September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary...

A Tega Cay Elementary School PTO Publication SEPTEMBER 2016 TIMES Printing by: Positive Printers 3555-A Centre Circle Fort Mill, SC 29715 803-802-3345 Please submit inquiries to: [email protected] Angelique Carmello, designer Kim Miller, editor Tracey Fredenburg, photography AngelEye Portraits, photography IN THIS ISSUE PG 2 Calendar of Events PG 3 PTO Updates Bike Safety PG 4 PTO Committee News PG 5 PTO Committee News PG 6 Titan Fun Run Update PG 8 Counselor’s Corner PG 9 PTO Partners PG 10 Staff News PG 11 Partner Offers A MESSAGE FROM CHRIS GARDNER What an incredible opening we have had to the 2016-17 school year! I am so grateful for the commitment of our students, parents, school staff, PTO, district staff, board members, City of Tega Cay, and the surrounding community. Our goal each day will always be to make sure your child is safe, significant, and successful. Safety will always be our first priority. Significance simply implies that you know as parents that the staff recognizes, loves, and appreciates your child for who they are. Success will be the byproduct of high expectations, vision and planning, teaching excellence, and quality resources and support. I have no better words than THANK YOU to offer in return for your tremendous support as we have been in the midst of our major fundraising campaign with the Titan Fun Run. It is definitely great to be a Titan! As a huge thank you for all of the fundraising efforts for the Titan Fun Run, the TCES PTO is offering our families a FREE outdoor movie featuring: Zootopia Friday, September 30, 6 - 9 pm, Tega Cay Elementary School (Front Field) Dinner, dessert, popcorn and snacks will be available for purchase from a variety of local restaurants and food vendors. No movie tickets required— just bring chairs or a blanket and get ready to have some fun! Visit for more details. Thank you all so much for your support of the Titan Fun Run!

Transcript of September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary...

Page 1: September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary · September 2016 TIMES Printing by: ... Angeleye portraits,

A Tega Cay Elementary School PTO Publication

September 2016


Printing by:positive printers

3555-A Centre CircleFort Mill, SC 29715

Please submit inquiries to: [email protected]

Angelique Carmello, designer Kim miller, editor

tracey Fredenburg, photography Angeleye portraits, photography

In thIS ISSuepG 2 Calendar of Events

pG 3 PTO Updates

Bike Safety

pG 4 PTO Committee News

pG 5 PTO Committee News

pG 6 Titan Fun Run Update

pG 8 Counselor’s Corner

pG 9 PTO Partners

pG 10 Staff News

pG 11 Partner Offers

a m e s s a g e f r o m c h r i s g a r d n e r

What an incredible opening we have had to the 2016-17 school year! I am so grateful for the commitment of our students, parents, school staff, PTO, district staff, board members, City of Tega Cay, and the surrounding community.

Our goal each day will always be to make sure your child is safe, significant, and successful. Safety will always be our first priority. Significance simply implies that you know as parents that the staff recognizes, loves, and appreciates your child for who they are. Success will be the byproduct of high expectations, vision and planning, teaching excellence, and quality resources and support.

I have no better words than THANK YOU to offer in return for your tremendous support as we have been in the midst of our major fundraising campaign with the Titan Fun Run. It is definitely great to be a Titan!

© 2015 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Type Your Movie Information Here

As a huge thank you for all of the fundraising efforts for the Titan Fun Run, the TCES PTO is offering our families a FREE outdoor movie featuring:

Zootopia Friday, September 30, 6 - 9 pm, tega Cay elementary School (Front Field)

Dinner, dessert, popcorn and snacks will be available for purchase from a variety of local restaurants and food vendors. No movie tickets required— just bring chairs or a blanket and get ready to have some fun!

Visit for more details.

thank you all so much for your support of the titan Fun run!

Page 2: September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary · September 2016 TIMES Printing by: ... Angeleye portraits,

Ad Space - baker’s buzzin?

What’s happening this month

Angie DouglassRealtor®, MBA • Licensed in NC/SC

[email protected] Gold Hill Road, Suite 105 Fort Mill, SC 29708 you go, I can help.

Start the school year out right.Let Angie make your

housing dreams come true!Angie takes the stress out of

selling and fi nding your new home. Now is the perfect time to start

planning your home search.



