Semiotics Revolving Around Modi

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A study of the semiotics revolving around Narendra Modi

Transcript of Semiotics Revolving Around Modi

  • Semiotics revolving around

    Narendra Modi

  • Semiotics revolving around

    Narendra Modi

    Hardik Shiroya 201314005 Mitali Sharma 201314003Palak Sanghani 201314001

    Soham Dev 201314008

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi



    Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 2

    Personality traits of Narendra Modi ___________________________________________ 3

    Narendra Modi as a signifier _________________________________________________ 6

    Narendra Modi as significance _______________________________________________ 6

    Branding of Modi ________________________________________________________ 11

    Modi Merchandise________________________________________________________ 13

    Modis icon Swami Vivekananda __________________________________________ 13

    Modis association with Swamiji ____________________________________________ 14

    History as retold by Modi __________________________________________________ 15

    Modis Admiration- Indira Gandhi ___________________________________________ 16

    Modi as a Hindu Nationalist ________________________________________________ 16

    Distortion of facts by Modi _________________________________________________ 17

    Conclusion ______________________________________________________________ 18

    Annexure _______________________________________________________________ 19

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi



    Mr. Narendra Modi born on 17 Sept. 1950, son of Mr. Damodardas Mulchand Modi is the chief

    minister of Gujarat, India. He was born in a middle class family of Vadnagar. He used to run a

    tea stall with his brother. He took his first step in politics by becoming a member of Rastriya

    Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). He, as a young man, joined the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi

    Parishad and was involved in the anti-corruption Nav Nirman (Reconstruction) Movement.

    He was later nominated as its representative in the Bharatiya Janata Party. He has completed

    his masters in political Science from Gujarat University and became a pracharak (campaigner)

    of the RSS. Modi was one of the master strategist behind the success of his party. The party

    started gaining political mileage and formed a coalition government at the centre. BJP became

    a massive political party in power and during this period. Modi was entrusted with the

    responsibility of organising two crucial national events, the Somnath to Ayodhya Rath Yatra

    of L.K. Advani and a similar march from Kanyakumari to Kashmir in the North. His long

    struggle in the politics turned fruitful by becoming the chief minister of Gujarat. By living a

    frugal lifestyle and being a workaholic minister, he has turned and developed his state of

    Gujarat into great heights. He has achieved a position in the hearts of people, and his

    remarkable abilities had led to his selection as a prime minister candidate for upcoming

    elections. We have tried to analyze the semiotics behind the Modi charisma spread within the

    common masses.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Personality traits of Narendra Modi

    The most striking personal habit of Narendra Modi is that since teenage he has

    been wearing well-ironed and wrinkle-free clothes, He used to fill hot water in

    a brass lota and iron his shirt using the vessels heated bottom. He continues to

    lay stress on dressing well and judging by his public appearances over the last

    couple of years. He owns hundreds of kurtas, all of them tailored by his

    favourite tailor in a posh shop on Ahmedabads CG Road. Modis half sleeved

    kurtas are now known as modi kurta.

    He is in love with the mirror. He poses like a model. He is very conscious of pictures that are

    sent out from his publicity office. A few years back he used to like dark colours but now he

    experiments. He keeps a comb handy in his pocket all the time. He keeps half a dozen colourful

    khes angvastras ready in the back seat of his car, and chooses one according to the crowd he

    is addressing.

    In closed-door meetings he likes multi-media presentations. He has a flair for technology and

    has a child-like enthusiasm for it. In meetings he has displayed that he has a fine sense of


    He fasts all nine days during Navratri every year eating only one fruit a

    day during this time.He eschews the Navratri-special thali-meal which is

    traditionally allowed once a day. He fasts out of devotion for Goddess

    Ambaji, and has changed the landscape of her shrine on the Gujarat-

    Rajasthan border. Out of reverence to Ma Amba he has developed a

    Shaktipeeth parikrama. It reflects that he is a festive and religious person.

    Modi is workaholic. Modi works from 7am till 10pm if

    required.He is a leader who is not going to ease his grip on party

    politics even if he were to head a ministry. His persistence has

    led to his selection as a PM candidate which has been his

    staunch aim.

    His icon is Swami Vivekanand and he admires Indira Gandhi.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Modi was incommunicado when he was 17 and 18. He left his family and went to Rajkots

    Ramakrishna mission and to the Belur Math in West Bengal and then to the Himalayas. He

    wanted to do something but did not know what. So he travelled and wandered around India.

    He is a hard task-master and treats government officers as tools to achieve his political goals.

