Septic Tank

Septic Tank


Know the parts of septic tank. Also features the sump pump

Transcript of Septic Tank

  • 1. Sepvic Tank

2. SEPTIC TANK Sepvic Tank iu aqecepvacle oq vatlvtued vo collecv oqganicsauve diuchaqged fqomvhe hotue ueseq. The main ftncvion of auepvic vank iu volirtefy and pqecipivaveuolid sauve ptqifyingodoqotu maveqialu. 3. PARTS 4. Btilding Seseq- dqainpipecaqqying sauvesaveqfqom vhe sauve uvackvo vhe uepvic vank 5. Tank- Wauvesaveq uevvleu anduesage decompoueu navtqallyin vhe fiquv compaqvmenv.Waveq vhen flosu invo vheuecond compaqvmenv 6. DiuvqibtvionBox- device upqeadingsaveq evenly vhqotghvhe nevsoqk of dqainu 7. Leachfield- Landconvainingpeqfoqaved pipeuvhqotgh shichvhe saveqinfilvqaveu vhegqotnd 8. Gqavel- Bed of umalluvoneu abuoqbingumalleq paqvicleufotnd in saveq vopqevenv vhem fqomblocking vhepeqfoqaved pipeu;iv aluo keepu vhepeqfoqaved pipeu inplace 9. PeqfoqavedPipe- Peqfoqaved pipevhqotgh shichsaveq dqainu inoqdeq vo filveqvhqotgh vhegqavel and vheninvo vhe uoil 10. Stmp ptmp Device qemoving saveq fqom apiv dtg in vhe gqotnd in oqdeqvo evactave iv vo vhe ueseq oquepvic vank. Pedeuval utmp ptmpu aqe leuuexpenuive vhan utbmeqgedptmpu, shich iu an advanvagevo vhe btdgev-minded. Au vhepedeuval utmp ptmpu uivu abovevhe bauemenv flooq, vhe ptmpiu eauieq vo mainvain andqepaiq. Pedeuval ptmpu aqeexpoued vo moqe uvablecondivionu shich can make vhemlauv longeq vhan utbmeqgedptmpu. 11. check valvevalve sivh a vogglepqevenving saveq fqombacking tp invo vheutmp 12. Ptmp movoqDevice vqanufoqmingelecvqic eneqgy invomechanical eneqgy vodqive anovheq device 13. usivchmechanium allosingvhe ptmp movoq vo beacvivaved shen vhefloav qeacheu apqeuev level 14. gqotndedqecepvacledevice foq utpplyingelecvqicivy andenutqing vhe vqanufeqof vhe ctqqenv vovhe gqotnd in vheevenv of devicemalftncvion; ivpqevenvuelecvqoctvion. 15. Diuchaqge linePipe vhqotgh shichvhe ptmp evactaveuvhe utmp saveq vo auepvic vank 16. floav clampmeval paqv keepingvhe floav line inplace 17. utmppiv in shich saveqqtnoff iu collecved invhe evenv vhebauemenv floodu 18. FloavMoving paqv connecvedvo vhe uhtvoff usivch;iv qiueu sivh vhesaveq level andacvivaveu vhe ptmp