Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Stanford, KY) 1902-12-23 [p...

< r t SEMI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL I VOL xxx STANFORD KY TUESDAY DECEMBER 2319029 A M NO 83if Commissioners Sale J Lincoln Circuit CourtI W T Stephonson Admr Plaintiff v W T Stephenson II n and Devisees Deft vlrtuo of a judgment and order of sale of the Lincoln Circuit Court rendered at the November term thfroof 1005 to the offer for 8taDrOrdlKy dlllupao following property to r Lout and lot In Crab bounded on i North sod East by tbn lands of John nacho 1 ansna lire South by property of Mr net IDlnlfaboul acres on Cemetery Street In Crab Orchard bounded worth by Cemetery Street Enit by the land of Mn Laura Moore South by the land of J W Onset and West by the laud of Mlddleton Ird A tract ot about poorhouse Charlie Carson East by the Someraet road West by the laud of John Turnbull Bouth by the poorlious farm 4th A tract of about el H acre of knob land bounded on the North by the land ot Jooph Welch on the Kait the lands of W Gust on the Booth by the laud of Mat Illanton and West by the land of Jmte Taylor The tour tract will be told lor the In part of paying the debt ot the decedent for the dllilon of the proceeds amongst those entitled thereto after cost of this suit and cats of administration are settled For the purchase price the pur ¬ chaser with approved lIeurlt or pcorl ties must en oute earlofleltal In ¬ f tenet tram the day of and having the force effort of a judgment promptly ¬ 0 Commissioners Sale Lincoln Circuit Court W U Plate stiff vsJ M Cham ¬ EquityIlv oNler of tale ot the Lincoln Ulreult Court rendered at the November term thereof 1WS In the above cause for the sum of JIM with in- terest at the rate or bier cent per annum from the 19th day of IMS uctll paid and hla oat herein I shall proceed to offer for aale at the courthouse door In Stan ¬ ford to the highest bidder at public outcry on Monday Jan 12 IWi at 11 oclock A M tberealwut being county court day on a credit orals months the following ilrxrllMx property to wilt BltuatK near Klngsvllle county Ky In two tracts lit Hounded Hi as beginning at Bono near the dwelling on said mov ¬ lags 3SV03poletoastonelnWTMur pbyi old line with same < 7 to a stone In ash llao and thence to Jesse Wright thence his line N 1 W 71 pole to a stone en South lldn of road thence wltb center of sold road 8 M K 40 > 4 poles to a stone thence W 13 pole to the beginning containing lx acre god Bounded thus beginning In center of the county road FAit ot and near the dwelling f on Ont tract at a tone 8 2 W 14 palM e link to a stone la line of W T Murphy thence with his lint 17 N It poe9ltnks to a stone corner to Ont tract tbcnce 819 E Upole 11 link to a lion corner to IIn tract thence NSW 10 pole with said line to the centre of county road thence N 83 E 8 pole and t link to the beltlolag contalning e acre 2 rood andO pales or land or sufficient thereof to produce the sums of money so ordered to be made For the purchase price the purchaser with ap ¬ proved security or secnrltlr must execute bond boaringlegal interest trout the day or tale until and having the force and effect of a judgment Hidden will bo pre pared to promptly with these terms R 0 WAUUEN Commise- lonerCommissioners Sale Uacoln circuit court Jirore AJjmtc Puintiff vs Simeon Dowcll 3 EquityUy nt ant J orjtr of sae of tht I Uocoln circuit watt rtnJtrtJ at the November Urn uwrtof QII In tht attire cause I shah procttJ deer for sale st ths cowl hout door In bunfof la th hlgrtdt bUJtr lit ruNic outcry on MONDAY JANUARY nTH too At tl octixk A MOT UwrMbout ctlntttunty court t < y upon a smelt of 6 ant n mosths the Ihrt tracts of tact huelnanet described Rnt a 04 acre Uacl rticnttd k> him T U Alans eth Jiy of Junt I atawhn oak comror the ac- tractp teetelbyssUAtomsNesEspdtoA IU- gar trust rte mouth oil ahere It inters fork thence N e6 f 1 I 1s pees to a tut down whit oak and fallen Ich male 4nler thence N6u 14 1Vt e6 rotes pass 1 14 pohs to tht left of a whit NIc ant rum corner of a surrey maJ by him- IGt anlIxnet toy him to JIIIU Atoms lit all t t Isbnc t now 10 Jo1011 thllm thenc hls lln S t S W n rotes to ii ttwttnut stump sprout nark msJ a pointer Sit ft W H roilS to e surer tree In a bottoa net loot of a bill thenc corner of Uibney Gooch ands tome of tb alort uU 140 scr patent thence with lie of the tic acre > tecluling a lap on It by the 94 ami N 6g l s E t4 poles to s JoIrw oafs these N J4 E il okstoaahlteoakthnc Ngt E tl poles to IIIe containing g 14 mltingt gine1na comer of aIJ punt and Caner of Dabney- Gooch theece his line J9 V 6q pours to a down beech near th foot ol the hilt thence S 6t its W 41 s to lestoamaple near th fool of a hill thence N L 9a to poles to a beech thence 66 B t roles to a whit oak oo th Eatl bankr Glue Fork thence N t6 E croMlnc said creek < i poke to a sugar tree- s tear the tool of a hill Gooch1 a corner also comer to the 94 acre tract above thence with same N ppoolesto mthlyask thenci Nt tIIeDctM4 to a I lug