt a* a remedr In e^ru-i.tag^ of thi* di-f»».\ in Dr*p<*t*«ia. BagaajbBlp U»aSform of lt ln whk-h ther** I* an excoaBre prolu-tion ofArld durln- tii. BBM ** of nutrlUon, 1 bBB* found It

nBaaataaa."DK. THOMAS II. RfCKI.V.n. of Parl* (form.*rlr of Bal-

tin.or t.t._tv.-^_,.T of l.iuua . a BMfBBl for (J. I d"BOI*Bg 1 ..,.ild sav wo.iid add to tlv *B_B__.¦ M.W.V

B.1*1 TAIIDN <IF THF. III t-'AI.', blTHIA WAl.ii.i .iavi: P.BQ1 i.s ii.v ix.b ir wrni BOO0 BM.gC_T* ib i BIC A'ti. DLATHB.IB, B..VMATIB.A.M. ....: T. Mbd 'rtth BVB BB**B / fc*if nrdertd it **F.l'K '!':'. from .. .f BMtlmon-. I.ithia leln n.. fara «.. v*i:u:i ... , ,-.\¥r. a Ba r*rbonat»

:. 111 a_ab .1 ,» found n, aa* Bi ikai.o i.ithiaWATE v t -.«.'.iti .n aod drrkBBB m w»t«.rflrhleb m -> Uirougii L-pid.-it. and >i>odumcaaMinoral Iurn.jt:on*.''

F-l.AII.tIN Hill B.> %i V. O. H. HEBE.

F. QOODE,Buffalo Lithia Springs. Va.

"046 UMt-a tt*, Bglg. '-"'. ".__ ***> ***. *¦¦**. **-.;-.-' lftBO** i*00. 1959, 1B*1, 1*

-,'ip MM Oourt-4 1:- ult -l'-ut IV It-fo-s* Barr-tt,n.i- Ss "::¦.** \. 688, -17. 1*8* 1*9* lw__- IHis:.' W. -94. .-¦.''¦ I-***. i--,:- 1-''~- ***** ***. 1,u'184C' ln4O'a 1S<*8. U*''0. .*1-M'. 1(W3 ::>'4-

a1 auir^-e'e U-Vl Uef. haa*. *. Me cal-udar.>up-r.o.- v'.mrt-..'-..-rul T-MB -Al I NUB d until thl*

Li"*-"l".-rlor Coart Bpeetal Term-Befu... lr^dman. J.-

%upartei r~art-_BBllg ****** ****_ T;"»x',.i-^,.,r

"aVuBrMl Conrt-Trlal Term-Pefor- Inicr.*.J.-N-&V_ Kl. B*2, 8*4, 71*, «_*. BM. 1*01, BM, _..¦ .¦ ; 'r-,40 989 f*)U, 805. 8*7. 4-, 4.-., 400, Ml. .81. BBB,

^B-^_r___ga_nr v ,ui: .1 VI, .27 729, .'->!¦ sl* -*-.>, »¦»".J..No*. 4W. ,-.. *.*.*-. *¦*-'-.. <__,i t.-to .iii. 741 bJl.,">.-*. Vi J<''3 "-"*. BBi flO. BBB. .'-'J. J'". '*.'.

!«i;.^.v"rN'i!^^-:)!S1,V.:-n.. BbBws P*iy. C. I.

°'cAftMMEt&S rt si H il P^: if .8 s


::.>._.. 1897, 86*7. !*.£. ,,_.. ,,, - [m v.ii. B7^^¦Sniii-SV^-i^^U^.. -5io, 1418, -..Ji;. -i'-! _;',-..1;'iv-speciai rBlaiiar. ..-Zii^Z^^* v!*< i »H:^":';-".i'i' £:a.d AssUU-.t l,,-tn,-t-A'."r.".v MaataBB, No*. 1 ta 17. B»

**$£_ -f ...-.,--' S-.*io,..-1-ar« If-n;fore CawbaT fc.,an.l Aaabttaat 01sWe*.ASt-~w D»rbv-»as. i

t ,, ',.-,, ',:^s-,on^artn-!Vfr,^11. ^.aaliunt Dbrtrfet-AtaorBag ParBar-aiaB.__? .-

2/7/; r,/.on7.vt; MU8BUM OB ABT.

adpitioxs to its T-_abc«b_ made by

VARiors fnVTBB TWli UH* F.XH1BI-

TIOX OF riiTlli>.

