Self-efficacy the Exercise of Control

Increasing Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs for Technology Integration Ling Wang Nova Southeastern University Peggy A. Ertmer Timothy J. Newby Purdue University Abstract This study was designed to explore how vicarious learning experiences and goal setting influence preservice teachers'self-efficacy for integrating technology into the classroom. Two hundred and eighty students, enrolled in an introductory educational technology course at a large Midwestern university, participated. Students were divided into eighteen lab sec- tions, which were assigned to one of four conditions (three experimental and one control). Pre- and post-surveys were administered to examine participants' self-efficacy beliefs for technology integration. Results showed significant treatment effectsfor vicarious experiences and goal setting on participants' judgments of self-efficacy for technology integration. A significantly more powerful effect was found when vicarious learning experiences and goal setting were both present compared to when only one of the two factors was present. There- fore, from the perspective of teacher educators, the use of vicarious learning experiences and the incorporation of specific goals may help preservice teachers develop the confidence they need to become effective technology users within their own classrooms. (Keywords: technol- ogy integration, self-efficacy, vicarious learning experiences, goal setting.) INTRODUCTION In an effort to prepare students for the information age, public schools are in- creasing access to technology tools by installing more hardware and software, con- necting classrooms to the Internet, and providing cable and satellite capabilities (Zehr, 1997, 1998). Yet, despite the increased availability and support for class- room computer use, relatively few teachers have fully integrated computers into their teaching (Becker, 2000; Marcinkiewicz, 1996). Teachers' uses of computers are likely to be influenced by multiple factors, including the accessibility of hard- ware and relevant software, the nature of the curriculum, personal capabilities, and external constraints such as time, equipment, and technical support (Albion, 1999). However, according to Ertmer (1999), "Even if every first-order [external] barrier were removed, teachers would not automatically use technology to achieve the kind of meaningful outcomes advocated" (p. 51). There is substantial evidence to suggest that teachers' beliefs in their capacity to work effectively with technology—that is, their self-efficacy for technology in- tegration—may be a significant factor in determining patterns of classroom computer use (Albion, 1999; Oliver & Shapiro, 1993). For example, according to Each us and Cassidy (1999), "Self-efficacy has repeatedly been reported as a Journal of Research on Technology in Education 231

Transcript of Self-efficacy the Exercise of Control

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Increasing Preservice Teachers'Self-Efficacy Beliefs for Technology


Ling WangNova Southeastern University

Peggy A. ErtmerTimothy J. Newby

Purdue University

AbstractThis study was designed to explore how vicarious learning experiences and goal settinginfluence preservice teachers'self-efficacy for integrating technology into the classroom. Twohundred and eighty students, enrolled in an introductory educational technology course ata large Midwestern university, participated. Students were divided into eighteen lab sec-tions, which were assigned to one of four conditions (three experimental and one control).Pre- and post-surveys were administered to examine participants' self-efficacy beliefs fortechnology integration. Results showed significant treatment effects for vicarious experiencesand goal setting on participants' judgments of self-efficacy for technology integration. Asignificantly more powerful effect was found when vicarious learning experiences and goalsetting were both present compared to when only one of the two factors was present. There-fore, from the perspective of teacher educators, the use of vicarious learning experiences andthe incorporation of specific goals may help preservice teachers develop the confidence theyneed to become effective technology users within their own classrooms. (Keywords: technol-ogy integration, self-efficacy, vicarious learning experiences, goal setting.)

INTRODUCTIONIn an effort to prepare students for the information age, public schools are in-

creasing access to technology tools by installing more hardware and software, con-necting classrooms to the Internet, and providing cable and satellite capabilities(Zehr, 1997, 1998). Yet, despite the increased availability and support for class-room computer use, relatively few teachers have fully integrated computers intotheir teaching (Becker, 2000; Marcinkiewicz, 1996). Teachers' uses of computersare likely to be influenced by multiple factors, including the accessibility of hard-ware and relevant software, the nature of the curriculum, personal capabilities, andexternal constraints such as time, equipment, and technical support (Albion,1999). However, according to Ertmer (1999), "Even if every first-order [external]barrier were removed, teachers would not automatically use technology to achievethe kind of meaningful outcomes advocated" (p. 51).

