Senior Connection - Netherwood Park Church Of Christ...writings of mercy and love. Each incident had...

- 1 - by Jim Guthrie Inside… Happenings ..........................10 Milestones ............................11 Movie Review .........................9 Wallers' Memorials...............12 Wallers' Psalm........................8 Williams' Poem.......................4 What is Going On ...................1 Senior Connection kmt Articles, News, and Activities Calendar for Senior Members at Netherwood Park Church of Christ May 2015 Volume 11 Issue 5 As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD This Friday May 15, 2015 Hosting: Dorthy Jones, Anne Weimer, and Zona White Decorations: Stephanie Lunsford and friends Catered Luncheon $7 each 11:30 am Catered Luncheon from J.R.’s Bar-B-Que 12:35 pm Devotional: Scott Nance What is Going On? Last Month's Luncheon We had a welcomed turnout for our, most enjoyed, fellowships of fifty-two for Sharing Our Love luncheon in April. Movie Attendance Our movie of May, “The Million Dollar Arm” was shown to an increasing number of eighteen! We, also enjoyed singing “Happy Birthday” and sharing cake, as May 1 was Mary Guthrie’s special day. It is always pleasing to show our love to, and for, each other when we get together in these events. We can continue to grow our love in attending the fellowships and encouraging one another in our works (individually and collectively).

Transcript of Senior Connection - Netherwood Park Church Of Christ...writings of mercy and love. Each incident had...

Page 1: Senior Connection - Netherwood Park Church Of Christ...writings of mercy and love. Each incident had a spiritual meaning of why my path led me to where I am at this moment. This psalm

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by Jim Guthrie

Inside… Happenings .......................... 10 Milestones ............................ 11 Movie Review .........................9 Wallers' Memorials............... 12 Wallers' Psalm ........................8 Williams' Poem .......................4 What is Going On ...................1


Connection kmt

Articles, News, and Activities Calendar for Senior Members at Netherwood Park Church of Christ

May 2015 Volume 11 Issue 5

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD

This Friday May 15, 2015

Hosting: Dorthy Jones, Anne Weimer, and Zona White Decorations: Stephanie Lunsford and friends

Catered Luncheon $7 each

11:30 am Catered Luncheon from J.R.’s Bar-B-Que 12:35 pm Devotional: Scott Nance

What is Going On?

Last Month's Luncheon We had a welcomed turnout for our, most enjoyed, fellowships of fifty-two for Sharing Our Love luncheon in April. Movie Attendance Our movie of May, “The Million Dollar Arm” was shown to an increasing number of eighteen! We, also enjoyed singing “Happy Birthday” and sharing cake, as May 1 was Mary Guthrie’s special day. It is always pleasing to show our love to, and for, each other when we get together in these events. We

can continue to grow our love in attending the fellowships and encouraging one another in our works (individually and collectively).

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Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day was observed May 10th, but we at the Connection take this opportunity to

extend our best wishes to all mothers. Memorial Service A memorial service for Lloyd (Lou) McIntosh will be given this Thursday, May 14th 11:00 A.M. in the scattered “Rose Garden” at Sunset Memorial Cemetery. Pam Beach (daughter) would appreciate your attendance. Our Condolences Seniors at Netherwood Park extend our condolences to the family of Bill and J.J. Roberts in their passing in January and April of this year. Even though they moved to Colorado about four years ago they were missed. Armed Forces Day Armed Forces Day is Saturday, May 16th. We give a special tribute to honor our military for their continued sacrifices they give us for the freedoms we enjoy. We are indebted to those who serve. Commemorative Connection A commemorative issue of the Connection celebrating our Tenth Anniversary is being planned. The issue will contain all questions/answers of “Ask David” and other favorite articles from our years of publication. You may have an article (or more) that you especially enjoyed that you would like to be placed in this special issue. Your participation is needed and most welcomed and appreciated. Please call Jim Guthrie 505-967-4865 .................... Deadline: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 ................................................................................ Issue date: August 9, 2015

Bill Williams Poetry Bill Williams has written a poem of his love for his Mom and her love for him, others, and life. Bill’s poem of his mother introduces us to Nana’s (Mom) biography story in poetry. Her life’s poetry will take you back to fond memories of your childhood -- a“must read”.