white oak corner of the 94 liarlne sam S 19 E 46 poles to a beech thence S st I ee roIel to a mulberry thence S e4 1 s6 rollllO a down pin oil In upper sal of a small bottom field thence S i W at t roilS pass a tree comer W D Denny In all Bo polls to a staktm his Ilne salt to 1 be also corner of Caldwell thence N So W t jo to ttu beginning contalnng ID 1510 acrev jrd tract begins at an oak post ant fallen doubt Hac oak the beginning corner of said patent and also Rogers corner near his spring house thence N 19 D with Roger line loj ro 1110 two whit oaks hence N YI II W 61 roles to a a fallen hickory In a held thence N6Ea ia roles to a rum thence Wa corner thence his line S 44 E4t poles to a black oak and a post oak corner also to r Reynolds tin thence his line St Pa E rq poles to apoetak tin and fallen forked black oak comer to Reynolds and Wheeler thence with Wheelers line N6 ia B it < poles to the be containing 910 acres Th lands 4 being incapable of division tile sale Is lor 1M pos of dividing tM proceeds amongst tIIolf entitled thereto each tract to be sold separately TtRlsFor the purchase price the purchaser with approved security or securities must ecate t bond In Instaliments haring legal Interlll from the sale until and Saving the force and daTof When will be prepared to comply promptly with these terms R G WARREN Comr FOR SALE I A splendid storeroom residence I In sec > ODd awry stock of general mar ch6ndl o also a well arranged coal excellent trade established 14 years 81 trade In ihlngle slake and poet An man wbo will come and Inspect It de ilrout of buying I can trade with This sale mutt bo made by Jan ht as my soul and sonsinlaw have engaged In other basUes It I have to hire a man to run It Jail It will not th r Ad ItI1J N KINO Merelaad4Ky- ti I ti NEWS NOTESI Ten lochel of snow fell In Now Mex- Ico ¬ Dr Mapnlen president of St Mary Seminary Is dead I R 0 Wbaync who eulclded In Lou Isvlllo carried 1390000 Insurance I Eight hundred sacks of mall bnrncd i railroadI Bath i t county farmer was killed In runaway Cherokee DIIlI Smith a notorious desperado was captured by a posio Colorado 10I Doeea M Koowltoo former ¬ tiny General of Manacbuiotti li dead of apoplexy Harry Catlett lulcldcd In Anderson county by taking Paris green end cut ting nil tbroat- PODDlylunla capitalists have bought 25000 acre of coal and timber land In Rockcaitlo and Jackson counties Edward II Rogers ono of the moat export telegraphers In the United State Is dead at San Antonio Texas Trainmen la the employ of the Lou ¬ isville S Naihvlllo Railroad Company have given the company until January 15 to decide whether the scale of wages shell be Increased At Henderson Prof 0 A Hayes has sued F Daae owner of the Hotel Hen derson for t2S8CO damtg t the suit growing out of Hayes arrest several months ago on tbo charge of setting lira to the hotel Tbo funeral of Mr Julia Dent Grant took place In Washington Saturday The services wore attended by Presi ¬ dent Roosevelt and many prominent odlelals At the close tbo body was taken to New York In St Lout a verdict of guilty was returned In the cases of Sheridan Don ¬ ny Gutlco Uersch and Albright mom bars ot tho House of Delegates on the charge of bribery Their punishment was fixed at five years each Burgln citizens have filed a com plaint with tbo State Railroad Commit ¬ sloe against tbo proposed extension of tho Southern railway to Danville They claim It will parallel the line of the Cincinnati Southern a noncompot log road At the banquet of the Now York Stato Danker Association Controller of the Treasury Rtdgely delivered an mores currency system ¬ terized the act of 1882 as a hindrance that should bo sane quay with Wheeler Campbell a Paducab at- torney his been Indicted on the charge of obstructing public justice Mr Campbells alleged offenso was defying a Constable to arrest a client who bad been held to the grand Jury by a Meg ¬ istrate without the formality of an ox amlnlng trial Judge Speer of Georgia said in a speech before the Buffalo Independent Club that the reduction of Southern representation In Congress would en danger the welfare of tbo State affect tocd and that no good came from legisla Lion that would arouse the hostility o a resolute people Masked robbers attempted to loot the White River flank at Loogoolee Ind Saturday morning Two citizens re ¬ lilted them and ono robber and ono citizen was wounded It was a busy day for bandits reports showing lev- ¬ oral similar raids In Iowa Indian Ter ¬ ritory and other places The oHlctals of the Reading railroad the largest producer of anthracite coal say that there Is absolutely no pros pact that the supply of hard coal will be any greater during tbo winter The present price will rule for nearly a year Washington physicians attrib ¬ ute an epidemic of grip and pneumonia to the lack of fuel In that city The list of casualties from the wreck at Byron CaLI Includes 12 dead and 20 or more Injured The wreck occurred Saturday night The Stockton express ran Into the rear end of the