Sencro '13 Yearbook



Year book for the simulation of the egyptian national child rights observatory 2013

Transcript of Sencro '13 Yearbook

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Our slogan in 2011 was : “Break their chains.. Stand for their rights !”

Our slogan in 2012 was : “Stand for their rights.. Think of our future !”

Our slogan for 2013 is :”Think of our future, Empower their generation!”

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For me, a second year is about to be over with SENCRO, a sec-ond year full of joy, happiness, friends and full of achievements. Today I remember last year when I was still a facilitator in Education Council and my midterms in the first semester were each Friday (the same day as SENCRO’s session) from 10 to 11 am, so I try to get done with exam before time and I run on the street to take the subway to Cairo University so I can catch the last 60 minutes in the session. For several times I think why would I do that? But I found out that I feel home at SENCRO.

Hussien MorsiPresident SENCRO’13

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ــر ــد member( دى اخ ــنpresident لح ــه م ــى اى حاج ــم ف ــا معاك )ان Head ولفــت الدنيــا ورســيت انــى بقيــت SENCRO’12كلمــه قولتهــا لOC يــارب اكــون كنــت قــد المســؤليه الكبيــره دى بالرغــم انــى عــارف ان

فيــه تقصيــر كبيــر.ــويه ــى ش ــش عل ــويه قف ــى ش ــزار عل ــويه ه ــى ش ــغل عل ــويه ش شــاس ــت ن ــى وعرف ــى حيات ــا ف ــنه قضيته ــى س ــا احل ــدت علي ــب وع لعكتيــر هايفضلــو اعــز نــاس فــى حياتــى مهمــا عشــت ومهمــا قابلــت وكل واحــد فــى الteam هافضــل فاكــره بموقــف حصــل بينــى وبينــه يخلينــى

ــاهوش . مانساتعلمــت الســنه دى ان القيــاده ال تأتــى اال بأقتنــاع االشــخاص بــك وان ياخــذوا الفرصــه فــى تحمــل المســؤليه الن القائــد الناجــح هــو الــذى يعــد

قــاده وليــس تابعيــن.واتعلمــت ان فــى االختــاف مــش كفايــه ان فكرتــك تبقــى قويــه االهــم

انــك تعــرف تقنــع االخريــن بهــا. Be flexible, good listener believe in yourself

ــص ــه تخل ــى حاج ــب ف ــن التع ــى م ــش احل ــى هللا الن مفي ــوكل عل وتــك هلل. ــا نيت فيه

Mohamed Maatok Head Oc

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simulation ــي ده ــوا ل ــنين و قال ــن 3 س ــن “SENCRO” م ــمعت ع ســدم ــت وهللا اق ــه قل ــي في ــاس صحاب ــرف ن ــت اع ــال و كن ــم باألطف بيهت member public“ ــي ــت ف ــا قدم ــده. وفع ــوف ك ــة و اش ــنة الجاي الس Spirit انبســط الســنة و بصراحــة , عــدت ”relations SENCRO’12ــنة ــم الس ــي ياري ــي “حتقدم ــي Closing بق ــت ف ــة. جي ــت وهمي كانــا يســهل =(”. و يشــاء القــدر ان ادخــل ــة ؟ أل مــش عارفــة , ربن الجاي SENCRO’13 :D عرفــت نــاس جديــدة بقــوا جزء من حياتي, اكتشــفت ــي ــدر اعملها.خل ــل ان اق ــش اتخي ــي مكنت ــي نفس ــدة ف ــات جدي حاجدايمــا عنــدك هــدف قــدام عنيــك عايــز تحققــه. SENCRO يعنــي نــاس

هدفهــا تســعد طفــل و تفرحــه مــن قلبــه.

Reem Beshr Vice Head Oc Vice Head PR

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My dream was to study something related to children so i could help them but, i ended up studying business, until last year when 2 girls came & talked to me about SENCRO and it was a sign that i don’t need a degree to help children & that god is showing me another path to fulfill my dream, meet extraordinary people and have a life-changing experience that’s why SENCRO is not.just a student activity….. It’s somewhere you could belong toLast but not least A BIG FAT THANK YOU to my COPEians انتوا ــب كله الح

Yasmeen MokhtarVice Head Oc Head Cope

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SENCRO it’s not just a model , it’s a big family where tears and joy are shared , meeting and working with people who won’t be forgotten . Last year I was a reception committee member , learned a lot , had fun from things that make SENCRO special is the spirit . It’s really great seeing SENCRO glowing year after year , seeing people appreciating our goals , work , effort and encouraging us to keep going and moving forward. IsA SENCRO’14 will be more successful. I’m lucky to be part of that team.Proud of my special team members <3 and definitely of my vice .

