SENTENCE PATTERNS… A Walk Down Memory Lane SVO ++= SS SIMPLE SENTENCES Simple sentences express...

SENTENCE PATTERNS… A Walk Down Memory Lane

Transcript of SENTENCE PATTERNS… A Walk Down Memory Lane SVO ++= SS SIMPLE SENTENCES Simple sentences express...

Sentence Patterns

Sentence PatternsA Walk Down Memory LaneSVO++=SSSimple SentencesSimple sentences express one idea: One Subject is doing One Verb

Mary eats babies.The giant slimy octopus devoured the coastal town of Manteo, NC.

Write a simple sentence at least 10 words long.

Compound Subjects/VerbsSVO++=SSV++SSimple sentences express one idea: One Group of Subjects is doing One Group of Verbs

Mary Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke wrote and acted in the greatest television shows of all time.Don and Diana moved to New York and auditioned for acting gigs.

Write a simple sentence with a compound subject and compound verb in which the verbs are separated by objects.Compound SentencesSSSS, CCompound sentences combine Simple Sentences to express Two Ideas: Two Different Subjects doing Two Different Verbs

Tim Tebow threw a game winning touchdown pass in overtime, yet many fans still consider him to be a terrible quarterback.

Write a Compound Sentence using a conjunction that isnt and.For, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So

Colons and SemisBoth Colons and Semi-Colons combine Simple Sentences. Colons introduce an Example or ExplanationSemi-Colons connect Related ideas.Write two sentences, one with a colon and one with a semi-colon.The first half of each sentence (the first Simple Sentence) should be the same in both sentences.:/;SSSSConjunctive AdverbsSSSSCA,;Conjunctive Adverbs are used to indicate the type of relationship between two simple sentences.. CAs are most often used with semi-colons.Write a Compound Sentence using one of the following Conjunctive Adverbs: likewise, meanwhile, accordingly, furthermore, instead, neverthelessIntroductions to sentences can be words, phrases, or used to combine simple sentences:Carefully, the thief broke into the shelter to steal the puppies.Unbeknownst to him, the shelter was open 24 hours, and the manager called the cops.When the police arrived, the thief was sobbing into a pile of fluffy Dalmatians..

Write a sentence with an introduction. You can use a word, phrase or simple sentence.IntroductionsSSIntro,The Interrupting CowSV,,MODIFIERThe Interrupting Cow, Modifier, adds information to the sentence: it describes the subject.My mother, the greatest woman in the history of the world, is hungry.Marky Mark, now known as Mark Walhberg, recorded an entire music video without wearing a shirt.Write a sentence with an Interrupting Cow.