SELECTION D’ARTICLES SIGNALES entre le 1ER ...Photogrammétrie.....31 Photogrammétrie...

CENTRE de DOCUMENTATION de l’INSTITUT NATIONAL DE L’INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE ET FORESTIERE centrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededo cumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentatio ndel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNce SELECTION D’ARTICLES SIGNALES entre le 1 ER NOVEMBRE et le 31 DECEMBRE 2012 09 janvier 2013 Bulletin 66 centrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededo CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION DE L'IGN 6/8 Avenue Blaise Pascal - Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne 77455 Marne la Vallée cedex 2 Tél. : Télécopie : Mél : [email protected] Site Web : Voir Documentation centrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededocumentationdel'IGNcentrededo

Transcript of SELECTION D’ARTICLES SIGNALES entre le 1ER ...Photogrammétrie.....31 Photogrammétrie...

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09 janvier 2013

Bulletin 66


CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION DE L'IGN6/8 Avenue Blaise Pascal - Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne 77455 Marne la Vallée cedex 2Tél. :élécopie :él : [email protected] Web : Voir Documentation


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Le sommaire reprend nos thématiques et chaque thématique peut contenir plusieurs références.

Les documents sont en français sauf indication contraire.A l’intérieur de chaque thème, les références sont classées par,

ordre alphabétique de premier auteur.


Acquisition d'image .......................................................................................................................... 3

Analyse spatiale ............................................................................................................................... 4

Applications de géodésie spatiale .................................................................................................... 6

Applications de télédétection ............................................................................................................ 7

Applications photogrammétriques .................................................................................................... 9

Applications SIG ............................................................................................................................. 12

Bases de données localisées ......................................................................................................... 14

Cartographie ancienne ................................................................................................................... 15

Cartographie numérique ................................................................................................................. 15

Cartographie thématique ................................................................................................................ 16

Géodésie physique ........................................................................................................................ 17

Géodésie spatiale .......................................................................................................................... 20

Géomatique ................................................................................................................................... 21

Géomatique web ............................................................................................................................ 22

Infrastructure de données .............................................................................................................. 24

Intelligence artificielle ..................................................................................................................... 25

Lasergrammétrie ............................................................................................................................ 25

Missions spatiales .......................................................................................................................... 29

Navigation et positionnement ......................................................................................................... 30

Photogrammétrie ............................................................................................................................ 31

Photogrammétrie numérique .......................................................................................................... 32

Photogrammétrie spatiale .............................................................................................................. 32

Photogrammétrie terrestre ............................................................................................................. 33

Projections ..................................................................................................................................... 33

Statistiques .................................................................................................................................... 34

Systèmes d'information géographique ........................................................................................... 34

Topographie ................................................................................................................................... 36

Traitement d'image ......................................................................................................................... 36

Traitement d'image mixte ............................................................................................................... 37

Traitement d'image optique ............................................................................................................ 37

Traitement d'image radar ............................................................................................................... 40

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Acquisition d'imageTitre The SETHI remote sensing airborne platform and the related science activitiesAuteur(s) FERNANDEZ (P.), RUAULT DU DUPLESSIS (O.), ARNAUBEC (A.) et al.Source REVUE FRANÇAISE DE PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE ET DE TÉLÉDÉTECTION (SFPT),n° 200, [01/11/2012], pp 36


RADAR A ANTENNE SYNTHETIQUE, VISEE OBLIQUE, VISEE VERTICALEN° notice A2012-566Résumé d’auteur ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab, has been designing airborne radar for more than two

decades for Defence oriented applications, as well as for science applications. In the past six years, the SETHI instrument, hosted on board a Falcon 20 aircraft, has been developed with a main focus on science applications. In this paper, the philosophy of this development is highlighted together with a detailed description of the instruments. The SETHI instrument includes three SAR systems at P, L and X bands, one context camera in the visible domain, with a side looking geometry matching the radar field of view, and a hyperspectral camera with standard nadir geometry. The paper then summarises the latest SETHI campaigns in the context of two spaceborne mission preparations. The first is the ESA BIOMASS mission with a P-Band SAR instrument for global forest biomass mapping. The second one is a maritime surveillance mission, including an X-band SAR system. For each campaign, the main objectives are listed, the references to the dedicated papers are provided and the major results are highlighted. Finally the paper then provides a preview for the future developments around the SETHI system, for studies dedicated to the optical/radar data fusion.

Titre Bistatic system and baseline calibration in TanDEM-X to ensure the global digital elevation model quality


SURFACE, QUALITE DES DONNEES, RADAR BISTATIQUEN° notice A2012-309Résumé d’auteur TanDEM-X is an operational satellite mission with the goal of generating a high quality

global digital elevation model (DEM) based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry in X-band. In order to ensure the quality of the DEM, the differential range measurements and knowledge of the interferometric baseline have to be extremely accurate. In this paper, the bistatic system calibration strategy implemented in TanDEM-X to achieve the desired DEM quality will be described, focusing on the baseline calibration procedure. The results of the tests, which were performed in parallel to the operational DEM acquisition, verify the suitability of this approach.

Titre A large format camera for national mapping purposesAuteur(s) SOUCHON (J.P.), THOM (C.), MEYNARD (C.) et MARTIN (O.)Source REVUE FRANÇAISE DE PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE ET DE TÉLÉDÉTECTION (SFPT),n° 200, [01/11/2012], pp 48


DIRECT, LONGUEUR FOCALE, SYSTEME DE PRISE DE VUES MODULAIREN° notice A2012-567Résumé d’auteur IGN CAMv2 project started in 2006 and is composed of two main steps. At first, a four-

channel medium format camera system was developed. The basic element of this new system is a camera head built around the Kodak KAF-39 000, 39 mega-pixel array sensor (7,216 x 5,412 pixels). Three systems in this medium format colour configuration, with four nadir-viewing camera heads (RGB and Near-lnfrared-NIR), operated for IGN national orthophotography production, during the summer 2009. Thanks to the versatile and modular aspect of the new camera system, the second step of our project was reachable: gathering eight camera heads on the same gyro-stabilised mount in order to achieve 155 megapixels pan-sharpened images with a pan-sharpening ratio of 2 x 2, and a final swath width of about 14,400 pixels. This large format configuration has been

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designed with two combinations of focal lengths. A 45-90 mm version allows 3D city models acquisition, and a 60-120 mm version for orthophotography acquisition. Good realistic colorimetric quality is obtained with this camera system thanks to specially designed colour filters. This system can be linked to a FMS/INS in order to obtain a direct geo-referencing of images, and the user friendliness for the operators of a state-of-the-art flight management software.

Titre A flexible mathematical method for calibration in digital aerial photogrammetryAuteur(s) TANG (R.), FRITSCH (D.), CRAMER (M.) et SCHNEIDER (W.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING, vol 78, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 1069 - 1077Langue AnglaisMots clés AUTOETALONNAGE, CHAMBRE DE PRISE DE VUES NUMERIQUE, CHAMBRE DTC,


N° notice A2012-486Résumé d’auteur Self-calibration plays a significant role in the automatic interior/exterior orientation of

camera systems. This paper presents a new family of self-calibration additional parameters (APS) for digital airborne camera calibration. Photogrammetric self-calibration can (to a very large extent) be considered as a function approximation problem in mathematics. Based on the rigorous approximation theory, a new family of so-called Legendre self-calibration APs is developed from the orthogonal Legendre Polynomials. An approach is suggested to assess the full potential of in-situ camera calibration. The performance of Legendre APS is investigated in many field tests on the DMC, UltracamX, UltracamXp and DigiCAM camera systems. The external accuracy in the tests can reach 0.2 GSD and 0.4 GSD in horizontal and vertical dimensions, respectively. The posterior standard deviation estimation of image measurements is approx. 0.12 pixel or even less. The advantages of Legendre APS are illustrated over the conventional counterparts. From both the theoretical and practical views, Legendre APS are orthogonal, rigorous, flexible, and effective for calibrating frame-format airborne cameras.

Analyse spatialeTitre Designing a 3D model for the prediction of the top of formation in oil fields using

geostatistical methodsAuteur(s) ABDIDEH (M.) et BARGAHI (D.)Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 7, [01/11/2012], pp 569 - 579Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. IRANMots clés ESTIMATION STATISTIQUE, GEOSTATISTIQUE, KRIGEAGE, MODELISATION 3D, PETROLE,

VARIOGRAMMEN° notice A2012-543Résumé d’auteur The importance of hydrocarbon resources is known worldwide and access to liquid and

gas hydrocarbon resources is only possible through drilling various geological formations. Drilling engineers' knowledge about subsurface conditions of oil-rich regions of Iran is only based on experience and quantitative assessment of geological and drilling reports. Using geostatistical methods, the qualitative experience can be converted into a quantitative one and a better result can be obtained. Asmari Formation is of great importance for drilling operations because most of the oil reservoirs in the southern parts of Iran are located in this formation. In this article, the geostatistical methods were used to build a three-dimensional (3D) model to determine the top of Asmari Formation. Data from 80 wells drilled in one oil field in southern Iran were prepared and analysed in order to build the 3D model of the top of Asmari Formation.

Titre Enquête SIG sur le dépérissement de la cime de châtaigniers dans la haute Vallée de la Tinée (Isola, F-06)



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N° notice A2012-471Résumé d’auteur [extrait] La cartographie des châtaigniers en voie de dépérissement a été croisée dans un

système d'information géographique avec les données de l'irrigation ancienne (cadastre de 1876 dit "napoléonien" ) et contemporaine afin de réaliser un "état des lieux" dans la commune d'Isola et évaluer la diversité des causes du déficit en eau autres que la contamination par l'encre et le chancre, facteur possible partout. [...]

Titre Modélisation d'un SIG archéologique et développement d'outils d'analyse prenant en compte l'imperfection de l'information : retour des projets SIGRem et ArchéoChamp



N° notice A2012-530Résumé d’auteur Depuis le premier système de stockage de l'information issue, dans les années 1980, des

fouilles archéologiques, la préoccupation a évolué vers une démarche fédératrice dans le cadre des projets SIGRem puis ArchéoChamp. Nous présentons dans cet article un bilan des pratiques, de la richesse et de la diversité, aussi bien des acteurs que des données, des objectifs, des outils, etc. L'avenir est maintenant à la prise en compte complète de l'imperfection des connaissances et l'ouverture vers les nouvelles interfaces de la géomatique dont nous présentons les premiers résultats.

Titre Mapping inequality in London: a different approach Auteur(s) GREEN (M.)Source CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, vol 49, n° 3, [01/08/2012], pp 247 - 255Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. LONDRESMots clés CARTE THEMATIQUE, INEGALITE, PAUVRETE, REPRESENTATION CARTOGRAPHIQUEN° notice A2012-539Résumé d’auteur Maps provide an effective means of distributing ideas simply, creating a format where

spatial data can be easily understood. However, a lot of people are not aware where administrative boundaries lie, limiting their appeal for educating the public on important issues such as poverty and inequality. This paper seeks to utilize a well-known cartographic map design, the London Underground map, to aid data dissemination of the complex issues surrounding inequality and deprivation in London. A discussion of the relevance of this approach to researching inequality in London, as well as how this fits in with previous approaches to mapping poverty is provided. An example using the recent release of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010 shows the usefulness of this design.

