Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-08...

THE INTERIOR JOURNAL STANFOUD Kv AUG 31 1900- E 0 WALTON HUSINESH MANAGER j n Ti boat materials combined with 111 and accuracy insure good results No Bro over- used in our proscription work Penny Drug Store PERSONALS Miss SUSAN PiBHBit WOODS Is at DJlpplng Springs MRS WILLIAM DAUOIIKKTY Is ut r Talhama Spring Miss FANNIE DOTY of Garrard la with Mrs L L DOW JOHN W BIIOWN HSQ of Mt Ver non watt hero yesterday Miss LAURA CAUTEU went lo Jrab Orchard to visit yesterday W W SAUNOKRS and Ap Novlu aro attending the Brodhcad fair Miss LYDIA LEWIS of Danvlllo was the guest of Mrs Allco Clovd Mus KLLEN QUEEN of Shelby City U with hor brother G U Barnelt Miss MAUOIE McCLAitYot Ml Vur i pool la rUitlng Miss Stella McOlary MRS ELIZA mAIN and James U Gentry aro at Crab Orchard Springs MRS JOSIK UANKY of Danville le- the guest of Mr and Mre T D Ranoy MRS ELLA STUVIINS of Booneabor OJgh Is with Mr and Mrs 4ct East land MISSES FRANCES SPOONAMOHE left Wednesday lorxalol Ill to vliilrola lives MRS JULIA HUGHES end family kayo moved Into their pretty now homo IEAKSOK MILLER of Stanford was hero a few days since Wayne Co Record Miss CottA JURBY of Peweo Valley will arrive today to visit Miss Sallto Duddcrar MISSES JESSIE DBANB COOKE and Lurlle Cooper mo vlalilng relative at LancasterMRS S REID ot Lexington h visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Jno M White MISSES NELL DILLON and Rose M II ler of Lancaster paid this otilco a call Wednesday MRS WT MmtlMgI and children of Livingston havo been with Mrs O J Newlaod Miss ISAIIKL WALKER of Garrard U over 00 a visit to her brother Mr W O Walker Misses AOOIB CARNEY and Fidelia Sharp of Junction City are with Mrs W O Speed Miss FLLA LBB BARNBTT Is visiting Mil Kite B Drye and other relatives near 11 JMtonvlleI FOREST MCCLARY Initiated the shirt pant rage hero yesterday Ho has teem for sale ni I2J10 Rev W M lirltt has recovered cut fl icntly to bo able to Oil his regular appointment hero Sunday- W o MERSHON and wife of St Louis have been vlilllng Mrs Gran vlllo Mcrthon and daughters 1 MISSKS MAUI MOORE and Pearl JohDMD of Doyle have been guests of Muses Salllo and Jennlo Lynn MKSDAMES SAMUEL REID and Pris Rio Drye of Uustonvlllc visited rela ¬ tives here the first of tbo week MRS HELEN HUKKMAN of Huston ville Is visiting her brother Judge J P Bailey and other relatives hero Miss SALLIB LYNN wont to Millers hire Wednesday to be one of a houso put given by Miss Julia Carpenter Missis KATIE SIMPSON and Mr o b Brown of Lancaster were hero We Unedy on route to the Brodhead farR L McDraALU son of J P Mo D Jgald of Danville If slowly lifprov icgfrom a serious attack of typhoid fvjr MRS A K DBNNY and Mlts Bello D nay who bavo been in Madison county since June returned home Wed nrsdayMrssRS W G WilLOH R B Ma bony F M Ware EJ Brown and K C Walton wont to the BroJhoad fair yesterday MRS DrNcAN GOODLOK ono of Bjylos best democrats was hero Wd r a3ay on his way to Richmond to via la mother DMR9 J N MUNEPBR and MUa Lu c io Mcncfoe havo returned from avis pa Mrs K B Ritchie al Mineral Wlla Texas F DITCH LotS LANDRAM who is eying Rio Crab Orchard Springs was hero Wednesday accompanied by Miss Aitio Markabury Miss LINDA MILLER liSat Oxford 0 attending a house party given by Ilea Annlo May Shropshire who ru wntlv visited her MR J A HAMMONDS our splendid n iibblo correspondent was hero Wed eiday on hla way to Casey to visit rol Uires aud old friends MRS J B CROUCH who has been vNonl In Ohio since July 10th return u homo yesterday with the twins and he old man Is happy again Miss ANNIE BRONAUOH gNOLE IAN ras hero yesterday to meet Mr and Ira Thomas Covlngton of Richmond ho came to visit at Mr G R Eagle ans ED WALTON came in with tho circus rain yesterday morning and remained l see tho toni taken down last night vdvocale Lord how soma people are Ivan to lIapsus lingua Mr JAMES MItm uI has given up- I position aa bead miller at J H iaughman Coarralll and has boon accooded by Mr U S Tray lor Mr illburn went to Danville yesterday Mu ED S ROWLAND of tho mer liant tailoring firm of Rowland do oOdcock Danville was hero this cek to see Messrs Cummins Mo- t ary whom he secured to represent e firm here J I BuiaiiT of Lexington the host democrat on the road Is hero to see our merchants JAMKS DUUDEUAK and family havo moved W Stanford jind occupy thollall property on Lower main Mus J W ALLEN and Miss Anne Hold of Iluslonvlllc woro hero Wed- nesday ¬ on their way to Paint Lick to visit relatives A DOZEN or moro couples enjoye n delightful watermelon foto given Mr and Mrs L L Duty last night I honor os Missus Fannie Doty and Isabel Wltllcur of Garrard LOCALS to BllAN now styles In neckwear JP Jones x NEW Disc plow at Illgglns ft Me Klnnoya BuuatES harness hips c chea ut Wcaron Bros DOUGLAS shoes for gentlemen Cum ¬ mini A McClary lUHODNO secondhand school books at Craig S lockers SIR the now shirt walsW for mon at Cummins McClary I FIVE bushels of ohlckon feed for II J 11 Baunhman ft Co fill sale of Mrs Singletons farm oc ¬ curs at Crab Orchard tomorrow re Wi soil Centlmeroa kid gloves and lit thorn to the hand JP Jones WIIoro handling thu Lightning Hay Prose and repairs Woaren Bros CAtt IoAU of tho celebrated Horse Shoe fertilizer just received Deazloy t lays SPECIAL for school children A heavy verge Paragon frame umbrella for 60c J P Jones THE second nine of this place did up Lancaster second team 11 to 11 on their grounds Tuesday afternoon TilE harvest Is past the summer Is about ended and you will never bo say ¬ ed unless you pay your subscription NEW Eddy sllkaBrandenburrgclotbe percales calicoes outings and flannel ¬ ettes for early fall sowing at Severance ft Soot Outs stock of Quconswaro is about complete Call and eco It Something pretty to show you Geo U Farrl Cor YOUR taxes are now past due and you must not put off paying them long ¬ er but come at onoe S M Owens sheriff A COUPLE of dusky damsels Polly and Lena Hays wore before Judg- Usiley for lighting yesterday bu both were acquitted J BlUTKMirBit 22 Is this last day for fil ¬ ing claims road pike or other kinds against the county No claims will bo flied alter that date O B Cooper clerk Tint stockholders heroin