Seminar on Directing

7/23/2019 Seminar on Directing 1/22 Seminar on DIRECTING IN NURSING SERVICE AND EDUCATION Submitted to Submitted by Mrs.Thankamany V K Ms. Chinchu M Asso.Professor II Year MSc Nursing Govt.Coege of Nursing Govt.Coege of Nursing Aa!!u"ha Aa!!u"ha INTRODUCTION #

Transcript of Seminar on Directing

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Seminar on




Submitted to Submitted by

Mrs.Thankamany V K Ms. Chinchu M

Asso.Professor II Year MSc Nursing

Govt.Coege of Nursing Govt.Coege of Nursing

Aa!!u"ha Aa!!u"ha



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$irecting is the heart of the management !rocess an% is its thir% function to

achieve the organi"ationa goa. It he!s the nursing managers to su!ervise an%

contro the activities of nursing staff &orking un%er them. In or%er to maintain

heathy &orking environment' !ro!er %irections !ays an im!ortant roe.

$irecting is sai% to (e a !rocess in &hich the managers instruct' gui%e an%

oversee the !erformance of the &orkers to achieve !re%etermine% goas. $irecting

is sai% to (e the heart of management !rocess. Panning' organi"ing' staffing have

got no im!ortance if %irection function %oes not take !ace.

$irecting is infuencing !eo!e)s (ehavior through motivation'communication' grou! %ynamics' ea%ershi! an% %isci!ine. Managers give this

function a variety of names. *iggins cas it ea%ing. +ther a(es are, infuencing'

coaching' motivating' inter!ersona reations' an% human reations.


$irecting or %irection means issuing of instructions to the su(or%inates'

su!ervising them' motivating them' an% !rovi%ing ea%ershi! to contri(ute to the

 (est of their a(iity for the achievement of nursing organi"ationa goas. It is aso

kno&n as -actuation.


/$irection is a com!e0 function that incu%es a those activities &hich are

%esigne% to encourage su(or%inates to &ork effectivey an% efficienty1.

  2Koont" an% +$onne

/$irecting is &hat has to (e %one an% in &hat manner through %ictating the

 !roce%ures an% !oicies for accom!ishing !erformance stan%ar%s1

  23arnest $ae


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It is the %irecting stye &here in managers te their !ersonne &hat to %o'

ho& to %o it an% &hen to have it com!ete% (y. They assign roes an%

res!onsi(iities' set stan%ar%s' an% %efine e0!ectations.

$irecting is the fourth !hase of the management !rocess. This !hase cou%

aso (e referre% as coor%inating' or activating. It is the action !hase of 

management' re5uiring the ea%ershi! an% management skis necessary to

accom!ish the goas of the organi"ation

It is the issuance of or%ers' assignments an% %irections that ena(e the

nursing !ersonne un%erstan% &hat are e0!ecte% of them. $irecting incu%es

su!ervision an% gui%ance so that in %oing their 6o( &e' nurses can ma0imay

contri(ute to the organi"ations goa in genera an% into nursing service o(6ective

in !articuar.


The !ur!ose of %irecting is to channe the (ehavior of a !ersonne to

accom!ish the organi"ation)s mission an% o(6ectives &hie simutaneousy

he!ing them accom!ish their o&n career o(6ectives


$irecting initiates action an% it is from here actua &ork starts. $irection is

sai% to (e consisting of human factors. In sim!e &or%s' it can (e %escri(e% as

 !rovi%ing gui%ance to &orkers is %oing &ork. In fie% of management' %irection is

sai% to (e a those activities &hich are %esigne% to encourage the su(or%inates to

&ork effectivey an% efficienty. Accor%ing to *uman' /$irecting consists of 

 !rocess or techni5ue (y &hich instruction can (e issue% an% o!erations can (e

carrie% out as originay !anne%1 Therefore' $irecting is the function of gui%ing'