Titan Times | September 2016 | Page 3 Page 2 | September 2016 | Titan Times


back to School Walker/ biker Safety tips

It’s that time of the year—we are all adjusting back to walking our kids to school, letting them ride their bikes or the bus, or driving them. Walking or biking to school can be of immense benefit to children, including many different health benefits. However, there are hazards associated and the following are some great tips to keep in mind if you are having your child walk or bike to school this year:

• Considerwhetheryourchildhasthe skills necessary to walk safely to school. Can he stay alert to the dangers of traffic? Can she stay focused on getting to school without getting distracted and delayed?

• Walktherouteyourselfbeforetaking your child along. Be sure that

the route she will take offers good visibility, is relatively free of hazards, and involves no dangerous crossings.

• Whetheryourchildiswalkingorbiking, be sure your child is wearing brightly colored clothing.

• Seeifthereareotherneighborhoodchildren your child can walk with. There is safety in numbers.

• Obviously,abicyclehelmetisofprimary importance, no matter how short the ride is.

• Youngchildren(uptoage9)should only ride with adult supervision, and never on the street.

• Allbicycleridersshouldfollowthe basic rules of the road: Ride with traffic, stop and look both ways before entering the street, stop at ALL intersections, whether marked or unmarked, and before turning use hand signals and look in every direction.

**These tips were adapted from an article in the Healthy Children Magazine, Back to School 2007. For the full article see

WelCome From Your pto:We are so excited to welcome everyone back to school! This is going to be a great year and the PTO Board looks forward to working with parents, teachers, and staff to continue to add to and fund programs that will have a great impact on all our students!

Please take a moment to either register on our website, or to update your information for this year. Once your account has been created or updated you can join and pay for your PTO membership, Volunteer, buy Spirit Wear and Titan Ice, access an online Member Directory and do a host of other great things!


• ClickontheRegister Now Button

• Enteryourname,emailaddress, and create a password

• Checkyouremailtoverifyyour registration and you are set!

• Filloutyourinformationtobe included in the Directory, join the PTO, buy Spirit Wear, and enjoy a HOST of current information on our great school and the PTO!

This website is the ONLY place you can order Titan Ice, Join the PTO, Volunteer, or order Spirit Wear (outside of school events) so please register today!

We would like to introduce our 2016-17 PTO Board:

Carrie Shearin and Amber Lunderville, Co-Presidents, Stephanie Sabato and Jothie Jacoby, Co-Vice-Presidents, Meera Pattison, Treasurer, Lori Yoder, Secretary.

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m t W th FComInG up In oCtober...oCt 7 titan Ice oCt 10 teacher Work Day, no Classes for StudentsoCt 19 pto General meeting, 7:45am oCt 20 Jersey mikes, 4:30-9pm oCt 20 the Kate’s Skate Fundraiser for Field Day oCt 25 Final titan Ice order Deadline

SpIrIt nIGht At ChICK-FIl-A


pto GenerAl meetInG

7:45 Am - 9:30 Am room C121

FAmIlY moVIe nIGht At tCeS



no SChool For

StuDentS AnD StAFF

tItAn ICe!tItAn Fun run

DeADlIne to orDer SpIrIt WeAr

FIrSt CheSS Club meetInG


tItAn run pleDGe moneY Due

2nD tItAn ICe orDer DeADlIne

CheSS Club meetInG


Page 3: September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary · September 2016 TIMES Printing by: ... Angeleye portraits,

Page 4 | September 2016 | Titan Times Titan Times | September 2016 | Page 5

Spirit night InfoMy name is Ann Marie May and I have the privilege of being the Spirit Night Committee Chair. My daughter, Avery, is in second grade in Mrs. Steele’s class andmyolderboysJacobandEthanattend FMHS. We have some exciting Spirit Nights planned this year and a Spirit Day in October at Mr. Putty’s. Our next Spirit Night is September 13th at Chick-fil-A from 5-8. Please come out and enter our raffle! The winning class receives a free lunch from Chick-Fil-A. If you are interested in helping out at Spirit Night please e-mail me at [email protected]. I can’t wait to see you at the next Spirit Night, come over and say “Hi!”. GoTitans!

pto CommIttee upDAteS

What you need to knowtitan Ice FridaysUpcoming Titan Ice FridaysOctober 7 (place order by September 27. No new Titan Ice orders will be taken after this date).November 4 January 6February 3March 3April 7

Titan Ice Orders are available online only and we cannot accept cash or check. The remaining Titan Ice Friday’s (Oct-April)are$18.00fortheyear.Due to policy and pricing changes, we are only offering yearly orders. After October, no new Titan Ice orders will be accepted unless you are a new student.