the Somer not Banking Co have not been advised stall of the condition of affairs All sorts of rumors aro afloat the latest that there la a defalcation of over 40 000 KILLED J H Haines formerly of Lincoln was killed by tho cars at Lex ¬ ington In such H mannorat to warrant the belief that he took that method of committing ruloldo Ho ww to have been married next day Clltcus Everybody knows thjU Cooper Cos circus Is tho bOIl for tho money It charges of any that over visit this section It will bo hero In nil its glory Monday 3d Come In and lee the parade and tho show LHCTUUE Elder J W McGarvey of Loxlngton will deliver a leoturo nt Goabon ohurch on Wednesday ovanlng Sth on his travula In the Holy Land with splendid view of all Important points Admission 20cforchlldrcn lOc SPEAKING Hon J P Duncan of Carrollton lion J C Bsckham of Shelby and District Elector Wm J Price of Boyle will spunk V Stanford tit 10 oclock A M Monday Sept a Republloansii ua well at democrats arc Inyltod CASTLil COUH tho late residence of Mr Richard Cohn Sr and UOO cares of land lying on the Mllledce vllle pike sold nt auction Wednesday to Mr Richard pobb Jr at 81065 Some knob land belonging to the es ¬ taw only brought lOu an acre A good crowd was nt the sale a number com ¬ lag from a distance FINED Thn Richmond Register says that Anderson Carr of Stanford Harvey Bimildus Ed Galnoa and Geo Steward all of color wore arrested on a charge or tho lllelal sale of whisky They were taken before Judge Rico and Carr was fined 5100 and costs while the others wero released Carr had booth rented at tho colored fair and Intend of selling atrfctly what ho had a right to sell ho procured some whir ky and sold It on the grounds Tho other three wero only hired by Carr a olorksMCCLultnMr Curtla Gover tele phoned us from Crab Orchard this morning that Mr Joo McClure died at 030 last night Ho was one of iho East Ends cleverest and beat citizens and tho now of his death will cause sorrow wherever bo la kuown Ho married Mica Sabra Hays six or seven year ago and aho and one child are loft to mourn the loss of a splendid husband and father Mr McClure was a brother of henry D McClure of Turnoravlllo Typhoid fiver was his trouble The burial will ° occur at Crab0rchiard this afternoon i j WILLIAMSBURG EDITOIt GOES THEItB TO ANSWER LI iilRf SUIT AND GETS CA1TUHED 1We bavo mot tho opcmy nnd wo are theirs We deadened over Into their country Wednesday and wore not only captured but really enraptured with our captors Il was in tho county ofd Wllllamsburg that we caJlI fightn cm we over them collectively or individually which allegation we deny and defy tho alllga tors The reason of our pilgrimage in the little city In the hills was to Ins ¬ wer nn Invitation extended by cxStato Inspector Columbus W Lester to show cause why wo should not pony up 15000 for simply reproducing what was apparently a well authenticated state ¬ Loinp irrnui to ono Robert Nooks who was In custody of an olllcor Two responsible paper at least hud BO charged buforo wo printed the Item but Immediately on Bluing Mr Lesters denial of the charge we gave him the benefit of Iti and before wo dreamed of a suit over tho matter Aftor wo saw by a dispatch In tho Courier Journal that he had brought suit wo published a full expla ¬ nation of our position In tbo promises and not only denied tho slightest mal ¬ ice In the publication but any desire whatever to reflect on Mr Lester whom although not personally ac ¬ quainted with him wo knew to be a good man and to have filled a roapon lble position under Gov Bradley most creditably The explanation did not seem to satiety Mr Lester however and he continued to insist that we come to Wllllamsburg and toll the court that wo wero not animated either with mal ¬ ice aforethnugnt cvjl prepense as wo lawyer say which we are sure the court who has known us from boyhood know without being told Tbo case was set for Wednesday but on accpupt of the absence of ono of our attorneys bllllttu > roes and Mr Lester kindly consented to a continuance to another day of the term In thla connection we may say parenthetically that If wo know ouraolf we would not Intention ¬ ally Injure a living creature byword or publication and that had Mr Lester complained to Ut directly we should have taken delight In setting him right and making the fullest amends peas ¬ blo Wo dont have to bi sued to make us do right but try to do It under any and all circumstances Wo found Mr Letter to bo anything but n bad man from Bitter Creek In fact bo appears to be n pretty clover follow but liable like all humans logo wrong occasion- ally ¬ and bring libel suits We had the good fortune by sugges ¬ tion of Judge Alcorn to find an abiding place at Mra Neeleya hotel Sbo Morrowt attorneys their homo with her It la a mighty pleasant place to spend a day and night Mrs Nooluy is a pretty young widow and was expecting H friend by the train wo arrived on but he didnt como and Judge Alcora explained that the heart- iness of tho welcome she extended aa was due to the fact that she took us for the one expected Speaking of Judge Alcorn reminds us to say that the peo ¬ aplc of Whitley and in fuel all the counties bo practices In look upon him ail the greatest wan living The men swear by him the women name their children after him and tbo other laws opint ion ua not ouly the law but the gospel besides The judge certainly hue got em tricked up there and If the matter wits loft to thorn bo would bo governor president or anything else he might call for Saddened t> y the eavereaj loss that can befall n moan after almost u life time of happy consort Judgo Morrow In nut the bright and cheerful man he was when ho usedto provide over the Lincoln clruull court but occasionally his wellknown and peculiarly charac turlittlu laugh at a good joke which ho tolls with great humor puts everybody in a cachinnating mood Like us ho never was much fatter than n mulch and the few pounds of flush that bo has accumulated since we saw him last shows up well on him Ho apologized for not coming to Stanford while he was al Crab Orchard and wb accepted hit apology on n promise that bo would never be so remiss again We formed a number of pleasant ac quulptdncea in Wllllamsburg Including