T1io annual reeoption at tBB ********* ***** JArt win be held IBM Bltornooa frcsn j "- - " °*£ ^m__ ... ,.M Bf ti.e BMWt taasrestlng r-.'1't""1

:::''C ,vtiu-d.ns-t,,r-,fth..M'.-_»».¦.,.:.. ,., tlie"'l..-.'.."ns n,.t air,,«ly n,.-.t..e..'d >

Se Trtbuie are tb* otoom Mt bv **» WeasuB. >.-

;;, !l:...I,1-l,.-,t* imd i,.v.-l,W,,:-.v.,,..., "

,i:.,it..(, ,.,i,e Maaeaai hg Ma bbbbbb. AMde

,..,.,, topoe-naa, tbag are beautm.

:..,';..,. ,, 90 ***** BB in,e...'.

.. Z v.'-v-i and atBdJed aith prMII hv momr*V .

V v :,, OftlMB. were on exhlMttoa . I'hlhul.-I

S i.wi «* .*- ih<-' M"'J""t "fJ _"___!it, v..:ir,,e bv the great tovaatar. Tbaai ******,.a(,v f.r eM.IM.ion. It will be B-BB IMa*

bM** M paMUtaa.'

vn .M,;,.,nli,i;.rv BBd l.'-ant.ful marble NrCBBBBCB*

f.. "- 1880 M CapraBlBB, ta th* R*-an C********m.'..n-d l.v the Museuni. H aa* toaad Ibv

uM a-a. ol aaaaoaiy. ******* aaaBaad ta

. ,,-,n built over It to BBM II M some B*rtoi »f "-

it eontalMd tl.e aBBtotaa M a raang aawrtoi

.'¦''.t^^rihr^h^i-T,:-,:;:Sid-S B^li of th,- M_ jaatoi - Bobmb

;.r t,l(. a-iptarai inaatrallBg b_ ****** iUl

'.r;u ..,.,,.,. ..f the prlBdpto M MtB. OB tb* ttadjanoph^i. toBT gOBBl tMh-BB, BT gSBH. BBB-

::f'',,;;;: ,;"v r_^_ib*, *>-. t.,-, -r** g*r.

:;l - veral.y- are thr-e aaBMB Trotn tho *****_\\\__n* aad ThBaaBB. i" the 9r* bbbbb she Btra* hba

t ^ Hi-v a .mi "f BBraat, M bb* loorof the Ua^rlnlhjet, -eaai he Oar* th* b-aaBBBr. aai M Ma UdrdJ . i i aba ahaaa Oa taa Mra *b*b at thaZ££_Zk*T£^

^onlhe' Hi hl low-relief carvlnir. represeiitin, tW*

,..,.,....- of Httle CBBtdS, rtdlng BBBB or BBBWB M

:Ztut- i.v bulto. i.o,w heara, aOi boara mt wUl

Soats whieb the Caphto hav* toaaai and hfaagM Mto'. ,«...,. The two Diwesslons meet at a paim

^UB^taa.rh;,M..Aime,.,d,,.^BBBfBtBBBJSL «OW*^iW*BB« ornament, u. a style lmitatedjl.y_Tir_M. Bf the Utb ,.'ut..rv. The .ir.,,,.

ta q_M l-erfect. without tbe Maet ********-__i_ Id f.tiinri W

UM arttoB Of the Utb <e..t..ry. The *.9*8**l Um aarfaal, .*!**- «. "_- Tt!_Tarb_ often tliat B R*BB_ BB^BBBBgaB .- found w

;::-rn .'I. Tiie-'ry''iA'':.^.-^vorlte:.,;i^n,ant.,mh.hutt.,-s,-,.:,.-V,,ally,,.,.:' -

al,- tl.e -lavine of the M.noUur and Ba. Im* fem in*.

.tl-'thed.-tedAriadne. **^~~; .

ums a aaraBahagB* wMh aaa bbbbb af tha ehya*.u,- _aabI-Baraa has added a luuaber of la* aad

JSL Sitota her ,-....' lb.,.. "t..eM.,es Umot

colleetlon." of miaMtarr. BrtteMala gaM. *£.rtooes. _ns, et,. Haa- bataM, -,, of ^^«BUrqusnd, baa preMBtod a.. B**rla_Bil al *. *»

, ,-veral P-und-. Bbteh was found M .-'"".

Thl* oblect ls iMltovad to ba aatojaa by

i,.._ ol tbe Mu-".....- v »i"" '"*r,,lc S_^-^Apr^.^M^BM^^t^il^to^^^fron vv,-iiii,...vv-., iiaiaagMBta-a M bbbbbBBB* and

muip'.ure. uf B'aabtogbM. t ,.

