September 2010 Chatter

VIEWS AND REVIEWS “AN UNNAMED CASUALTYOne of the casualties of 9/11 was never recited when the victims were named. That casualty? WWJD. The slogan, along with the bracelets and other paraphernalia produced by Christian manufacturers was at the height of popularity when the Twin Towers went down. WWJD laid under the rubble along with the other victims who were so tragically killed on that day. Like all expressions of pop Christianity, there were justifiable criticisms of the WWJD fad. Is “What Would Jesus Do?” the right question? Don’t we just project our own ill-informed assumptions about Jesus when that question is asked? Don’t we need to ask “What did Jesus do?” and look to the Gospels for an answer? Can we really know what Jesus would do in our contemporary circumstances? Yes, there were always problems with simplistically asking, “What Would Jesus Do?” But as religious fads go, I think this one was pretty good. While we can’t know exactly what Jesus would do in every situation we face, we need to carefully, prayerfully learn what the Gospels tell us of his life and words. Then with a faith-filled, imagination we can ask, “What must I do to follow Jesus in this particular circumstance?” If the stories of the life of Jesus have infiltrated our hearts and shaped our character, asking, “What Would Jesus Do?” makes sense. The question serves as a reminder not to simply go along with the consequentialist thinking. Consequentialist thinking asks, “What must I do to make things turn out the way I want them to turn out?” Or, as we have heard it expressed, “The end justifies the means.” This posture is so prevalent in our world and it justifies everything from marital affairs to torture – always for a good cause, of course. Yes, 9/11 killed WWJD because that wasn’t the sort of question that was likely to provide the kind of answers that most people – including most Christians – were prepared to hear. To even raise the question shortly after the terrorist attacks inevitably caused discomfort and resentment. Those who ventured to display the bumper sticker that asked, “Who Would Jesus Bomb?” were often met with displeasure. How dare anyone ask such a question when we have a job to get done?! “We need to do whatever it takes!” many people said. And they definitely didn’t mean “We need to do whatever it takes to follow Jesus.” But that is what we must do. Jesus called people to follow him without qualification or exception. He called people to a “whatever it takes” kind of discipleship. To seriously follow him we need to keep reading and prayerfully pondering the Gospels. We need to keep our eyes on the Jesus presented in the scriptures, not just in our hearts. Then we need to ask of our behaviors, our priorities, our values, our passions, our positions on various issues: “Does this look like Jesus?” If it doesn’t look like Jesus, it is unworthy of a Christian, whatever “it” might be. The name of Jesus gets evoked plenty in all sorts of quarters. But his name too often gets associated with behaviors and ideas that are totally out of keeping with Jesus as he appears in the Gospels. Too much that passes for Christian doesn’t look like Jesus. It looks harsh, judgmental, and exclusionary. It lacks tenderness, grace, hospitality, and generosity of the sort that Jesus displayed. So if WWJD is dead, maybe we need to start asking, “Does it look like Jesus?” and only accept into our lives the things that do. Grace and Peace, Craig Church Chatter September 2010 “We will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before us, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12) F F a a l l l l F F i i e e s s t t a a October 9 th 4:00 – 8:00 pm


October 9 th 4:00 – 8:00 pm FFaallll FFiieessttaa V IEWS AND R EVIEWS “We will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before us, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)

Transcript of September 2010 Chatter


One of the casualties of 9/11 was never

recited when the victims were named. That casualty? WWJD. The slogan, along with the bracelets and other paraphernalia produced by

Christian manufacturers was at the height of popularity when the Twin Towers went down. WWJD laid under the rubble along with the other victims who were so tragically killed on that day.

Like all expressions of pop Christianity, there were justifiable criticisms of the WWJD fad. Is “What Would Jesus Do?” the right question?

Don’t we just project our own ill-informed assumptions about Jesus when that question is asked? Don’t we need to ask “What did Jesus do?” and look to the Gospels for an answer? Can

we really know what Jesus would do in our contemporary circumstances? Yes, there were always problems with simplistically asking, “What Would Jesus Do?”