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“An Angel sent by God. I called her 'Mom'”

Love is life’s end, a mother,

All joy, all sweets, all happiness

Love is life’s wealth, rich by giving

Live to love and Love to Live, and

Like no other a mother.

I often walked her garden after she was gone

A cool brush on my cheek, a pull on a sleeve,

When I approached her favored one.

I bend to smell the fragrance there,

and remembered the dainty scent of a rose on her

cheek and in her hair.

O’ my Mother I miss her still,

My teacher, my mentor, my protector, my Mom

and when I read the things she wrote

From my eyes fall many tears.

She was my friend my confidante

She could heal all ills, and scrapes and bumps,

with but a kiss erase all tears

She loved all whom she met

and by all she was Loved.

And if you doubt the things of which I write,

Ask Linda to whom “Mom” was a mother.

By Bill Williams, May, 2015

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TO MY GRANDCHILDREN By Evelyn Williams, "Nana"

Let me tell you the story of your ’Nana’: She was quite a tom-boy, my dears, Trying so hard to imitate her brothers And having very few fears. Nana had a little sister (when she was only five) Who tried so hard to teach her To act more lady like. But naughty Nana, would run and romp And smudge her very best dress. Then sister would look so sad and say, “Oh, Jeb, you’re such a mess.” My sister was always so dainty, Hair bow crisply in place. To Nana she looked like an angel, Who had undoubtedly been misplaced.

Perhaps God thought so too, For He took her back to heaven; Far too precious for this world, When she was only seven. Nana ran to the barn to hide, Lest someone see her tears. I don’t think anyone ever knew But I still remember, after all these years. How lovely she was, with a beauty all most transparent She was so fair, lovely eyes so straight-forward Never did I see her wrinkled or spotted I can see her smile, ‘though her face held a mysterious sorrow. Was this my childish imagination? I’ll never know and can only guess. I’ve often wondered, why God left me, Was I more able to bear the world’s rough test?

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I grew up with a house full of brothers I could climb like a monkey and so, To the barns highest beam I’d climb And sail through the air to soft hay below. Go sliding down in wild tumbling And land on the floor with glee. No one on a high snowy slope Had more fun (than I) on their skis. I was my Dad’s “littlest girl” He’d lift me high to ride on his shoulder. so high above the world, No knight ever rode any bolder. School was a wonderful world to me. So many wonderful thoughts to explore I sailed each mile with Columbus, And went forth with each brave explorer. Tho’ limited were the years of school I still love to read and think, Of what each soul searches for, How exciting when they find what they seek. Dear Dad, passed on to a better world When I was a girl of eighteen. I missed him so, for I was still his girl And still a tomboy it seems. The last advice he gave to me, “Never marry until you meet the man You feel you can’t live without,” (I finally met the one then). I rode a horse like an Indian wild, And worked with the boys in the field. After a long dusty day, at haying time, We’d plunge clothes and all in the creek.

The older ones were married and gone Except my younger brother and I. We worked so hard in the hot noon sun One day, I was so frightened he’d die. I had driven us both on to finish a job, Until he in exhaustion fell And crawled in to the cool green hay to rest I was scared, he never knew, and I would never tell. T’was he, who brought a note from Lee Inviting me to go to a party; Then with stern, father like advice, said “He’s a nice guy, don’t be a smarty.” Lee and I were married in Thirty-three. He is still a nice guy (I’m still a smarty) I love him more dearly each day ‘tho life hasn’t always been a party. We had our family and loved them each one, How we enjoyed their childhood days. We picnicked, explored and traveled some, All of us together always. Now they are all grown and we grow old, We love them, each one more dearly. The new ones that into the family come I wish we could show our love for them more clearly. We wear with pride our snowy hair And the titles we have received, Nad for Lee, Nana for me, God has blessed us richly indeed.

