September 2013 Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ The...

Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ Through Worship, Learning, Fellowship and Outreach The Messenger September 2013 OF TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Future Planning For I know the plans I have for you,declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11 These past several months have been eventful, to say the least, but there seems to be a sense in which the dust is settling and we, as a family, are exhaling, knowing that we have made it through this phase of the challenge. The question in many minds is now what? At the Board of DirectorsAugust meeting, the decision was made to commission a committee to begin a Preliminary Study in preparation for a capital campaign to obtain new facilities for Trinity Church. The work of the Preliminary Study Committee is threefold: First, to discern what God is calling Trinity to be and do. Second, to discern how we can accomplish that work. Third, to estimate the cost of bringing that plan to fruition. The members of the Committee are working on the details of how best to gather the discernment input of the congrega- tion in response to the first two questions. Once that input is gathered, they will then work to generate an estimate of the cost and possibilities. The members of the Committee are: Marguerite Biklian Darcie Larman Joy Rose Donna Chaffee Garrett Ming Robert Sawyer Walt Dietze John Pryor Scott Underhill Richard Giles Kevin Ray Ray Watson Lynne Hall Keep your eyes open for more information from the Preliminary Study Committee! But as you wait for the information, dont wait to start thinking and praying! It is extremely important, though, that we, as a congregation, do the work in the proper order. It is tempting, if not a bit exciting, to jump to the second phase and dream of what building we want and where we hope it will be. But the first questions need to remain first. For example, when one buys a home, it is based on key factors: how the family lives (do they like private rooms or open space, do they like to be outside and maintain a large yard, do they like to entertain, etc.), how much space is needed (how many kids living at home, how many guests staying over, etc.), what school district they prefer for the children. One has to know how their family lives and their familys needs in order to find a home that will meet their needs. The key factor for our future is knowing who God has called Trinity to be and what God is calling Trinity to do. Our identity, who we are, and mission, how we live and what we are called to do, will shape our future needs. Once we dis- cern Gods answers to the first questions, the rest will follow! Last month, I wrote about how God guides us. I want to encourage you to revisit that article and begin praying for God to open your eyes to what He is doing in our midst and to help us listen to where His Holy Spirit is lighting a fire in our heart and giving His fruit. In particular, I want to encourage you to ask God to show you where He is giving Trinity growth, what He has made us good at, and where He has given us passion. This is an exciting time in the life of our Church Family! I am eager, as I am sure you all are as well, to see the fruit of our discernment as we seek to clarify who God has made us to be and what He is calling us to do! Your Brother in Christ, Fr. Karl+

Transcript of September 2013 Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ The...

Page 1: September 2013 Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ The …… · Steve McCalley Katharine Tolar Francine Stubblefield


Growing as Disciples of Jesus Christ Through

Worship, Learning, Fellowship and Outreach

The Messenger September 2013


Future Planning “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11 These past several months have been eventful, to say the least, but there seems to be a sense in which the dust is settling and we, as a family, are exhaling, knowing that we have made it through this phase of the challenge. The question in many minds is now what? At the Board of Directors’ August meeting, the decision was made to commission a committee to begin a Preliminary Study in preparation for a capital campaign to obtain new facilities for Trinity Church. The work of the Preliminary Study Committee is threefold:

First, to discern what God is calling Trinity to be and do. Second, to discern how we can accomplish that work. Third, to estimate the cost of bringing that plan to fruition.

The members of the Committee are working on the details of how best to gather the discernment input of the congrega-tion in response to the first two questions. Once that input is gathered, they will then work to generate an estimate of the cost and possibilities. The members of the Committee are:

Marguerite Biklian Darcie Larman Joy Rose Donna Chaffee Garrett Ming Robert Sawyer Walt Dietze John Pryor Scott Underhill Richard Giles Kevin Ray Ray Watson Lynne Hall

Keep your eyes open for more information from the Preliminary Study Committee! But as you wait for the information, don’t wait to start thinking and praying! It is extremely important, though, that we, as a congregation, do the work in the proper order. It is tempting, if not a bit exciting, to jump to the second phase and dream of what building we want and where we hope it will be. But the first questions need to remain first.

For example, when one buys a home, it is based on key factors: how the family lives (do they like private rooms or open space, do they like to be outside and maintain a large yard, do they like to entertain, etc.), how much space is needed (how many kids living at home, how many guests staying over, etc.), what school district they prefer for the children. One has to know how their family lives and their family’s needs in order to find a home that will meet their needs.

The key factor for our future is knowing who God has called Trinity to be and what God is calling Trinity to do. Our identity, who we are, and mission, how we live and what we are called to do, will shape our future needs. Once we dis-cern God’s answers to the first questions, the rest will follow!