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ins!iring' overseeing an% instructing !eo!e to&ar%s accom!ishment of 

organi"ationa goas

$irection re!resents one of the essentias functions of management

 (ecause it %eas &ith human reations. $irection is aso' infre5uenty an% (y

some' a(ee% as -actuating. +nce the organi"ationa !ans have (een ai% %o&n'

the structure (eing %esigne% an% com!etent !eo!e (rought in to fi various

 !ositions in organi"ation. $irection is the manageria function of gui%ing'

motivating' ea%ing' su!ervising the su(or%inates to accom!ish %esire%

o(6ectives. Ac5uiring !hysica an% human assets &i not suffice8 &hat is more

im!ortant is that !eo!e must (e %irecte% to&ar% organi"ationa goas. 9ithout

 !ro!er %irection an% su!ervision em!oyees (ecome inactive' %u an% inefficient

an% conse5uenty the !hysica assets ike machinery an% !ant &i (e !ut to

ineffective use.


$irection consists of the !rocess an% techni5ues utii"ing in issuing

instruction an% making certain that o!erations are carrie% out as originay


$irection is a com!e0 function that incu%es a those activities &hich are

%esigne% to &hich encourage su(or%inates to &ork effectivey an% efficienty in

 (oth short an% ong run.

$irection is teing !eo!e &hat to %o an% seeing that they %o it to the (est

of their a(iity.

$irecting %eas &ith the ste!s a manager takes to get su(or%inates an%

others to carry out !ans.

$irection !rovi%es ink (et&een %ifferent functions in an organi"ation.


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• $irecting is infuencing !eo!e)s (ehavior through motivation'

communication' grou! %ynamics' ea%ershi! an% %isci!ine. The !ur!ose of 

%irecting is to channe the (ehavior of a !ersonne to accom!ish the

organi"ation)s mission an% o(6ectives &hie simutaneousy he!ing them

accom!ish their o&n career o(6ectives.

• Managers give this function a variety of names. *iggins cas it ea%ing.

+ther a(es are, infuencing' coaching' motivating' inter!ersona reations'

an% human reations.

• The %irecting function gives the manager an active rather than a !assive roe

in em!oyee !erformance' con%uct an% accom!ishments. Managers

accom!ish their o(6ectives through !eo!e. In (aming others for her or his

human resource !ro(ems' a manager is %enying the management

res!onsi(iities inherent in the %irecting function.

• The %irecting function gives managers a secon% res!onsi(iity, he!ing

 !eo!e in the organi"ation accom!ish their in%ivi%ua career goas.

+rgani"ations %o not succee% &hie their !eo!e are faiing. *e!ing !eo!e

in the organi"ation &ith career !anning an% !rofessiona %eveo!ment is an

integra !art of the %irecting function.

• In Management 30ce' the %irecting function in Managing for Success has

incu%e%, motivation' communication' !erformance a!!raisa' %isci!ine an%

confict management. Severa Management 30ce teams have offere%


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situationa ea%ershi! as an a%vance% course for Managing for Success

gra%uates. Management 30ce team ea%er in2services have incu%e% grou!

%ynamics an% team (ui%ing.


#. Per!"ie Fu#$tio# %  $irecting is re5uire% at a eves of organi"ation.

3very manager !rovi%es gui%ance an% ins!iration to his su(or%inates.

4. Co#ti#uou" A$tiity % $irection is a continuous activity as it continuous

throughout the ife of organi"ation.

7. Hum!# F!$tor % $irecting function is reate% to su(or%inates an% thereforeit is reate% to human factor. Since human factor is com!e0 an% (ehaviour is

un!re%icta(e' %irection function (ecomes im!ortant.

:. Cre!tie A$tiity %  $irection function he!s in converting !ans into

 !erformance. 9ithout this function' !eo!e (ecome inactive an% !hysica

resources are meaningess.