But as religious fads go, I think this one was pretty good. While we can’t know exactly what Jesus would do in every situation we face, we

need to carefully, prayerfully learn what the Gospels tell us of his life and words. Then with a faith-filled, imagination we can ask, “What must I do to follow Jesus in this particular

circumstance?” If the stories of the life of Jesus have infiltrated our hearts and shaped our character, asking, “What Would Jesus Do?”

makes sense. The question serves as a reminder not to simply go along with the consequentialist thinking. Consequentialist thinking asks, “What must I do to make things turn out the way I want

them to turn out?” Or, as we have heard it expressed, “The end justifies the means.” This posture is so prevalent in our world and it justifies everything from marital affairs to torture

– always for a good cause, of course. Yes, 9/11 killed WWJD because that wasn’t the sort of question that was likely to

provide the kind of answers that most people – including most Christians – were prepared to hear. To even raise the question shortly after the terrorist attacks inevitably caused discomfort and

resentment. Those who ventured to display the bumper sticker that asked, “Who Would Jesus Bomb?” were often met with displeasure. How

dare anyone ask such a question when we have a job to get done?! “We need to do whatever it takes!” many people said. And they definitely

didn’t mean “We need to do whatever it takes to follow Jesus.” But that is what we must do. Jesus called people to follow him without qualification or

exception. He called people to a “whatever it takes” kind of discipleship. To seriously follow him we need to keep reading and prayerfully pondering the Gospels. We need to keep our

eyes on the Jesus presented in the scriptures, not just in our hearts. Then we need to ask of our behaviors, our priorities, our values, our

passions, our positions on various issues: “Does this look like Jesus?” If it doesn’t look like Jesus, it is unworthy of a Christian, whatever “it” might be.

The name of Jesus gets evoked plenty in all sorts of quarters. But his name too often gets associated with behaviors and ideas that are

totally out of keeping with Jesus as he appears in the Gospels. Too much that passes for Christian doesn’t look like Jesus. It looks harsh, judgmental, and exclusionary. It lacks

tenderness, grace, hospitality, and generosity of the sort that Jesus displayed. So if WWJD is dead, maybe we need to start asking, “Does it look like Jesus?” and only accept into our lives

the things that do. Grace and Peace,


Church Chatter September 2010

“We will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before us, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)

FFaallll FFiieessttaa October 9th

4:00 – 8:00 pm


Another school year is underway with 120 precious little ones enrolled in our program. All have settled in with only a few tears and many

happy faces. Music classes with Ms. Stacey began this week. I truly enjoy listening to all of the children singing and enjoying silly moments.

Our wonderful staff has done an incredible

job creating exciting learning environments. Thanks for all of those extra hours and efforts. You are special!

Preschool Happenings: 9/6 Holiday – all closed 9/7 Children’s Sharing with Pastor Craig

9/8 Children’s Sharing with Pastor Craig 9/9 Preschool Closed – Full Time Care Open


5th Betsy Medina Karyn O’Shea 7th Cindi Watts 10th Chelsea Ehlebracht

Jacqueline Simon 11th Maryann Cannon Michele LaPlace

13th Karen LeFever Teri Pinto 14th Susan Bushnell Taryn St. Germain

15th Lionel Lynch 20th David Bramley Tylee Harmon

21st Stan Anderson Juan Chung Trinity Harmon 25th Melodie Muriello

26th Sharon Williams


[We apologize if your name is not on the list. Please call the office to update your information!]

COMMUNITY YARD SALE / FLEA MARKET On Saturday, September 18th, the Christian Women’s Fellowship will host another

Community Yard Sale. Spaces are available at a discounted price of $15 for church / preschool families or $25 for non-church / preschool

friends. This discount is good through September 10th, and then fee goes up $10. Set up time is from 6:00 – 8:00 am, and sale time is 8:00 am – noon. Call Tara (954-592-1493) to

reserve your space.


The book of Hebrews glorifies Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the promise and prophesies of the Old Testament. What is the highest

meaning of the temple, the laws, sacrifices and Jerusalem itself? What was the intention and point of the prophets? The book of Hebrews answers these questions by pointing to Jesus. If

you want to know more about the meaning of Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s plan, make a point of participating in this class.

Time: Wednesday Nights at 7:00

Begins: September 15th

BLESSINGS God is at work! Do you have a blessing to

share with your RPCC family? To include it an

upcoming Chatter, email your blessing to the church [[email protected]].

Last month we posted a need for a computer so that a young single mom could work

from home. We were quickly blessed with responses from several people [our sincere

appreciation goes out to you], and on August 12th

Angela received a laptop. We ask that you keep her in prayer as she moves forward in work and study.