    Even today he is travelling around to explore and experience.

    There is no doubt that he played communal politics in the last three Gujarat elections. He is

    like most leaders Indira Gandhi to Nitish Kumar- opportunistic, which drives him to play

    identity politics for the sake of power. He has won so far because he knows the usefulness and

    uselessness of everyone around him. Secondly he recognizes time and its value. He strikes

    when its his time and bends otherwise.

    He is bound to turn Delhi topsy turvy if he becomes the prime

    minister by making everybody work. He will be a dictator who

    will ensure all his decisions are implemented. His Jyotigram

    Yojna is the best example of how he manages to turn his

    dreams to reality. To provide power to all Gujarati

    households 24x7 was almost impossible to implement, with the toughest resistance coming

    from users of electricity but Modi put his foot down, plugged leakages, stopped theft, and

    forced farmers to pay pending bills running into crores of rupees. Modis entire image is built

    on and around this achievement after the 2002 riots.

    The various hand gestures of Modi had tried to portray his

    emotions and behaviour traits. His welcoming gesture of joining

    hands reflects his politeness, respect and thankfulness. His

    closed fist during the speech displays aggression. His calm and

    composed mood is depicted by folded hands. His gesture of

    pointing the finger towards opponent is used by him to counter

    them. His V sign of fingers stands as the sign of victory and


    This image has been pivotal to construction of an identity of Modi as a hasty and energetic


  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Pictures are more than simply reflection of something. Pictures produce a narrative and confirm

    what we already know. The pictures showing Modi with a sword helps us relate him to Shivaji

    and the picture showing Modi standing restrained and controlled helps us interpret as Swami

    Vivekananda. Such images transform the meanings, help us explore new possibilities and new

    identities are forged. Modi has made sure that he has multiple identities and he has thus created

    his own myth which intrigues people more.

    Modi always tries to create a binary opposition of him as calm and composed to aggressive and

    vigorous leader. He uses this to manipulate the crowd according to the situation.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Narendra Modi as a signifier

    Narendra Modi as significance

    Professional Hindu Leader

    Development Man

    Good Governance Performance

    Bold Against Pakistan

    One-Man Army

    Charismatic and Aggressive Personality

    Good Orator

    Creative Problem Solver

    Festive Person

    In the unnamed town in Gabriel Garcia Mrquezs

    In Evil Hour, the best way to preserve a secret about

    oneself was to write a lampoon of it.

    Narendra Modi did something similar with his mask.

    Simultaneously real, surreal and hyper-real, the

    mask is no mere carnival device. It said there was

    something of Modi in each of us, of which the mask is a manifestation. It is a brilliant semiotic


  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Narendra Modi has mystique and that is why people

    are intrigued towards him. Modis public persona is

    not affected by his private world. He has never

    displayed his family ties. He is one public figure

    who is wholly and entirely public.

    He is a householder who is committed to Gujarat

    and its people. These are the only emotions he displays in public. He uses metaphors of kinship

    to describe this commitment.

    He chooses to remain aloof and distant. He is a mass

    leader who keeps the masses at bay. He does not mingle

    with the people; he prefers to function out of the sanitized

    environs of his home and the state secretariat. Instead of

    conversations, he prefers announcements made from tall

    hoardings and public gatherings. His oath ceremony was

    conducted in the sardar stadium in presence of a huge crowd.

    Modi is an excellent orator as well as a good manipulator. He counters his opponent rigorously,

    creates myths through historical sentiments and his gestures convey his aggressiveness. His

    sarcastic remarks keep the crowd on the ball. He crafts his speech in accordance with situation,

    type of public and place. He tries to create political confusion. For instance, he gives his

    interpretation of current scenario and tampers with public emotion. Through his bold remarks

    against Pakistan he evokes the patriotism of Indians.

    Barthess work is marked by a certain recurring concern for the closure which results from

    linguistic ways of seeing. Language always implies a one-sided way of seeing, which selects

    certain characteristics as meaningful, and ignores or discards others. This intellectual

    imperialism or fascism is built into the nature of language. Every statement prevents

    something else from being said. This exclusion is unavoidable.

    Another trait of his work is his constant systematisation. He draws up schemes for categorising

    the signs and codes with which he works, which can be applied to divide a text, a narrative or

    a myth into different parts with different functions. He draws up something like a blueprint of

    the areas of discourse he studies, showing how the different parts hold together.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    In Saussurean analysis, which Barthes largely uses, the distinction between signifier and

    signified is crucial. The signifier is the image used to stand for something else, while the

    signified is what it stands for (a real thing or, in a stricter reading, a sense-impression). The

    signified sometimes has an existence outside language and social construction, but the signifier

    does not. Further, the relationship between the two is ultimately arbitrary.

