Semi-Annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report · NCC : Narayangonj City Corporation ... Asian...

Semi-Annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report Project Number: 39298-013 Semestral Report December 2017 BAN: City Region Development Project (CRDP) Prepared by Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Asian Development Bank.

Transcript of Semi-Annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report · NCC : Narayangonj City Corporation ... Asian...

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Semi-Annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report Project Number: 39298-013 Semestral Report December 2017

BAN: City Region Development Project (CRDP) Prepared by Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Asian Development Bank.

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(as of 31 December 2017)

Currency unit – taka (Tk)Tk1.00 = $0.01209$1.00 = Tk82.650


(i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of Bangladesh ends on 30 June. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2017 ends on June 2017.

(ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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Semi-Annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report

Project Number: 39298

Period: July - December 2017

Bangladesh: City Region Development Project ADB Loan 2695-BAN

Prepared by Local Government Engineering Department

This report has been submitted to ADB by the Local Government Engineering Department, Government of Bangladesh, and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB‟s public

communications policy (2011).

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Table of Contents Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................... iii

A. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTON ......................................................................... 4

A-1 Purpose of the Report............................................................................................................ 4

A-2 Social safeguard/Resettlement Categorization ..................................................................... 5

A-3 Project Implementation Status .............................................................................................. 6

B. SCOPE OF IMPACTS ............................................................................................................... 8

C. COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION ............................................................................... 9

D. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION .................................................................... 10

E. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM (GRM)......................................................................... 12

F. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT ......................................................................................... 14

G. MONITORING RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 16

H. COMPLIANCE STATUS ......................................................................................................... 17

H-1: Status of Recruitment of safeguard Team ........................................................................... 17

H-2: Subproject Social Safeguard Performance ......................................................................... 17

H-3: Compliance with Safeguard Covenants of Loan Agreement .............................................. 17

I. FOLLOW UP ACTIONS, RECOMMENDATION AND DISCLOSURE ......................................... 18

Annex 1: Social Safeguard Status of Subprojects ..................................................................... 19

Annex 2: Status of Resettlement and Social Safeguard Issues Related to Loan Covenants

as of December, 2017. ................................................................................................... 23

Annex 3: GRC Formation Office Order ......................................................................................... 28

Annexure 4: Approval Letter of the Ministry to form Property Valuation Advisory Team

(PVAT) ............................................................................................................................... 35

List of Figure

Figure 1: Grievance redresses mechanism and procedure. ..............................................13 Figure 2: Organization Chart for managing the social safeguards issues ..........................15

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ADB : Asian Development Bank AP : Affected Person BWDB : Bangladesh Water Development Board DCC : Dhaka City Corporation DNCC : Dhaka North City Corporation DDR : Due Diligence Report DP : Displaced Person DPHE : Department of Public Health Engineering DPD : Deputy Project Director GOB : Government of Bangladesh GCC : Gazipur City Corporation GRC : Grievance Redress Committee GRM : Grievance Redress Mechanism IA : Implementing Agency KCC : Khulna City Corporation IR : Involuntary Resettlement KfW : Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau LA : Land Acquisition LA&R : Land Acquisition and Resettlement LGED : Local Government Engineering Department LGRD & C : Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives MCD : Municipal Capacity Development (MCD) Consultants MDSC : Management Design & Supervision Consultants MPR : Monthly Progress Report M&E : Monitoring & Evaluation NCC : Narayangonj City Corporation PCP : Public Communications Policy PD : Project Director PMCU : Project Management and Coordination Unit PIU : Project Implementation Unit PPTA : Project Preparatory Technical Assistance QPR : Quarterly Progress Report RAJUK : Rajdhani Unnayan Katripakha (Capital Development Authority) RCC : Reinforcement Cement Concrete R&R : Resettlement and Rehabilitation RF : Resettlement Framework RP : Resettlement Plan SE : Superintending Engineer SES : Socio-economic Survey SIDA : Swedish International Development Authority SPS : Safeguard Policy Statements SSIA : Social Safeguard Impact Assessment TOR : Terms of Reference XEN : Executive Engineer

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The City Region Development Project (CRDP) is under implementation by the Government of Bangladesh financed by ADB and co-financed by KfW and SIDA The project has been initiated for development of different infrastructure facilities within the project area for the city dwellers to improve the existing condition. The Project aims at enhancing growth potential and improving environmental sustainability of the targeted city regions through effective regional urban planning. The target city regions of the Project are Dhaka and Khulna city regions. The Project is supporting development of key urban infrastructure, focusing on urban environment and local economic development through strengthening municipal management and capacity for effective and sustainable urban development.

This CRDP project has been formulated as a sector loan and is currently under implementation since 2011 covering a period of 7-years. The sub-projects under the CRDP is being selected & implementing are expected to enhance economic activities in the regional context and to provide opportunities for investment, including: (i) comprehensive urban renewal and economic revitalization; (ii) transport infrastructure upgrading, public transport, traffic management; (iii) water supply and sanitation; (iv) solid waste management; (v) energy conservation and efficiency for governance and the private-sector; and (vi) strengthening local governance and municipal funding. The project comprises three components. These are:

I. Development of Urban Infrastructures; II. Improvement of Urban Planning; and III. Strengthening of Municipal Management and Capacity

Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the Loan 2695-BAN for City Region Development Project (CRDP, the Project) on 10 November 2010. The Government of Bangladesh (the Government) approved the Development Project Proposal (DPP) for the Project on 2

nd. August

2011. The Loan Agreement of CRDP was signed on 10th

. August 2011 and became effective on 23rd

. September 2011. The CRDP is co-financed by German Financial Cooperation through KfW with a grant of EUR 10.5 million (about $14.855 million) allocated for climate change adapted urban development in Khulna. The CRDP is also co-financed by the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA )with a grant of SEK 90.0 million (about $13.0 million) administered by ADB for urban center infrastructure and governance improvements. Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) is the lead executing agency of the Project. Different identified subprojects and new subprojects selected under the project are implemented/will be implemented by a number of Implementing Agencies (IAs), such as: Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), Narayangonj City Corporation (NCC), Gazipur City Corporation (GCC), Khulna City Corporation (KCC), RAJUK, LGED, DPHE and selected Pourashavas under the project.

