SENIOR SCHOLARS ANNUAL · 2019. 1. 11. · Piano Performance of Domenic Scarlatti, Sonata in D...


Transcript of SENIOR SCHOLARS ANNUAL · 2019. 1. 11. · Piano Performance of Domenic Scarlatti, Sonata in D...





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    A Compendium of Publications, Honours, Awards, Invited Lectures, Teaching Activities and Other Significant Accomplishments of Fellows, Retired Faculty,

    Librarians, and Senior Administrators of the University of Toronto

    Published by the Senior College Centre, University of Toronto

    Formerly entitled RALUT Publications and Honours

    This compilation presents a sample of the ongoing scholarly activities of Fellows, retired faculty, librarians, and senior administrators at the University of Toronto. Information was collected in early 2014 by the Senior College Centre for manuscript preparation under the guidance of Professor Cornelia Baines. Items are in alphabetical order by surname, and date from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The variety of citation styles reflects standard practice for each discipline. The document will remain available on the website of the Senior College Centre. A Call for Submissions for the 2015 Senior Scholars Annual is expected to be issued early in 2015 for items dating January 1 to December 31, 2015. Notice will be provided to the Senior College Centre for distribution. All contributions from University of Toronto retired faculty and librarians are welcome.

    Contact: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Contents Acker, Sandra ................................................................................................................. 4 Atwood, Harold L. ............................................................................................................ 5 Baines, Andrew D............................................................................................................ 6 Baines, Cornelia J. .......................................................................................................... 7 Blanchard, Peter ............................................................................................................. 7 Blute, Marion ................................................................................................................... 8 Bogdan, Deanne ............................................................................................................. 8 Charlton, Milton ............................................................................................................... 9 Duffy, Dennis ................................................................................................................... 9 Dostrovsky, Jonathan .................................................................................................... 10 Eichler, Margrit .............................................................................................................. 10 Grima, Lino .................................................................................................................... 11 Hajnal, Peter ................................................................................................................. 12 Hehner, E.C.R. (Rick) .................................................................................................... 13 Hutcheon, Linda ............................................................................................................ 14 Jardine, Andrew K S...................................................................................................... 15 Klein, Martin .................................................................................................................. 17 Kushner, Eva ................................................................................................................. 18 Lang, Daniel W. ............................................................................................................. 18 Lange, Lynda ................................................................................................................ 20 Levere, Trevor ............................................................................................................... 20 Lenskyj, Helen Jefferson ............................................................................................... 20 Livingstone, D.W. .......................................................................................................... 21 McClelland, John ........................................................................................................... 22 Miller, Anthony B. .......................................................................................................... 23 Minta, Joe ...................................................................................................................... 25 Mohanty, Bibhu ............................................................................................................. 26 Norwich, Kenneth .......................................................................................................... 27 Pugliese, Guido ............................................................................................................. 27 Pugliese, Olga Zorzi ...................................................................................................... 28 Roots, Betty ................................................................................................................... 28 Russell, Peter Howard ................................................................................................... 28 Saddlemyer, Ann ........................................................................................................... 29 Seeman, Mary V. .......................................................................................................... 29 Shaw, W. David ............................................................................................................. 30 Vranic, Mladen .............................................................................................................. 31 Warkentin, Germaine .................................................................................................... 31

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    Acker, Sandra Publications

    (1) Acker, Sandra and Michelle Webber. “Academia as the (Com)promised Land for Women?” In Academic Working Lives: Experience, Practice and Change, edited by Lynne Gornall, Caryn Cook, Lyn Daunton, Jane Salisbury, and Brychan Thomas, 199-206. London: Bloomsbury, 2014.

    (2) Acker, Sandra. “A Foot in the Revolving Door? Women Academics in Lower Middle Management.” Higher Education Research and Development, 33 (2014): 73-85.

    Conference Papers

    Acker, Sandra. “Continuities, Changes and Challenges in the Experiences of Early-Career Academics: Perspectives from Finland, the UK and Canada.” Discussant and chair for symposium, Comparative and International Education Society, Toronto, March 10-15, 2014.

    Acker, Sandra and Eve Haque. “Canadian Doctoral Graduates and a Decade of Disappearing Academic Jobs.” Learning and Teaching Conference, Brighton University, Brighton, UK, July 11, 2014.

    Acker, Sandra and Michelle Webber. “’Have You Ever Heard of Quality Assurance?’ How Ontario Academics Understand Their Work and Its Assessment in the Contemporary University.” Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Brock University, St Catharines, ON, May 24-27, 2014.

    Acker, Sandra and Michelle Webber. “The Uneasy Academics: Performing and Conforming in the Contemporary Ontario University.” Fourth Academic Identities Conference, University of Durham, Durham, UK, July7-8, 2014.

    Webber, Michelle and Sandra Acker. “ ‘I’m Thinking about Tenure from Day One’: Surveillance, Subjectivity and the Tenure Review Process in Ontario Universities.” Comparative and International Education Society, Toronto, March 10-15, 2014.

    Teaching Activities

    Supervisor, 1 PhD student, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of


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    Significant Accomplishments

    Organizer for symposium, “Continuities, Changes and Challenges in the Experiences of Early-Career Academics: Perspectives from Finland, the UK and Canada,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Toronto, March 10-15.

    Reviewer, research proposal, Leverhulme Trust (UK).

    Peer reviewer, for Office of Associate Dean, Research, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, one SSHRC proposal.

    Reviewer, nomination for 2014 Dame Joan Metge Medal, The Academy for Science, Technology and the Humanities, Royal Society of New Zealand.

    Reviewer, McGill-Queens University Press.

    Reviewer, Palgrave Macmillan.

    Reviewer for journal submissions to Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Gender and Education, Higher Education Research and Development, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Studies in Higher Education.

    Honours and Awards

    Status of Women 2014 Award of Distinction, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations

    Atwood, Harold L. Publications

    Romero-Pozuelo J, Dason JS, Mansilla A, Baños-Mateos S, Sardina JL, Chaves-Sanjuán A, Jurado-Gómez J, Santana E, Atwood HL, Hernández-Hernández A, Sánchez-Barrena MJ, & Ferrús A (2014). The guanine-exchange factor Ric8a binds to the Ca2+ sensor NCS-1 to regulate synapse number and neurotransmitter release. Journal of Cell Science, 127:4246-4259.

    Atwood, H. L. (2014) Chapter 4. Peripheral Components of Crustacean Motor Systems. Pages 85-113. In: Nervous Systems and Control of Behavior, Volume 3: The Natural History

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    of the Crustacea. Edited by Charles Derby and Martin Thiel. Oxford University Press, New York, U.S.A.