    Economic and political developments are done based on good forecasting. Modi has always

    delivered at par with peoples expectations showing his visionary abilities. Development of the

    sabarmati river front and from economical point of view, organising events like golabal vibrant

    submit justifies his good forecasting abilities. Due to Modis festive nature all indigenous

    festivals of Gujarat have gone global boosting the Gujarat tourism. For example, internation

    kite festival, vibrant garba and rann utsav.

    Tata Nano was already going to be a remarkable

    part of the automobile industry as the cheapest

    car targeted for the common man. Modi thought

    it was the best platform to grab limelight and

    invited Tata to Gujarat after the controversies in

    West Bengal. This shows his opportunist nature.

    He proved his good governance efficiency by

    ensuring smooth shifting and upliftment of Nano

    plant in a short span of time.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    During Mr Narendra Modis tenure as a chief minister of Gujarat, domestic disturbance like

    communalism & riots and terrorist attacks had significant impact on Gujarat tourism. Gujarats

    image was spoiled and no one was ready to stay and invest in Gujarat. It was essential for

    Gujarat government to convey peace message. Narendra Modi used Amitabh Bachchan as a

    signifier, who is a credible, powerful and attractive endorser. Along with Mr. Bachchan, scenic

    beauty of Gujarat has played an important role for the tourist in choosing destination.

    Government launched a tourism campaign under the name of Khushbu Gujarat Ki which

    conveys message Spend few days in Gujarat.

    Barthes is an anti-essentialist. He is strongly opposed to the view that there is anything

    contained in a particular signifier which makes it naturally correspond to a particular

    signified. Theres no essence of particular groups of people or objects which unifies them into

    a category or separates them from others.

    He is an RSS member, a Hindu nationalist, who follows Vivekanands ideologies and uses his

    speeches for promotion. He wants to prove that he is following Swamijis ideologies, which is

    totally based on Hinduism, and still he wants to dictate his secular identity.

    For instance, there is no such thing as human nature. (This might be taken to mean that

    everything ultimately exists in an imminent, extensive plane of being). The division into

    categories is always a process of social construction. People dont start off with thoughts or

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    perceptions of objects which they then express in language. The categories of language

    determine how people divide up objects into types.

    However, he does not mechanically apply Saussures theory. He largely replaces Saussures

    term arbitrary with the term motivated. The relationship between a signifier and a signified

    is arbitrary only from the point of view of language. From a social point of view, it channels

    particular interests or desires. It can be explained by reference to the society in which signs

    operate, and the place of the signs within them. Nothing is really meaningless. Signs are neither

    irrational nor natural.

    Signs are taken to operate on a continuum, from iconic with one strong meaning to users,

    through motivated, to the truly arbitrary. They vary along this continuum as to how tightly

    defined they are. Most signs have strong enough connotations and associations to be at least

    partly motivated. When they are used, they refer back to previous conventional uses.

    Modis image was spoiled among the Muslim

    community and around the world after the Godhra

    riots. To improve his image, he is going to build the

    worlds tallest statue of Sardar Patel and name it as

    statue of unity to show his faith in communal

    unity. Sardar Patel was known for his work of

    uniting India during and after independence. By projecting Sardar Patel as a signifier for unity,

    he assures the crowd that being a strong admirer of Sardar Patel; he is the next individual who

    works for uniting Indians.

    One characteristic of Barthess style is that he frequently uses a lot of words to explain a few.

    He provides detailed analyses of short texts, passages and single images so as to explore how

    they work.

    He is trying to realise the masses that the IndoPak partition would have been prevented if Sardar

    Patel would have been the Prime Minister then instead of Jawaharlal Nehru. At the same time

    he is creating the myth that not to repeat the history again and projects himself as the real

    candidate for the Prime Minister of India.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Sardar Patel was a farmers son. To make his tallest statue, Modi is asking every farmer to

    contribute iron pieces which are used in the fields. Thus he is creating emotional bond amidst

    all farmers.

    Branding of Modi

    With nearly 700 million people eligible to cast their votes, political parties are busy wooing

    first-time voters and the country's tech-savvy middle class. The Internet, however, provides a

    way to appeal to the youth. Over half of India's 1.15 billion population is younger than 25 years,

    and 50 million new voters are estimated to have entered the electorate since 2004. Many first-

    time voters are likely to be connected via Internet and mobile phones.