;. E&e$utie Fu#$tio# % $irection function is carrie% out (y a managers an%

e0ecutives at a eves throughout the &orking of an enter!rise' a

su(or%inate receives instructions from his su!erior ony.

<. De'e(!te Fu#$tio# % $irection is su!!ose% to (e a function %eaing &ith

human (eings. *uman (ehaviour is un!re%icta(e (y nature an%

con%itioning the !eo!es (ehaviour to&ar%s the goas of the enter!rise is

&hat the e0ecutive %oes in this function. Therefore' it is terme% as having

%eicacy in it to tacke human (ehaviour.



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Managers te !eo!e &hat to %o' ho& to %o it an% &hen to have it com!ete% (y.

They assign roes an% res!onsi(iities' set stan%ar%s' an% %efine e0!ectations.

• Commu#i$!tio#" 2 It is one &ay. The manager s!eaks' em!oyees isten an%

react. The ony fee%(ack managers ask for is 2 =$o you un%erstan% &hat

nee%s to (e %one>=

• Go!'%Setti#(  2 The manager esta(ishes short2term goas &ith s!ecific


• De$i"io#%M!)i#(  2 The manager makes most if not a %ecisions. 9hen

 !ro(ems arise the manager evauates o!tions' makes %ecisions an% %irectsem!oyees as to &hat actions to take.

• Proidi#( Feedb!$)  2 The manager !rovi%es can%i%' %etaie% instructions

as to &hat changes the em!oyee nee%s to make.

• Re*!rd" !#d Re$o(#itio#  2 Managers re&ar% an% recogni"e !eo!e for 

foo&ing %irections.

Poi#t" to Remember W+e# U"i#( t+e Dire$ti#( Sty'e

+rgani"e your thoughts (efore you (egin to s!eak.

Start &ith the (ig !icture' an% then %iscuss the %etais.

Make sure your %irections are cear an% s!ecific.

If !ossi(e sho& em!oyees the %esire% out!ut. Take the mystery an% guess

&ork out of &hat you &ant.

Assign %ue %ates.

Provi%e &ritten instructions if the %irections are com!e0 or engthy.

Get fee%(ack 2test the transfer. Ask the em!oyee to e0!ain in his or her 

o&n &or%s &hat you &ant %one.



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The %irecting functions of the manager incu%e the foo&ing,

#. $eegation4. Su!ervision

7. @ea%ershi!

:. Motivation

;. Communication

<. Coor%ination


De'e(!tio#  aso cae% de.ut!tio#B is the assignment of authority an%

res!onsi(iity to another !erson normay from a manager to a su(or%inateB to

carry out s!ecific activities. *o&ever the !erson &ho %eegate% the &ork remains

accounta(e for the outcome of the %eegate &ork.

• It ao&s a su(or%inate to make %ecisions' i.e. it is a shift of %ecision2making

authority from one organi"ationa eve to a o&er one.

• $eegation' if !ro!ery %one' is not a(%ication. The o!!osite of effective

%eegation is micromanagement' &here a manager !rovi%es too much in!ut'

%irection' an% revie& of %eegate% &ork.

• $eegation is a vita ski for team ea%ers. Genuine %eegation ea%s to a

team o&ning its success an% increasing its ca!acity for achievement. Yet

etting go of contro can (e har%.


#. Proide Co#te&t

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It is essentia to (e cear a(out &hat is re5uire%' an% &hy it is im!ortant.

Draming the %eegate% &ork &ithin the (roa%er conte0t energises reci!ients.

They)re cear ho& the &ork you are %eegating contri(utes to the overa success

of the team. Eeci!ients shou% aso (e cear ho& their tasks he! the team

achieve the vision or success criteria.