    Baines, Andrew D

    Teaching Activities

    Undergraduate Teaching:

    Coordinator Augusta Stowe Gullen Stream in VIC One program

    VIC170. An introduction to probability, persuasion and the rhetoric of science.

    VIC278H. Models of Evil. co-taught with Prof. Brian Baigrie, Institute fo the History and

    Philosophy of Science and Technology.

    Science and Society:Two 2 hour lecture/seminars: 1. Risk 2. Doubt

    Graduate Teaching.

    Health: an engine for the journey to peace (CHL 7001H): 2 hour lecture, Dalla Lana School of

    Public Health.

    Internal appraiser for qualifying exam: Jonathan Fuller MD/PhD candidate Institute

    Medical Sciences

    Significant Accomplishments

    Public Lectures

    Medical Science (2 hours) in the Great Minds Series of the Later Life Learning

    program sponsored by Innis College, Oct 2014

    Public Service

    Chair of Sweetwater Music Festival, Owen Sound Ont.


    James and Anne Nethercote Professorship Victoria University in the University of


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    Baines, Cornelia J.


    To T, Wall C, Baines CJ, Miller AB. Is carcinoma in situ a precursor lesion of invasive

    breast cancer? Int J Cancer. First published online: 3 MAR 2014 DOI: 10.1002/ijc.28803

    Miller AB, Wall C, Baines CJ et al. Twenty-five Year Follow-up for breast cancer

    incidence and mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study: randomised

    screening trial. BMJ 2014;348:g366 doi: 10.1136/bmj.g366 (11 February 2014)

    Narod SA, Sun P, Wall C, C. Baines C, Miller AB. Impact of Screening mammography on

    mortality from breast cancer before age 60 in women 40-49 years of age. Current

    Oncology 2014; 21: 217-21.

    Invited Lectures

    “The Pros and Cons of Breast Screening” Toronto Reference Library, March 26, 2014.

    “The Wind Turbine Controversy: in Search of the Best Available Version of the Truth.

    Senior College Seminar, March 5, 2014.

    Overdiagnosis in the Canadian National Breast Screening Study. Preventing

    Overdiagnosis, University of Oxford, September 15, 2014.

    Ethics and Green Energy. Owen Sound Humanists, Owen Sound, November 9, 2014.


    Expert witness, Environmental Review Tribunals re appeals against wind turbines.

    Peer review for British Medical Journal, Annals Internal Medicine and others.

    Blanchard, Peter


    “An institution defended: slavery and the English invasions of Buenos Aires in 1806-

    1807,” Slavery & Abolition 35:2 (2014):253-72.


    “An uneasy unity: Córdoba society in the vice-regal period.” Conference on Latin

    American History, Washington, D.C., 2-5 January 2014.

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    Blute, Marion


    “Hamilton: Heir of Darwin and Fisher?” Biological Theory 9 (2014): 229-231. Invited Lectures

    “The Evolutionary Approach to History: Sociocultural Phylogenetics.” Interdisciplinary

    workshop on History, Culture and Society, Harvard University, March 28, 2014.

    “Bellah’s Evolutionism”. Panelist on Robert N. Bellah’s Religion in Human Evolution.

    Association for the Sociology of Religion, San Francisco, August 2014.

    Significant Accomplishments

    Chair Elect, Evolution, Biology and Society Section of the American Sociological


    Member, Marjorie Grene Prize Committee, International Society for the History,

    Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology.

    Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Biological Theory.

    Member, Editorial Board, Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and

    Philosophy of Science.

    Associate, Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

    Bogdan, Deanne


    As member of Master Class Players, a piano performance of Sergei Rachmaninoff,

    “Moment Musical,” Op 16, no 3, and Nikolai Medtner, “Fairy Tale.” Op 20, no 1, at

    Russell Hill House Retirement Home, Toronto, December 23, 2014; a recital in support

    of C-CAVE, Canadians Concerned about Violence in Entertainment, Rosedale United

    Church, November 3rd, 2014; chair and participating pianist, lecture-recital, “Chopin:

    Patriot and Poet,” Senior College, University of Toronto, February 12, 2014.

    Piano Performance of Domenic Scarlatti, Sonata in D minor, Longo 108, for the session

    “The Maxine Greene Legacy Celebration,” at the joint conference of the American

    Educational Studies Association and The International Association of Intercultural

    Education, Toronto, October 31, 2014).

    Audiotaped Interviewee, “The Oral Women’s History Project,” at the annual conference

    of the Society for Educating Women, Toronto, October 31, 2014.

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    Manuscript Review, Philosophy of Music Education Review, October, 2014.

    Participating pianist, annual spring recital of students in Boyanna Toyich’s Community

    Outreach Performance Master Class, Walter Hall, Faculty of Music, University of

    Toronto, May, 2014).

    Invited solo piano recital, St. Andrew United Church of Christ, Sarasota, Florida, March

    20, 2014.

    Charlton, Milton Publications

    1: Dason JS, Charlton MP. A novel extraction protocol to probe the role of cholesterol in synaptic vesicle recycling. Methods Mol Biol. 2014;1174:361-73.

    2: Prashad RC, Charlton MP. SNARE zippering and synaptic strength. PLoS One. 2014, Apr 18;9(4):e95130. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095130. eCollection 2014. 3: Dason JS, Smith AJ, Marin L, Charlton MP. Cholesterol and F-actin are required for clustering of

    recycling synaptic vesicle proteins in the presynaptic plasma membrane. J Physiol. 2014 Feb

    15;592(Pt 4):621-33

    Duffy, Dennis


    “High Priest of Trinity College”: Milton Wilson’s Role as Canadian Poetry’s Gatekeeeper,

    1957-1968. Canadian Literature #220 (Spring 2014). 198-202.


    “Alice Munro’s Russian Novel,” Alice Munro Symposium, Ottawa, 11 May 2014.

    “The Strange Case of Dr. Clarke and Mr. B,” Deer Park Library, Jan. 21, 2014. Also @

    UofT Senior Alumni Association. 27 October 2014.

    “Claire Messud’s The Woman Upstairs.” Evening Study Branch book club. Jan. 23, 2014.

    “Gatsby’s Trip to Oz, ” Senior College, Uof T, Jan. 29, 2014.

    “Lewis Yealland’s shock therapies” North York Central Library, 15 July 2014.

    “Constructing the Vimy Memorial” Canadian Federation of University Women (North

    Toronto Chapter). Nov. 11, 2014.

    “To the Lighthouse” Evening Study Branch book club. Nov. 27, 2014.

    "Expo 67” Later Life Learning. November 21, 2014.