GototheEvents & Fundraising tab at for more details about Titan Ice.

Grocery/loyalty programsDid you know that there are several stores in the area and online merchants who will give money back to our school every time we patronize

them? Please check out our website to learn all the ways you can earn money for our school just for shopping! Harris Teeter, Target, Publix, Amazon, and eBay are among those that have Customer Loyalty Programs!

For more info please visit:

Do you want to Volunteer/Chaperone your child’s next Field trip? Then you MUST register online (every 3 years)!

This process takes 3-5 days, so do not wait until last minute to submit your request. Also, please note that your submission is based on teacher approval.


1 GotothePARENTSTabonourwebsite.2 Find the Volunteer/Chaperone link

& follow the instructions to register.3 Let your teacher know that you

would like to chaperone and that you have registered online.

To complete your registration, your teacher will then need to request the information, authorize your submission, and approve your request.

Spirit Wear updatesNew fall spirit wear is only available online and the order deadline is Friday, September 9. Orders will arrive to the school in late September and will be delivered to your child’s classroom. There are no returns or exchanges on new spirit wear and all sales are final. Any spirit wear inventory from past school years will

be available online soon. See our website for more details

Chess Club Info The Chess club will be meeting on September9thfrom5-6PMinthelibrary. Our first meeting will be to sign up and go over the club rules and structure(10-15mins)

Parents, please bring the following:

1 Students first and last name2 Yourcontactinformation(phonenumber,emailaddress)

3 Studentsgrades(3-5)Pleasenotethat students that have moved on to 6th grade and beyond are welcome to attend.


Kevin Crosby, Cell # 803-431-1799 Email [email protected]

raise money with box tops for educationPlease help your student collect Box TopsforTCES.Thisisfreemoneyforour school! Ask co-workers, friends, relatives etc. to help you collect. Students can submit Box Tops in a baggie or on Box Tops collection sheets to their teacher or drop them in the pink Box Tops box in the school entrance. Please write student’s name, teacher and grade on the baggie and sheets.

Eachmonth,thetopthreestudentcollectors and top classroom will win prizes! The student who collects the most Box Tops from August to December will get to throw apieinMr.Gardner’sface!Thiswill be televised during morning announcements.

Paige Carnevale ([email protected]) and Kristen Starcher ([email protected])

What is Duty Free lunch?Duty Free Lunch is a service coordinated by the PTO to give teachers the opportunity to have their lunch period free on Fridays. Teachers use this time

to have parent teacher conferences, complete work, or just enjoy lunch without having to monitor their classes.

Parent volunteers monitor the lunchroom and are primarily responsible for assisting the children when needed and making sure the cafeteria does not get too rowdy.

Eachclassroomhasbeenassignedonetotwo Fridays throughout the year so please be on the lookout for an email from your room parent and volunteer to help.

The teachers truly appreciate this service and it is a great way for parents to get involved and interact with their child’s class at lunch!

media Center VolunteersOur media center is a busy place and library volunteers are very important and highly valued! Volunteers who can commit to a specific time slot each week are needed to assist with shelving books, helping students locate materials, helping at the checkout desk, helping with special events, and sometimes copying/preparing materials. If you can spare a couple of hours each week to help, please contact Mrs. Krebs at [email protected]. Thanks for helping the media center run smoothly!

Sharon Krebs, Library/Media specialist

Present this coupon for 50% off registration.

An academically focused preschool for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.

Now Open and available for tours.


Melissa GRaYSalon Owner Services and Specialities: Precision Cutting , Color Specialist, and Master Stylist

At Living Art Salon, we have very flexible hours that are determined by each individual Stylist and/or Spa Personnel. To learn more about our talent, or to contact them directly, please visit our website at Feel free to click on each photo where you will find a short bio, listing each team member’s specific talents, as well as their contact information for scheduling appointments.

