Senior Research Paper

Stancil 1 Will Stancil Mrs. Tillery AP Literature 16 November 2011 A Gentleman’s Game To be an observer at a professional golf tournament is a truly magnificent experience. The moments of pure excitement and tension that ripple through the crowd of spectators that watch an athlete try to manage a golf shot that will either make him or ruin him only heighten the experience of the observers. The entire spectacle, ranging from the establishment of officials to manipulate and safe guard the athletes to the outings that reside on the golf course, if done correctly will generate excitement among spectators. Most spectators do not fully comprehend the full complexity and ingenuity that resides underneath the entire visible event. The event has to be orchestrated by planners that shape and mold the tournament into what it desired. That being said, one of the most paramount pieces of creating a respectable golf tournament relies on the pre-planning. Furthermore, pre-planning involves the purpose of the event, the organization, and the decorative. A golf tournament, no matter professional or local, the tournament needs to be striving for a distinct purpose. Comparing to any sporting competition, the purpose of the tournament is generally outlined, whether that is from fundraising to simply having competition. “An event without a clarified purpose is an event that has no definite goal and will otherwise fail” (Brennan1). The purpose of a golf event determines the entire scenario of the tournament, from the sponsors that support the event to the organizations that approve of the event. A clear purpose is a pure necessity that cannot be ignored or construed; it must be definite.



Transcript of Senior Research Paper

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Stancil  1    

Will Stancil

Mrs. Tillery

AP Literature

16 November 2011

A Gentleman’s Game

To be an observer at a professional golf tournament is a truly magnificent experience.

The moments of pure excitement and tension that ripple through the crowd of spectators that

watch an athlete try to manage a golf shot that will either make him or ruin him only heighten the

experience of the observers. The entire spectacle, ranging from the establishment of officials to

manipulate and safe guard the athletes to the outings that reside on the golf course, if done

correctly will generate excitement among spectators. Most spectators do not fully comprehend

the full complexity and ingenuity that resides underneath the entire visible event. The event has

to be orchestrated by planners that shape and mold the tournament into what it desired. That

being said, one of the most paramount pieces of creating a respectable golf tournament relies on

the pre-planning. Furthermore, pre-planning involves the purpose of the event, the organization,

and the decorative.

A golf tournament, no matter professional or local, the tournament needs to be striving

for a distinct purpose. Comparing to any sporting competition, the purpose of the tournament is

generally outlined, whether that is from fundraising to simply having competition. “An event

without a clarified purpose is an event that has no definite goal and will otherwise fail”

(Brennan1). The purpose of a golf event determines the entire scenario of the tournament, from

the sponsors that support the event to the organizations that approve of the event. A clear

purpose is a pure necessity that cannot be ignored or construed; it must be definite.

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Moreover, the mission statement of the event hinges on focus and accuracy. The purpose

of the event is the underlying theme of an event, but a mission statement should be included to

absolve all doubts and questions that a contender might have. “Having a mission statement that

can be measured and precise will drive a successful golf event” ( A

mission statement for a golf tournament, having no difference from any other, must have a clear

goal in mind. If there is no definite mission statement, or it lacks focus or drive, an event’s

success will only be hindered.

The purpose of the golf tournament must also be projected at the right audience. If the

event is focused on charity and fundraising, the golfers that the golf event is trying to snare are

mostly less serious golfers that only want to contribute for a cause. On the other hand, such golf

events that are for the sake of competition and reputation, the golfers that generally arrive are

serious and strive to champion the others. “The golf event must be steered to a certain audience if

the type of golf event demands it” (Fong1). With all that in mind, planners must take heed in the

direction the golf event is progressing. Capturing an audience(s) for a golf tournament is

compulsory in order to fully maximize success. Moving on, the right organization is crucial for a

golf tournament, mainly due its ability to maximize the group’s potential.

A functioning organization is key to the development and smooth-sailing that a golf

tournament yearns to achieve. ‘Organization’ is defined as “Something made up of elements with

varied functions that contribute to the whole and to collective functions”

( As anything in this world, having order among chaos is imperative to

achieve something. Having organization in planning for a golf tournament is fundamental to

succeed. The organization that incorporates inside a golf tournament should include persons that

would most benefit and maximize their potential abilities in that field. Assorting committees and

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subcommittees to the tournament would section out important details and bring order. These

committees would appropriately be manned with volunteers, people that have the time and

ability and determination to give all they can to the event. “Volunteers, not only are responsible

for their role in the pre-planning of the event, also are the manpower of the event, providing

support and answers to golf contenders”( The volunteers are paramount to

the event because the not only is the purpose of the event to gather support but to please and

satisfy golf contenders who paid money to be part of the golf tournament.

The organization should also focus on providing a sustainable system that is easily

navigable by golf contenders. When a player checks into the golf tournament, they must be

admitted and acknowledged of their presence. When a golf tournament is gargantuan, order and

easy navigability lessens problems that would otherwise exacerbate tournaments with a weak


A golf tournament should also rely on complimentary resources and nourishments. A

solid organization should focus on the satisfaction of the contender, providing nourishments and

tools to show gratitude of being present. “A varying amount of nourishment and complimentary

tools for golf contenders should be present and readily available” (Kelley1). A respectable

organization provides for the golfers, no matter if the supplies seem superfluous. Even more, the

awards and gifts that should be awarded are as important as well.