4. De'e(!te Aut+ority !#d Re".o#"ibi'ity

$eegation of the res!onsi(iity to com!ete a task is reativey easy. $eegating

the necessary authority is ess so. $eegation of authority re5uires confi%ence in

the in%ivi%ua' since the ea%er is rein5uishing some contro over team

activities. Yet &ithout the necessary authority an% room for %ecision making'

 !eo!e are not em!o&ere% to com!ete the tasks they have (een given. This is

 !articuary vita in a vountary organisation. Fethro a%vise% Moses to set u! an

organisation &ith (oth res!onsi(iity an% authority 30o%us #,#724<B.

7. Su..ort do#0t Abdi$!te

$eegation %oes not mean com!ete &ith%ra&a. Particuary in the eary stages'

 !eo!e nee% su!!ort an% encouragement to take on a%%itiona res!onsi(iity.

They may nee% ski training' or encouraging fee%(ack as they stretch

themseves in !reviousy unteste% areas. Prayer su!!ort is e5uay im!ortant.

A(%ication can eave the %eegate% !erson feeing that if anything goes &rong

they are eft isoate%.

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:. O#'y De'e(!te W+e#!te

Check that the reci!ients of the %eegation have the necessary skis'

information' authority an% ca!a(iity to carry out the %eegate% res!onsi(iities.

If not' then the &ork &i not get %one an% the in%ivi%ua concerne% may ose


;. Loo) !t Te!m !#d Sub%te!m Stru$ture,

Ma! out &hat is %eegate% to the various in%ivi%uas an% su(2teams on your 

team. Check for consistency an% overa!s' an% ensure that there is cear 

communication &ithin the team as to &ho has res!onsi(iity for &hich areas.

This is even more im!ortant &ithin a team setting than in a tra%itiona one2to2

one' manager to su(or%inate' reationshi!.


#. Ees!onsi(iity H entais an o(igation to fufi the &ork assigne% to a certain


4. Authority 2 %eci%ing &hat must (e %one to achieve the !ur!ose' functions to

 (e !erforme%' &hich &i carry them out an% the authority an%

res!onsi(iities they &i have to accom!ish the tasks.

7. Accounta(iity H !rocess of esta(ishing an o(igation to !erform the &ork 

an% to make a %ecision &ithin the set imits.



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#. A cear outine of %uties' res!onsi(iities an% reationshi! shou% (e


4. Authority shou% (e %eegate% &ithin s!eciay %efine% imits to avoi%

ste!!ing to others right.

7. $efining o(6ective an% suita(e measure for %etermining !erformance. The

most effective measure is (ase% on !erformance stan%ar%s &hich are

checke% against o(6ectives' !rograms' sche%ues an% (u%gets.

:. $eegate% res!onsi(iity must (e accom!anie% &ith corres!on%ing authority.

;. 3very su!ervisor is he% com!etey accounta(e for the metho%s an% resuts

of the &ork assigne% to him.


#. Dreeing the su!ervisors from routine task.

4. Sen% message to em!oyees that su!ervisors has confi%ence in their a(iity.

7. It is a !o&erfu motivation too.

:. It is a training too for those &ho has ea%ershi! !otentias.


a. Jeief in the faacy /if you &ant it %one right' %o it yoursef1

 (. @ack of confi%ence an% trust in &orkers.

c. Vague 6o( %efinition or information

%. Dear of com!etition

e. @ack of contro

f. Poor e0am!es set (y the managers &ho %ont %eegate


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/Su!ervise1 comes from the &or% /su!ervi%e1 &hich means to oversee or vie&



It means !ersonay o(serving a function or activity' !rovi%ing ea%ershi! in

the !rocess of nursing care' %eegating functions or activities &hie retaining the

accounta(iity' evauating an% ensuring that the nursing care !rovi%e% is a%e5uate

an% %eivere% a!!ro!riatey.

M!i# (o!'-

• To attain 5uaity care for each !atient an% to %eveo! the !otentias of 

&orkers for an effective an% efficient !erformance.