Titre Modélisations géométriques plurielles d'un espace agricole en évolution : application à la palmeraie de l'oasis de Figuig (Maroc)

Auteur(s) JANTY (G.), DEL (A.) et COHEN (M.)Source REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE GÉOMATIQUE, vol 22, n° 3, [01/07/2012], pp 389 - 411Mots clés géog. FIGUIGMots clés ANALYSE DIACHRONIQUE, CULTURES, MODELE CONCEPTUEL DE DONNEES


N° notice A2012-531Résumé d’auteur Dans la perspective de l'inscription de l'oasis de Figuig (Est du Maroc) au patrimoine de

l'humanité, l'analyse des facteurs d'évolution de la palmeraie constitue un enjeu majeur. Dans ce but, l'ensemble des informations sont réunies dans un SIC ce qui implique une modélisation de celles-ci. L'absence locale de cadastre qui pouvait sembler à priori un obstacle a, in fine, été un avantage, en n'imposant ainsi aucune vision dominante de l'organisation spatiale de la palmeraie. Cette absence de vision dominante permet d'appliquer trois modalités de modélisations géométriques à la même réalité physique des jardins : polygone, tableau de pixels, limites. Cette modélisation plurielle nous permet de déterminer deux groupes de jardins : ceux qui supposent l'existence de facteurs géographiques pour les évolutions semblables de part et d'autre des limites, ceux qui mettent en avant les facteurs de décision individuels dans le cas contraire. Ces deux situations : homogénéité/hétérogénéité de l'évolution sont observées en nombre égal. La

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répartition spatiale de ces deux groupes de situation est liée aux différentes évolutions 1983-2008. Les évolutions identiques se situent principalement dans les zones de stabilité, qui n'impliquent pas de décider d'un changement dans les pratiques habituelles de culture. Les évolutions différenciées sont observées dans les zones de régression ou de mise en culture. Dans ces zones, on peut retenir que la variabilité des décisions des acteurs individuels occupe un rôle déterminant.

Titre Le Paris des visiteurs étrangers, qu'en disent les téléphones mobiles ? Inférence des pratiques spatiales et fréquentations des sites touristiques en Île-de-France


MOBILITE URBAINE, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, TOURISME, TRAJETN° notice A2012-532Résumé d’auteur De nos jours, les nouvelles technologies ubiquitaires (GSM, GPS, Wifi, RFID, etc.)

permettent d'acquérir de grands volumes de traces individuelles et spatiotemporelles. Les trajectoires inférées à partir de ces données fournissent des nouvelles formes d'informations pour analyser la mobilité spatiale des individus. Dans ce contexte, nos travaux de recherche s'intéressent à la modélisation des trajectoires spatiotemporelles issues des traces numériques de téléphones mobiles afin d'étudier la mobilité des individus. Nous proposons un modèle conceptuel de données qui permet de modéliser ces données en tenant compte de leurs imperfections ainsi qu'une première instance de notre modèle portant sur les pratiques spatiales et les fréquentations des sites touristiques par les visiteurs étrangers en Île-de-France.

Titre Analysing imperfect temporal information in GIS using the triangular model Auteur(s) QIANG (T.), DELAFONTAINE (M.), NEUTENS (T.) et al.Source CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, vol 49, n° 3, [01/08/2012], pp 265 - 280Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE SPATIO-TEMPORELLE, DONNEES SPATIOTEMPORELLES, INTERVALLE,

SYSTEME D'INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUEN° notice A2012-541Résumé d’auteur Rough set and fuzzy set are two frequently used approaches for modelling and reasoning

about imperfect time intervals. In this paper, we focus on imperfect time intervals that can be modelled by rough sets and use an innovative graphic model [i.e. the triangular model (TM)] to represent this kind of imperfect time intervals. This work shows that TM is potentially advantageous in visualizing and querying imperfect time intervals, and its analytical power can be better exploited when it is implemented in a computer application with graphical user interfaces and interactive functions. Moreover, a probabilistic framework is proposed to handle the uncertainty issues in temporal queries. We use a case study to illustrate how the unique insights gained by TM can assist a geographical information system for exploratory spatio-temporal analysis.

Applications de géodésie spatialeTitre Suivi aérien du mascaret de la Garonne le 10 septembre 2010Auteur(s) PARISOT (J.), CHENG (C.), HANQUIEZ (S.), BONNETON (V.) et BONNETON (N.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT,n° 88, [01/09/2012], pp 60 - 70Mots clés géog. AQUITAINE, GARONNE (bassin)Mots clés COORDONNEES GPS, MASCARET, PHOTOGRAPHIE AERIENNE, POSITIONNEMENT PAR

GPSN° notice A2012-475Résumé d’auteur Depuis 2009, le laboratoire EPOC de l'Université de Bordeaux 1 a mis en place plusieurs

campagnes de mesures des mascarets d'Aquitaine. Lors de la campagne de mesures du mascaret, mise en place par l'équipe Methys, le 10 Septembre 2010, un suivi en bateau et en avion ont permis de collecter plus de quatre cents photographies et des données de positionnement GPS sur son parcours de près de trente kilomètres. À partir des photographies aériennes géoréférencées avec ArcGIS et de la concordance des données GPS du bateau, il a été possible de calculer la vitesse de propagation du mascaret. Les vitesses des fronts du mascaret varient de 15 km/h à 25 km/h. De plus,

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d'autres mesures comme les longueurs d'ondes, et les formes des six premières vagues ont pu être déterminées. Le nombre de Froude montre que la Garonne se comporte comme un canal rectangulaire.

Titre Research activities in precise positioning at Laval UniversityAuteur(s) SANTERRE (R.), COCARD (M.), BOURGON (S.) et al.Source GEOMATICA, vol 66, n° 2, [01/06/2012], pp 89 - 101Langue AnglaisMots clés POSITIONNEMENT PONCTUEL PRECIS, POSITIONNEMENT RELATIF TEMPORELN° notice A2012-501Résumé d’auteur Cet article récapitule les activités de recherche récentes, actuelles et futures dans le

positionnement de haute précision réalisées à l’Université Laval. Les projets entrepris par le groupe de recherche en GPS et géodésie sont présentés selon trois thèmes de recherche principaux. La première thématique concerne l’utilisation du positionnement précis pour le contrôle des déformations de structures d’ingénierie. Dans ce contexte, on présente une étude sur les forces exercées par les glaces sur les barrages utilisant des mesures effectuées avec une station totale robotisée ainsi qu’une méthode pour améliorer la détermination de l’altitude par positionnement GPS en utilisant de multiples antennes reliées à un seul récepteur à l’aide de câbles en fibre optique dont les délais de propagation sont calibrés. Un deuxième thème de recherche porte sur la déformation de la croûte terrestre dans la zone séismique de Charlevoix au Québec. Cette étude utilise le GPS et le nivellement de précision et comporte une analyse de la stabilité temporelle des stations GPS permanentes disponibles dans la région. Finalement, deux recherches sur les techniques de positionnement avec un seul récepteur GPS sont présentées, soit le positionnement ponctuel précis (PPP) et le positionnement relatif temporel (PRT).

Applications de télédétectionTitre Built-up and vegetation extraction and density mapping using WorldView-IIAuteur(s) KUMAR (A.), CHANDRA PANDREY (A.) et JEYASEELAN (A.)Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 7, [01/11/2012], pp 557 - 568Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE EN COMPOSANTES PRINCIPALES, BANDE INFRAROUGE, BANDE ROUGE, CARTE


N° notice A2012-542Résumé d’auteur This study demonstrates the use of high resolution WorldView-II satellite data in

extraction of built-up land and vegetation using normalized index techniques. The PCA 1 and NIR 2 bands-based built-up index was proposed for extracting built-up land, which exhibit high accuracy. The normalized difference vegetation index based on Red Edge and NIR 2 bands of WorldView-II produced high accuracy in the estimation of vegetation compared to the use of Red and NIR bands. The grid technique used in estimating built-up and vegetation density from precisely classified images provided better and accurate assessment of built-up and vegetation density in heterogeneous landscape of urban areas. This shows areas of very high to high built-up density are located in the central, western and southern parts, which are primarily devoid of vegetation. This study indicates possibilities of utilizing high resolution satellite data in urban landscape characterization using a grid-based technique.

Titre Evaluation of satellite-derived agro-climate variables in the Northern Great Plains of the United States

Auteur(s) LEMONS (R.), HEWITT (A.), KHAREL (G.) et al.Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 8, [01/12/2012], pp 613 - 626Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ETATS-UNISMots clés CLIMAT CONTINENTAL, DONNEES METEOROLOGIQUES, ERREUR SYSTEMATIQUE,

HUMIDITE DE L'AIR, IMAGE AQUA, PLAINE, PRECIPITATION, TEMPERATURE AU SOLN° notice A2012-549Résumé d’auteur The climate of the United States Northern Great Plains region is highly variable. Modelling

of agriculture in this region and similar locations depends on the availability and quality of satellite and ground data for agro-climate variables. We evaluated tropical rainfall

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measuring mission (TRMM) multi-satellite preparation analysis (TMPA) precipitation, atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) surface air temperature, and AIRS relative air humidity (RH). A significant bias was found within the temperature and RH products and no bias but an insufficient rain event detection skill in the precipitation product (probability of detection 0.3). A linear correction of the temperature product removed the bias as well as lowered the root mean square deviation (RMSD). The bias-corrections for RH led to increased RMSD or worse correlation. For precipitation, the correlation between the satellite product and ground data improved if cumulative precipitation or only precipitation during the growing season was used.

Titre The spatial prediction of tree species diversity in savanna woodlands of Southern Africa

Auteur(s) MUTOWO (G.) et MURWIRA (A.)Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 8, [01/12/2012], pp 627 - 645Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ZIMBABWEMots clés ARBRE (FLORE), BIODIVERSITE, IMAGE IKONOS, IMAGE TERRA-ASTER, INDICE DE


N° notice A2012-550Résumé d’auteur In this study, we tested the utility of remotely sensed data in predicting tree species

diversity in savanna woodlands. Specifically, we developed linear regression functions based on a combination of the coefficient of variation of near infrared (NIR) radiance and the soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), both derived from advanced space-borne thermal emission and reflection radiometer satellite imagery. Using the regression functions in a Geographic Information System (GIS), we predicted the spatial variations in tree species diversity. Our results showed that tree species diversity can be predicted using a combination of the coefficient of variation of NIR radiance and SAVI. We conclude that remotely sensed data can be used to spatially predict tree species diversity in savanna woodlands.

Titre Evaluation of the spatial changes in seagrass cover in the lagoons of Lakshadweep islands, India, using IRS LISS III satellite images

Auteur(s) NOBI (E.P.) et THANGARADJOU (T.)Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 8, [01/12/2012], pp 647 - 660Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. LAKSHADWEEPMots clés CLASSIFICATION DIRIGEE, DETECTION DE CHANGEMENT, HERBIER MARIN, IMAGE IRS-

LISS, LAGONN° notice A2012-551Résumé d’auteur A study was conducted in Lakshadweep islands to determine the feasibility of using

Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites for detecting changes in the seagrass from other coastal features. IRS ID and IRS P6 LISS III having spatial resolution of 23.5 m with lower cost compared to all other contemporary satellites with the same spatial resolution have not been widely used for monitoring the changes in seagrass cover. In this context, the present study attempted to explore the effectiveness of LISS III data for mapping seagrasses and to inform the international community about the usefulness of these low-cost imageries for coastal resource monitoring. Supervised classification and change detection studies found a significant decrease in seagrass cover of 73.03 ha in the Lakshadweep group of islands. An overall accuracy of 67.5% was obtained for the change maps, and seagrass cover and its changes vary at different islands.

Titre Quantifying deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon using advanced land observing satellite phased array L-band synthetic aperture radar (ALOS PALSAR) and shuttle imaging radar (SIR)-C data



N° notice A2012-509_______________________________________________________________________________________

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Résumé d’auteur The study examined the capability of dual-polarization SAR data for forest cover mapping and change assessment in the Brazilian Amazon Forest regions. Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR)-C and Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS PALSAR) data were analysed to map and quantify deforestation. The images were classified using hybrid classifier, where each land cover was grouped in various spectral sub-classes interpreted on the imagery and later merged together to generate the desired land cover classes. The classification accuracy for forest was reasonably high (>90%). The technique applied in this study can be extended for operational mapping and monitoring of deforestation in the tropics, particularly for those regions which are often covered by cloud.

