September October 2015.PDF HECCC

PINKTOBER Drive Kicks Off Asia’s First Ever Internet Governance School Launched Efforts Afoot to Make Higher Education Sector Tobacco-Free Higher Education Commission, Pakistan September/October 2015 Experts Join Heads to Devise HRD Plan Next Five Years Next Five Years Next Five Years Next Five Years HEC Sets Targets for HEC Sets Targets for HEC Sets Targets for HEC Sets Targets for P-2 P-18 P-10 P-5 P-25


HEC Scholarships

Transcript of September October 2015.PDF HECCC

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ks O

ffAsia’s First Ever Internet Governance School Launched

Efforts Afoot to Make Higher Education Sector Tobacco-Free

Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

September/October 2015

Experts Join Heads to Devise HRD Plan

Next Five YearsNext Five YearsNext Five YearsNext Five YearsHEC Sets Targets for HEC Sets Targets for HEC Sets Targets for HEC Sets Targets for






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Table of Contents

Graphic Designer

Raja Ahmad Nadeem


Waseem Khaliqdad


Aayesha Ikram


Higher EducationCommission, Pakistan

News & Views is published after every two months. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.

The views expressed by authors in the articles is their sole responsibility and not of HEC. The Commission would like to thank all the institutions and individuals who contributed information and photographs for this Magazine.

5HEC Gathers Experts

for Aligning Country’s

HRD Plan with

Production Platform



HEC Sets Targets for

Next Five Years

10 Social Scientists

Showcase Studies

HEC Holds 3-Day Workshop for IT

Professionals, Researchers

Pakistan-Republic of Korea Friendship

Celebrated at HEC

HEC, CA&DD Launch Drive for Drugs,

Tobacco Free Higher Education Sector

Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Delivers Lecture on

Significance of Knowledge Economy

HEC to Set up Student Start-Up Business

Centres in Universities

Social Sciences Body on Business Education


Pakistan School on Internet Governance


th HEC Marks 10 Anniversary of Cuba’s

Support after 2005 Earthquake

HEC, PEC to Strengthen Accreditation of

Engineering Education in Pakistan

NAEAC Body Inspects Food Science Degree

Programmes at KIU

Centre for Advanced Studies in Agriculture

Kicks Off at UAF












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MTDF session stresses need for creating awareness about knowledge economy among parliamentarians and policy makers

Media to be sensitized to bring a change in general mindset towards education

Entrepreneurship will be encouraged among not only students but also faculty members

Steps to be taken for character building of youth while creating an environment in universities to strengthen moral and social values

Focus on human resource development will be ensured

Social Sciences and Humanities will be paid special attention

Need for improvement in the educational standards at all levels to be highlighted

Accreditation Councils will be strengthened

Proper monitoring as well as enhanced funding for medical education with focus on allied health sciences to be ensured

10 best Pakistani universities and 10 best research centres to be transformed into research universities and international centres respectively

HEC Sets Targets for Next Five Years

An increase in resources for higher education followed by an effective utilization is inevitable if Pakistan has to build a strong knowledge economy that will ultimately lead to achievement of country’s economic and social development goals. This was unanimously recommended in a day-long consultative session organized by Higher Education Commission (HEC) for development of higher education sector’s Medium Term Development Framework (MTDF-III) for 2015-20. Intellectuals, professionals, researchers and educationists in addition to founding members of the task force created in 2002 as well as some Members of the Commission attended the session and deliberated on the identified areas of priorities to be focused in MTDF-III for the country’s higher education sector.

Prominent among those who attended the session included Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, Ms. Shahnaz Wazir Ali, Lt. Gen (R) S. Shujaat Hussain, Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh, Dr. Pirzada Qasim Raza Siddiqui,

Mrs. Razina Alam Khan, Engr. Ahmed Farooq Bazai, Engr. Muhammad Asghar, Dr. Masood Hameed Khan, Dr. Nilofar Shaikh, Dr. Mujahid Kamran, Dr. Khalid Mehmood Khan, Dr. Naveed Malik, Dr. Khalid Aftab, Dr. U.A.G. Isani,


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Dr. Najma Najam, Dr. Samina Amin Qadir, Dr. Fazal A. Khalid, Dr. Raza Bhatti, Dr. Mahmood ul Hassan Butt, Mr. Atta-ur-Rahman, Secretary Higher Education KPK, and Syed Shahid Mohyuddin Qadir, Secretary Higher Education, AJK. The gathering agreed that it was imperative to further strengthen the higher education sector and align the academic and research priorities of higher education institutions with the national economic goals, particularly with reference to achievement of targets set for 2025 as well as objectives of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

The need for creating awareness regarding significance of knowledge economy among parliamentarians and policy makers, besides sensitizing media to bring a change in mindset, was highly emphasized. Applauding the Chairman HEC for holding this important session, the participants called for a wider engagement with all the stakeholders including

politicians, businesses, industry, faculty members, students, parents. It was agreed that a multi-disciplinary approach in both academic and research areas is inevitable, given the rapid scientific developments and their impact on societies.

The meeting also focused on ways to promote entrepreneurship among not only students but also faculty members. Different

entrepreneurial models being implemented at international universities were discussed.

Another important aspect highlighted in the discussion was character building of youth in addition to create an environment in universities for strengthening the moral and social values which were, unfortunately, ignored in the past. Human resource development was another key topic of the discussion.

It was agreed that in addition to science fields, Social Sciences and Humanities must be given special attention.

Another area which was especially focused for HR development was the Educational Management. It was argued that people must be trained in this discipline to


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overcome governance issues of universities. The state of primary and secondary education in the country also came under discussion and the meeting agreed that though it is not HEC’s purview, yet recommendations to improve educational standards at these levels must be given. Other key points of discussion included increasing equitable access to education, innovation and commercialization, ICT initiatives, financial management and enhanced investment, further strengthening of Accreditation Councils, proper monitoring as well as enhanced funding for medical education, focus on allied health sciences, mechanism for funding of private universities and strengthening them in critical areas, distance education programmes, college teacher training and special programmes for qualified women who are disconnected from their professions. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, while presenting an overview of Commission’s achievements over the last 13 years, said it was necessary to consult major stakeholders of the higher education sector especially those who dreamt of the HEC and its ambitions prior to its inception in 2002 so as to ensure that we are on the right track.

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed said that the higher education sector has witnessed an increase of universities from a mere 59 to 171 to date, adding that the student enrolment has reached 1.4 million while gender

enrolment too has increased from 32 to 48 per cent. “But access to education has not reached 10 per cent as per the previous plan. It

would be wise to keep ground realities in mind

therefore it is important to re-adjust our targets.” He said that the last 13 years also witnessed a remarkable increase in number of PhDs produced countrywide. Last year alone, 1351 PhD scholars

completed their studies,while challenges and constraints had made achievements of target difficult. He hoped that the new plan would cover increased equitable access to higher education, excellence in governance, leadership and management, increased faculty with highest academic qualification, enhanced quality of curricular offerings, research, innovation and commercialization as well as financial management and

enhanced investment.

He further said that the Government of Pakistan has supported the efforts of HEC by granting additional financial resources during the last couple of years. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, former Chairman HEC, strongly recommended an immense increase in the budget for foreign scholarships. He said that Pakistan requires additional 60,000 PhD faculty. The participants also called for 25 per cent increase in research grant programme apart from promotion of innovation, focus on technology parks, launching of joint projects and creation of a revolving innovation fund to support indigenous technology

development. It was also suggested to transform 10 best universities into research universities and 10 best research centres into international centres by enhanced grant.


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HEC Gathers Experts for Aligning Country’s HRD Plan with Production PlatformKnowledge is main driving force that sets dimensions for the nations: Ahsan Iqbal

Higher Education Commission (HEC) recently organized a one-day conference entitled “National Human Resource Development Plan (2015-2025) -- Visualizing Socio-Economic Growth of Pakistan” at the HEC Secretariat. Prof. Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms, was the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony.

The objective of the conference was to identify key areas where human resource development is necessary in order to cater to future needs of Pakistan. The conference, aimed to assess current socio-economic needs of society in terms of HRD, was attended by experts from academia, industry, R&D organizations, ministries and allied departments, chambers of commerce and industry civil society and corporate sector.

The experts were divided into 12 working groups on different disciplines including Agriculture, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Economics, Social Sciences, Development Studies, Veterinary Sciences, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Business Educations, Arts and Humanities and New Higher Education Trends. These groups comprised around 150 experts from across Pakistan.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ahsan Iqbal said that knowledge is the main driving force that sets dimensions of nations and the development or decay of countries depend upon their standard of knowledge creation and its linkage with the production platform of that country.

He said that youth are the most valuable asset of the country and they should be provided with higher education and training with a focused approach.

The Minister said that under the Vision 2025, the Government will focus on developing human resource in priority disciplines so they could play effective role in country’s socio-economic development. He underlined that Pakistan needs 70 per cent of experts in S&T to fulfil future requirements. He emphasized that our academia needs to conduct research on socio-economic solution of problems facing the country.

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal also underscored the need for expansion of facilities for youth in higher education sector, saying that Pakistan needs 10000 PhDs in different fields in the coming years. He said the Government has launched a programme entitled Technology Innovation Fund


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in order to provide grants to researchers and youth who have novel ideas and want to bring something new in the market.

Earlier in his address, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, presented an overview of the objectives of the conference and informed the audience that HEC is spending over 40 per cent of PSDP funds on human resource development. He said the purpose of holding this conference was to identify the subject areas for human resource development as well as threats and challenges in the process of enhancing our human capital. He said it also aimed at aligning research and innovation to national needs, which would contribute to the socio-economic uplift of the country for the next 10 years, in line with the Vision 2025 of the Government.

The Chairman said that higher education is key to success in the era of knowledge economy and it has a direct relation with country’s GDP growth, exports and overall development, adding it is necessary to ensure development of human resource equipped with education, knowledge and training. He also stressed the need for capitalizing the opportunity of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, adding it has a great importance for country’s progress.

The Chairman briefed the audience about a remarkable increase in the number of PhD scholars in the country during the last 13 years. He said HEC’s initiatives are based on three pillars including Access, Quality and Relevance, adding that HEC is working on the first two pillars as it is ensuring equitable access of students to higher education in addition to paying full attention to quality of research. However, he said, now we are also focusing on the third pillar – relevance – and

one of the objectives of the conference is to figure out various sectors for progress on the relevance issue.

The gathering was told that HEC has signed Memoranda of Understanding with the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, Austria, China, Hong Kong, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, New Zealand and many other countries for collaboration in higher education. He said HEC is providing equal opportunities to students, whether they belong to urban areas or far flung rural areas. Similarly, he added, HEC is taking tangible steps to cater to the faculty requirements of universities by providing them with skilled human resource.

Currently a total of 5,335 PhDs have been completed studies on HEC scholarships. Dr. Ahmed revealed that academia and researchers are playing a vital role for implementation of targets set under the Vision 2025 of the Government. He said there were only 3281 PhDs produced in Pakistan from 1947 to 2002, but after the establishment of HEC, the number produced in Pakistan has reached 8900 in 2015. He said HEC has awarded a total of 23735 scholarships while over 11000 have completed their studies under these scholarships.


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Higher Education Commission (HEC) under its Project, Pakistan Education and Research (PERN), organized a three-day workshop on Network Monitoring Applications under the European funded project of TransEurasia Information Network (TEIN). Participants of the workshop included Network Engineers, Administrators, IT Professionals, Managers and Researchers from univers i t ies and R&D o r g a n i z a t i o n s a c r o s s Pakistan as well as from neighbouring countries i n c l u d i n g S r i L a n k a , Bangladesh and Korea. The workshop aimed to introduce the design, d e p l o y m e n t a n d management of SmartX Rack technical details, shared best practices r e g a r d i n g r e s e a r c h networks, troubleshooting of TEIN infrastructure problems, as well as training participants to utilize OF@TEIN Software Defined Networks (SDN) tools and scripts, and providing a forum for exchange of research progress on software-defined networking.

TEIN Network Monitoring Applications

HEC holds 3-Day Workshop for IT Professionals, Researchers

Dr. G. Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, was chief guest at the concluding ceremony. Speaking on the occasion, he appreciated the participants for their commitment to learn about new and cutting-edge technologies and hoped that they will implement the same in their respective institutions. Mr. Anwar Amjad, Director General (IT) was also present on the occasion.

PERN offers true packet switched network which is required for research and collaboration in different areas. PERN has its presence in the global consortium of research and education network through TransEurasia Information Network since 2008. TEIN (Trans-Eurasia Information Network) is a high speed network for research and education which connects more than 20 countries in Asia and 34

countries in Europe. This network is actively being used for international joint collaborative researches in cutting-edge areas, including information technology, telecommunications, telemedicine and bioengineering.


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Higher Education Commission (HEC) organized the first National Showcasing of Thematic Research in Social Sciences regarding research projects awarded by HEC under Thematic Research Grants Programme at HEC Secretariat, Islamabad, recently. Speaking on the occasion, where 10 studies were shared, Dr. Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, appreciated the efforts of researchers and encouraged them to seriously address, through their research, the social challenges facing society. He said that under the Thematic Research Grants Programme, HEC encourages creative and talented faculty members to work on areas that could lead to development of Pakistan.

Such encouragement not only helps address the key issues challenging Pakistan but also provides solutions to the prevailing challenges. He said the Thematic Research Programme in Social Sciences aims to discourage the on-going brain drain and utilize the innovative thinking of researchers. He announced plans for the establishment of the Social Sciences Research Council later this year while motivating researchers to engage in authoring books and contributing to journals to enhance their research outreach. The success of Thematic Research Programme has paved the way for increase in the grant which is now Rs. 90.00 million for the current fiscal year (2015-16). In the fiscal year 2014-15, a total 129 research proposals

10 Social Scientists Showcase Studies HEC Symposium Stresses Promotion of Research Culture in Social Sciences

had been received from the universities and degree awarding institutions whereas after scrutiny by experts committee, 20 research projects worth Rs. 75.5 million were recommended. In his opening remarks, Mr. Fida Hussain, Director General Academics, said that HEC has been playing an important role in improving the quality of teaching and developing research culture with special emphasis on social sciences.