There is substantial evidence to suggest that teachers' beliefs in their capacityto work effectively with technology—that is, their self-efficacy for technology in-tegration—may be a significant factor in determining patterns of classroomcomputer use (Albion, 1999; Oliver & Shapiro, 1993). For example, accordingto Each us and Cassidy (1999), "Self-efficacy has repeatedly been reported as a

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major factor in understanding the frequency and success with which individualsuse computers" (p. 2). Compeau, Higgins, and Huff (1999) conducted a longi-tudinal study with 394 subscribers to a periodical over a one-year interval totest the influence of computer self-efficacy beliefs, outcome expectations, affect,and anxiety on computer use. Their findings provided strong confirmation thatcomputer self-efficacy beliefs had a significant positive influence on computeruse. Another study conducted by Albion (1996) investigated student teachers'dispositions toward computers and their uses of computers in primary schoolclassrooms during a final-year practicum. Results suggested that lack of confi-dence for teaching with computers was an important factor infiuencing the lev-els of computer use by student teachers. Taken together, these studies suggestthat teachers' beliefs—and self-efficacy beliefs in particular—are useful indica-tors of levels of technology integration. Certainly, they provide sufficient reasonto undertake further investigations in this area and to consider approaches toteacher education and professional development that might be effective in in-creasing self-efTicacy for teaching with technology.

Bandura (1986) identified four sources of information used to judge self-effi-cacy: successful performance attainment, observing the performances of others(vicarious learning), verbal persuasion indicating that one possesses certain ca-pabilities, and physiological states by which one judges capability, strength, andvulnerability. Although performance accomplishments are considered to be themost robust source of self-efficacy information, vicarious learning is also a pow-erful source (Bandura, 1986, 1997). That is, viewing others successfully accom-plishing a particular task can increase learners' perceptions of others' efficacy aswell as their own efficacy for performing similar tasks (Bandura, 1997).

Vicarious learning experiences have been shown to enhance student teachers'self-efficacy for using computers in their teaching. In 1993, Handler con-ducted a study with 133 education graduates. Participants responded to a sur-vey regarding their perceptions of the value of preservice computer experiencesto their professional preparation. Results showed that observing cooperatingteachers using computers during the student teaching experience was one ofthe three most important factors that influenced feelings of preparedness forthe use of computers for instruction in their own classrooms.

Downes (1993) investigated student teachers' uses of computers duringpracticum sessions in order to identify relationships among computer uses and spe-cific practicum factors. Results indicated a significant increase in computer use overthe three practicum sessions, and this increase was consistent from one practicumgroup to the next. What is interesting to note, however, is that when examining thefactors involved in the practicum environment, only one factor, supervising teach-ers' uses of computers with children, was significant. No other practicum-relatedfactors, including level taught and technology resources, were significant. The in-fluence of the supervising teachers' uses of computers was so strong that first-yearstudents, whose supervising teachers used computers with children, were morelikely to use computers with children than third-year students whose supervisingteachers did not. Apparently, observing positive role models (in this case, supervis-ing teachers) favorably influenced the student teachers to perform similarly.

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Although novice learners can acquire skills and strategies from social modeling,when performing independently they are likely to over- or underestimate their owncapabilities (Schunk, 2001). However, students' judgments of progress, as well astheir judgments of self-eflPicacy, increase in both accuracy and strength when goalsare made explicit (Schunk, 2001). Research in education (Schunk, 1990) and orga-nizational management (Lee, Locke, & Latham, 1989) has emphasized the impor-tance of goals directed toward specific performance levels, with concrete, measur-able outcomes. Because specific goals help define what constitutes an acceptablelevel of performance, the explication of these goals can help students make moreaccurate, as well as more robust, judgments of efficacy. By establishing goals, stu-dents typically experience a sense of efficacy for attaining them (Schunk, 2001).

The literature has established independent effects of both vicarious learning experiencesand goal setting on learners' judgments of self-efficacy, yet litde work has been done toexamine how these strategies might be combined to create even more accurate and morerobust judgments of efficacy. In 1992, Gist and Mitchell identified three general strate-gies for enhancing self-efficacy beliefs. Of these three, two related to vicarious learningand goal setting, respectively: providing opportunities to observe experts' practice andproviding opportunities to address a specific goal while resolving a particular teaching is-sue. Gist and Mitchell concluded that these strategies contributed to building teachers'confidence for achieving effective teaching.

According to Neck and Manz (1992), when individuals mentally rehearse atask, they see themselves performing it and thus are exposed to the positive ef-fect of modeling (i.e., they learn through vicarious experiences). Furthermore,the intense cognitive processing that occurs during mental practice can heightenawareness of how to attain specific goals and hence increase goal commitmentand task performance. Based on these premises, it was hypothesized that vicari-ous learning experiences and goal setting could be combined to achieve a sig-nificant effect on learners' self-efficacy beliefs and task performance.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDYThis study was designed to examine the impact of vicarious learning experi-

ences and goal setting on preservice teachers' self-efficacy for technology inte-gration. Specifically, this study was guided by the following research question:

What are the effects of vicarious experiences and goal setting on preserviceteachers' judgments of self-efficacy for technology integration?