Titre Quantifying urban land cover change between 2001 and 2006 in the Gulf of Mexico region

Auteur(s) XIAN (G.), HOMER (C.), BUNDE (B.) et al.Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 6, [01/10/2012], pp 479 - 497Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ALABAMA, FLORIDE, GEORGIE (USA), LOUISIANE, MEXIQUE (GOLFE DU), MISSISSIPPI,


IMPERMEABLE, URBANISATIONN° notice A2012-510Résumé d’auteur We estimated urbanization rates (2001-2006) in the Gulf of Mexico region using the

National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2001 and 2006 impervious surface products. An improved method was used to update the NLCD impervious surface product in 2006 and associated land cover transition between 2001 and 2006. Our estimation reveals that impervious surface increased 416 km2 with a growth rate of 5.8% between 2001 and 2006. Approximately 1110.1 km2 of non-urban lands were converted into urban land, resulting in a 3.2% increase in the region. Hay/pasture, woody wetland, and evergreen forest represented the three most common land cover classes that transitioned to urban. Among these land cover transitions, more than 50% of the urbanization occurred within 50 km of the coast. Our analysis shows that the close-to-coast land cover transition trend, especially within 10 km off the coast, potentially imposes substantial long-term impacts on regional landscape and ecological conditions.

Applications photogrammétriquesTitre Operational TanDEM-X DEM calibration and first validation resultsAuteur(s) GRUBER (A.), WESSEL (B.), HUBERT (M.) et ROTH (A.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 73, [01/09/2012], pp 39 - 49Langue AnglaisMots clés ERREUR, ETALONNAGE, IMAGE TANDEM-X, INTERFEROMETRIE PAR RADAR A ANTENNE

SYNTHETIQUE, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE SURFACEN° notice A2012-313Résumé d’auteur In June 2010, the German TanDEM-X satellite was launched. Together with its twin

satellite TerraSAR-X it flies in a close formation enabling single-pass SAR interferometry. The primary goal of the TanDEM-X mission is the derivation of a global digital elevation model (DEM) with unprecedented global accuracies of 10 m in absolute and 2 m in relative height. A significant calibration effort is required to achieve this high quality world-wide. In spite of an intensive instrument calibration and a highly accurate orbit and baseline determination, some systematic height errors like offsets and tilts in the order of some meters remain in the interferometric DEMs and have to be determined and removed during the TanDEM-X DEM calibration. The objective of this article is the presentation of an approach for the estimation of correction parameters for remaining systematic height errors applicable to interferometric height models. The approach is based on a least-squares block adjustment using the elevation of ICESat GLA 14 data as ground control points and connecting points of adjacent, overlapping DEMs as tie-points. In the first part its implementation in DLR’s ground segment is outlined. In the second part the approach is applied and validated for two of the first TanDEM-X DEM test sites. Therefore, independent reference data, in particular high resolution reference DEMs and GPS tracks, are used. The results show that the absolute height errors of the TanDEM-X DEM are small in these cases, mostly in the order of 1–2 m. An additional benefit of the

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proposed block adjustment method is that it improves the relative accuracy of adjacent DEMs.

Titre A new 3-D solar radiation model for 3-D city modelsAuteur(s) HOFIERKA (J.) et ZLOCHA (M.)Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 681 - 690Langue AnglaisMots clés ARC, ENSOLEILLEMENT, GRASS, MILIEU URBAIN, MODELE 3D DE L'ESPACE URBAIN,

MODELE DE TRANSFERT RADIATIF, OMBRE, RAYONNEMENT SOLAIRE, VOXELN° notice A2012-518Résumé d’auteur Estimates of solar radiation distribution in urban areas are often limited by the complexity

of urban environments. These limitations arise from spatial structures such as buildings and trees that affect spatial and temporal distributions of solar fluxes over urban surfaces. The traditional solar radiation models implemented in GIS can address this problem only partially. They can be adequately used only for 2-D surfaces such as terrain and rooftops. However, vertical surfaces, such as facades, require a 3-D approach. This study presents a new 3-D solar radiation model for urban areas represented by 3-D city models. The v.sun module implemented in GRASS GIS is based on the existing solar radiation methodology used in the topographic r.sun model with a new capability to process 3-D vector data representing complex urban environments. The calculation procedure is based on the combined vector-voxel approach segmenting the 3-D vector objects to smaller polygon elements according to a voxel data structure of the volume region. The shadowing effects of surrounding objects are considered using a unique shadowing algorithm. The proposed model has been applied to the sample urban area with results showing strong spatial and temporal variations of solar radiation flows over complex urban surfaces.

Titre Automated georegistration of high-resolution satellite imagery using a RPC model with airborne lidar information

Auteur(s) OH (J.), LEE (C.), EO (Y.) et BETHEL (J.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING, vol 78, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 1045 - 1056Langue AnglaisMots clés ACCENTUATION D'IMAGE, CORRELATION CROISEE NORMALISEE, CORRELATION


N° notice A2012-485Résumé d’auteur A large amount high-resolution satellite imagery (HRSI) has been available in the

commercial market because of its value in creating accurate base maps for various applications. As massive amounts of HRSI are acquired globally by satellites with short revisit times, automated but accurate georegistration is still required despite advances in precise orbit tracking and estimation. Motivated by the attractive properties of airborne lidar data, such as their high resolu tion and accuracy, this study proposes a new automated method for refining the HRSI with rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) using airborne lidar information. By projecting the lidar intensity return into the HRSI space, the image matching complexity is reduced to a simple, 2D case. The true challenge is in overcoming the difference between the HRSI and the lidar intensity return to allow for reliable matching. To this end, this paper proposes a new method based on simple relative edge cross correlation (RECC) with a screening method to prevent false matching. To make the approach more robust, data snooping was added for a final detection of outliers. Experiments were performed using three Kompsat-2 images and the potential of the approach.

Titre Georelief transfiguration in areas affected by open-cast miningAuteur(s) PACINA (J.), NOVAK (K.) et POPELKA (J.)Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 663 - 679Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. BOHEME, REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUEMots clés ANALYSE DIACHRONIQUE, CARTE ANCIENNE, MINE, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE SURFACE,

PHOTOGRAPHIE AERIENNEN° notice A2012-517Résumé d’auteur Open-cast mining activity causes the largest georelief transfigurations all over the world.

Large localities in north-west Bohemia (the Czech Republic) are affected. In this area, we focus on a very significant case: the royal town Most, which has been turned into a lake.

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The main aim of this article is the reconstruction of the original georelief in different time periods together with analysis showing the process of landscape devastation. The workflow and analysis is based on precise elevation data obtained from aerial photographs and old maps. The georelief development is reconstructed using the digitized contour lines contained in Derived state-map 1:5,000 (SMO5) from the years 1953, 1972, and 1980; maps of the 3rd Military Survey (year 1936); and digital surface models (DSM) extracted, using the pixel correlation method, from aerial images (year 1953 and 2008). The most important results of the analysis are digital terrain models showing the evolution of the landscape which may be used for many purposes in landscape development analysis, historical applications, visualization or landscape reclamation.

Titre Multidirectional visibility index for analytical shading enhancementAuteur(s) PODOBNIKAR (T.)Source CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, vol 49, n° 3, [01/08/2012], pp 195 - 207Langue AnglaisMots clés AZIMUT, ESTOMPAGE, METHODE ROBUSTE, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE SURFACE, OMBRE,

PENTE, RELIEF, VISIBILITE, VISUALISATION 3DN° notice A2012-535Résumé d’auteur A novel method called multidirectional visibility index (MVI) has been developed and

verified. The MVI improves standard cartographic analytical shading with a number of enhancements to topographic detail and prominent structures, i.e. the portrayal of flat areas in lighter tones, the accentuation of morphologic edges, and the multiscale visualisation of morphologic terrain features. The procedure requires a digital elevation model (DEM) and involves the following steps: visibility mask computation; the respective multidirectional altering of the azimuth and elevation angle; the generation of continuous grid MVIs that indicate upper/lower views, quasi-slope, and relative relief; and an appropriate visualisation of the relevant MVI as a standalone technique or in combination with standard hill-shaded relief. The modelling parameters are robust and therefore highly adaptive to different landforms.

Titre Relative height error analysis of TanDEM-X elevation dataAuteur(s) RIZZOLI (P.), BRAUTIGAM (B.), KRAUS (T.) et al.Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 73, [01/09/2012], pp 30 - 38Langue AnglaisMots clés DECORRELATION, ERREUR, IMAGE TANDEM-X, INTERFEROMETRIE PAR RADAR A

ANTENNE SYNTHETIQUE, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE SURFACEN° notice A2012-312Résumé d’auteur The primary objective of the TanDEM-X mission is the generation of a global high

resolution digital elevation model (DEM) with single-pass SAR interferometry. Within the mission, the Earth’s land masses will be mapped at least twice to achieve relative vertical accuracies in the order of two meters. This paper presents an analysis of the mission performance in terms of the relative height error showing first results obtained from TanDEM-X interferometric data. For critical areas characterized by strong volume decorrelation phenomena or mountainous terrain, different approaches to improve the final height error are investigated as well.

Titre TanDEM-X calibrated Raw DEM generationAuteur(s) ROSSI (C.), RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ (F.), FRITZ (T.) et al.Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 73, [01/09/2012], pp 12 - 20Langue AnglaisMots clés ETALONNAGE DE CAPTEUR (IMAGERIE), IMAGE TANDEM-X, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE

SURFACE, TRAITEMENT D'IMAGE RADARN° notice A2012-310Résumé d’auteur The TanDEM-X mission successfully started on June 21st 2010 with the launch of the

German radar satellite TDX, placed in orbit in close formation with the TerraSAR-X (TSX) satellite, and establishing the first spaceborne bistatic interferometer. The processing of SAR raw data to the Raw DEM is performed by one single processor, the Integrated TanDEM-X Processor (ITP). The quality of the Raw DEM is a fundamental parameter for the mission planning. In this paper, a novel quality indicator is derived. It is based on the comparison of the interferometric measure, the unwrapped phase, and the stereo-radargrammetric measure, the geometrical shifts computed in the coregistration stage. By stating the accuracy of the unwrapped phase, it constitutes a useful parameter for the

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determination of problematic scenes, which will be resubmitted to the dual baseline phase unwrapping processing chain for the mitigation of phase unwrapping errors. The stereo-radargrammetric measure is also operationally used for the Raw DEM absolute calibration through an accurate estimation of the absolute phase offset. This paper examines the interferometric algorithms implemented for the operational TanDEM-X Raw DEM generation, focusing particularly on its quality assessment and its calibration.

Titre Reconnaissance de bâtiments et localisation de photographies au moyen d'un descripteur de texture



N° notice A2012-533Résumé d’auteur La reconnaissance automatique des bâtiments est une étape essentielle pour la réalité

augmentée et un outil possible pour la géolocalisation d'une prise de vue. Les recherches dans ce domaine n'utilisent pas la localisation par contenu de l'image. Cet article présente une méthodologie pour l'enrichissement d'une base de données urbaine SIG grâce à un descripteur de texture de façade calculé sur des images de référence. Cet indicateur est ensuite utilisé pour retrouver ce bâtiment dans une nouvelle image et le localiser dans une base de données SIG 3D afin d'estimer sa position et son orientation dans le repère de l'appareil photographique qui a pris le cliché. La qualité des résultats obtenus fait l'objet d'une discussion.

Applications SIGTitre Bruits sous surveillance européenneAuteur(s) BLOMAC (F. DE)Source SIG LA LETTRE,n° 140, [01/10/2012], pp 6 - 7Mots clés CARTOGRAPHIE DU BRUIT, DIRECTIVE EUROPEENNE, LUTTE CONTRE LE BRUIT,

SYSTEME D'INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE, URBANISMEN° notice A2012-478Résumé d’auteur Afin de prévenir et réduire les effets nocifs de l'exposition au bruit ambiant, la directive

européenne de 2002, transcrite dans le code de l'environnement et de l'urbanisme français en 2006, oblige les Etats membres à produire tous les cinq ans des cartes de bruit stratégiques, qui servent à la création des plans de prévention du bruit dans l'environnement (PPBE).

