SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September...

The Garden News Windsor Gardens Assisted Living 5611 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37912 865-688-4840 Slovenian Cow Belles In Slovenia’s Bohinj Valley, cows are the real belles of the ball on the third Sunday in September. After spending the summer eating their fill in the fertile upland pastures, the cows return to their winter homes in the valley below with great fanfare known as the Cows’ Ball. The cows are decked out in beautiful wreaths and paraded through the village by local herders, cheese makers, and milkmaids. The cows don’t have all the fun—humans enjoy live Slovenian folk music and dancing, as well as competitions in log sawing, horseshoe- throwing, and shooting. The entire celebration is laid out at the edge of Lake Bohinj, a beautiful alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks reminiscent of The Sound of Music. These hills, too, are alive, but with the sound of mooing. September Birthdays In astrology, those born from September 122 are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a deep sense of humanity, a trait that makes them careful, tender, and practical. Since all that attention to detail is put into the service of others, Virgos make perfect humanitarians. Those born between September 2330 balance the scales of Libra. Libra epitomizes fairness and harmony in all dealings large and small. Sincere, beautiful, and romantic, Libra will work hard to keep all relationships on an even keel with boundless grace and charm. Lily Tomlin (comedienne) September 1, 1939 Sid Caesar (comedian) September 8, 1922 Jesse Owens (Olympian) September 12, 1913 Prince Harry of Wales September 15, 1984 Greta Garbo (actress) September 18, 1905 Stephen King (writer) September 21, 1947 Phil Rizzuto (ballplayer) September 25, 1917 Enrico Fermi (scientist) September 29, 1901 Johnny Mathis (singer) September 30, 1935 SEPTEMBER 2017 Celebrating September International Square Dancing Month Library Sign-Up Month Ice Cream Shake Month College Colors Day September 1 Opposite Day September 9 Assisted Living Week September 10 16 International Country Music Day September 17 Love Note Day September 26 Good Neighbor Day September 28 Happy Birthday!!! Imogene I. September 1 st Harvey C. September 1 st Andrew S. September 8 th Bonnie A. September 11 th Wanda W. September 12 th Misty D. September 21 st Rose Mary L. September 26 th Janet N. September 28 th Karen D. September 28 th Questions, comments and suggestions pertaining to “The Garden News,” can be made to Tara Wallace, Life Enrichment Director Windsor Gardens Assisted Living 5611 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37912

Transcript of SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September...

Page 1: SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September 1–22 are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a deep sense of humanity, a trait that

The Garden News

Windsor Gardens Assisted Living 5611 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37912 865-688-4840

Slovenian Cow Belles

In Slovenia’s Bohinj Valley, cows are the real belles of the ball on the third Sunday in September. After spending the summer eating their fill in the fertile upland pastures, the cows return to their winter homes in the valley below with great fanfare known as the Cows’ Ball. The cows are decked out in beautiful

wreaths and paraded through the village by local herders, cheese makers, and milkmaids. The cows don’t have all the fun—humans enjoy live Slovenian folk music and dancing, as well as competitions in log sawing, horseshoe- throwing, and shooting. The entire celebration is laid out at the edge of Lake Bohinj, a beautiful alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks reminiscent of The Sound of Music. These hills, too, are alive, but with the sound of mooing.

September Birthdays

In astrology, those born from September 1–22

are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a

deep sense of humanity, a trait that makes them careful, tender, and practical. Since all

that attention to detail is put into the service

of others, Virgos make perfect humanitarians. Those born between September 23–30

balance the scales of Libra. Libra epitomizes

fairness and harmony in all dealings large and small. Sincere, beautiful, and romantic, Libra

will work hard to keep all relationships on an

even keel with boundless grace and charm.