Based on the self-efficacy literature described above, it was hypothesized thatpreservice teachers who were exposed to vicarious experiences related to success-ful technology integration would experience significantly greater increases injudgments of self-efficacy for technology integration than those who were notexposed to these vicarious experiences. Furthermore, it was hypothesized thatpreservice teachers who were assigned specific goals would experience signifi-cantly greater increases in judgments of self-efficacy than those who were notassigned any goals. Finally, it was hypothesized that preservice teachers whowere exposed to vicarious experiences and assigned specific goals would demon-strate the greatest increases in judgments of self-efficacy compared to studentswho received either one of these conditions alone.

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METHODSResearch Design

A 2 X 2 (Vicarious Experiences x Goal Setting) mixed factorial research designwas used to examine how vicarious experiences and goal setting affected preser-vice teachers' judgments of self-efficacy for technology integration. These inde-pendent variables were combined to form four experimental conditions: (a)NVE/NGS: no vicarious experiences and no goal setting (also defined as thecontrol group), (b) NVE/GS: no vicarious experiences but with goal setting, (c)VE/NGS: vicarious experiences with no goal setting, and (d) VE/GS: vicariouslearning experiences with goal setting.

ParticipantsParticipation was solicited from the 408 students enrolled in an Introduc-

tion to Educational Technology course during the spring of 2003. Amongthese students, 337 agreed to participate in the study, although completedata sets were available from only 280 participants, including 92 males and188 females. The participants' ages ranged from 18 to 38 years {M = 19.88,SD = 2.69). The majority of the participants were freshmen {n = 153); therest were sophomores (« = 72), juniors (« = 36), seniors (« = 16), andgraduate students (« = 3). Participants were majoring in elementary educa-tion (« = 105), secondary education (« = 113) within various content areas,pre-kindergarten to kindergarten education {n = 13), and others {n = 49).The demographic data collected from the participants also showed thatamong the 280 participants, 268 students (96%) planned to become teach-ers after graduating. The majority (n = 221) of the participants had nevertaken a computer class before. Those participants who had completed pre-vious computer classes reported that the classes were mostly introductorycomputer literacy courses. Based on a four-point Likert-style question ( 1 -not confident, 4-very confident), participants' initial confidence levels av-eraged 2.77 with a standard deviation of 0.82. In general, the participantsrated themselves somewhat confident to confident in their ability to usetechnology to teach.

The participants' pre-course understandings of computer uses and technol-ogy integration in teaching were illustrated by their responses to questionsabout "specific strategies to develop knowledge and skills for teaching withtechnology" and "important things to consider when planning technologyuse." Almost every participant emphasized the role of taking a lot of computerclasses to improve their computer skills. Participants believed that abundantpractice with computers and familiarization with computer programs wouldsufficiently prepare them for teaching with technology. Only about 20 partici-pants (less than 10%) mentioned the role of cooperating with other teachers,and even fewer (« = 4) mentioned things such as experimenting with differentsoftware programs to see which worked best for students' learning and to inte-grate technology into lesson plans where relevant. Based on participants' pre-course responses, little understanding of computer uses and technology inte-gration in teaching was apparent.

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InstrumentA Likert-style survey measuring participants' self-efficacy beliefs for technol-

ogy integration was developed by the first author and used as pre- and post-sur-vey measures. The survey (see Appendix A, p. 245) included 21 items regardingparticipants' confidence for technology use. The participants were asked to ratetheir levels of agreement (from 1—strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree) withstatements related to their possession of confidence regarding technology use(e.g., "I feel confident that I understand computer capabilities well enough tomaximize them in my classroom." "I feel confident I can regularly incorporatetechnology into my lessons, when appropriate to student learning.").

The survey was reviewed for both content and construct validity. The evi-dence of content validity is primarily judgmental in nature and therefore wasgathered prior to the actual administration of the instrument. In the process ofinstrument development, the first author established a panel consisting of sixcontent experts in the area of self-efficacy (five professors and one graduate stu-dent). The experts were provided with a bibliography and a summary of the lit-erature review. These served as the content universe. Individually, the experts re-viewed the materials and commented on the adequacy of the conceptualdefinition. The first author also developed a rating sheet so that the expertscould rate and make suggestions for each item on the instrument. With thefeedback obtained from the experts' ratings, appropriate revisions of the instru-ment were made. Based on these revisions, it was believed that the content va-lidity of the instrument was convincing.

The evidence of construct validity is primarily empirical in nature. In thisstudy, evidence was gathered after the self-efficacy survey had been administeredto the participants. A factor analysis was conducted on both pre-survey data andpost-survey data to identify, from the 21 items, subsets of those items thatcould be clustered together to form constructs (i.e., factors). The factor analysiswas exploratory in nature and was conducted to determine if the instrument de-veloped for this study actually measured some meaningful constructs. As sug-gested by Gable and Wolf (1993), the number of factors and the relationship ofitems to factors were determined by the analysis rather than by the instrumentdeveloper's theoretical predictions.