A-1 Purpose of the Report

The ADB Public Communications Policy (PCP 2011) refers the Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009) with respect to information disclosure related to project safeguard documentation states that ADB shall post on its website the safeguard documents submitted by the borrower and/or client. These safeguard documents include Resettlement & Indigenous Peoples Plan (RP & IPP), and the social safeguard and environmental monitoring reports. To comply with the PCP of ADB, the PMCU, LGED shall submit one semiannual social monitoring report periodically over the total implementation period of the project, covering Resettlement and social safeguard issues. This also has been spelled out in the project document & loan covenant of CRDP that the borrower/client shall submit the aforesaid reports to ADB.

However, the City Region Development Project, officially commenced on July 2011, but implementation of actual works was delayed due to long time required to mobilize the the MDS

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consultants for completing the procedural requirements. The actual mobilization of consultants could be made only in in the latter part of 2012. Safeguard specialists were hired directly by the PMCU with approval from ADB in December, 2012 and they physically were mobilized between the periods of January to June, 2013. The Social Safeguard Team (Resettlement & Environment Specialists) produced two semi-annual safeguard monitoring reports

1 jointly combining

social and environmental safeguard issues up to June 2013. However, during the ADB Mid-Term Review Mission visited between the periods of 9-18 September 2013, requested the PMCU to submit the semi-annual social safeguards monitoring report separately to ADB covering monitoring periods from the project effective date to June 2013. Accordingly, one separate semi-annual social safeguard monitoring report was prepared and submitted from the project effective date to June 2013. Afterwards, the same reporting system is being followed and has regularly been submitted the periodical social safeguard monitoring reports up to June 2016 includes the current report.

The current report is the 11th. Semi-Annual Social Safeguard Monitoring Report prepared to comply

with the loan covenants covering the period from July to December 2017 in a cumulative manner. As usual, this report covered resettlement and social safeguard monitoring results to comply with the spirit of ADB policy to “enhance stakeholders trust” in and ability to engage with ADB, and thereby increase the development impact [of projects]” in which disclosure of safeguard monitoring is a prominent aspect.

A-2 Social safeguard/Resettlement Categorization

I) ADB's classification system

7. Prior to civil works implementation, all the subprojects selected for construction or development to be Screened and Classified using ADB's classification system as follows:

Category- A: Subprojects proposed for construction or development, will fall under this

category, if, it caused a significant involuntary resettlement impacts with a physical displacement of 200 or more persons from their residences, or 200 or more persons lose 10% or more of their productive or income generating assets, or more persons or 200 or more persons experience a combination of both.

Category- B: Any proposed subproject that includes involuntary resettlement impacts but

are not deemed significant considering loss of shelter/houses or productive or income generating assets will be considered for category B.

Category- C: A proposed subproject that has no involuntary resettlement impact.

II) Subprojects Categorization under CRDP

As per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, the CRDP project is a category B project in relation to involuntary resettlement issues and category C in relation to impact over indigenous peoples (i.e impacts are not significant in relation to loss of properties and productive assets and no impact over indigenous communities).

Though most of the Subprojects under CRDP selected for implementation fall into Category B, the subprojects of Batch 2B fall under Category C as these are likely to have minimal or no adverse Involuntary Resettlement (IR) impacts or if any, are not considered significant. However, some subprojects may require minor land acquisition and involuntary resettlement involving either physical or

economic displacement, or temporary restrictions to land use that will duly be complied with the IR and

1 one produced and submitted to ADB in January 2013 covering the period from project inception to December 2012 and

other one submitted in July 2013 covering the period from January to June 2013

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SPS of ADB. In this connection it may be mentioned that most of the subprojects land parcels are owned by local governments; however, if any subproject requires any minor land acquisition and/or involuntary resettlement involving either physical or economic displacement, or temporary restrictions to

land use that will be duly complied with the IR and SPS of ADB. It is also worth pointing out here that

one of the subprojects (namely, Banani Integrated Traffic Management Sub-project, Dhaka North

City Corporation) of Batch 1 will require Resettlement Plan (RP). The RP has already been prepared

and submitted to ADB, and it has been approved.

A-3 Project Implementation Status

CRDP aims at enhancing growth potential and improving environmental sustainability of the targeted city regions using an approach based on regional and urban planning. Under the project, a city region is defined as an organic agglomeration of a large metropolitan city (City Corporation), surrounding secondary towns (Pourashavas) and adjacent peri-urban areas (urban centers). The Project targets city regions centered at Dhaka (DCC), Narayangonj (NCC), Gazipur (GCC) and Khulna City Corporation (KCC). The Project supports the development of key urban infrastructure, focusing on projects that enhance the urban environment and spur local economic development. The Project also supports the Government to improve regional and urban planning, and to strengthen municipal management and capacity for effective and sustainable urban development.

The infrastructure investments, or subprojects, being undertaken under the CRDP expected to improve the social environment of the targeted city corporations and municipalities. Some of the sub-projects are concerned with reducing human exposure to pollutants. These include improvements of water supply and sanitation, drainage and solid waste collection. Other sub-projects target transport and commercial infrastructure, including improvement of roads and bridges, markets and bus terminals. A further category is urban improvement using an integrated approach that provides for basic urban

services along with community water supply and sanitation. These latter subprojects take place in