Realizing the need for ensuring the concept of knowledge economy in its true sense, HEC initiated different incentivized programmes in universities to motivate and encourage the potential researchers in almost all disciplines. Besides, it focuses on promoting research culture in science and technology. HEC has also concentrated on promoting research culture in social sciences. The research themes included Security Challenges in Pakistan; Pakistani Society: Tradition and Change; Balancing Global and Local Needs: Geo-political Economy; Education Policy, Leadership

stand Management for the 21 Century; and Governance and Development.

The symposium was attended by scholars, researchers and students from the Social Sciences departments of various universities. Ten studies were shared at the forum.


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Prof. Dr. Anila Kamal, QAU, presented her research, "Post Traumatic Growth among Youth Exposed to a Natural Disaster: Identifying, Mediating and Moderating Factors between Traumatic Events Post-traumatic Growth."

Dr. Bushra Akram, University of Gujrat, Dr. Fauzia Maqsood from University of Gujrat, Prof. Dr. Masrur Alam Khan, Ripha International University, and others gave presentations on various studies on the occasion.

Higher Education Commission (HEC) commemorated Pakistan-Republic of South Korea Educational, Research and Sports Linkages at a ceremony held in connection with the latter’s Independence Day celebrations at the HEC Secretariat.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Song Jong-hwan, Ambassador of Republic of South Korea to Pakistan, congratulated the scholars who studied in different Korean universities under HEC’s MS and PhD programmes at world renowned Korean institutions. He said his country supported promotion of education and the same was the main reason behind the country’s progress.

In his address, Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman Higher Education Commission, stressed the need for enhanced collaboration between the two countries.

He said that the 446 scholars that went to study in South Korea are an asset to both countries. HEC will start programmes to exchange not only students but faculty also. He said they will also launch

Pakistan-Republic of Korea Friendship Celebrated at HEC

collaboration to bring Korean students to acquire higher education in Pakistan as well. “There are lessons to be learnt from Korea’s rapid progress and its transformation into a technological giant,” he said.

Scholars who graduated from different South Korean universities under HEC’s scholarships, termed it an “experience of a lifetime” where they learnt a new language, culture and gained hands on experience to cutting edge technology.

Dr. Syed Raza Ali Raza, Yonsei University, Dr. Nadia Khadam, Hanyang University, Dr. Muhammad Arshad, Yonsei University and Adil Nawaz, Hanyang University shared their academic experiences. Their disciplines range from

computer science, nanotechnology, engineering, criminal law with special focus on cyber-crime to name a few.

Mr. Altaf Hussain Shah who th

participated the 28 World Universiade in Korea also shared his experience and thanked HEC and Korean government for collaboration in sports.

Earlier, in his welcome address, Dr. Ghulam Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, said that HEC is committed to human resource development and for this purpose it is providing scholarships to deserving students. He said HEC has signed Memorandums of Understanding with various Korean universities to support Pakistani students to pursue their MS and PhD studies.


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Embarking upon a new journey to create awareness about social issues, particularly public health, Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Capital Administration and Development Division (CA&DD) to launch a campaign for a tobacco-free higher education sector in Pakistan. The MoU was signed after a seminar entitled “Drugs and Tobacco Use: Trend, Impact and Control” jointly organized by HEC and CA&DD at Commission Secretariat. Dr. G. Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, and Mr. Minhaj-us-Siraj, Project Manager, Tobacco-Smoke Free Islamabad, a Project of CA&DD, were also present on the occasion. Speaking during the seminar, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, declared HEC as a Smoke-Free Facility. He said that this is

HEC, CA&DD Launch Drive for Drugs, Tobacco Free Higher Education Sector

HEC Declared a Smoke-free Facility

the first step towards encouragement of smoke-free universities and higher education sector. He said that those found smoking on HEC premises will be fined and a task force will be established to implement this initiative. Shedding light on importance of sports, he said that HEC has decided to hold annual sports in universities to promote a culture of healthy activities among the youth. He urged the youth to become socially responsible citizens. Dr. Raza Bhatti emphasized upon the role of teachers in controlling use of tobacco and drugs. He underlined the hazards of passive smoking and said that it is imperative to increase awareness regarding hazards of smoking. Mr. Minhaj-us-Siraj narrated the history of tobacco use and revealed its hazards to human

health and damages to environment in addition to presenting an overview of the concept of a “Smoke-free City”. He said that smoking causes blindness, peripheral vascular disease, gangrene and lung diseases in addition to various kinds of cancers. “For every cigarette you smoke, you lose seven minutes of your life to illness caused by tobacco”, he said, adding that the chemical compounds in a cigarette smoke has killing impacts, while an estimated number of chemical compounds in a cigarette smoke is 7,357. He also revealed the harms of passive smoking and said that there is no safe margin from second-hand tobacco smoke. He also highlighted the hazards of tobacco items including naswar, gutka, hookah, beeri, cigar and sheesha. He said that it is


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regrettable that 55 per cent of households have at least one individual smoker. He also disclosed facts about tobacco industry and how it impacts environment and economy. Mr. Fouad Aslam, Technical Adviser Tobacco Control, The Union, presented a six-point strategy to counter tobacco burden including Monitoring Tobacco Use and Prevention Policies; Protecting People from Tobacco Smoke; Offering

Help to Quit Tobacco Use; and Warning about the Dangers of Tobacco.

Dr. Manzoor-ul-Hassan, Adviser, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, presented the World Drug Report 2015 and said that 6.7 million people used drugs in Pakistan in 2013, including 78 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women. He said that drug use places heavy burden on public health.

Ms. Sana, Captain of the national football team, stressed the need for promotion of sports among youth to bring them towards healthy activities and ward off the harms of drugs and tobacco use.

The workshop was attended by Vice Chancellors, professors, general public and a large number of students from across Pakistan, locally as well as through video conferencing.


The Central Development Working Party (CDWP) has approved six projects for higher education sector worth Rs. 8 billion approximately in a meeting with Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reform, Mr. Ahsan Iqbal in the chair. The projects sanctioned for promotion of higher education in the country include establishment of a Technology Development Fund for HEC scholars returning after completion of PhD in order to introduce new technologies; establishment of the University of Sibi, Balochistan; provision of necessary operational facilities for King Abdullah Campus, University of AJK, Muzaffarabad; development of Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Campus II, Phase-2; subsidy to scholars abroad under Culture Exchange Programme of HEC, Phase II; and provision of higher education opportunities to students of Balochistan and FATA, Phase-II. The establishment of a Technology Development Fund for HEC scholars will help enhance capacity to increase the knowledge capital. The second project envisages establishment of the University of Sibi by providing necessary facilities to commence academic activities. The University will provide higher education opportunities to the

students of Sibi district in various disciplines including Business Administration, Compute Science, Law, Education, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology, etc. The University will enrol around 1000 students annually in six academic programmes at BS level. The project for provision of necessary operational facilities for King Abdullah Campus (KAC), University of AJK envisages provision of the missing facilities and operational needs of the campus. The development of Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi Campus II, Phase-2, which will cost Rs. 961.447 million, will help meeting the growing demand of the University. Under another project, HEC scholars abroad will be extended subsidy under the Culture Exchange Programme of HEC (Phase II). The project aims at extending subsidy to students under the culture and education exchange agreements signed with various countries.

The CDWP has also approved Phase-II of “Provision of Higher Education Opportunities to Students of Balochistan and FATA” with a cost of Rs. 2983.698 million. The scheme will help promote higher education in far-flung areas of the country and will ensure equitable accessibility to quality education.

Six HEC projects worth 8 billion approved by CDWP

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Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman, former Chairman Higher Education Commission (HEC), has stressed the significance of knowledge economy, explaining how knowledge and innovation are key factors for socio-economic uplift of any country. He was delivering a special lecture on "Building Knowledge Economy" organized by HEC in collaboration with the Institute of Policy Reforms (IPR) at the Commission Secretariat in Islamabad recently. The lecture was attended by vice chancellors, academics, researchers and a large number of students. On the occasion, over 60 universities of the country were connected through video-conferencing. Mr. Humayun Akhtar Khan, Chairman IPR, presided over the session. Dr. Hafeez A. Pasha, Managing Director IPR, Dr. Akram Sheikh, former Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and Dr. Mahmood-ul-Hassan Butt, Consultant HEC, were also present on the occasion. Dr. Atta said the world has

What Puts a Country on the Track to Development?

Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Delivers Lecture on Significance of Knowledge Economy

changed and it is not material resource but knowledge that puts countries on the track of development. He emphasized that the countries which have realized importance of knowledge and innovation and properly invested in developing their human resource have leaped forward, leaving others far behind. Quoting an example, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman said that Singapore has a population about one-fourth of that of Karachi but only one of its companies has exports double those of the whole of Pakistan.

He said Malaysia has been spending at least 25 per cent of its budget on education for the last 30 years and today it accounts for 86.5 per cent of the total high tech exports of the Islamic world and is ranked ninth in the world in this category. He said that three important pillars for building a knowledge economy include the government policies, university research and the private sector. He praised the current

Government for giving special attention to the higher education sector and increasing budgetary allocation for this sector. He also appreciated the efforts of Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, for adopting a holistic approach for development of higher education and research across the country. Dr. Atta suggested that the Government should develop and implement a Legally Binding Technology Transfer Policy which should be an essential component for all national projects approved by the Planning Division". He said that the Government should create a Revolving Innovation Fund to support indigenous technology development in public and private sector.

He further said that the Government should urgently re-structure National S&T Organizations. He said that the Government should encourage private sector R&D and business development through incentives including venture capital funding/ matching grants for training/ new product development, besides improving quality of technical training institutes, by making international accreditation mandatory to guarantee quality of output.


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A two-day training on “Effective Financial Aid Offices” for the USAID-funded Merit and Need Based Scholarship Programme (MNBSP) was conducted recently.

Over 35 representatives of financial aid offices of 24 partner universities/ institutions of USAID-MNBSP attended the training, which was aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of financial aid offices in various facets such as communication skills, coordination and interaction with students who want to apply for scholarships.

The USAID’s MNBSP is a $ 37 million scholarship programme offering fully-funded graduate and undergraduate degrees in 31 public and private universities of Pakistan. It is being

Over 80 students from four Pakistani universities have received scholarships under the USAID Merit and Need Based Scholarship Programme.

In this connection, a ceremony was recently held at the Lahore College for Women University (LCWU). Senior officials from USAID and the Higher Education Commission were present in the ceremony in which the achievements of MNBSP were highlighted. Dr. Tahira Buttar, Acting Vice Chancellor LCWU, presented welcome remarks to the guests attending the event. Students from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Lahore University of Management Sciences and other universities received scholarships during the event.

Effective Financial Aid Offices for USAID Scholarship Programme

HEC Lauds US Government Collaboration for Promotion of Higher Education in Pakistan

implemented by HEC. Fifty percent of scholarships under the MNBSP Programme will be given to meritorious and deserving female students.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Dr. Ghulam Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, highlighted various HEC programmes including local and overseas scholarship projects as well as faculty and infrastructure development. He appreciated the support of US government and partner universities in promoting higher education in Pakistan. He emphasized that focal

persons, after attending the training, must implement the techniques and tools for efficient functioning of Financial Aid Offices.

Dr. Garth Willis, Deputy Director, USAID Education Office, said the training was a useful activity to create better understanding of the programme’s objectives among the partner universities. He added that the US government has invested in many education projects in Pakistan and USAID Merit and Need Based Scholarship Programme is one of its key programmes which is dedicated to cater to the needs of those talented students who due to financial barriers are deprived of higher education.

In the end, Dr. Gath Willis and Prof. Dr. G. Raza Bhatti jointly distributed training certificates among the representatives of Financial Aid Offices. Since the programme’s initiation in 2004, as many as 1,807 scholarships have been

80 Students Receive Scholarship


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Higher Education Commission Pakistan

awarded in 11 Pakistani public and private sector universities. Out of them, 1500 students have completed their degrees.

Based on the success of phase one, the USAID expanded the scholarship programme in 2014 to benefit an additional 3000 talented students in need of financial assistance. Students are selected for scholarship, based on financial need, after gaining university admission. This fully funded scholarship programme will enable the students to pursue higher education at leading agriculture, medical, business, engineering universities of Pakistan over the next five years.

A two-day Talent Grooming Workshop was recently held at Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University (SBKWU), Quetta, under the auspices of Pak-USAID Merit & Needs Based Scholarship Programme.

The workshop was designed for the students who are recipients of the USAID-funded MNBSP and are currently studying in SBKWU and Baluchistan University of Information Technology and Management Sciences, Quetta.

Talent Grooming Workshop at SBKWU


It is hereby informed that the contract between Higher Education Commission (HEC) and M/s OCS

for collection of documents for attestation purposes has been completed.

After fresh tender processing M/s Leopards Courier Service (Pvt) Ltd has been selected as official

courier for attestation of documents countrywide. M/s Leopards Courier Service (Pvt) Ltd will now

facilitate the public for attestation of their academic documents (Degrees, Transcripts, Diplomas

and Certificates).

All applicants interested for attestation of their credentials through courier service are advised to

approach Leopards Courier Service (Pvt) Ltd in future.

