Send Your Hill Giant On Over - …

Red Rover Red Rover v2.0 Send Your Hill Giant On Over 1347 x 4 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 5 x 1 x 4 x 12 x 4 Symbols & Graphics Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007 Days of Wonder, Inc. Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.

Transcript of Send Your Hill Giant On Over - …

Red Rover Red Rover v2.0Send Your Hill Giant On Over


x 4x 1

x 1x 1

x 1x 5

x 1x 4

x 12x 4

Symbols & Graphics Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007 Days of Wonder, Inc.Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.

Historical Notes

BriefingWhile practicing his lore-prayers, court priestCleophus accidentally miscast a Hills-Rumble spelland caused the castle's right rampart to completelycrumble. Seeing this weakness in the castle'sdefense, Jacob the Liar decides the time is right toattack. An unexpected bonus is that the rubblecontains huge chunks of stone and mortar that canbe hurled directly into the castle grounds - if onlythe Liar can get his Hill Giant to the heapingdebris.

Special RulesIf the Hill Giant reaches the Rock Pile, his firstpriority is to wreak havoc upon the castle. Heattacks as usual (3d), but now scores hits onlywhen a lore is rolled. Each hit earns apennant-banner victory medal. The Hill Giant canalso make normal Rock Pile attacks if he chooses.

The river is impassable except at the bridge and theford.

Jacob the LiarDuke of Johliete

X 3+Victory Conditions



Hill Giant

Sir EllwudViceroy of Kallu Mett

X 3+Victory Conditions



Level 1+

Symbols & Graphics Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007 Days of Wonder, Inc.Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.