The factor analysis of the pre-survey data produced a two-factor solution thatexplained 55-36% of the systematic covariance among the items (see AppendixB, p. 247). The first factor (eigenvalue = 9.85) accounted for 46.92% of the co-variance and consisted of 16 items with loadings ranging from .51 to .84. Theitems defining this factor represented computer technology capabilities andstrategies. The second factor (eigenvalue = 1.77) accounted for 8.4% of the co-variance and consisted of five items with loadings ranging from .56 to .77. Thefive items represented external influences of computer technology uses (e.g.,student assessment, restraints, oppositions, etc.). Because we were interested inmeasuring students' abilities to use technology in strategic ways, we decided notto include the items related to this second factor in our analysis. Thus, the finalversion of the instrument consisted of the 16 items in Factor One. Another fac-tor analysis was then conducted with the 16 items on the post-survey data. A

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one-factor solution was suggested (see Appendix C, p. 249). This factor (eigen-value = 9.58) explained a total of 59.86% of the systematic covariance. There-fore, it was further confirmed that these 16 items formed a valid instrumentmeasuring a single construct.

Cronbach alpha coefficients were calculated for both pre-survey data andpost-survey data (on the sixteen items) to determine the reliability of the instru-ment. Alpha coefficients of .94 (for pre-survey) and .96 (for post-survey) indi-cated that the instrument was highly reliable. Thus, the obtained factor solutionand resulting reliability coefficients for the self-efficacy for technology integra-tion scale suggest that the instrument exhibited construct validity and reliabil-ity. As such, it may be concluded that the resulting form of the instrumentholds promise for its use in further research.

PROCEDURESThe 18 lab sections of the course were randomly assigned to the four experi-

mental conditions. During the third week of the semester, participants com-pleted the demographic questionnaire, which included 17 questions asking forinformation about age, gender, major, previous computer classes, self-judgmentof confidence for using computers in teaching, and understandings of computeruses and technology integration in teaching. Some questions were in the formatof multiple-choice, while others were short-answer, open-ended questions. Theself-efficacy survey was also administered as a pre-course measure. Both the de-mographic questionnaire and the pre-survey were administered online, usingthe existing course management system, WebCT.

During the sixth week of the semester, the researcher (the first author) de-scribed the study to the students and solicited participation. Students whoagreed to participate in the study signed the informed consent form and spent aregular two-hour lab session completing the assignments for this study, underthe direction of the researcher. The participants were offered five points towardtheir course grades for participating. During the experiment, the participantsworked actively, following closely the directions they received from the re-searcher. Almost all participants spent at least one hour viewing either theVisionQuest CD-ROM (described below) or the WebQuest Web site to whichthey were assigned. During this time, they made notes or wrote responses onthe worksheets provided. After the experiment, some participants spoke withthe researcher expressing their great interest in the CD-ROM and expressed in-terest in obtaining more information about the content of the software as wellas the process by which the software was developed. At the end of the experi-ment, the participants completed the self-efficacy survey for technology integra-tion as a post-measure, once again accessing the survey online through thecourse WebCT.

In this study, vicarious experiences for technology integration were presentedto the students using VisionQuest, an instructional CD-ROM that features thetechnology practices and beliefs of six K-12 teachers. According to Ertmer et al.(2003), "VisionQuest is designed to provide opportunities for users to exploremodels of effective technology integration" (p. 100). The various cases high-

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lighted on the CD-ROM illustrate that technology integration can be achievedsuccessfully in a variety of contexts despite differences in settings, resources, andstudent backgrounds.

VisionQuest provides vicarious learning experiences for the users through theuse of video segments augmented by electronic artifacts (lesson plans, studentproducts) from teachers' classrooms. Cases are constructed such that users canexplore teachers' classrooms either one at a time (case by case) or thematically(i.e., comparing components of technology integration across cases). Each casecontains a variety of elements that combine to illustrate how teachers' visionsfor technology use are translated into practice. Users examine how teachersplanned for integration, how they currently implement technology within theirclassrooms, and how they assess the impact of their efforts.