Titre Slope analysis of fuzzy surfacesAuteur(s) CAHA (J.), TUCEK (P.), VONDRAKOVA (A.) et PACLIKOVA (L.)Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 649 - 661Langue AnglaisMots clés INCERTITUDE GEOMETRIQUE, LOGIQUE FLOUE, PENTEN° notice A2012-516Résumé d’auteur Analysis of the slope is one of the fundamental analyses within geoinformatics, especially

its initial calculation. Slope analysis is usually used as the first step in much more sophisticated analyses as well as in complex models of natural phenomena. Fuzzy surfaces provide representation of geographical phenomena with all aspects of the uncertainty (i.e. both in terms of the description of reality or the uncertainty of measurement). The uncertainty in the input surface is crucial for analysis of slope. A high level of uncertainty can significantly affect the result of slope analysis. The Neighbourhood method was utilized for calculating with fuzzy numbers and to perform slope analysis of the fuzzy surface. The main reason for choosing this method is that it belongs to the most common tools in GIS software (e.g. both ArcGIS and GRASS). The computation with fuzzy numbers instead of crisp numbers allows evaluation of uncertainty of the resultant slope. The aim of this article is to present the process of slope calculation with fuzzy numbers as well as all necessary algorithms that are needed for such calculation. The further analysis of uncertainty provides important information for the process of decision making. The level of uncertainty in the results of the above-

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mentioned analysis can be as important as the actual result. It is especially important in situations where the amount of uncertainty varies at higher values.

Titre Base de données pour la gestion de mandats SIGAuteur(s) HUBERT (P.) et HAUSER (S.)Source GÉOMATIQUE SUISSE, vol 110, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 1484 - 485Mots clés géog. SUISSEMots clés ACTUALITE DES DONNEES, BASE DE DONNEES LOCALISEES, CONSERVATION,


N° notice A2012-476Résumé d’auteur Dans le cadre de mon travail de diplôme pour l'obtention du brevet de technicien en

géomatique, j'ai établi au printemps 2010 un outil de gestion de mandats SIG. J'ai ici le plaisir de le présenter en résumé. Le point principal du travail était le modèle de données. Comme espéré, cet outil a continué depuis lors à être développé de manière significative. Ce perfectionnement vers ce qu'il est devenu aujourd'hui a été effectué par le service SIG des CFF avec du personnel externe. Davantage d'informations dans le chapitre WDI.

Titre Towards a framework for designing spatial and non-spatial visualizations for communicating climate change risks

Auteur(s) LIESKE (D.)Source GEOMATICA, vol 66, n° 1, [01/03/2012], pp 27 - 36Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE SPATIALE, CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE, RISQUE ENVIRONNEMENTAL,

VISUALISATION CARTOGRAPHIQUE, VISUALISATION DE DONNEESN° notice A2012-488Résumé d’auteur Les dangers reliés aux changements climatiques (p. ex., l’intensification des tempêtes et

les inondations côtières associées à la hausse du niveau de la mer) se répandent partout dans le monde, mais constituent des problèmes propres à certaines régions du monde qui exigent une réponse sociétale. Malheureusement, les études ont démontré que les gens ignorent souvent le véritable risque (ou le perçoivent mal), limitant ainsi leur motivation à prendre des mesures pour diminuer leur vulnérabilité. La visualisation des répercussions prévues (que ce soit spatialement ou non spatialement) a un rôle important à jouer dans la communication du risque, prévenant potentiellement le biais cognitif des gens, les aidant à centrer leur attention et leur permettant de faire leur propre diagnostic. Dans cet article, les principales conclusions de la documentation sur la perception des risques sont présentées dans un cadre conceptuel qui est fourni pour aider à orienter!: (1) le recensement des besoins importants d’information (anticipant l’influence des effets psychologiques); (2) la sélection et la conception des visualisations; et (3) l’évaluation de l’efficacité des visualisations pour améliorer la perception des risques et inspirer une volonté publique de s’adapter. Une étude de cas impliquant une inondation côtière dans le sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick est utilisée comme référence tout au long de l’article.

Titre Mapping malaria severity zones with Nigeriasat-1 incorporated into geographical information system

Auteur(s) OGUNBADEWA (E.)Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 7, [01/11/2012], pp 593 - 610Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. NIGERIAMots clés ANALYSE DISCRIMINANTE, CARTE THEMATIQUE, DONNEES ENVIRONNEMENTALES,


N° notice A2012-544Résumé d’auteur :The aim of this study is to derive environmental factors that are likely to influence malarial

distribution from Nigeriasat-1 in a geographical information systems (GIS) environment and relate it to the empirical evidence of reported malarial cases in the hospitals using discriminant analysis (DA) to characterize, identify and map malarial risk zones. It is found that using a stepwise DA, Nigeriasat-1 and GIS it is possible to classify the accurately the low malarial risk zone (100%), medium and high risk zones (83.33%), with an overall accuracy of 88.9% being achieved for the study area. The results obtained were in agreement with the ground validation exercise that was carried out and the cross validation method of ‘‘leaving-one-out’ in DA function. These findings indicate that

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Nigeriasat-1 and GIS combined with statistical technique of DA can be utilized as a decision support tool for a precise identification of the areas warranting mitigation efforts.

Titre Utilisation des SIG pour la modélisation des réseaux hydrologiques et l'analyse spatiale des bassins versants du Sahel de Sfax

Auteur(s) TRABELSI (N.), ZAIRI (M.), TRIKI (I.) et BEN DHIA (H.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT,n° 88, [01/09/2012], pp 12 - 16Mots clés géog. SFAXMots clés ANALYSE SPATIALE, ARCGIS, BASSIN HYDROGRAPHIQUE, MNS SRTM, MODELE


N° notice A2012-470Résumé d’auteur Dans tous les domaines s'intéressant à l'étude de phénomènes spatialisés, un besoin

émerge, notamment pour les structures géographiques de types de "réseaux", vue sur leur organisation systémique de l'espace qui n'est pas explicitée dans les bases de données géographiques (Paget et al, 2008). Dans l'optique de satisfaire ce besoin d'automatisation, le recours à l'utilisation des systèmes d'informations géographiques s'est avéré rentable (Hocine et al. 2007 ; Charleux et al. 2000). Le présent travail décrit une méthodologie d'exploitation des données MNT SRTM permettant une extraction du réseau hydrologique à l'aide de deux outils SIG. il s'agit du programme Rockworks 15 et Arc hydro sous ArcGIS 10.

Titre Geographic information system–based morphometric characterization of sub-watersheds of Meenachil river basin, Kottayam district, Kerala, India

Auteur(s) VINCY (M.), RAJAN (B.) et PRADEEPKUMAR (A.)Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 8, [01/12/2012], pp 661 - 684Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. KERALAMots clés ARCGIS, BASSIN HYDROGRAPHIQUE, CARACTERISATION, GEOMORPHOMETRIEN° notice A2012-552Résumé d’auteur The study areas Tikovil and Payppara sub-watersheds of Meenachil river cover 158.9 and

111.9 km2, respectively. These watersheds are parts of Western Ghats, which is an ecologically sensitive region. The drainage network of the sub-watersheds was delineated using SOI topographical maps on 1:50,000 scale using the Arc GIS software. The stream orders were calculated using the method proposed by Strahler's (1964). The drainage network shows that the terrain exhibits dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern. Stream order ranges from the fifth to the sixth order. Drainage density varies between 1.69 and 2.62 km/km2. The drainage texture of the drainage basins are 2.3 km–1 and 6.98 km–1 and categorized as coarse to very fine texture. Stream frequency is low in the case of Payappara sub-watershed (1.78 km–2). Payappara sub-watershed has the highest constant of channel maintenance value of 0.59 indicating much fewer structural disturbances and fewer runoff conditions. The form factor value varies in between 0.42 and 0.55 suggesting elongated shape formed for Payappara sub-watershed and a rather more circular shape for Tikovil sub-watershed. The mean bifurcation ratio (3.5) indicates that both the sub-watersheds are within the natural stream system. Hence from the study it can be concluded that GIS techniques prove to be a competent tool in morphometric analysis.

Bases de données localiséesTitre La Camargue et la quatrième dimension : suivi de l'évolution du territoire depuis

vingt ansAuteur(s) DURANT (H.) et ISENMANN (P.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT,n° 89, [01/11/2012], pp 48 - 52Mots clés géog. CAMARGUEMots clés ANALYSE DIACHRONIQUE, BASE DE DONNEES D'OCCUPATION DU SOL, MODE

D'OCCUPATION DU SOL, PARC NATUREL REGIONAL, REVISION DES DONNEESN° notice A2012-558Résumé d’auteur Le parc naturel régional de Camargue veille sur le delta du Rhône, riche de multiples

spécificités tant écologiques qu'humaines. Pour suivre l'évolution de ce territoire

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exceptionnel, le service géomatique a procédé à une mise à jour de sa base d'occupation du sol. Méthodologie et résultats.

Cartographie ancienneTitre L'Europe et le monde au regard des cartes marinesAuteur(s) HOFMANN (C.), RICHARD (H.), SARAZIN (J.) et VAGNON (E.)Source CARTO, LE MONDE EN CARTES,n° 14, [01/11/2012], pp 66 - 72Mots clés CARTE ANCIENNE, CARTE MARINEN° notice A2012-561Résumé d’auteur La Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) présente du 23 octobre 2012 au 27 janvier

2013 à Paris, l'exposition "l'âge d'or des cartes marines. Quand l'Europe découvrait le monde". Les commissaires offrent aux lecteurs de Carto une analyse historique et cartographique des principaux documents présentés.

Titre Deconstructing Galbraith: A geostatistical analysis of cartographic intentAuteur(s) PEARSON (B.)Source CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, vol 49, n° 3, [01/08/2012], pp 218 - 233Langue AnglaisMots clés CARTE ANCIENNE, CARTOMETRIE, CONCEPTION CARTOGRAPHIQUE, RESEAU

FERROVIAIRE, SYMBOLE GRAPHIQUEN° notice A2012-537Résumé d’auteur This study uses cartometric techniques to reveal cartographic design considerations

operative in Frank H. Galbraith’s 1897 railway mail service training maps. Galbraith’s maps make extensive use of humorous cartouches intended to serve as mnemonic devices for learning railway mail service routes. Poisson and quadrat point pattern analyses are performed on all eight maps in the series to determine whether the mimetic symbols are clustered along the railway mail routes or dispersed throughout the mapped spaces to achieve better graphic balance. Evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the placement of the mnemonic symbols was primarily driven by design considerations. The study therefore proves that it is possible to use cartometric techniques to deconstruct the map document to determine the cartographic design principles operative during the map's construction.

Titre Cart-i-caturesAuteur(s) TETARD (F.)Source CARTO, LE MONDE EN CARTES,n° 14, [01/11/2012], pp 75 - 77Mots clés CARTE ANCIENNE, CARTE THEMATIQUE, POLITIQUEN° notice A2012-562Résumé d’auteur Véritable langage politique, la caricature, dont l'objet est d'exagérer le trait pour susciter

le débat, voire la provocation, utilise parfois la carte comme support. Ce procédé, qui apparaît pour la première fois au 19e siècle, témoigne alors des rapports de forces entre puissances européennes.

Cartographie numériqueTitre Investigating the effectiveness of an efficient label placement method using eye

movement dataAuteur(s) OOMS (K.), MAEYER (P. DE), FACK (V.) et al.Source CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, vol 49, n° 3, [01/08/2012], pp 234 - 246Langue AnglaisMots clés CARTE INTERACTIVE, PLACEMENT DES ECRITURES, UTILISATEURN° notice A2012-538Résumé d’auteur This paper focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of dynamic and

interactive maps in relation to the user. A label placement method with an improved algorithmic efficiency is presented. Since this algorithm has an influence on the actual placement of the name labels on the map, it is tested if this efficient algorithms also creates more effective maps: how well is the information processed by the user. We tested 30 participants while they were working on a dynamic and interactive map display.

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Their task was to locate geographical names on each of the presented maps. Their eye movements were registered together with the time at which a given label was found. The gathered data reveal no difference in the user’s response times, neither in the number and the duration of the fixations between both map designs. The results of this study show that the efficiency of label placement algorithms can be improved without disturbing the user’s cognitive map. Consequently, we created a more efficient map without affecting its effectiveness towards the user.