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    Dostrovsky, Jonathan


    Basha D, Dostrovsky JO, Lopez Rios AL, Hodaie M, Lozano AM, Hutchison WD. Beta oscillatory neurons in the motor thalamus of movement disorder and pain patients. Exp Neurol. 2014 Nov;261:782-90.

    Prescott IA, Liu LD, Dostrovsky JO, Hodaie M, Lozano AM, Hutchison WD. Lack of depotentiation at basal ganglia output neurons in PD patients with levodopa-induced dyskinesia. Neurobiol Dis. 2014 Nov;71:24-33.

    Birdno MJ, Tang W, Dostrovsky JO, Hutchison WD, Grill WM. Response of human thalamic neurons to high-frequency stimulation. PLoS One. 2014 May 7;9(5).

    Watson CP, Mackinnon SE, Dostrovsky JO, Bennett GJ, Farran RP, Carlson T. Nerve resection, crush and re-location relieve complex regional pain syndrome type II: a case report. Pain. 2014 Jun;155(6):1168-73.

    Wang H, Cao Y, Chiang CY, Dostrovsky JO, Sessle BJ. The gap junction blocker carbenoxolone attenuates nociceptive behavior and medullary dorsal horn central sensitization induced by partial infraorbital nerve transection in rats. Pain. 2014 Feb;155(2):429-35.

    Significant Accomplishments

    Help run U of T Brain Bee competition for High School students.

    Member of Audit Committee, International Association for the Study of Pain

    Provided article recommendations with short reviews for F1000 (Faculty of 1000)

    Book review/ assessment for Harvard University Press: Animal Electricity: How We Learned That

    the Body and Brain are Electric Machines by Robert B. Campenot

    Provided review of grant application for Israel Science Foundation.

    Journal reviews for:

    Pain: Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache

    Eichler, Margrit Conference Paper

    “Raising Children to Cope with Climate Change?” Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the

    Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 2014

    Teaching Activities

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    Supervisor, 1 EdD student, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of


    Significant Accomplishments

    President, Academy for Lifelong Learning (June 2014-June 2015)

    President, Scientists for the Right to Know (since renamed Our Right to Know)

    Secretary, Science for Peace

    Convener of Right2Know Network (network of ca. 25 organizations concerned with public


    Organized panel on “Canada’s Science Policy – a needed change of direction or a war on

    Science?”, Feb. 2014

    Organized multidisciplinary session on “Eroding Democracy: Canada’s Public Science Policy in a

    New Regime of Governance”, sponsored by the Canadian Sociological Association, Canadian

    Association of Professional Academic Librarians, Canadian Population Society, Canadian Society

    for the History and Philosophy of Science, Canadian Society for the Study of Education at the

    Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Brock University, May 2014

    Public Service

    Secretary, McGill Granby Village Residents’ Association

    “The Muzzling of Canadian Scientists”, talk at Carolyn Bennett Townhall, Jan. 2014

    Grima, Lino

    Invited Lectures

    “Storm Water Management in Toronto” GGR 334 University of Toronto Department of

    Geography, 4 October 2014.

    “Lost Rivers: Combined Sewers”, Council of Canadians Toronto Chapter, City Hall,

    Toronto, 5 February 2014.

    “Storm Water Management and our Lost Rivers” Council of Canadians Toronto Chapter,

    Metro Hall, Toronto, 5 March 2014.

    A series of four lectures on Canadian Water Resources to a visiting delegation of water

    professionals from Fujian Province, The People’s Republic of China, Toronto, 18 and 21

    February 2014.

    Reflections on Retirement Panel, “Keeping what I like and developing fresh interests”,

    presentation for UTFA/RALUT meeting, Toronto, 3 April 2014.

    “Toronto’s Lost Rivers”, public lecture at Brentwood Branch, Toronto Public Library, 30

    April 2014.

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    “Toronto Waters: the blue and not so blue”, public lecture at Main Street Branch,

    Toronto Public Library, I May 2014.

    “Wastewater and Stormwater Management in Toronto: Problems & Options”, invited

    lecture to the Don Mills Kiwanis Club, Toronto, 7 May 2014.

    Teaching Activities

    University of Toronto School of the Environment, Graduate Program, ENV 1703S, Water

    Resources Policy & Management, Environmental Science Complex, Jan-Apr 2014.


    Advisor on water issues to the Sierra Club of Canada (2003 -- ) and Toronto Chapter of

    the Council of Canadians (2009 -- ).

    Member, UTFA (UofT Faculty Association) Salaries, Benefits and Pensions Committee,


    Co-Chair, Sierra Club/Sierra Club of Canada Binational Great Lakes Committee, 2007 –--

    Ontario Great Lakes Agreement Advisory Panel, 2006--- .

    Member, Pensions Committee and Benefits Committee, Retired Academics and

    Librarians, U of T, 2011 – 2015.

    Member, Great Lakes Protection Act Alliance, 2014-

    Invited participant, Freshwater Futures working group on Binational Great Lakes Policy

    Connection/Coordination, Toronto, 23 July 2014.

    Hajnal, Peter


    The G20: Evolution, Interrelationships, Documentation. Global Finance Series. (Ashgate, 2014).

    Invited Lectures

    “Navigating the turbulent G's: the story of the G7, G8 and G20”.

    Kiwanis Club, Don Mills, Toronto, 26 November 2014.

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    Teaching Activities

    Guest lectures in POL456 (John Kirton's seminar course "Global Governance") Accomplishments

    Member, Senior College Program Committee Research Associate, Munk School of Global Affairs

    University of Toronto Research Associate in Arts

    Trinity College Emeritus Librarian, University of Toronto.

    Member, editorial board, International Organizations Research Journal (Moscow, Higher

    School of Economics)

    Hehner, E.C.R. (Rick)


    “How to Compute Halting”, 2014 January

    “Halting Problem”, 2014 January

    “Left-handed Homosexuals”, 2014 May

    “Scientific Publication”, University Affairs Magazine 2014 June

    “Epimenides, Gödel, Turing: an Eternal Gölden Tangle”, 2014 August

    “What is a Procedure?”, 2014 November

    “Observations on the Halting Problem”, 2014



    “A Practical Predicative Programming Primer”, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2014 January 23

    “Problems with the Halting Problem”, McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2014 April 10

    “from Boolean Algebra to Unified Algebra”, Memorial University, St. John’s NL, 2014 September 22

    “a Practical Predicative Programming Primer”, Memorial University, St. John’s NL, 2014 September 22

    “a Probability Perspective”, Memorial University, St. John’s NL, 2014 September 23

    “Problems with the Halting Problem”, Memorial University, St. John’s NL, 2014 September 23

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    Teaching Activities

    University of Toronto, Formal Methods of Software Design, CSC465 and CSC2104, 2014

    September to December

    Hutcheon, Linda


    “Eruptions of Postmodernity: The Postcolonial and the Ecological". Greening the Maple:

    Canadian Ecocriticism in Context. Ed. Ella Soper and Nicholas Bradley. Calgary:

    University of Calgary Press, 2013. 123-44. [appeared in 2014]

    “Edward Said on Music: Always Comparative, Always Contrapuntal,” University of

    Toronto Quarterly, special issue in memory of Edward Said, 83.1 (2014): 21-27.