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by Colysta Wallers

Thank You Lord…

The scriptural Psalms are powerful in that they are a personal,

communication from the writer’s inner being directly to God’s heart. Most

were written concerning deeply-felt personal problems, anguished calls for

help, or glorious praising of His almighty Name. They are different from

the prayers we pray today through Jesus’ name—as we are instructed in

Colossians 3:17 and Ephesians 5:20, giving thanks for all things in the

name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God…. Yet, today in their own right, they

are still useful as a means of communicating, especially in written form, to

praise and glorify our Heavenly Father. We understand that He is with the

ancient psalmists, is with us today, and He is with those in the future,

Revelation 4:8, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God, almighty who was and who is and who is to come.

A few years ago I was in a ladies’ class studying the book of Psalms. We were all so impressed

with the study that the teacher encouraged us to write one or more personal psalms connecting our hearts

with God’s. I left class that evening excited, but when I began to put words down on paper my brain hit a

brick wall. Since poetry comes easier for me and I had much practice having written a poem each week

for about six years for our Park’s Saturday morning coffees, I chose rhyming poetry for my first psalm.

Afterwards I sat down and reread David’s psalms and began to really understand what he was

saying to God. My second psalm came easier and developed into a life-opening autobiography of all the

disappointments of my childhood, as a young wife and mother, and on to my present age. However, as I

wrote each horror or tragedy, a word of hope came to my fingers and guided them into balance with

writings of mercy and love. Each incident had a spiritual meaning of why my path led me to where I am

at this moment. This psalm I shared with the Ladies’ Bible Class not long ago.

The last psalm came to my mind easier because of my thankfulness to God for always being there

for me and to praise His Holy Name for that comfort. That psalm is the one I chose to share with all of

you in this month’s newsletter. I am honored to be asked and allowed to participate in a small way to help

strengthen the faith of those around me by my written comments. Even though I have trouble

remembering what name belongs to which face, I have found great Christian love here at Netherwood

Park and am thankful to God for allowing Richard and me to live here.

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Thanksgiving to the Lord

I praise Your name in thanksgiving for wanting me and molding me in Your Image.

I praise Your Name in joy of everything You created by a mere word in the beginning of time.

As Your majestic trees reach their branches upward, I lift my arms heavenward toward You in


I sing praises to You along with the birds who cheerfully call out Your name in the early dawn.

The gurgling water bouncing softly over the rocks as they rattle Your name in praise calls me to

whisper my praises to You.

The sun melts slowly over the majestic mountains and rolling plains dipping its roundness into

the grayness of dusk causing my eyes to behold the beauty in Your glorious palette of color.

I gaze upon a child in awe of its miniature body, knowing You made it in perfection. I thank

You that I am also made in Your image—in an imperfect world, yet, I am allowed to strive

toward perfection—sometimes missing the mark, but looking up, I once again rely on You in my

deepest hour of need as well as in my gladness and my joy.

I have deep, heartfelt trust in You because Your Son came to redirect my life back to heaven

through His personal sacrifice for me.

Let Your gentle breezes whisper softly to me, Mighty God, and let the earth roar in Your anger

at the sins I have committed.

Thank You, O Wondrous Lord, for the dwelling place You have set before me, and the food You

have spread on my table that I might not suffer the elements of cold and hunger.

Take me home with You, O God when You are finished with me here on earth; for I am ready to

see the wonders that Your Son has prepared for me.

Again, I give You thanks for Your wondrous beauties in my life, but also for the chastisements

and discipline I need as I try to step in every hollow Your Son’s footprints make.

I praise You in thanksgiving, O Almighty God, for loving me!