Mr J W Slier cashier of the local bpnk It la said you sever really know and like u man till you have hud alight with him and while wo did not exactly have a tight with Mr S we should have jumped him hud wo known at the time thai the local militia company had been mustered out that day The point of his offending lay in a vory howl ¬ iating remark he made na wo wore Ir ¬ traduced I know your eon Ed very welt ho said which was enough to make even an older man than we who Imagine wo look almost aa young aa wo used to be jet hot In the collar Wo whena bo suggested that he would have a hempen necktie adjusted to our case If wo didnt look a lello oud Mr Sl ¬ ier has held many olllcus of honor and trust In his county and la at present the republican repreeeniallvo on the elec ¬ tion commission Whataro you dew ocrau going to do with the election lawV ha asked Give you one that the meanest Brownie or thu worst repub 11 Clio a can not gainsay we responded when ho coptlnned We never had a fairer squarer election in Shltley county than tho ono held under the Goubel law because the democratic commissioners wore aa honest ua my lieU but the opportunities for fraud un ¬ der U are too numerous In these days of anxiety to obtain partyadyanI tage1 Mr Slier la a whole cooled and highly pleasant gentleman such aipiie LAn W51 ID ihi Wo had never met our attorneys Messra Tvo and Denbam before They are up to snuff In their profession and lenders of n good bar Mr Tyc fa after our own heart politically but Mr Donham la bound to republican Idols Uos nil right however otherwise and wo overlook the only objection to him for yip same rcasou thai the great en ¬ tertainer Polk Miller says an old dar ¬ ky gave him when he naked Rastus why Is it that you always voto tbo re ¬ publican ticket Jest becaso I dont know no better Mr Miller he no knowledgcdWllllaraBburjr la a really pretty little city but it being laid oil after the or ¬ der of Boston with Its angles and curves a tcnderfooican easily lose his bearings There aro many pretty reel ¬ dences and the academy and Baptist Institute buildings will compare favor ¬ ably with those of any place of Its size In ono particular if no other II U ahead of Stanford Its electric light burn all night while ours shut oil shortly past midnight Wo never saw- a quieter or more orderly place than the capital of Whitley and we have a notion of going there to live If wo have any money loft after Brer Lester gets through with us The militia company tiereorganizd- on n republican basis was mustered out by Capt Calboun Tuesday when It Is sold that the buys returned about twice aa ua they got tWo Agent J B White for courtesies He held open his olllco an hour at night to receive an uuewur to a dispatch we sent Of course eo obliging a gentleman could not bo other than a good democrat Most of the towns along the lino ore holding their own while Livingston la fairly growing and spreading like a green bay tree The last time we were there a miserable old hovel wee called by courtesy the depot Now a band some several story building in which Chief Trbln Dispatcher L M Wester field and an able corps bold forth rears lie commodious proportions heaven ¬ ward modernly fitted with water and other conveniences while flower gar ¬ dens appear and cooling fountains play on hillside and valley The place is un ¬ usually well provided with hotels and I flourishing stores abound Tbo L ft N doesnt give us a pass any moro but makes us pay for riding just like the other common folks so when wo compliment the improvements 111 has made along the line and say It has the cleverest employee of any road In tto country we do It from a purely disinterested standpoint It Is a pleas ¬ ure to ride albeit at 3 cents a mile ItObln80Diiof Douglas of the Short aro gentlemen who know bow to treat gentlemen and to make ladles Tool that ll II a privilege to ride on their train The Short Dog as the train Capt Douglas runs la strangely called la I perhaps the slowest train in the world not even excepting the jerkwater that runs between here and Richmond I on the 1C C Il takes wore than an hour to run the 17 miles between Cor t bin and Willlamaburg and an expert railroader could easily jump oil the engine run around the train and get I on the rear when It Is going Its fastest The track seems to be good and why peoples patience should be so severely taxed la Innxpheabe unless the L N wants to give its patrons along time ride for a little money I Our mission was far from a pleasant one but we rather nJoed the diver ¬ sion and shall not therefore quarrel with our friend the snowy Mr Lester for snaking ua mako It mI THE BRODHEAD x k The fifth annual exhibition of the Rockcasilo Fair Association la going on at Brodhead and Rockcatlo people aa well aa those from numerous other counties are enjoying It Wednesday the Oral daywas devoted mostly to farm products needle work and wom- en ¬ work generally and the display was line A good trotting race a run nlng race and a mulo Taco wero hotly contested In the afternoon Wilcox won the former with niggln and Tray j nor second and third James Spoona morb won the running and E J Mink the unite race Bud Dunn brother of lour A C Dunn got the blue In the walking ring with his great mare that has never known defeat Nearly nil of the rings were well filled tind some had nil high as 10 entries The Ml Vernon band Editor E A Albright leader la furiiUhing tine music Col Jordan Peter Chandler as ring marshal ia u bowling tjuocess Tho skin games are thuru by the doz ¬ enI H C Jones got premium on yellow corn white corn and variety of corn broom corn cane poaches and won tho pony race Rattler is a hustler- B I A Riddle won on beets and pear ElII beets were almost ua large aa pump ¬ j kinst I on but ¬ tar and Mrs Dr Haggard on cake I Miss Ella Dunn took lour ties Black ¬ berry wine peach preserves honey and best trimmed bonnet I A beautiful lot of silk quilts wore exbTbllcd Rockcastle ladies can beat the world with the needle President J Thomas Chery Secre ¬ taryJ W Tale and Vice President A J Pike are making everybody have a good time They are the right men fur the places they till The dl rectors are the most substantial men la tho county The crowd yesterday