Cartographie thématiqueTitre Bruits et odeurs : Une approche positive encore en chantierAuteur(s) BLOMAC (F. DE)Source SIG LA LETTRE,n° 140, [01/10/2012], pp 11 - 12Mots clés CARTOGRAPHIE DU BRUIT, CARTOGRAPHIE STATISTIQUE, ECOLOGIE, ONDE

ACOUSTIQUE, POLLUTION ACOUSTIQUEN° notice A2012-479Résumé d’auteur Cartes stratégiques du bruit, jurys de nez ... les pouvoirs publics se contentent de lutter

contre les nuisances. Les cartes produites sous SIG sont le reflet de cette vision quantitative et négative. Mais il existe également des études qui tentent de saisir des dimensions plus positives. Si elles font un usage simplifié de la cartographie, elles n'en ouvrent pas moins des pistes intéressantes, surtout dans le domaine sonore.

Titre La cartographie cognitive appliquée dans le domaine du risque géologiqueAuteur(s) MANSOUR (H.), ZEROUAL (H.), NADJL (A.) et FOUKRACHE (M.)Source BULLETIN DES SCIENCES GÉOGRAPHIQUES INCT,n° 27, [01/06/2012], pp 40 - 41Langue Anglais-Français-AraMots clés géog. ORANMots clés CARTOGRAPHIE NUMERIQUE, GEOLOGIE LOCALE, GESTION DES RISQUES, IMAGE

SPATIALE, OUTIL D'AIDE A LA DECISION, PLAN DE PREVENTION DES RISQUESN° notice A2012-500Résumé d’auteur L'Oranie constitue un site très intéressant pour l'évaluation et la gestion du risque

géologique. Actuellement, les images spatiales et la cartographie numérique apportent une nouvelle approche pour analyser le risque. L'espace géographique évolue en fonction des conditions climatiques et physiques des milieux. La gestion du risque géologique est un processus complexe dont l'utilité permet de lier plusieurs types de décision dont le principal est la décision exploitation. Le développement d'un modèle de gestion autour de ce thème est le résultat principal de ce travail où un exemple est utilisé pour les besoins de la démarche. La constitution de fichiers cartographiques à partir des images ou de bases de données spatiales est un processus insuffisamment exploité. Les mécanismes qui font intervenir les méthodes d'acquisition et de traitement de l'information du risque géologique adhérent à un processus de cartographie cognitive. La rédaction des documents (cartes, plans, livrets de terrain, notice géologique,...) et la prise de décision sur l'environnement engendre la mise en place d'un processus de visualisation et de localisation des sites porteurs de risque. La cartographie numérique et l'intégration des données liées aux aléas du risque géologique sont réalisées à l'aide des fonctionnalités des systèmes graphiques et de système d'information géographique. Des cartes cognitives sont proposées pour présenter les entités porteuses de risque.

Titre One hundred years of dasymetric mapping: back to the origin Auteur(s) PETROV (A.)Source CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, vol 49, n° 3, [01/08/2012], pp 256 - 264Langue AnglaisMots clés CARTE THEMATIQUE, FIGURATION DE LA DENSITE, HISTOIRE DE LA CARTOGRAPHIE,

INTERPOLATION SPATIALE, POPULATIONN° notice A2012-540Résumé d’auteur Paying the tribute to the 100 years anniversary of dasymetric mapping, this paper aims to

provide a detailed inquiry into historical beginnings of this cartographic technique by working with literature and archival sources, primarily with the writings of the method’s inventor, Benjamin Semenov-Tian-Shansky. The paper confirms that the dasymetric method was first proposed in 1911 and its first cartographic products appeared in 1919. The paper reviews and discusses the dasymetric technique used by Semenov-Tian-

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Shansky in the 1920s to produce the ‘Dasymetric Map of European Russia’ that, perhaps, still remains one of the most extensive dasymetric mapping projects in the history of cartography. This research will help to continue reconstructing the history of dasymetric mapping and will aid in better understanding of the original technique itself and its relations with later achievements in cartography and GIScience.

Géodésie physiqueTitre "Yu laid out the lands": georeferencing the Chinese Yujitu (Map of the Tracks ofYu)

of 1136Auteur(s) AKIN (A.) et MUMFORD (D.)Source CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE, vol 39, n° 3, [01/07/2012], pp 154 - 169Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE COMPARATIVE, CARTE ANCIENNE, GEOREFERENCEMENT, POINT DE REPEREN° notice A2012-492Résumé d’auteur In an historically contextualized overview of the earliest extant version of the Tujitu,

engraved on stone under the Liu Yu regime but believed to be a copy of a Northern Song map, the paper analyzes factors that complicate its georeferencing. The paper introduces a new algorithm for nonlinear georeferencing, applying it to 45 points and finding that the placement of sites on the north-south axis must have been based on latitudinal observation. Despite the Yujitu's startlingly modern appearance, the paper finds that there are areas in which it reflects a loyalty to classical texts.

Titre Analysis of 4 years (2002-2005) of laser data on Starlette, Stella and LAGEOS-1/2 satellites for stations coordinates and Earth oreintations parameters (EOP)


STARLETTE, STATION DE TELEMETRIE, STELLA, TELEMETRIE LASER SUR SATELLITEN° notice A2012-498Résumé d’auteur Le présent article porte sur le calcul des coordonnées des stations Laser et des

paramètres de rotation de la Terre (Earth Orientation Parameters : EOP), basé sur les mesures des satellites à basse attitude, tels que Starlette (STA) et Stella (STL). Les orbites de ces satellites sont moins précises que celles des satellites LAGEOS (usuellement utilisés pour un calcul précis), car ils sont plus affectés par les forces gravitationnelles et non-gravitationnelles. L'objectif est d'atteindre une bonne qualité sur les produits géodésiques par une combinaison intersatellitaire des données des satellites Starlette et Stella conjointement à celles de LAGEOS-1 (LA1) et LAGEOS-2 (LA2). Le calcul d'orbite de ces satellites est effectué par le logiciel GINS(GRGS / France), le traitement des mesures Laser est réalisé par le logiciel MATLO (IGN, OCA/France), en considérant l'utilisation du modèle du champ de gravité (Eigen_Grace-03s) du satellite GRACE, sur une période de 4 ans (entre Janvier 2002 et Décembre 2005). Les résultats en termes de séries temporelles sont projetés sur le repère de référence ITRF2000, par le logiciel CATREF (IGN/France), où les paramètres de transformation d'Helmert sont obtenus. Deux solutions ont été comparées: LA1+LA2 (LL) et LA1+LA2+STL+STA (LLSS), en termes de qualité des séries temporelles des positions résiduelles des stations, des variations des EOP et du Géocentre. Les résultats montrent que les données obtenues à partir des satellites à basse altitude tels que Starlette et Stella peuvent être utilisées avec succès dans la détermination précise des produits géodésiques Laser.

Titre On the detectability of synthetic disturbances in FG5 absolute gravimetry data using lomb-scargle analysis

Auteur(s) ORLOB (M.) et BRAUN (A.)Source GEOMATICA, vol 66, n° 2, [01/06/2012], pp 113 - 124Langue AnglaisMots clés GRAVIMETRE ABSOLU, LEVE GRAVIMETRIQUE, RAPPORT SIGNAL SUR BRUIT, RESIDU,


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Résumé d’auteur Une perturbation attribuable aux instruments ou à l’environnement (signal et bruit) dans les observations du gravimètre absolu FG5 devient visible en analysant les résiduelles, qui représentent les écarts relativement à la parabole d’accélération théorique. Même si l’analyse spectrale des résiduelles du FG5 par la transformée de Fourier discrète (TFD) classique est limitée par la nature inégale de l’espacement des observations par FG5, le périodogramme Lomb-Scargle peut analyser des observations inégalement espacées et estimer (détecter) des signaux dans les résiduelles du FG5. Nous étudions le caractère détectable des perturbations introduites synthétiquement dans les résiduelles du FG5 au moyen de l’analyse du périodogramme Lomb-Scargle. La sensibilité du processus de mesure et d’ajustement du FG5 est fonction de la fréquence, de l’amplitude, de la phase et du rapport signal-bruit (S/B) des perturbations. Nous concluons que la longueur de chute libre utilisée et la fonction de transfert de l’instrument peuvent modifier considérablement les valeurs de gravité estimées. En outre, nous établissons une fonction de sensibilité appelée LOFSMAP, qui dépend de l’espace de paramètre de la perturbation que sont l’amplitude, la fréquence, la phase et le rapport S/B.

Titre Choix d'un modèle géopotentiel global pour la détermination du géoïde en AlgérieAuteur(s) RABEHI (N.), KRERI (M.), TOUABET (M.) et TERBECHE (M.)Source BULLETIN DES SCIENCES GÉOGRAPHIQUES INCT,n° 27, [01/06/2012], pp 33 - 39Langue Anglais-Français-AraMots clés géog. ALGERIEMots clés CHAMP DE PESANTEUR TERRESTRE, DONNEES CHAMP, DONNEES GRACE, GEOIDE

LOCALN° notice A2012-499Résumé d’auteur La connaissance de nouveaux modèles de champ de pesanteur a été améliorée durant

les dernières années à partir des nouvelles missions spatiales (CHAMP et GRACE) dédiées à la détermination précise de haute résolution du champ de pesanteur terrestre. Le problème du choix d'un modèle géopotentiel qui ajuste au mieux les données gravimétriques reste posé et demeure sujet à débat. Dans ce travail, nous apportons une contribution à l'étude du géoïde en Algérie en utilisant une méthode de filtrage des coefficients des modèles géopotentiels. Cette technique va nous conduire à connaître l'apport des nouveaux coefficients des modèles géopotentiels sur la détermination du géoïde en Algérie, en combinant les informations provenant du modèle géopotentiel choisi par la méthode de filtrage, des données gravimétriques terrestres (EOL) et éventuellement du modèle numérique du terrain (GTOPO30).

Titre Reducing errors in the GRACE gravity solutions using regularizationAuteur(s) SAVE (H.), BETTADPUR (S.) et TAPLEY (B.)Source JOURNAL OF GEODESY, vol 86, n° 9, [01/09/2012], pp 695 - 711Langue AnglaisMots clés CHAMP DE PESANTEUR TERRESTRE, DONNEES GRACE, GRAVIMETRIE, HARMONIQUE

SPHERIQUE, LEVE GRAVIMETRIQUE, REGULARISATION TYCHONOFFN° notice A2012-467Résumé d’auteur The nature of the gravity field inverse problem amplifies the noise in the GRACE data,

which creeps into the mid and high degree and order harmonic coefficients of the Earth’s monthly gravity fields provided by GRACE. Due to the use of imperfect background models and data noise, these errors are manifested as north-south striping in the monthly global maps of equivalent water heights. In order to reduce these errors, this study investigates the use of the L-curve method with Tikhonov regularization. L-curve is a popular aid for determining a suitable value of the regularization parameter when solving linear discrete ill-posed problems using Tikhonov regularization. However, the computational effort required to determine the L-curve is prohibitively high for a large-scale problem like GRACE. This study implements a parameter-choice method, using Lanczos bidiagonalization which is a computationally inexpensive approximation to L-curve. Lanczos bidiagonalization is implemented with orthogonal transformation in a parallel computing environment and projects a large estimation problem on a problem of the size of about 2 orders of magnitude smaller for computing the regularization parameter. Errors in the GRACE solution time series have certain characteristics that vary depending on the ground track coverage of the solutions. These errors increase with increasing degree and order. In addition, certain resonant and near-resonant harmonic coefficients have higher errors as compared with the other coefficients. Using the knowledge of these characteristics, this study designs a regularization matrix that

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provides a constraint on the geopotential coefficients as a function of its degree and order. This regularization matrix is then used to compute the appropriate regularization parameter for each monthly solution. A 7-year time-series of the candidate regularized solutions (Mar 2003–Feb 2010) show markedly reduced error stripes compared with the unconstrained GRACE release 4 solutions (RL04) from the Center for Space Research (CSR). Post-fit residual analysis shows that the regularized solutions fit the data to within the noise level of GRACE. A time series of filtered hydrological model is used to confirm that signal attenuation for basins in the Total Runoff Integrating Pathways (TRIP) database over 320 km radii is less than 1 cm equivalent water height RMS, which is within the noise level of GRACE.

