Seo On-Page Guide

SEO On-Page Guide Take a look at the basics of SEO on- page guide which everyone should have in their site’s


Take a look at the basics of SEO on-page guide which everyone should have in their site’s

Transcript of Seo On-Page Guide

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SEO On-Page Guide

Take a look at the basics of SEO on-page guide which everyone should have in their site’s

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Create Unique Title Tag

Title tag can tell search engines and users which topics you are particularly use in the page. 70 characters is a best practice

Title tag comes in the header E.g. <title>SEO Guide</title>

It is the most important part of SEO on-page.

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Create Unique Description Tag

We can say description tag is a briefly summary which describe the page. 250 characters allow in description tag.

Description tag also comes in the header

E.g. <meta name="description" content=“SEO guide for small business” />

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Create Unique Keyword Tag

Although the search engine no more consider keyword tag but it simply help your users to identify the main idea of topics.

Keyword tag is also comes in header E.g. <meta name="keywords"

content=“Seo guide, on-page optimization, seo onpage.” />

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Improve the URL structure

In a simple If you consider a topic about SEO, the most important for you to create a folder for SEO E.g. /SEO/ after that you can further elaborate the URLS structure E.g. /SEO/On-Page.html seems that a pretty good and understandable URL.

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Make your site easy to navigate Navigation is simply helps the user to identify the

content easily. Infact you need to highlight some topics in navigation that is important or relevant to that site.

E.g. News - 2010 - 2011

That examples explain the news of the website by yearly

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Html sitemap and useful 404 page

A sitemap is a map of the site where you can find all links of the site.

404 is basically a page not found error. It may be removed or some reason not working. For this website have make a custom 404 page which may be alter helpful.

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Quality unique content

Content itself is a king. The content you create for the site make sure it is interesting and easy understandable for users, also make sure you are not using keyword techniques in the content because it distract the attention of search engine and as well users.

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Anchor Text Anchor text is a clickable that all users can see

as a link make sure the anchor text is you linked is suitable.

Anchor text is a good on-page technique to

increase search rankings. Though you see all pages connected to each other through anchor text

E.g. <a href=“">SEO


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Use heading tags

You can use heading tags to define important text

Heading tags start with <h1></h1>and end with <h6></h6>

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rel="nofollow" for links

If you think that the comment link on the blog is not worthy than you can simply add it with nofollow tag

You can also use nofollow tag in the page to let know the crawler whether the content need to index or noindex.

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Use Google analytics and webmaster tools

If you need to know where the traffic comes in your site simply add the Google analytics code in your site to know more about the visitors

Google webmaster is another useful tools which can help in findings error in the site.

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So that’s all about SEO on-page which is 70% matters according to SEO experts and about 30% SEO off-page.

We end our presentation here, hope you like the ideas for on-page optimization, thanks for your valuable time!

Created By Ebusinesssubmit