SENCRO isn’t just a model it didn’t all revolve around work it was a family from the beginning SENCRO was my second home, it always gives me the impact that we are a very close and connected family I’ve spent a lot of time in it and i enjoyed spending every time with every-one of my honorable membersHard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all.

Menna El-Rouby Head R&E

Ahmed MagdyVice Head R&E

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It’s my second year in SENCRO , so really words cannot express what am feeling , as the two years have passed full of happiness , fun and even hard times… I’ll never forget every single moment I enjoyed with each and every one in SENCRO and the amazing spirit that always pushes me forward! Thanks all of you, I have learned a lot… A very special thanks to my amazing team, you really made me proud… Simply SENCRO’13 for me is “Best Memories, Best Friends and a Whole Life <3! “

SENCRO for me was my second family, I know through it a lot of peo-ple each one of them taught me a lot of things that help me to become better person , I enjoy each single moment (our outings(elmatra2a3a), opening ,events, our meetings ) ,I love my faculty because it gave me the chance to know SENCRO and enjoy this experience ,for my team u were the best team ever ( u always make me proud <3), at the end I thank the high board really u always support and motivate us ,so u help us to complete this chapter(SENCRO 13)

Tahany AymanHead Coordination

Gehad KhaledVice Head Coordintation

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When SENCRO first joined the other models in FEPS I thought ”NOT ANOTHER MODEL”. But SENCRO isn’t just any other model, within it I was able to benefit the children and help obtain a better community. It really does feel good to participate in making a child’s life better and save him from the destiny that awaits him and SENCRO doesn’t just change the children’s lives, it changes your own as well that is why I am grateful and thankful for taking part in it .

انــا عــارف ســينكرو مــن زمــان بــس مفكرتــش أدخــل فيــه .....و دخلــت ســينكرو بالصدفــه حاســيت انــى مــش هكــون مبســوط ..بــس اكتشــفت انــى ــه ــى قضي ــم ف ــان بيتكل ــه ..علش ــن Model دخلت ــان و ان ده احس ــت غلط كنمهمــه و هــي االطفــال طبعــا كنــت خايــف مبقــاش مــع النــاس أوى ..بــس لمــا ــا ال team بتاعــي ــر .. طبع ــاس كتي ــت ن ــى وعرف ــت حســيت بجــو عائل دخل

ــا ــى مظبطن ــى ال vice ال ــا يخل ــو اوى و ربن ــد هلل كان حل الحم

Lamiaa MahgoubHead Fundraisng

Mostafa GamalHead PR

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I was lucky to be a part of SENCRO ‘13 and shared every single mo-ment in this amazing year as head OD and this is my second year in SENCRO as I believe that SENCRO means to me a lot it’s not just a model. During this year I’m sure that every one left a print, built a block and learned something that will never forget.

ــاس عارفاهــا .. بــس محــدش بيتصــرف ــك عــارف المشــكلة وكل الن الفكــرة إنلحلهــا !!

إحنا قررنا منقعدش ساكتين و نحاول نحلها و بنحلها فعا .. بتهيألــى الدنيــا هيبقــى ليهــا معنــى لــو بتعمــل حاجــة مؤثــرة فيهــا زى إنقــاذ األطفــال و توعيــة الشــباب بيهــا وهيبقــى ليهــا معنــى لــو عنــدك مــكان بتاقــى

فيــه كل الموجوديــن مهتميــن و واعييــن بالقضيــة.SENCRO مــكان بيجمــع شــباب يطــوروا مــن حياتهــم ويغيــروا مجتمعهــم

عشــان مســتقبلهم ينــور :((

Azza SalemHead Busy Bees

Rana Saeed Head Press

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ــا ــا كنــت قاعــد علــى القهــوة زيــى زى أى مواطــن مصــرى و كان قاعــد معاي أنواحــد معايــا فــى الكليــة بــس اول مــرة اقعــد معــاه قالــى انــا president نمــوذج ــده وال ــرش تدخــل حاجــة ك ــة القاهــرة اســمه SENCRO مابتفك ــى جامع فايــه و شــرحلى الدنيــا و قــد كان ادينــا اهــو بنكتــب ال yearbook بتــاع الســنه .ــرة بتفكرهــا ــا او كل فك ــك تبقــى عــارف ان كل حاجــة بتعمله ــل ان شــئ جمي

ــا وهللا ــا بختن ــر فــى ســلوك طفــل و مســتقبله ... ي حتأث

To My Committee Mehrez, Ra’if, Saeed and Mobarak You are my heroesTo My New Family I met in SENCRO I love You All .