Los Ange Ice Owl train smashing the last car to bits Many of the dead wore so bad- ly mangled that hours elapsed before they woro Identified The Owl trains flagman signaled the express at the proper point The flagman on the express stated that the brakes were Im ¬ mediately applied but they failed to work as quick as usual While childrens hearts with gladness glow At happy Christmas time And elders eager Intrest show Ai when In early prime No all the sweats for these are sent On that thriceblessed day King Cupid In the merriment Wltb Santa Claus holds sway Welch Better Than a Plaster A piece of flannel dampened with onf for a lame back and for pains In the side asI a o muscular and rncumatte palace For sale by Craig Heekr Stanford MATRIMONIAL Wm H Goode and Mite Eva Harps will be married at the brides homo tOlDorrowI etta mado ono at Oliver Tombs on the 25th John D Harmon a business man of Perryvllle and Mlsi Pearl Naylor of Marion eloped to Jelllco where they marriedI 22 married Mrs MercerIcounty I venture matrimony though she Ii oldI and Miss Sallie Bot ¬ tom Dlckersoo and Mils Mary Bottom were married at Perryvlllo by the Rev J C Gilliam The brides are sisters License was Issued yesterday to Mr WS Huffman to marry Miss Pearl Rose alto of Hustonvllle They will be married at Danville tomorrow Both are very popular young people with friends galore who wish them long lives Oiled with happiness On being told that Injuries she bad sustained by a fall would Provo fatal Mrs Ida Thutge of Petersburg Ky asked that her daughter Doty and Mr Warren flurries bo married In her presence Tbo ceremony was perform ¬ ed at the dying mothers bedside Mite Ethl McOufTey the handsome and attractive daughter of Deputy Sheriff James M McGulTev of High- land ¬ and Mr Emil Greenburg of that vicinity were married at the residence of Rev L M Cook by that gentleman Sunday morning at 10 oclock Mr Groeiburg Is an Industrious young farmer and we feel sure will make an excellent husband wbllo the lady be has won will prove worthy of his confi ¬ deuce lovo and esteem- CHURCMATTERS Tho now parsonage at Montlcello will be completed next month The College of the Bible will bavo a 150000 endowed McUarvoy chair In the put 14 years the Christian church Extension Society has aided In building 601 churches The flaptlste of Preacberville have changed their preaching tlmo to the first and third Sunday in each month The members of the Presbyterian church presented Rev S M Logan a very substantial Christmas present ISO In cash on the ove of his departure for Wllmoro Mlddlesboro News Roy A J Pike who was bere yet terday told us that bo bad served la- the capeclty of pastor for the Gllcad Baptist church Madison conntv for 13 pears and bad been recalled unanlmout ly for another year and Installed Bro Plko Is a faithful servant of the Lord and an excellent preacher Rev E M Mills Corresponding Secretary of the Methodist Episcopal Thank Offering Fund cape that overy dollar of the 120000000 called for cashf a dollars for educational purposes has been received within 45 days KINGSVILLE The stores aro already having a One Christmas trade Born on the 17th to the wife of Cic ¬ ero Murphy a girl Tho railroad company will soon have completed their lake near tbo trestle whore they have a water tank Mrs Dan Hester continues very 111 Miss Fannie Dunn Is lick Felix Twld well the popular traveling salesman of Danville was hero Friday Eld Burry arrived Wednesday and Is holding services at the Christian church each evening Eld Jones Is ex ¬ pected to be hero an4 preach Sunday morningMrs Carey will leavo In a few days for a protracted visit to her- on at Lebanon Junction Wallace Walter was over from Stanford Sun ¬ day the guest of his brother Tueco Waters Is at homo from Indian Torrl ¬ tory Letters like the following are calcu ¬ lated to make the burdens of a news ¬ paper man grow lighter I herewith hand you money order for U on sub scription to INTERIOR JOURNAL I will not say I can not do without the JOURNAL for I suppose I could If I had to but I would dislike very much to have to do so 1 never hear from homo except through the JOURNAL Hence Ita semiweekly vIsits are like letters from homo and then Its politics are all right I hope Judge Saufley will bo your judge again Wishing you success and you and all my old friends a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous Now Year I am- Yours truly M G CASK Petersburg Texas A Liberal Offer The undersigned will give a tree sam ¬ pie of ChamborlalnalBtomach and Liter Tablets to any one wanting a rellaUo remedy for disorders of the stomach bil ¬ iousness or constipation This Is a new remedy and a good one Oralg A Hocker j f- LANCASTER Monday was county court day The Garrard graded school closes TuesdayThere have been five accessions to ohurcbI tree will The ladles exchange made 812 50 on their sales Saturday afternoon It Is rumored Dr H G Sandlin will move to Richmond Instead of going WestThe Ross Bros of this county have prized and shipped their large crop of