Attestation Cell, Accreditation and Attestation Division

For further details and procedure, please visit

Courier Service for HEC Attestation

Public Notice

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Higher Education Commission’s (HEC’s) strict adherence to its policy on illegal campuses was immensely appreciated by Mr. Hassan Iqbal, Federal Secretary for Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training. “HEC is a premier institution and the Government supports its uncompromising stance on quality,” he said during his maiden visit to the HEC Secretariat.

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, presented an overview of the HEC functioning and achievements during the last 13 years. He informed the minister

Secretary Education Lauds HEC Achievements

Hafiz Hafeez Ur Rehman, Chief Minister, Gilgit-Baltistan, visited Higher Education Commission where he met with Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC. Issues pertaining to the higher education opportunities in Gilgit Baltistan were discussed during the meeting. Dr. Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC and Dr. Mazhar Saeed, Director General (R&D) HEC were also present on the occasion. The Chairman briefed the Chief Minister about various HEC initiatives for development of higher education in the Northern Areas, including different scholarship and R&D

CM Gilgit-Baltistan Visits HEC

opportunities available for faculty members, researchers and students, particularly those people who cannot afford higher education on their own expense. Both the sides discussed establishment of a new University in Skardu and sub-campuses of Karakuram International University in different districts of GB.

The CM appreciated HEC for bringing the much-needed change due to its initiatives during the last decade.

He assured complete support of the GB government for further developing higher education in Gilgit Baltistan. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed said every possible step is being taken to facilitate our youth.

about HEC initiatives in MPhil/ PhD scholarships, research and development activities, quality assurance mechanism and IT initiatives. He also underlined significance of knowledge for a nation’s growth. He also mentioned the potential of Pakistani youth, which he said if tapped properly will take Pakistan to new heights. He also mentioned Government’s initiative to provide access to higher education in every district. Hassan Iqbal appreciated HEC's achievements that it made in the last 13 years and reiterated the Government support’s in checking as well as closing down unchartered universities which have failed to comply with HEC criteria and rules. He stressed the need for supporting research relevant to challenges that beset society in sectors of energy, food, security as well as water management. He also admired of HEC’s steps in promoting academia and industry linkage to work for solution to the economic issues.


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Higher Education Commission (HEC), nine public sector universities of the country and the Promotion of Education in Pakistan (PEP) Foundation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to set up Student Start-up Business Centres.

The MoU signing ceremony was held at HEC Secretariat, Islamabad. The main objective of establishing Student Start-up Business Centres is to promote student entrepreneurship in Pakistan's higher education system and provide students with necessary support to launch their own businesses. The Centres will identify and attract sources of financial assistance from business community and donors, besides setting-up a Student Entrepreneurship Fund to assist the talented student start-ups. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Chairman HEC, lauded the universities and PEP Foundation for their effort and interest in establishing these centres. He said the Centres will help students engage in productive activities. He shared with the MoU participants that HEC has invested Rs. 50 million for establishment of Student Advancement Endowment Fund in 50 public sectors universities. Dr. Khalid Iqbal, President, PEP Foundation, said that higher education has seen remarkable development in the last decade and that it was inevitable to invest in higher education as well as provide business opportunities to Pakistani youth. The universities which signed the agreement

HEC to Set up Student Start-Up Business Centres in Universities

include National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Virtual University, Lahore, Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design, Lahore, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, University of Science and Technology, Bannu, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Government College University, Faisalabad, and COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad. According to the MoU, the three parties will contribute Rs. 2 million each. The universities will fund no less than five student start-ups per year. The students will prepare proposals with detailed business plans and budgets, explaining their projects and the utilization of funds. The Student Start-up Business Centres will guide and assist students to prepare proposals. HEC will organize mentoring workshops from time to time. The final selection of business plans will be carried out by a selection committee comprising representatives of HEC, concerned university and PEC Foundation as well as experts from the market. The MoU envisages that a Student Start-up Business Centre is necessary for every higher education institution in order to produce well-versed professionals, business persons and community leaders able to compete in the global economy. Students require financial support and specialized knowledge to materialize their ideas into viable and feasible business plans.

Workshop for Editors of HEC Recognized Journals A two-day workshop was organized for editors of HEC recognized journals in Social Sciences from the Punjab region by the Social Sciences Section, Academics Division of

HEC, at Regional Centre Lahore.

Mr. Fida Hussain, Director General (Academics), welcomed the participants and

briefed them about the HEC policy on Social Sciences journals. Dr. Nilofer Shaikh, Chairperson Council for Development of Social Sciences and Humanities.


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endeavours of HEC for revitalization of Social Science, Arts, Humanities and Business Education in Pakistan.

During the meeting, 12 journals were evaluated. Four cases of new journals came under consideration.

Three new books were also evaluated for the purpose of granting equivalence written in the discipline of Business Education.

Social Sciences Body on Business Education MeetsThe committee appreciated the efforts of the various public and private institutions for publishing the journals.

The committee also recommended various guidelines to enhance the overall quality of social science research journals to attract eminent writers and scholars so that the society may enjoy the real benefits of research conducted in the country.

A special meeting of the Council for Development of Social Sciences and Humanities was held at HEC Regional Centre, Lahore, to review its overall performance and discuss important issues as well as upcoming events of the Social Sciences Section, Academics Division, HEC, Islamabad.

Dr. Nilofer Shaikh, Chairperson Council for Development of Social Sciences and Humanities, chaired the meeting whereas Mr. Fida Hussain, Director General (Academics) HEC, and Dr. Muhammad Tahir Ali Shah, Deputy Director (Academics) HEC, attended the meeting.

Mr. Fida Hussain briefed the Chairperson CDSS&H about the


Performance Reviewed achievements and targets of the Council.

After detailed deliberation on the issues, it was decided that the Social Sciences Section, Academics Division HEC, will coordinate with Indian Council for Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) to conduct the

stupcoming 1 ASSA International Conference on Promoting Social Sciences Research: Cross Country Experience and Lessons in November 2015 at Islamabad.

It was agreed that more efforts will be made for revitalization of Social Sciences Council of Pakistan. Concrete steps will be taken to finalize the structure of the Council to instigate the anticipated progress in the field of Social Sciences.

The Curriculum Division of Higher Education Commission recently organized an orientation workshop for Registrars, Controllers of Examinations and faculty involved in teaching of Associate Degree programmes of public sector universities.

The objective of the workshop was to orient participants with the concept of bridging conventional BA/ BSc with BS four-year programmes as well as chalking out the possibilities to adopt Associate Degree as an alternate for phased out degrees. Mr. Fida Hussain, Director General (Academics), HEC, briefed the participants about the objectives of workshop and the HEC initiatives for introduction of BS four-year degree.

Bridging BA, BSc with BS

A meeting of Higher Education Commission’s Social Sciences Sub-committee on Business Education was recently held at Higher Education Commissions, Regional Centre, Lahore.

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Hassan Sohaib Murad, Rector University of Management & Technology (UMT), Lahore.

On the occasion, Dr. M. Tahir Ali Shah briefed the participants about the


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Higher Education Commission and National Textile University (NTU), in partnership with Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), Asia-Pacific Network Internet Centre (APNIC), and Internet Society (ISOC), held a four-day workshop entitled 'Pakistan School of Internet Governance (PkSIG)' which strongly recommended devising of a comprehensive strategy for internet governance in the country.

Ms. Anusha Rahman, Minister of State for IT and Telecom, was chief guest at the closing ceremony. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, Dr. Ismail Shah, Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Mr. Walid Irshaid, President and CEO PTCL, Dr. Arshad Ali, Rector NTU, Dr. Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, and Mr. Anwar Amjad, DG (IT) HEC were also present on the occasion. Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed was the chief guest during the opening ceremony of workshop.

HEC’s PkSIG Workshop Recommends Measures for Internet Governance

The workshop participants held brainstorming sessions on political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, technological and other dimensions of the Internet Governance within the context of the Pakistani national imperatives.

They agreed that stable and flexible functioning of internet, which is extremely important, is impossible in the absence of a well thought-out policy addressing numerous challenges associated with the internet management.

The participants presented recommendations related to cyber security, cyber crime, cyber laws, internet taxation, privacy, national internet governance forum, e-public services, rural connectivity, IPv6, public policy development platform, capacity building and awareness, digital economy, business opportunities in the domain name industry, web accessibility, censorship, net neutrality and zero rating,

gender balance and participation, and improve ICT infrastructure.

The speakers narrated history of Internet since 1950s and the story how it was evolved over the years.

The session covered internet users statistics, infrastructure, Internet QoS, ISPs in the country, mobile operators, undersea cables, the ccTLD, the IDN ccTLD, root-server instances, IXPs, stakeholder groups, IPv4 and IPv6, international involvement, mobile apps, 3G/4G, smart-phones, research and educational networks, role of academia in the Internet development, social media usage, local content and various other topics of the interest of Internet users.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Anusha Rahman appreciated HEC and NTU for launching the School on Internet Governance in partnership with ICANN, APNIC and ISOC. She stressed

First-ever School on Internet Governance in Asia

MoIT is focusing enhancement of internet accessibility, development of an ecosystem: Minister


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that the Government is taking concrete steps to ensure effective internet governance in Pakistan in order to make internet a safe facility for each and every user.

The Minister said that MoIT was focusing on building infrastructure to enhance internet accessibility in the country, and development of an ecosystem to expand connectivity of internet. She said the Government was rapidly moving towards a paperless environment in the public sector, adding that initially 13 ministries will have 'less paper environment' by December this year.

Ms. Anusha Rahman underscored the Government's initiatives for promotion of IT sector and said that they are working on E-governance and E-commerce initiatives. She said the Government has launched various projects with mobile companies to connect people in far flung areas providing them with 3G and 4G facilities.

She said state-of-the-art tele-centres are being established in far flung areas in order to

ensure that people there benefit from modern facilities and technologies.

Syed Ismail Shah, Chiarman PTA, shared updates about development in the telecommunication sector as well as different initiatives of PTA for advancement and regulation in different areas of ICT and telecom sector.

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC briefed the Minister about HEC’s journey of strengthening the IT environment in the higher education sector during the last 12 years. He described different initiatives of HEC including Digital Library, Video Conferencing, Pakistan Research Repository, Pakistan Education and Research Network, Anti-plagiarism Software, Scholarship portal, etc. He said HEC is now working on the concept of smart universities where students will have access to information wherever they want in their campuses.

The Chairman said HEC will hold more events on internet governance in future and will also encourage higher learning institutions to hold such events under the auspices of PkSIG.

Earlier, during the opening ceremony of workshop, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed said that there should be a task force comprising representatives of government, academia, industry and civil society that should devise the future strategy for proper internet governance in the country. He said all stakeholders including government, private sector, civil society, and academia will have to play a proactive role for policy making related to Internet governance and its effective implementation.

He said that internet is a driving force for change, adding that steps for internet governance in Pakistan are extremely necessary. He pointed out the problems facing Pakistan in terms of Internet accessibility and productivity and emphasized upon addressing them. He said China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Project (CPEC) should also be a part of Internet governance, as internet can play a pivotal role in achieving the CPEC objectives. He termed PkSIG, launched by HEC, as first step towards a long journey.


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Acknowledging the services and assistance of the Cuban Government in the aftermath of October 2005 earthquake and welcoming Pakistani medical doctors who have graduated from Cuba, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) held a ceremony at its Secretariat in Islamabad on Wednesday. Mr. Jesus Zenen Buergo Concepcion, Ambassador of Cuba to Pakistan, was chief guest on the occasion.

The ceremony was attended by over 60 doctors who have completed their medical education from Cuba. The excited graduates, who were all praise for Cuban government’s scholarships and HEC’s efficient execution of the project, chanted slogans of Viva Cuba-Viva Pakistan on the occasion.

Addressing the audience, the Ambassador said that Cuba fully supports a peaceful and prosperous Pakistan and desires a long-lasting friendship between the two countries.

He said Pakistan suffered a devastating earthquake in October 2005 that caused heavy losses of life and property, adding that after six days of the tragic calamity on October 14, 2005, the first group of 2,400 Cuban doctors arrived in Islamabad.

He said the Government of Cuba did not wait for any call of international help, as it was clear that Pakistan needed urgent help. He said the humanitarian mission successfully accomplished by the medical brigade left in the hearts of its members deep memories.

He maintained that as another gesture with Pakistan solidarity with the people of Pakistan, Cuba granted 1000 scholarships to Pakistani students to graduate from Cuba. He expressed confidence that the Pakistani doctors who graduated from Cuba will contribute to increasing medical care to the people in the homeland.

Medical Graduates Chant Slogans of Viva Cuba, Viva Pakistanth

HEC Marks 10 Anniversary of Cuba’s Support after 2005 Earthquake

Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman HEC, expressed gratitude to the people and Government of Cuba for its help and assistance at the time of need and urged the audience, especially the graduating doctors, to always remember the services of Cuba. He thanked the Cuban Ambassador for attending the event and requested him to convey the message of gratitude from Pakistan to Cuba for its generous support.

Dr. Mukhtar said that Cuba has expressed its plan to establish a sports university in Pakistan, adding that Pakistan will extend support to Cuba in agriculture sector. He said the two countries need to enhance cooperation in health, culture and other fields.

The Chairman congratulated the Pakistani doctors who graduated from Cuba for their achievement and said that HEC ensures selection of students for scholarships on merit.

Dr. Farooq, Vice Chancellor, Azad Jammu and Kashmir University, also spoke on the occasion and thanked the Cuban Government and HEC for their remarkable services for the Pakistani nation.

After the devastating earthquake in Pakistan, the Cuban government sent the first medical brigade to Islamabad and the same was the last group that left the country after seven months stay.


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The Cuban Government has invited Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman Higher Education Commission (HEC), to attend

ththe “10 International Congress of Higher Education University 2016” to be held in February next year.