1510 Onyx Ridge #105, Ft. Mill, SC 29708 803-802-7003

OPen MOndAy – SATuRdAy

ALL hAiR SeRviCeS nAiLS SPRAy TAnning MASSAge SkinCARe LASh exTenSiOnS gLO MineRALS MAkeuP

A big thank you to our garden club volunteers!MasterGardenerShereeWelshpresentedaprogram to the garden club and mentioned theideaoftheCarolinaFenceGarden.Theclub thought it was a great idea.

a carolina fence garden includes items representing state symbols:

• SplitrailfencewasacallfromtheStatetofenceinlivestockinthelate1800’s

• YellowJessamine–Stateflower• BlueGranite–Statestone• CarolinaWren–Statebird• EasternTigerSwallowtail–Statebutterfly• CarolinaMantis–Stateinsect

The garden has plants and hardscape representing these symbols and other plants to attract butterflies, hummingbirds and pollinators.

A Big Thanks to all who helped including: Tces and Tces PTo–thesoilneededtostartJohn and Jean mcdade–bluebirdhousecoltharp, inc.–granitestoneandrockgreg helms–stoneforpathwaydale and Liz sine–sign&fenceinstallation

Page 4: September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary · September 2016 TIMES Printing by: ... Angeleye portraits,

Fun FACtSStudents ran 30–35 laps

(approx. 2 miles)Pledges from all 50 StatesPledges from 11 Countries

96% of the Student Body Family’s Logged In

90% of the Student Body Financial Participation

2,525 Total Pledges228 Meals Donated Volunteer Hours: 40

Boosterthon Hours: 300

Boosterthon is a company based in Atlanta,Georgia.Theyhavebeenworking with many of the elementary schoolsinFortMillsince2008.OnTuesday, August 23, the Boosterthon team kicked off the event with a pep rally and then spent a brief 15 minutes a day until the Titan Fun Run with the students presenting character lessons and helping them feel excited about raising money for their school. This years’ theme was “Back Yard Box Office”! The Boosterthon team also returned after the run to help with the counting of collections. It can seem an intense way to raise money but they are by far the biggest fundraiser annually formostoftheFMSDElementarySchools. It was definitely a great success forTegaCayElementarySchoolthisyear. Funds will be used from this Titan Fun Run to pay for several new supplemental classroom programs includingCompassOdyssey,STEMunitsand balanced literacy book sets.

On Thursday, September 1, almost everystudentfromTegaCayElementaryran 30-35 laps to raise money for their school. Some even ran more than the

35laps!Eachlapisapproximately1/16ofamile,sothestudents(includingouramazingKindergartners)eachranalmost 2 miles! The cooperation and support of the parents ensured an event that was smooth and fun for the students. Many PTO volunteers worked hard to assist the Boosterthon team in carrying out the successful Fun Run before, during, and after. The teachers atTegaCayElementaryalsoputinextratime and effort to keep their students and parents involved and informed about the Titan Fun Run.

We’D lIKe to thAnK...Many thanks go to our sponsors who made it possible for

each Tega Cay student, teacher, and staff member (over 900!) to receive a free color Titan Run t-shirt this year! These shirts

are color-coded by class and will be able to be worn as class t-shirts for field trips throughout the year.

Our Title Sponsor was Dr. Riordan from Riordan Orthodontics

Presenting sponsors included Biehl Dentistry, Noosa Pest Management, McDonalds of Tega Cay,

and Carmen Miller Realty


( P O w E R E D B y )

Page 5: September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary · September 2016 TIMES Printing by: ... Angeleye portraits,

1151 Stonecrest Blvd. next to Wal*Mart Vision Ctr. Tega Cay, SC 29708(803) 802 isee (4733) TEGA CAY EYE

Dr. Larry F. JergeFort Mill Schools’ Vision Consultant



pto partners in your community


Page 8 | September 2016 | Titan Times Titan Times | September 2016 | Page 9

Shannon Jordens Realtor®[email protected]

Making youR hoMe My pRioRity

Kristi Wylie, Independent SuperStar Director

704.287.4596 | [email protected] |

Scentsy Wickless Candles—Buy, Host or Join My Team

Al Patel Insurance Agency IncAl Patel, Agent

856 Gold Hill Road, Suite 110Fort Mill, SC 29708-8578Bus 803 802 5533www.alpatelagency.comFax 803 802 5661 Toll Free 888 368 7441

Good Neighbor Agent since 1999

Realtor, Licensed in NC/SC

christy stone

619-865-3994Home Valuation

[email protected] |

1030 Assembly Drive Fort Mill, SC 29708

Each office is individually owned and operated.