tobaccoPaint Lick creek was on a greater rampage last week than It has been for 12 years Master Lucian Grant was one of the winners In the doll contest of the Cour ¬ ier Journal The Christian Sunday School will hold their Christmas celebration Wed- nesday ¬ afternoon The young men are preparing for a bop during the holidays with Saxtone band as musicians The Baptist Sunday School will have a Xmas ladder at the church Thurs- day ¬ afternoon at 2 oclock Go see the Xmas decorations at J C Thompson Lancaster the finest dis ¬ play and the prettiest store in tbo State Mr Fred Kemper who sold his now residence to Mr Alex Beazley of Crab Orchard has rented Mrs Ella Bettls cottage on Danville street Tbo Presbyterian Sunday School will have their Christmas tree Wed ¬ prayermeetingbeginning service Tom Palmer bought of Fox Turner of the Bourno locality bis crop of to ¬ bacco at 5 and Sic Curtis Bros sold Simmoos J C Thompson Lancaster has the handsomest line of Xmas goods In Cen ¬ tral Kentucky Sterling sliver cut glass and art goods Imported marble statuary etc a Miss Ida Pearce of Teatersvllle and Oscar Ray of the same vicinity were married at the brides homo Rev J E Woolford officiating The young lady Is a niece of exMarshal Jim Pearce Eld Meldrum who for two years or more has been pastor of the church at Stone has resigned preparatory to taking a trip around the world He gOnofour Evangelist Hopkins and his choir of sweet singers will be bere this week and a Sunday School Teachers Insti ¬ tute will ho held at tho Christian church to which the public are cordi ¬ ally Invited The Billy Wcit Minstrels aro ad ¬ vertised to glvo their excellent show on Christmas evening There will be many Interesting features and attract ¬ lone and a noyelty In the way of the youngest comedian yet beforo the toot ¬ lights Master John G Klnnalrd The town of Burgin has Instituted suit against the Louisville Southern Railway Company for proposed breach of promise With these proceedings and Gov Bradleys espousal of the Garrard route It teems that the chance for Lancaster having a through trunk line Is not yet a lost cause A musical contest will be held at the court house on Monday evening Dec JOlh at which 120 will be awarded to the best piano soloist Under 18 years ol ago 15 In gold will also be awarded to the best ragtime performer no lim ¬ it as to age and the number of con ¬ testants not to exceed soven Names of those who wish to compete should be sent In at once Mr Henley Bastln Is at homo from Perdue University LaFayette Ind Misses Helen and Martha Gill return ¬ ed from Glendale Ohio Mr Percy Noland and family left Saturday for Spokane Wash Misses Ethel West and Lena Rlgnoy have returned from school at Lexington Miss Norma El moro Is visiting In Richmond Mrs Wm Burnet U visiting In Snelbyvllle Miss Margaret Tomllnson Is visiting Mrs A H Rice of Naahylllo Mrs James I Hamilton has joined her hue ¬ band In Memphis Mrs M E Wilson has gono to Mississippi Miss Emma Washburn leaves tonlght for her homo In Louisville Misses Cora Ward and Marie Joseph are at home for the boll ¬ days from Bristol Tenn Miss Willie Belle Burnsldo returned Thursday night from the Cincinnati Conservato ry of Music H W Batson of Louis ville will spend Christmas hero at his oli home Miss Mist Margaret Miller of Richmond and Mrs Ed Price of this vicinity bavo been visiting in Stanford Mrs flanks Hudson and little daughter Porter Scott will spend Christmas In Lexington Mr H Sullivan will spend Xmas near Cincin ¬ nati fatallyl badly insured In a trolley car accident In New York i Buy Him Celling Useful FOR CHRISTMAS We have lots of nice things men use and would like for gifts Silk Handkerchiefs r Neckwear Suit Cases r Fancy Vests- Suspenders Gloves Mufflers Umbrellas Sweaters Smoking Jackets t Besides Our Regular Lines of Clothing Shoes and Hats IT PAYS TO TRADEAT E THE GLOBE Merchant Tailoring Gleaning Pressing and Repairing Your money back it youre not satisfied t T D niiLLBB Danville KB To Our Patrons i GREETING How about your Christmas Shopping V Christmas bells will soon ring merrily have yon selected your gifts If not you can not do better than to visit our exposition of all that is artistically choice in our line The selection displayed of DIAMONDS Su FINE WATCHES JEWELRY 0 SILVER WARE- NOVELTIES I Has much to recommend it It is the best we have ever shown and you know what we have lone in the past 4 There is Wisdom t In buying this class of goods from reputable jewelers then you know how easily reachable our prices always arec Murray Be McAdams s JEWELERS And OPTICIANS Danville Kentucky F R XMAS i We have a large stock of the latest styles in Lamps nUllat ROCK BOTTOM i PRICES Our stockof Chamber sets 1 Dinner sets Salads Chop Dishes BtSs B l plates A D Coffees and fancy pieces in j China will please you Wo hAve an im f lucuso stock of all kinds of Candies Nuts Fruits ilc Lots of toys for the Chil drcn3LSend us your ORDER or comp to see us Good fire nil the ti erphone 10 i McKinneyM STANFORD KENTUCKY t

