Self instructional module {sim}


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Transcript of Self instructional module {sim}

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By:- Firoz QureshiDept. Psychiatric Nursing

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INTRODUCTION Self-instructional module is one of the educational

materials that help individualized learning. It is important to go through the module in schematic way. All need continuing education in order to possess up to date knowledge & skills for the effective delivery of health care. A variety of instructional modules has been developed in the science & technology & is used as effective curricular instruction.

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A learning package for achieving pre- specified objectives; a module is self contained and includes the instructional materials necessary for the learning of specific unit or topic.


Any learning resource that can be used by a learner without the presence of the material teacher, this does not preclude learning from other learners.

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• PREPRATORY PHASE This phase is concerned with the collection, analysis & interpretation of data on 3 areas:1. Country health policies & plan.2. Target groups for continuing education.3. Learning resources. Such data are needed to evolve a

strategy for the preparation, production, dissemination & utilization of self- learning materials/ modules.

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1. Health policies, plans & priorities: A review of the country’s health policies & plan should be carried out in order to identify priority groups to be trained including the time & subject for training. For example, the strategy/plan may stipulate the participation of traditional birth attendants (TBA) in the expanded program me for immunization (EPI), which is identified as a priority health program me. Hence this should be among the target groups to be trained, & appropriate self- learning materials/modules on immunization for this particular group should be developed according to their level of capability.

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2. Target groups for continuing education: Information should be obtained on the target groups or those for whom the self- learning modules are to be developed. Such information will indicate the size of the group to be trained & will help determine the type of self- learning modules required as well as the distribution system to be used.

3. Learning resources: Resources required for the development, implementation & evaluation of self-learning modules include the following, so that availability in the country must first be determined.

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o PHYSICAL RESOURCES These include Teaching facilities such as buildings & room space. Audio-visual equipment, printing/ reproduction equipment, etc. Teaching-learning materials already available that can serve as initial

materials for the development of self-learning materials/modules manuals, handbooks, etc.

Media : These are facilities & materials that can be used for teaching-learning purpose, such as radio, television, audiotapes, video cassettes, slides & films.

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o FINANCIAL RESOURCES Sources of finance, budget provision and future possibilities.

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• IMPLEMENTATION PHASE The implementation phase include the process of program me definition, preparation, production, dissemination & utilization of self-learning materials/modules. These processes & how they are carried out are presented below: Program me definition Preparation of self-learning materials/modules Production of self-learning materials/modules

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1. PROGRAMME DEFINITION: Based on the assessment of learning needs, the following should be formulated for each category of the target groups.

General objectives of the learning program me. Description of the learning program me in terms of: specific

objectives, content areas, learning activities & learning materials; Course plan.

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2. PREPRATION OF SELF-LEARNING MODULES: Includes writing, content verification, editing, pre- testing & finalization. The following should be considered:

Selection & training of manpower(course team) who will prepare learning materials. The course team may include content specialists, writers, designers & educational/media technologists. A core group of individuals should be selected & prepared which will have the expertise in technical content areas & or process of preparing self-learning materials & the training of others in self-learning materials designing.

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The second consideration is the preparation of self-learning materials/modules, which includes: Analysis of the content, identification of learning units, preparation of lesson plans; selection & organization of the learning activities, designing of format & selection of the media; construction of tests & pre-testing of the materials. Selection & preparation of prints & non- printed materials involve careful planning by the course team. Learner characteristics should be considered in the selection of materials & media.

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3. PRODUCTION OF SELF-LEARNING MODULES This is considered with the mass production of the materials. It

should be noted that the cost of production is dependent on the types & quantity, as well as the quality of materials to be produced. The financial resources available determine the quantity to be produced & the quality of materials to be used.

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EVALUATION PHASE In order to ensure the effectiveness of the self-learning modules

system, it is essential to evaluate all its aspects. Evaluation should be focused on the following:

1) Input evaluation2) Process evaluation3) Product evaluation4) Impact evaluation

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I. INPUT EVALUATION A. If the learners selected were in fact the right group that needed

to be trained.B. If the health policies/plan considered during planning were

adequate & relevant.

C. If the learning resources were adequate & relevant.

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II. PROCESS EVALUATION: Process evaluation should include evaluation of the following program me; the training of self-learning materials/modules designers; the preparation of self-learning materials/modules & the production, dissemination & utilization of self-learners modules.

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III. PRODUCTION EVALUATION: This includes evaluation of the performance of learners after completion of the course using self-learning modules. The following may be used:

a) Follow up studies of the learners after the training period; &

b) Opinion survey of supervisors & clients.

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IV. IMPACT EVALUATION: The ultimate aim of self-learning modules is to improve the competencies of learners so that they can provide good quality service to the nation.

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LIMITATIONS a. Independent study requires adjustment to a new learning

strategies & a high level of motivation & self-discipline on the part of the learner.

b. There is minimum learner-teacher/group interaction; learner may become too individualized/self-centered & may not develop team spirit/group skills.

c. Language/communication problems may arise when the emphasis is on written materials only.

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