„urban centers‟, which are small agglomerations of population outside the district centers. However, under the PPTA, seven subprojects were identified for implementation and same procedures were followed for selection of further subprojects during project implementation by the PMCU with technical assistance of Management, Design & Supervision Consultant (MDSC). Since mobilization from the second half of 2012, the MDSC and Individual Social safeguard Specialists (one International & one national mobilized in the first quarter of 2013 and another national mobilized in July 2013), were working on to finalize the design and preparation of required social safeguard reports for the identified subproject along with conduction of feasibility study and worked closely with MDSC during preparat ion of f ina l design for the new subprojects selected under Batch 2A & 2B. Up to the last reporting period, the safeguard consultants subsequently also prepared number of social safeguard reports for the design completed schemes of the Batch 1 & 2A subprojects. It may be mentioned here that one among the two national Safeguard specialists discontinued his service since January 2014, another one resigned in the first week of August, 2014 and the International Resettlement Specialist worked on intermittent basis up to 12th. May 2014 till completion of his 12 months contract. Considering the importance to take care of the social safeguard issues, PMCU intended to further extension of the services of International Resettlement Specialist. Accordingly, PMCU proposed to visiting ADB Mission in May 2014 for extension of six months input of the International Resettlement through contract variation. Afterwards, this was approved by the ADB on 31st. August 2014 and subsequently, the Consultant mobilized for the Project again on 15th.October 2014. However, during this reporting period, the International Resettlement Specialist worked alone to take care of all the social safeguard issues includes implementation of Resettlement Plan (RP) for Integrated Traffic Management Subproject at Banani. However, under the current situation, social safeguard documents (DDR or RP) as required for each of the Sub-projects have been prepared/updated through in-house arrangement and submitted to PMCU/ADB in time. Social safeguard status of sub-projects in connection to preparation of social safeguard documents up to December 2017 under both ADB and KfW financing is shown in Annex-1:

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Status of IR Safeguards Compliance: Two sample Resettlement Plans (RPs) were prepared during PPTA for 2 SPs, i.e., Gazipur Drainage, Water Supply and Sanitation, and Urban Services in Ashulia, Savar; but during the implementation stage, the concerned SPs found no resettlement impact, which had been avoided through alternate design considerations and alternative site selection for installation of PTWs, and land donation following ADB safeguards policy. It resulted in preparation of Due Diligence Reports (DDR) instead of RP for the 2 SPs, which were finalized incorporating ADB comments and were uploaded in LGED/ADB web sites. Only one Resettlement Plan was required for the Integrated Traffic Management Subproject at Banani, Dhaka, followed by Social Impact Assessment survey; the RP was approved by ADB on 24 September 2014. The RP implementation activities started in mid May 2015 which included distribution of ID cards to the 241 Project Affected Peoples (PAP) identified so far and preparation of draft Entitled Persons (EP) files of the PAPs. The structure and job description of the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC), and the Property Valuation Advisory Team (PVAT) were approved by MoLGD on 23 February 2014 (Annex-4), and 18 June 2015 respectively. After the approval of PVAT from the Ministry, the PVAT formation for Banani SP has been completed middle of the last reporting period. The GRC under the Banani SP is actively working for receiving/recording complaints from the APs and with mitigation of recorded complaints timely following the Project‟s GRM procedure. However, up to December 2017, no complains/grievances were received from the APs.

For the sub-projects where land acquisition and resettlement are not required, DDRs are prepared and submitted to ADB confirming that no land acquisition and resettlement are needed for the subproject construction. So far, DDRs have been prepared for 4 SPs of Batch 1, all 14 SPs of Batch 2A, and 4 SPs of KfW component.

Up to the current reporting period ( 31 December 2017), total Bid Documents for 54 Packages (79 Contracts/Lots) prepared under City Region Development Project (Batch-1 and Batch-2A: ADB Part), and Bids were invited for all the 79 Contract packages/Lots and received 76 Contract packages. Contracts were signed for 76 Lots at a Contract price of BDT 73580.64 Lac. However, details of up-to-date progress status (Batch-wise and Pourashava/City/Town-wise) has been reported in the last Quarterly Progress Report No. 20 (July – September, 2017). It may be consulted for progress related references of subprojects.

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It has been stated earlier that The CRDP project is classified as category B for involuntary resettlement in considerations of the ADB‟s SPS and many of the Subprojects selected into Category B. So, the subprojects involve any land acquisition and involuntary resettlement, either physical or economic displacement, or temporary restrictions to land use that to be duly complied with the ADB‟s IR and SPS through preparation of RPs.

The Resettlement Framework (RF) was prepared during the PPTA to guide resettlement planning under the loan. Draft Resettlement Plans also were prepared for five sample subprojects during the PPTA. At this stage of project implementation, number of subprojects has been selected under batches 2A & 2B and most of them are under implementation or completed physical construction works and more subprojects will be defined and implemented over the remaining period of project implementation. All the new subprojects selected & implemented were verified social safeguards issues and subprojects/schemes to be undertaken in future for implementation, will be required verifications underlying IR and safeguard impacts. All identified subprojects also are requiring further verification and documented with social safeguard impacts in accordance with the final design prepared by MDSC and the new subprojects also will be required investigations with preparation of necessary safeguard documents following the design to be prepared by MDSC.

In this connection to 5 RPs prepared during PPTA (identified subprojects), of them designs for three subprojects has been completed. Based on the current situation and design considerations, three RPs were updated. It may be mentioned here that among three design completed subprojects, two of them namely are Ashulia Urban Center & Gazipur drainage Water supply & Sanitation subproject found no resettlement impact, which were avoided through design considerations, alternative site selection or land donation process following ADB policy. The RP was required preparation only for the Integrated Traffic Management subproject at Banani, which has been completed. Being no IR impacts envisaged for other two subprojects resulted preparation of Due Diligence Report (DDR) instead of RPs and RP for other one subproject updated/finalized incorporating ADB comments & finally submitted to ADB and subsequently has been approved and uploaded in ADB & project websites. However, design or site selection for remaining two subprojects is not yet finalized. The RF already sets out the requirements for payment, compensation, income restoration and relocation, consultation, participation and disclosure and the grievance redress mechanism. The PMCU ensures that any physically or economically displaced persons will be compensated prior to commencement of civil works of subprojects where applicable, following the approved RP/safeguard documents to be prepared by the consultants.

However, the entitlement matrix included in the RF prepared and approved by ADB considered the basis for estimation of compensation and payment for the affected properties and income loss to the DPs/APs for this RP and which, will be followed during preparation of new RPs in future for any other subprojects those require/involve land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitations of the affected people. For the sake of brevity, the standard ADB entitlement matrix is not included in this Report.

The project aims to avoid entirely or to minimize resettlement and displacement as much as possible. In the event displacement is unavoidable on a particular subproject, the PMCU will prepare RPs as required and ensure payment and compensation for the required lands and properties and also ensure necessary monitoring to: (i) ensure that the standard of living of displaced persons are restored or improved; (ii) ascertain whether activities are progressing as per schedule and the timelines are being met; (iii) assess if compensation, rehabilitation measures are sufficient; (iv) identify problems or potential issues; and (v) identify methods to rapidly mitigate problems.