Lily Tomlin (comedienne) – September 1, 1939

Sid Caesar (comedian) – September 8, 1922 Jesse Owens (Olympian) – September 12, 1913

Prince Harry of Wales – September 15, 1984

Greta Garbo (actress) – September 18, 1905 Stephen King (writer) – September 21, 1947

Phil Rizzuto (ballplayer) – September 25, 1917

Enrico Fermi (scientist) – September 29, 1901 Johnny Mathis (singer) – September 30, 1935


Celebrating September

International Square

Dancing Month

Library Sign-Up Month

Ice Cream Shake Month

College Colors Day September 1

Opposite Day September 9

Assisted Living Week September 10–16

International Country Music Day

September 17

Love Note Day

September 26

Good Neighbor Day

September 28

Happy Birthday!!! Imogene I. – September 1st

Harvey C. – September 1st

Andrew S. – September 8th Bonnie A. – September 11th

Wanda W. – September 12th Misty D. – September 21st

Rose Mary L. – September 26th

Janet N. – September 28th Karen D. – September 28th

Questions, comments and suggestions pertaining to “The

Garden News,” can be made to

Tara Wallace, Life Enrichment Director

Windsor Gardens Assisted Living

5611 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37912

Page 2: SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September 1–22 are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a deep sense of humanity, a trait that

Hitting the Century Mark

What is the secret to living

a long life upward of 100 years? Perhaps the residents of Acciaroli, Italy, know the secret.

This small coastal hamlet south of Naples has the highest

concentration of centenarians—that’s people living to 100 years of age—in the world. No doubt,

the residents of Acciaroli will be rocking on September 22, Centenarians Day.

What is Acciaroli’s secret? Mayor Stefano Pisani thinks the longevity is due to his town’s relaxed,

low-stress lifestyle. Researchers credit the diet of locally caught fish and locally grown fruits and vegetables. One cardiologist believes there

may be a genetic component attributed to small, efficient blood vessels. Luigina Vigiconte, aged

101, believes that one must “always be optimistic, never bitter, and always be polite with people.” Vincenzo Barrata, at 103, has a different theory:

“A lot of women in my life.”

Must we all move to Acciaroli to become a “super-ager,” with less Alzheimer’s, fewer cataracts, fewer bone fractures, and a stronger

heart? Or are there real lifestyle changes we can make to live to 100? Doctors have been trying to

decipher the secret to longevity for a long time. Weight control, they believe, is a big factor to living a long, healthy life. People should not only

consume fewer calories but maximize the nutrition of each calorie. Also, eat a lot of fiber, which

reduces heart disease and bad cholesterol and increases weight loss. Of course, activity such as walking and running is a plus, just as spending

time with others keeps our brains happy and nimble. But what do the doctors really know?

After all, centenarians rarely give medical advice when they talk about the secret to their long lives. Centenarian Haruo Ito advises, “Sleep well.”

Justina Sotomayor says, “Be loveable.” Frieda Falk believes that “learning new things makes

you happy and keeps your mind active.” The truth is most likely to be a mix of lifestyle and luck, and any added stress you suffer worrying about how

to live longer is bound to be counterproductive.

Calling All Rock Hounds

September 16 offers a holiday for all the rock hounds, from the professional geologist

to the casual collector at the beach. It’s Collect Rocks Day! What’s the attraction to collecting

rocks? For many, it’s the incredible diversity of rocks in the natural world. Not only do many rocks look different but they are formed by

different geological processes that give us clues to the geologic history of the area they

are found in. Half the fun of rock collecting is identifying and cataloging your rocks by kind, where you found them, and why they’re special

to you. Minerals, crystals, and gemstones are often admired for their brilliant colors, shapes,

and structures. But many of the best rocks in a collection are judged valuable not because they are gemstones or minerals but because

they were found someplace meaningful: on a vacation, perhaps, or on a trip with someone

special. Whether you adore igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic, you’ll never grow tired of the amazing diversity of rocks

out there just waiting to be found.

Tiny Tee Time

No one is exactly sure why

Garnet Carter invented the first miniature golf course in the 1920s, but thank goodness

he did or we wouldn’t be able to celebrate Mini Golf Day on

September 21. Carter owned a hotel outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee, called the Fairytale Inn, which strove to

create an atmosphere as magical as its name. Carter’s tiny golf course, complete

with hollowed-out tree trunks and gnomes, became an instant hit with visitors. Ask Carter’s wife, Frieda, why he invented the mini

golf course, and her reply is that it was to distract and occupy the “golfers’ widows,” the women left

behind by husbands taking an entire afternoon off to golf. In this way, Carter’s invention was no different from the Ladies’ Putting Club at St.

Andrew’s in Scotland, the precursor to the modern mini golf course.

A Consequential Cup

While you may enjoy

a morning cup of coffee every day, there is only one Coffee Day, and it’s

September 29. No other drink is as revered as

coffee. After oil, coffee is the second-most sought after global commodity, with an estimated trade value of $100 billion and

employing a workforce of 25 million people. That’s one powerful cup of morning joe.