• A%ministration

• Cinica com!etence• $emocratic management


• A su!ervisor 


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Can !ro%uce attitu%es &hich are (oth !ositive an% negative in


Pro%uces !ositive attitu%es &hen are !ositive &hen an em!oyee is

conscious of the (enefits to himsef &hich he attri(utes to theinfuence of the su!ervisor.

Pro%uces negative attitu%e &hen the reaction of &orkers is resistance

to %isci!ine or actua fear of %emotion or %ischarge.


• Goo% su!ervision is focuse% on im!roving the staffs &ork rather than on

u!gra%ing himsefhersef.

• Goo% su!ervision is (ase% on !re%etermine% in%ivi%ua nee%s.

• Goo% su!ervision is !anne% coo!erativey.

• Goo% su!ervision em!oys %emocratic metho%s.

• Goo% su!ervision stimuates the staff to continue sef im!rovement.

• Goo% su!ervision res!ects the in%ivi%uaity of the staff mem(er.

•Goo% su!ervision he!s create a socia' !sychoogica an% !hysica

atmos!here &here the in%ivi%ua is free to function at her o&n eve.


• +rientation

• 3fficient assignments' rotation an% foo&2u!.

• Gui%ance

• 3vauation

Te$+#i2ue" i# Su.eri"io#

+(servation of the &orker &hie making the roun%s

S!ot checking of charts through nursing au%its


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Asking the !atients a(out the care they receive

@ooking into the genera con%ition of the units

Getting fee%(ack from co2&orkers or other su!ervisors or reatives

Asking 5uestions %iscretey to fin% out the !ro(ems they encounter in the &ar%s

$ra&ing out suggestions from the &orkers for im!rovement of their &ork or 

&ork situation.



Many (eieve that the critica factor nee%e% to ma0imi"e human resources is

ea%ershi!. A more in2%e!th un%erstan%ing of ea%ershi! can (e geane% from a

revie& of ea%ershi! theories.

The Great Man Theory

Trait or Attri(ute Theory

Jehaviora theories

Situationa an% Contingency Theories

Path2Goa Theory

Charismatic Theory

Interactiona @ea%ershi! theories

Transformationa ea%ershi! theory

The authoritarian ea%er is characteri"e% (y the foo&ing (ehaviors,

Strong contro is maintaine% over the &ork grou!.

+thers are motivate% (y coercion.

+thers are %irecte% &ith comman%s.

Communications fo&s %o&n&ar%.


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$ecision making %oes not invove others.

3m!hasi"e is on %ifference in status /I1 an% /you1B.

Criticism is !unitive

The %emocratic ea%er e0hi(its the foo&ing (ehaviors,

@ess contro is maintaine%.

3conomic an% ego a&ar%s are use% to motivate.

+thers are %irecte% through suggestions an% gui%ance.

Communication fo&s u! an% %o&n.

$ecision making invoves others.

3m!hasis is on /&e1 rather than /I1 an% /you1

Criticism is constructive.


The @aisse"2faire is characteri"e% (y the foo&ing (ehaviors,

Is !ermissive' &ith itte or no contro

Motivates (y su!!ort &hen re5ueste% (y the grou! or in%ivi%uas.

Provi%es itte or no %irection.

Lses u!&ar% an% %o&n&ar% communication (et&een mem(ers of the grou!.

$is!erses %ecision making through out the grou!.

Paces em!hasi"e on the grou!.

$oes not critici"e.

Attribute" 3or E33e$tie Le!der


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Le!der"+i. Sty'e"

I, Aut+orit!ri!# 'e!der"+i.


#. Strong contro is maintaine% over the &orkgrou!4. +thers are motivate% (y coercion

7. +thers are %irecte% &ith comman%s

:. Communication fo&s %o&n&ar%

;. $ecision making %oes not invove others

<. 3m!hasis is on %ifference in status I an% YouB

?. Criticism is !unitive

II. Demo$r!ti$ 'e!der"+i. !artici!ative ea%ershi!B


#. @ess contro is maintaine%

4. 3conomic an% ego a&ar%s are use% to motivate

7. +thers are %irecte% through suggestion an% gui%ance

:. Communication fo&s u! an% %o&n

;. $ecision making invoves others


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<. 3m!hasis is on &e rather than /I an% you1

?. Criticism is constructive

III, Situ!tio#!' Le!der"+i.