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Any subproject that involves land acquisition and resettlement to be prepared RP, subsequently with implementation and monitoring of the RP and other required activities as determined in the plan. This includes:

Payment of the affected assets compensation, allowances, loss of incomes, etc. to the entitled


Provisions of other types of entitlement as described in the matrix and implementation of livelihood

rehabilitation activities as determined in the plan; and

Monitoring of RP includes quantitative as well as qualitative results of the monitoring

parameters, as agreed in the RP. However, as of December 2016, the only RP for Banani Subproject was prepared under the CRDP based on the detailed design conducting a census & socioeconomic survey of the affected people where resettlement impacts were visible. This RP identified a total 241 affected people including 4 Government establishments. Afterwards, the RP was improved/finalized taking into consideration ADB‟s comments and suggestion in May 2014, and finally this RP has been approved by ADB. It is noteworthy to point out here that the implementation of this RP has been concluded. Consequently, up to this reporting period, no complaints with regard to compensation payment to APs have drawn any further attention.

However, during this reporting period, no subprojects or schemes found involved with any land

acquisition and resettlement issues. However, any subproject in future involved with land acquisition and caused any resettlement & rehabilitation, physical or economic displacement, RP will be prepared accordingly and subsequently with necessary monitoring of RP implementation. Accordingly, status of compensation payment to APs for their lost assets and mitigations of different other social safeguard issues, if any, will be included in the next semi-annual report.

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The PMCU/PIU will conduct meaningful consultation with APs, their host communities, and civil society for every project and subproject identified as having involuntary resettlement impacts. Meaningful consultation is a process that: (i) begins early in the project preparation stage and is carried out on an ongoing basis throughout the project cycle; (ii) provides timely disclosure of relevant and adequate information that is understandable and readily accessible to affected people; (iii) is undertaken in an atmosphere free of intimidation or coercion; (iv) is gender inclusive and responsive, and tailored to the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups; and (v) enables the incorporation of all relevant views of affected people and other stakeholders into decision making, such as project design, mitigation measures, the sharing of development benefits and opportunities, and implementation issues. Consultation should be carried out in a manner commensurate with the impacts on affected communities. The EA should pay particular attention to the need of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups, especially those below the poverty line, the landless, the elderly, female headed households, women and children, Indigenous Peoples, and those without legal title to land.

Up to this reporting period, no households or entities were found affected due to land acquisition and resettlement for any components /schemes ready for implementation under any subprojects. As a result, no RPs required preparing for any other subproject‟s components /schemes ready for implementation under CRDP. In future, any subprojects that will be required preparation /updating of RP, public participation and consultation activities will be carried out as framed in the approved RF from subproject initial stage to the preparation of RPs and implementation of the subprojects.

The Consultants also conducted in-depth study/investigation of different social safeguard issues on the design completed schemes/subproject of others Batch-1 and Batch-2 at different times through site v is i ts . During site visits, consultants had discussions with local people including local Government bodies in the subproject locations covering subproject information dissemination and identification/assessment of likely impacts and benefits due to the subproject implementation. During consultations, the participants outlined the necessity of these roads, drains and canals construction/re-excavation and improvement. All participants welcomed the projects and referred to the current problems and sufferings of city dwellers due to the poor condition of the existing drainage system & flood management. The various people consulted also reported that construction and improvement of the roads, drains and re-excavation of canals will not cause any loss of land, property or livelihood of the people. The proposed sub-projects in fact will bring lot of benefit to mass people in the City Corporation area and the urban centers of the subproject area. Since the construction and improvements of the roads, drains and re-excavation of canals will be done mostly along or on the existing alignments/edge of the roads, so, there will be little or no need for additional land. The consultant discussed with some land owners regarding land requirement, availability and views about land requirements and benefits from the proposed subproject improvements. During discussions, most of the land owners, expressed their positive views and showed their interest and willingness to contribute narrow strips of land even free of cost, if necessary. They also reported that the required development of these proposed schemes will be very useful with regard to improved drainage facilities, easy movement and transportation of commodities and carrying out other day-to-day economic activities. Moreover, once the subprojects/schemes are implemented, the land price will increase significantly from current land value, which will be sufficient to recover their loss of land that they will contribute now. The consultations were also conducted for the subprojects under Batch-2A & 2B during feasibility study, detail design and social assessments. Generally, the community people consulted were agreed to extend all sorts of cooperation and participation during the implementation of the sub-project including contribution of a narrow strip of land free of cost to ensure benefits to the whole community.

In connection with the preparation and completion of a Due Diligence Reports for different subprojects, adequate consultations also were conducted with participation of people from different social strata. To prepare DD reports, adequate consultation and due diligence process were done following

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SR-2 of ADB in connection to land donation by private owners. Consultations also were conducted separately at each subproject location for other design completed subprojects/schemes of Batch-1 and 2. Detail of those consultations indicating date, place, issues discussed findings of consultations etc. up to the reporting period included in the DDRs prepared and submitted to ADB and PMCU in different times.

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A Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) has been framed following the approved Resettlement

Frameworks (RF) of the project with the objective of mainly to receive and facilitate resolution

of Affected Person‟s (APs), complains & grievances to ensure project safeguard performance. The grievance mechanism should be scaled to the risks and adverse impacts of the project. It should address displaced persons concerns and complaints promptly, using an understandable a n d t r a n s p a r e n t p r o c e s s t h a t i s g e n d e r r e s p o n s i v e , c u l t u r a l l y appropriate, and readily accessible to all segments of the affected people at no costs and without retribution. The mechanism developed shall be in a manner that it shall not impede access to the existing judicial or administrative remedies. The DPs will be appropriately informed about the mechanism.

The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for this project to be implemented in three levels. The first level and most accessible and immediate venue for the fastest resolve of grievances is the PIU, chiefly through the resettlement safeguards officer and Project Manager, with assistance from the safeguards consultants of the PMCU/MDSC. Grievances at this level will be resolved through continuous interactions with affected persons and the PIU and will answer queries and resolve grievances regarding various issues including land acquisition, structures acquisition, livelihood impacts, entitlements, and assistance. Corrective measures will be undertaken at the field-level itself within seven days. All grievances will be documented with full information of the person and issue.