Colysta Wallers, October 22, 2007

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by Laura Riehl

Movie Review

Hellcats of the Navy


Future "first couple" Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis made their only joint film appearance in Hellcats of the Navy. Ronnie plays Casey Abbott, commander of a WW2 submarine, while Nancy portrays navy nurse Helen Blair, Abbott's off-and-on girlfriend. During a delicate mission in which his sub is ordered to retrieve a revolutionary new Japanese mine, Abbott is forced to leave frogman Wes Barton (Harry Lauter) behind to

save the rest of his crew. But Abbott's second-in-command Don Landon (Eduard Franz) is convincing that Abbott's sacrifice of Barton was due to the fact that the dead man had been amorously pursuing Helen. The rest of the film is spent proving Abbott right and Barton wrong. Based on a true incident, submarine Commander Casey Abbott leads a daring mission to enter the heavily mined Tsushima Straits to sever a vital link between the Asiatic mainland and the Japanese home islands. Abbott charts the dangerous waters, destroys an enemy island installation and

sinks thousands of tons of enemy shipping. In the course of the operation, Abbott teaches the second in command, Lt. Commander Landon, the important difference between command decision and emotional reaction. Landon is put to the test when he must order a crash dive which leaves Abbot swimming alone in the trackless sea. When rescued, Abbot is cared for by nurse Blair (Nancy Davis) and now he too must test his own emotions. The real story is that Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, CINCPAC Pacific Theatre in World War II chose to make a personal appearance in this film about submarines. That's like having Eisenhower or MacArthur make a personal appearance in an army war film. Unheard of. Nimitz's background was in submarines and our submarine fleet may very well have been the tipping factor in the Pacific War. We did to Japan what the Nazis tried to do to Great Britain, cut off their raw material and food. Nimitz was no hypocrite however. He admitted as much during the Nuremberg trials and that fact saved the Nazi U-Boat commander Karl Doenitz from the hangman for war crimes.

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May Happenings Weekly:

Tuesday 5:30 pm Women of Truth Bible Study – FH Wednesday 7 pm Wonderful Wednesday

May 13 5:30 pm Wonderful Wednesday BBQ, followed by singing, ice cream

and fellowship May 14 6:30 pm Mary Martha groups end of the year meal – FH May 14 6:30 pm Ladies Game Night – Library (last one until September) May 15 11:30 am Senior Luncheon – FH May 16 8 am Area Wide Men’s Breakfast at Mountainside church of Christ.

Honoring our veterans for Armed Forces Day May 17 Singles Potluck (after second service) May 22 6:30 pm Singles Game Night @ Nancy Clements May 25 Office Closed – Memorial Day May 29 6:30 pm Book Club – Library – “The Book of Days” by James Rubart May 31 5:30 pm Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser for Impact Houston 2015 (more

details to follow) June Happenings Weekly:

Tuesday 5:30 pm Women of Truth Bible Study – FH Wednesday 7 pm Wonderful Wednesday

June 5 1:15 pm Senior Cinema June 6 9am-3:20 pm “Wilderness Escape” Vacation Bible School June 7 Aluminum Recycling June 8 7 pm Ladies Coffee at Flying Star on Paseo & Montgomery June 10 5:30 pm Wonderful Wednesday BBQ in gym, followed by singing and ice

cream June 14 Singles Lunch Out – after second service June 19 11:30 am Senior Luncheon – FH June 21 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY June 22 7 pm Ladies Coffee @ Flying Star on Paseo & Wyoming June 26 6:30 pm Singles Game Night @ Nancy Clements house June 27-July 1 Red River Family Encampment – Red River , New Mexico June 28 5 pm Summer Area-Wide followed by Taco Hut Dinner in gym

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May Charlie Clark 05/01 Dwight Marpel 05/22 Mary Guthrie 05/01 Buss Ingersoll 05/24 Rex Moore 05/03 Billie Rice 05/25 Betty Cochran 05/12 Steven Beach 05/29 John Walker 05/12 Angie Carder 05/31 Sheila Banks 05/20

June Prebble Alcon 06/01 Joe Rose 06/24 Robert Cannady 06/14 David Wilkins 06/27 June Barber 06/17 – 90 years Rick Martinez 06/30 Lewis Granados 06/21

