Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti

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  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


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    Senate to vote on U.N. Treaty: Rights of Persons with


    Monday, Dec 3, 2012 at 3:33 PM EST

    Glenn has been trying to take a break and recharge from politics because of how

    trying he believe the next four years are going to be. But today he had to get back in

    the game.

    Glenn explained to his radio audience this morning that tomorrow the Senate will vote

    on the U.N.s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

    I urge you to call the Senate and beg them to vote against this, Glenn emphasized.

    Later adding, This will impact every parent and every every parent of a disabled

    child and every disabled person in America. Let alone the world. It is already

    passed the Senate committee. It is about to go to the floor of the Senate and it must

    be stopped.

    Only 34 senators are needed to block the treaty that in Article 18, Section 2 states

    that all children with disabilities shall be registered immediately after birth.

    Why are we registering children with disabilities? Glenn questioned.

    Being the father of a disabled child, Glenn also emphasized that America has great

    programs and opportunities for people with disabilities. If we want to improve what we

    are doing for these individuals even more, we dont need to go to the U.N..

    Lets have that conversation and fix it ourselves, he emphasized.

    The U.N. resolution also states that these children shall have the right from birth to a

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  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


    name, the right to acquire a nationality, and, as far as possible, the right to know and

    be cared for by their parents.

    While there probably are countries where a baby born with a disability is not

    provided these things, America is certainly not one of them.

    Glenn explained that, As far as possible the right to know and be cared for by their

    parents. What that will be a lawsuit ready to happen. If you give up a disabled child

    because you cant handle, I cant be the parent of a disabled child. For some reason

    you cant handle it, if you give that child up for adoption to a loving family well you

    have a right to know and be cared for your parents. You can sue those parents for

    not taking care of you.

    Essentially a parent who may have given their child up for adoptions would have to

    take them back and take care of them or pay up. At least on the surface level, this

    would make it incredibly hard on an adoptive family or to adopt these children at all.

    Glenn characterized the U.N.s CRPD as being pro-abortion, comparing it to a story

    on the UKs healthcare system that Glenn discussed last week where sick and

    disabled newborn babies are being put on death pathways. And unfortunately for us,

    this is the same healthcare plan much of Obamacare was modeled after.

    Your friends didnt listen when we had there were death pathways or death panels,

    and coming this June it officially starts the way you get kidneys (for a

    transplant) is changing. If you need a kidney transplant, good luck with that. You

    better be the right person and the right age. The elderly are not going to get them.The youth are not going to get them. Its going to be the 40-something that have the

    best odds putting more into the system than they take, Glenn said.

    We are living in a time now where reality has consequences.

    Glenn urged listeners to call their Senator and encourage them to block the U.N.

    Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. You can reach the Capitol

    Switchboard by calling this number: 202-224-3121.

    l snowleopard (cat folk gallery)

    The UNs CRPB is nothing more than a globalist expansion over

    the sovereignty of nations to govern themselves and their people. I have

    contacted Senators Kyle and McCain, and hope they vote against this

    abomination of a treaty.

    Its far past time to get the UN out of our nation, out of our territory and

    especially out of our business once and for all.

    l snowleopard (cat folk gallery)

    Understand well all of you who voted again for Obama, this is the beginning of

    a legacy of eugenics programs: compared to the madness and outright evil of

    Nazi Germany, this will be many orders of magnitude worse if allowed to


    It shall become a means of population control, in which the life of one person

    is considered worthless next to the collective.

    All of you who wanted Obama wished forfree stuff in exchange for your

    freedom, so be it, you have a king and a tyrant now, and soon will see the full

    truth of his evil. May God have mercy on your souls.

    I and my house will serve only the Lord, and I will not comply, I will not besilent, I will not bow down willingly to any man.

    l landofaahs

    Does this mean liberals are in trouble? I mean, liberalism is a mental

    disorder. Is this the way to protect retarded liberals or abort them?

    l landofaahs

    The liberal UN are thieves and liars. Is it so surprising they would be
  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


    murdering pigs also?

    l landofaahs

    When the coming crash comes and the nation splits as history indicates a

    great chance of sadly, those new countries will not have signed on to the UN

    BS. I hate to see it happen. We threw away freedom for being taken care of.

    l Sam Fisher

    This is all about with Article 18, Section 2 states that all children with

    disabilities shall be registered immediately after birth. It all about knowing

    where they are so they someday can kill them out ofcompassion we must

    not let the U.N. kill these people. They are living human beings and deserve to

    live. It time to wake up. We must get away from the U.N. before it is too late.