The powerful jolt of caffeine that comes with a cup of coffee may be what makes it so special

and sought after, but before coffee was served as a drink, it was eaten. Tribes in Africa

supposedly mixed coffee berries with fat into edible energy balls. So, who made this discovery? Legend states that around 850 AD,

an Ethiopian goatherder named Kaldi observed his goats acting strangely after eating the fruit

of a certain bush. Kaldi knew his goats to be ill-tempered, but here they were frolicking and dancing like never before. Kaldi decided to try

the berries, and he, too, felt a rush of energy. At that moment, edible coffee was discovered.

So who decided to brew it into a drink? Another legend tells of how a wandering monk observed

Kaldi and his dancing goats. This monk, who had terrible trouble trying to stay awake during

his prayers, tried the berries as a method to stay alert. Needless to say, that monk did not doze off. It was this resourceful monk who first dried

the berries and boiled them into a beverage. Not only did it keep him awake and alert, but it tasted

good, too. Soon, his fellow monks were drinking coffee and praying right alongside him.

While these legends may be fun to relate, coffee is still a serious business in Ethiopia

and throughout the Middle East. Since drinking alcohol is forbidden amongst Muslims, coffee has always been the next best thing. In fact, the word

kahve, from which we get our word coffee, means “wine of Arabia.” Today, coffee’s reach extends

well beyond the Middle East, and if you’re lucky, it even reaches as far as your own kitchen counter.

Plenty to Appreciate

Flowers. Perfume. Jewelry. Clothing. These are just some of the ways you can show your wife

you love her on Wife Appreciation Day, the third Sunday in September. But what do wives really

want? Romance doesn’t necessarily have to mean a $100 bouquet. A surprise $10 bouquet of flowers from the supermarket on a weeknight

can sometimes be even more romantic. Another show of appreciation is to create

a sweet routine. Does your wife like a cup of coffee in the morning? Prepare it just the way she likes it and bring it to her. The advantage

of being her husband is that you know things about her that no one else does. Is her cell

phone on the verge of becoming obsolete? Get her a new one. Does she hate doing the dishes? Step up and empty the dishwasher

and then load all the dirty dishes. Not only are you being helpful but you’re showing her that

you are paying attention to her needs. Of course, if all else fails, there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting your wife jewelry and shoes. Just

make sure it’s jewelry and shoes that she wants, not that you want her to have.


The confusing thing about the German celebration of

Oktoberfest is that it begins in September! Five o’clock

in the morning in Germany on September 16, to be exact. While many consider

Oktoberfest to be a 16-day-long beer festival, its roots have nothing to

do with beer. The first Oktoberfest was held in Bavaria on October 12, 1810, on the occasion of the marriage of Crown Prince

Ludwig to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. It was so much fun that Oktoberfest became an annual celebration,

yet it wasn’t until 1818 that beer halls were added to the live music and horse racing.

Then, in order to extend the celebration and take advantage of better weather, Oktoberfest was moved to September.

September 2017

Page 3: SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September 1–22 are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a deep sense of humanity, a trait that

Television’s Fall Feast

It’s September, and that means it’s time to ring in another new

season of television. Why does the television season begin in

September? This harkens back to the days of radio, when new radio

shows would begin their runs in September, continue through the

winter into the spring, and then take the summer off when most

people spend time outside away from their radios and televisions.

September is also an important time for television networks because

the Nielsen Company begins its measurement of television

audiences and ratings. The better the ratings for a television show,

the easier it is for a network to sell advertising. So September marks

a frantic time for television makers, raters, and advertisers, not to

mention fans awaiting the return of their favorite shows like NBC’s

This Is Us and the premieres of new ones such as CBS’s Young

Sheldon, a spin-off of the wildly successful comedy hit The Big

Bang Theory.

Great classics like Cheers, M*A*S*H, All in the Family, The West

Wing, and Seinfeld adhered strictly to the September schedule.

However, cable now competes with network TV for dominance.

Cable channels HBO, Showtime, and Starz all draw Hollywood

talent for their small-screen gems, such as The Young Pope,

American Gods, and Game of Thrones. And cable shows do not

have to air in September. They can premiere new shows whenever

they want.