Titre On computing ellipsoidal harmonics using Jekeli’s renormalizationAuteur(s) SEBERA (J.), BOUMAN (J.) et BOSCH (W.)Source JOURNAL OF GEODESY, vol 86, n° 9, [01/09/2012], pp 713 - 726Langue AnglaisMots clés EARTH GRAVITY MODEL 2008, FONCTION HYPERGEOMETRIQUE, HARMONIQUE


N° notice A2012-468Résumé d’auteur Gravity data observed on or reduced to the ellipsoid are preferably represented using

ellipsoidal harmonics instead of spherical harmonics. Ellipsoidal harmonics, however, are difficult to use in practice because the computation of the associated Legendre functions of the second kind that occur in the ellipsoidal harmonic expansions is not straightforward. Jekeli’s renormalization simplifies the computation of the associated Legendre functions. We extended the direct computation of these functions—as well as that of their ratio—up to the second derivatives and minimized the number of required recurrences by a suitable hypergeometric transformation. Compared with the original Jekeli’s renormalization the associated Legendre differential equation is fulfilled up to much higher degrees and orders for our optimized recurrences. The derived functions were tested by comparing functionals of the gravitational potential computed with both ellipsoidal and spherical harmonic syntheses. As an input, the high resolution global gravity field model EGM2008 was used. The relative agreement we found between the results of ellipsoidal and spherical syntheses is 10-14, 10-12 and 10-8 for the potential and its first and second derivatives, respectively. Using the original renormalization, this agreement is 10-12, 10-8 and 10-5, respectively. In addition, our optimized recurrences require less computation time as the number of required terms for the hypergeometric functions is less.

Titre Assessment of the GOCE-based global gravity models in CanadaAuteur(s) SINEM INCE (E.), SIDERIS (M.), HUANG (J.) et al.Source GEOMATICA, vol 66, n° 2, [01/06/2012], pp 125 - 140Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. CANADAMots clés ANALYSE COMPARATIVE, DONNEES GOCE, GEOIDE LOCAL, GEOIDE TERRESTRE, LEVE

GRAVIMETRIQUE, MODELE DE GEOPOTENTIEL, MODELE DE GEOPOTENTIEL LOCALN° notice A2012-504Résumé d’auteur Cet article présente une étude qui a pour objectif de mettre à l’essai les première,

deuxième et troisième générations de solutions du géoïde GOCE, tirées respectivement de l’observation des premiers 2 mois, 8 mois et 18 mois. Ces solutions sont évaluées à l’échelle du Canada et dans deux sous-régions (les Grands Lacs et les Rocheuses). Les ondulations du géoïde canadiennes dérivées de mesures GPS et d’observations de nivellement sont utilisées comme valeurs de contrôle indépendantes dans l’évaluation des modèles du géoïde GOCE. L’étude est menée en deux étapes. D’abord, les modèles du géoïde sont calculés à partir des modèles élaborés d’après les données des satellites seulement, puis sont tronqués à différents degrés d’harmoniques sphériques. Ces modèles sont comparés aux ondulations du géoïde dérivées de mesures GPS et d’observations de nivellement, qui sont réduites à la même bande spectrale que les modèles issus des données des satellites par composantes de fréquences prévues par EGM2008 et supérieures au degré de troncature. Les résultats laissent entendre que les modèles GOCE exhibent un signal à pleine puissance environ jusqu’au degré d’harmonique sphérique 180. En outre, les modèles GOCE de deuxième et de troisième générations (à l’exception des modèles d’approche directe) concordent mieux avec les ondulations du géoïde dérivées de mesures GPS et d’observations de nivellement que

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les modèles de première génération, en raison de la période d’observation plus longue. La deuxième étape consiste à combiner les deux modèles GOCE de troisième génération avec les données terrestres. Ces modèles sont comparés (selon un éventail complet) aux ondulations du géoïde dérivées de mesures GPS et d’observations de nivellement. Le modèle géopotentiel mondial EGM2008 et le modèle gravimétrique du géoïde canadien CGG2005 sont également inclus dans les comparaisons pour mesurer l’amélioration apportée par les modèles GOCE. Les modèles GOCE combinés ont donné des résultats dérivés de mesures GPS et d’observations de nivellement comparables à ceux obtenus grâce aux modèles EGM2008 et CGG2005. Les meilleurs résultats comparatifs avec les modèles combinés donnent des écarts types de 4,8 cm, 6,0 cm et 12,2 cm pour les Grands Lacs, les Rocheuses et le Canada respectivement. Ces résultats indiquent que les modèles GOCE de troisième génération concordent avec les données canadiennes de gravité terrestres des degrés 90 à 180. Les modèles de nouvelle génération montrent une amélioration manifeste par rapport aux modèles de première et deuxième générations.

Géodésie spatialeTitre Recent developments in Precise Point PositioningAuteur(s) BISNATH (S.) et COLLINS (P.)Source GEOMATICA, vol 66, n° 2, [01/06/2012], pp 103 - 111Langue AnglaisMots clés AMBIGUITE ENTIERE, CORRECTION IONOSPHERIQUE, PHASE GPS, POSITIONNEMENT

PONCTUEL PRECIS, RESOLUTION D'AMBIGUITEN° notice A2012-502Résumé d’auteur Dans le positionnement ponctuel précis (Precise Point Positioning - PPP) conventionnel,

les ambiguïtés de la phase de la porteuse sont estimées sous forme de constantes en valeurs réelles, de manière à ce que la phase de la porteuse puisse fournir des renseignements semblables à ceux des pseudodistances. En conséquence, il peut falloir entre quelques dizaines de minutes et plusieurs heures pour que les ambiguïtés convergent en valeurs de précision convenable. Récemment, on a identifié de nouvelles méthodes de traitement permettant d’estimer de manière plus appropriée les ambiguïtés sous forme de constantes en valeurs entières, tout comme dans le positionnement relatif cinématique en temps réel (Real-Time Kinematic - RTK). Dans ces conditions, les techniques standard de résolution des ambiguïtés peuvent être appliquées pour renforcer la solution du PPP. Il peut en résulter une réduction considérable de la période de convergence et de reconvergence de la solution, ce qui représente un grand pas vers l’amélioration du rendement du PPP relativement à celui du traitement du RTK. Le présent article décrit les principes sous-jacents de cette méthode, explique les raisons pour lesquelles les améliorations fonctionnent et présente quelques résultats.

Titre Vector delay lock loops: How do vector delay lock loops predict the satellite signals?

Auteur(s) LASHLEY (M.) et BEVLY (D.)Source INSIDE GNSS, vol 7, n° 5, [01/09/2012], pp 28 - 34Langue AnglaisMots clés SIGNAL GPSN° notice A2012-505Résumé d’auteur (extrait) GNSS receivers determine their position and clock bias by measuring the arrival

times of satellite signals. Delay lock loops (DLLs) are used in traditional receivers to measure the arrival times of the signals.

Titre Improving GNSS attitude determination using inertial and magnetic field sensorsAuteur(s) ROTH (J.), KASCHWICH (C.) et TROMMER (G.)Source INSIDE GNSS, vol 7, n° 5, [01/09/2012], pp 54 - 62Langue AnglaisMots clés CENTRALE INERTIELLE, CHAMP MAGNETIQUE, DETECTEUR, GNSS ASSISTE POUR LA

NAVIGATIONN° notice A2012-507Résumé d’auteur Determination of horizontal attitude poses a general problem for navigation applications,

especially those using small aerial platforms and requiring low-cost solutions. A team of _______________________________________________________________________________________

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German engineers are exploring a method that combines accelerometers, gyroscopes, and a magnetic field sensor with a GNSS compass to provide a multi-sensor attitude system for portable, small-sized launcher applications. Constraints applied within an extended LAMBDA method result in a shortened time to first fix and increased reliability of the ambiguity resolution. Other promising results include bridging GNSS dropouts as well as enhanced integrity monitoring.

Titre Exploiting the Galileo E5 wideband signal for improved single-frequency precise positioning

Auteur(s) TOHO DIESSONGO (H.), BOCK (H.), SCHULER (T.) et al.Source INSIDE GNSS, vol 7, n° 5, [01/09/2012], pp 64 - 73Langue AnglaisMots clés POSITIONNEMENT PRECIS, PRECISION CENTIMETRIQUE, RECEPTEUR GPS

MONOFREQUENCE, SIGNAL GALILEON° notice A2012-508Résumé d’auteur Single-frequency positioning can undoubtedly be improved with the deployment of new

GNSS systems and the accompanying availability of new signals. Among various innovations, the Galileo E5 broadband signal deserves special attention. Its unique features, including the AltBOC modulation scheme, will drastically boost code range precision, both in terms of reduced code noise as well as with respect to multipath. Precise single-frequency positioning will be feasible at centimeter level, benefiting both scientific and non-scientific applications. This article demonstrates the expected performance of E5 for selected land applications and precise orbit determination of low Earth orbiting satellites.

GéomatiqueTitre Où en est-on de la 3D ?Auteur(s) ANONYME Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT, n° 89, [01/11/2012], pp 20 - 26Mots clés géog. GENEVE, LYONMots clés CHARTE D'ETHIQUE 3D, COMMUNAUTE URBAINE, DONNEES LIDAR, DONNEES

LOCALISEES 3D, IMAGE AERIENNE A AXE VERTICAL, STEREOPOLISN° notice A2012-555Résumé d’auteur A l'occasion d'une exposition consacrée au passage de son SIG de la 2D vers la 3D, la

communauté urbaine de Lyon "Grand Lyon" organisait une conférence, en partenariat avec le Comité d'éthique de la 3D, destinée à faire le point sur les usages de la troisième dimension, dans leur dimension géomatique et stratégique.

Titre Visualisation 3D de terrain texturé : préservation au niveau du pixel des qualités géométriques et colorimétriques, une méthode temps réel, innovante et simple



N° notice A2012-534Résumé d’auteur Cet article décrit une méthode en out-of-core (n'utilisant pas le processeur central de la

machine) pour la visualisation en temps réel de terrains textures de très grande taille permettant de préserver, au niveau du pixel, les qualités géométriques et calorimétriques. Elle met en œuvre un algorithme basé sur un quadtree d'erreur métrique. Cette erreur est calculée entre les blocs d'élévations à des niveaux de détail différents. Plusieurs caractéristiques intéressantes sont proposées par rapport aux techniques existantes : pas de gestion du maillage dans la structure de données ; la complexité géométrique du terrain ne dépend que de la projection de l'erreur d'élévation, préservation en basse précision des silhouettes des objets ; les interactions et le rendu en temps réel sont possibles grâce au chargement progressif des données ; les informations géométriques et les textures de couleur sont gérées comme des données « raster » et traitées avec la même efficacité au niveau de la CPU. Le système est compact, le CPU et le GPU sont utilisés de manière efficace et la mise en œuvre de l'ensemble plutôt simple.

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Titre IconMap-based visualisation technique and its application in soil fertility analysisAuteur(s) ZHANG (X.), WANG (X.), LI (J.) et PAZNER (M.)Source CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL, vol 49, n° 3, [01/08/2012], pp 208 - 217Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. SETCHOUANMots clés ANALYSE MULTIVARIEE, DONNEES LOCALISEES, DONNEES MAILLEES, FERTILITE, SOL,

VISUALISATION DE DONNEESN° notice A2012-536Résumé d’auteur With the development of geographic information science and the progress in the research

of scientific visualisation, the visualisation of multivariate geospatial data has attracted much attention. This paper discusses an IconMap-based visualisation technique that enables multiple geospatial variables be represented in a single raster layer. This is achieved by extending the conventional pixel-based image structure to the three-tiered iconic design. Thereby the spatial pattern generated by the interaction between multivariate geographic variables can be disclosed, and the goal of geospatial data mining is achieved. A visualisation case study on soil organic matter and nutrients for the Shuangliu County of Chengdu City, China, was performed using the proposed approach. The result shows that the static IconMap can better display the distribution tendency of the high-end and low-end soil organic matter and nutrients, and that the dynamic IconMap can both reflect the interaction between the organic matter and the nutrients variables, and display the soil fertility levels in a comprehensive way. Thus, the IconMap-based visualisation approach is a non-fused, exploratory analytical approach for multivariate data and valuable for visually analyse the soil fertility condition.