Transcript of Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Stanford, KY) 1902-12-23 [p...

Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Stanford, KY) 1902-12-23 [p ] · 2013. 6. 19. ·

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Commissioners Sale J

Lincoln Circuit CourtIW T Stephonson Admr Plaintiff v W

T Stephenson II n and Devisees Deftvlrtuo of a judgment and order of sale

of the Lincoln Circuit Court rendered atthe November term thfroof 1005 to the

offer for

8taDrOrdlKydlllupaofollowing property to r

Lout and lot In Crab bounded on i

North sod East by tbn lands of John nacho 1

ansna lire South by property of Mr net

IDlnlfaboulacres on Cemetery Street In Crab Orchardbounded worth by Cemetery Street Enit bythe land of Mn Laura Moore South bythe land of J W Onset and West by thelaud of Mlddleton Ird A tract ot aboutpoorhouseCharlie Carson East by the Someraet roadWest by the laud of John Turnbull Bouthby the poorlious farm 4th A tract ofabout el H acre of knob land bounded onthe North by the land ot Jooph Welch onthe Kait the lands of W Gust on theBooth by the laud of Mat Illanton andWest by the land of Jmte Taylor Thetour tract will be told lor the Inpart of paying the debt ot the decedent

for the dllilon of the proceedsamongst those entitled thereto after costof this suit and cats of administration aresettled For the purchase price the pur¬

chaser with approved lIeurlt or pcorlties must en oute earlofleltal In ¬

f tenet tram the day of andhaving the force effort of a judgmentpromptly ¬


Commissioners SaleLincoln Circuit Court

W U PlatestiffvsJ M Cham ¬

EquityIlv oNler of taleot the Lincoln Ulreult Court rendered atthe November term thereof 1WS In theabove cause for the sum of JIM with in-

terest at the rate or bier cent per annumfrom the 19th day of IMS uctll paidand hla oat herein I shall proceed to offerfor aale at the courthouse door In Stan ¬

ford to the highest bidder at public outcryon Monday Jan 12 IWi at 11 oclock A

M tberealwut being county court dayon a credit orals months the following

ilrxrllMx property to wilt BltuatK nearKlngsvllle county Ky In twotracts lit Hounded Hi as beginning atBono near the dwelling on said mov ¬

lags 3SV03poletoastonelnWTMurpbyi old line with same <7 to a stone In ash llao and thence toJesse Wright thence his line N 1 W 71pole to a stone en South lldn of roadthence wltb center of sold road 8 M K40 >

4 poles to a stone thence W 13 pole tothe beginning containing lx acre godBounded thus beginning In center of thecounty road FAit ot and near the dwelling

f on Ont tract at a tone 8 2 W 14 palM elink to a stone la line of W T Murphythence with his lint 17 N It poe9ltnks toa stone corner to Ont tract tbcnce 819 EUpole 11 link to a lion corner to IIntract thence NSW 10 pole with saidline to the centre of county road thence N83 E 8 pole and t link to the beltlolagcontalning e acre 2 rood andO pales orland or sufficient thereof to produce thesums of money so ordered to be made Forthe purchase price the purchaser with ap¬

proved security or secnrltlr must executebond boaringlegal interest trout the day ortale until and having the force andeffect of a judgment Hidden will bo prepared to promptly with these terms

R 0 WAUUEN Commise-

lonerCommissioners SaleUacoln circuit court

Jirore AJjmtc Puintiff vs Simeon Dowcll3 EquityUy nt ant J orjtr of sae of tht

I Uocoln circuit watt rtnJtrtJ at the November Urnuwrtof QII In tht attire cause I shah procttJdeer for sale st ths cowl hout door In bunfofla th hlgrtdt bUJtr lit ruNic outcry on

MONDAY JANUARY nTH tooAt tl octixk A MOT UwrMbout ctlntttunty court

t < y upon a smelt of 6 ant n mosths the Ihrttracts of tact huelnanet described Rnt a 04 acreUacl rticnttd k> him T U Alans eth Jiy of Junt

I atawhn oak comror the ac-

tractp teetelbyssUAtomsNesEspdtoA IU-

gar trust rte mouth oil ahere It intersfork thence N e6 f 1 I 1s pees to a tut down whitoak and fallen Ich male 4nler thence N6u 141Vt e6 rotes pass 1 14 pohs to tht left of a whitNIc ant rum corner of a surrey maJ by him-

IGt anlIxnet toy him to JIIIU Atoms lit all ttIsbnc t

now 10 Jo1011 thllm thenc hls lln S t S W nrotes to ii ttwttnut stump sprout nark msJ a pointerSit ft W H roilS to e surer tree In a bottoa netloot of a bill thenc corner of Uibney Gooch andstome of tb alort uU 140 scr patent thence with

lie of the tic acre > tecluling a lap on It by the 94

ami N 6g l s E t4 poles to s JoIrw oafs these N J4E il okstoaahlteoakthnc Ngt E tl polesto IIIe containing g 14mltingtgine1na comer of aIJ punt and Caner of Dabney-Gooch theece his line J9 V 6q pours to a downbeech near th foot ol the hilt thence S 6t its W 41s to lestoamaple near th fool of a hill thenceN L 9 a to poles to a beech thence 66 B t rolesto a whit oak oo th Eatl bankr Glue Fork thenceN t6 E croMlnc said creek < i poke to a sugar tree-

s tear the tool of a hill Gooch1 a corner also comer tothe 94 acre tract above thence with same N

ppoolesto mthlyask thenci Nt tIIeDctM4 to aI

lug white oak corner of the 94liarlne sam S 19 E 46 poles to a beech thence S st I

ee roIel to a mulberry thence S e4 1 s6 rollllO adown pin oil In upper sal of a small bottom fieldthence S i W at t roilS pass a tree comer WD Denny In all Bo polls to a staktm his Ilne salt to

