Semester 2 overview

Rach Garry SEMESTER 2


an overview of all the work i produced in the last semester of university.

Transcript of Semester 2 overview

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Rach GarryS e m e S t e R 2

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O v e R v i e wIntegral elements: Are there integral elements that often form key elements within your work and in other words how do you best generate and create your own designs/imagery?

At the start of each project, I find it useful to scribble down all my initial ideas and thoughts on how I think the brief should be approached. I then move on to research to for some inspiration and different styling options and finally on to design. I find it useful to sketch out some layouts/ideas and then transfer those ideas on to the screen so I can play about with imagery and text. I think it is much easier when you get on to the screen because you can manipulate the images and text.

Success: What are your strengths? Where have you been most successful? What do you think was the reason for that positive experience?

I think my strengths lie in the production, once I have my ideas and concept sorted. Once I know what is going on a page I like to play around with layouts and how I can use different images and text to manipulate the page.

Personality: What are you interested in, what are you about? Do you feel you have been able to introduce your personality and interests in your work. In what creative direction do you want to proceed in the future?

Through playing around with all areas of design my true interests still lie in editorial. I feel this is were my strengths show. I feel that throughout my work, my personality is shown, even if its just a splash of bright colour on a page. Although I feel this is the area in which I am strongest I do not want to specialise myself to one area of design as I enjoy all different elements of the design process.

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P R O J e C t S




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i n t R O d u C t i O n t O t h e b R i e f

Gen IIThis was part of a live brief for the company Gen II.I had to create a logo and other stationary material for the company showing how the logo would work.This logo was aimed towards the general public.

FeetFirst Production InterviewThis brief was to interview someone and make a magazine spread.I chose to do the interview and take the photos myself and create a booklet to help raise awareness for FFP’s upcoming short film.The target audience would be the general public, as it is there to help raise awareness.

BacardiThis brief was part of a submission for the YCN student awards.I had to create a campaign to encourage 18-25 year old males to order Bacardi in a bar environment.The target audience is 18-25 year old males.

DandyThis brief was selected from the Roses Student Award briefs.The Dandy was going digital, I had to create awareness.The target audience is adults that used to read The Dandy as children.

Harry Ramsden’sThe brief was also selected from the Roses Student Awards.This brief was to re-brand Harry Ramsden’s fish and chip shop.Again the target audience was the general public as Harry Ramsden’s is already a well known name.

To ElsieFor this brief I collaborated with a photographer.I had to create a book which included her work.There was no specific target audience for this project as it such a wide subject.

Placement ReportThe brief took place after I completed my work placement.I chose to create a report which showed the background of the company and my experience there.This booklet was aimed at those looking in to the company and those looking to do work placements.

Script PackThis brief was to help promote film maker, ‘Dan Rymer’ ‘s new script.I had to create a script pack to show the different elements of the script.This was aimed at potential investors and lovers of film.

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G e n i iSourcedbrief

Re-brand the company ‘Gen II’

The company provides training courses and apprenticeships to various ages so needed to appeal to a wide and varied market.

They asked for a completely different look which was corporate but could be flexible to appeal to the younger clients aswell.

The three steps on the ‘E’ show the three different areas of the company and show moving forwards.


Link to website

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f f P i n t e R v i e wSourcedbrief

Root out a person in your local area and interview them, take photos that are inspired by their stories.

Design a magazine spread with this interview to let the world know about this amazing person.

FeetFirst Productions is an up and coming Film and Tv prodcution company. I managed to meet up with two key members before production and four members, post production from their short film ‘Meander’.


Link to website

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b a C a R d iSourcedbrief

Help BACARDI reconnect with 18-24 year old guys in the bar environment.

A new BACARDI cocktail campaign had been made to encourage 18-24 year old males want to drink BACARDI in a bar environment. These are ‘Super’ Cocktails, which are all superhero themed in name and in colour. Other supporting promotional material includes; a mobile application, booklet, bar runner and poster. The booklet is designed to business card measurements so it is handy to carry round and can fit in your wallet so you can show a bar tender what drink you would like.


Link to website

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d a n d ySourcedbrief

The Dandy has gone digital! Create a campaign to release the launch of the new App.

A series of posters, created to emphasis that the Dandy is also read by adults as a guilty pleasure.


Link to website

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h a R R y R a m S d e n SbriefRebrand Harry Ramsden’s Fish & Chip shop.

A vector inspired logo and a menu.



Link to website

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t O e L S i eSourcedbrief

Create a book to show off the photographs taken by Megan Liddle.

The theme of the book is dedications in books. The box that the photographs are presented in is fashioned to look like an old book like the actual photos. Inside is 20 seperate pages. Within each of these pages there is 3 seperate images that show a book and the writtedn dedication.


Link to website

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P L a C e m e n t R e P O R tSourcedbrief

Create a report about work placement.

A 24 page booklet about Mercieca, the company which I spent 2 weeks at in March. This shows information about the company, such as who works there and what they do. It also includes information about my time spent there.


Link to website

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S C R i P t P a C kSourcedbrief

Create a script pack for film maker, Dan Rymer.

An online platform showing the different parts of the script pack including links to different networks. Also is a CV designed in the same style as the website which can be downloaded in the contact page.


Link to website

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w O R k P L a C e m e n t - m e C i e C a

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b L O G a P P e a R a n C e S