    l Draxx

    The U.N. is the New Mafia Kill Guido he is no longer useful to us and he

    knows too much for our own safety

    l Draxx

    I believe it is too late for the Fools Out There, they will live and die in complete

    ignorance or stupidity We have to make sure that they do not take us with


    l James


    Well I love how they are looking at this so one sided. Yes, it does seem oddthat they are given rights to a name here in America but in different parts of

    the world, disabled people are often discriminated against. In many cultures

    they are shunned from society, its pretty sad actually.

    l Kanak Attack

    Forget about whats in the treaty. Why are we voting on a bill proposed by

    the U.N at all??? The U.N has no say in the laws of our country.

    l Anonymous

    This is important, I already contacted my Senator and others about this issue,

    I encourage you to do the same

    l christopher mahoney

    The UN was not established to regulate such domestic matters, but rather to

    promote international peace.

    l Danny Tonty

    I thought this was to help make other countries have laws like Americans with

    Disabilities Act (ADA) signed in 1990 by George. H.W. Bush? In some other

    countries persons with disabilities are not respected and valued as they are in

    America. It would change nothing in the U.S., but shows we support the rights

    and liberties of disabled people in other countries?

    l Jerry Reames

    those bastards dont need to know who has disabilities or anything else justmore government intrusion

    l Anonymous

    Doesnt anyone remember that this is what happened in Hitlers Germany?

    Has this part of WWII history been whitewashed?? It wasnt just the Jews that

    were persecuted but the the helpless and the God fearing as well.

    All I can do since the election is pray Dear God forgive us as a nation and

    return your blessing to this land.

    l Anonymous

    This is truely disgusting. Why does the UN have to be Involved/ When we

    phone our elected, I suggest telling them the UN needs to be out of this

    country. Knowing many cutbacks are planned by the Obama team, it certainly

    slaps us in the face when we read the latest attack on our freedoms and

    rights. Pass this article to everyone on your email list and especially to the

    liberals you know. Then get on the phone and CALL your senator.

    l 4violet25

    This is another disregard for our Constitutionality that has been undermined

    by degrees I am sure we are going to be truly disgusted to find out, all under

  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


    the guise of this administration who has been waiting to wield any form of

    socialist/communist agenda thats been well pre planned.

    I cant contact our Senate reps,, their offices tell you politely or not, that they

    are voting with the agenda, been that way for over 12 years.

    Todays news indicates that the UN cant control or relate to the simplest

    judgement for handling serious warmongering issues particularly with Syria,

    pulling out their forces because of the use of Syrias chemical agents now in

    their bombing of their own people. So this is in fact a form of muslim against

    muslim ethnic cleansing but since its started the UN has done exactly what.

    Now we will have them tell us to live and obey under their rules by whose

    Executive Orders with or without this Senate, who believes that we cant

    understand how serious this was prior to the election.

    How did Obama allegedly win this past election is difficult to believe on behalfof myself and other Democrats many who for the first time in their lives didnt

    vote Democrat, but this alleged decree involving the UN is a violation of our

    nations sovereignty, why arent there millions standing up and screaming from

    the rooftops about this vote and its failure to even comply with our Bill of

    Rights. Who has survived WWII that wouldnt see through this rhetoric.

    Its dumbfounding.

    l Joe

    I see this as international law abridging the the laws of the United States. I

    forget what Supreme Court Justice that agrees that international law should be

    used in appeals to higher courts. Not a lawyer but something really smells


    l Anonymous

    Every law passed or treaty signed that abridges the rights of We the People,

    has been enacted in treason and in violation of the Oath of Office. Public

    trials and punishment NOW will prevent any more of this nonsense!

    l Anonymous

    I worked last year in a unit for autistic high school students. They all had

    struggles just to come to school and make it through a day. But everyone of

    them had some mental and emotional gift to enrich those around them and our

    world. One wrote the most thoughtful and beautiful poetry, another could fix

    almost any electronic device, another became a skilled digital photographer.

    If they had not had SPED help through their lives no one would have learned

    of their talents. We must keep the U.N. and their Muslim philosophy out of the

    U.S. and our lives.

    l Anonymous

    I sent them e-mails but my two senators are A Number One Prime Time

    Obama Lap Dogs. They will vote any way he tells them to vote. In every

    elction they get all the free loader votes because they will always vote to keep

    the food stamps and welfare checks coming. They know what side of the

    bread their b utter is on and it isnt on the conservative side.

    l Anonymous

    You didnt watch the vid. clip I posted did you Glen.