VBtaabM *^**°*^*f^^ln^u of uon.-*. hav-- been made ln th Z,.\\lMil,rl,-_n indlanI'.rnvian potaetg and BBChBH BBB "

pald proamenta. . ...^ ;i Baabar af ex-Of tbe liBUMd pi.¦tiire^. tle- .». .»


hlbttlon before, n. the l".*n *.**m* lv

,.,,., vvorrl.yof menti,... ai^. l^c-.a."-''¦¦ ;, _****> l _.},*: ,'nVIar.t.- toaiMd by Duraod\rj itobaaW "Bab* ofjaarn^ (.)tni>rBnal; C*wrbet's -Alarr tha "**£* Atooett*.,,v Ku..-dk-r *v <-"..>¦.;-;, -, ^" uaut.-r'- -VlHsgei.t. .- taaned b] J*"*': ,,,",r: *.Ddrea« Acben

l,t,""1| Ifre - *t rr,.- l-'^n-d by t. Ab_Bnder.

-X^:J,T'iH SJmm -t 1,'iday. and bas

never bahw* bec" exlubltod._BIMORS OF ABBW l__BB_**_WW ********

CkteBBB Xov. 9 BBjIBMII^TBa C-hBBJB Trlbune-

,.vs tod,V thBl B BBB. MBBBBBhlg line is to be MbkV, ,.t».,n BBB-BB and ***8** **" J""f1' who .* tts- Beneral n-nagai Ifl G**B*** ********

t ***** ******* st.-' stafbalalksg firn. wbtoh built tn-

! .tral BBBB M the gr_M OBBBBl Imo,*-.

; aidV..,..V" i,ade reient.y a tnp ,..n,.,h the lir.n-h

Prorineea bla bMbbbb being to aathar MaM and m-

tonBBltoa ... i."a**** "Ml Ma ********* *'*MB nne ..f BBBBBlMBlM ** t.» run direct be-

i .. ..rr.-,i aud Halifa*.. and to be in full ofiera-;\;; '.;- eopen.nTof tl.e (olU-bUl, WorldN Kv

.. .. iT, in,. Htv Tbe liiti-nt.uii l- to l.ave tlie'^Jrn.'-. eJdv f.-r servl.e ,., tba BBBUBer pf IBB*.ni- vlui -dlfraaa lt****** ***** ******* ******i_T***V**u\__mm *** Qucnstow... and tla* \-*-^*gnacioa." I* not .-M-e-td to be loagar Uia.i four BBMaaja-half dav-. while Uie hopee mr* that tlie tlme will baeven le** U_D tbat.





BBPVBUC-i-g.The pspajB.ln in two ,,f the teaattoa eompaaang the

Kt Ooograaa in-tri.t taetaaei a taraa propaRRa otf-ir.'iiera aad grewera R sniaii aarflm pteflaaa. Ihflii a r.iritf RU, witii its toeraasad RaBta m potat.iosomoiis, eabhsflsa, paaipklM and sthaa srttaRa arhRBlha Long l-land farmer groBs, has air,ady made aiivoiiiT BbarBal f.,r snaay of the-,* ptaaaet, witinutii. i¦ ii-iug ta any apijnviablc BaglM IR ,<».t f,, BRronsamer. Tho taraaeta R QaeeM and Bafltak asaafltoaara raady to aek.aarMfa theh htMSMadRaas to tlwItepubileaa party Rt taciaaata ptaapaaltg.

The toetlng iu th- DssMsiatfc party whtot aajaas.nlR s ti.Kteet aflahaR OoaaTaasaaaa Oeaart, at NRlast electloe, has not entirely ihsppearei. Hs lasBoaghl to obtaln bsbbb tili- fall bv ataBHnanh .- t>.tha legtohfltoa hs bm "i.t i Md bsaaflflag tha MlrtRet,Ths raBars, hoarerar, aaflsrataad that r;,-* asaflB R ths

lay laws at the last Corigress belonir*to tta Bepahltaaa majxritv. Mr. Oorert badi:,,t nearly the inilueme in the HSSM of nepru-

wMsh I'erry Lelmont nad ui thoDeawcratle Haase, bat -Mr. IIsIbimI sanM never

fraaa Ma party eauaaajaM aa Rwa BBBtanflsi byMj conrtftaeata. ytr. Oorert, thsnflaa, ha.. n.,t BB.Mfl:r. popahvtty, bat rlic BspahBCM i>a:t, has made uew1 :. nils.