If any grievances remain unresolved at the first level, the PIU's Project Manager, should activate the second level of the GRM by referring the issue (with written documentation) to the local Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) of the City Corporation/ Pourashava Upazila, who will, based on review of the grievances, address them in consultation with the Safeguards Officer of the PIU and PMCU, and affected persons. A hearing will be called, if necessary, where the affected person can present his concern/issues. The process will promote conflict resolution through mediation. The local GRC will consist of the following persons: (i) Chief Executive Officer of the City Corporation/ Pourashava / Upazila (GRC Chair); (ii) Representative of the mayor of the City Corporation/ Pourashava / Upazila; (iii) Representative of the affected persons; (iv) Official of the land registry department; (v) Official of the DoE divisional office; (vi) Town planner of the City Corporation/ Pourashava / Upazila; and (vii) Environmental / Social safeguards Officer of the PIU. The local GRC shall meet twice a month, unless the Project Director informs that there are no grievances to address, or they shall meet as needed as per the severity of the grievance. The local GRC will suggest corrective measures at the field level and assign responsibilities for implementing its decisions.

If the grievance still remains unresolved at the second level, the PIU Project Manager, will activate the third level of the GRM by informing the PMCU Project Director who will, based on review of the local GRC minutes and consultation with the PIU Project Manager, activate the PMCU level GRC. This committee shall comprise the following representatives:(i) Project Director PMCU, (ii) Environmental / Resettlement Safeguards Officer of the PMCU; (iii) Representative from Land Ministry, (iv) Representative from DoE; (v) Representative of the DPs; and (vi) Environmental / Social Safeguards officer of the PIU.

The GRC at the PMCU level shall meet based on the receipt of grievances, and the meeting shall be convened within 7 days of receipt of the grievance by the PMCU, and grievances redressed with 15 days. The Environmental / Resettlement Safeguards Officer of the PMCU will be responsible for processing and placing all papers before the PMCU GRC, recording decisions, issuing minutes of the meetings and taking follow-up action to see that formal orders are issued and the decisions carried out.

In the event that a grievance is not addressed by the PIU, local GRC, or the PMCU GRC, the DP can seek legal redress of the grievance in the appropriate Courts (the fourth level of the GRM). A grievance redress mechanism and procedure is depicted in Figure-1

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Figure 1: Grievance Redresses Mechanism and Procedure.

In compliance with the ADB Loan Agreement (Schedule 5, Section 7, page-17) and approved Resettlement Frameworks (RF), LGED shall establish Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) at PMCU level & one local GRC at each PIU level acceptable to ADB, and KfW. The objective of such a GRM is to redress any grievances arising from resettlement, compensation and environmental impact during subproject implementation. In this connection, the Local Government Division (LGD) under the Ministry of LGRD&C issued the office order via memo no.; dated: 23 Feb 2014 for the formation of GRC under the GRM for the PIUs under City Region Development Project (Please find GRC Office Order as annex-3).

Following aforesaid office order, GRCs has been formed at each PIU level and is progressively functioning. The focal person of PIUs started briefing among the concerned project stakeholders about the GRM procedures of CRDP and also focusing the mitigation process of grievance/complaint received from the community, if any. It needs to be mentioned that the Consultants discussed /briefed about the formation of GRM, its functions & responsibilities among the project beneficiary/affected persons in the subproject area different times during site visit. It may be noted here that no subprojects or schemes ready for implementation up to this reporting period, except the Banani Integrated Traffic Management Subproject found any land acquisition and resettlement issues. As a result, no event of grievances requires redressing by the GRC under the GRM in any other subproject/schemes excepting Banani Integrated Traffic Management Subproject. The GRC under the GRM for Integrated Traffic Management Subproject at Banani is actively working for receiving/recording complaints from the APs and with mitigation of recorded complaints timely following GRM procedure. Up to the reporting period, no complains/grievances received from the APs. However, in future, any complains/grievances received from the APs shall be noted and resolved through GRM procedures under CRDP.

First Level Grievances

Second Level Grievances

Third Level Grievances

Fourth Level Grievances


Grievance Redressed

Local GRC

Grievance Redressed


Grievance Redressed

Higher Authority / Court of Law


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Resettlement frameworks were prepared during the PPTA, which provide the basis for safeguard management and monitoring. The RF also sets out the organizational structure for resettlement and social safeguard management within the PMCU and PIU supported by Safeguard Specialists & staffs. Moreover, organizational structure including consultation, participation and disclosure and the grievance redress mechanism also were indicated in the RF, which will be followed during subproject preparation with necessary adjustments pertaining to the practical situation Institutional arrangement currently in force for managing the social safeguards issues under the project are as follows:

Project Management and Coordination Unit (PMCU): The Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), the Executing Agency (EA) is responsible for overall guidance and project implementation. A Project Management and Coordination Unit (PMCU), headed by a Project Director, is implementing the project investments and responsible for overall planning, management, coordination, supervision and progress monitoring of the project activities. The PMCU is ensuring compliance with assurances, including safeguards and preparing and submitting necessary safeguard reports, resettlement plan monitoring updates, etc. To ensure effective implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement aspects, one full time PMCU resettlement and environment safeguard officer is on board and is primarily responsible for the compliance to the Statutory and legal requirements of GoB including overseeing safeguard compliances and RP preparation/updating etc. The PMCU had one International Resettlement Specialist (IRS) working on intermittent basis since January 2013 but demobilized from Middle of May 2014 after completing his 12 months contracted input. Besides, there are two fulltime National Resettlement Specialists (NRS) (one of them mobilized in March 2013 and continued up to mid December 2013 and another one joined in middle of July 2013 and discontinued from 8

th August 2014). However, considering the project requirements, ADB approved extension of

further six months inputs of IRRS up to the December 2015 intermittently based on PMCU proposal. Since August 2014, IRRS was working hard alone to carry out total social safeguard activities of the project up to the completion of his tenure up to 31

st. December 2015. The Consultant performed his

responsibility to carry out the activities for updating/finalizing the RPs of sample subprojects based on the detailed engineering design and also to prepare new RPs and other safeguard reports for the newly selected subprojects as required. Moreover , he was also responsible for overall supervision of the project‟s safeguard issues including monitoring of RP implementation with necessary reporting as well and to work closely with the PMCU and PIUs.