    “Literature in the Long Modernity: Its Reception in the Digital Age.” In Literature and the

    Long Modernity, ed. Mihaela Irimla and Andreea Parls (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014), 275-


    “Irony, Nostalgia, and the Postmodern,” Quaint Quarterly 1 (2014)

    “The Inward Turn: American Opera Revisits America’s Past,” Canadian Review of

    American Studies 44.2 (2014): 178-93. (with MH)

    “From Reader Response to Reader Response-Ability”, Anglistentag 2013 Konstanz (Trier:

    Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2014): xv-xxvii.


    With Stephanie Hill, “Points of Contact: Co-Positioning Improvisation and Adaptation

    Theory and Practice”, Improv Notes (June 2014) http://us2.campaign-

    “’Intellectually Promiscuous’: An Interview with Linda Hutcheon,” by Emily Petermann,

    American Review of Canadian Studies 44.4 (2014): 375-84.

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    “The State of the Discipline: Late Style,” Modern Language Association convention,

    Chicago, January 2014. (with Michael Hutcheon)

    “Cultural Politics, Literary Theory, and … Opera,”, University of Helsinki, March 2014.

    (with Michael Hutcheon).

    “Taste, Trust, and Reviewing in the Age of the ‘Customer Reviewer’”, University of

    Helsinki, March 2014.

    “Watching Doctors Watching You,” Disability Studies, Emory University, Atlanta,

    October 2014 (with Michael Hutcheon)

    “Breaking Taboos: Representation of the Body in Lucia di Lammermoor,” Disability

    Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, October 2014 (with Michael Hutcheon)

    “Famous Last Breaths,” Oakville Opera Guild, October 2013 and at Vic ONE, University

    of Toronto, February 2014 (with Michael Hutcheon)

    “A Tale of Six Cities,” Canadian Federation of University Women, February 2014. (with

    Michael Hutcheon)

    “The Book Review in the Internet Age,” Kiwanis Club of Don Mills, February 2014.

    “Opera-tizing Shakespeare”, Shakespeare and his Followers, Later Life Learning,

    February 2014 and again at the Arts and Letters Club, June 2014. (with Michael


    “From Medici Madness to Vanderbilt Vanity: The Ultimate Opera Tour,” University of

    Toronto Homecoming, May 201 and at SPRINT, June 2014; Senior Alumni October 2014


    Organization of “Coming Home: Handel’s Hercules”, Opera Exchange Symposium (Munk School of Global Affairs Humanities Initiative, Canadian Opera Company), April 2014.

    Jardine, Andrew K S

    Publications Peer-Reviewed Journals

    Jardine, A.K.S. 2014. Introduction and Guest Editor: Special Issue on Engineering Economics in

    Reliability, Replacement and Maintenance, Part I, Engineering Economist 59 (2):89-90.

    Jardine, A.K.S. 2014. Guest Editor: Special Issue on Engineering Economics in Reliability,

    Replacement and Maintenance, Part II, Engineering Economist 59(4).

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    Trusevych, S.A., R.H. Kwon, and A.K.S. Jardine. 2014. “Optimizing Critical Spare Parts and

    Location Based on the Conditional Value-At-Risk Criterion,” Engineering Economist 59 (2): 116-


    Journal Articles Submitted or Under Review

    Yasin, G., D. Banjevic, S. Taghipour, N. Montgomery, B. Harvey, A.K.S. Jardine, and A. Miller.

    2014. “A Health Economic Analysis of Breast Cancer Screening Policies Using Simulation,” under

    review at The Breast.

    Sharifi, M(S), R. Kwon, and A.K.S. Jardine, 2013. “Valuing Performance-based Contracts for

    Improving Maintenance: Optimizing with the Conditional Value-at-Risk Criterion Approach,”

    under review at The Engineering Economist.

    Conference Papers in Proceedings

    Van Volkenburg, C., N. Montgomery, D. Banjevic, and A.K.S. Jardine. 2014. “The Effect of Deterioration On Spare Parts Holding.” Paper Presented at Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) 2014, Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 27-30.

    Invited Lectures

    Jardine, A. K.S. 2014. “The Brave New World of Asset Management and the Integration of

    Emerging Technologies.” Paper Presented at Mainstream, Austin, Texas, June 16-19.

    Jardine, A. K.S. 2014. “Physical Asset Management,” Invited paper Presented to Society for

    Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) and Ontario Association of Certified

    Engineering Technicians and Technologists, Bahen Centre, University of Toronto, June 25.

    Jardine, A. K.S. 2014. “The Role of Evidence in Asset Management.” Keynote Presentation at

    Congreso Internacional de Mantenimiento Predictivo, Confiabilidad y Lubricacion de Clase

    Mundial, Summit PreConLub, Monterrey, Mexico, August 27-28.

    Jardine, A. K.S. 2014. “ ISO 55000 and Evidence Based Asset Management (EBAM).” Keynote

    Presented at MAPLA 2014, Mantemin, 9th Encuentro Internacional de Mantenedores de Equipos

    Mina, Santiago, Chile, September 3-5.

    Jardine, A. K.S. 2014. “Reliability and Optimization in the Mining Industry,” Invited paper

    Presented at Lassonde Institute of Mining Research Day, University of Toronto, October 15.

    Jardine, A. K.S. 2014. “Optimization of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) Decisions.” Invited

    paper Presented at Institution of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engines Fall Seminar, Ryerson

    University, Toronto, November 13.

    Jardine, A.K.S. 2014. “Condition Based Maintenance & Prognostics of Machines.” Keynote,

    Presented at Condition Monitoring and Vibration Analysis (CMVA) Conference, Montreal,

    Quebec, October 29-30.

    Seecharan, T.S., H.W. Chen, A.K.S. Jardine, and B. Donmez. 2014. “The Driving Simulator-Based

    Eco-Drive Training Project.” Presentation, AUTO21 2014 Annual Conference, “Solving the

    Challenges of Tomorrow, Today,” Niagara Falls, Ontario, May 27-28.