Even more disruptive of television is streaming video. Netflix, Hulu,

and Amazon Prime all offer shows that can be accessed only by

paying for their particular service. The advantage is that you no

longer have to pay for cable to watch popular shows like House of

Cards, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Mr. Robot. Viewers can

watch them whenever they like directly from a computer,

smartphone, or Internet-connected television. September may offer a

bonanza of new network television, but there are countless ways to

watch new shows all year long.

Page 4: SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September 1–22 are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a deep sense of humanity, a trait that

Fill out this page and bring to the front desk by Monday

September 4th at 7:00pm. The person with the closest score guesses will win a big UT Prize basket and the end of the


Page 5: SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September 1–22 are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a deep sense of humanity, a trait that

Top Farkle Scores for August

Joan 24,150 Betty 18,100

Come play Farkle with us on Tuesdays at 2:30pm! It is okay if you have never played- we work together through each

game. The top two winners for each month are treated to a special lunch!

Special Events in


Farkle Winners Lunch – Friday the 8th

NALW Party – Thursday the 14th Picnic at Adair Park – Friday the 15th

NALW – 11th-15th Scenic Drive – Monday the 18th Lunch Bunch – Friday the 22nd

ROMEOS Lunch – Monday the 25th Halls Senior Center BINGO – Wednesday the 27th

September Birthday Party – Thursday the 28th

We have a new beautician- If you have not met her yet,

her name is Janice Berry.

A little about Janice: She graduated from Carson Newman with her undergraduate degree in Vocal Performance. She then

attended Tennessee Tech where she took graduate courses in Case Management and Supervision. While at Tech Janice felt called to do mission work in Haiti. Janice lived in Haiti off and

on for several years where she worked with an orphanage and children’s choir. In Haiti, Janice met and adopted her daughter

Claudena who is now five years old. She and her father continue to manage a program in Haiti for orphans that provides free schooling for 70 children. After becoming a mom

Janice needed a flexible career. Janice always loved styling hair and thought that it might be a good fit. Janice went to Tennessee School of Beauty and

graduated in 2015. She worked in a salon for a while but thoroughly missed working with senior adults (whom she had worked with in the past as a Life Enrichment Director). She was able to make her passions collide and began styling hair in assisted living facilities. Janice

works at several facilities throughout the week. We are so fortunate to have her here at Windsor. Do your best to make her feel welcomed into our family!

Janice will be at Windsor on Thursdays and Fridays. You can get on her regular weekly or bi-

weekly list or leave a note on her door for an appointment!

Page 6: SEPTEMBER 2017 The Garden News - Windsor Gardens, LLC...In astrology, those born from September 1–22 are Virgos. Detail-oriented Virgos have a deep sense of humanity, a trait that

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4

Labor Day

5 6 7 8 9


Grandparents Day

11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21

Rosh Hashanah


Autumn Begins


24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Yom Kippur

Windsor Gardens Assisted Living

9:30 Devotions with

Pastor Mike

10:30 Rick Christian

2:30 UT Pep Rally

Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

7:00 The Gaithers

9:30 Bookwalter United


10:30 Tami and Laci the Dog

2:30 The Andy Griffith Show

7:00 Lawrence Welk

9:30 Black Oak Heights

1:00 Temple Baptist

7:00 The Beverly Hillbillies

Happy Labor Day!!!

9:00 Music on the Radio and

Game Show Network in TV


2:30 Movie Matinee- The

Grapes of Wrath

7:00 First UTK Football Game

of the season on ESPN

See the Front Desk for Labor

Day Puzzle

9:30 Devotions and

Daily Chronicle

10:30 Ann and Buddy the Dog

10:30 Dominoes

1:00 Errand Run

2:30 Farkle

3:30 Book Club

6:30 Rick Clayton

Let’s all wear white today to

break the rules!

9:30 Devotions and Daily


10:30 Little Big Shots- Forever


2:00 The Legends Show- Music

and refreshments

3:00 Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

6:00 Rev. Paul and Mona


9:30 Devotions and

Daily Chronicle

10:30 Trivia

11:00 Kim and Indy the Dog

1:30 War with Noodles

3:30 Cooking Club

7:00 Wheel of Fortune and


9:30 Devotions with

Pastor Mike

10:45 Farkle Winners Lunch

2:30 UT Pep Rally

Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

7:00 The Gaithers

9:30 Valley View Baptist

3:00 UT vs. Indiana State on


7:00 Lawrence Welk

9:30 Devotions with Shirley

1:00 Temple Baptist

3:00 Peoples Bible Church

6:00 Christus Victor Lutheran

National Assisted Living

Week- See color of the day.