    Indian politicians have turned to internet for their social branding among the masses via the

    use of various social sites like Facebook, YouTube, Orkut, Twitter etc. Modi is perhaps one of

    the few Indian politicians who have embraced technology like no other. From Facebook,

    Twitter and now on 3D, the politician spares no efforts to be heard. This has led him to reach

    out to the electorate and countrys youth.

    Multiplicity in 3D: Modi addressed people in 52 different places in Gujarat and launched into

    his anti Congress tirade. This is the first time any politician has used 3D technology for a

    political campaign in India. True that Modi spent a lot of money on the campaign, but the

    novelty of the campaign was such that even housewives left their tele serials to watch 3D for

    the first time. This had created Modi as a brand among the house makers.

    Modi hangs out: In yet another first for an Indian politician, Modi hung out on Google + and

    answered questions from followers. The 2 hour video broadcast in September on Google+ was

    watched by 82,000 people live on Youtube from 116 countries.

    Tweet for tat: Modi baits his opponents on Twitter quite frequently, shares

    videos and posts instances from his campaign trail. He also has an unofficial

    twit army, which readily lynches anyone trying to bring their leader down.

    Live streaming online: Modi streams his speech and other important events

    on his website live. Modi lovers get to see hear him in his true avatar without

    the Television anchors trying to comment on everything he does. He puts up

    his campaign schedule online for everyone to see and follow him.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Facebooking on the campaign trail: Modi has over million fans on his Facebook page and

    engages with his audience quite frequently. Here, he posts videos, pictures and excerpts from

    his speeches. His Facebook cover is neatly designed and organized with links to his YouTube,

    Twitter, Blog and Updates.

    The use of social media has uplifted the image of Narendra Modi and made him famous not

    just around the country but across the world. He has used the medium very smartly and created

    him as a hot topic, to talk about among the youngsters. Modi is not just a good speaker but also

    an intellectual social person who has brought a change in different aspects of branding oneself

    by using different ways.

    Modi Games

    There are more than 25 modi related apps with his speeches,

    videos, news updates, games, biography and much more.There are

    games liike Super Namo, Modi run and Namo Pocket book. The

    objective of the game Modi Run is just to run through the states

    and there seems to be no point system. NaMos Pocket Book application is about Narendra

    Modi speeches, what NaMo thinks of social issues, common man and overall development.

    NaMo wave is growing throughout the country and people of India want to see NaMo as next

    prime minister of India. With the help of NaMo

    Pocket Book one can listen to NaMos speeches on

    different agendas and growth stories from

    Education, Naari-Shakti, and Growth &


    In the Super NaMo Game users have to guide

    themselves on the rocky road of survival! Pick the positive elements of growth & development

    to move forward on the way. Escape from anti-development elements and corruptions to

    overcome the obstacles.Tab NaMo power to make survival flawless. Grab more positive

    development element to go to the next level.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Modi Merchandise

    There is a wide variety of modi merchandise available like Modi ringtones, key rings etc. Modi

    wants to reach the masses through such branding.

    Modi Sarees

    In Surat the saree boxes come with a sticker saying: Modi lau Desh Bachao. The sarees have

    the namo mantra printed on them.

    Modi Sweets

    Modi jalebis and modi pendas are sold. In Jamnagar, shopkeeper has etched modi's face over

    penda. This penda was introduced with the view to bring something new to the market and to

    say that modi is as sweet as the penda.

    Modi Tshirts

    The tshirts and mugs were launched under the Modi-fying India campaign by a Delhi based

    group. They sold around four thousand tshirts.

    Modi Kurta and Modi Phones

    Barthes believes it is impossible to act (e.g. to dress) innocently (in the sense of not conveying

    anything in terms of meaning). Signs of deviance from dominant norms punk dress for

    example, or an archaic religious look are just as conventional as those of the mainstream.

    They signify rejection of dominant norms and attachment to particular alternatives.

    China-based Smart Namo HK Ltd, for

    example, has launched an Android

    smartphone called Smart Namo, short for

    Narendra Modi as well as Next-generation

    Android Mobile Odyssey. Smart Namo has

    shipped twelve thousand phones, and another

    thirty five thousand will be sent soon. They offer 4gb ram and say that they will take on Apple

    with this phone.