أنا دخلت سينكرو بالصدفة .. ــه ــت اعــرف إي ــا وال كن ــدة .. طبع ــز ادخــل فــي حاجــة جدي ــي أول الســنة عاي ــت ف كنســينكرو دي ، و دخلــت ســينكرو و قعــدت فتــرة مــش فاهــم أنــا فيــن و بعمــل هنــا

إيــه, بــس كنــت متأكــد إن فــي حاجــة غريبــة فــي المــكان دا حاجــة بتخلــي كل إلــي فــي ســينكرو جواهــا روح حلــوة, الحاجــة دي خلتنــي افكــر أنــا

هنــا ليــه و ســينكرو دي موجــودة ليــه..و مــن هنــا بــدأت قصتــي مــع ســينكرو .. مــكان اتعرفــت علــى نــاس جميلــة بتحــب الخيــر .. مــكان و انــت فيــه هتحــس انــك بتغيــر حاجــة مهمــة فــي بلــدك لاحســن .. انــا

قلتهــا قبــل كــدا إلــي بــرا ســينكرو انــت فايتــك كتيــر أوي .

Adham AshrafHead Media & IT

Islam MehrezVice Head Media & IT

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SENCRO is not just a model or an organization to empower children with their rights. it is much more like community with a true meaning of family .I have been there for 3 years , I learned a lot , made friendships which may last for lifetime hopefully , had tons of memories .It was just like a road trip , where u meet with the newbies and gather wiz the oldies and work on the one mission SENCRO has which is better future for our children

Sarah AttefHead RC

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So third time to write in SENCRO’s yearbook and always hard as the first time, I am feeling like a mum watching her little kid growing up year after a year. But this year, the magic happens, even after gradu-ating and working, I still can’t leave SENCRO. Being a part of my life, I feel so happy and alive while participating in SENCRO. Our Family became bigger, our goal is greater. Hopping to see the future of SEN-CRO and our children brighter, I will always participate even after 50 years (law rabeina 2edana 3omr :P)At the end, I can’t and I will never forget our Education council 2013, you are all amazing and unforgettable team and I learn a lot from each one of you guys…I love you all and we will continue our project Let’s do it … WE ROCK

When you have a message and believe in it , you are driven by it and find yourself committed and dedicated with out getting orders from nothing except your message. SENCRO was the place where I enjoyed working , playing , networking and all other sorts of activities .It’s the place that we all believe in its message and committed to by nature. Thank you SENCRO for making me feel that my existence matters

Salma ZaghloulPresident Education council

Alyaa MohamedRapporteur Education Council

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SENCRO means to me the family , Really I have enjoyed this experience, I am proud that I was part of SENCRO in 2012 and part of it in 2013 as well .Because simply I love the spirit of all the people in SENCRO and I hope that I have added something to SENCRO :D

You have no idea what you’re capable of until you try,SENCRO gave me the chance of trying & I was able to discover things I’ve never known about myself, I’ve never learned that just putting a smile on a child’s face is priceless.Am proud to be SENCROian :D

Heba Abd El MoniemDirector Education Council

Hend Aboul NagaModerator Education Council

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SENCRO actually became one of my main sources of happiness, pre-paring for my delagats, waking up to go for the session, seeing people working for such an amazing cause which was a source of motivation.SENCRO is a LIFE CHANGING experience.I Know i’m lucky because i’m a SENCROian

Although I’ve worked in so many places and been in so many posi-tions, SENCRO added something to me nowhere else did. I’ve learned the true meaning of family and the true meaning of responsibility. I remember my first session when I was running everywhere, trying to fix everything and make it work, that day I knew how hard it is to pull the sessions off and what journey lies ahead. I enjoyed this so much, thank you SENCRO.

Sarah Maharem Director CCJ Council

Hend AminRapporteur SSC Council

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I have a very unique experience in Social Security Council; I am a sec-retariat and a coordinator for the council. I didn’t miss a session; I just couldn’t miss an opportunity to meet those dedicated colleagues and work with them. We had one goal: “To provide orphans a better life”. We put tears and blood in order to achieve what we wanted and I can finally proudly say: WE DID IT! Go for your dream no matter how far or difficult it seems. Believe!

I came across SENCRO’s familial atmosphere coincidentally 2 years ago. It turned out to be one of a kind as it tends to profoundly discuss, & rectify erroneous misconceptions of the Egyptian child rights, shed-ding light on the inhibitory factors that have lead to the child domestic labor, & other critical social issues, which is something I›ve always aspired to work upon.

Dina RadwanDirector SCC Council

Yasmine Khaled R&D Director

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SENCRO is a happy family, people that you know for some months, but you feel that you know them for years. I hope to be together. The best memories the best activity, best life meaning SENCRO

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, and the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” Shel SilversteinI loved this place since I joined it for its ability to change the impossible into reality. Finishing this year I was a part of this miracle which is SENCRO.