was fairly good and stock of various kinds from several counties was exhibited Everybody seemed In a good humor and the day was a thoroughly enjoyable one Ron IG Gilbert and Cot WG Welch were among the dlBllnuulahed guests whb received much attention The I night to a largo audience and- s ns usual made a Ono speech Lack of space pro vents our giving the awards In fifll but appended are some of the inure Impor ¬ tact ones W II Untnnaman got premiums on mule ono and under two mule two and under three bunk any age ewe any ago x F Francisco shoat bmatand Berk ¬ shire sow Wm HyslnjfBr ball calf bull any ageH C Junes cow any age R K Guinea of Llncolnbull catra maIDllluII1 one hoary Sutton got several ties in ¬ eluding nad on pair of mules U C El ward gelding one year and under two gelding two and over and guldrng any ale Luaion Dunn son of A C Dunn of Lincoln won the premium fOr the best boy rider defuallnit fled Dunne son who hall never haen beaten Bud Duet but and etnuotheat walk ¬ er Miss Etta Pike won In the ring best lady rider Len Shanuopof Lincoln mars two year and peer D S Wilcox of Richmond won the pacing race in straight hunts with Napier McClure of Crab Orchard second and H H Riddle of Rockcas UP third Scoa Farrld won the running race Three of the handsomest married women on tbe ground were almost In jpirable yesterday They were Mos dauea J W Brown J Tnuuiut Cherry and James I Hamilton the tatter ol LancasterG Morgan wun the INTEKIOK JOURNAL premium beat lot of washed and plck dwool A great croAd ia expected today and the program Is the best yet Much In- terest Is centered In the Tandy turnout ring and there will probably be aa many ua 10 entries The racing card Includes the 8100 trot LOST between Stanford and Mllledge vlllo a red back pocket day book con ¬ wining valuable papers Reward Charles Lutes Mllledgevllle THEIR many deeply sympa ¬ thize with John S Murphy and wife In the loss of their little son just a year old Cholera Infantum took the little fellow away and caused aching hearts in the household The burial will oc ¬ cur in Buffalo cemetery this morning LAND STOCK CROPS flC- j Tennesseea wheat crop will average only 11 bushels J O Hays sold to W P Grimes 17 yearlings at 620 E L King sold to J C Hays a bunch of yearlings at 810- V f H Sbanka sold to E P Woods CO 176pound hogs at He- BurnSlde Leavel sold to John D Harris 100 feeders at lie hj J F Oitfs bought a lot of mules in Wayne county at 8107 50 to 8125 J W Baugbman bouphtau Aberdeen Angus bull of Charles D Marvin for 200 Please call and settle for the season of 18on owe Din and oblige M S Baugbmau E P Woods sold to C E Miller ol Illinois S3 yearlings for Oct 15 dolly ery nt 4Jc Conrad Watt bought of W G Hiatt a buncb of steers al 410 and some hell ¬ ers at 2c 1C M Rlie of Danville killed 42 doves In 40 shuts on the Hughes farm In Garrard IfIVo hundred picked ewes extra in size and age G A Swinobrotd Son Lancaster IW S Drye Co of Hustonvllie sold to R W Robb of Boston two harness geldings for 880D Miss Lucy Bush of Anderson coun ¬ ty hud a field of wheat threshed nhluh yielded 15 bushels per acro J B dama hits bouib the Edward McCarty farm rear town on the Stan ford pike and will move to It lu March advocate McAlllatorlBras of I S 1hllllps u buDuh of 000 1I01IlUt yearling catttle nt 4c for Oct 1 en Corbett knocked IcCI out in tbo GUi round ui MudUon Square Giirduo lust ntgat I BJGELMTS Tho 600Acra Farm of tho lato j S W Givo = s Er For Sale Livo Stock On Wednesday Sept 12 1900- At 10 A M on the premises known as the S W aivons farm wo Mill soil ut public prolwrtyThe Knob Lick a station on the L A N It H- and on the Stanford Shelby City plko ors ShelbyOltv loading produce 4c It U wall watered with onil and tho Knob plllCU1All 73 acres Uln grass and the placo U knownI ue being one of tho finest moolc State Every acre of It can bo cultlvut led and all of It will bring kpluudld returns It U a uplnndld brick linlldlngcontaltilnp 10 rooms and two large hulls It U In a rood state of repair and modern In build There arc nil iifce arv onthnlldlni Also IUD acres of good luob laud At the same tlmo we will sell n Shorthorn cows 3 Jersey IMWH T veer big rod heifer 3 yearling steers I huff 33 owes 1 pllr of 1 work horse 11 lIroldcolII bland mart 1 5 rear old caddie place 1 binder 3 mower liny rake cut tvtiar and ofbuggy niture We will aloe sell excellent Victor Suvk Scales bran new This sale U wade for a dlvltlon of the ci ¬ tato WP OIIIUCS IroaclicMvIlloi U W GIVENS Ilubbla Write either of the above or call oS W adjalningtheb I 3 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I My official term of tour years ns Present of the KY OltOWEKS iNSUfl ANOE COMPANY expired on the 2ld day of the present monthand lam NO LONGER CONNECTED With said company ic any other official capacity J E DELPH K THE SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILLS Are Still In The Lead Buy it and you will make no mistake Also the Micron VoHey Fertilizer i We have been using this for several years withlgood results HIGGINS McKINNEY Reduced Prices on Straw h- atsOUTPALEINTWO We dont want to carry them over and almost any price takes them Ladies Slippers i Greatly reduced In price We have some nice ones left A beautiful patent lealh ¬ er for 1 5- 0ALLSUIVliViEROOODS Must go aiii its your opportunity Ho Jo M9M0BEffiTc 17ra M m v tret < Z 8 IJt y t J 3X W rM1 r BIG is P reparatIonS m Fjpr the Fall Trade m New Goods I rf 4 I wAre arriving diilr We will have for your inspection New Dress KS tti Goods Silks French Fannels SWgler Shoes for Women noel Chll 35 drum and a fine line of Fancy No ions SM i COME AND SEE US 1 t i i- t For your Fal needs The quality and price will please W SEVERANCE SONS is I Opposite Court house r1 t l1 f ffi I The poulnrttr tf the = HANAN SHOE mensj Just as stylish and wearing Just ns tong dont go with won that have triel i Dont waste your money on Slices that dont suit you BUY H AN AN9B And have tho beat The above rut gives exact style of our Patent Kid Butt just in Dont fail to fee them JOHN P JONES Stanford Stanford Female College STANFORD KYry Next Session will open Monday Sept 3 = Thorough courses in Literature Science Music Art and Elocution Write for Catalogue toY dp