    Modis icon Swami Vivekananda

    Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th-century saint

    ramakrishna. He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and

    yoga to the western world and is credited with raising interfaith awareness, bringing Hinduism

    to the status of a major world religion during the late 19th century. He was a major force in the

    revival of Hinduism in India, and contributed to the concept of nationalism in colonial India.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    He is perhaps best known for his inspiring speech, which began, Sisters and brothers of

    America... in which he introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the Worlds Religions in

    Chicago in 1893

    Modis association with Swamiji

    Narendra Modi inaugurates exhibition on the life of Swami Vivekananda.

    Shri Modi speaks at Vivekananda Vikas Parishad in Bhuj.

    Shri Narendra Modi to watch a Biopic on Swami Vivekananda at a special screening in


    Shri Modi addresses youngsters at Swami Vivekananda Youth Employment Week.

    Shri Modi hands over employment letters to youngsters as part of Swami Vivekananda

    Youth Employment Week.

    CM addresses Swami Vivekananda Yuva Sammelan in Navsari.

    Shri Modi to dedicate a unique Triangular Swami Vivekananda Over Bridge in


  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    History as retold by Modi


    This year we celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. At the centre of Swami Vivekanandas thoughts and vision were the youth. He said give me a thousand youngsters and I will change the world. This is the faith he had in the youth. It was seeing the youth that Swami Vivekananda said one day Bharat Mata would be Jagat Guru.

    Reminds BhagatSingh

    He further said, Then they want to forget this part of history. A demand was made for Shaheed Smarak but you would be sad to know that for years nothing happened. We cannot forget history.

    Gujarats history

    1st May is as much about remembering the history of the Mahagujarat Movement. Shri Modi affirmed that the youth of Gujarat is not selfish, they faced bullets not because they wanted something for themselves. He shared that it was the youth of Gujarat that displayed courage and overthrew the corrupt Congress Government during the Navnirman Movement.

    Provoke youth

    Modi avowed that in a time when the country is being looted in this manner, could the youth of the nation remain silent. Our youth need to affirm that they will not let the nation be looted.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    Modis Admiration- Indira Gandhi

    Apart from this, both handled their governments for long years successfully, reduced their

    opponents to near non-entities. Individual-oriented leadership, for focused action, is a common

    factor between the two. Both Indira Gandhi and Modi thrived in adversity and changed the

    political discourse of their times. One may not agree with Indira Gandhis economics and

    politics, but recall her game changers like bank nationalization, abolition of privy purses and

    reducing syndicate of past generation to political non-entities. Compare such strategies with

    Modis coup of bringing Tatas to Gujarat, totally different dynamic approach to rehabilitation

    of Kutch after earth quake with new policies, and changing the equations within BJP at state

    level and national level.

    The biggest reason is that Modi would disrupt the cosy arrangement between political class

    that exists overtly and covertly in Delhi and other centres of power. He disrupted the entire

    governing process in Gujarat and created a people sensitive structure. He reached out to people

    directly, much like Mrs. Gandhi where other middle tier leadership became irrelevant.

    Supposedly democratic liberals complain that it will not work in India. But it worked in

    Nehrus time, it worked in Indira Gandhis time. Now, with much better connectivity of modern

    age, it can surely work for Modi. You find various political formations ready to strike against

    Congress over last nine years but not really ready to wound it. Be it in the guise of secular vs.

    communal cause or some other mutually beneficial interests.

    Modi as a Hindu Nationalist

    While addressing the people for announcement of Sadhbhavana mission, Modi said There is

    a famous saying Hate is never conquered by hate. The real strength of our country is its unity

    and harmony. Unity in diversity is the defining feature of India. It is our responsibility to

    strengthen unity in our social life. We have got an excellent opportunity to proceed with a

    positive attitude. Hence, let us come together and contribute in enhancing the dignity of

    Gujarat. I humbly submit before you that, as part of this responsibility to strengthen social

    harmony and brotherhood, I am thinking of starting a movement of Sadbhavana Mission.

    During the three-day fast, Narendra Modi was seen in an array of traditional headgear

    except one. Despite wooing Muslims with his 'sadbhavna' rhetoric, not once was he seen in a

    Muslim skull cap. When a maulana offered him the skull cap, he rejected it, leaving the cleric

    and his supporters fuming.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi


    The moment the maulana took out a cap from his pocket, Modi raised his hand and said, "I do

    not wear a cap." As the baba was about to step down from the stage, Modi asked for the shawl

    he was carrying. The baba then put the shawl around Modi.