Project Implementation Unit (PIU): Project Implementation Units (PIUs) are entrusted with the responsibilities for planning, design and implementation of each respective subproject. The PIU also are responsible to ensure compliance with safeguards requirements of the Government and ADB and for day-to-day monitoring of the project progress, including implementation of the resettlement provisions in the project and produce progress reports on all aspects concerning planning, implementation and monitoring of the land acquisition and resettlement issues and report to the PMCU.

Management, Design and Supervision Consultants (MDSC): A Management Design and Supervision Consultant (MDSC) on board are carrying out the detailed design, supervision and management of the subprojects including the sample subprojects. Future subprojects will also be taken into consideration for the detailed design including the safeguards planning. The MDSC had one Social Development and Gender Specialist (SDGS) and two Community Development Specialist

(CDS). They were responsible to carry out the social impact assessment and gender issues and to

closely work with the PMCU‟ s safeguard consultants for updating/finalizing required social safeguard documents ( DDRs & RPs) of the subprojects selected under CRDP for batches - batch-1, 2A and 2B - based on the detailed engineering design including implementation and monitoring of social safeguard issues and RP implementation.

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The organizat ional arrangements for RP & other safeguard documents preparat ion and implementat ion including monitoring of different social safeguard issues depicted in Figure-2.

Figure 2: Organization Chart for Managing the Social Safeguard Issues




1. Resettlement &

Environment Officer


Resettlement Support staff


PMCU: Individual Resettlement Specialist (International & National) and DSMC: Social & Gender Specialist and CDCs

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Up to the reporting period, no land acquisition and resettlement issues were found for any of the design completed subproject /schemes identified by PPTA. As result, up to the reporting p e r i o d no Resettlement plans (RP) preparation was required for any other subprojects.

In addition to above, RPs for any of the future subprojects as required will be prepared/updated, once design for all the remaining subprojects/schemes under the respective project is complete. However, Due Diligence reports (DDR) have been prepared covering design completed schemes of the identified subprojects, where there was no land acquisition or resettlement other than the Banani Integrated Traffic Management Subproject. To prepare these DDRs & RP, Consultant conducted

necessary survey and investigations visiting all the schemes sites and investigated on the

land acquisition, resettlement/rehabilitation requirements and other social safeguard issues based on the detailed design prepared by the MDS Consultants.

Up to the reporting period, social assessments reports for all the design completed subproject‟s schemes of batches 1 & 2A were prepared and submitted to ADB. It is to note in this connection that finalization of detailed designs for subprojects under Batches 1, 2A & 2B are almost complete.

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H-1: Status of Recruitment of safeguard Team

Social Safeguard specialists were recruited for the three positions comprising one International Resettlement and Rehabilitation Specialist (IRRS) and two National Resettlement & Rehabilitation specialists (NRRS) for the project in different times with intermittent inputs. The IRRS mobilized in January 2013 with an intermittent input. Up to December 2015, he completed his total 18 months input under the contract. One NRRS joined in March 2013 but discontinued from mid December 2013 (used only 10 person months out of allocated 36) and other one NRRS mobilized in mid June 2013 but

discontinued from mid August 2014 (used only 14.6 person months out of allocated 36)). The PIUs

though don‟t have any specific safeguard officer, but currently, the responsibility of safeguard officer is performing by one of the staff assigned from the Pourashava and City Corporation. Moreover, some CRDP staffs / Engineers also mobilized in each PIU and they are also taking care of the safeguard issues on behalf of the respective PIU under the supervision of the Executive engineer of the PIU.

H-2: Subproject Social Safeguard Performance

From the beginning of the project implementation to till the current reporting period, social safeguard consultants were working on to assess social/resettlement impacts for each of the design completed subprojects through conducting required survey/investigations at the site with necessary consultation with the stakeholders including beneficiary and affected people of the subproject considering social safeguard issues. Accordingly, social safeguard documents (DDR or RP) as required for each of the Sub-projects were prepared/updated and submitted to PMCU/ADB in time. Social safeguard status of individual sub-projects in connection to preparation of social safeguard documents up to the current reporting period (July -December 2016) has been furnished in Annex-1.

H-3: Compliance with Safeguard Covenants of Loan Agreement

Covenants written into the loan agreement that is related to resettlement and social safeguards presented in Annex-2, with the status of compliances up to the reporting period.

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CRDP Project implementation is ongoing, where safeguard compliance is an important and highly valued aspect. The beginning of the project‟s social safeguard aspects started with review of project background documents relating to resettlement and social safeguard issues followed by preparation of safeguard documents for the batch-1 design completed subprojects and conducting & finalizing feasibility study and reports for the batch 2A & 2B subprojects. Subsequently, safeguard documents for the design completed subprojects/schemes under Batch 2A 2B also were prepared through conducting required social assessments at the sites. All elements are in place for enacting an efficient safeguard framework, preparation of safeguard documents/RPs and monitoring of social safeguard issues. Social safeguard and Resettlement monitoring usually are done through using of administrative and socioeconomic methods. The former is done focusing primarily on scheduling of activities and details of compensation and payment status following the RP. Other monitoring indicators are also used, including direct one-on-one communications with APs, in connection to property valuation & compensation payment, outcomes of grievances and redresses of grievances and over all physical progress of resettlement plan implementation in a specific context.

However, up to the reporting period, none of the subprojects/schemes ready for implementation required preparation of RPs for the except the Integrated Traffic Management Subproject at Banani for which RP was prepared/updated. This was confirmed by the Consultant conducting thoroughly investigation for the design completed subprojects/schemes covering land acquisition, resettlement and social safeguard issues based on the final detail design prepared by MDSC. This RP for this subproject with necessary approval from ADB and Government of Bangladesh is currently under implementation by a resettlement implementation team recruited by PMCU. The resettlement implementation activities are being monitored by the PMCU & PIU regularly for time to time reporting to concerned parties and incorporation in the QPR and semiannual social safeguard monitoring reports as well. However, other design completed subprojects/schemes that were not found resettlement/rehabilitation impacts, was not required preparation of RPs but was prepared DDRs conducting thoroughly investigation covering land acquisition, resettlement and social safeguard issues. The same procedure will be followed for the future subprojects/schemes for implementation and will be prepared RPs and due diligence report as required with necessary monitoring during implementation of the subproject.