For the groups that were exposed to vicarious experiences—that is, the VE/CSand VE/NGS groups—participants explored the VisionQuest CD-ROM and ob-served the technology uses and classroom management strategies of the featuredteachers. For the groups that were assigned specific goals—the VE/GS and NVE/GS groups—participants were given a number of specific goals. For example, thefollowing goals were assigned to the participants in the VE/GS condition:

While you are exploring VisionQuest, it helps to keep in mind whatyou are trying to do. A list of expected outcomes from this activity isshown on this page and can be thought of as goals that you are tryingto accomplish. So while you are going through VisionQuest, you shouldkeep in mind the following goals:

For each teacher on VisionQuest, determine:

• his/her beliefs about technology use• the roles technology plays• the way he/she organizes technology-based class activities• the way students are assessed

Students in the NVE/GS condition, who viewed a variety of WebQuests in-stead of exploring VisionQuest, received the following goals:

While you are exploring these WebQuests, it helps to keep in mindwhat you are trying to do. A list of expected outcomes from this activ-ity is shown on this page and can be thought of as goals that you aretrying to accomplish. So while you are going through the WebQuests,you should keep in mind the following goals:

For each WebQuest that you view, determine:

• the instructional goal(s)• the procedure of how the students might achieve the goal(s)• how students' achievement of the goal(s) will be evaluated

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For the groups that were not exposed to vicarious learning experiences—theNVE/GS and NVE/NGS groups—participants explored a Web site containinglinks to various WebQuests selected for this study. The WebQuests had the con-tent of technology in teaching but did not contain characteristics of vicariouslearning. For the groups that were not assigned any goals—the VE/NGS andNVE/NGS groups—participants received only instructions on how to navigatethe VisionQuest software or the WebQuest Web site, but nothing related towhat knowledge/information they were expected to gain from the software orthe site (i.e., no specific goals were assigned to these participants). In addition,in order to make sure that the participants would attend to the tasks they wererequired to accomplish—exploring the information in the software or on theWeb site rather than wasting time on irrelevant tasks—each participant was re-quired to complete a worksheet related to the specific goals or the content of hisor her specific tasks, depending on the experimental conditions in which he orshe participated.

Data Analysis StrategiesDemographic data were analyzed to describe the characteristics of the partici-

pants in this study. Ranges, frequencies, means, and standard deviations werecalculated for descriptive data. Responses to opened-ended questions were ana-lyzed using the standard procedures of pattern seeking that are most commonlyadopted by qualitative researchers.

Means and standard deviations were calculated for each experimental groupon the pre- and post-surveys of self-efFicacy for technology integration.ANOVA results [F{3, 276) = 0.06, p = .9818] showed that there were no sig-nificant differences among the means of the pre-survey scores for the four ex-perimental groups. To see the effects of vicarious learning experiences and goalsetting on preservice teachers' self-efficacy for technology integration, two-wayANOVA was used to analyze post-survey data. Furthermore, the ANOVA wasalso used to determine whether there were statistically significant differencesamong the means of the four experimental groups.

RESULTSTable 1 presents the mean scores and the standard deviations on the pre- and

post-surveys of the four experimental groups. As noted above, differencesamong the means and standard deviations from the pre-survey scores were notsignificant. For the post-survey data, the VE/GS (vicarious experiences withgoal setting) group had the highest mean score on ratings of self-efficacy fortechnology integration. The NVE/NGS (no vicarious experiences with no goalsetting) control group had the lowest mean score. The control group had thelargest standard deviation, while the VE/GS group had the smallest standarddeviation.

Table 2 presents the results of the two-way ANOVA for the post-survey scoreson self-efficacy for technology integration. Significant main effects suggest thatvicarious learning experiences [F(\, 276) = 25.63,/' < .0001] and goal setting[F{\, 276) = 16.59,/) < .0001)] significantly increased participants' self-efficacy

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Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations for the Pre- and Post-surveyScores on Self-Efficacy for Technology Integration

Experimental Mean Standard DeviationGroup N Pre-survey Post-survey Pre-survey Post-surveyVE-GSVE-NGSNVE-GSNVE-NGS






Tahle 2, Two-way ANOVA for the Post-survey Scores on Self-Efficacy forTechnology Integration

Source df Type III Mean F p E?) I ndex /SS Square

VE-NVE i 6 J 6 0 1 67601 25^63 < .0001 ^ 0GS-NGS 1 4.3770 4.3770 16.59 < .0001VE-NVE*GS-NGS 1 0.0999 0.0999 0.38 .5388

for technology integration. No significant interaction [F{\, 276) = 0.38,/) =.5388] between the two independent variables was found, suggesting that theeffect of vicarious learning experiences on self-efficacy beliefs did not change atthe different levels of goal setting, and vice versa. Thus, we can conclude thatvicarious learning experiences and goal setting both increased the participants'self-efficacy, but when vicarious learning experiences and goal setting were com-bined, the increase was the greatest. In addition, the effect size index/was cal-culated following the method presented by Cohen (1988). It was found that,with/ '= .40, the effect size was large according to Cohen's definition (1988, pp.284—288), meaning that the systematic variances were largely explained by thespecific conditions to which the participants in this study were assigned.