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    Teaching Activities

    MIE 1723: Engineering Maintenance Management, University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied

    Science and Engineering, Fall 2014.

    MENG 6704: Maintenance Analysis and Optimization, University of the West Indies, Faculty of

    Engineering, Trinidad, March 8, 9 and 23, 23, 2014.

    Physical Asset Management Certificate Program, SUNCOR, Fort McMurray, Alberta, April 28 -

    May 2 and May 5 – 9, 2014

    Physical Asset Management Certificate Program, with T.A. Cook Consultants Ltd., Potzdamer

    Platz, Berlin, Germany, May 14 – 16, 19-23, 2014.

    Physical Asset Management Certificate Program, at Ontario Clean Water Agency, Mississauga,

    Ontario, June 10, 2014

    Physical Asset Management Certificate Program, given at ENMAX, Calgary, Alberta, September

    29 – October 3, 2014.

    Physical Asset Management Certificate Program, University of Toronto, School of Continuing

    Studies, November 3 – 7, 10 – 12, 2014.

    Physical Asset Management Certificate Program, Dubai, UAE, November 16 – 19, 2014.

    Graduate Module on Excellence in Asset Management, Catholic University of Chile (PUCC),

    Santiago, Chile, November 28 and 30, 2014.

    Reliability Improvement through Preventative Maintenance and Inspection, course presented at

    KNAR SAS, Bogota, Columbia, December 11 - 12, December 2014.

    Optimizing Maintenance Decisions to Achieve Excellence in Physical Asset Management, course

    presented to Asset Technology Group, Seoul, South Korea, December 18 - 19, 2014.

    Klein, Martin


    “African Traditions of Servitude and the Evolution of African Society,” Ab Imperio, 2

    (2014), 27-45. Special issue on Crossroads and Multiple Temporalities: Contact Zones

    and Middle Grounds

    “Sexuality and Slavery in the Western Sudan,” in Gwyn Campbell and Elizabeth Elbourne

    (eds.), Sex, Power and Slavery (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2014), 61-82

    “In Memoriam: Dennis Dale Cordell 1947-2015,” Perspectives on History. October 2014

    “In Memoriam: Roland Anthony Oliver 1923-2014,: Perspectives on History. November


    Historical Dictionary of Slavery and Abolition. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2002. 2d

    expanded edition, 2014.

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    Kushner, Eva Accomplishments

    Elected to the Council of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (USA)

    In October 2014 delegated by CIPSH (the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences, under UNESCO) to the meeting in Québec of COMEST, on ethics of science.

    Lang, Daniel W.


    “Incentives in Financing Higher Education,” in C. Amrhein and B. Baron, eds., Building

    Success in a Global University, Lemmens Medien, Bonn-Berlin, 2014.

    “Deciding to Transfer: A Study of College to University Choice,” with Valerie Lopes, The

    College Quarterly, Vol. 17, No.3 (Summer 2014).

    “Clark’s Triangle, Fiscal, Incentives, and a New Relationship between the State and

    Universities,” Comparative & International Higher Education, Vol. 6 (Fall 2014).

    Rethinking Higher Education, by George Fallis, in Canadian Journal of Higher Education,

    Vol. 44, No. 2, 2014.


    “Collision or Symbiosis: The Future Relationship Between Incentive Funding and

    Incentive-based Budgeting,” Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Annual

    Conference, May 2014, Toronto.

    “A New Fiscal Relationship Between State and University: Clark’s Triangle, Incentive

    Funding, and Incentive Budgeting,” MTCU-HEQCO-OISE Symposium on Enrolment and

    Funding, May 2014, Toronto.

    “Performance Funding: Past, Present, Future,” CUPA/MTCU/HEQCO Annual Conference,

    January, 2014, Toronto.

    “Deciding to Transfer,” Ontario Policy Research Symposium, May, 2014, Toronto.

    “The ‘New Normal’ for Student Residences,” keynote address, Ontario Association of

    College and University Housing Officers Conference, October 2014, Trent University.

  • Page 19 of 32


    Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Distinguished Member Award

    Graduate Teaching, University of Toronto LHA1809: Administration of Colleges and Universities, Winter, 2014.

    LHA2006: Educational Finance and Economics, Fall, 2014.

    Doctoral supervisions and committee memberships

    Vivian Chan, “Efficacy and Impact of Key Performance Indicators as Perceived by Key

    Informants in Ontario Universities,” Ph.D., 2014. Completed.

    Darren Deering, “Responsibility Center Management in Theory and Practice,” Ph.D.,

    2014. Completed.

    Christine Arnold, Wendy Kubasik, Dale Mullings, Cindy Gouveia, Helen Lashthiotakis: In

    progress at University of Toronto

    Khishigbayar Tsogbadrakh: In progress at McGill University.

    Supervision of Visiting Scholars, University of Toronto

    Hu Juan, Professor, Renmin University, People’s Republic of China, China Scholarship Council


    Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Board of Governors and Audit and

    Finance Committee and Academic Committee.

    Toronto School of Theology, Board of Trustees, and Chair, Institutional Evaluation Committee.

    Augustine’s Seminary, Board of Governors and Finance Committee.

    Algoma University, Board of Governors Finance Committee.

    Professional activities

    AUCC and University of Alberta Conference on Canadian Universities in a Global Context,

    Steering Committee

    Archdiocese of Toronto, Chair, Strategic Asset Study Committee

  • Page 20 of 32

    Canadian Teacher’s Federation Panel of Academic Experts

    Manuscript reviewer” University of Toronto Press, Springer Publishing, Canadian Journal of

    Higher Education and others.

    External assessor

    AERA Annual Conference submission referee, Social Science and Humanities Research

    Council of Canada, Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Annual

    Conference, University of Calgary, dissertation external reader, Simon Fraser University,

    dissertation external reader and University of Toronto National Scholars

    Lange, Lynda Significant Accomplishment:

    Lynda Lange, Emerita, Dept. of Philosophy, & Dr. Alberto Cimadamore, Director, Comparative

    Research on Poverty (University of Bergen), THE GLOBAL POVERTY CONSENSUS REPORT, based

    on thirty nine interviews with recognized scholars on global poverty. Online in February, 2015,

    Academics Stand Against Poverty

    Levere, Trevor


    Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of

    Toronto, supervised 3 Ph.D. students, one of whom graduated in 2014.


    Co-editor, Annals of Science (until 30 April 2014).