1 be also corner of Caldwell thence N So W t jo to ttubeginning contalnng ID 1510 acrev

jrd tract begins at an oak post ant fallen doubtHac oak the beginning corner of said patent andalso Rogers corner near his spring house thence N19 D with Roger line loj ro 1110 two whit oakshence N YI II W 61 roles to a a fallen hickory

In a held thence N 6 E a ia roles to a rum thenceWacornerthence his line S 44 E4t poles to a black oak and apost oak corner also to r Reynolds tin thence hisline St Pa E rq poles to apoetak tin and fallenforked black oak comer to Reynolds and Wheelerthence with Wheelers line N 6 i a B it < poles tothe be containing 910 acres Th lands

4 being incapable of division tile sale Is lor 1Mpos of dividing tM proceeds amongst tIIolf entitledthereto each tract to be sold separately

TtRlsFor the purchase price the purchaserwith approved security or securities must ecate

t bond In Instaliments haring legal Interlllfrom the sale until and Saving the forceand daTof When will be prepared tocomply promptly with these terms



A splendid storeroom residence I In sec >

ODd awry stock of general march6ndl o also a well arranged coalexcellent trade established 14 years 81

trade In ihlngle slake and poet Anman wbo will come and Inspect It deilrout of buying I can trade withThis sale mutt bo made by Jan ht as mysoul and sonsinlaw have engaged In otherbasUes It I have to hire a man to run ItJail It will not th r

Ad ItI1J N KINO Merelaad4Ky-




NEWS NOTESITen lochel of snow fell In Now Mex-


Dr Mapnlen president of St MarySeminary Is dead I

R 0 Wbaync who eulclded In LouIsvlllo carried 1390000 Insurance I

Eight hundred sacks of mall bnrncdirailroadI Bathi

tcounty farmer was killed In runaway

Cherokee DIIlI Smith a notoriousdesperado was captured by a posioColorado 10I

Doeea M Koowltoo former ¬

tiny General of Manacbuiotti li deadof apoplexy

Harry Catlett lulcldcd In Andersoncounty by taking Paris green end cutting nil tbroat-

PODDlylunla capitalists have bought25000 acre of coal and timber land InRockcaitlo and Jackson counties

Edward II Rogers ono of the moatexport telegraphers In the UnitedState Is dead at San Antonio Texas

Trainmen la the employ of the Lou ¬

isville S Naihvlllo Railroad Companyhave given the company until January15 to decide whether the scale of wagesshell be Increased

At Henderson Prof 0 A Hayes hassued F Daae owner of the Hotel Henderson for t2S8CO damtg t the suitgrowing out of Hayes arrest severalmonths ago on tbo charge of settinglira to the hotel

Tbo funeral of Mr Julia Dent Granttook place In Washington SaturdayThe services wore attended by Presi ¬

dent Roosevelt and many prominentodlelals At the close tbo body wastaken to New York

In St Lout a verdict of guilty wasreturned In the cases of Sheridan Don ¬

ny Gutlco Uersch and Albright mombars ot tho House of Delegates on thecharge of bribery Their punishmentwas fixed at five years each

Burgln citizens have filed a complaint with tbo State Railroad Commit ¬

sloe against tbo proposed extension oftho Southern railway to DanvilleThey claim It will parallel the line ofthe Cincinnati Southern a noncompotlog road

At the banquet of the Now YorkStato Danker Association Controllerof the Treasury Rtdgely delivered anmorescurrency system ¬

terized the act of 1882 as a hindrancethat should bo sane quay with

Wheeler Campbell a Paducab at-

torney his been Indicted on the chargeof obstructing public justice MrCampbells alleged offenso was defyinga Constable to arrest a client who badbeen held to the grand Jury by a Meg ¬

istrate without the formality of an oxamlnlng trial

Judge Speer of Georgia said in aspeech before the Buffalo IndependentClub that the reduction of Southernrepresentation In Congress would endanger the welfare of tbo State affect

tocd and that no good came from legislaLion that would arouse the hostility oa resolute people