Transcript of Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-08...

Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-08 INTERIOR JOURNAL STANFOUD Kv AUG 31 1900-E 0 WALTON HUSINESHj MANAGER Ti


STANFOUD Kv AUG 31 1900-


nTi boat materials combined with111 and accuracy insure good

results No Bro over-used in our proscription work PennyDrug Store


Miss SUSAN PiBHBit WOODS Is atDJlpplng Springs


Miss FANNIE DOTY of Garrard la

with Mrs L L DOW

JOHN W BIIOWN HSQ of Mt Vernon watt hero yesterday

Miss LAURA CAUTEU went lo JrabOrchard to visit yesterday

W W SAUNOKRS and Ap Novluaro attending the Brodhcad fair

Miss LYDIA LEWIS of Danvlllowas the guest of Mrs Allco Clovd

Mus KLLEN QUEEN of Shelby CityU with hor brother G U Barnelt

Miss MAUOIE McCLAitYot Ml Vur

i pool la rUitlng Miss Stella McOlaryMRS ELIZA mAIN and James U

Gentry aro at Crab Orchard SpringsMRS JOSIK UANKY of Danville le-

the guest of Mr and Mre T D RanoyMRS ELLA STUVIINS of Booneabor

OJgh Is with Mr and Mrs 4ct Eastland

MISSES FRANCES SPOONAMOHE leftWednesday lorxalol Ill to vliilrolalives

MRS JULIA HUGHES end familykayo moved Into their pretty now

homoIEAKSOK MILLER of Stanford was

hero a few days since Wayne Co

RecordMiss CottA JURBY of Peweo Valley

will arrive today to visit Miss SalltoDuddcrar

MISSES JESSIE DBANB COOKE andLurlle Cooper mo vlalilng relative at

LancasterMRSS REID ot Lexington h

visiting her parents Mr and Mrs JnoM White


ler of Lancaster paid this otilco a callWednesday

MRS WT MmtlMgI and childrenof Livingston havo been with Mrs O

J NewlaodMiss ISAIIKL WALKER of Garrard

U over 00 a visit to her brother MrW O Walker

Misses AOOIB CARNEY and FideliaSharp of Junction City are with MrsW O Speed

Miss FLLA LBB BARNBTT Is visiting

Mil Kite B Drye and other relativesnear 11 JMtonvlleI

FOREST MCCLARY Initiated the shirtpant rage hero yesterday Ho hasteem for sale ni I2J10

Rev W M lirltt has recovered cutfl icntly to bo able to Oil his regularappointment hero Sunday-

W o MERSHON and wife of StLouis have been vlilllng Mrs Granvlllo Mcrthon and daughters 1

MISSKS MAUI MOORE and PearlJohDMD of Doyle have been guests of

Muses Salllo and Jennlo LynnMKSDAMES SAMUEL REID and Pris

Rio Drye of Uustonvlllc visited rela ¬

tives here the first of tbo weekMRS HELEN HUKKMAN of Huston

ville Is visiting her brother Judge JP Bailey and other relatives hero

Miss SALLIB LYNN wont to Millers

hire Wednesday to be one of a housoput given by Miss Julia Carpenter

Missis KATIE SIMPSON and Mro b Brown of Lancaster were heroWe Unedy on route to the Brodhead

farRL McDraALU son of J P Mo

D Jgald of Danville If slowly lifprovicgfrom a serious attack of typhoidfvjr

MRS A K DBNNY and Mlts BelloD nay who bavo been in Madison

county since June returned home Wed

nrsdayMrssRSW G WilLOH R B Ma

bony F M Ware E J Brown and K

C Walton wont to the BroJhoad fairyesterday


Bjylos best democrats was hero Wdr a3ay on his way to Richmond to via

la motherDMR9 J N MUNEPBR and MUa Luc io Mcncfoe havo returned from avispa Mrs K B Ritchie al Mineral

Wlla TexasF DITCH LotS LANDRAM who is

eying Rio Crab Orchard Springs was

hero Wednesday accompanied by Miss

Aitio MarkaburyMiss LINDA MILLER liSat Oxford

0 attending a house party given by

Ilea Annlo May Shropshire who ruwntlv visited her

MR J A HAMMONDS our splendidn iibblo correspondent was hero Wedeiday on hla way to Casey to visit rolUires aud old friends

MRS J B CROUCH who has beenvNonl In Ohio since July 10th returnu homo yesterday with the twins andhe old man Is happy againMiss ANNIE BRONAUOH gNOLE IAN

ras hero yesterday to meet Mr andIra Thomas Covlngton of Richmondho came to visit at Mr G R EagleansED WALTON came in with tho circus

rain yesterday morning and remainedl see tho toni taken down last nightvdvocale Lord how soma people areIvan to lIapsus linguaMr JAMES MItm uI has given up-

I position aa bead miller at J Hiaughman Coarralll and has boon

accooded by Mr U S Tray lor Mrillburn went to Danville yesterdayMu ED S ROWLAND of tho mer

liant tailoring firm of Rowland do

oOdcock Danville was hero thiscek to see Messrs Cummins Mo-

t ary whom he secured to represente firm here

J I BuiaiiT of Lexington the hostdemocrat on the road Is hero to seeour merchants

JAMKS DUUDEUAK and family havomoved W Stanford jind occupy thollallproperty on Lower main

Mus J W ALLEN and Miss AnneHold of Iluslonvlllc woro hero Wed-



on their way to Paint Lick tovisit relatives

A DOZEN or moro couples enjoyen delightful watermelon foto givenMr and Mrs L L Duty last night I

honor os Missus Fannie Doty and IsabelWltllcur of Garrard


BllAN now styles In neckwear JPJones x

NEW Disc plow at Illgglns ft Me


BuuatES harness hips c cheaut Wcaron Bros

DOUGLAS shoes for gentlemen Cum ¬

mini A McClary

lUHODNO secondhand school booksat Craig S lockers

SIR the now shirt walsW for mon atCummins McClary

I FIVE bushels of ohlckon feed for IIJ 11 Baunhman ft Co

fill sale of Mrs Singletons farm oc ¬

curs at Crab Orchard tomorrowre

Wi soil Centlmeroa kid gloves andlit thorn to the hand JP Jones

WIIoro handling thu LightningHay Prose and repairs Woaren Bros

CAtt IoAU of tho celebrated HorseShoe fertilizer just received Deazloy

t lays

SPECIAL for school children A heavyverge Paragon frame umbrella for 60c

J P Jones

THE second nine of this place did up

Lancaster second team 11 to 11 on

their grounds Tuesday afternoon

TilE harvest Is past the summer Is

about ended and you will never bo say ¬

ed unless you pay your subscription

NEW Eddy sllkaBrandenburrgclotbepercales calicoes outings and flannel ¬

ettes for early fall sowing at Severanceft Soot

Outs stock of Quconswaro is aboutcomplete Call and eco It Somethingpretty to show you Geo U FarrlCorYOUR taxes are now past due andyou must not put off paying them long ¬

er but come at onoe S M Owenssheriff

A COUPLE of dusky damsels Pollyand Lena Hays wore before Judg-

Usiley for lighting yesterday buboth were acquitted

JBlUTKMirBit 22 Is this last day for fil ¬

ing claims road pike or other kindsagainst the county No claims will bo

flied alter that date O B Cooperclerk

Tint stockholders heroin the Somernot Banking Co have not been advised

stall of the condition of affairs Allsorts of rumors aro afloat the latestthat there la a defalcation of over 40