    Lenskyj, Helen Jefferson


    Sexual Diversity and the Sochi 2014 Olympics: No More Rainbows (Houndmills, UK:

    Palgrave Pivot, 2014)

  • Page 21 of 32

    ‘Sport mega-events and leisure studies’, Leisure Studies (December 2014, 1-7)


    ‘The Olympic Industry: Sex, Power, and Politics’, Earle Zeigler Keynote Address, 12th

    International Symposium for Olympic Research, International Centre for Olympic

    Studies, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, October 30-31, 2014

    Invited symposium panellist Human Rights and the Olympic Games, University of

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, November 29, 2014


    Manuscript reviewer, Palgrave Macmillan

    Livingstone, D.W.


    Restacking the Deck: Streaming by Class, Race and Gender in Ontario Schools. Ottawa:

    Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. (Special Issue of OurSchools/OurSelves 24,2

    (#114) Winter 2014). (With D. Clanfield, B. Curtis, G-E Galabuzi, A. Gaymes San Vincente

    and H. Smaller). (ISBN 978-1-77125-016-0).

    “Interrogating Professional Power and Recognition of Specialized Knowledge: A Class

    Analysis” European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults.5, 1

    (2014): 13-29.

    “Interest in Unions and Associations in a Knowledge-Based Economy: Canadian

    Evidence”. Just Labour. 22 (Autumn 2014): 3-23. (with M. Raykov).

    “Family binds and glass ceilings: Women managers’ promotion limits in a ‘knowledge

    economy’” Critical Sociology, published online, May, 2014. (with K. Pollock and M.


  • Page 22 of 32


    “Assessment of Argentina Adaptation of the Canadian Work and Lifelong Learning

    Survey”, Invited Presentation to Workshop of the Institute for Investigation of

    Educational Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 21,


    “Basic Relations Between Job Requirements, Educational Attainments and Skill Use:

    Recent Canadian Findings, Relevant to Argentina?” Plenary presentation to the

    Seminar on Work and Education through Life, Economics and Labour Sciences Research

    Institute on Education, Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy, University of Buenos

    Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 22, 2014.

    McClelland, John


    "Manuscrit et imprimé: survivances, interférences 1470-2007: Les deux textes de

    Montaigne," Nouveaux aspects de la culture de l'imprimé (XVe-XVIIe siècles), éd. G.

    Holtz, Genève, Droz, 2014, pp. 207-218.

    Review of Sandra Schmidt, Kopfübern und Luftspringen: Bewegung als Wissenschaft und

    Kunst in der freuen Neuzeit, in Ludica, annali di storia e civiltà del gioco, 17-18 (2011-

    12), 203-204.

    "Editor's Recollections," 50th anniversary issue, Renaissance and

    Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 37,3 (2014), 71-75.

    Conference Papers

    "Science and Sport in the Sixteenth Century: Ruling out Play," conference on "Giocare

    nel Cinquecento, il secolo del Veronese," Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Verona

    (Italy), 20 September.

    "Calcio as Florentine Collegiality," conference on "Rethinking Early Modern

    Collegialities," Victoria College Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies,

    Toronto, 8 November

    Panelist in the sessions "Editer les Essais de 1580-82 et 1595" and "Editer 1588-EB:

    ponctuation," conference on "Montaigne à l'œuvre," Centre d'Études Supérieures de la

    Renaissance, Université François Rabelais, Bordeaux (France) 1-2 December.

  • Page 23 of 32


    University of Toronto, "French literature during the Reformation" (FRE319H1F), Sept-

    Nov 2014

    Miller, Anthony B.


    Miller AB, Wall C, Baines CJ, Sun P, To T, Narod SA. Twenty five year follow-up for breast

    cancer incidence and mortality of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study:

    randomised screening trial. BMJ 2014.348:g366 doi: 10.1136/bmj.g366.

    Catsburg C, Miller AB, Rohan TE. Adherence to cancer prevention guidelines and risk of

    breast cancer. Int J Cancer 2014; 135: 2444–52.

    Genkinger JM, Wang M, Li R, Albanes D, Anderson KE, Bernstein L, van den Brandt PA,

    English DR, Freudenheim JL, Fuchs CS, Gapstur S M, Giles GG, Goldbohm RA, Håkansson

    N, Horn-Ross PL, Koushik A, Marshall JR, McCullough ML, Miller AB, Robien K, Rohan TE,

    Schairer C, Silverman DT, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, Virtamo J, Willett WC, Wolk A,

    Ziegler RG, Smith-Warner SA. Dairy products and pancreatic cancer risk: a pooled

    analysis of 14 cohort studies. Ann Oncol 2014 25: 1106-15.

    Davis KM, Kelly SP, Luta G, Tomko C, Miller AB, Taylor KL. The Association of Long-term

    Treatment-related Side Effects with Cancer-specific and General Quality of Life among

    Prostate Cancer Survivors. Urology 2014; 84: 300e306.

    To T, Wall C, Baines CJ, Miller AB. Is carcinoma in situ a precursor lesion of invasive

    breast cancer? Int. J. Cancer 2014; 135: 1646–52.

    Bosetti C, Rosato V, Li D, Silverman D, Petersen GM, Bracci PM, Neale RE, Muscat J,

    Anderson K, Gallinger S, Olson SH, Miller AB, Bas Bueno‐de‐Mesquita H, Scelo G, Janout

    V, Holcatova I, Lagiou P, Serraino D, Lucenteforte E, Fabianova E, Ghadirian P, Baghurst

    PA, Zatonski W, Foretova L, Fontham E, Bamlet WR, Holly EA, Negri E, Hassan M,

    Prizment A, Cotterchio M, Cleary S, Kurtz RC, Maisonneuve P, Trichopoulos D, Polesel J,

    Duell EJ, Boffetta P, La Vecchia C. Diabetes, antidiabetic medications and pancreatic

  • Page 24 of 32

    cancer risk: an analysis from the international pancreatic cancer case‐control

    consortium. Annals of Oncology 2014; 25:2065-72. doi:10.1093/annonc/mdu276

    Narod SA, Sun P, Wall C, C. Baines C, Miller AB. Impact of Screening mammography on

    mortality from breast cancer before age 60 in women 40-49 years of age. Current

    Oncology 2014; 21: 217-21.

    Miller AB. Editorial: Digital Mammography. 
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer

    Institute 2014 106 (4): dju125
doi: 10.1093/jnci/dju125

    Miller A. Re: "counterpoint: overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening". J Am Coll Radiol.

    2014 Sep;11(9):923. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2014.05.013. Epub 2014 Jun 11.

    Miller AB. Implications of the Canadian National Breast Screening Study. Women’s

    Health 2014; 10:345-7.

    Miller AB. What Causes Cancer? What we know and what it means. Victoria BC, Friesen

    Press, 2014. (


    Overdiagnosis in screening for cancer. Association Médicale du Québec, 1st Québec

    Symposium on Overdiagnosis, Montreal, March 2, 2014.

