Selection Procedure Development (Overview)


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There are three definitions to understand before beginning the validation process. They are the practical, the legal, and the academic definitions of validity. Practically speaking, a valid selection procedure is one that measures the actual requirements of the job in a fair and reliable way. A valid selection procedure is one that “hits the mark” and does so consistently, with the “mark” being the core, essential requirements for a given position that are targeted by the selection procedure. A valid selection procedure effectively measures the net qualifications that are really needed for the job, and not much more or less. In the legal realm, a selection procedure is valid if it can be proven by an employer in litigation that it is “...job related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity” (to address the requirements of the 1991 Civil Rights Act, Section 703[k][1][A][i]). This standard is usually met (or not) by arguing how the selection procedure first addresses the Uniform Guidelines1 (1978), followed by professional standards (i.e., the Standards and Principles, discussed below), then by parallel or lower courts that have applied the standard in various settings. Academically, the Principles (2003) and Standards (1999) have adopted the same definition for validity: “The degree to which accumulated evidence and theory support specific interpretations of test scores entailed by proposed uses of a test” (p.184). Learn more about the BCG Institute for Workforce Development by going to www. Visit to learn about the Adverse Impact and Test Validation webinar series based on Dr. Biddle's book.

Transcript of Selection Procedure Development (Overview)

Page 1: Selection Procedure Development (Overview)

Selection Procedure Development

and Validation

BCGi: Adverse Impact & Test Validation Book Series

Page 2: Selection Procedure Development (Overview)

Selection Procedure Development and


• Selection Procedures that are properly validated should

be both effective and defensible

• Content and Criterion-related Validity are two common

and acceptable strategies for validating tests

• Standards for developing and validating tests include

both Professional and Federal works

• Some strategies should be avoided in Title VII

compliance or litigation settings

Page 3: Selection Procedure Development (Overview)

Why is this Topic Important to HR/EEO Professionals?

• Why do I need to know about this topic? – Validating your company’s tests will lead to a more qualified

workforce and will help defend against lawsuits

– FEA’s are regularly reviewing PPTs now

• What are the key essentials I need to know about this topic? – Employers cannot buy “valid” tests like they can “validated”

products; if adverse impact exists, a test-job connection is required

– Both professional and federal validation guidelines exist and are important to the process

• What are the consequences surrounding these issues? – The immediate consequence of using invalid tests is a less

qualified and lower performing workforce

– Need to properly calibrate tests to true job needs

– The “start up” cost of a validation case is $30k to $80k

Page 4: Selection Procedure Development (Overview)

Presentation Overview

• Validation Defined

• Overview of the Mechanics of Content and Criterion-

related Validity

• Benefits of the Validation Process

• Professional Standards for Validation

• Uniform Guidelines Requirements for Validation

• Blending the Professional and Government Validation

Standards into Practice

Page 5: Selection Procedure Development (Overview)


• Adverse Impact and Test Validation: A Practitioner's Handbook by Daniel A. Biddle, Ph.D.

– Purchase online at

• Adverse Impact and Test Validation Book Series Webinars

– Recordings available online for all BCGi Platinum Members

– Webinar slides available online to all BCGi Standard & Platinum


• BCGi Membership

– Free Standard Membership

– Premium Platinum Membership

Page 6: Selection Procedure Development (Overview)

About Our Sponsor: Biddle Consulting Group (BCG)

BCG is an HR firm dedicated to providing the highest products and services related to

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Affirmative Action and Employee Selection.

• BCG’s Consulting Services

― Affirmative Action Plan Outsourcing

― Compensation Analysis

― EEO/AA Litigation Support (Plaintiff and Defendant)

― Job Analysis

― Test Development and Test Validation

• BCG’s Software Products

― Adverse Impact Toolkit™

― AutoAAP® affirmative action plan development software

― AutoGOJA® job analysis software

― C4 call center testing software

― COMPARE™ compensation analysis software

― CritiCall® dispatcher/call-taker personnel selection software

― ENCOUNTER soft skills video situational judgment testing software

― OPAC® office skills testing software

― TVAP™ Test Validation & Analysis Program software