Semantic Intelligence

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    the IT Lexicon:the IT Lexicon:

    Semantic IntelligenceSemantic Intelligence

    Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc., All Rights Reserved

    Presented by Stephen Lahanas

    Applied Innovation SeriesApplied Innovation Series

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    2Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Web Servers are one thing, Nuclear Reactors are

    a bit more dangerous there are systems which

    absolutely must not FAIL.

    The Future Begins with an idea

    Innovation represents the deliberate attempt to

    change current reality.

    Those who believe that things can be better or can

    be done betterhave the motivation to pursue

    change Innovation is the roadmap or blueprint forthat change.

    The Future consists of thousands of such

    blueprints coming together to build a new reality InnovationWorx is dedicated to providing

    consistent and actionable Innovation for you both

    through our consulting and our presentation series.

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    4Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    The Premise

    Words help us to describe complex

    concepts without quite so much

    explanation or research

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    5Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Expanding the ITLexicon

    The IT arena has produced thousands of new

    words to the English language since its inception

    and many more acronyms.

    When introducing a new term several questions

    ought to be kept in mind:

    1. Is the term really necessary?

    2.Can the word help to solve challenges related to

    the field (caused by the current lack of clarity)?3. Is the word just for marketing purposes or does

    it instead convey an important technical /

    solution connotation?

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    6Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Rationale for Introduction

    Before we define what Semantic Intelligence is; lets

    examine some of the reasons why this term is


    1. The field of Semantic Technology has expanded

    rapidly over th

    e past 5 years;however t

    here is still agap in understanding as to how it can be applied to

    real world situations.

    2. The disciplines known as Business Intelligence and

    Decision Support are merging rapidly with Semantic

    technology.3. There needs to be a term that properly explains both

    the nature of the solution and its functionality when it

    comes to aiding cognition.

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    7Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Learning from shared experience or knowledge ishow civilization evolved. IT needs to embrace a

    paradigm that doesnt always require building

    solutions from scratch everywhere at the same time.

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    8Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Business Intelligence

    Current IT practice refers to analytic capabilities in

    several ways; including Business Intelligence,Decision Support, Dashboards, Reports etc.

    Each of those terms tends to be fairly generic e.g.

    any number of solution approaches may be used todevelop them. What they share in common is value

    added examination of underlying data sources based

    upon defined expectations (queries, rulesets etc.)

    The great shortcoming of the current paradigm is the

    inability to share insight or knowledge across

    enterprises, globally. This leads to a tremendous

    amount of redundant work for all parties.

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    9Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Related Term: Semantic Web

    The industry definition for this Semantic Web is:

    a web ofdata thatfacilitates machines to understandthe semantics, or meaning, ofinformation on the World

    Wide Web. It extends the network ofhyperlinked

    human-readable web pages byinserting machine-

    readable metadata about pages and how they arerelated to each other, enabling automated agents to

    access the Web more intelligently and perform tasks

    on behalfofusers.

    If you delve a little further youll find references to otherterms such as Linked Data, Inference, Vocabulary and

    Vertical Applications as well as about a dozen

    standards such as RDF and OWL.

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    10Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    What if much of the discovery we engaged in online

    followed predetermined search paths orhighways?

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    11Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    What is the Semantic Web, Really?

    This question has perplexed many inside and outside

    of the IT community for the past decade, despitenumerous concerted efforts to educate or otherwise

    increase awareness. So why hasnt it caught on, what

    is hindering adoption?

    Maturity is one factor, but weve already had manyyears to work with the Semantic Web.

    Heres our theory; the term Semantic Web doesnt

    necessarily clearly explain the what effectively. It

    represents an end state rather than a specific

    capability. Such a complex set of capabilities requires

    more specific description and descriptors that are

    easily identifiable in context with one another.

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    12Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    This term is a bit more straightforward as it does

    clearly represent capability (or in this case a set ofrelated capabilities).

    The one possible area of confusion relates to whether

    specific Semantic tools or technology must be built

    upon published Semantic Web standards or whetherthey support a somewhat wider set ofSemantic

    Integration practices.

    An example of th

    e confusion occurred th

    is year wh

    enIBMs Watson defeated Jeopardys all time champions.

    While Watson wasnt built around Semantic Web

    standards it was built on a foundation of semantic

    reasoning and integration.

    Related Term: Semantic Technology

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    13Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Watson demonstrated a number of key

    capabilities associated with Semantic

    Intelligence including intelligent search,

    inference and assignment

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    14Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    The Semantic Enterprise is a variation of the larger

    end state term Semantic Web. It is meant torepresent a prototypical organization that has

    empowered its IT and Business capability through

    application of a Semantic Architecture & Lifecycle

    (which can be considered part ofSemanticIntegration).

    Thus a Semantic Enterprise exhibits a number of

    specific capabilities including SemanticIntelligence, Intelligent Search and Content

    Management and it utilizes Semantic Integration to

    guide its solutions lifecycle.

    Related Term: Semantic Enterprise

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    15Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Semantic Intelligence, Defined

    Semantic Intelligence exists at two levels; first it

    represents the immediate (local) ability to processdata and information-based semantic patterns and

    rules in order to gain insight or add value. Secondly it

    represents on a larger (global) perspective the ability

    to harness shared knowledge in a more efficient,automated fashion.

    The second part comes later as more organizations

    make value enhanced information available in globalcommunities. This process has already begun

    through development and sharing of Ontologies but

    Ontologies are only the tip of the iceberg.

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    18Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Implications ofSemantic Intelligence

    Semantic Intelligence has the potential to unify a

    variety of analytic approaches, tools or disciplines. Itcan accomplish this by providing a more specific set

    of solution expectations.

    Semantic Intelligence will likely have an importantimpact on other related technologies such as

    Content Management & Publishing, Search

    Management and other applications (such as ERP)



    ave significant analytic components. Most importantly, Semantic Intelligence is a near

    term approach towards beginning to realize the

    larger potential associated with the Semantic Web.

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    19Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.


    In order to properly exploit a thing that thing must

    be well defined and understood.

    The Semantic Web in fact represents dozens of

    concepts and technical standards but has yet to fully

    effectively define how they fit together. Moreover,there has been little or no definition in regards to the

    methodology for exploiting those capabilities.

    As part of ourRedefining the IT Lexicon we willprovide several more presentations to help better

    define what Semantics in IT represents and how it

    can be exploited right now

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    21Copyright 2011, Semantech Inc.

    Semantech Inc. is InnovationWorx

    Semantech Inc. is a solutions provider founded in

    2007. Our company is located in the Dayton, Ohio

    metro area. Since our inception we have

    supported clients in a more than half a dozen

    industries nationwide.

    Our company represents a unique approach

    were not offering just IT or Management

    Consulting. We specialize in facilitating complex

    organizational Transformations. This is why

    InnovationWorx was created. Semantech was

    founded to facilitate change