    Role of epidemiology in identification of foods and nutrients that influence the risk of

    cancer. American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting, San Diego, April 9, 2014.

    Mammography Screening for Breast Cancer. Is it living up to its promise? Advances in

    Cancer Screening and Prevention Research, EuroSciCon, London, Gr. Br., May 12, 2014

    Radiofrequency fields are a probable human carcinogen. Women’s College Hospital EMF

    Symposium, Toronto, September 12, 2014.

    Canadian National Breast Screening Study: 25 years of experience. International

    Conference on Multidisciplinary Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute of

    Columbia, Bogota, Columbia, September 25, 2014.

  • Page 25 of 32

    Breast Screening – Where do we go from here? Albert Einstein Cancer Center Grand

    Rounds, New York, October 7, 2014.

    Challenges of Cancer Control in developed and developing countries. King Faisal

    Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Burden of Cancer in the Gulf Region. Riyadh,

    Saudi Arabia, October 21, 2015

    Lessons learned from the Prostate Lung Colorectal Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial.

    University of Toronto, Urology Update. Toronto, October 31, 2014.

    Then and Now - Cancer Prevention since 1995. Toronto Cancer Prevention Coalition

    Forum, Cancer: Making Prevention the Cure. Toronto, November 27, 2014.


    Participant in Screening Panel, International Conference on Monitoring and Surveillance

    of Asbestos-related Diseases, to update the Helsinki Asbestos Criteria, Hanasaari, Espoo,

    Finland, 11–13 February 2014.

    Rapporteur: Expert meeting on scaling-up cancer care in the Eastern Mediterranean

    Region. Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization, Cairo, Egypt,

    July 21-22, 2014.

    Member of Expert Group for Volume 15 of Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Breast

    Screening. International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, November 11-18,


    Minta, Joe


    Member: The Cathedral Church of St James, Toronto, Planning Committee for “Called to

    Serve Exhibit”, Nov. 6-16, 2014, honoring the Canadian Military Chaplains on the 100th

    anniversary of the First World War.

    Poster Presentation: “The Evolution of Canada’s Armed Forces Chaplaincy Branch into

    an Inclusive and Multi-faith Royal Canadian Military Chaplain Service from 1700-2014”,

    for The Cathedral Church of St James “Called to Serve Exhibit”, Nov. 6-16, 2014.

  • Page 26 of 32

    Mohanty, Bibhu


    Mohanty, B. and Trivino, L.; 2014, “Blast vibration monitoring in cemented paste backfill

    during its curing stage – a case study”; Proc. 11th Int. Symposium on Mining with

    Backfill; (Potvin and Grice, Eds.); Perth, Australian Centre for Geomechanics; p. 493-


    Mohanty, B., Zwaan, D. and Trivino, L.; 2014, “Investigation of stope blast designs in a

    deep underground mine through vibration analysis”; Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Deep and

    High Stress Mining; (Hudyma and Potvin, Eds.), Sudbury; Australian Geomechanics

    Centre, p. 525-532.

    Mohanty, B, and Raghavaraju, R.; 2014, “Characteristic Response of Rock and Rock-like

    Materials to Explosive Loading in controlled Experiments”; Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific

    Symposium on Engineering Blasting, Shenzhen, (Wang. X, Ed.), Metallurgical Industry

    Press, Beijing, p. 350-355.

    Raghavaraju, R. and Mohanty, B.; 2014, “Dynamic Stress Field around a Blast Hole – A

    Laboratory Study”, Proc. 40th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technology.,

    Int. Soc. Explosives Engineers, p. 243-252.

    Mohanty, B.; 2014,”Explosion hazards and Quantity-Distance Regulations – a Review of

    their Physical Basis”, J. Fragmentation and Blasting; Int. Soc. Explosives Engineers, 8, p.



    - Keynote Lecture: “Energetics of Commercial Explosives and the Role of Field

    Parameters”, 5th Int. Symposium on Energetic Materials and their Applications (ISEM

    2014), Fukuoka, Japan, Nov. 14-17, 2014.

  • Page 27 of 32

    Teaching Activities

    Ph.D. Thesis Supervision: Sheng Huang (in progress), R. Raghavaraju (in progress)

    M.A.Sc. Thesis Supervision: R. Raghavaraju (completed)

    Ph.D. Examination Committee member.


    Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, India;

    2012- present

    Member Emeritus – International Society of Explosives Engineers

    Member: International Organizing Committee for Rock Fragmentation Symposia).

    Member: Sub-Committee on Dynamic Tests Standards for Rocks; International Society of

    Rock Mechanics (ISRM).

    Reviewer: Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Mining Sci.; Engineering Fracture Mech.; J. Rock

    Mechanics and Rock Engineering; Int. J. Mining, Reclamation and Environment;

    Canadian Geotechnical Journal.

    Norwich, Kenneth


    “A Physical Basis for Sensory Perception.” Physica A, 414 (2014): 61-75.

    “A theory of power laws in human reaction times: insights from an information-

    processing approach.” Medina, José M, Díaz, José A. and Norwich, Kenneth H. Frontiers

    in Human Neuroscience, 8 (2014) Article 621, 1-4. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00621,

    published August 12, 2014.

    Pugliese, Guido


    'Infedele: tragedia in due tempi ripresa dal romanzo di Luigi Capuana, Il Marchese di

    Roccaverdina (1901).' Rome: Aracne, 2014. Pp. 116.

  • Page 28 of 32

    "Ditegli sempre di sì, a Toronto," in 'Scrittori per Eduardo,' ed. Patricia Bianchi, in La

    scrittura teatrale. Studi e testi, vol. 13. Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2014, pp.


    Pugliese, Olga Zorzi


    "The Contribution of Friulians to Mosaic Work in Canada," trans. by Kate Willman.

    Chapter 8 in 'The Friulian Language:Identity, Migration, Culture,' ed. Rosa Mucignat.

    Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp. 122-147.

    Guest Series Editor, for 'Collaboration, Conflict, and Continuity in the Reformation:

    Essays in Honour of James M. Estes on his Eightieth Birthday,' ed. Konrad Eisenbichler,

    in Essays and Studies 34. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies,

    2014. Pp. 430.

    Roots, Betty


    Director and Secretary, The Roberta Bondar Foundation

    Judge for Bondar Challenge School, Summer Camp and Wilderness competitions.

    Colloquium Committee Chair, Senior College, University of Toronto.