Last month, I wrote about how God guides us. I want to encourage you to revisit that article and begin praying for God to open your eyes to what He is doing in our midst and to help us listen to where His Holy Spirit is lighting a fire in our heart and giving His fruit. In particular, I want to encourage you to ask God to show you where He is giving Trinity growth, what He has made us good at, and where He has given us passion.

This is an exciting time in the life of our Church Family! I am eager, as I am sure you all are as well, to see the fruit of our discernment as we seek to clarify who God has made us to be and what He is calling us to do!

Your Brother in Christ, Fr. Karl+

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Trinity Family Ministry Growing Together in Christ

Sunday School (11a.m.)

PreK-8th Grades meet in Bldg. 3

Youth Group—Sunday 5:30-7pm in Bldg 3

9/8 Teaching & Games

9/15 Teaching & Games

9/22 Fun & Fellowship

9/29 Outreach—Rescue Mission

* We could use volunteers willing to provide meals and snacks for our weekly meeting

Contact Fr. Mark with ?’s at [email protected]

Join a Discipleship Group the week of

September 15th to participate in CBE.

Community Bible Experience (CBE) is a program that allows people to read through the entire New Testa-ment over an 8 week period by doing 5 daily readings a week. CBE uses the NIV translation laid out in its original book form. There are no subheadings, chap-ters, verses, or double columns. Each week you meet in a group to discuss what you’ve read in a fashion similar to a book club. Check out this link to learn more about CBE and the amazing results it’s had:

Contact the church office to join a group.

Parent Connections aims to assist parents in building upon what their children are learning in Sunday

school. This can be done as a short talk on the way home from church, or as a longer discussion around a meal, or at bedtime. Parent connections are posted weekly on our website.

Trinity Family Ministry

At Trinity our focus is to grow as disciples of Je-sus Christ through worship, learning, fellowship, and out-reach. This is the lens through which we view all that we do as a church, from adult education down to our nursery care. Though we have age appropriate ministries it is vital that we remember that as disciples we are members of one body, a body where all ages of members are need-ed to function with health.

This is one of the reasons that we refer to chil-dren’s Sunday school and Youth Group under the head-ing of “Family Ministry.” Children and youth are natu-rally a part of a biological family, but we use the title be-cause they are an essential part of our church family. They are disciples of Jesus, too.

Sadly, what has developed over the last several decades in the larger American church is that age segre-gation has occurred. This has had the sad consequence of children growing up in the church without ever really be-ing integrated into the larger body. Thus, the church has often lacked the rich inter-generational relationships that we are called to have in the church family.

Perhaps the gravest consequence of this trend is that the primary responsibility of Christian parents has been wrongly given over to the church. What is this re-sponsibility? The discipling of our own children. If you are interested in helping Trinity’s Family Ministry have more inter-generational events and equipping opportuni-ties for parents, please contact me. Remember, it takes the whole church to grow the whole church.

In Christ’s Love and Service, Mark +

Parent Connections

Begins September 8th

Register on-line today!

We can still use more volun-teers to assist in this vital ministry. Contact Tracey or Kevin at 664-0511 if you are interested in serving.

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Mary Swanlund Halle Young

Mary Wakefield Richard Young

Virginia Doyle

Sarah Thomas

Liz Brown

Lori Pflugh Amy Ray Scott Underhill

Matthew Chaffee Dick Giles Myranda Sawyer

Sarah Swanlund

Donna Chaffee Laura Landucci

Fr. Mark Hall Norma Jackson

Alan Cartmell

Marshall Lewis Patti Young

September Birthdays In The Parish Family Sympathy to… …Liz, Kent & Eileen Brown on the recent death of Mort Brown. Thank You to… ...on behalf of the AGO convention Steering Committee, I would like to thank all of the vol-unteers who assisted us on the Young Organists’ Competition and Winner’s Concert at St. Paul’s in June. Our convention was a huge success, much to the surprise of attendees who were skeptical about coming to Bakersfield. The peo-ple in the gold sashes were given very high marks on the post-convention surveys. These volunteers were an important factor in making the 4-day event run smoothly. Thanks so much! Sue Wagner

Pam Knight

Gregory Smith

Mallory Holmes

Ellen Elliott

Michelle Bycheck

Katie Lewis Koehn Ray

Russell Ming

Steve McCalley Katharine Tolar

Francine Stubblefield

Eliza Kinney

Sharon Giboney Lila McIntyre Joe McIntyre

Susan Hankins Halia Howard Joyce Quilling

Now hear this!!!!!!! The San Joaquin Secretariat is excited to let you know of our upcoming A4D Week-end at ECCO, to be held January 2-5, 2014. The theme of our Weekend is “The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me”. Prayer and planning are seriously under-way.