Further works to be taken up in the next reporting period focusing on monitoring of implementation, mitigation measures; public involvement in social safeguards; resettlement planning and implementation; enactment of the grievance redress mechanism, disclosure of safeguard documents and with follow up training of PIU staff in connection to IR & social safeguard.

Due Diligence Report and RP preparation/updating will be done for any other remaining subprojects/schemes once complete as required based on the final detail designs which are under preparation by the MDSC.

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Annex 1: Social Safeguard Status of Subprojects



Name of Sub-project Involuntary


(IR) impacts




Plan (RP) /

Due Diligence

Report (DDR)

Status as of

December 2016


1 Batch 1 Sub-projects:

1.1 Banani Integrated Traffic

Management Sub-project,

Dhaka North City


Yes, IR Impacts RP RP prepared and

submitted to

ADB and


was approved.


of this RP has

been completed.

1.2 Economic Revitalization –

Urban Renewal in

Shakhari Bazar, Old


The Program could

not be undertaken as

found to be not


1.3 Energy Conservation in


Not applicable

1.4 Water Supply, Sanitation

and Drainage in Gazipur

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

finally submitted to


Being no resettlement

impact found, a Due

Diligence Report

(DDR) was prepared

instead of RP.

1.5 Solid Waste Management

in Narayanganj

Could not undertake

the subproject due to

land constraint

1.6 Urban Services in Ashulia

Urban Center

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared

and finally submitted

to ADB

Although a sample

RP was prepared

during PPTA but


implementation found

no resettlement

impact. Finally

Diligence Report

(DDR) was prepared

instead of RP.

1.7 Khulna Drainage

Improvement and Flood


No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared

and finally submitted

to ADB

2 Batch 2A Sub-projects:

2.1 Narayanganj City No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared

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Name of Sub-project Involuntary


(IR) impacts




Plan (RP) /

Due Diligence

Report (DDR)

Status as of

December 2016


Corporation: Drainage


and submitted to


2.2 Gazipur City Corporation

(Tongi Area): Road and

Drainage Sub-project

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared

and submitted to


2.3 Singair Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared

and submitted to


2.4 Manikganj Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared

and submitted to


2.5 Narsingdi Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.6 Tarabo Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.7 Sonargaon Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.8 Kanchan Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.9 Kaliakoir Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.10 Mongla Port Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.11 Jessore Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.12 Jhikorgacha Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.13 Nowapara Pourashava:

Road and Drainage Sub-


No IR Impacts DDR -Do-

2.14 Savar Pourashava: Road No IR Impacts DDR

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Name of Sub-project Involuntary


(IR) impacts




Plan (RP) /

Due Diligence

Report (DDR)

Status as of

December 2016


and Drainage Sub-project

3 Road and Transport Improvements in Khulna City Corporation under KfW Financing:

3.1 Improvement of the Link

Road 7

3.2 Jessore Road Barabazar

to Joragate Area


DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

3.3 Rehabilitation of



No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

3.4 Enhancement of road for

pedestrians and public

transport on the outer

bypass road

DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

3.5 Access Road

Improvement in Poor

Areas connected to other


No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

3.6 Rupsha River Crossing Contract signed

3.7 Road Safety Measures Contract signed

3.8 Bus Terminal


Contract signed

4 Batch 2B Sub-projects:

Under ADB Financing:

4.1 Strengthening economic

potential of four urban

centres (Mouchak &

Mirzapur – W-01, Dolon &

Barmi – W-02) in Gazipur


No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

4.2 Strengthening economic

potential of seven urban

centres (Fakirhat,

Chitalmari & Garfa - W-

01 & Foylahat, Jatrapur,

Joymonir Goal & Badhal –

W-02) in Bagerhat district

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

4.3 Strengthening economic

potential of seven urban

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &

Contract signed

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Name of Sub-project Involuntary


(IR) impacts




Plan (RP) /

Due Diligence

Report (DDR)

Status as of

December 2016


centres (Fultola, Pather

Bazar, Katinga & Alapur –

W-01 & Koyerhat,

Dumuria & Kapilmuni –

W-02) in Khulna district


4.4 Strengthening economic

potential of five urban

centres (Navaran,

Khajura, Salua, Chintola

& Chingra – W-01) in

Jessore district

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

4.5 Strengthening economic

potential of four urban

centres (Sabdi, Murapara

& Mograpara – W-01 &

Fatullah – W-02) in

Narayanganj district

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

4.6 Strengthening economic

potential of one urban

centre (Kalampur UC –

W-01) in Dhaka district

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

Under SIDA Financing:

4.7 Strengthening economic

potential of one urban

centre ( Rayenda- W-03)

in Bagerhat district

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

4.8 Strengthening economic

potential of two urban

centres (Gilabari- W-

03&04 and Kotakhali- W-

05&06) in Khulna district

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

4.9 Strengthening economic

potential of one urban

centre (Bakra –W- 02&03

in Jessore district

No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

4.10 Strengthening economic

potential of one urban

centre (Uchitpur-W-

03&04) in Narayanganj


No IR Impacts DDR DDR prepared and

submitted to PMCU &


Contract signed

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Annex 2: Status of Resettlement and Social Safeguard Issues Related to Loan

Covenants as of December, 2017.

Covenant Safeguard Applicability

Status of Compliance

Implementation Arrangements: The Borrower, LGED, and the Ias shall ensure that the Project is implemented in accordance with the detailed arrangements set forth in the PAM. Any subsequent change to the PAM shall become effective only after approval of such change by the Borrower and ADB. In the event of discrepancy between the PAM and the Loan Agreement, the provisions of this Loan Agreement shall prevail.

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 1, page-16; Agreement between LGED and KfW, Section 4 (i), page-7

Complied with.

Sub-project Selection Criteria: LGED shall ensure that all subprojects are selected and implemented in accordance with the subproject selection criteria prepared for the Project and agreed between ADB and the Borrower and set out in Appendix A to the ADB Project Administration Manual (PAM).