KILLED J H Haines formerly of

Lincoln was killed by tho cars at Lex ¬

ington In such H mannorat to warrantthe belief that he took that method of

committing ruloldo Ho ww to havebeen married next day

Clltcus Everybody knows thjUCooper Cos circus Is tho bOIl fortho money It charges of any that over

visit this section It will bo hero In

nil its glory Monday 3d Come In and

lee the parade and tho show

LHCTUUE Elder J W McGarveyof Loxlngton will deliver a leoturo ntGoabon ohurch on Wednesday ovanlngSth on his travula In the Holy Landwith splendid view of all Importantpoints Admission 20cforchlldrcn lOc

SPEAKING Hon J P Duncan of

Carrollton lion J C Bsckham of

Shelby and District Elector Wm J

Price of Boyle will spunk V Stanfordtit 10 oclock A M Monday Sept a

Republloansii ua well at democrats arcInyltod

CASTLil COUH tho late residenceof Mr Richard Cohn Sr and UOO

cares of land lying on the Mllledcevllle pike sold nt auction Wednesday

to Mr Richard pobb Jr at 81065Some knob land belonging to the es ¬

taw only brought lOu an acre A good

crowd was nt the sale a number com ¬

lag from a distance

FINED Thn Richmond Registersays that Anderson Carr of StanfordHarvey Bimildus Ed Galnoa and GeoSteward all of color wore arrested on

a charge or tho lllelal sale of whisky

They were taken before Judge Rico

and Carr was fined 5100 and costs while

the others wero released Carr had

booth rented at tho colored fair and

Intend of selling atrfctly what ho had

a right to sell ho procured some whirky and sold It on the grounds Tho

other three wero only hired by Carr a

olorksMCCLultnMrCurtlaGover tele

phoned us from Crab Orchard thismorning that Mr Joo McClure died at030 last night Ho was one of iho EastEnds cleverest and beat citizens andtho now of his death will cause sorrowwherever bo la kuown Ho marriedMica Sabra Hays six or seven year agoand aho and one child are loft to mournthe loss of a splendid husband andfather Mr McClure was a brother of

henry D McClure of TurnoravllloTyphoid fiver was his trouble Theburial will °occur at Crab0rchiard thisafternoon i j




1We bavo mot tho opcmy nnd woare theirs We deadened over Intotheir country Wednesday and wore notonly captured but really enrapturedwith our captors Il was in tho countyofdWllllamsburg that we caJlIfightncm we overthem collectively or individually whichallegation we deny and defy tho alllgators The reason of our pilgrimage inthe little city In the hills was to Ins ¬

wer nn Invitation extended by cxStatoInspector Columbus W Lester toshow cause why wo should not pony up15000 for simply reproducing what wasapparently a well authenticated state¬Loinpirrnui to ono Robert Nooks who was Incustody of an olllcor Two responsiblepaper at least hud BO charged buforowo printed the Item but Immediatelyon Bluing Mr Lesters denial of thecharge we gave him the benefit of Itiand before wo dreamed of a suit overtho matter Aftor wo saw by a dispatchIn tho Courier Journal that he hadbrought suit wo published a full expla ¬

nation of our position In tbo promisesand not only denied tho slightest mal ¬

ice In the publication but any desirewhatever to reflect on Mr Lesterwhom although not personally ac ¬

quainted with him wo knew to be agood man and to have filled a roaponlble position under Gov Bradley most

creditably The explanation did notseem to satiety Mr Lester howeverand he continued to insist that we cometo Wllllamsburg and toll the court thatwo wero not animated either with mal ¬

ice aforethnugnt cvjl prepense aswo lawyer say which we are sure thecourt who has known us from boyhoodknow without being told Tbo casewas set for Wednesday but on accpuptof the absence of ono of our attorneysbllllttu > roes and Mr Lester kindlyconsented to a continuance to anotherday of the term In thla connectionwe may say parenthetically that If woknow ouraolf we would not Intention ¬

ally Injure a living creature byword orpublication and that had Mr Lestercomplained to Ut directly we shouldhave taken delight In setting him rightand making the fullest amends peas ¬

blo Wo dont have to bi sued to makeus do right but try to do It under anyand all circumstances Wo found MrLetter to bo anything but n bad manfrom Bitter Creek In fact bo appearsto be n pretty clover follow but liablelike all humans logo wrong occasion-ally


and bring libel suitsWe had the good fortune by sugges ¬

tion of Judge Alcorn to find an abidingplace at Mra Neeleya hotel SboMorrowtattorneystheir homo with her It la a mightypleasant place to spend a day and nightMrs Nooluy is a pretty young widowand was expecting H friend by the trainwo arrived on but he didnt como andJudge Alcora explained that the heart-iness of tho welcome she extended aawas due to the fact that she took us forthe one expected Speaking of JudgeAlcorn reminds us to say that the peo¬

aplc of Whitley and in fuel all thecounties bo practices In look upon himail the greatest wan living The menswear by him the women name theirchildren after him and tbo other lawsopintion ua not ouly the law but the gospelbesides The judge certainly hue gotem tricked up there and If the matter

wits loft to thorn bo would bo governorpresident or anything else he mightcall for

Saddened t>y the eavereaj loss thatcan befall n moan after almost u lifetime of happy consort Judgo MorrowIn nut the bright and cheerful man hewas when ho usedto provide over theLincoln clruull court but occasionallyhis wellknown and peculiarly characturlittlu laugh at a good joke which hotolls with great humor puts everybodyin a cachinnating mood Like us honever was much fatter than n mulchand the few pounds of flush that bo hasaccumulated since we saw him lastshows up well on him Ho apologizedfor not coming to Stanford while hewas al Crab Orchard and wb acceptedhit apology on n promise that bo wouldnever be so remiss again