\s BflslnR Ur. Osasrl lhe BapahUeBM bave nom-nated John Lcwis (liilii,, tt Klorul Pkt% Queen*. ounty. lf, js u _>ucri>,ful lui-tine-ss man and farnierBBd BM B rapahB.¦ as a "haatRv" WhM any work 1*to ba done. llc ls p ipular witb the !t*-_idrnt-> of Queen*.n.l SufMk countle-i. Hc I* not as weU hnown it\I.irhmoiid ObBBtJ, but ta has spent esaRflsralh. time__Ree liis nomiiiation ta niukini: ac<|iialnt..nces ,,n tjta'etil-lanrt and gRRf lhe voters M opportuiiity fo leaniiii- virws on pubiic qaeattoea, He has a eorps ofer.erp'tic; workcrs. who have b<*en biisjTfor two wuekant his behalf. ile has visjted vaRSBH parts nf thediatrtol and BM made .i RTOtahR inip.essiou every-mhata.

Ia relatins the qaaHfleattoM arhtah he bSflSsas th;itn. Keprcsentitive in .'on^ress fn.m tlie i>t DistrlctiheaM pesaaaa, be leaerftaa lha aaaflsI ReptassB-hR-fa8* B man Who lias BB interest und SBBSSBBBM in tiieagrlealhaial sad other taanehha R tlie district. andwho can Bppreeiate tlieir tatptalBBM and rcjuirenifnt*,and *.*. iii fa4-or leglilattoa alralafod t,, praaaRs tlieirtateraRa Om arta RBaa a BaRy RtsaaR m lha mtB*fure of thc li!-.'"-' Clauea, BBd \4ill favor BBBBSBSBBfor the proRcttoa and elevation ,,f AaaatSM WhO favor-, thc BhlpRng bill, u ¦aBSBM of preatimportanBB to thi* dlrtrtoi Ons who BaahtoM tliatour towns and \ ill.i-e~. ahleh aiv saflttRi to the tri-nBttsr BeMasry tyaSaat, m operahR ta cities, BhoaMi.ave H at ome. Ota who bthet.a tliat iu all Rsseta .a Beareeeatathre ihoaR ta paasrasi by a aon-eof rlghl and faattoa rath-r than by jinrtv BM >Ir.l iiiids atoo expre ttt bta etf m la haas R iii.or.jvlappiopnations f,;r th<* impioicni. nt R the :a»> milo*of naeaaR and tarhan in the tlistri. t. and for ncedoflpublie balBB.gB,

The di-tn.t iu which Mr. CliiMs is a aBBt.B.fl haaei'i'ed DasMMaaB* i:« peasaaRRn.-. RB h aR hapa*toaalj Deeaoetatle. Mr. ent Tt' phuaBty R the BRlection waa nawarhal o4cr l.'uxi, aad tow ysara .-u

eral Btehard C. BeConatofe eaate withla Bflfl aoRaf iafjastag ivsrrv BaRtMh ta.Totb l* tha aady ono

of tii,, Itaaa esflatha eoaapaaflag 11.»¦ dlatrlcl whleh eaalie relied on a-. RepahUcaa. It HftaaHy glasi a Be.pahlflBB majority ,,f several hundred 4ote... aMwar .Mr. ( hilds's popul.tri.y < upht to carry i. BB t" 4

bigher Btotaaoad (ounty, aa thc other,baa bSM i:ii:fornily Dein-i, ratir, and it has aftBB Rtaeoaraged BepahltoaM i.ficr a haafl stnici-'i'' ta tbeother eoaatRa R bm Itatr etfort-, aaniaaai al m aaalliv ..a oRttaaa nastiinsllti inajornv in BR.flaaaa. TiieDaaaaeratR SMaatera la BtohaasaR Ooacty Bbtb Ijc-'-iuiis, nipulous and cralty. and haie mt tasM.Rl 09use brttSry and fr.iud to Blt Ihem in CBBBaaaa BBBB.Uoaa. Dperlal sBBantRa ta* bSM gttea bp the ite>

pafcHras bbbbbbbbi Bfla jrear R Ihe ranv-B ta BRb>mond Ooaaty, and Hto BBM tiii.nt R BR ..'-w BB.Mlaa girM thaaa bepa lhal Ra eRettaa m BtRBa l-iandthis ear 4a:1! b" BM ttttk th'* fraud, of prevlou*\,-:ir-.. QaesM Coanty is tha MbataeR P*** n"*

>cur. Il ha- u.uillv «iven a Iicmo.iatie majorttv.Baaaattaaaa euite small- but itu. 4.*:.r it i- iicUcved Uiecounty .mv I*. aetMsal t<> thc ¦afflbBeaaa.