The Leadership Team for the Weekend is:

Dennis Mann (St. Jude’s, Tehachapi) Rector Annie Curtier (St. Andrews in the Desert, Lancaster) – Rectora Christine Miller (Trinity Anglican Church, Bakersfield) Head “Cha” Frank Reed (St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Merced) – Assistant “Cha” Ron Christolear (Trinity Anglican Church, Bakersfield) – Music Director

If there are any Cursillistas/Anglican 4th “Dayers” from the past, who wish to get involved again, please let us know ASAP, so that you can be a part of our dynamic, Spirit-filled Team! We would love to have you! Please be praying about those in your congrega-tions who wish to deepen their commitment to Christ by coming to the Weekend as a Candidate. We ask for your prayers as we seek the Lord’s will for every phase of HIS Weekend!

Questions: Annie Curtier - 661-433-6889 or Christine Miller – 661-431-9365


CAPISTRANO HOUSE BOOK FAIR As part of our ongoing book ministry here at Trinity Anglican Church and our weekly ministry work at Jason’s Retreat, this last Friday morning, August 23rd, we hosted a “Book Fair” for the cli-ents and staff at Capistrano House, one of several women’s recov-ery and sober living homes operated by Bakersfield Recovery Ser-vices. In the cool of the midmorning, underneath a venerable old shade tree, we set up two tables covered end to end with donated books such as devotionals, inspirational writings, New Testaments, and books dealing with such topics as “drug and alcohol recov-ery”, “strengthening your marriage” and “raising your children” all written from a Christian author’s perspective. Over ice tea, punch and cookies there were broad smiles and expressions of sincere gratitude from the women who came out to meet and welcome us into their home. More than several times we heard the expressions of disbelief saying, “You are doing this for us?” “All these are free for us?” We came asking nothing from them and just opening our hearts and our gifts for them as a true and simple expression of the love of Christ from God’s people. It truly was a morning to re-member. From the ladies and staff of Capistrano House to Larry Ray, Mark and Michelle Hall, and Linda La Mar, their sincere and heartfelt thanks for making that particular Friday morning a truly special one.

Dcn. John La Mar

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Attendance July 28th 219 August 4th 201 August 11th 221 August 18th 245 August 25th 221


Choir practice will resume on Wednesday, September 4th, at 7 p.m., in Building 3. We are looking forward to having the crew back in action, and we are hoping that we

can add some new singers to our ranks. New choir robes will be ordered at the beginning of September, and we would like to have you measured for one. Please contact Sue Wagner ASAP if you are willing to share your talent and time with us.

TO BE ELECTED AT THE DIOCESAN CONVENTION Standing Committee Class of 2017: 1 clergy and 1 layperson

ECCO Commission Class of 2016: 1 clergy or layperson

* Diocesan Education Trust Class of 2016: 1 clergy or layperson

* San Joaquin Anglican Foundation Class of 2016: 1 clergy or layperson

Ecclesiastical Court Class of 2016: 1 clergy

Ecclesiastical Court Class of 2016: 1 layperson

Provincial Council: 1 layperson

Provincial Assembly: 2 clergy and 2 laypersons

*Committee is currently on hiatus due to the funds being frozen.

In the eventuality of our win, the committee will once again become active.


Diocesan Council Deanery Representatives,

Class of: 2016 - Kern - 1 clergy

Prayerfully consider nominating those who you believe can serve

our Diocese in these positions. Click here or call the Church Office for Nomination Forms.


Come join us after services on Sunday, October 6th for a BBQ, entertainment, and fellowship on

the beautiful grounds of the Church Campus.

Mark Your Calendars Now More Information to Come

Contact the church office if

you’d like to participate.


All church women are invited to join Daughters of the Holy Cross. We will start training at the church, in Building #3, on the Sunday after Labor Day, September 8th, from 9:30 to 10:30. The training is not a total commit-

ment, but a discernment period. We will then continue meeting on the third Sunday of each month at 9:30 a.m. .


Wednesday 9/4 Men’s Bible Study Choir

Thursday 9/5 Healing Service

Rector’s Bible Study

Sunday 9/8 Sunday School

Youth Ministry

Thursday 9/12 Handbell Choir

Monday 9/16 St. Anne’s Guild

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Our Clergy The Rev. Karl E. Dietze, Rector

The Rev. Mark Hall, Assistant

The Rev. John M. Wilcox, Retired

The Rev. John LaMar, Deacon

Our Staff Sue Wagner, Director of Music

Tara Michaels, Office Manager

Kendi Miller, Bookkeeper

5500 Olive Drive, Bld. 3

Bakersfield CA 93308

661-861-6020 Office

661-399-3615 Fax

[email protected]



Trinity Anglican Church 5500 Olive drive, Bld. 3 Bakersfield CA 93308

The Messenger

Trinity Anglican Church WORSHIP


Sunday Rite I - 8 a.m.

Rite II - 11 a.m.