May Rogers and Sylvia Mitchell 05/07/1974 41 years Scot and Paula Ruska 05/19/1984 31 years George and Billie Rice 05/24/1969 46 years David and LaNell Wilkins 05/26/1967 48 years Wesley and Wilma Lane 05/27/1956 59 years

June Bob & Stephanie Lunsford 06/04/1971 44 yrs Richard & Colysta Wallers 06/17/1955 60 yrs Duane & Jackie Miller 06/05/1948 67 yrs Dwight & LuAnn Marpel 06/17/1972 43 yrs Buss & Carol Ingersoll 06/06/1970 45 yrs John & Sheryl Arvey 06/19/1964 51 yrs Richard & Dixie Cantrall 06/07/1970 45 yrs John & Vanita Southerland 06/21/1980 35 yrs Ross & Chrystine Hinshaw 06/07/1942 73 Yrs Jim & Mary Guthrie 06/25/1960 55 yrs Tilden & Sheryle Kuhnley 06/09/1969 46 yrs Arden & Nyla Guernsey 06/26/1953 62 yrs Arthur & Peggy Conard 06/12/1972 43 yrs

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MEMORIALS We honor our country through war after war. Our forefathers lead us—a full-stage encore.

History reminds us of brave-hearted souls.

Who fought through the horrors of playing their roles.

Nations are important; our freedom we share. But our biggest battle—evil—everywhere.

Christians confront Satan constantly each day.

If he cannot kill us, he lures us away.

Our memorial stands for Netherwood church, Since 1952… according to research.

They stood up to evil, their feet not as clay

Three hundred-plus Christians, their faith on display

They’ve gone on to heaven to be with our Lord. For Christ conquered Satan, and that’s their reward.

So today remember how precious the cost.

For those gone before us… without one life lost.

—Colysta Wallers, April 27, 2015 ©May not be copied in any form or media without the written consent of the author.

The above Memorial poem written by Colysta Wallers will be for the honoring, remembrance, and works

of our brothers and sisters of Netherwood Park who have passed away since the beginning of our

congregation in 1952. Shortly, we will be researching the archives of Netherwood (mainly the bulletins)

to complete the memorial. When completed, this memorial will be placed on Netherwood’s website.

Jim Guthrie

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by Karen Talley

Let’s Get Personal

Correction: Last month I wrote, " If you have difficulty dragging the mouse across specific text to select it, try placing the cursor at the beginning of the text and using your right arrow key () or down arrow key () to make the selection." For this to work correctly you must hold down the Shift key while moving with the arrow keys.

Living in the South with Leta Well, here it is 5:30 am and I have been awake for a couple of hours already. So I decided to send an update of my life here in Alabama. I had forgotten how quickly the green-up happens here. My windows look out to the south at the intersection of the Atlanta Highway and Wares Ferry Road. All winter I have been watching the cars coming and going. In a matter of a few days the trees have leafed out completely, and I can no longer see the intersection. The dogwoods and azaleas have been beautiful along with all the other blooming plants. My car has had a covering of yellow pollen and my eyes were itching like crazy. But we have had a few days of rain so much of the pollen is washed off the cars and my eyes are better. I was glad for the cleansing rain but now I long to see some sunshine. I sure miss New Mexico's many sunny days. Sometimes here, even if it is not raining the skies are still overcast. I am hearing a bird call and I have not been able to identify it. I hear it all the time but have not seen it. Maybe someone will be able to tell me what it is. There are a lot of mocking birds here and in a few weeks I will hear them singing all night. I got a call from Louise Pitts on Wednesday. She will be traveling through Montgomery today, April 17, and we plan to meet for a little while and catch up with each other. It will be good to see her again after so long a time. Wish I could see all of you out there. "Til next time, Leta Bassham

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Catered BBQ Luncheon This Friday at 11:30 am Please come and join us

Schedule: Catered Luncheon and Fellowship Devo: Scott Nance

Deadline for information for the

June ISSUE is June 9, 2015

Netherwood Park Church of Christ 5101 Indian School Road NE (I-40 at San Mateo exit) Albuquerque, NM 87110

May Senior Connection