    l Bumpkin


    Its all about UN Agenda 21. Our POTUS and Co understand that THEY cannot

    be the ones to tell us of the changes they are making to embrace the One

    World Government, headed by the UN. Thats like a parent trying to tell their

    teen they are changing the house rules. Obamacare is all about agenda 21,

    too. They will, if they havent already, mandate that in order to keep

    insurance, you have to accept ALL the immunizations and shots they deem

    necessary, or either pay a fine or lose your insurance, maybe even morph

    into jail time. (in my opinion, death by lethal injection will likely replace death

    by being thrown into a furnace, like the Jews were. People, get ready. Its

    going to get really ugly. I believe there will be a third world war, AND a civil

    war simultaneously. With the high technology, they fully expect to be able to

    win a war by drone. We need to get our BEST minds working on inventions

    and ideas on avoiding being identified by drone- do they use heat

    registration, or ? in order for those of us who REFUSE to go to the FEMA

    camps and prefer autonomy to avoid murder by drone. I fully expect we will

    see mass in our day. some of us will end-up WISHING that the world suffered

    a terrible fate on Dec 21st 2012. indeed, it will likely be the day Obama

  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


    signs into law something horrible. Forget the scary stories on the H2

    channel. They are REALLY pushing them, arent they? And Agenda 21?!

    WOW! I was able to listen ALL day to one program after the other yesterday

    as I had to sit and work near the TV-ALL day and ALL night was one

    program after the other about our Earth, the end of civilization, and one

    tragedy after the other- all imagined. Take about trying to scare the people

    into a panic!

    l Anonymous

    Apparently, not true since Obama was voted in. Thank you once again to

    those of you that voted for the comrade.

    l BentGhaziIts a starting place. How long before they start demanding the registration of

    all people who are disabled, for what ever reason and no matter their age

    group? Then they will want to register the obese, the diabetic, the cancer

    patients, the cardiac cases, the people with impaired lung function, the people

    who have bowel diseases, the ones afflicted with organ failure diseases, where

    does it stop???

    They will next be asking about people with ingrown toenails, or excess


    This is evil, immoral, and cannot be allowed to become a part of our laws its

    unconstitutional as hell.

    This has nothing to do with the original UN Charter. The UN was never

    intended to become a one world government, it was chartered to be a forum

    for all the worlds nations to meet and settle their differences. Its a perversion

    of what the UN was created for.

    l BentGhazi

    Hang in there sarge, all we can do is our duty. In the end they will lose. The

    main reason they won is because too few of us actually voted, and some idiots

    threw their votes away because they didnt like Romney. They split the vote,

    and its costing us all.


    AnonymousIm on it Glenn, for Connecticut .

    l antithetical radical

    Liberals just loooooove the UN, the Hague and the Geneva Conventions. They

    dont have a clue about any of those organizations, but they cant wait to join

    the European Union. I suppose there is some kind of attraction to becoming

    serfs in the new feudalism on the continentor some other such nonsense.

    I will resist them as long as I am able to draw a breath.

    l Anonymous

    If we ratify the treaty it is enforceable on us, thats their intent to circumvent

    our Constitution and make it moot, like Hillary keeps trying to get the small

    arms treaty through.

    l Anonymous

    going back about about 20 years ago, my Mom was in a nursing home.

    When I would visit I would feed her, she would just about choke on each

    spoon full. I approached the nurse advising them about this serious problem.

    They advised me that I would need to tell my sister about getting a feeding

    tube for my Mom since she had power of attorney. After my sister talked to

    the doctor about arraging this, she told me the doctor informed her that really

    wouldnt be necessary, since my Mom was 91 and senile, she wouldnt really

    feel anything. In other words just starve her to death. Needless to say my

    Mom was provided with a feeding tube. How callous was that doctor, maybe

    his children will one day have to make a decision whether or not to put himon a feeding tube.I wonder what they will do.

    l Anonymous

    Youre a fool to think this isnt the 1st step to euthanasia

    l Sandie

    They are lazy brained people who cant make the effort to think for

    themselves. Being a serf takes the pressure off their brains.

  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


    l Galen Stangeland


    l Anonymous

    Ten Specific Problems with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with


    l Anonymous

    And as an addendum .Steven Spielberg knows his history. I would suggest

    those of you still not certain, go watch the movie, Lincoln if you can afford that your man is after our earnings!

    l mdkrause

    This why the UN should be destroyed. It must be defunded. Stop all funding.

    That will stop all idiot ideas from the UN. That is what people should be

    demanding their rep. to stop the UN funding. Kick them out of America. Let

    the assholes in Europe fund these UN assholes.

    l Anonymous

    Everybodys goin serfin, serfin USA!


    l Sandie

    With Obamacare, there wont be a need to registerthe obese, the diabetic,

    the cancer patients, the cardiac cases, the people with impaired lung function,

    the people who have bowel diseases, the ones afflicted with organ failure

    diseases, etc. Almost all these people and their medical info are part of the

    system now. Part of the Obamacare is to get all medical records

    computerized. My Drs. office went electronic some years ago. Most hospitals

    are now too. Obamacare will make sure they all are, so it will be easy to find

    certain cross sections of people by affliction if/when they have to determine

    whose care can no longer be afforded. They are looking forward to the time

    when we will all be on Government, single payer insurance, because the cost

    was driven up by Obamacare.