Géomatique webTitre Utiliser l'API SIG du GéoPortail (1ère partie)Auteur(s) ANONYME Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT, n° 89, [01/11/2012], pp 32 - 46Mots clés GEOPORTAIL BRGM-IGN, INTERFACE DE PROGRAMMATION, MACINTOSH, WEB MAP

SERVICEN° notice A2012-557Résumé d’auteur Le géoportail, ce n'est pas qu'un site internet dédié à la consultation des cartes. C'est

aussi un ensemble de serveurs WMS qui peuvent être utilisés pour embarquer des fonds cartographiques dans des applications tierces. Premier volet d'une série d'articles, consacré au développement d'applications WMS simples sur plate-forme MacOS/iOS.

Titre Webmapping de l'Espace Mont-BlancAuteur(s) ANONYME Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT, n° 88, [01/09/2012], pp 4 - 6Mots clés géog. MONT-BLANC (massif du)Mots clés CARTOGRAPHIE PAR INTERNET, INTERFACE WEB, LOGICIEL DE CARTOGRAPHIE,

RANDONNEE, SENTIER, WEB MAPPINGN° notice A2012-469Résumé d’auteur Le syndicat mixte du pays du Mont-Blanc, regroupant des communes de trois pays

(France, Suisse, Italie), a souhaité ajouter à son site internet une interface cartographique pour visualiser les chemins de randonnées, particulièrement le Tour du Mont-Blanc.

Titre Web-based geoprocessing and workflow creation for generating and providing remote sensing products

Auteur(s) EBERLE (J.) et STROBL (C.)Source GEOMATICA, vol 66, n° 1, [01/03/2012], pp 13 - 26Langue AnglaisMots clés CHAINE DE TRAITEMENT, FLUX DE DONNEES, IMPLEMENTATION (INFORMATIQUE),


N° notice A2012-487Résumé d’auteur Grâce aux spécifications d’implantation du Web Processing Service (WPS), une norme

pour traiter des données spatiales sur le Web est disponible en provenance de l’Open

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Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Cette nouvelle possibilité dans les systèmes d’information sur le Web permet un traitement interexploitable de différentes données en fonction des architectures axées sur les services. Cet article décrit les exigences et une implantation pour le traitement sur le Web et la création d’un flux des opérations afin de générer et de fournir des produits de télédétection tels que les points à haut risque d’incendie et les températures à la surface du sol à partir des données MODIS de la NASA. Par conséquent, un WPS de même que des chaînes de services pour traiter ces produits de télédétection sont implantés. Le PyWPS (WPS en langage Python) est utilisé comme WPS et évalué en mettant l’accent sur le traitement des données de télédétection. Pour enchaîner les processus développés, on évalue des logiciels tels que le 52° North Orchestration Engine, l’Apache ODE et un logiciel interne pour exécuter des chaînes de traitement et fournir un flux des opérations en tant que processus WPS. Un SIG sur le Web avec un logiciel ouvert a été développé pour gérer les processus qui ont débuté et ceux qui sont terminés, pour chercher les données satellitaires disponibles et pour créer des chaînes de traitement de façon interactive. Une interface pour récupérer et traiter les données archivées a été intégrée; l’utilisateur peut chercher de façon interactive les données satellitaires archivées et les traiter avec les services de traitement et les flux des opérations développés. Le SIG sur le Web agit également comme client WPS, client pour visualiser l’auteur et les données traitées de même que la couche de sécurité pour les chaînes de traitement. Ce travail de recherche et de développement indique qu’il faut effectuer un travail additionnel pour améliorer les spécifications du WPS, par exemple en ajoutant des profils propres au domaine afin de travailler avec de grands ensembles de données matricielles dans le but de définir des règles normalisées pour l’échange de données entre les processus. Dans le domaine de l’orchestration de processus, il n’existe pas encore de format de données normalisé décrivant les chaînes de traitement.

Titre Spatial mashup technology and real time data integration in geo-web application using open source GIS: a case study for disaster management

Auteur(s) KARNATAK (H.C.), SHUKLA (R.), SHARMA (V.) et al.Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 6, [01/10/2012], pp 499 - 514Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. INDEMots clés APPAREIL PORTABLE, APPLICATION COMPOSITE, CATASTROPHE NATURELLE,


N° notice A2012-511Résumé d’auteur The Web 2.0 technologies and standards enable web as a platform by allowing the user

participation in web application. In the realization of Web 2.0, new knowledge and services are created by combining information and services from different sources which are known as `mashups'. The present study focused on spatial mashup solution for disaster management using open source GIS, mobile applications, web services in web 2.0, Geo-RDBMS and XML which are in the central of intelligent geo web services. The geo-web application is developed to generate the actionable GIS products at user end during disaster event by consuming various data and information services from web and central server system and also real time ground observation data collected through a mobile device. The technological solution developed in this study is successfully demonstrated for disaster management in the Assam State of India during the floods in 2010.

Titre PlotGoogleMaps: The R-based web-mapping tool for thematic spatial dataAuteur(s) KILIBARDA (M.) et BAJAT (B.)Source GEOMATICA, vol 66, n° 1, [01/03/2012], pp 37 - 49Langue AnglaisMots clés CARTOGRAPHIE PAR INTERNET, GOOGLE MAPS, INTERACTIVITE, INTERFACE DE

PROGRAMMATION, REPRESENTATION GRAPHIQUEN° notice A2012-489Résumé d’auteur Google Maps est de plus en plus utilisé pour la communication dans de nombreuses

cartes et de nombreux services cartographiques qui sont intégrés à de tiers sites Web par l’entremise de l’API (interface de programmation) Google Maps. Le principal objectif de cet article est de présenter une solution permettant de créer aisément une carte Web interactive grâce à une carte de base fournie par Google où tous les éléments de la carte et toutes les fonctionnalités additionnelles sont traités par une seule ligne de code. La présente solution pour la création automatique d’une carte complète sur le Web fondée

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sur l’API Google Maps est le progiciel R plotGoogleMaps. Cet outil fournit un nouveau dispositif de représentation graphique interactif permettant aux navigateurs Web de traiter des données géographiques. Il offre également une carte complète en format HTML qui est devenu le média régulier pour la communication cartographique. L’outil plotGoogleMaps est développé dans le langage logiciel R et est conçu pour la création automatique de cartes Web à partir d’une combinaison des données des utilisateurs et des couches de Google Maps.

Titre Web GIS goes nuclear in TaiwanAuteur(s) TAIWAN ATOMIC ENERGY COUNCILSource GEO: GEOCONNEXION INTERNATIONAL, vol 11, n° 9, [01/10/2012], pp 18 - 19Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. TAIWANMots clés CENTRALE NUCLEAIRE, ENERGIE NUCLEAIRE, POSITIONNEMENT CINEMATIQUE EN


N° notice A2012-480Résumé d’auteur Taiwan's atomic energy implements a real-time web GIS to plan and support its response

to nuclear power plant emergencies.

Infrastructure de donnéesTitre GéoPortail 3 : c'est parti !Auteur(s) ANONYME Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT, n° 89, [01/11/2012], pp 12 - 16Mots clés GEOMATIQUE WEB, GEOPORTAIL BRGM-IGN, INTERFACE DE PROGRAMMATIONN° notice A2012-554Résumé d’auteur La nouvelle version du site de diffusion cartographique de l'IGN a été officiellement

inauguré. Résumé des nouveautés.

Titre Towards a framework for harmonyAuteur(s) CRAGLIA (M.) et NATIVI (S.)Source GEO: GEOCONNEXION INTERNATIONAL, vol 11, n° 9, [01/10/2012], pp 36 - 37Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. EUROPE (géographie politique)Mots clés GLOBAL EARTH OBSERVATION SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS, INFRASTRUCTURE EUROPEENNE

DES DONNEES LOCALISEES, KOPERNIKUSN° notice A2012-482Résumé d’auteur In the second of a two-part article, Massimo Craglia and Stefano Nativi explore the

brokering framework developed in Eurogeoss and its demonstrable need for a radical rethink of a philosophy behind GEOSS and similar data infrastructures.

Titre Entrepôts de données spatiales et territoires : pour qui, pour quoi faire ?Auteur(s) DEJOUR (N.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT, n° 88, [01/09/2012], pp 42 - 48Mots clés AIDE A LA DECISION, ANALYSE MULTIVARIEE, ANALYSE SPATIALE, ENTREPOT DE

DONNEES LOCALISEES, SOLAP, TERRITOIREN° notice A2012-473Résumé d’auteur La notion d'entrepôts de données spatiales, et plus largement d'entrepôt de données, est

en général associée aux pratiques des grandes entreprises publiques ou privées pour leurs besoins d'analyse stratégique. Mais qu'en est-il de leurs usages possibles pour les territoires ?

Titre The impact of INSPIRE on UK businessAuteur(s) MASSER (I.) et WATERS (R.)Source GEO: GEOCONNEXION INTERNATIONAL, vol 11, n° 9, [01/10/2012], pp 38 - 42Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ROYAUME-UNIMots clés GEOMERCATIQUE, IMPLEMENTATION (INFORMATIQUE), INSPIREN° notice A2012-483

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Résumé d’auteur Ian Masser and Robin Waters outline the finding of two surveys that probed the impact of implementing the INSPIRE directive on Britain's commercial geospatial sector.

Intelligence artificielleTitre Active learning methods for biophysical parameter estimation Auteur(s) PASOLLI (E.), MELGANI (F.), ALAJLAN (N.) et YAKOUB (B.)Source IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 50, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 4071 -


CHLOROPHYLLE, REGRESSION, SEPARATEUR A VASTE MARGEN° notice A2012-528Résumé d’auteur In this paper, we face the problem of collecting training samples for regression problems

under an active learning perspective. In particular, we propose various active learning strategies specifically developed for regression approaches based on Gaussian processes (GPs) and support vector machines (SVMs). For GP regression, the first two strategies are based on the idea of adding samples that are dissimilar from the current training samples in terms of covariance measure, while the third one uses a pool of regressors in order to select the samples with the greater disagreements between the different regressors. Finally, the last strategy exploits an intrinsic GP regression outcome to pick up the most difficult and hence interesting samples to label. For SVM regression, the method based on the pool of regressors and two additional strategies based on the selection of the samples distant from the current support vectors in the kernel-induced feature space are proposed. The experimental results obtained on simulated and real data sets show that the proposed strategies exhibit a good capability to select samples that are significant for the regression process, thus opening the way to the active learning approach for remote-sensing regression problems.

LasergrammétrieTitre High resolution DEM generation in high-alpine terrain using airborne remote

sensing techniquesAuteur(s) BUHLER (Y.), MARTY (M.) et GINZLER (C.)Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 635 - 647Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ALPES CENTRALES, SUISSEMots clés ADS80, DONNEES LIDAR, DONNEES LOCALISEES 3D, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE SURFACEN° notice A2012-515Résumé d’auteur Up-to-date and accurate digital elevation models (DEMs) are essential for many

applications such as numerical modeling of mass movements or mapping of terrain changes. Today the Federal Department of Topography, swisstopo, provides Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and Digital Surface Models (DSMs) derived from airborne LiDAR data with a high spatial resolution of 2 m covering the entire area of Switzerland below an elevation of 2000 m a.s.l.. However, above an elevation of 2000 m a.s.l., which is typical for high-alpine terrain, the best product available is the a DTM with a spatial resolution of 25 m. This spatial resolution is insufficient for many applications in complex terrain. In this study, we investigate the quality of DSMs derived from opto-electronic scanner data (ADS80; acquired in autumn 2010) using photogrammetric image correlation techniques based on the multispectral nadir and backward looking sensor data. As reference, we take a high precision airborne LiDAR data set with a spatial resolution of ca. 0.5 m, acquired in late summer 2010, covering the Grabengufer/Dorfbach catchment near Randa, VS. We find the deviations between the two datasets are surprisingly low. In terrain with inclination angles of less than 30° the RMSE is below 0.5 m. In extremely steep terrain of more than 50° the RMSE goes up to 2 m and outliers increase significantly. We also find dependencies of the deviations on illumination conditions and ground cover classes. Finally we discuss advantages and disadvantages of the different data acquisition methods.