Yasmine YasserFinancial Coordinator

Mostafa HussienFinancial Coordinator

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لو لم اكن من سينكرو , لوددت ان اكون من سينكرو !ســينكرو مــش مجــرد نشــاط طابــي , ســينكرو بيــت و عيلــة و أصحــاب و روح

و حيــاة ...المــكان ده حققــت فيــه حلــم مــن أحامــي , انــي أرســم الفرحــة على وشــوش

أطفــال عايشــة فــي الشــارع و أعلمهــم و أحــاول أرجعهــم البيــت ألهلهم ...ــع ــة دي م ــت التجرب ــي عش ــكان ده , و ان ــي للم ــي بنتم ــي ان ــد نفس بحســا ــان كن ــأوى )زم ــا م ــال ب ــي حــل مشــكلة أطف ــي بســاهم ف ــال , و ان االطفبنقــول عليهــم أطفــال شــوارع( , و أكيــد هفضــل مكمــل فــي ســنكرو حتــى بعــد

مــا اتخــرج ... سينكرو فكرة , و الفكرة ال يمكن تموت.

Although this is not my first year in SENCRO, I had a one-of-a-kind experience this year. As I went up the stairs from being a delegate to a secretariat and finally to a member in the High Board of 2013, respon-sibilities increased and stress ignited; people left and people came. Yet, the harder the times became, the stronger the bond grew between us as SENCRO; and no matter what happens, you will always remain my family! Special thanks to my best friend, Sarah Attef, Head RC. You ’re my hero!

Mohamed EnanyTanweer Project Manager

Mariam IMMEx- Vice Head RC

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Unfortunately my experience with SENCRO was short due to some health issues :D . But through that short time I met some amazing people and had a good time. I felt like doing something that matters, something that affects children’s lives and at the same time have lots of fun.

Special thanks for those who helped us this year in starting our team and setting the basement for our

work. Thank you Aya Abo Zeid (Graduate Advisor), Moataz El-Sayed (Ex- Head Busy Bees) and Mohsen

Ahmed (Ex- Tanweer Project Manager)

Inas MamdouhEX- Head OC

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I Participated in SENCRO Busy Bees Ahmed Mahmoud DabourAmir Ibraheem AmmrNada El-SayedMahinour Ahmed Maha El-BathyMarwa SaadMona SaadMenna AzabawyEman Moustafa Ro’a RagabShrook AshrafNourhane shoukryNourhane Mahmoud

CoordinationHazem Mahmoud Gaber Mahmoud Magdi Dina Mohsen Radwan Tawa Saeid Alaa Abdelkhalik Mayar El alfy

CopeSarah Abd el-hamidWafaa RedaHadir AlyDoaa HanyAmani El-Galaly Ahmed HassanAhmed AtiyaAhmed El-Shemy

FundraisingAhmed nagehmaysaa Mahmoudmenna aminMohamed syamradwa emadramy abo el dahabIslam hossamseif ahmed

Media & ITAhmed Ra’ifAhmed Said Mahmoud Mobarak

PRAhmed SayedMohammed TahaNada NaderAbd El-Rahman MosaadYomna MohammedMostafa RaafatFairouz El-Wazeir

PressAla’ssmaa Muhammed HaniIsraa Aman Mayada MagdyMenna Al-KosheiryAbd el-rahman SayedNada Mohammad

Yamine TolbaSalma TarekMostafa Abd El-Shafy Omar Mohammed

Reception Donia Abbass Mariam Hamdy Merna Ayman Rana Roshdy Asmaa’ Fayssal

Tanweer ProjectAhmed El-hakimAhmed Ezzat Alaa Abdulmohsen Amira SalamaAmr AminAya El-Ghitty Aya El-ShemyDoha Khaled

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Esraa NabilHuda Hussien Islam Adel Mai El-RoubyManal SeaoudyMarwa Mostafa Moutaz Saed Mohamed Osama Mohamed SalahMostafa Mahmoud Nourhan GodaRania Reda Taghreed BahaaToka YehiaMenna Medhat Yassen Montaser Yousra Abd El-Mohsen Youssef Anani

Education CouncilNermine Hussein Nermine Emad Reham Mohamed

Ahmed Samy Marwa taher Nadia Alaa-el dinMai Magdy Dalia H.Amer Omnia samy Sara GamalMohamed osama Ahmed Hassan Sarah hazem Reda wafi Iman wafi

SSCAmira Adel Kamal El DalyRawda Mohamed El SawyYara Ahmed KhalilMai Amin FahmeyHadeel Ismail Ismail Salama

Ahmed AdelAlaa KhaledYehia Abd El Rahman El GazzarManal Abd El Hamid

CCJHesham SolimanAhmad RaaifMai MostafaSama El bardieAmal El Abbase

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