We formed a number of pleasant acquulptdncea in Wllllamsburg IncludingMr J W Slier cashier of the localbpnk It la said you sever really knowand like u man till you have hud alightwith him and while wo did not exactlyhave a tight with Mr S we should havejumped him hud wo known at the timethai the local militia company hadbeen mustered out that day The pointof his offending lay in a vory howl ¬

iating remark he made na wo wore Ir ¬

traduced I know your eon Ed verywelt ho said which was enough tomake even an older man than we whoImagine wo look almost aa young aa woused to be jet hot In the collar Wowhenabo suggested that he would have ahempen necktie adjusted to our case If

wo didnt look a lello oud Mr Sl ¬

ier has held many olllcus of honor andtrust In his county and la at present therepublican repreeeniallvo on the elec ¬

tion commission Whataro you dewocrau going to do with the electionlawV ha asked Give you one that themeanest Brownie or thu worst repub11 Clio a can not gainsay we respondedwhen ho coptlnned We never had afairer squarer election in Shltleycounty than tho ono held under theGoubel law because the democraticcommissioners wore aa honest ua my

lieU but the opportunities for fraud un ¬

der U are too numerous In these daysof anxiety to obtain partyadyanItage1 Mr Slier la a whole cooled andhighly pleasant gentleman such aipiie

LAn W51 ID ihi

Wo had never met our attorneysMessra Tvo and Denbam before Theyare up to snuff In their profession andlenders of n good bar Mr Tyc fa afterour own heart politically but MrDonham la bound to republican Idols

Uos nil right however otherwise andwo overlook the only objection to himfor yip same rcasou thai the great en ¬

tertainer Polk Miller says an old dar ¬

ky gave him when he naked Rastuswhy Is it that you always voto tbo re ¬

publican ticket Jest becaso I dontknow no better Mr Miller he no

knowledgcdWllllaraBburjrla a really pretty little

city but it being laid oil after the or ¬

der of Boston with Its angles andcurves a tcnderfooican easily lose hisbearings There aro many pretty reel ¬

dences and the academy and BaptistInstitute buildings will compare favor ¬

ably with those of any place of Its sizeIn ono particular if no other II Uahead of Stanford Its electric lightburn all night while ours shut oilshortly past midnight Wo never saw-

a quieter or more orderly place thanthe capital of Whitley and we have anotion of going there to live If wo haveany money loft after Brer Lester getsthrough with us

The militia company tiereorganizd-on n republican basis was mustered outby Capt Calboun Tuesday when It Issold that the buys returned about twiceaa ua they gottWo Agent JB White for courtesies He held openhis olllco an hour at night to receive anuuewur to a dispatch we sent Of courseeo obliging a gentleman could not bo

other than a good democratMost of the towns along the lino ore

holding their own while Livingston lafairly growing and spreading like agreen bay tree The last time we werethere a miserable old hovel wee calledby courtesy the depot Now a bandsome several story building in whichChief Trbln Dispatcher L M Westerfield and an able corps bold forth rearslie commodious proportions heaven ¬

ward modernly fitted with water andother conveniences while flower gar¬

dens appear and cooling fountains playon hillside and valley The place is un ¬

usually well provided with hotels and I

flourishing stores aboundTbo L ft N doesnt give us a pass

any moro but makes us pay for ridingjust like the other common folks so

when wo compliment the improvements111 has made along the line and say Ithas the cleverest employee of any roadIn tto country we do It from a purelydisinterested standpoint It Is a pleas ¬

ure to ride albeit at 3 cents a mile

ItObln80DiiofDouglas of the Shortaro gentlemen who know bow to treatgentlemen and to make ladles Tool thatll II a privilege to ride on their train

The Short Dog as the train CaptDouglas runs la strangely called la


perhaps the slowest train in the worldnot even excepting the jerkwaterthat runs between here and Richmond


on the 1C C Il takes wore than anhour to run the 17 miles between Cor


bin and Willlamaburg and an expertrailroader could easily jump oil theengine run around the train and get


on the rear when It Is going Its fastestThe track seems to be good and whypeoples patience should be so severelytaxed la Innxpheabe unless the LN wants to give its patrons along timeride for a little money I

Our mission was far from a pleasantone but we rather nJoed the diver ¬

sion and shall not therefore quarrelwith our friend the snowy Mr Lesterfor snaking ua mako It


The fifth annual exhibition of theRockcasilo Fair Association la going onat Brodhead and Rockcatlo people aa

well aa those from numerous othercounties are enjoying It Wednesdaythe Oral daywas devoted mostly tofarm products needle work and wom-



work generally and the displaywas line A good trotting race a runnlng race and a mulo Taco wero hotlycontested In the afternoon Wilcoxwon the former with niggln and Tray j

nor second and third James Spoonamorb won the running and E J Minkthe unite race Bud Dunn brother of

lour A C Dunn got the blue In thewalking ring with his great mare thathas never known defeat Nearly nil of

the rings were well filled tind some hadnil high as 10 entries

The Ml Vernon band Editor E AAlbright leader la furiiUhing tinemusic

Col Jordan Peter Chandler as ringmarshal ia u bowling tjuocess

Tho skin games are thuru by the doz ¬enIH C Jones got premium on yellowcorn white corn and variety of cornbroom corn cane poaches and won thopony race Rattler is a hustler-


A Riddle won on beets and pearElII beets were almost ua large aa pump ¬

jkinst Ion but ¬

tar and Mrs Dr Haggard on cake I

Miss Ella Dunn took lour ties Black ¬

berry wine peach preserves honey andbest trimmed bonnet I

A beautiful lot of silk quilts woreexbTbllcd Rockcastle ladies can beatthe world with the needle

President J Thomas Chery Secre ¬

taryJ W Tale and Vice PresidentA J Pike are making everybody havea good time They are the right menfur the places they till The dlrectors are the most substantial menla tho county

The crowd yesterday was fairly goodand stock of various kinds from severalcounties was exhibited Everybodyseemed In a good humor and the daywas a thoroughly enjoyable one Ron