Wear the correct color, get

your name in drawing!

9:30 Chaplain David 11

10:30 Windsor Family Tree

1:00 Errand Run

1:30 Bocce Ball

2:30 Music and Motion

3:30 Getting to Know You

Family BINGO

7:00 Berea Baptist

NALW- Red Day!!!

9:30 Devotions/ Chronicle 12

10:30 Ann and Buddy the Dog

10:30 Dominoes

12:00 Dining Room Table

Family Pictures

2:30 Farkle

3:30 Book Club

7:00 The Sound of Music

NALW- Blue Day!!!

9:30 Devotions and Daily 13


10:30 Little Big Shots- Forever


1:30 Seated Tai Chi

2:30 Who’s Who

4:00 Lobby Chats

6:00 Rev. Paul and Mona

NALW- Green Day!!!

9:30 Devotions and 14

Daily Chronicle

10:30 Guess Who- Residents

11:00 Kim and Indy the Dog

1:30 War with Noodles

2:00 Craft Club- Rocks

6:00 National Assisted Living

Week Grand Finale Party!!

NALW- Purple Day!!!

9:30 Devotions with 15

Pastor Mike

10:30 Picnic at Adair Park

1:00 Bill Rosser Music

2:30 UT Pep Rally

Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

7:00 The Gaithers

NALW- Rainbow Day!!!

9:30 Music and Art

11:00 Rick Christian

2:30 UT vs. Florida on CBS

7:00 Lawrence Welk

9:30 Worship Music on the


1:00 Temple Baptist

7:00 The Beverly Hillbillies

9:30 Devotions and Daily


10:30 Scenic Drive

1:30 Sister’s Group- Music

3:30 BINGO

7:00 Wheel of Fortune and


9:30 Devotions and

Daily Chronicle

10:30 Ann and Buddy the Dog

10:30 Dominoes

1:00 Errand Run

2:30 Farkle

3:30 Book Club

6:30 Rick Clayton

9:30 Devotions and

Daily Chronicle

10:30 Little Big Shots

2:30 Social Time- OREOs

Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

6:00 Rev. Paul and Mona

7:00 Students from Ridgedale

Baptist playing games

9:30 Devotions and Daily


10:30 Rummikub

11:00 Kim and Indy the Dog

1:30 War with Noodles

3:30 Cooking Club

6:00 Virginia’s Girls Singing

9:30 Devotions with

Pastor Mike

10:45 Lunch Bunch

2:30 UT Pep Rally

Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

7:00 The Gaithers

9:30 Music and Art

10:30 Tami and Laci the Dog

2:30 The Andy Griffith Show

7:00 Lawrence Welk


10:00 Peoples Bible Church

1:00 Temple Baptist

7:00 The Beverly Hillbillies

9:30 Devotions with

Chaplain David

10:45 ROMEOS

1:00 Errand Run

1:30 Bocce Ball

2:30 Music and Motion

3:30 BINGO

7:00 Berea Baptist

9:30 Devotions and

Daily Chronicle

10:30 Dominoes

11:00 Ann and Buddy the Dog

2:30 Farkle

3:30 Book Club

7:00 Wheel of Fortune and


9:15 Halls Senior Center


10:30 Pat and Cleo the Dog

2:30 Social Time-Frosty’s from


Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

7:00 Mt. Herman

9:30 Devotions and Daily


10:30 Wii- Deal or No Deal

11:00 Kim and Indy the Dog

1:30 War with Noodles

3:00 Birthday Party

7:00 Wheel of Fortune and


30 Devotions with

Pastor Mike

10:00 Flower Arranging for

Random Acts of Flowers

2:30 UT Pep Rally

Music and Motion

4:00 Lobby Chats

7:00 The Gaithers

9:30 Music and Art

10:30 Tami and Laci the Dog

2:30 The Andy Griffith Show

7:00 Lawrence Welk

UT vs. Georgia TBA

Windsor Gardens Assisted Living 5611 Central Avenue Pike Knoxville, TN 37912 865-688-4840