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 4, page-16 ; Agreement between LGED and KfW, Section 4 (iii), page-7

Being complied with.

Project Website: Within 12 months after the Effective Date, LGED shall create a Project website to disclose information about various matters on the Project, including procurement. With regard to procurement, the website shall include information on the list of participating bidders, name of the winning bidder, basic details on bidding procedures adopted, amount of contract awarded, and the list of goods/services procured.

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 6, pages-16-17


Grievance Redress Mechanism: Within 12 months after the Effective Date, LGED shall prepare a Grievance Redress Mechanism, acceptable to ADB, and establish a special committee to receive and resolve complaints/grievances or act upon reports from stakeholders on misuse of funds and other irregularities, including grievances due to resettlement. The special committee shall (i) make public of the existence of this Grievance Redress Mechanism, (ii) review and address grievances of stakeholders of the Project, in relation to either the Project, any of the service providers, or any person responsible for carrying out any aspect of the Project; and (iii) proactively and constructively responding to them.

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 7, page-17; Agreement between LGED and KfW, Section 4 (v), page-7

Following loan covenant, LGED completed formation of Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) under the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) for the PIUs under the Project (CRDP) with necessary approval from the Local Government Division (LGD) under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives. The GRM is now functioning at each PIU to resolve complaints/grievances of the stakeholders/ affected people as required.

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Covenant Safeguard Applicability

Status of Compliance

Resettlement: The Borrower, LGED, and the Ias shall ensure that: a. any subproject that involves involuntary

resettlement shall be carried out in accordance with the Resettlement Framework (RF) agreed upon between the Borrower and ADB, the Borrower‟s Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance 1982 and subsequent amendments, ADB‟s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009), and the RPs;

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18.

Social safeguard issues include land acquisition and resettlements were verified by Resettlement Experts (Individual Consultants) for design completed or implementation ready subprojects to assess the need to prepare Resettlement Plan (RP) or Due Diligence Report (DDR). However, during subprojects implementation, a detail impact assessment is being done by the Resettlement Specialists based on the final detail design of the subprojects prepared by MDSC and accordingly Resettlement Specialists prepared new RPs or DDRs, as required.

After completion of design by the MDS Consultant for the schemes under the subprojects (Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage in Gazipur City Corporation (GCC), Khulna Drainage Improvement and Flood Protection subproject under Khulna City Corporation, Urban Services Subproject in Ashulia and Banani Integrated Traffic Management under Dhaka North City Corporation), Social Safeguard Consultants thoroughly investigated the social safeguard issues conducting required survey and investigations visiting the sites of different schemes under the above sub-projects. With regard to

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Covenant Safeguard Applicability

Status of Compliance

Water supply component of Gazipur subproject, originally 4 PTW sites were selected on private land. However, finally GCC selected alternative sites on Government/GCC land to avoid private land involvement. As a result, no RP was required. So, a modified due diligence report covering all the components of the Gazipur subproject has been submitted to ADB. In Ashulia Urban center, out of 5 PTWs, 3 PTWs sites were selected to construct on private land through land donation and 2 on Government and Community land without involvement of new land acquisition. As a result, required due diligence activities were done following ADB SPS in connection to land donations by the private owners. Accordingly, a due diligence report covering all the components of the Ashulia

Subproject has been prepared and submitted to ADB. Khulna Drainage Improvement and Flood Protection subproject required no land acquisition and accordingly, a DDR for this subproject has been prepared and submitted to ADB. In connection to Banani Integrated Traffic management Subproject, being no land acquisition was required but it requires resettlement and rehabilitation of about 241 affected business

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Covenant Safeguard Applicability

Status of Compliance

b. the RP that has been prepared and agreed by the Borrower and ADB, for the sample subprojects, shall be updated and provided to ADB for review and clearance following detailed design and prior to civil works contract award;

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18.

operators found to be affected. As a result, a RP has been updated/prepared in accordance with the Resettlement Framework (RF) agreed upon between the Borrower and ADB. Afterwards, this RP has already been approved by ADB.. Being no land acquisition and resettlement are required for any sub-projects of Batch 2A, Due Diligence Reports (DDRs) have been prepared for all the Batch 2A subprojects under 12 Pourashavas incorporating all design completed packages/schemes. These DDRs have been submitted to ADB. Not applicable as no further resettlement issues is anticipated.

c. all affected persons are given adequate opportunity to participate in the resettlement planning and implementation;

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18.

Up to the reporting period, in case of the Banani Integrated Traffic Management Subproject only found some people to be affected due to implementation of the subproject. During survey and consultation for the subproject, affected and local people and beneficiaries were consulted ensuring adequate participation of APs during resettlement planning and implementation. Same procedures will be followed where RPs will be required to prepare /update in future for the remaining subprojects,

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Covenant Safeguard Applicability

Status of Compliance

where applicable.

d. The RPs are disclosed to the affected persons, who are compensated and assisted prior to displacement from their houses, land and assets, before commencement of any Works;

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18

Has been taken care of for the Banani sub-project and also will be done in future for the remaining subprojects, where applicable,

e. additional assistance is provided for vulnerable groups;

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18.

Provision has been kept for the vulnerable groups in the RP prepared for Banani subproject following the RF and sample and will be properly taken care of during RP implementation. In future, assistance to vulnerable groups will also be properly taken care of during RP preparation and implementation, in case of subprojects, where applicable.

f. works contracts under the Project include requirements to comply with the RPs;

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18.

Provision included in the bidding documents of the Works contracts.

g. implementation of the RPs is monitored internally by the PIUs and reported monthly to the PCU who shall report the results semiannually to ADB; and

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18.

Will be done in due time, where necessary. This will be taken care of for the future subprojects, as and when/where necessary.

h. affected person(s) have an opportunity to express grievance at appropriate levels, and that local officials are instructed to resolve disputes and implement measures promptly in accordance with the grievance redress process outlined in the resettlement plan.

ADB Loan Agreement Schedule 5, Section 9, page-18.

Will facilitate the concerned APs to avail of those opportunities duly on time for the sub-project, where applicable.

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Annex 3: GRC Formation Office Order

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Annexure 4: Approval Letter of the Ministry to form Property Valuation Advisory

Team (PVAT)