Masked robbers attempted to loot theWhite River flank at Loogoolee IndSaturday morning Two citizens re¬

lilted them and ono robber and onocitizen was wounded It was a busyday for bandits reports showing lev-¬

oral similar raids In Iowa Indian Ter ¬

ritory and other placesThe oHlctals of the Reading railroad

the largest producer of anthracite coalsay that there Is absolutely no prospact that the supply of hard coal willbe any greater during tbo winter Thepresent price will rule for nearly ayear Washington physicians attrib ¬

ute an epidemic of grip and pneumoniato the lack of fuel In that city

The list of casualties from the wreckat Byron CaLI Includes 12 dead and 20or more Injured The wreck occurredSaturday night The Stockton expressran Into the rear end of the Los AngeIce Owl train smashing the last carto bits Many of the dead wore so bad-ly mangled that hours elapsed beforethey woro Identified The Owltrains flagman signaled the express atthe proper point The flagman on theexpress stated that the brakes were Im ¬

mediately applied but they failed towork as quick as usual

While childrens hearts with gladnessglow

At happy Christmas timeAnd elders eager Intrest show

Ai when In early primeNo all the sweats for these are sent

On that thriceblessed dayKing Cupid In the merriment

Wltb Santa Claus holds swayWelch

Better Than a PlasterA piece of flannel dampened withonffor a lame back and for pains In the sideasIa o

muscular and rncumatte palace For saleby Craig Heekr Stanford


Wm H Goode and Mite Eva Harpswill be married at the brides homo

tOlDorrowIetta mado ono at OliverTombs on the 25th

John D Harmon a business man ofPerryvllle and Mlsi Pearl Naylor ofMarion eloped to Jelllco where they

marriedI 22 married Mrs

MercerIcountyI venture matrimony though she Ii

oldI and Miss Sallie Bot ¬

tom Dlckersoo andMils Mary Bottom were married atPerryvlllo by the Rev J C GilliamThe brides are sisters

License was Issued yesterday to MrW S Huffman to marry Miss PearlRose alto of Hustonvllle They willbe married at Danville tomorrowBoth are very popular young peoplewith friends galore who wish themlong lives Oiled with happiness

On being told that Injuries she badsustained by a fall would Provo fatalMrs Ida Thutge of Petersburg Kyasked that her daughter Doty and MrWarren flurries bo married In herpresence Tbo ceremony was perform ¬

ed at the dying mothers bedsideMite Ethl McOufTey the handsome

and attractive daughter of DeputySheriff James M McGulTev of High-land


and Mr Emil Greenburg of thatvicinity were married at the residenceof Rev L M Cook by that gentlemanSunday morning at 10 oclock MrGroeiburg Is an Industrious youngfarmer and we feel sure will make anexcellent husband wbllo the lady behas won will prove worthy of his confi ¬

deuce lovo and esteem-


Tho now parsonage at Montlcello willbe completed next month

The College of the Bible will bavo a150000 endowed McUarvoy chair

In the put 14 years the Christianchurch Extension Society has aided Inbuilding 601 churches

The flaptlste of Preacberville havechanged their preaching tlmo to thefirst and third Sunday in each month

The members of the Presbyterianchurch presented Rev S M Logan avery substantial Christmas presentISO In cash on the ove of his departurefor Wllmoro Mlddlesboro News

Roy A J Pike who was bere yetterday told us that bo bad served la-

the capeclty of pastor for the GllcadBaptist church Madison conntv for 13

pears and bad been recalled unanlmoutly for another year and Installed BroPlko Is a faithful servant of the Lordand an excellent preacher

Rev E M Mills CorrespondingSecretary of the Methodist EpiscopalThank Offering Fund cape that overydollar of the 120000000 called forcashfadollars for educational purposes hasbeen received within 45 days


The stores aro already having a OneChristmas trade

Born on the 17th to the wife of Cic ¬

ero Murphy a girlTho railroad company will soon have

completed their lake near tbo trestlewhore they have a water tank

Mrs Dan Hester continues very 111

Miss Fannie Dunn Is lick Felix Twldwell the popular traveling salesman ofDanville was hero Friday

Eld Burry arrived Wednesday andIs holding services at the Christianchurch each evening Eld Jones Is ex ¬

pected to be hero an4 preach Sunday

morningMrsCarey will leavo In a

few days for a protracted visit to her-on at Lebanon Junction Wallace

Walter was over from Stanford Sun ¬

day the guest of his brother TuecoWaters Is at homo from Indian Torrl ¬


Letters like the following are calcu ¬

lated to make the burdens of a news ¬

paper man grow lighter I herewithhand you money order for U on subscription to INTERIOR JOURNAL Iwill not say I can not do without theJOURNAL for I suppose I could If I hadto but I would dislike very much tohave to do so 1 never hear from homoexcept through the JOURNAL HenceIta semiweekly vIsits are like lettersfrom homo and then Its politics areall right I hope Judge Saufley willbo your judge again Wishing yousuccess and you and all my old friendsa merry Christmas and a happy andprosperous Now Year I am-