The ANOVA results also demonstrate the pair-wise differences among thefour experimental groups: The mean score of the group in which both vicariouslearning experiences and goal setting were present was significantly higher thanthe mean score of the control group (p < .0001). In addition, the mean score ofthe group in which both vicarious learning experiences and goal setting werepresent was significantly higher than the mean scores of the groups where onlyvicarious learning experiences (p = .0010) or goal setting (p < .0001) waspresent. The mean score of the group where only vicarious learning experienceswas present was significantly higher than the mean score of the control group {p= .0020), and the mean score of the group where only goal setting was presentwas also significantly higher than the mean score of the control group {p =.0155). Figure 1 visually presents the mean score differences.


The results of this study indicated that preservice teachers who were exposedto vicarious experiences that were related to successful technology integration(with and without goal setting) experienced significantly greater increases injudgments of self-efficacy for technology integration than those who were not

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9 :

3 .8 -




Tf 1 t 1

Figure 1. Mean score differences of the four experimental groups for the post-survey

exposed to these vicarious experiences. These results support previous researchregarding the benefits of vicarious learning on judgments of self-efficacy(Albion, 1996; Downes, 1993; Ertmer et al., 2003; Handler, 1993) and high-light the potential benefit to providing preservice teachers with opportunitiesfor observing exemplary technology-using teachers as one way to increase theirself-efficacy for effectively using technology in their own classrooms. Specifi-cally, in this study, vicarious learning experiences were provided through anelectronic instructional tool, VisionQuest CD-ROM. This type of modelinghelps eliminate logistical problems that might be associated with direct class-room observations and can be easily incorporated into a teacher education pro-gram as either a self-paced reflection tool or an instructor-led class activity.Other forms of electronic vicarious learning experiences, such as those providedby videos and Web pages, may also bring about similar effects on self-efficacybeliefs for technology integration.

The results of this study also indicated that preservice teachers who used spe-cific goals, with and without vicarious experiences, experienced significantlygreater increases in judgments of self-efficacy for technology integration thanthose who were not assigned any goals. These results also support previous re-search regarding the benefits of goal setting on self-efficacy beliefs (Bandura,1997; Schunk, 2001; Schunk & Ertmer, 1999). Thus, providing preserviceteachers with goals seems to be an effective way to enhance efficacy levels fortechnology integration, which can be easily achieved by making the link be-tween class objectives and learning goals explicit.

More important, the results of this study showed that preservice teachers whowere exposed to vicarious learning experiences and who were assigned specificgoals experienced significantly greater increases in judgments of computer self-efficacy than those who received only one of these two conditions. These resultssupport the suggestion made by others (Gist & Mitchell, 1992; Neck & Manz,

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1992) regarding effective strategies for increasing self-efficacy as well as the pos-sible benefit to be gained by combining strategies. As such, teacher educatorsmight consider using both strategies when helping preservice teachers learnabout technology integration. For example, instructors might anticipate in-creases in students' self-efficacy for technology integration when exemplary usesof technology in K-12 classrooms are presented and students explore these usesaccording to specific goals. What makes this practice more desirable is that boththe exemplary uses and goals can be easily incorporated into software packagesor other forms of electronic delivery.

LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE WORKThe characteristics of the participants in this study may limit generalizability to

participants with different characteristics. For example, the participants in thisstudy were primarily female residential undergraduate students at the beginning oftheir teacher education programs (i.e., 67% female with an average age of less than20, with over half being freshmen). In addition, participants did not demonstratemuch initial understanding of computer uses and technology integration in teach-ing. These characteristics of the participants would make it difficult to generalizethe results of this study to preservice teachers in other programs who might havedifferent characteristics, although careful descriptions of the participants' character-istics may help increase the generalizability of the findings of this study.

Another unique feature of this study was that the experiment was adminis-tered to the participants during a regular two-hour lab session of the course,which would be considered a relatively short treatment time. Therefore, therewould be no indication of long-term, lasting effects of the treatment from theresults of this study.

In addition, the goals used in this study were structured in such a way thatthey may have been used by the students as a form of advanced organizers.Therefore, it is arguable that the effect observed on self-efficacy beliefs mightbe, at least in part, due to the role of cognitive scaffolding these goals played inaffecting participants' self-efficacy. It should be advisable that the cognitive scaf-folding features of these goals be removed to determine whether the findings ofthis study are replicable.