Br. fiiiids i- oaa R Bto bsat-aaara sMRans of tta

eeaaty and has aaaay Waafla R aotk hs BRa. The:.uv of laRlalag lha if<-ti-*- R BateaasaflBUaMla Bepehlfcaa c-nitr"! B hfl bj MR BRaaera and otharswho *ee their Interesta threatt.'-i-d b> UeraocrattoMvocata* <>: frw trade, Br. < W* ha* acoud pro»-uect of .urcea* and ln. mauager* belleve that li** «illhare a majority ln i«>;h eu.iTolk and cobbomthat cannot ta oven mm by the Tote of Btoi-foo <iL ounty. Th.s opintoi B b*uofled on ralm dedacuoasfron. the iiiformati.ii ISUfltad ta a eSSflflB BBBBflR «llie diatrtet._

A ito-rs str IBBB riifflCT-I-Yom The rhhaglt IcBarOaSBB.

Un-, asflsrlBMet «a- Bhfl .> ha raaia tp* whB aroung Ohio foxbound; lln\ nur m.iK.'rt tii- dog'* RRatr,,r tindint; bl* way Ibroogb ^'ic ttreet* of a large < _t.i. a

number <>f »port*a igrcM t<> try bta >k,II by^r te-t. and """ Bvenlng put lum In a t**«x andti»,k him awaj "ii a BlBta tniln, after maktaa siirw

thal he wa4 altOKeltar unalilo t>, gUe<_-> thc <l,.s.'.,.i,,i nis inp. * ,: I'R "hk-*Hi\,*r the.4" Bfl ¦'¦¦- taafll at a pla.e ,-alloil Klnjt'BMountain. and 'ha. MBM 88ght i<"..» IMir pnwiucrt., a tonnhosae m tlw bllla, aooifl *btm atlR* e_-t .,ftiif rail-*o»d. Iler-*" Bto -hal i4;t- |,m I.nI iii. 11. a darlcktable aml carried to a baaflBg tfiimnd R lh«* ndjolnlngBeR* tta next hornlng. after aaRlng lim ... a ,i--

za* K,tii-se ihnniKli l:'"'li-','s and gallle* the .'xp_riui.tben turn.-d Ui- 8.g bMM ana -*' d,,44ii i>n the rtdii'i,f a bill t«> wati h lu- movemvnts. At tir*-t lie-.s»n.ed ratli-er afr.ud to atray .<*-. far aau, iht.ik-Ins peraap*. thit ta a*ooJd lf ra apiue-si at ti.eBnt ti. leave bl* kRnapper*. bui Bwllne thalih.v -ho\4ed no di-i«jsitioii t.. tatarRra wna tn*Smmsb, h# bta «*4 aeroaa a taahy rav,^.und tben struck a path leadinn 1.1 tbe direnu.11-rot of the fannliou-e or the tioxt rallway ¦taBSB,imt due northeaat, towaN Ita vali-y <jf tt>e L,rklugRlver and his far away <>!.-. hoine. That wa* tl.«!,.« ihe k'ue-.t» >>f the Kentucky f..rm.-r ..'¦ .,f tJieii.ri..- ttiat dav. but before tlie end of the wii.*.,-***-*turned u;. all rntht at th * d,-.r of hl- ma*ti-r. '>!»*-t»-ti\. in le* la a bsa line from MR BSBSB u here lie hadheen t irii.-d Rsan ^. - ,

M mn. b 4M*.-. esrtslB, thit he rould not have re-tracai bl* Bip *_y a mRM |!"' ,:ii Bafl t.H.ii btasawav from tl.e ORS ''BB v »h- BOWB ln lexa* byibat tlm-: tiicre BSM .t l^iH ta*MtJ small rlver*alid briKikx 10 rr,-. '...!¦,re 1." mild reiuli llie end ,,fhls J.iuniey or any point south of tlie OhR he had«Ver before s.ei, ln lus l.fe. CaaR the vnoke of a

torae Rt] ara gaBtod him ba,'i, There »w aatat» noky tow ,s all aniund, and Itetidc*., dog* wlll retamto a ¦ottRry tarnuUxMl iu Uie liitu ju»t a> ouUiA a*

lo k rlty home.