Dr. Brian BiehlDr. Maylyn Welch

105 Ben Casey Drive Ste 139 Fort Mill, SC 29708


[email protected]

Here are seven strategies to help you stay composed when you are faced with defiant behavior from your kids.

1. Don’t take it personally. Your child is not refusing to eat breakfast to intentionally frustrate you. Rigid and defiant behavior is a signal that your child is feeling disconnected. Children who behave “badly” are not doing it to “get” attention. They’re doing it because they need attention and connection from you.

2. Consider why they refuse. Imagine a day when you get up, and before you can even take a breath someone is telling you what to do. We should not allow children to run the show. But trying on their perspective of close-to-zero autonomy can help you empathize.

3. Talk to yourself. There is no better tool for staying calm than the use of positive self-talk. When your child says, “I don’t want to get dressed,” and your first thoughtis,“IDON’TCARE!GETDRESSEDNOW!” keep from saying that out loud, and instead say internally “Deep breath. Joey is refusing to get dressed and I want to yell, but I can stay calm.”

4. Reflect and honor a child’s feelings and meet them where they are. Allow a child her feelings of rebellion and engage in a warm way. Try narrating, “You really don’t want to get out of the car. I see your arms holding onto those car seat straps and you’re probably thinking, ‘No, no, no, I’m not getting out of the car!’” This creates a gap in the anger spiral. When you state “what is” in a calm

CounSelor’S Corner

navigating Defiance by Sarah maclaughlin, lSW


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Owner: Fit Emmettexperience: 12 years Specialty: Lowering Body Fat | [email protected] | 2752 Pleasant Rd Suite 11C Fort Mill, SC

Travel better together

We turn you dream vacation into 855-375-9807 email: [email protected] family-owned companies donate over $1000 annually to TCES - since 2014.

manner, your child feels recognized. And because you didn’t engage in any type of power struggle, there is no authority or control to react to.

5. Hold boundaries on unsafe behavior only. When your child loses it and their nervous system is overloaded—there is no teachable moment. If they are freaking out about something, keep everyone safe and leave it at that until the storm has passed. Stop aggression with firm arms and say, “I can’t let you hit.” When they retaliate and yell, “I hate you—you’re the worst mom in the whole world,” do not try to now also put boundaries on their words.

6. Keep a positive view of your child. Know that raising respectful, kind, productive members of society is a marathon and not a sprint. This is another time for self-talk: “My child is young and still learning. His brain is not done developing and he needs my gentle guidance.”

7. Use some humor and power play. Humor, when used wisely, is a very valuable tool. Avoid sarcasm and teasing and aim for a silly, conspiratorial tone. Power play is when you play games that give a child the more powerful role.

Remember that your children are learning how to handle themselves by watching you. These tips will help you keep your cool when tempers run hot and you’ll see real results—improvement in your relationship with your kids, and in their behavior. Here’s a link to the article:

teeth whitening for parent or child with orthodontic treatment

1741 Gold Hill Road, Ste 200 | Fort Mill, SC 29708 | 803.802.2580Email: [email protected] |



our CounselorsJen Levan

Outside of school I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading a good book, traveling, and yes, playing video games. Again, I am excited to be working with all the children we serve.

We are excited to continue to grow the counseling program at TegaCayElementary.Pleasevisitour school counseling website for current information pertaining to our program.

Eachmonthinthenewsletterwewill be sharing articles on topics we think parents may benefit from reading.

As educators and parents we know how difficult raising children can be. Hopefully, you will find some of this information helpful for your family if the time arises when your child becomes…dare we say it… defiant.

Welcome Teddy!

Hello! I’m Theodore “Teddy” Oparah, and I am excited to be working with the wonderful studentsofTegaCayElementaryinmy role as a school counselor! I have been supported by the great team we have here and I look forward to continue working with Ms. Levan as we expand upon the counseling program we have in place.

Growingup,mypassionhasalwaysbeen to help others. With the support of my family, friends, and co-workers, I strive to maintain a balanced life so that I can stay charged in helping all the students I encounter. I have a wonderful wife, who teaches third grade and an awesome son, who will be entering Kindergarten in a few weeks.