In this a!!roach' the ea%er (ehaves accor%ing to a given situation &hich may

vary from one setting to the other.

/Contingency Stye of @ea%ershi!1 H one in &hich the ea%er matches the

situation an% its nee%s

Die%er an% Chemers state that in the &ork situation' the managers ea%ershi!

stye an% e0!ectation' an% the foo&ers characteristics an% e0!ectations (en%

together an% form a !ro%uctive com(ination

@ea%er (y Dorce H %ominates (y force an% fear8 heshe is ruthess in su!!ressing

o!!osition8 heshe %oes not reign ong8 this ty!e of ea%ershi! contains &ithin

itsef the see%s of sef2%estruction8 e0am!es are *iter an% I%i Amin

IV.L!i""e4%3!ire Le!der"+i. !ermissive ea%ershi!B

Aso referre% to as /%eegating a!!roach1

@itte or no %irection is !rovi%e%

Co&orkers %eveo! their o&n goas' make their o&n %ecisions' an% take

res!onsi(iity for their o&n management Managers concentrate on !rovi%ing ma0imum su!!ort an% free%om for 


$ecision making is %is!erse% throughout the grou!



The &or% communication comes from the @atin &or% communis' meaning

commonness. Communication is a t&o2&ay !rocess (y &hich information

e0change% (et&een or among in%ivi%uas through a common system of sym(os'

signs an% (ehavior.


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Communication is the !rocess to im!art information from a sen%er to a

receiver &ith the use of a me%ium. Communication re5uires that a !arties have an

area of communicative commonaity. Chitty 4#B %efines communication as the

com!e0 e0change of thoughts' i%eas' or information on at east t&o eves, ver(a

an% nonver(a.

•Ver(a Communication2 the transmission of i%eas' o!inions' feeings' emotions or 

attitu%es through the use of &or%s. 30, comments' 5uestion' reactions

• Nonver(a Communication2 refers to the sen%ing of messages to another !erson

utii"ing metho%s or means other then &or%s. 30, facia e0!ression' gesture' eyecontact



As a !rocess' communication is %ynamic' a%a!tive' an% continuous.

Communication he!s us to %eveo! to (e uni5ue !ersons' reating an% coo!erating

&ith others.

An interna an% an e0terna cimate aso e0ist in communication. The

interna cimate incu%es the vaues' feeings' tem!erament' an% stress eves of the

sen%er an% the receiver. 9eather con%itions' tem!erature' timing' an% the

organi"ationa cimate itsef are !arts of the e0terna cimate. The e0terna cimate

aso incu%es status' !o&er' an% authority as (arriers to manager2su(or%inate


Interna cimate 30terna cimate



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  Interna 30terna




Joth sen%er an% the receiver must (e sensitive to the interna an% e0terna

cimate' (ecause the !erce!tion of the message is atere% greaty %e!en%ing on the

cimate that e0iste% at the time the message &as sent or receive%. 30am!e' an

insecure manager &ho is cae% to meet &ith su!eriors %uring a !erio% of stringent

ayoffs &i !ro(a(y vie& the message &ith more tre!i%ation than a manger &ho is

secure in his or her roe.

In assessing the interna cimate' remem(er that the human min% !erceives

ony &hat it e0!ects to !erceive. The une0!ecte% is generay ignore% or 

misun%erstoo%. In other &or%s' receivers cannot communicate if the message is

incom!ati(e &ith their e0!ectations. Therefore' effective communication re5uires

the sen%er to %etermine &hat receivers see an% hear.