Yvonne Edwards sent the following note:

“I am in Tennessee and enjoying the beauty of my surroundings. I am experiencing nature at its best and feeling extremely close to God. I

remember each Sunday we quote Isaiah 55:12 and I can tell you, the mountains and hills here are bursting into song, and I can actually see the leaves on the trees clapping their hands – it’s

awesome and serene. My patient is doing very well and may possibly be discharged from Hospice care to rehabilitation services. God’s richest blessings to you all.”


ABOUT RPCC Have you worshipped at Royal Palm

Christian Church for some time now but haven’t

become a member? Have you been thinking about membership but you have questions? Would you like to learn more about the church –

without any obligation – just because you are curious? THIS IS FOR YOU!

On Sunday, September 19th, after the 10:45 Worship service a brief session will be

offered – an Inquirer’s Class – to provide information and answer questions about the church. Lunch will be provided. If you need childcare, please call the church and let us know.

The session should end by 2:00.

YOUTH NEWS Our youth meet every Wednesday evening

at 7:00. The D-Unit group [Middle & High School youth] usually meets in the Youth Room and Sanctuary, but occasionally they experience

KRASH [kids relaxing at someone’s house]. Special activities – including KRASH info – are posted on the D-Unit Facebook fan page, so check that out.

The younger youth meet too. JYF [Junior

Youth Fellowship for 3rd – 5th grade kids] meets at 7:00 on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays, and Kidz Praiz meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. Come have some fun with us!

On Saturday, September 11th, D-Unit

will be going to Night of Joy. All attending should be at RPCC by 12:00 noon. Youth – wear

your D-Unit t-shirt! The group will return on Sunday.

On Sunday, September 26th, D-Unit will

hold another Wash & Worship [car wash] during both services.

CALLING ALL STUDENT MUSICIANS! If you are in your second year of a band

or orchestra instrument, or play the guitar and

read music, Joyful Noyz is for you! We rehearse once a month after the second service and play in church a few times a year. Your music will fit your ability, so everyone will have a chance to

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"! See Trysch for details or email her at

[email protected].

ANGEL TREE Christmas is coming. Our Angel Tree

program went well last year, and the time for us to register for this Christmas is now! The Prison

Fellowship Angel Tree Program is more than just a gift giving program. It is an opportunity for us to “Deliver LOVE” by giving joy and a positive message to children of incarcerated parents.

Personal delivery by members of our church provides a connection with the family that could lead to establishing an ongoing ministry in the

lives of these children. Of course, the most important emphasis is on the greatest gift of all – the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to serve on this ministry

team, our first meeting is Tuesday, September 7th, at 6:30 p.m. Join us!


Florida (Disciples of Christ) 101st Regional Assembly will convene on

October 14 – 16, 2010 at the Wyndham Orlando Resort. Our Transitional Regional Minister, Rebecca L. Hale, will be one of the

keynote speakers. There will be activities for kids. In fact,

they are going to learning all about Egypt –

focusing on the stories of the Exodus (Crossing the red sea and building an altar) and entering the promise land. The marketplace will be a living-history area with "shops" where kids can

make Egyptian jewelry, games, toys, dress up, write in hieroglyphics, & more.

This is a wonderful opportunity for DOC

churches all over Florida to gather together for a bit of business, some study and, most importantly, worship. More information can be found by visiting

Email Prayer Group Would you like to be part of a group of

people dedicated to praying for the needs and

requests that are made known? Prayer requests are routinely sent out via email to the pastor, elders, and prayer group. Confidential requests only get sent to the pastor and elders.

If you have a prayer need or you would like to participate in the prayer group, call or email the church office (954-753-2383 or

[email protected])

Well…thus far the flocking flamingos have migrated to 46 houses…and their presence has been requested at 5 more locations. As they

have moved from place to place they have raised over $1400 for our landscaping project. They have also been seen encouraging smiles and helping to build relationships!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Karyn O’Shea, Sheila Surgeoner and Paul Shuster for their diligence in helping to water our

new landscaping during the past month…between the blessing of rain, the sprinkler system that seems to have a mind of its own, and their “sweat equity” our landscaping seems to be

taking hold and getting well rooted. Praise God!