Therefore, for future research work, considerations might be made to admin-ister the experiment over a longer period of time to investigate the long-term ef-fects of vicarious learning experiences and goal setting. If any differences or in-teresting patterns were found in preservice teachers' self-efficacy beliefscompared with the one-time brief exposure to vicarious learning experiencesand goal setting, meaningful implications might be made to the benefit ofteacher education programs. The results of this study should also be furtherqualified by using the same research design and experiment with preserviceteachers in different types of teacher education programs, where students' char-acteristics vary from one to another. Lastly, it would be important to examinethe actual technology use by the students who have achieved high levels of com-puter self-efficacy, to further verify the hypothesized relationship between highefficacy and actual classroom use.

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CONCLUSIONSThe findings of this study contribute to the existing body of literature in two

significant ways: (1) This study confirmed the findings from previous researchthat demonstrated how preservice teachers benefit from observing teacher mod-els presented through vicarious learning experiences, such as those provided byVisionQuest (Ertmer et al., 2003), and from using specific goals for masteringcomputer-related tasks (Schunk & Ertmer, 1999), and (2) this study providedsupport for the hypothesized combined effect of vicarious learning experiencesand goal setting on increasing preservice teachers' self-efficacy for technologyintegration. Though enhanced self-efficacy beliefs do not automatically trans-late into the actual use of technology among teachers, they are a necessary con-dition for technology integration. Teachers' self-efficacy beliefs have been foundto be useful indicators of likely success at technology integration (Olivier &Shapiro, 1993). Furthermore, increased performance with computer-relatedteaching practices has also been found to be significantly related to higher levelsof computer self-efficacy (Harrison, Rainer, Hochwarter, & Thompson, 1997).Therefore, from the perspective of teacher educators, the use of electronic vi-carious learning experiences and the incorporation of specific goals may helppreservice teachers develop the confidence they need to become effective tech-nology users within their own classrooms. Thus, as our future teachers achievehigh confidence levels for technology integration and develop powerful strate-gies for technology implementation, meaningful technology use can comecloser to being the norm, rather than the exception, in our K-12 classrooms.

ContributorsLing Wang is an assistant professor of computing technology in education at

Nova Southeastern University. Her teaching focuses on educational applicationsof courseware, and research design and methodology. Her research interests aretechnology integration, online learning environment, and the use of analogy ininstructional design. (Address: Ling Wang, Nova Southeastern University,Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences, 3301 College Avenue,Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314-7796; [email protected].)

Peggy A. Ertmer is an associate professor of educational technology at PurdueUniversity. Her teaching and research focus on facilitating student-centeredlearning through the use of case-based instruction, technology integration, andself-regulation learning strategies. (Address: Peggy A. Ertmer, Purdue University,School of Education, Room 3144, BRNG Hall, 100 N. University Street, WestLafayette, IN 47907-2098; [email protected].)

Timothy Newby is a professor of educational technology at Purdue Univer-sity. He currently teaches courses focused on learning theory, instructional de-sign and motivation, instructional strategies, and educational technology andintegration. His research involves the impact of various instructional strategiesand technology on learning and motivation. (Address: Timothy Newby, PurdueUniversity, School of Education, Room 3134, BRNG Hall, 100 N. UniversityStreet, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098; [email protected].)

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APPENDIX A: COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION SURVEYDirection:The purpose of this survey is to determine how you feel about integrating tech-

nology into classroom teaching. For each statement below, indicate the strength ofyour agreement or disagreement by circling one of the five scales.

Below is a definition of technology integration with accompanying examples:

Technology integration:Using computers to support students as they construct their own knowledge

through the completion of authentic, meaningful tasks.

Examples:Students working on research projects, obtaining information from the Internet.Students constructing Web pages to show their projects to others.Students using application software to create student products (such as compos-

ing music, developing PowerPoint presentations, developing HyperStudio stacks).

Using the above as a baseline, please circle one response for each of the statementsin the table:

SD = Strongly Disagree, D = Disagree, NA/ND = Neither Agree nor Disagree,A = Agree, SA = Strongly Agree

1. I feel confident that I understand computercapabilities well enough to maximize them in myclassroom. SD D NA/ND A SA2. I feel confident that I have the skills necessary to usethe computer for instruction. SD D NA/ND A SA3. I feel confident that I can successfully teach relevantsubject content with appropriate use of technology. SD D NA/ND A SA4. I feel confident in my ability to evaluate softwarefor teaching and learning. SD D NA/ND A SA5. I feel confident that I can use correct computerterminology when directing students' computer use. SD D NA/ND A SA6. I feel confident I can help students when they havedifficulty with the computer. SD D NA/ND A SA7. I feel confident I can effectively monitor students'computer use for project development in my classroom. SD D NA/ND A SA8. I feel confident that I can motivate my students toparticipate in technology-based projects. SD D NA/ND A SA9. I feel confident I can mentor students inappropriate uses of technology. SD D NA/ND A SA10. I feel confident I can consistendy use educationaltechnology in effective ways. SD D NA/ND A SA

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11. I feel confident I can provide individual feedbackto students during technology use.12. I feel confident I can regularly incorporatetechnology into my lessons, when appropriate tostudent learning.13. I feel confident about selecting appropriatetechnology for instruction based on curriculumstandards.14. I feel confident about assigning and gradingtechnology-based projects.15. I feel confident about keeping curricular goals andtechnology uses in mind when selecting an ideal wayto assess student learning.

