    Russell, Peter Howard


    “The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People: An Exercise in Policy Education,” in Gregory J. Inwood

    and Carolyn M. Johns, ed., Commissions of Inquiry: A Comparative Analysis, 154-171. Toronto:

    University of Toronto Press, 2014.

  • Page 29 of 32

    “Educating Canadians on the Crown – A Diamond Jubilee Challenge,” in D. Michael Jackson and

    Philippe Lagassé, eds., Canada and the Crown: Essays on Constitutional Monarchy, 75-88. Kingston

    & Montreal: McGill-Quuen’s University Press, 2014.

    “The Right Honourable John Robert Cartwright,” in Jean Chevier, Denis Daigneault, Gerald C.

    Gummersell, eds., The Chief Justices of Canada, 45-48. Montreal: New Federation House, 2014.

    Invited Lectures

    “Our First Confederation: the 1764 Treaty of Niagara,” Arts & Letters Club, Toronto, Feb. 1, 2014.

    “Constitutional Anarchy,” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Brock University, St. Catherines, ON, May 28, 2014.

    “The Commonwealth and Parliamentary Democracy, Royal Commonwealth Society AGM, Arts & Letters Club”, Toronto, October 21, 2014.

    “Aboriginal Peoples: Prospects of a Just and Mutually Beneficial Relationship,” Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre, Toronto, November 3, 2014.

    “The Atlantic Charter: Churchill and Roosevelt Make History in Newfoundland Waters,” Sir Winston Churchill Society of Calgary,” The Ranchman’s Club, Calgary, Alberta, November 13, 2014

    Teaching Activities POL 490H/2102H – Canada in Question: A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests. September-December, 2014

    Saddlemyer, Ann


    Program essay for Sean O’Casey’s Juno and the Paycock, Shaw Festival Theatre (Niagara

    on the Lake) May 2014

    Seeman, Mary V. Publications

    Seeman, M.V., Seeman, P.: Is schizophrenia a dopamine supersensitivity reaction? Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry. 48:155-160 (2014). doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2013.10.003.

    Seeman, M.V.: Diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnoea in women with schizophrenia. J. Mental Health. 23(4):191-196 (2014). doi: 10.3109/09638237.2013.869572.

  • Page 30 of 32

    Vigod, S.N., Kurdyak, P.A., Dennis, C.L., Gruneir A., Newman, A., Seeman, M.V., Rochon, P.A., Anderson G.M., Grigoriadis, S., Ray, J.G.: Maternal and newborn outcomes among women with schizophrenia: a retrospective population-based cohort study. B.J.O.G. 121(5):566-574 (2014). doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12567.

    Gladstone, B.M., Boydell, K.M., Seeman, M.V., McKeever, P: Analysis of a support group for children of parents with mental illnesses: Managing stressful situations. Qualitative Health Res. 24(9):1171-1182 (2014). doi: 10.1177/1049732314528068

    Seeman, M.V.: Zofiówka sanatorium. Am. J. Psychiatry. 171(6):625-626 (2014). doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13081114

    Kennedy, S.H, Giacobbe, P., Placenza, F.M., Hudson, C.J., Seeman, P., Seeman, M.V.: Depression treatment by withdrawal of short-term low-dose antipsychotic, a proof-of-concept randomized double-blind study. J Affect Disord. 166: 139-143 (2014). doi: org/10.1016/j.jad.2014.04.014

    Seeman, M.V., Grochowina, M.: Zofiówka. Hektoen International. 6(3) (2014).

    Seeman, M.V.: Pseudocyesis, delusional pregnancy, and psychosis: The birth of a delusion. World J. Clin. Cases. 2(8):338-344 (2014). doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v2.i8.328.

    Seeman, M.V.: Paying attention to language. Psychiatric Serv. 65(9):1164-1166 (2014). doi: 10.1176/

    Seeman, M.V.: Substitute consent in women with psychosis. J. Psychiatric Practice. 20(6):491–497 (2014). doi: 10.1097/01.pra.0000456600.96857.cb

    Hudson, C., Seeman, P., Seeman, M.V.: Parkinson’s disease: low dose haloperidol increases dopamine receptor sensitivity and clinical response. Parkinson’s Dis. 2014, Article ID 684973, 5 pages, (2014).

    Seeman, M.V.: Eating disorders and psychosis: Seven hypotheses. World J. Psychiatry. 4(4):112-119 (2014). doi: 10.5498/wjp.v4.i4.112

    Shamans Among Us. Schizophrenia, Shamanism, and the Evolutionary Origins of Religion. Polimeni, J. Can. J. Psychiatry. 59(2):115 (2014).

    Shaw, W. David


    The Ghost Behind the Masks: The Victorian Poets and Shakespeare (Charlottesville and

    London: University of Virginia Press, 2014), 285pp.


    "So What is Wisdom? Seeking Answers in Shakespeare, the Pragmatists, and Frost,"

    Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, March 26, 2015

  • Page 31 of 32

    Vranic, Mladen


    Adegoke OAJ, Bates HE, Kiraly MA, Vranic M, Riddell MC, and Marliss EB. Exercise in obese ZDF

    rats delays type 2 diabetes concurrently with modulation of amino acid metabolism and

    AKT/mTOR activation in skeletal muscle. European Journal of Nutrition, published online August

    13, 2014.

    Invited lecture

    2014: Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, Holocaust Education Week

    lecture, November 2014

    Teaching Activities:

    2014: Lectures on Exercise and Hypoglycemia for PSL425, Department of Physiology, University

    of Toronto, November 2014


    JDRF Grant

    Granted September 9, 2014 Year 1: Up to $157,559,00 Year 2: Up to $94,789,33 Total awarded: $252,348.33

    Grant Title: Preclinical drug development of somatostatin receptor 2 antagonists for the

    prevention of recurrent hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes.

    Co-Principle Investigators: Michael Riddell and Mladen Vranic

    Warkentin, Germaine Publications

    The Collected Writings of Pierre-Esprit Radisson. Volume 2, The Port Nelson Relations, Miscellaneous Writings, and Related Documents (2014). Toronto and Montreal: The Champlain Society and McGill-Queen’s University Press.

  • Page 32 of 32

    “Approaches to the Design of Petrarch’s Canzoniere” in Approaches to Teaching Petrarch’s Canzoniere, ed. Christopher Kleinhenz and Andrea Dini. (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2014), 32-38.

    “Dead Metaphor or Working Model? ‘The Book’ in Native America,” in Colonial Mediascapes: Sensory Worlds of the Early Americas, ed. Matt Cohen and Jeffrey Glover (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2014), 47-75.

    “The Roof-Climber: W.W. Greg in His Time and Ours,” The Book Collector 63.2 (Summer, 2014), 227-41.