Cynthia Kara, DirectorPrimrose School of Fort Mill

1212 Gold Hill RdFort Mill, SC 29708803-548-0777 Office704-615-4506 Cell

Page 6: September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary · September 2016 TIMES Printing by: ... Angeleye portraits,

Clip & Save with this month’s offers from our pto partners:

1710 Gold Hill Rd. FORT MILL

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SArAh GoulD, 1st Grade My name is SarahGouldandthiswillbemy8thyearteaching. I have taught 3rd grade and 1st grade. I am from Scottsdale, Arizona originally, but I moved to SC in 2005. I

moved to Tega Cay in January 2015. I have a husband named Ben and a 15 month old

named Oliver. I enjoy going to the movies with friends, eating Chinese food, and reading books on rainy days! I am so excited to be at Tega Cay and I can’t wait until my son Oliver can come to school with me when he goes to Kindergarten!

KAtherIne DurKIn, 1st Grade My name is Katherine Durkin. I am originally from Ohio where I earned myMaster’sDegreeinEarlyChildhoodEducationatTheOhioStateUniversity.

This is my second full year teaching first grade. I have a true passion for teaching

and I feel very blessed to be apart of this amazing district, school, and community!

AmAnDA rIDer, 2nd Grade My name is Amanda Rider and I’m a second grade teacher here at Tega Cay. I spent the last six years teaching second grade in Rock Hill and I’m so excited to be a Titan.


please give a friendly welcome these new titan teachers!

Toni McIntyre, Paracle [email protected]


Honoring military, police offi cers, fi refi ghters, teachers and healthcare professionals!


Titan Times | September 2016 | Page 11 Page 10 | September 2016 | Titan Times

Stockbridge Commons Shopping Center 717 Stockbridge Commons

Bubbles N Bows Doggie Salon

Bring in this ad for

$5 OFFMarybeth Hawkins, Owner 803.412.6922 (cell)Jamie Hawkins, Salon Manager 803.487-3748 (cell)

I’maGamecockAlumniwithacertificationinEarlyChildhoodEducation.IjustboughtahouseinRockHillwithmy husband Mikel and our two dogs, Cooper and Lucky.

ChrIS trImmer-JorDAn, 5th Grade: I am originally from Ohio. I am married with 3 grown sons. My hobbies are biking, hiking, and watching football. I am very excited to be part of the


lIllIAn tolleY, 5th Grade Hi! I’m Lillian Tolley. I recently just got married, so I am getting used to being called “Mrs.Tolley”! I have a passion for doing anything outdoors, mostly with my dog, Duke. I’m a hugeClemsonFootballfan,GOTIGERS!

I always try to go to a few home games each season.I’msoexcitedtobeatTegaCayElementary,it’s going to be the best year yet!

StephAnIe pAllADIno, Gt: Hello Titans, I am Mrs. Palladino! I am teaching 4th grade GTReadingandMathparttime.Thisismy12th year teaching, however, I have been a stay-at-home mom for the past 2 1/2 years. Ihave3children,Isabella(9),Rhett(6),and

Bennett(2)whokeepmeverybusy!Iamvery excited to be back in the classroom.


Dine In or Take Out Only. With coupon. Not to be combined with any other offer or specials. Exp 9/30/16

Your Ad Goes hereInterested in advertising in the Titan TImes? This space is available! If you would like to promote your business and support TCES,pleaseemailyourrequestto:[email protected]

Your Ad Goes hereInterested in advertising in the Titan TImes? This space is available! If you would like to promote your business and support TCES,pleaseemailyourrequestto:[email protected]

McDonald’s of Tega Cay 2883 S Carolina 160

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open HoursMonday–Friday: 8:30am–5:30pm

Ask about our extended hours!

Don’t forget to wish the following a very happy birthday...

Amanda rider Sept 3 Katie Durkin Sept 5 brett maksymik Sept 21tammy Furr Sept 21Amy rohring Sept 28

Page 7: September 2016 TIMES - Tega Cay Elementary · September 2016 TIMES Printing by: ... Angeleye portraits,

Carmen S. MillerMiller Realty Group

Each o�ce is independently owned and operated

[email protected]

A proud supporter of Tega Cay

Elementary School!Go Titans!

Learn more about Tega Cay by watching our weekly video magazine series Talk of the Town at

7675 Tega Cay Dr. Tega Cay, SC.



N o o s a Pe s t M a n a ge m e n t s p e c i a l i z e s i n re s i d e n t i a l a n d co m m e rc i a l p e s t co n t rol .

We a re l o c a l a n d fa m i l y ow n e d a n d s e r ve t h e C h a r l o t t e m e t ro a re a .

E xc i t e d t o s u p p o r t TC E S !