Mainy' there are three ty!es of communication, s!oken &or%s' &ritten

&or%s' an% !hysica e0!ression or significant gestures.

Ver(a communication invoves s!oken &or%s. The s!eaker must (e a(e to

s!eak so&y' enunciating the &or%s ceary. Choose &or%s that can (e ceary

un%erstoo% instea% of using too technica ones. +ny reevant information shou%




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 (e conveye% to !revent confusion. It ascertains imme%iate res!onse &hen time is


9ritten communication must (e cear' correct' com!ete an% concise. This

shou% (e &ritten in &or%s that are ceary un%erstoo% (y the rea%er. 9ritten

communication comes in the form of memoran%a' hos!ita or%ers' %ocumentation'

recor%s an% re!orts' !oicies' !roce%ures' an% the ike. Am(iguous terms shou% (e

voi%e% to !revent misun%erstan%ing.

 Non2ver(a communication is transmission of message &ithout the use of 

&or%s. Peo!e oftentimes unconsciousy use facia e0!ressions' gestures' touch'

 (o%y anguage' or voca tones.


Communication is %escri(e% as a t&o2&ay !rocess' yet in an organi"ation' it

is four2%imensiona.

$o&n&ar% Communication

L!&ar% Communication.

*ori"onta Communication

+ut&ar% Communication



*ave cear e0!ectations for &orkers' an% communicate these e0!ectations


Je fair an% consistent &hen %eaing &ith a em!oyees.

Je a firm %ecision maker using an a!!ro!riate %ecision2making stye.

$eveo! the conce!t of team&ork.


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Integrate the staffs nee%s an% &ants &ith the organi"ations interest an%


Kno& the uni5ueness of each em!oyee.

Eemove tra%itiona (ocks (et&een the em!oyee an% the &ork to (e %one.

Provi%e e0!eriences that chaenge the em!oyee an% ao& o!!ortunities for 


9hen a!!ro!riate' re5uest !artici!ation an% in!ut from a su(or%inates in

%ecision making.

Je certain that em!oyees un%erstan% the reason (ehin% %ecisions an%


Ee&ar% %esira(e (ehavior8 (e consistent in ho& you han%e un%esira(e

 (ehavior. @et em!oyees e0ercise in%ivi%ua 6u%gment as much as !ossi(e.

Create a trustfu an% he!ing reationshi! &ith em!oyees.

@et em!oyees e0ercise as much contro as !ossi(e over their &ork 


Je a roe mo%e for em!oyees.



• Lnites !ersonne an% services to a common o(6ective.

• Prevents overa!!ing of functions' enhances goo% &orking reationshi! an%

&ork sche%ues are finishe% on time.

• 3nhances coa(orative efforts resuting in efficient' smooth an% harmonious

fo& of &ork 

• Convey ceary %efine% !oices' stan%ar% o!erating !roce%ures' !oicies an%

gui%eines using the !ro!er channes of communication.



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It is necessary for the nursing !ersonne &ho are &orking in the e%ucation as

&e as in hos!itas. $irecting is infuencing !eo!e)s (ehavior through motivation'

communication' grou! %ynamics' ea%ershi! an% %isci!ine. Managers give this

function a variety of names.


#. Fogin%raVati' Princi!es an% !ractice of nursing management an%

a%ministration8 Fay!ee (rothers me%ica !u(ishers PB t%, Ne& $ehi.

4. Jasavantha!!a JT. Nursing a%ministration' 4n%  e%ition 4B8

Fay!ee(rothers me%ica !u(ishers PB t%, Ne& $ehi.

7. Sakharkar JM. Princi!es of hos!ita a%ministration an% !anning' 4n%

e%ition 4B8 Fay!ee (rothers me%ica !u(ishers PB t%, Ne& $ehi.

:. Thomas Kochuthresiamma. Nursing a%ministration8 Fay!ee (rothers

me%ica !u(ishers PB t%, Ne& $ehi.