Speaking on the awards and contests, the organizational committees should consider the

different options that arise. A golf tournament might focus on a ‘scramble’ or ‘best ball’ or even

‘stableford.’ ” Although competition formats are used to find a victor, these formats are key to

everyone feeling like they are all winners” ( While it might be

confusing to non-golf enthusiasts, golf competition formats are no different from every other

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sporting competition because the sense of thrill and excitement is always there. However, the

most important factor that organizational committee has to acquire are the rules.

Rules are an important concept for almost everything in this world, and golf tournaments

are not exempt from this. Regulations and restrictions make up tournaments and they are

followed to the letter. The regulations provide support and something to hinge onto for safety

because it is like concrete: it is a foundation. For golf tournaments, they generally “follow USGA

Rules, which are comparable to the Judicial Branch concluding an issue and the land abides”

(Dill4). Just like any sport, golf follows regulations and guidelines that portray the sport.

However, it can be said that golf regulations are more stringent than most, and because of the

stringencies, golf is considered a ‘Gentleman’s Game.’

To fully engross a golf contender in a competition, prizes should be available to be

snatched. The gifts and awards do not even have to be major; these gifts should only need to be

enhancing the experience and excitement the golfers feel. “Providing contests to win prizes and

gifts are used everywhere for the main reason of that is works every time” (Newton1). These

contests and giveaways can be perfectly executed by a strong organization, made up of

volunteers, and keep the tournament exciting for everyone. People, no matter the subject, enjoy

winning prizes and having things that others do not have.

One major factor that the organizational committees have to consider is transportation. Of

course, the golf contenders will have to be given carts. When people arrive at a golf tournament,

they expect the best treatment because they paid for this service and assume the best will be

given. Smooth transportation lessens the botherations that might exacerbate the flow of

transportation on the golf course. Golfers generally enjoy a four to five hour golfing experience

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and become quickly vexed when there are complications on the course. Finally, there is the

decorative that catches a golfer’s eye.

Golf tournaments serve a purpose to gain revenue for charity or to gather more members.

For golf tournaments to gain reputation, however, there must be decorativeness that attracts a

contender. ‘Decorative’ is a word defined as “serving to embellish or decorate”

( An embellished object generally receives more attention than a

utilitarian object; making the connection, a golf tournament transversely works the same.

Planners must make the tournament inviting to golfers, otherwise people would not feel

welcome. Making guests feel welcome is imperative for them to come back every year to the

event and word will spread.

As for the setup, the restaurant should be decorated to suit the golf tournament.

Decorations in the restaurants should be respectable and professional. Volunteers would be used

as servers to serve golf contenders with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The servers need to be

recognizable as such, making them easy access for help from the guests. “The restaurant needs to

be efficient and orderly, because the guests will then feel like they are in a special competition

and they are top priority” ( When golf contenders arrive in a

restaurant to be witness of a place that is decorated and embellished to look the part, they will

feel important and therefore, enjoying the experience only so much more.

All in all, golf tournaments require pre-planning that involves many roles and

responsibilities. For a golf tournament to get off the ground, it must have a clear, definite

purpose. The mission statement must be honed in on the focus of the tournament, whether

charity or competition. Organization is central to the entire operation, requiring many different

roles of people. Organization can be argued to be the most demanding and for good reason. In

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finale, decoration only adds to the decorum, welcoming guests to the tournament with ease and

leaving the guest feeling satisfied of attending.

Works  Cited  

Brennan,  Cheri.  “Planning  a  Successful  Golf  Event.”  Editorial.  Nashville  Business  Journal.  Nashville,  26  

Aug.  2011.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  <­‐edition/2011/08/


“Decorative.”  Free  Dictionary.  Farlex,  2011.  Web.  17  Nov.  2011.  <


Dill,  Dirk.  Tournament  Information.  Dawsonville:  n.p.,  2011.  N.  pag.  Print.  

Fong,  Becky.  “Plan  Your  Golf  Fundraisers  Carefully  to  Avoid  the  Rough.”  Editorial.  Charity  Village.  N.p.,  

16  Apr.  1997.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  <>.  

“Golf  Event  Tips.”  Golf  Digest  Planner.  N.p.,  2011.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  <


Golf  Tournament  Association  of  America.  Course  Trends,  2011.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  


“How  to  Plan  a  Golf  Tournament.”  Pro  Golf  Fundraising.  PGF,  2011.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  


Kelley,  Brent.  “Golf  Tournament  Planning.”  Editorial.  About.Golf.  About,  2011.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  


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Newton,  Tom.  “Planning  a  Golf  Tournament.”  Rev.  of  How  to  Produce  a  Successful  Golf  Tournament,  by  

Phil  Immordino.  Great  Games  for  Golf.  N.p.,  2004.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  


“Organization.”  Free  Dictionary.  Farlex,  2011.  Web.  17  Nov.  2011.  <


“The  Ultimate  Golf  Outing  and  Event  Planning  Guide.”  The  Golf  Club  at  the  Resort.  Golf  Club  @  the  

Resort,  2010.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  <



“The  Ultimate  Golf  Tournament  Planner.”  Golf  Registrations.  N.p.,  Jan.  2008.  Web.  16  Nov.  2011.  