The theme of the conference is “Innovative University for a Sustainable Human Development,” revealed Mr. Jesús Zenén Buergo Concepción during his visit to the Higher Education Commission Secretariat where he presented the invitation letter. The conference will be attended by representatives of

HEC Chairman Invited to Education Conference

Latin American Countries where Chairman HEC will share with the delegates the initiatives taken by HEC for the improvement of Higher Education system in Pakistan. Accepting the invitation, Dr. Ahmed said that such a gathering would be fruitful for future collaborations in the

field of higher education between Pakistan and Cuba.

He added that a group of vice chancellors would also accompany him which will help develop cooperation and partnerships in their respective disciplines for both countries.

A month-long workshop was organized by Higher Education Commission at Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, for the Pakistani students who have successfully graduated from Cuba. The workshop was specially designed for the students of Sindh to prepare them for the National Examination Board (NEB) test of PM&DC.

Speaking at the closing session, Mr. Tahir Abbas Zaidi, Project Director HEC, said that “HEC will

Workshop for Cuban Graduates continue to facilitate all the Pakistani Cuban graduates for preparation of NEB test to get their RMP from PM&DC for absorption in the Pakistani system.”

Prof. Dr. Masroor Ahmed and faculty of DUHS said that such workshops provide an opportunity for the students to prepare themselves for NEB test. A similar workshop was held in Lahore also for the students belonging to the Punjab and Kashmir.


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Centre, Karachi. He acknowledged the role of TESP in supporting the HEC in the implementation of MTDF HE-II.

He particularly mentioned the role of the TESP in focusing on results while achieving the targets of the DLIs related to the ORICs, DDEs, IPES and QECs. He lastly mentioned the efforts of TESP in improving the strategic planning in the HEIs.

Mr. Asad Khan, Programme Coordinator TESP, presented a briefing on the progress of DLIs, legal covenants, trainings and procurement components of the project.

The committee was apprised that the World Bank Review Mission had visited Pakistan in June this year and expressed its satisfaction with the TESP.

The Mission specifically improved the rating of the TESP on Financial Management and M&E to satisfactory that is the highest rating.

The committee expressed its satisfaction from the implementation progress and appreciated the role of the incumbent TESP team.

The committee recommended that, for the next phase of the TESP, more university Vice Chancellors should be included in the TESP Steering Committee so that broader-based inputs can be obtained.

rdTESP Organizes 3 Steering Committee Meeting

The meeting was chaired by Executive Director of the HEC, Prof. Dr. Ghulam Raza Bhatti, through video conferencing facility from the HEC Regional

The third steering committee meeting of Tertiary Education Support Programme (TEST) was recently held at Higher Education Commission.

Higher Education Commission with the technical support of TESP and IBA, Karachi, successfully organized IT management training for HEIs.

Mr. Asad Khan, Programme Coordinator, TESP, said that IT is playing a vital role in all organizations and this training will help the participants to use complex multimedia products and networking technologies.

The participants were trained on the use of Microsoft Project assisting them in further effective management of their tasks. They were also trained to use Learning Management System more effectively.

They were briefed that learning management system is a key player in students learning experience, serving as the course hub for management and

administration, communication and discussion, creation and storage of materials, and assessment of subject mastery. They were also trained on the effective use of social media and new technologies in education.

Meanwhile, Higher Education Commission with the technical support of Tertiary Education Support Program (TESP) and in partnership with IMSciences, Peshawar, has launched the second phase of training for public sector universities.

In the second phase, 400 participants from HEC and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) will be trained.

Dr. Mahmood-ul-Hassan Butt, Consultant HEC, graced the event as chief guest. He said that the training will help participants to become future leaders.

TEST Training in IT Management


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Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) will enhance collaboration to ensure quality of engineering education in the country in addition to further streamlining the accreditation process of engineering degrees.

Both HEC and PEC will adopt all possible measures to improve quality and accreditation process of programmes in engineering education offered across the country. Besides, joint surprise visits to monitor universities’ engineering programmes will also be conducted.

This was decided in a meeting between Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, Chairman HEC and Engr. Jawed Salim Qureshi, Chairman PEC, held at Commission Secretariat, Islamabad. This was Engr. Qureshi’s first visit to HEC after assuming the charge of Chairman PEC. An Electrical Engineer by profession, Mr. Qureshi has over 30 years of diversified experience in both public and private sectors. The Chairman HEC congratulated him on assuming the charge and hoped that his vast experience of the engineering sector will help PEC deliver more efficiently.

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed informed the PEC Head about HEC’s process for recognition of degrees, wherein accreditation of professional degree courses from relevant professional body is a mandatory condition. “We recognize only those engineering degrees which are accredited by PEC”, he said. An MoU was signed between HEC and PEC in May this year to develop criteria for recognition of programmes in Engineering Education.

The Chairman HEC also briefed Engr. Qureshi about HEC’s curriculum revision process, adding that curriculum review committees of different engineering programmes have representation of PEC. He said that curricula of different disciplines are reviewed every three years and it is ensured that it corresponds to international practices as well as national needs.

HEC, PEC to Strengthen Accreditation of Engineering Education in Pakistan

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed gave an overview of different HEC’s initiatives for developing institutional facilities, introduction of new disciplines in market based technologies, development of human resource including faculty, improvement in research facilities, enhancement of technological infrastructure, Pakistan Education and Research Network, Digital Library, linkages with different foreign universities and other key projects of the Commission.

He elaborated how HEC has been endeavouring to build capacity of researchers and support universities for promotion and commercialization of research. He hoped that HEC will have a productive partnership with PEC for advancing engineering education in Pakistan.

The Chairman PEC assured complete support to HEC, emphasizing that PEC will not recognize any degree programme in engineering which is started in violation of the prescribed policy.

It is pertinent to mention here that HEC regularly interacts with different Accreditation Councils to discuss how the process of accreditation could be revamped and strengthened keeping in view the expansion of higher education sector, and learning from international best practices in the accreditation process.

Accreditation Councils are responsible for Programme Accreditation at undergraduate level across the country in the respective subjects with complete autonomy in terms of implementation under policy guidelines of HEC.


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Mr. Istvan Szabo, Ambassador of Hungary to Pakistan, along with a delegation comprising Ms. Agnes Pompos, Deputy Head of Mission, and Mr. Sandor Mihalko, Counsellor of Hungarian Embassy, called on Dr. Ghulam Raza Bhatti, Executive Director Higher Education Commission, at HEC Secretariat.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed issues pertaining to mutual efforts for promotion of higher education in the two countries. They also emphasized the need for improving people-to-people contacts and exchanging students, as they said students studying in any foreign country are ambassadors of their own country. They agreed to strengthen relationship in the field of higher education and science adhering to the principles of equality and mutual benefit.

The two sides expressed their plan to strike an MoU on an Exchange Programme between the Ministry of Human Capacities, Government of Hungary, and the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. Under the proposed agreement, likely to be made in the coming months, the Hungarian Ministry will inform HEC about new scholarship programmes and will offer scholarships for 80 Pakistani students per year to pursue studies in public sector

Hungarian Envoy Calls on ED HEC, Shows Interest in Collaboration

institutions in Hungary. After the signing of agreement, as many as 50 places will be finalized for the full BA/BSc. study programmes in the fields of agriculture, technical and natural sciences while 20 places will be appointed for full MA/MSc. programmes in technology, engineering, economics and natural sciences. Likewise, under the proposed agreement, 10 scholarships will be awarded for PhD studies in various fields.

The two parties discussed that after striking the said agreement, HEC will provide 10 higher education scholarships for learning of Arabic or Urdu languages in addition to scholarships in literature, Islamic Studies and scientific researches in different disciplines according to the regulations of public sector universities of Pakistan.

Both the dignitaries expressed their willingness to encourage direct relations and signing of agreements for cooperation among universities, higher education institutions and

research centres in the two countries. They also wished to exchange publications, teaching materials and curricula to examine how diplomas and scholarly degrees are obtained in the other country.

During the meeting, the two parties agreed to strike the agreement under which they will exchange archaeological experiences and will cooperate in the field of excavation and restoration. They said the details of such exchange will be agreed through diplomatic channels.

Mr. Istvan Szabo revealed that the faculty of Archaelogy of Pazmany Peter Catholic University, in collaboration with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, has shown its intention to elaborate an inter-institutional programme of cooperation in the field of protection of monuments by prearrangement with HEC and representatives of relevant Pakistani institutions.


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To mark October as Pinktober -- the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Pink Ribbon has launched a countrywide Breast Cancer Awareness drive in collaboration with Higher Education Commission and other public and private partners.

The campaign aims to involve nearly 200 educational institutes across Pakistan to reach out to over 100,000 young girls, equipping them with necessary knowledge about cause and prevention of Breast Cancer.

Pink Ribbon will also run an extensive awareness campaign including radio and TV awareness messages and debates, outdoor messaging, social media and text messaging campaign, and Pink Illumination, apart from holding different awareness activities for females at the community level. The Pinktober campaign also includes fundraising for Pakistan’s first dedicated Breast Cancer Hospital being constructed by Pink Ribbon.

On the launch of campaign, Omer Aftab, Chief Executive Pink Ribbon, said the campaign aims to create widespread awareness while bringing it into the mainstream to urge policy makers to take up this issue as a priority. He mentioned that Breast Cancer claims over 40,000 lives every year,

Pinktober Drive

Pink Ribbon to Access 100,000 Young Girlsyet there is a lack of medical facilities for this disease. He said that to cater the need of medical services for Breast Cancer, Pink Ribbon is building Pakistan’s first ever dedicated Breast Cancer hospital.

“Every year, 40,000 women die in Pakistan due to Breast Cancer. Pakistan has the highest rate of

Breast Cancer in whole of Asia. One in every nine women in Pakistan is at high risk of

Breast Cancer. With early detection, chances of surviving Breast Cancer are more than 90%. The treatment facilities in Pakistan are not adequate”, he said.

He said that in Pakistan, having breast cancer, no matter what stage

of it is, carries a stigma attached to it. Due to lack of awareness, many women

deny their condition. “October is celebrated as the international month of Breast Cancer awareness worldwide. This year too Pakistan’s national awareness campaign, Pink Ribbon is doing what is needed at various levels, by raising public awareness about the disease, highlighting the role of research into the causes of breast cancer and promoting the significance of early detection of breast cancer in terms of better treatment and survival.”

A meeting of Expert Committee for scrutiny of the nominations received from different public and private sector universities for the Best University Teacher Award 2014 was held in HEC recently.

The meeting was chaired by Prof Dr. Ghulam Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, and was attended by Dr. Riaz Hussain Qureshi, former Adviser Quality Assurance HEC, Rector International Islamic University, Islamabad, VC

Nominees for Best Teacher Award Scrutinized Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, VC University of Fashion and Design, Lahore, and others. The Committee evaluated the nominees as per the HEC criteria and selected 41 eligible teachers out of 92 nominations received from 56 public and private sector universities.

The award comprising cash prize of Rs. 100,000 and a certificate will be conferred upon the selected teachers in a commemorative awards ceremony to be held by the end of the year.


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regarding the KIU faculties, departments and disciplines especially the Food Science degree programmes.

Similarly, the KIU Coordinator also delivered a presentation on Food Science as a discipline. The team also visited the laboratories, classrooms, library and computer halls. It also held meetings with the

NAEAC Body Inspects Food Science Degree Programmes at KIU

faculty members and got feedback from students of BSc. (Hons.) and MSc. (Hons.) in Food Science.

The Chairman NAEAC along with AIC team met VC of KIU. They talked about maintaining and enhancing the quality of education in Food Science degree programmes being offered by KIU, Gilgit.

The Agriculture Research Technical Committee held its maiden meeting at Sindh Agriculture University (SAU), Tandojam, with Dr. Mujeebuddin Sahrai, Vice Chancellor of SAU, in the chair.

The meeting was attended by different agriculture experts, consultants and a large number of notables from various departments. During the meeting, the experts and committee members briefly discussed the development of agriculture and growth of vegetables, fruits and crops in

SAU Experts to Develop Sindh Agricultural Development Strategy: VC

different suggested areas of Sindh. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Mujeebuddin Sahrai said that SAU experts will develop a Sindh agricultural development strategy report and a seminar will be organized on each crop includng onions, dates, chilies and rice to discuss their production technology. He said proposals will be invited for the project from experts, progressive farmers and well-reputed organizations for research and development about agriculture.

Other speakers briefly introduced the team of Sindh Agriculture Growth Project (SGP) and also informed that, the project has been launched with an estimated cost of Rs. 170 million for research component and for improvement in the productivity and market access of small and medium producers with the help of World Bank.

They briefed that this project has the capacity of transforming the agriculture system of Sindh.

The Accreditation Inspection Committee (AIC) of National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC) held an on-site visit to the Department of Agriculture and Food Science, Karakorum International University, Gilgit, to examine the degree programmes on Food Science.

Dr. M.E. Tusneem, Chairman NAEAC, led the AIC team comprising Prof. Dr. Muhammad Faqir Anjum from Government College University, Faisalabad, and Prof. Dr. Alam Zeb from the University of Agriculture, Peshawar. The AIC team was briefed by the Chairman Department of Agriculture and Food Science


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Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF), Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU), Multan, organized a day-long conference on “technological innovation and its impact on firms’ performance in the financial sector of Pakistan” recently.

During the welcome address, Dr. M. Shaukat Malik, Director IBF, highlighted achievements of the institute since its establishment in 2012.

He thanked all the scholars, professionals and researchers for their presence in the conference. He reiterated the IBF resolve to provide world class educational facilities to students. The VC BZU Multan appreciated the efforts of IBF and urged the students to

BZU Institute Weighs Impact of Tech Innovation on Performance in Companies

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Rafiq Khan, former Vice Chancellor University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, and a renowned entomologist, passed away recently. A large number of people belonging to various

walks of life including educationists and researchers participated in his funeral prayer.