    "The refusal to accept the cap is not an insult to me but an insult to Islam," maulana Hazrat

    Sufi Iman Sahi Sayeed Mehendi Husain said on Monday. "I wanted to felicitate Modi after

    hearing about the 'sadbhavna' mission fast. I offered him the cap, but he said he would not wear

    it. I think he feared wearing a skull cap may dent his image," added the man.

    The event created a great controversy and doubt over secular nature of Modi. He held the

    Sadbhavana Mission for the cause of unity. But his act turned the purpose of the mission upside

    down. The question held was that he can put on all headgears of Hindus but cant accept the

    one of Muslims. He stands as a Hindu Nationalist and thus the abrupt event stopped him from

    wearing the cap.

    To clear the controversy of skullcap, he invited the Muslim party, during his birthday and

    requested all of them to wear a skullcap and burkha to look like Muslims. The event was

    organized with a tag of growth and development of Muslims. He also commented that Sardar

    Vallabhbhai Patel gave Hyderabad freedom from the clutches of Nizam. With this statement

    he tried to stand himself as Sardar and promised the Muslims to free them from all their

    difficulties. Sardar Patel was a Hindu and Modi retained his signifier as a Hindu Nationalist,

    just like he did in Sadbhavana Mission.

    Distortion of facts by Modi

    Modi is prone to history blunders. At Patna, trying to win over Biharis, he called Bihar, the

    land where Alexander was roundly defeated. Alexanders army refused to go further after the

    epic battle with Porus on the banks of Sutlej, 15 km away from Bihar. He put the ancient

    university of Taxila in Bihar. He confused Jan Sang leader Syama Prasad Mukherjee with

    Kutch revolutionary Shyamji Krishna Verma who died in London in 1930.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi



    The leading theories of semiotics, the study of signs always conveys a meaning written or

    spoken word, a symbol or a myth. It does not create confusion between the culture and the

    nature. Another important thing is to be careful with the words and the signs. In, semiotics its

    very essential to use lots of words to explain few things use a signifier for using much

    significance and creating duplicate meaning.

    Through systematization one can categorize the signs and course which can be applied to divide

    a text and narrative or a myth with different function. Some semiotics signifiers and signified

    stand differently. For example signified something has a existence of language or social

    construction but signifier doesnt. The signifier which makes it naturally correspond to a

    particular signified doesnt work. There is no such thing as human nature. Its about the division

    into categories, it is the process of social construction. The categories of language determine

    how people divide up objects into type.

    No sign has a meaning from the system. Most signs have strong enough connotations and

    association to be at-least partly motivate. It is believed that it is impossible to act innocently,

    rejection of dominant norms and attachment to particular alternatives.

    Here, Narendra Modi changes the idea of the objects (signifiers), creates myth and represents

    it before people to achieve a definite aim. He cannot connect with people directly. So he uses

    different signifiers for the purpose. Myth generated out of the signifiers captures attention of

    the people.

  • Semiotics Revolving Around Narendra Modi



    Modi Interpreted by Dignitaries

    Today when investors look for locations to make investments, they would be looking for

    locations which are investor-friendly. Gujarat stands out distinctly in the country and the credit

    for it goes to Modi, he said amidst a thunderous applaud from the jam-packed audience at the

    state governments showpiece Vibrant Gujarat Summit here.

    Recollecting what he had said on a similar occasion earlier, Tata said, When I first came here

    I said those who are not investing in Gujarat are stupid. On my second visit, I am among those

    stupid. But then, at present, we have invested or in the process of investing Rs 34,000 crore in

    Gujarat.-Ratan Tata

    Narendra Bhai has been described in different ways. My personal favourite comes from what

    his name literally means in Sanskrit - a conjunction of Nara and Indra. Nara means man and

    Indra means King or leader. Narendra bhai is the lord of men and a king among kings-Anil


    The Vibrant Gujarat Summits have become an institution by itself. Gujarat is not only the

    fastest growing state in India but the fastest growing regions of the world. We at ICICI Bank

    commit ourselves towards strengthening the skill development and training sector.-Chanda

    Kochhar, MD, ICICI Bank

    There is something about the food in Gujarat that makes Gujaratis not just entrepreneurial but

    they are remarkably free of the fear of failure. And to me, this freedom from the fear of failure

    is at the root of entrepreneurship and innovation.

    -Anand Mahindra, Vice Chairman and MD, Mahindra and Mahindra

    I want to recognize and applaud the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of the people of

    Gujarat; this foundation has been the basis of remarkable progress and reflects the qualities of

    the Honble Chief Minister.-Cyrus Mistry, Chairman, Tata Group