SA16. I feel confident about using technology resources(such as spreadsheets, electronic portfolios, etc.) tocollect and analyze data from student tests andproducts to improve instructional practices. SD D NA/ND A SA17. I feel confident that I will be comfortable usingtechnology in my teaching. SD D NA/ND A SA18. I feel confident I can be responsive to students'needs during computer use. SD D NA/ND A SA19. I feel confident that, as time goes by, my ability toaddress my students' technology needs will continue toimprove. SD D NA/ND A SA20. I feel confident that I can develop creative ways tocope with system constraints (such as budget cuts ontechnology facilities) and continue to teach effectivelywith technology. SD D NA/ND A SA21.1 feel confident that I can carry out technology-based projects even when I am opposed by skepticalcolleagues. SD D NA/ND A SA

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Stem Loading

Factor 1 (alpha = .94)Computer Technology 1Capabilities and Strategies






I feel confident that I understandcomputer capabilities well enoughto maximize them in my classroom. .84I feel confident I can help studentswhen they have difficulty with thecomputer. .79I feel confident that I have the skillsnecessary to use the computer forinstruction. .79I feel confident that I can usecorrect computer terminology whendirecting students' computer use. .75I feel confident in my ability toevaluate software for teaching andlearning. .72I feel confident that I can success-fully teach relevant subject contentwith appropriate use of technology. .71I feel confident I can mentorstudents in appropriate uses oftechnology. .69I feel confident I can effectivelymonitor students' computer use forproject development in myclassroom. .68I feel confident I can provideindividual feedback to studentsduring technology use. .64I feel confident I can consistentlyuse educational technology ineffective ways. .61I feel confident I can be responsiveto students' needs during computeruse. .60I feel confident about assigning andgrading technology-based projects. .59I feel confident I can regularlyincorporate technology into mylessons, when appropriate to student

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learning. .5613 I feel confident about selecting

appropriate technology forinstruction based on curriculumstandards. .56

16 I feel confident about using tech-nology resources (such as spread-sheets, electronic portfolios, etc.)to collect and analyze data fromstudent tests and products toimprove instructional practices. .55

8 I feel confident that I can motivatemy students to participate intechnology-based projects. .51

Factor 2 (alpha = .75)External Influences of 21Computer Technology Uses





I feel confident that I can carry outtechnology-based projects even whenI am opposed by skeptical colleagues. .77I feel confident that I can developcreative ways to cope with systemconstraints (such as budget cuts ontechnology facilities) and continue toteach effectively with technology. .65I feel confident about keepingcurricular goals and technology usesin mind when selecting an ideal wayto assess student learning. .64I feel confident that, as time goes by,my ability to address my students'technology needs will continue toimprove. .64I feel confident that I will becomfortable using technology in myteaching. .56

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Stem Loading

Factor 1 (alpha = .96)Computer Technology 2Capabilities and Strategies

I feel confident that I have the skillsnecessary to use the computer forinstruction. .81

3 I feel confident that I can successfullyteach relevant subject content withappropriate use of technology. .80

14 I feel confident about assigning andgrading technology-based projects. .80

10 I feel confident I can consistently useeducational technology in effectiveways. .79

8 I feel confident that I can motivatemy students to participate intechnology-based projects. .79

6 I feel confident I can help studentswhen they have difficulty with thecomputer. .79

9 I feel confident I can mentor studentsin appropriate uses of technology. .78

11 I feel confident I can provideindividual feedback to students duringtechnology use. .78

18 I feel confident I can be responsive tostudents' needs during computer use. .78

12 I feel confident I can regularlyincorporate technology into my lessons,when appropriate to student learning. .78

1 I feel confident that I understandcomputer capabilities well enough tomaximize them in my classroom. .77

16 I feel confident about using tech-nology resources (such as spreadsheets,electronic portfolios, etc.) to collectand analyze data from student testsand products to improve instructionalpractices. .75

13 I feel confident about selectingappropriate technology for instructionbased on curriculum standards. .74

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I feel confident in my ability toevaluate software for teaching andlearning. .lA

I feel confident that I can use correctcomputer terminology when directingstudents' computer use. .73

I feel confident I can effectivelymonitor students' computer use forproject development in my classroom. .73

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