Former UAF VC Passes AwayThe legend served the university as Vice Chancellor from June 1991 to November 1995. He has made marvelous contribution to the education sector and research areas and addressed different issue of agriculture sector. He also served as Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Director Students Affairs and Chairman Department of Entomology.

actively participate in extracurricular activities. He said this is high time when industry and academia should collaborate with each other.

He emphasized the need for reducing the skill gap between university degrees and industry requirements.

Speaking on the occasion, the chief guest highlighted the role of technology in banking sector and explained the importance of online banking and mobile banking in the modern era.

He informed the students about the significance of Multan in terms of its history and culture and briefed them how the city has become the

centre of attention having numerous business opportunities. He emphasized how the young generation can play its part in revamping the image of Multan and taking advantage of the available resources.

Mr. Jalal uddin Roomi, in his speech, explained the new methods of investment and said the presence of technology in everyday life is

st the biggest reality of 21century.

Prof. Dr. Abuzar Wajidi explained the meaning of ‘innovation’ and how it defines the human life. Mr. Zakariya Zafarullah, an office holder in PIA, stressed the importance of technology in the aviation industry.


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thThe 25 Master Trainers-Faculty Professional Development Programme held under the auspices of Higher Education Commission (HEC), Learning Innovation Division, concluded recently.

As many as 34 faculty members from public and HEC-funded private higher education institutions across Pakistan participated in the programme. Prof. Dr. Ghulam Raza Bhatti, E x e c u t i v e Director HEC, was the chief guest in the c e r t i f i c a t e distribution c e r e m o n y. Ms. Shaheen Khan, Adviser L e a r n i n g I n n o va t i o n Division HEC, w a s a l s o present on the occasion.

The Master Trainers-Faculty Professional Development Programme is an eight-week in-service, professional teaching certificate programme. It is designed for higher education teaching faculty to develop their andragogical, research and other required professional skills.

So far 692 faculty members have been trained in 24 batches of the programme and

th25 Master Trainers-Faculty Professional Development

Programme Concludes

A meeting was organized by HEC at its regional centre, Lahore, in connection with development of curriculum for a two-year Associate Degree in Fashion Designing recently.

HEC took the initiative to launch Associate Degree in 37 market-oriented subjects in 2011 with an aim to provide professionals ready to become a part of productivity process and hence contribute to development of economy. The Associate Degree will comprise 66-68 credit hours to be covered in two years divided into four semesters.

Selected participants from all over Pakistan participated in the meeting to develop first ever unified curriculum for Associate Degree in the discipline of Fashion Designing. Mr. Imran Mehmood from Pakistan Institute of Fashion Design, Lahore, was elected as Convener and Mr. Farooq Ahmed from Gift University, Gujranwala, assisted the house as Secretary. The house lauded HEC for assessing the need for development of unified curriculum for Associate Degree to be adopted by all universities intending to offer the Associate Degree.

they are now serving as master trainers in their respective higher education institutions.

thIn 25 batch, another 34 faculty members participated.

thDuring the 25 batch along with core modules like Microteaching, Academic Planning & Management and Communication Skills, several other additional components were taught.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Dr. Ghulam Raza Bhatti, Executive Director HEC, appreciated the role of Learning Innovation Division for organizing

teachers training programmes to enhance the requisite pedagogical and administrative skills for in-service faculty. He encouraged the participants to replicate what they have learnt during this course in their parent institutions.

The participants took oath to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution they are serving and to remain loyal to their country. In the end, the chief guest distributed certificates among the participants.

So far 692 faculty members have been trained in 24

batches of the programme and they are now serving as master

trainers in their respective higher education institutions.

thIn 25 batch, another 34 faculty members participated.

Associate Degree in Fashion Design


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Terming the China-Pakistan friendship exemplary, scholars and educationists from Pakistan and China said the two countries will reap the windfall of their all-weather strategic partnership, as Beijing and Islamabad are on the verge of capitalizing on massive opportunities of development to realize common dreams.

This was stated by Chinese and Pakistani scholars and educationists in a two-day international conference entitled “Pak-China strategic partnership and its regional implications” organized by Sindh University recently. Speakers said that Beijing and Islamabad have put immense efforts for economic development of Pakistan by launching a number of uplift projects including China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Project.

On the occasion, Dr. Abida Taherani, Vice Chancellor Sindh University, said the recent visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Pakistan and the agreement of investment of US $ 46 billion, focusing on a broad spectrum of cooperation and addressing the core issues like energy, transport and infrastructural developments, would have a great impact on the lives of people on both sides.

“Out of 51 Memorandums of Understanding signed on the occasion of President Xi visit, 30 MoUs were related to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. It reflects the significance of this mega project. It will open up new vistas of prosperity and development, particularly in the vast areas of Baluchistan and Sindh”, she underlined.

Educationists View on Foreign Relations

SU Int'l Moot Highlights Importance of Pak-China Strategic Partnership

She said the relationship between the two countries was not limited to economic cooperation, but it was a time-tested relationship based on mutual trust and respect. “The leadership both in China and Pakistan is committed to expanding Pakistan-China relations at bilateral and multilateral levels. Today, both countries have common interests in promoting regional peace and stability in the region by eradicating terrorism, working together for peace in Afghanistan, improving relations with India and enhancing regional connectivity”, she said.

The Area Study Centre of Sindh University (SU) inked two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with a local and a foreign institution for research in the fields of Social Sciences.

The fist MoU was signed by Dr. Abida Taherani, Vice Chancellor SU, and Dr. Lou Shizhou, her counterpart from Zhejiang Normal University, China, at the University’s Area Study Centre.

Both the universities agreed to develop collaborative research projects and hold academic workshops and conferences. Under the agreement, both the universities will develop joint educational programmes and will hold seminars and symposiums in specific fields. They will also exchange academic information, educational and research materials, and will carry out exchanges of faculty members and scholars.

The second MoU was signed by Prof. Dr. Abida Taherani, VC SU, and Dr. Fazal-ur-Rahman, Executive Director Pakistan Council on China, Islamabad, during the same ceremony. The two organizations agreed to develop academic cooperation in various fields in addition to sharing research services for CPEC.

MoUs with Chinese, Pakistan Institutions


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The students of Centre of Excellence in Art & Design (CEAD), Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, organized an exhibition to display models made from junk and waste material.

Prof. Dr. Bhai Khan Shar, Director CEAD, inaugurated the exhibition while Rana Danish, Shahryar Khan, Muhammad Burhan, Rabika Shaikh, Mehak Abbasi, Zubair Shah, Paras Solangi, Tarique Balti, Muzafar Ali and other students prepared interior designing models to decorate homes, offices and other areas.

All models were made from junk material like ice cream sticks, bottle caps, CDs, car tires, glasses, machine parts, wedding cards, bicycle wheel, lipstick stand, candle stand, broken bangles, spoon, rubber, papers, eggs, fused bulbs, old

Architects Exhibit Designing Models Made from WastesStudents have proved that nothing is useless in the universe: Dr. Bhai Khan Shar

calendars, coconut and other items. The models included lamps, chairs, showcases, beauty boxes, dressing tables, photo frames, mirrors, camera, enlightened bottles, nest, maps of countries, coloured wheels, shoes and other products.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Dr. Bhai Khan Shar said the students deserve full appreciation for proving that nothing is futile in this universe. He said this type of performance is not only a

model display but it has also a very deep message regarding the importance of trifles present around us. Dr. Shar said the recycling process applied by students will be very beneficial for all sections of society which can or cannot afford expensive materials for decoration of their houses and offices.

The faculty of Architecture Department, including Javed Hussain Makhdoom and Arshad Qureshi were also present on the occasion.

Keeping in view the fact that postgraduate students always have to face some hardships in finding research topics for their MS/ PhD thesis, a seminar was held at Hamdard Institute of Engineering and Technology (HIET), Hamdard University, Karachi, recently.

The event was organized under the aegis of Pakistan Engineering Council’s Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme with 0.5 Credit Points. A presentation on “Research problems for postgraduate students - Thrust Areas: Electrical Power, Metamaterials” was given

Seminar Discusses Postgraduate Student Problemsby Dr. Muhammad Faisal Khan, Associate Prof. HIET. The presenter guided the audience about various research problems along with brief literature survey. He also informed the addressees about different funding agencies related to these research problems. He pointed out the research problems which can be good commercial products. In this way, entrepreneurship was also discussed in the session.

The presentation was attended by faculty members, undergraduate and postgraduate students.


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The Police School of Information Technology (PSIT) was inaugurated under the aegis of Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology (SUIT), Peshawar, at Police Lines, Peshawar.Mr. Pervez Khattak, Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, was the chief guest on the occasion, while Mr. Nasir Khan Durrani, Inspector General of Police, and other key Government and police officials were also present.

Prof. Dr. Salim-Ur-Rehman, Vice Chancellor SUIT, was the guest of honour. Muhammad Kamran Khan, Deputy Director ICT Affairs, Dr. Bilal Jan, Assistant Prof. CS/ IT, Dr. Imran Asst. Prof. CS/ IT, and few senior students of CS/ IT Department also attended the ceremony.

Mr. Pervez Khattak presented souvenir to Prof. Dr. Salim Ur Rehman for excellent academic linkages of Sarhad University, Peshawar, with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police. SUIT has been awarded for extending academic services to the police under

SUIT Sets Up School for Capacity Building of Police

its efforts to promote industry-academia linkages, as SUIT has engaged its faculty for the capacity building of Khyber Pakhtukhnwa Police. Nasir Durrani appreciated the efforts of SUIT and invited other universities to come forward to help the police.

Sarhad University also established Directorate of ICT Affairs in 2014 with an aim to ensure industry-academia linkages, provide community services, and arrange entrepreneurship for students on the behalf of SUIT.

The Directorate of ICT Affairs, Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology (SUIT), Peshawar, recently organized “E-Peshawar Community Session" in Chamkani Union Council.

This session was attended by SUIT students, representatives

SUIT Holds E-Peshawar Session

of local community, including elders, school teachers, farmers and youth counsellors.

The agenda of the session was to create awareness among the community members about the use ICTs and brief them about the impact they

cast on society and community. The community was also briefed about the aims, objectives and working of newly established SUIT E-Peshawar Facilitation Centre.

This centre will be the hub of SUIT in Chamkani and all the E-Services, including E-Education, E-Health, E-Agriculture, E-Skills and E-Good Governance, will be implemented in Chamkani.

SUIT has already established E-Education Centres for teaching formal basic courses like English and Islamiyat) to children from fifth to seventh class using E-Village Software.


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The fifth Industrial Open House-2015 was recently held at Muhammad Ali Jinnah University (MAJU), Islamabad, under the auspices of the departments of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Bioinformatics.

The purpose of the event was to provide students with an opportunity to exhibit their skills through their projects and have interaction with the industry.

The Open House-2015 was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, EVP MAJU, Islamabad. Mr. Wahaj us Siraj, CEO Nayatel (Pvt) Ltd. graced the occasion as chief guest. As many as 79 final year projects of students were exhibited this year. The chief guest appreciated all the projects which were exhibited on the occasion. He advised the students to keep working hard and serve the industry well in future. The representatives from

th5 Industrial Open House-2015 at MAJU

Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Institute of Technology (KASBIT), Karachi, recently organized a workshop on Developing Effective Learning Outcomes.

Mr. Moin Ali Khan, Deputy Director QEC, IoBM, was the resource person in the workshop. Among others, the faculty members of KASBIT and other universities including Iqra University, Indus University and Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University attended the workshop.

Mr. Karamatullah Hussaini, Dean Management Sciences, KASBIT, welcomed the guests and participants. A discussion was held on the importance of

industry and academia participated in the Open House and interviewed the students on the spot and selected many students who received offer letters as well. In the closing ceremony, shields were distributed among the first, second and third position holders. Shields were also awarded to supervisors of the projects.

KASBIT for Developing Learning Outcomes

development of learning outcomes and the need for their development and making the outcomes specific, measurable, realistic, achievable and time-bound.

Speakers said that students must know precisely what is expected from them. They added that the students will thus devote his time to activities which will enable him to attain the course objectives.

They will be in a better position to distinguish between what is important and what is less important among the learning tasks covered by the course.

When the objectives of various courses of a curriculum have been precisely formulated it is possible to verify whether the curriculum respects learning sequences or not.


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Dr. Mohammad Aslam Uqaili, Vice Chancellor Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, has said the US-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCASW) established with the technical support of University of Utah will achieve its targets successfully within the appointed time.

The centre was recently launched with the support of USAID. It is first state-of-the-art advanced studies and research based water centre that will help provide solutions to the water challenges in Pakistan.

Dr. Uqaili said this while presiding over a meeting of faculty and administrative staff of USPCASW. He said that MUET signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Utah, USA, during the recent visit of MUET USPCASW delegation to the United States.

This MoU set goals and anticipated roles and responsibilities for both the universities in making USPCASW a success, he added.

MUET Signs MoU with University of UtahWater Studies Centre to Produce 250 Scholars: VC MUET

Dr. Uqaili said this water research centre will produce around 250 PhD and MS scholars in various water research fields. He said the proposed building of USPCASW will be completed within two years and it will be the modern state-of-the-art building equipped with modern facilities for research.

The Vice Chancellor further said that MUET Jamshoro is a seat of higher learning and research and for professional growth, as it is focused to provide quality education on merit to the students belonging to marginalized communities of the country as well as Sindh. He said that MUET qualified engineers and research scholars are serving

the country according to their abilities with great enthusiasm.

Prof. Dr. Bakhshal Khan Lashari, Project Director, briefed the session about the recent MoU with the University of Utah for USPCASW. He said that management of Utah University has assured them of their full cooperation and support for future research and joint ventures regarding water research and water challenges in Pakistan. He said the USPCASW will pave the way for future water research opportunities for young scholars and scientists.