    l SandieLOL!

    l jjet

    The UN has been nothing but a spys nest from the beginning.

    l Anonymous

    Yall should check this out Itll make you toss your cookies once you see it

    for what it is

    l Sherry

    Where is this story on the Blaze website?

    l Dennis Johnson

    Some of the first people killed by the nazis, Jews, disabled,etc. Keep the UN

    out of our laws or risk it all when the U.S. citizens have had enough and

    whatever comes to those who vote for this trash.

    l mspatdev

    I agree whole heartedly with snowleopard. You people who voted for Obama,

    you will get your freebies, but it isnt going to be what you expect. You didnt

    listen to us when we were giving you a warning as to what Obammy was

    capable of doing. I knew this 5 years ago. You all will wish that you hadn t

    of voted for Obammy. He is like Stallin and Hitler when Germany was taken

    over in the early 1940s. He and Hillary were in the U.N. taken our freedom tohave guns away from us. You that voted for Obama arent going to have good

    health care. You arent going to find a good job, because he wants to be King

    and the unions are the only people that will be working. When he gets into his

    airplane and goes out among the people, he is in the union shops. That is who

    supports him and pays attention to him and Obammy won the election with the

    Fraud of unions. I will not bow to him if he is the last person on earth. I will not

    comply to him and his wants. When The Lord, God or Jesus comes to earth I
  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


    will bow to them only. May God Bless Us and All of America.

    l jjet

    No Danny, No Danny, Please here from a differant source. At least here,and

    question, Dont just blindly believe. And you dont understand what is

    happening. We are giving others the power to tell us what we can and can not

    do. NO ONE can ever take that away from the American citizens. NO ONE.

    Think Danny,please

    understand. You are an American. You were born with your rights. The UN,

    and others will tell you what you are or can be. The liberal ideal is so wrong.

    l jjet

    James, this is not about other culures, this is about giving the UN or anyone,any remote thought of power over ordering The United States of America to do

    anything.We have been the light for the free world. We dont need to be told

    how to treat people. In case you have been taught differantly, you were born

    to a very wonderfull, exceptional, country. You can and should be very proud.

    l Anonymous

    Hey Snowcat, good to read your posts! I also stand with, for me and my

    house, we will serve the Lord. I can only add that when Paul wrote the most

    about joy, he was in prison in Rome waiting for his eventual execution. May

    we all stand tall on our knees like Paul.

    I can only add II Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name

    It is up to those who believe to take up the fight and shoulder the burden of

    prayer. What we see now is the typical existence of human governments

    down through history. Our great country experienced a blessed 200 year

    reprieve from the oppression of evil dictators and tyrants that always defines

    the race of man.

    If the believers in this country do not pray down an awakening, the lemmings

    who cry love and diversity and sharing, as they all race to the bottom of the

    pit, kissing the feet of their masters and stabing thier neighbors in the back for

    table scraps, while they drag all the rest of us along in their commune

    of missery.

    l Anonymousdeath panel term come to mind. say Obamacare is heading over to UN to

    control and implement.

    we deserve what we vote for, include with the consequences

    l Anonymous


















    l Anonymous

    yep you are so right righthussein-obama is sooo worse than hitler, can

    anyone say deathpanels. i mean hussein-obama even voted for AfterBirth

    Abortion..duhisnt that Murder?! these people inhumane people idolize Mao

    and Mao Killed More than Hitler

    l Anonymous

    Like Hillary Keeps Saying She Is A Twentieth Century Progressive.

  • 7/30/2019 Senate to Vote on U.N. Treat- Rights of Persons With Disabiliti


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    Which Is Really REgressive. The Left Always Blames Others For What They

    Really Believe!

    l Frank Balcer

    If they sign the treaty, then that is a clear act of treason & they need to be

    treated as the criminals that they are for committing it, & violating their oath of


    to protect & defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign & domestic.

    this goes against everything our forefathers fought & died for, which is in our

    constitution. this is the exact same stuff the Nazis did, this is the start of

    eugenics, or as it is called now agenda 21.

    l Frank BalcerThis is turning into Nazi America, any votes to support this is clearly


    l Anonymous

    Mr NarcisisistCelebrity-In-Chief Hussein-Obama The Spoiled Child Wants To

    Be King President of the World Not AmericaKing Of The UNofA! Doesnt UN

    stand for No?! Worse Than Hitler..He Is Mao Stalin Lenin Chavez..

    l suz

    accurate and completely intentional. the bho progressive/socialist/marxist

    wants this and needs a confused, dumbed down, scared people.

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