Senate Recruitment 101

LEADMN | Recruitment 101 07/18/2017 Recruitment 101

Transcript of Senate Recruitment 101

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LEADMN | Recruitment 101 07/18/2017

Recruitment 101

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Methods1. Tabling

2. Clip Boarding

• Class Announcements

Other Tips:

• Utilize campus resources

• Use social media

• Start by reaching out to your


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Tabling ScriptOERs

Hi my name is (insert name) and I am out here with the (insert senate) chatting

with folks about student senate and textbook affordability. Frankly, students are

sick of paying upwards of $250 for a textbook, especially when there are more

affordable options out there. Personally, I have to make tough choices between

buying my textbooks and affording groceries for that week. Student senate works

on this issue and much more- do you want to make a difference and get

involved? Great! Please sign this senate interest sheet. * If this issue doesn’t interest them chat about what else senate does.

Volunteer ask:

Hey, I am so excited you are interested in senate. We actually have some

volunteer events coming up. Could you attend a faculty meeting on Open

Educational Resources with me next week?

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Tabling Tips

1. Do not sit behind the table!

1. Approach folks in high traffic areas.

1. Smile!

1. Have candy, a fun game, or food at your table to draw people in.

1. Use a interest form to capture the information of people that are interested in your club.

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Your Turn!!

1. Pair up with the person next to you.

1. Take five minutes to run through the script & make it your own:1. Question to bring them in.2. Tell them about an issue or campaign your senate is

working on & why they should care.3. Make the volunteer ask to get them involved.4. Get their digits!

2. Take turns practicing. One partner plays the club member asking the other to get involved & then switch.

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Class Raps

• Announcement in a class

about an opportunity to get


• What to include?

• Who you are

• What the opportunity is

• Why should they care?

• Ask them to get involved!

• Get their digits!

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Class Rap Debrief

1. Was the ask motivating?

2. Was I able to connect with the


3. How can you make a more

effective ask when you are

talking to an entire room?

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Effective Volunteer



Step 1: Keep track of your volunteers Enter them into a spreadsheet as soon as possible. Include:

Name Phone # (most vital piece of information) Email Notes- what do they care about?

Step 2: Invite them to volunteer with you via text messageHi Ms. Frizzle! This is Sami, we met yesterday when you signed our senate interest form & you checked that you would like to work on OERs. I will be meeting with faculty this week to chat about OERs, would you like to come with?

Step 3: Get to know themAsk questions to build up a relationshipDo something fun!

Step 4: Start to pull them into senateInvite them to their first GA or to come hang out in the senate office.If you do bring them to GA make sure you greet them, introduce them to some folks, and help them feel comfortable in that space.

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Common ResponseChallenge Round

Split up into groups of two and practice tabling, but the person playing the student must give at least two common responses from the list below.

1.I have class everyday until 2 pm.2.I am too shy to talk to people. 3.I don’t know enough about Open Educational Resources4.I don’t know enough about Higher Education.5.How can I make a difference?6.I don’t like to give out my contact information.7.What is the time commitment?8.I don’t feel comfortable talking to faculty.9.My voice does not matter.10.I don’t sign things.11.Faculty knows best, the more expensive textbook is probably better.12.I don’t’ like telling other people what is best.13.I don’t know enough about student government.14.I don’t like politics or government so student senate is not for me!

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Contact Information:Samantha [email protected]