Faculty members and administrative staff of USPCASW participated in this experience sharing meeting.

Virtual University has awarded merit and need-based scholarships to 1032 students of the university.

VU announced the scholarship list for its students under its merit and need-based scholarship criteria, under which a total of 693 students were

VU Awards 1032 Scholarshipsawarded merit-based scholarships in order to encourage healthy academic competitions. As many as 339 students received need-based scholarships also.

VU disbursed a total amount of Rs. 10.3 million among successful students.


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A preliminary National Curriculum Review meeting was held at National Defense University (NDU), Islamabad, to develop curriculum for BS and MS in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Peace and Conflict Studies is a new emerging subject and is taught in some institutions of Pakistan. HEC has developed the Peace and Conflict Studies Curriculum for the universities at national level.

The purpose of this three-day meeting was to develop scheme of studies and model layout of BS and MS Programmes in the said discipline to meet the national needs and bring the programmes at par with international standards. Experts from the University of Baluchistan, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, University of Peshawar,

Curriculum for Peace and Conflict StudiesNDU, National University of Modern Languages, National University of Sciences and Technology, University of Sargodha, COMSATS, Abbottabad and Islamabad campuses, and Fatima Jinnah University, Rawalpindi, participated in the meeting and blended the curricula according to the needs of society as well as demand of industry. The committee unanimously selected Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Choudhry from NDU as Convener and Dr. Jamil Ahmed from University of Peshawar as Secretary.

After thorough deliberations on curriculum, the course contents were coined and developed to bring them in line with modern trends and international standards so that graduates are more competitive in the global scenario.

The USAID-funded Centre for Advanced Studies in Agriculture and Food Security established at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad has started functioning.

Talking to journalists, Prof Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, Vice Chancellor UAF, said the Centre will help boost the agriculture sector and alleviate hunger by producing trained manpower, research work and outreach in collaboration with the University of California, Davis.

He said under the project, as many as five chairs including Bio-Technology, Precision Agriculture, Climate Change, Outreach, and Agriculture Policy were established. He said a state-of-the-art building of the Centre worth Rs. 550 million was being built at the UAF, in which 12 well-equipped laboratories would be established. He said the Centre will offer 100 scholarships this year, out of which 20 scholarships will be for PhD programmes and 80 others will be allocated for Masters/ MPhil programmes.

Centre for Advanced Studies in Agriculture Kicks Off at UAF

Dr. Jim Hill from the University of California, Davis, USA, said on the occasion that the Centre will help UAF find innovative solutions to national and global challenges related to food, agriculture and environment through excellence in education, research and outreach. He said the CAS will help UAF produce the highest quality of workforce in the fields of food and agricultural production and will help it bridge the gap of academic research with industry and government.

He said it will conduct client-oriented applied research in focus areas to ensure sustainable agriculture and food security. He said the Student Exchange Programme under the Centre will bring collaborative research and cultural outcomes.


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Dr. Kiran Afshan has completed her doctorate studies under the Indigenous PhD Fellowship Programme 5000.

During her Masters and M. Phil in Zoology at PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, she got student merit scholarships and was awarded gold medal in Mphil.

Her MPhil thesis was published by VDM Verlag Publishing House, Germany in the form of a book entitled “Fasciolosis and Snail Fauna of Potohar Region, Pakistan”. She applied for HEC indigenous scholarship and was selected. She

Dr. Kiran Completes PhD on HEC Scholarshipcompleted PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mazhar Qayyum. She also availed herself of an opportunity to study at World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Fascioliasis and Its Snail Vectors of the Department of Parasitology, University of Valencia, Spain, under International Research Support Initiative Programme (IRSIP) of HEC.

Currently, she is working as Assistant Professor (Zoology) in Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, and is leading a research project on human fascioliasis awarded by HEC.

Dr. Jam Muhammad Zafar has recently completed his doctorate in education under the supervision of Dr. Irshad Hussain from Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB), Pakistan.

His PhD dissertation entitled, “Analysis of Current Research and Development Mechanism and Preparation of a Model for Research and Development at University Level in Pakistan”,

Completion of Doctorate in Educationevaluates the status of Research and Development practices in Pakistani universities through identifying the challenges like lack of proper funding, favouritism, poor policies, weak coordination among stakeholders, and lack of collaboration with the industry. He has presented many research papers -- one in

international conference held at Istanbul, Turkey, and five in international conferences held at different public and private sector universities of Pakistan.

He has published seven research papers in national and international research journals and three research articles are under journals’ revision process.

Dr. Ahmad Raza Bilal has earned a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Finance) from the University of Technology Malaysia.

He is working as Vice President/ Regional Business Head (Corporate Banking) in The Bank of Punjab. The conceptual framework of his PhD research was to examine the financial antecedents and their contributory role to invigorate firm performance across sectors. The recommendations of his study are useful for existing business owners, NTBs and capital market investors for prudent decision making.

Scholar Completes PhD in FinanceDr. Ahmad Raza Bilal has published research papers at renowned scholarly research forums such as Scopus and Thomson Reuters indexed journals. He also has presented his research studies at leading international conferences, workshops and symposiums, and also won “Best Researcher Award” at International Conference on Economics and Finance, organized by GIC-2014, Istanbul, Turkey.


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copy culture, adding that those students who could not attend classes in the semester system are getting quality education at Shikarpur, Dadu, Sukkur and Larkana centres. He briefed the team about the awareness campaign about it, relevant facilities and infrastructure available at centres.

Mr. Muneer Ahmed Mirjat, Deputy Director Quality Assurance, HEC emphasized

HEC Briefed on Distance Education Programmethe need for a learning management system at the centres to ensure proper use of technology in the transformation of quality education and holding of online lectures. The HEC team expressed its satisfaction over the working mechanism of DEP and appreciated the contribution rendered by its Director Dr. Chandan Lal. Later, the team called on VC Prof. Dr. Parveen Shah.

The Date Palm Research Institute, Shah Abdul Latif University, and Khairpur district administration

thorganized the 7 International Khairpur Dates Exhibition at SALU, Khairpur, recently.

Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah, who was the chief guest on the occasion, said that “dates are the major product of Khairpur district. This annual date festival will attract the growers. I appreciate the efforts of Dr. Parveen Shah in promoting research and academic environment on the campus.”

The Chief Minister also inaugurated the building of Faculty of Management Sciences and the building of Date Palm Research Institute. He also laid the foundation stone of SALU Housing Society and announced Rs. 3 billion for the development of the society.

Dr. Parveen Shah, Vice Chancellor, said that “we are fortunate enough that our dates are sold and

SALU Institute holds Dates Exhibition are in demand internationally." She said that for the first time in the history of university, it has designed a five-year strategic plan which covers all aspects of academics, research, governance, finance and curriculum.

Meanwhile Dr. Parveen Shah inaugurated the Learning Management System during a ceremony organized by the Directorate of Distance Education recently.

Speaking on the occasion, the VC said that LMS is a modern mode of delivering education, adding that the university is working day and night to provide quality education to students of the regions. Prof. Dr. Lutufullah Mangi, Pro Vice Chancellor Shikarpur Campus, said that the modern electronic technology has replaced traditional content delivery. He said that distance education has opened new vistas of learning.

Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, held a meeting to review progress on Distance Education Programme at the Vice Chancellor Secretariat recently.

During the meeting, Prof. Dr. Chandan Lal Rohra, Director DEP, briefed the Higher Education Commission’s team about the salient features of the programme. He said it is an effective device against the


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A meeting of Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) held at the University of Health Sciences (UHS) has endorsed a project proposal for effective control of HIV/ AIDS in the country.

The proposal for control of HIV/ AIDS has been jointly developed by National AIDS Control Programme, Government of Pakistan, United Nations Development Programme, and an NGO, Nai Zindgi.

The meeting was chaired by Muhammad Ayub Sheikh, Secretary Ministry of National Health Service, Regulation and Coordination. The meeting was attended by representatives of

UHS Okays Proposal on HIV/ AIDS Control

Health Department, WHO, USAID, UNAIDS and UNDP as well as non-government organizations, academic institutions, private businesses and people living with diseases.

The CCM is a multi-stakeholder partnership at national level which develops grant proposals

A three- day workshop on “Statistical Methods in Research” was organised by the College of Computer Science & Information System (CCSIS) at the Institute of Business Management, Karachi.

The purpose of workshop was to educate the participants about statistical techniques and their proper application required for research. The workshop was based on theory, applications of statistics.

Academicians, research fellows of different universities, data analysts working in hospitals and different organizations and faculty of IoBM attended the workshop. Speakers on the occasion appreciated the efforts of CCSIS to organise the

IoBM Event Evaluates Worth of Statistical Methods in Research

workshop, as they said it will help spread relevant knowledge. At the end, the Rector, Mr. Talib Karim distributed certificates among the participants of the workshop. Mr., Talib Karim appreciated the efforts for organizing the workshop and mentioned about the cooperation and patronization of management for such workshops and other academic activities in future.

The workshop participants were informed that another such activity will be held in December 2015. Dr. Ejaz Ahmed, Dean CCSIS, was the key facilitator, while Mr. Rizwan Ahmad, Mr. Laiq Muhammad Khan and Mr. Muhammad Wajahat were resource persons on the occasion.

for effective control of HIV/ AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and submits them to the Global Fund, an international financing institution which provides funding to support such programmes run by local experts in more than 140 countries.


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The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) of Abdul Wali Khan University (AWKU), Mardan, organized a one-day workshop on “Turnitin Software and HEC Plagiarism Policy” recently.

Focal persons from various departments participated in the workshop.

Mr. Shah Husain Awan, Deputy Director QEC AWKU, and Dr. Zahoor Jan, Assistant Professor, Islamia College University, Peshawar, gave a detailed and comprehensive presentation on HEC Plagiarism Policy at institution level. A detailed session on the use of Turnitin was also held.

Pakhtunkhwa College of Arts (PCA), Abdul Wali Khan University (AWKU), Mardan, and Carrer Ignasi Mas Morell, Barcelona, Spain, have signed an agreement for cooperation in the areas of culture, arts, gastronomy and tourism.

The agreement was signed by Mr. Fazli Sattar Durrani, Principal PCA, in his capacity as international expert for International Institute of Gastronomy Culture Arts and Tourism (IGCAT) from Pakistan's side and Dr. Diane Dodd, Director IGCAT, Carrer Ignasi Mas Morell, Barcelona, Spain.

This agreement will allow exchange of information and documents between the two parties on matters of mutual interest. Both parties will establish communication channels and will consult and share their ideas on matters of common interest.

Chairing the session, Prof. Dr. Zahoor Ul Haq, Director QEC, gave a comprehensive address about the policy.

He stressed smooth functioning of QEC with special focus on implementation of Plagiarism Policy. He stated that “QEC is responsible for promoting public confidence.

The quality and standards of the award of degrees are enhanced and safeguarded”, he said, adding that the QEC has to ensure the standards of quality through implementation of HEC Plagiarism Policy.

AWKU QEC Holds Workshop on HEC Plagiarism Policy

Cooperation in Culture, Arts,


A two-day workshop on “Managing Research Using Latest Software and Techniques” was held at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University (SBBU), Sheringal. Dr. Zahoor Sarwar, an expert trainer of Institute of Space Technology (IST), conducted the workshop. The purpose was to equip students with latest Research Software. It was a part of IST initiatives to spread latest knowledge and skills among faculty members, researchers and students, particularly belonging to institutions located in far-flung areas.


Dr. Zahoor Sarwar holds Workshop at SBBU

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Sardar Mahtab Ahmad Khan, Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has urged the medical universities to play a vital role in management of resources and eradication of poverty apart from improving the health status.

stHe was addressing the 1 convocation of Khyber Medical University (KMU), Peshawar. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hafizullah, Vice Chancellor KMU, and Dr. Fazal Mahmood, Registrar, along with deans, faculty members, vice chancellors of other public sector universities, principals of all the public and private medical colleges, parents of students, former KMU officials and a large number of students attended the convocation.

The Governor conferred degrees upon 188 graduates of various disciplines including MBBS, MPH, MHPE, B.Sc Nursing, DPT, MHR and M.Phil in Basic Medical Sciences. The

KMU Awards 188 Degrees

Governor KP Lauds Varsity Achievements

Govenor also awarded gold medals to 119 graduates of different institutes.

Stressing the need for efforts to reduce burden of diseases and harness economic development of the country, the Governor expressed pleasure to witness the achievements of KMU in a short period since its inception in 2007 and its contribution towards improvement of the basic medical sciences, which were greatly appreciable.

He said it was very encouraging to note that the KMU even in its budding phase has grown rapidly to have eight constituent and 35 affiliated institutes, imparting quality education to under-graduate and post-graduate students in various disciplines of medical, nursing, paramedics and physiotherapy.

The Governor expressed gratitude to Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hafizullah, faculty

and staff of KMU for their commitment to the success of students. He said the KMU has the responsibility of fulfilling the expectations of government, public, policy makers and patients to find solutions to overcome obstacles in the healthcare delivery system. He also urged the graduates who got degrees and gold medals to be aware of the fact that the time has come to pay back the debt they owed to their people, province and country.

He said, “Go ahead, and create a world that will be different, much better than yesterday. Create a happy and healthy world”.

The VC KMU shed light on the achievements of university and its future objectives. He vowed to contribute to reduction of health related issues. He announced the KMU will very soon be able to award PhD degrees in many basic medical sciences subjects.


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Institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad, th

celebrated its 10 Commencement of Class 2015 with the graduation of 152 students in the disciplines of Aerospace Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering.

Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan and Chancellor of Institute of Space Technology, graced the occasion as chief guest. Dignitaries from the civil and military establishment also attended the event.

The Chancellor conferred degrees upon students in their respective fields of specialization. He gave away the President of Pakistan Gold Medals to Mr. Hafiz Zeeshan Iqbal Khan of Aerospace Engineering, Mr. Muhammad Abdullah Iqbal of Electrical Engineering, and Mr. Sajid Ullah Khan of Materials Science & Engineering, as they stood first in their respective programmes.

The President congratulated all the graduates especially the award winners and position holders and advised them to play their role in making Pakistan one of the leading countries in technological and scientific development.

He highly appreciated the IST team for achieving academic excellence and promoting curricular and co-curricular activities. He said it is heartening to know that IST is focusing on the applications of Space Research in a variety of areas and is endeavoring to bring the nation at

President Mamnoon Lauds IST Achievements in Space Technology

par with the international community through specialized education about space and related disciplines. He appreciated IST for working on projects of international importance like “Silk Road Project” of National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences and projects funded by NASA and ICIMOD.

He said it is heartening to know that IST is focusing on the applications of Space Research in a variety of areas and is endeavoring to bring the nation at par with the international community through specialized education about space and related disciplines. He appreciated IST for working on projects of international importance like “Silk Road Project” of National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences and projects funded by NASA and ICIMOD.

The President also admired the innovative and research based projects of IST as well as the launching of Geo Spatial Research and Education Lab, which is an open source for Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics discipline, being gifted to Pakistani youth for reaping benefits of the available knowledge base.

Engr. Imran Rahman, Vice Chancellor IST, said on the occasion that IST graduates are a hope for the nation. He urged students to seek guidance from religion and realize that honesty, justice and morality are some of the basic doctrines of Islam which help the mankind achieve success in all fields of life.


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Institute of Space Technology (IST) recently organized fourth International Conference on Aerospace Science & Engineering at its main campus, wherein as many as 110 papers were presented and 30 poster presentations were made.

The conference is a regular biennial event and an international forum in which scientists, engineers, researchers, professionals and students from all over the world get a chance to interact and discuss the latest themes and trends related to aerospace science and engineering.

The success of the first three conferences in 2009, 2011 and 2013 earned this event a high standing in the domains of high-performance aerospace materials, space communication techniques, control and guidance systems, design and construction of space systems and structures. These conferences provided an ideal opportunity

IST Moot Shares Latest Themes of Aerospace Science, Engineering


for exchange of information among scientists, engineers and researchers from all across the globe.

Engr. Imran Rahman, Vice Chancellor IST, chaired the plenary session. The conference was started with a plenary session encompassing the speeches of distinguished national and international speakers followed by different technical sessions.

It featured a diverse blend of thematic areas including Aerospace and Avionics, Satellite Design Development and Security, Mechanical Engineering for Aerospace Applications, Aerospace Materials Design and Engineering, Satellite Communication and Image Processing, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Science, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Information Technology and Cyber Security, Space Technology Awareness and Society.

Bidding Farewell to US EnvoyRichard Olson, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, emphasized that education is the foundation of economic development, political stability and personal growth. During a farewell function jointly hosted by Preston University and the Archaeological and Historical

Association of Pakistan in his honour at Preston University, Islamabad, the U.S. Envoy

highlighted the importance of U.S.-Pakistan collaboration in higher education.


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Khawaja Salman Rafique, Adviser to Chief Minister Punjab on Health, has stressed the need for practice of research-oriented and clinic-based scientific techniques in dental education and dentistry.

Addressing at the inaugural ceremony of a three-day International Conference on Dental Research organized in collaboration with the Pak Association of Dental Research at the University of Health Sciences (UHS), he said the concepts of oral healthcare education and prevention of diseases are being neglected in the present system of dental education and there is a major

Khawaja Salman for Use of Clinic-based Techniques in Dental Education

deficiency of qualified faculty in Pakistan's dental colleges.

He said there was a dire need for revitalizing the current curriculum designs, education styles and technical facilities to keep ourselves abreast with the modern world.

Maj. Gen. (R) Prof Muhammad Aslam, Vice Chancellor UHS, said that efforts are being made to overcome shortage of faculty in medical and dental colleges. Apart from 90 speakers from Pakistan, Dr. Imran Rahbar, President of Pak Association for Dental Research, Dr. Abdul Samad Khan, Executive Director, and

speakers from Canada, United Kingdom, United States, New Zealand, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia also addressed the audience.

Over 150 oral and poster presentations were made on the occasion.

The speakers talked about different research areas of dentistry such as Behavioural and Epidemiologic Health Services, Clinical Dental Research, Craniofacial Biology, Cancer Research, Dental Materials, Education Research, Implantology Research, Microbiology/ Immunology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Oral Medicine and Pathology, Orthodontics, Periodontal Research, Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Prosthodontic Research.

Prof Dr Joachim W. Herzig, a notable academician and Professor of Physiology and Pathophysiology, University of Mainz, Germany, talked on “Pump Failure of the Heart and Modulation of the Renin-Angiotensin System” at the University of Health Sciences (UHS) during his recent visit.

He said that Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) is a hormone system that regulates blood

German Physiologist Visits UHS

pressure, adding that if this system is abnormally active, blood pressure will be too high. He named many drugs that interrupt different steps in this

system to lower blood pressure. Later, Prof. Joachim had a meeting with the faculty and students and discussed different topics with them.


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Sindh Agriculture University (SAU), Tandojam, organized a seminar on 'Climate Change: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for the Landless Peasants and Farmer Communities' in collaboration with International Labour Organization (ILO).

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Mujibuddin Sahrai, Vice Chancellor Saindh Agriculture University (SAU) shared his experiences and said peasants and rural communities are most vulnerable in terms of losing sources of livelihood. He stressed the need for creating awareness among peasants. He also shed light on the hazards of global warming and said that the past and present are totally changed in terms of growth in agriculture sector.

SAU holds Workshop on Climate Change

The experts present in the seminar warned the people of Sindh of food shortage in future because of depleting resources and declining crop productions. They linked the destruction to the climate variations. They urged the government and researchers to identify the problems and solutions.

The speakers identified the climate issues and challenges of farmers and suggested solutions for the problems in

agriculture sector. They stressed the need for sensitizing the community concerned on reducing the anthropogenic contribution to climate change.

The speakers suggested that clear strategies, short, mid and long term, should be evolved to build resilience among farmers and at the same time reduce the occurrence of emergencies through mitigation interventions at various levels.

Jinnah University for Women awarded 1015 degrees to students in various disciplines during its Convocation held recently.

Mr Mamnoon Hussain, President of Pakistan, was the chief guest in the convocation in which the students of Arts,

Business Administration, Commerce, Economics, Pharmacy and Sciences were awarded degrees.

Speaking on the occasion, the President urged the students to excel in their disciplines and make their contribution to social and economic revolution

in the country. He also talked about China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and said that it is based on a series of mega projects in different sectors.

He said there will be a lot of opportunities for young professionals to utilize their talent and energy. He urged the students, teachers and other sections of society to join hands for elimination of corruption in the country.

The President distributed gold medals among students securing first position in different programmes.

Jinnah University Awards 1015 Degrees


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The School of Advanced Studies (SAS), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, organized a two-day workshop entitled “Exploring Anthropology and Ethnographic Research” with the support of the United States Education Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP).

The purpose of holding the workshop was to acquaint the Pakistani students with the cultural diversity of globalized. It introduced students of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts as well as professionals and researchers interested in cross-cultural inquiry to the discipline of anthropology and

UMT School holds Workshop on Anthropology

its unique ethnographic research methods. Through interactive sessions and brief lectures along with visual aids, the workshop highlighted relevance of anthropology to Pakistan and its strength in resolving socio-cultural problems.

The workshop featured four anthropologists trained in the American, French and Austrian disciplinary traditions, including SAS faculty members -- Ali Islam Ghauri and

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Sahiwal, and Dairy and Rural Development Foundation (DRDF) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in trainings of master trainers and staff to achieve the ultimate goal of developing the dairy and livestock sector of the Punjab.

The MoU signing ceremony was held at COMSATS, Sahiwal. Prof. Dr. Abdul Waheed, Director CIIT, Sahiwal, said in his welcome address that CIIT, Sahiwal, is committed to playing a lead role in the development of Dairy Industry, especially in Sahiwal region. He added that the CIIT, Sahiwal, has planned to institute postgraduate certification in dairy, livestock and poultry farming along with business management in fall 2016 for DVM and Animal Science Graduates.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Salman Shah, Chairman DRDF, said that “The dairy project training programmes will continue to empower unemployed rural youth to pursue the path of

COMSATS, DRDF to Develop Punjab Dairy Sector

self-employment. I would like to extend my best wishes to the first graduating batch of master trainers trained by COMSATS and I am certain that they will significantly contribute to achieving the project’s overall goals.”

Under the MoU, the CIIT, Sahiwal, will impart hands-on trainings to USAID–DRDF dairy project’s master trainers or staff. The CIIT will ensure that the certified trainers will be entitled to conduct subsequent trainings for Women Livestock Extension Workers, Farmers and Artificial Insemination Technicians.

Muhammad Asif Khan in addition to Dr. Rao Nadeem Alam from Quaid-i-Azam University and Dr. Julie Flowerday from Forman Christian College.

The workshop was divided into seven sessions, which covered an overview of anthropology, its history and development, basic anthropological concepts, forms of human interaction, and ethnographic research and its methods.


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The Foundation University awarded as many as 200 degrees to new graduates of Humanities, Liberal Arts, IT and Engineering during the Convocation 2015 held recently.

Lt. Gen. Khalid Nawaz Khan (R), Managing Director, Fauji Foundation and President Foundation University Islamabad (FUI), was the chief guest on the occasion. Maj. Gen. Khadim Hussain, HI(M) (R), Rector FUI, and Brig Dr. Akhtar Nawaz Malik (R), Director FUI, Rawalpindi Campus, were also present on the occasion.

The chief guest also awarded seven gold medals, five silver medals, six distinction certificates and 13 merit certificates among the graduates. The awards for best graduating student were clinched by Seher Razzaq and Amber Zahra.

The chief guest, in his address, said that the FUI is unique in the sense that it is backed by the largest corporate and welfare organization of the country. The Fauji Foundation is a trust set up for the welfare of ex-servicemen and their dependents. He informed the audience that the Foundation is extending services in the fields of health care, education and technical/ vocational training through its hospitals, medical centres, mobile and

FUI Confers Degrees Upon 200 Graduates

static dispensaries, schools, colleges and the university.

The President FUI said that the progress, prosperity and strength of nations depend on their ability to create and apply knowledge. Only highly educated human resource can address today’s complex economic, technological, social and societal challenges. “We need to invest in human capital and building institutions for adoption and creation of knowledge, in particular, knowledge related to technology, its commercialization and diffusion for productivity gains, employment creation and poverty reduction. We need to produce business leaders, entrepreneurs, economists and social scientists to identify key projects that can change the fate of our nation,” he added.

Cochlear Implant Centre, Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), held a training workshop on the significance of cochlear implant in which lectures and live demonstrations of implant surgeries were arranged.

The Centre selected 12 candidates out of registered patients for cochlear implant. The aim of the programme was to educate and train the participants regarding cochlear

DUHS Holds Workshop on Cochlear Implantimplant besides implanting the suitable registered candidates.

The Centre requested philanthropists and NGOs to step forward and donate generously for this noble cause of helping the poor in order to adjust their children as normal and useful members of society.

It is worth mentioning here that DUHS has launched its cochlear implant programme with an aim to implant the

needy candidates of the families which cannot afford the cost.

The cochlear implant is relatively a new technique that can cater to the needs of majority of such cases if they meet the criteria of cochlear implant candidacy. Up till now 27 cases have been implanted free of cost after selection under a standard international criteria of cochlear implant candidacy.

Humanities, Liberal Arts, IT & Engineering


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thDuring its 8 Convocation, Hazara University, Mansehra, has conferred degrees upon 387 students of Bachelors, Masters and Mphil.

Sardar Mahtab Ahmed Khan, Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, who was the chief guest on the occasion, said that universities all over the world are playing key role in the national development. He urged the young generation to equip themselves with the latest technology as this is the era of knowledge economy.

The Governor said that the government is creating

387 Hazara University Students Awarded Degrees

academic and research opportunities for talented scholars both at home and abroad. He said that the Prime Minister’s laptop and fee reimbursement schemes are a part of this programme for talented students to be motivated. He appreciated Hazara University for availing itself of the full benefits of HEC schemes and sending scholars for short-term and long-term term training abroad.

The Governor congratulated the graduates for embellishing their intellect with the much needed gift of higher education and making themselves more

productive. He also appreciated the university for arranging talks of eminent scientists and scholars to create awareness. He said that strengthening the university’s infrastructure, allocating grants for its recurrent expenditure and enhancing capacity of laboratories and faculties are the of government priorities. He announced Rs. 2 million for beautification of Hazara University and assured of support to make the university a leading model of higher education. In his welcome address, Prof. Dr. Habib Ahmad, Vice Chancellor Hazara University, highlighted the achievements and future plans of Hazara University. He said the university was established in 2001 and it has shown unparallel progress.

The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Karachi, organized a lecture of Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhry, Director, International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences, under its lecture series.

During his lecture, Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Chaudhry said that internet is the game changer of today’s world, adding that developing nations are lagging behind because they have not given priority to science and technology. He noted that Pakistan is rich in mineral resources, stressing that practical efforts should be made to promote science and technology in the country. He said internet has revolutionalised the world. Development

Dr. Iqbal Choudhry’s Lecture at UoKprimarily is the development of human resource and providing the basic necessities of life to the population, he underlined. He said science has no boundaries and limits and science and technology ensure human survival in the modern age. He said Pakistan has a great potential of becoming an economic power if it utilizes and channelizes science and technology for sustainable development.