IG Gilbert and Cot WG Welchwere among the dlBllnuulahed guestswhb received much attention The


night to a largo audience and-s

ns usualmade a Ono speech Lack of space provents our giving the awards In fifll butappended are some of the inure Impor ¬

tact onesW II Untnnaman got premiums on

mule ono and under two mule two andunder three bunk any age ewe anyago x

F Francisco shoat bmatand Berk ¬

shire sowWm HyslnjfBr ball calf bull any

ageHC Junes cow any age

R K Guinea of Llncolnbull catramaIDllluII1 one

hoary Sutton got several ties in ¬

eluding nad on pair of mulesU C El ward gelding one year and

under two gelding two and over andguldrng any ale

Luaion Dunn son of A C Dunn ofLincoln won the premium fOr the bestboy rider defuallnit fled Dunne sonwho hall never haen beaten

Bud Duet but and etnuotheat walk ¬

erMiss Etta Pike won In the ring best

lady riderLen Shanuopof Lincoln mars two

year and peerD S Wilcox of Richmond won the

pacing race in straight hunts withNapier McClure of Crab Orchardsecond and H H Riddle of RockcasUP third

Scoa Farrld won the running raceThree of the handsomest married

women on tbe ground were almost Injpirable yesterday They were Mosdauea J W Brown J Tnuuiut Cherryand James I Hamilton the tatter ol

LancasterGMorgan wun the INTEKIOK

JOURNAL premium beat lot of washedand plck dwool

A great croAd ia expected today andthe program Is the best yet Much In-

terest Is centered In the Tandy turnoutring and there will probably be aa manyua 10 entries The racing card Includesthe 8100 trot

LOST between Stanford and Mllledgevlllo a red back pocket day book con ¬

wining valuable papers RewardCharles Lutes Mllledgevllle

THEIR many deeply sympa ¬

thize with John S Murphy and wife Inthe loss of their little son just a yearold Cholera Infantum took the littlefellow away and caused aching heartsin the household The burial will oc ¬

cur in Buffalo cemetery this morning


j Tennesseea wheat crop will averageonly 11 bushels

J O Hays sold to W P Grimes 17

yearlings at 620E L King sold to J C Hays a bunch

of yearlings at 810-

Vf H Sbanka sold to E P Woods CO

176pound hogs at He-

BurnSlde Leavel sold to John DHarris 100 feeders at liehjJ F Oitfs bought a lot of mules inWayne county at 8107 50 to 8125

J W Baugbman bouphtau AberdeenAngus bull of Charles D Marvin for200Please call and settle for the season

of 18on owe Din and oblige M SBaugbmau

E P Woods sold to C E Miller olIllinois S3 yearlings for Oct 15 dollyery nt 4Jc

Conrad Watt bought of W G Hiatta buncb of steers al 410 and some hell¬

ers at 2c1C M Rlie of Danville killed 42

doves In 40 shuts on the Hughes farmIn Garrard

IfIVo hundred picked ewes extra insize and age G A SwinobrotdSon Lancaster

IW S Drye Co of Hustonvlliesold to R W Robb of Boston twoharness geldings for 880D

Miss Lucy Bush of Anderson coun ¬

ty hud a field of wheat threshed nhluhyielded 15 bushels per acro

J B dama hits bouib the EdwardMcCarty farm rear town on the Stanford pike and will move to It lu March


McAlllatorlBrasof I S 1hllllps u buDuh of 000

1I01IlUtyearling catttle nt 4c for Oct 1

enCorbett knocked IcCI out in tbo

GUi round ui MudUon Square Giirduolust ntgat

I BJGELMTSTho 600Acra Farm of tho lato j

S W Givo =s Er ForSale Livo Stock

On Wednesday Sept 12 1900-At 10 A M on the premises known asthe S W aivons farm wo Mill soil ut publicprolwrtyTheKnob Lick a station on the L A N It H-

and on the Stanford Shelby City plko orsShelbyOltvloading produce 4c It U wall wateredwith onil and tho KnobplllCU1All73 acres Uln grass and the placo U knownIue being one of tho finest moolc

State Every acre of It can bo cultlvutled and all of It will bring kpluudld returns

It U a uplnndld brick linlldlngcontaltilnp10 rooms and two large hulls It U In arood state of repair and modern In buildThere arc nil iifce arv onthnlldlni

Also IUD acres of good luob laudAt the same tlmo we will sell n Shorthorn

cows 3 Jersey IMWH T veer big rod heifer3 yearling steers I huff 33 owes 1 pllr of

1 work horse 11 lIroldcolIIbland mart 1 5 rear old caddie place 1

binder 3 mower liny rake cut tvtiar andofbuggynitureWe will aloe sell excellent Victor Suvk

Scales bran newThis sale U wade for a dlvltlon of the ci ¬

tato WP OIIIUCS IroaclicMvIlloiU W GIVENS Ilubbla

Write either of the above or call oS Wadjalningtheb



My official term of tour years ns Present of the KY OltOWEKS iNSUflANOE COMPANY expired on the 2ld day of the present monthand lam

NO LONGER CONNECTEDWith said company ic any other official capacity J E DELPH



Are Still In The LeadBuy it and you will make no mistake Also


Micron VoHey Fertilizer i

We have been using this for several yearswithlgood results


ReducedPrices on Straw h-

atsOUTPALEINTWOWe dont want to carry them over and almost any price takes them

Ladies Slippersi

Greatly reduced In price We have some nice ones left A beautiful patent lealh ¬

er for 1 5-

0ALLSUIVliViEROOODSMust go aiii its your opportunity

Ho Jo M9M0BEffiTc17ra M mv tret <Z8 IJt y t J 3X


r BIGis PreparatIonS m

Fjpr the Fall Trade

m New Goods Irf4 I

wAre arriving diilr We will have for your inspection New Dress KStti Goods Silks French Fannels SWgler Shoes for Women noel Chll 35

drum and a fine line of Fancy No ions SM



For your Fal needs The quality and price will please W

SEVERANCE SONSis I Opposite Court house

r1 t l1 f ffi I

The poulnrttr tf the =HANAN SHOEmensjJust as stylish and wearing Just ns tong dont go with won that have triel i

Dont waste your money on Slices that dont suit you

BUY HANAN9BAnd have tho beat The above rut gives exact style of our Patent Kid Butt just

in Dont fail to fee them


Stanford Female CollegeSTANFORD KYryNext Session will open Monday Sept 3 =

Thorough courses in Literature ScienceMusic Art and Elocution

Write for Catalogue toYdp