Yours trulyM G CASK

Petersburg Texas

A Liberal Offer

The undersigned will give a tree sam¬

pie of ChamborlalnalBtomach and LiterTablets to any one wanting a rellaUoremedy for disorders of the stomach bil ¬

iousness or constipation This Is a new

remedy and a good one Oralg A Hockerj



Monday was county court dayThe Garrard graded school closes


have been five accessions to

ohurcbI tree will

The ladles exchange made 812 50 ontheir sales Saturday afternoon

It Is rumored Dr H G Sandlin willmove to Richmond Instead of goingWestThe

Ross Bros of this county haveprized and shipped their large crop of

tobaccoPaintLick creek was on a greater

rampage last week than It has been for12 years

Master Lucian Grant was one of thewinners In the doll contest of the Cour ¬

ier JournalThe Christian Sunday School will

hold their Christmas celebration Wed-nesday


afternoonThe young men are preparing for a

bop during the holidays with Saxtoneband as musicians

The Baptist Sunday School will havea Xmas ladder at the church Thurs-day


afternoon at 2 oclockGo see the Xmas decorations at J C

Thompson Lancaster the finest dis ¬

play and the prettiest store in tboState

Mr Fred Kemper who sold his nowresidence to Mr Alex Beazley of CrabOrchard has rented Mrs Ella Bettlscottage on Danville street

Tbo Presbyterian Sunday Schoolwill have their Christmas tree Wed ¬


Tom Palmer bought of Fox Turnerof the Bourno locality bis crop of to ¬bacco at 5 and Sic Curtis Bros sold

SimmoosJ C Thompson Lancaster has thehandsomest line of Xmas goods In Cen ¬

tral Kentucky Sterling sliver cutglass and art goods Imported marblestatuary etc a

Miss Ida Pearce of Teatersvllle andOscar Ray of the same vicinity weremarried at the brides homo Rev JE Woolford officiating The younglady Is a niece of exMarshal JimPearce

Eld Meldrum who for two years ormore has been pastor of the church atStone has resigned preparatory totaking a trip around the world HegOnofour

Evangelist Hopkins and his choir ofsweet singers will be bere this weekand a Sunday School Teachers Insti ¬

tute will ho held at tho Christianchurch to which the public are cordi ¬

ally InvitedThe Billy Wcit Minstrels aro ad ¬

vertised to glvo their excellent showon Christmas evening There will bemany Interesting features and attract ¬

lone and a noyelty In the way of theyoungest comedian yet beforo the toot ¬

lights Master John G KlnnalrdThe town of Burgin has Instituted

suit against the Louisville SouthernRailway Company for proposed breachof promise With these proceedingsand Gov Bradleys espousal of theGarrard route It teems that thechance for Lancaster having a throughtrunk line Is not yet a lost cause

A musical contest will be held at thecourt house on Monday evening DecJOlh at which 120 will be awarded tothe best piano soloist Under 18 years olago 15 In gold will also be awardedto the best ragtime performer no lim ¬

it as to age and the number of con ¬

testants not to exceed soven Namesof those who wish to compete should besent In at once

Mr Henley Bastln Is at homo fromPerdue University LaFayette IndMisses Helen and Martha Gill return ¬

ed from Glendale Ohio Mr PercyNoland and family left Saturday forSpokane Wash Misses Ethel Westand Lena Rlgnoy have returned fromschool at Lexington Miss Norma Elmoro Is visiting In Richmond MrsWm Burnet U visiting In SnelbyvllleMiss Margaret Tomllnson Is visitingMrs A H Rice of Naahylllo MrsJames I Hamilton has joined her hue ¬

band In Memphis Mrs M E Wilsonhas gono to Mississippi Miss EmmaWashburn leaves tonlght for her homoIn Louisville Misses Cora Ward andMarie Joseph are at home for the boll ¬

days from Bristol Tenn Miss WillieBelle Burnsldo returned Thursdaynight from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music H W Batson of Louisville will spend Christmas hero at hisoli home Miss Mist Margaret Millerof Richmond and Mrs Ed Price ofthis vicinity bavo been visiting inStanford Mrs flanks Hudson andlittle daughter Porter Scott willspend Christmas In Lexington Mr HSullivan will spend Xmas near Cincin ¬

natifatallylbadly insured In a trolley car accidentIn New York

i Buy Him Celling Useful


We have lots of nice things men use and would like for gifts

Silk Handkerchiefsr Neckwear

Suit Casesr Fancy Vests-


GlovesMufflersUmbrellasSweatersSmoking Jackets

t Besides Our Regular Lines of Clothing Shoes and Hats


E THE GLOBEMerchant Tailoring Gleaning Pressing and Repairing

Your money back it youre not satisfied

t T D niiLLBB Danville KB

To Our Patronsi


How about your Christmas Shopping V Christmasbells will soon ring merrily have yon selected your giftsIf not you can not do better than to visit our expositionof all that is artistically choice in our line The selectiondisplayed of





Has much to recommend it It is the best we have evershown and you know what we have lone in the past 4

There is Wisdomt

In buying this class of goods from reputable jewelersthen you know how easily reachable our prices always arecMurray Be McAdams s


Danville Kentucky


We have a large stock of the latest stylesin Lamps nUllat ROCK BOTTOM i

PRICES Our stockof Chamber sets 1

Dinner sets Salads Chop Dishes BtSs B l

plates A D Coffees and fancy pieces in jChina will please you Wo hAve an im f

lucuso stock of all kinds of Candies NutsFruits ilc Lots of toys for the Childrcn3LSend us your ORDER or comp tosee us Good fire nil the ti erphone 10