Prof. Dr. Moonis Ahmar, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, in his concluding remarks, said that institutions must be strong in the country. "We all must channelize our positive energies towards the development of our country," he concluded.


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China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will not only strengthen Pakistan's economy but will also help address the social issues including poverty, said Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan, Vice Chancellor University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

He was addressing a ceremony held to celebrate the National Day of People’s Republic of

thChina.The UAF marked the 66 birthday of China, where Chinese delegates, a large

UAF Celebrates National Day of China become a hub of academic and research activities. He stressed the need for learning from each other's experiences in order to face the challenges of

st21 century. He said that knowledge has no boundaries and no religion. He said that Confucius Institute started functioning at the UAF for promotion of cultural exchange. He also told the audience that 500 students would be sent to China soon. He said that UAF is working with 13 Chinese institutes in different areas of research.

Yang Zhijiang, Dean Chinese Xinjiang Agriculture University, thanked the UAF for marking the National Day of China and said that Pakistan and China are enjoying the relations of brotherhood and both the counties stand by each other in difficult times.

number of students and teachers participated.

Addressing on the occasion, Prof. Dr. Iqrar Ahmad Khan said that China came into being in 1949.

During the last 66 years, it has proved its mettle by making unmatchable technological advancement. He said the CPEC is a hallmark initiative that will open up new horizons of development for the two countries. He said China has

Mr. Raza Abbas, Director Student Affairs, Ziauddin University, and pioneer of Professional Career Counselling and Guidance, represented Pakistan and Ziauddin University at two premier global career development conferences in Japan.

He presented the pilot ground-breaking collaborative research study on instilling hope in Pakistani youth and teachers. The research was executed at the College of Speech Language and Hearing Sciences at Ziauddin University, Clifton Campus in Karachi, Pakistan. He gave his first presentation at the Asia Pacific Career Development Association-APCDA in Tokyo, Japan on “Institutionalized Teacher Training Career Guidance Model in Pakistan-Instilling Hope”. In

Hope Youth Model Acknowledged in Japanthis presentation, he shared about an innovative 40 hour teacher training research programme that focuses on identifying and nurturing the hidden potential of youth so that they can be employable as well as become job creators.

His second presentation was at the International Association for Educational Vocational Guidance-IAEVG international conference held at Tsukuba, Japan. His topic was: “A Hope-Centered Intervention for Youth- A pilot study in Pakistan”. In this presentation, he shared that based on the collaborative research, hope based model, students of Ziauddin University went through five interactive hope workshops on how they can become hopeful to face challenges.


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TUF Inks MoU with GCUF

The University of Faisalabad (TUF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with G. C. University Faisalabad (GCUF) for a long-term mutual collaboration between the two universities.

The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr. Abdul Majeed, Rector TUF, and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali, Vice Chancellor GCUF, at a ceremony held at TUF recently.

The ceremony was also attended by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saeed, Dean Faculty of Medicine and Allied

Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Abdul Haq, Director ORIC, TUF, and other senior faculty members from both the universities.

The objective of this MOU between the two institutions is to encourage direct contact and cooperation among faculty members, departments, institutes and research centres in order to benefit from the facilities and expertise of each other. Both the universities will ensure cooperation in joint research activities and publications.

A two-day International Nutrition Conference organised by the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore concluded recently with the recommendations that a ‘Nutrition and Dietetic Council’ should be formed to safeguard the field of nutrition and dietetics and address issues of malnutrition and food safety.

The conference recommended that the scope of Punjab Food Authority which is working in Lahore should be extended across the province and form a risk based food safety assessment.

It also suggested that food authorities should also be formed in other provinces for ensuring safe food for masses. The conference presenters and delegates emphasized on effectively running awareness campaigns for masses to clarify myths and controversies associated with poultry feed and nutritional quality of poultry meat.

Nutritionists, food scientists, researchers and academicians from across Pakistan and 15 foreign countries participated in the conference.

Mr. Basir Mahmood, a faculty member and alumnus of the Mariam Dawood School of Visual Arts and Design (SVAD), Beaconhouse National University (BNU), has been awarded Emerging Artist Award 2015 by Harvard University’s South Asia Institute.

Basir was chosen for this award by the faculty, subject experts and administrators from the Harvard Art Museum. As a part of this award, he has been invited to Cambridge to

International Recognitionconduct a workshop and talk at Harvard University.

His works have been displayed at Royal Festival Hall, London, ARCUS Studio, Japan, Hong-Gah Museum, Taiwan, and Palais De Tokyo, Paris.

He has also been awarded residencies in London, Istanbul and Japan. He has also received a yearlong fellowship from Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany.


Human Nutrition Conference

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Mr. Murad Ali Shah, Minister for Finance, Energy and Planning and Development, Sindh, has assured the International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi (UoK), that the government will support the centre in setting up a girls hostel for PhD scholars.

He was speaking at the inaugural ceremony of a national seminar on ‘Plant Remedies Used against Skin Diseases in Sindh’ held at ICCBS, UoK. He said the government will make all-out efforts to weed out financial crunch from the public universities of the province, adding that the UoK is the first priority of government in this regard.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qaiser, Vice Chancellor UoK, Aijaz Ali Khan, Additional Chief Secretary Sindh Planning and Development, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, Director ICCBS, and others also spoke at the occasion. Aziz Latif

Seminar on Plant Remedies Used against Skin Diseases in Sindh

Govt. to Set up Girls Hostel for PhD Scholars at UoKMinister Vows to Weed Out Financial Crunch in Sindh Varsities

Jamal, Chairman H.E.J. Foundation, Nadira Panjwani, Chairperson Dr. Panjwani Memorial Trust, and other officials of the government attended the ceremony.

The Minister said the mission of this survey, conducted at the cost of Rs. 23 million, was to conserve the collective human experiences before they vanish forever.

“This is for the first time in our history that a group of researchers went around the entire breadth of the province,

and collected the most valuable information about the folk and herbal remedies used the people of Sindh against skin diseases. By preserving this important knowledge, they have done a great favour to the future generations.”

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Qaiser said that Pakistan owned rich plant resources that needed to be documented. He said that the plant resources were being depleted in Pakistan.

Aijaz Ali Khan said that Sindh embraced diversity of medicinal plants used by the natives of this province. This is a very positive sign that the knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses are presented only for a commoner, he added.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal said compilation of authentic ethnobotanical information and folk medicinal practices in rural areas in the form of reports, database, and monograph was really a great work done by ICCBS and Sindh government.

The key outcome of the survey is the preservation of the indigenous healing knowledge of local people of Sindh related to plant remedies used against infectious skin diseases, he maintained.

The government will

make all-out efforts to

weed out financial crunch

from the public

universities of the

province. The UoK is the

first priority of

government in this



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Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman Higher Education Commission, graced a ceremony organized by Ghulam Ishaq Khan (GIK) Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology in connection with induction of fresh students in the university as chief guest.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed said the GIK Institute has proved its worth in areas of teaching and research and it must play its role in devising new research strategies and projects which are in proportion with national requirements. No doubt, Pakistanis are very talented. Pakistan engineers are among the top engineers in the world, he said.

Engr. Shamsul Mulk, President Society for Promotion of Engineering Sciences and Technology (SPOREST), Pakistan, stressed the need for preparing Pakistani young generation to

Induction Ceremony at GIK Institute

face the challenges in the rapidly changing scientific and technological world.

Jehangir Bashar, Rector GIK Institute, said that "we will try our best to provide you (students) the conditions that are conducive to your optimal growth, both in professional and personal terms. Our very competent faculty is here to teach and guide you. We associate very high expectations with you all. We are fortunate to have a faculty that is truly world class and is committed to the pursuit of excellence."

Department of Political Science and Quality Enhancement Cell of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, Peshawar, held consultation on the Self-Assessment Report of the Political Science Department.

Prof. Dr. Fakhar-ul-Islam, Director Pakistan Study Centre, University of Peshawar, presided over the consultation.

SBBWUP Self-Assessment Report Reviewed

The consultation held a comprehensive discussion on the report.

In his keynote address, Dr. Fakhr-ul-Islam highlighted the importance of the report and said that if every department prepares such reports on regular basis, it will help streamline their academic, research and financial affairs.

He added that holding such sessions will also help produce quality graduates, who will play their due role in national development. He lauded the efforts of the Department of Political Science for preparing a very detailed report of prescribed proforma of Higher Education Commission.

Earlier, Miss Shazia Noreen from the Department of Political Science, UoP, suggested some changes in the report for its further improvement. The consultation was held by Miss Amna Shaheen, In-charge Quality Enhancement Cell of Shaheed Benazir Women University, Peshawar.


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Members of NA Body on Planning, Development and Reforms Visit UET

university. He highlighted the key role Higher Education Commission is playing in supporting quality education.

The National Assembly Standing Committee also visited the Power House, Faculty Hostel, Main Auditorium, Central Lecture Theatre (IB&M Tower), Tariq & Khalid Halls and Staff Residences. The Committee appreciated the services and efforts of new Vice Chancellor.

Technology, Lahore. Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, Vice Chancellor UET, briefed the Committee about research and academic activities of the

The Institution of Engineers Pakistan (IEP) recently celebrated Engineers Day and awarded engineers who are actively contributing towards betterment of Pakistan and humanity.

A ceremony was held in this connection at Expo Centre Lahore where Mr. Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms, was the chief guest.

Dr. Muhammad Faisal Khan, an HEC indigenous PhD alumnus and Assistant Professor at

HEC Indigenous PhD Alumnus Receives Award

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology, Swabi, was awarded IEP National Excellence Award 2015 for his active participation in research and development. He submitted patents, published

research papers and received funding from national and international organizations. His projects won innovation awards as well. He has also been working for commercialization of his projects.

Prof. Sajjad Kausar, a senior faculty member at Razia Hassan School of Architecture (RHSA), Beaconhouse National University, Lahore has been elected Chairman of Institute of Architects of Pakistan (IAP), Lahore chapter.

New Chairman of IAP, Lahore Chapter

The National Assembly Standing Committee on Planning, Development and Reforms recently visited the University of Engineering and


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Area Study Centre Fareast and Southeast Asia, Sindh University (SU), Jamshoro organized two-day international conference entitled “Pak-China Strategic Partnership and its Regional Implications”, in Jamshoro recently.

Speakers termed Pak-China friendship exemplary, saying that ties between the two countries will strengthen their all-weather strategic cooperative partnership as Beijing and Islamabad are capitalizing on massive opportunities of development to realize common dreams of the two Asian nations. Beijing and Islamabad have stepped up efforts for bilateral projects, including economic corridor and energy sector.

Dr. Hamadullah Kakepoto, Director, Area Study Centre, FESEA said Pakistan China relationship started since early 1950’s and started maturing in 1972 by formation of strategic alliance between

Conference on Pakistan-China Partnershipthe two countries. Maintaining close relationship with China is a part of Pakistan’s foreign policy as China is Pakistan’s strategic partner in the east, he maintained.

In her remarks, Dr Abida Taherani, Vice Chancellor said the two countries have common interests to promote regional peace and stability by eradicating terrorism, working together for peace in Afghanistan, improving relations with India and enhancing regional connectivity.

Dr. Lou Shizhou, Vice Chancellor China’s Zhejiang Normal University, talked about trade opportunities in Chinese city’s Yiwa market and building of the Silk Road. He described the corridor as a “flagship project” of a broader policy — “one belt, one road” which seeks to physically connect China with Asian and European markets and beyond.

Institute of Space Technology (IST) held a three-day activity based programme to mark the World Space Week recently.

The Week was observed with a view to generate space awareness among the general public and students from a large number of schools and colleges of twin cities and surrounding areas.

Prof. Dr. Anwar-ul-Hassan Gilani, Chairman Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST), graced the occasion as chief guest. Dr. Najam Abbas, Deputy Director IST, welcomed the participants and briefed them about the significance and scope of the Week. Engr. Ishaat Saboor,

World Space Week 2015 Observed at IST

Registrar IST, was also present on the occasion.

The theme of WSW for the year 2015 was “Discovery”. World Space Week 2015 highlighted the great era of deep space discovery. In World Space Week 2015 celebrations at IST, over 80 different activities including 55 different space themed competitions were held. About 4000 students from 110 schools and

colleges of twin cities and the surroundings areas participated in the competitions. In addition to students, over 2500 visitors also attended thes World Space Week.

The World Space Week 2015 was concluded with a prize distribution ceremony and the winners of different competitions were awarded prizes and souvenirs.


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Pak-France JointResearch Programme(PERIDOT)


PERIDOT is the Franco-Pakistani Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) Programme providing opportunities to Pakistani and French researchers to interact for joint research activities. The programme is implemented in Pakistan by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and in France, jointly by theMinistry of Foreign and International Development (MAEDI) and the Ministry of HigherEducation and Research (MESR). The objective of this programme is to develop new scientific and technological cooperation betweenFrench and Pakistani higher education institutions/research laboratories by supporting the mobility of researchers from both sides.

Projects will be submitted on prescribed form available at HEC website

Pakistani researcher will have to identify the French partner.

Partners will have to submit the project simultaneously in Pakistan and in France.

French counterparts may submit applications online at while Pakistani

researchers may submit their application at the address given below.

Maximum two research projects can be submitted by one Principal Investigator for funding.

The application completed in all respects should reach the following address by January 8, 2016 before 16:00 hours PST.

Noshaba AwaisDeputy Director, R&D DivisionHigher Education CommissionSector H-9 - IslamabadEmail: [email protected]

Higher Education Commission (HEC) invites joint research proposals from Pakistani faculty members of public and private universities in the following three priority areas:

How to apply