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Titre Upward-fusion urban DTM generating method using airborne Lidar dataAuteur(s) CHEN (Z.), DEVEREUX (B.), GAO (B.) et AMABLE (G.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 72, [01/08/2012], pp 121 - 130Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. CAMBRIDGE, ROYAUME-UNIMots clés DONNEES LIDAR, FUSION DE DONNEES, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE TERRAIN, MODELE

NUMERIQUE DU BATIN° notice A2012-497Résumé d’auteur Airborne Lidar (Light detection and ranging) is an efficient tool for the generation of Digital

Terrain Models (DTMs). Although many studies have been conducted in generating DTMs using Lidar data, it is still a challenging research area. The difficulty in filtering large buildings as well as a diversity of urban features makes the design of urban DTM generating methods an ongoing priority. This research adopted an upward-fusion methodology to generate urban DTMs using airborne Lidar data. Firstly, several preliminary DTMs of different resolutions were obtained using a local minimum method. Next, upward fusion was conducted between these DTMs. This process began with the DTM of the largest grid size, which was treated as a trend surface. A finer DTM was compared with this large scale DTM. By setting appropriate thresholds, a new DTM was achieved by selecting qualified elevation values from the finer DTM and retaining the value of the trend surface when the value from the finer DTM was beyond the threshold. This process continued iteratively until all preliminary DTMs had been included in the upward fusion and a refined DTM of high resolution was achieved. To further reduce possible errors in the resulting DTM, an extended local minimum method was proposed for filtering outliers and generating preliminary DTMs. A case study was carried out in the city of Cambridge, which represents an urban landscape with a variety of building forms, street patterns and vegetation structures. The time efficiency, results of the accuracy assessments and comparison with leading software proved the success of the case study and indicated that upward-fusion was an effective method for the generation of urban DTMs with airborne Lidar data and could improve the accuracy of other DTM generating algorithms. This paper also proposed possible approaches for further improvements on this methodology.

Titre Point-to-plane registration of terrestrial laser scansAuteur(s) GRANT (D.), BETHEL (J.) et CRAWFORD (M.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 72, [01/08/2012], pp 16 - 26Langue AnglaisMots clés COMPENSATION PAR MOINDRES CARRES, DONNEES LIDAR, DONNEES LOCALISEES 3D,

POINT D'APPUI, SUPERPOSITION DE DONNEES, TELEMETRIE LASER TERRESTREN° notice A2012-493Résumé d’auteur The registration of pairs of Terrestrial Laser Scanning data (TLS) is an integral precursor

to 3D data analysis. Of specific interest in this research work is the class of approaches that is considered to be fine registration and which does not require any targets or tie points. This paper presents a pairwise fine registration approach called P2P that is formulated using the General Least Squares adjustment model. Given some initial registration parameters, the proposed P2P approach utilizes the scanned points and estimated planar features of both scans, along with their stochastic properties. These quantities are used to determine the optimum registration parameters in the least squares sense. The proposed P2P approach was tested on both simulated and real TLS data, and experimental results showed it to be four times more accurate than the registration approach of Chen and Medioni (1991).

Titre STEREOPOLIS 2: A multi-purpose and multi-sensor 3D mobile mapping system for street visualisation and 3D metrology




N° notice A2012-569Résumé d’auteur In this paper, we present a hybrid image/laser multi-sensor mobile mapping system

allowing to capture a spatial data infrastructure which is compliant with several _______________________________________________________________________________________

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applications ranging from multimedia immersive visualisation to 3D metrology across the web. We detail the design of the system, its sensors, its architecture, and its calibration. We also present a web-based service on the acquired data that allows immersive street navigations but also 3D plotting tools that can allow a client to enrich his own databases. We also address some data processing issues related to privacy, i.e. pedestrian and car plate detection and blurring, that are mandatory for the dissemination of data through web-based consumer applications.

Titre Modelling flow routing in permafrost landscapes with TWI: an evaluation against site-specific wetness measurements

Auteur(s) PERSSON (A.), HASAN (A.), TANG (J.) et PILESJO (P.)Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 701 - 713Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. SUEDEMots clés CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE, DEGEL, DONNEES LIDAR, DONNEES LOCALISEES 3D,

HUMIDITE DU SOL, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE SURFACE, PERGELISOL, TOURBEN° notice A2012-520Résumé d’auteur In northern peatlands the thawing of permafrost increasing the active layer depth and

changing the hydrology may lead to feedbacks in the climate system through changes in the biogeochemistry of carbon. We are examining this association on the Stordalen peatland complex in subarctic Sweden by analyzing a DEM derived from LiDAR-data and the calculated TWI [Topographical Wetness Index]. The DEM, with a spatial resolution of 1 m, and the TWI are evaluated against two seasons of water level measurements from 30 sites in the peatland. The TWI is calculated with a form-based flow routing algorithm which produces a natural flow routing pattern. In permafrost wetlands the topography is the major driver and is very important even though its magnitude is low. Site-specific wetness (SSW) measurements from the sites were compared with the different peatland types that occur in the study area, i.e. fen, internal fen and palsa. The results showed a strong correlation between the TWI and the palsa. The TWI was better at describing general patterns than site-specific hydrology. The evaluation of spatial patterns of TWI against SSW reveal the resolution required to develop the technique to be useful for climate change studies.

Titre Digital Elevation Model from the best results of different filtering of a LiDAR point cloud

Auteur(s) PODOBNIKAR (T.) et VRECKO (A.)Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 603 - 617Langue AnglaisMots clés DONNEES LIDAR, DONNEES LOCALISEES 3D, FILTRAGE DE POINTS, MODELE NUMERIQUE

DE SURFACE, SEMIS DE POINTSN° notice A2012-513Résumé d’auteur The LiDAR point clouds captured with airborne laser scanning provide considerably more

information about the terrain surface than most data sources in the past. This rich information is not simply accessed and convertible to a high quality digital elevation model (DEM) surface. The aim of the study is to generate a homogeneous and high quality DEM with the relevant resolution, as a 2.5D surface. The study is focused on extraction of terrain (bare earth) points from a point cloud, using a number of different filtering techniques accessible by selected freeware. The proposed methodology consists of: (1) assessing advantages/disadvantages of different filters across the study area, (2) regionalization of the area according to the most suitable filtering results, (3) data fusion considering differently filtered point clouds and regions, and (4) interpolation with a standard algorithm. The resulting DEM is interpolated from a point cloud fused from partial point clouds which were filtered with multiscale curvature classification (MCC), hierarchical robust interpolation (HRI), and the LAStools filtering. An important advantage of the proposed methodology is that the selected landscape and datasets properties have been more holistically studied, with applied expert knowledge and automated techniques. The resulting highly applicable DEM fulfils geometrical (numerical), geomorphological (shape), and semantic quality properties.

Titre Airborne lidar for natural environments: research and applications in FranceAuteur(s) PUECH (C.), DURRIEU (S.) et BAILLY (J.S.)

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N° notice A2012-568Résumé d’auteur This paper is a review of various research works in France on airborne LiDAR applied to

the monitoring of natural environment. Firstly, it presents applications based on the use of very high-resolution digital surface models derived from LiDAR data. The use of such models is quickly expanding on all the fields related to the environment. This article also discusses more specific research on signal processing and accuracy. Part of this work summarizes papers that were published in the "Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (RFPT)", the French Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, following two national conferences organized in Montpellier (2006) and Le Mans (2009) in order to invite researchers using LiDAR in several fields of application to initiate technical and scientific exchanges. We also provide an update on ongoing research and instrument developments in France.

Titre Lidar strip adjustment with automatically reconstructed roof shapesAuteur(s) RENTSCH (M.) et KRZYSTEK (P.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD, vol 27, n° 139, [01/09/2012], pp 272 - 292Langue AnglaisMots clés COMPENSATION PAR BLOC, DENSITE DES POINTS, DONNEES LIDAR, ERREUR


N° notice A2012-462Résumé d’auteur In recent years, the performance of lidar systems has steadily improved due to an

increase in the achievable point density. The main error sources affecting the quality of lidar-derived secondary products such as digital terrain models (DTMs) and digital surface models (DSMs) are the result of systematic errors coming from insufficient boresight calibration. The effects of boresight misalignments are visually recognised as discrepancies of the laser point clouds at selected objects (such as building roofs) in overlapping areas of neighbouring lidar strips. In this work, a strip adjustment method is presented that corrects the systematic errors of the laser point cloud using five strip parameters (three shifts plus two angular corrections for heading and roll). The strip adjustment procedure uses 2D and 3D tie elements and takes advantage of a new 3D measurement technique applied to building roofs. The strip adjustment method is applied to three different datasets, consisting of conventional first/last pulse and full-waveform data. The results show that systematic discrepancies are typical for datasets that have already been processed by the flight companies. These errors can be reduced by more than 70% by applying the new strip adjustment approach. Preliminary investigations indicate that a higher laser point density and the inclusion of intensity and pulse width within full-waveform lidar data lead to better results.

Titre A multi-resolution hybrid approach for building model reconstruction from lidar data

Auteur(s) SATARI (M.), SAMADZADEGAN (F.), AZIZI (A.) et MAAS (H.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD, vol 27, n° 139, [01/09/2012], pp 330 - 359Langue AnglaisMots clés ARCHITECTURE ORIENTEE MODELE, CLASSIFICATION FLOUE, DONNEES LIDAR,


N° notice A2012-465Résumé d’auteur In this paper, a multi-resolution hybrid approach is proposed for the reconstruction of

building models from point clouds of lidar data. The detection of the main roof planes is obtained through a polyhedral approach, whereas the models of appended parts, in this case the dormers, are reconstructed by adopting a model-driven approach. Clustering of the roof points in a multi-resolution space is based on the fuzzy c-mean in the polyhedral section of this hybrid approach. A weighted plane algorithm is developed in order to determine the planes of each cluster. The verification of planes between multi-resolution

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spaces adopts a method based on a least squares support vector machine that, in the model-driven section, is applied for detecting types of projecting structures. A method is then developed to determine the dormer models’ parameters. Finally, the detection of boundary roof lines is obtained through a customised fuzzy Hough transform. The paper outlines the concept of the algorithms and the processing chain, and illustrates the results obtained by applying the technique to buildings of different complexities.

Titre Digital terrain model resolution and its influence on estimating the extent of rockfall areas

Auteur(s) ZIEHER (T.), FORMANEK (T.), BREMER (M.) et al.Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 691 - 699Langue AnglaisMots clés DONNEES LIDAR, DONNEES LOCALISEES 3D, EBOULEMENT, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE

TERRAIN, PYTHON (LANGAGE)N° notice A2012-519Résumé d’auteur As rockfall can cause a great deal of damage, it is essential to know its spatial

propagation. Rockfall models are sensitive to the resolution of input data, i.e. the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) used. Nowadays, high resolution elevation data are available area-wide from airborne laser scanning (ALS). However, rockfall models are designed for analysis on a certain scale, which means that high resolution input might not necessarily improve model results (e.g. for regional scale studies). Our aim is to estimate the reach of rockfall by analysing different input resolutions of an ALS DTM. The presented empirically–based model, implemented in Python 2.7, is a modified version of the zenital method including an iterative random walk trajectory model, which is designed for rockfall hazard assessment at the regional scale. Trajectories and rockfall probability maps are generated for selected DTM input resolutions. The comparison shows that high resolution DTMs do consider local topography better and thus lead to more realistic results than low resolution DTMs.

Missions spatialesTitre The soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) mission: first results and

achievements Auteur(s) KERR (Y.), WALDTEUFEL (P.), WIGNERON (J.), BOUTIN (J.) et al.Source REVUE FRANÇAISE DE PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE ET DE TÉLÉDÉTECTION (SFPT),n° 200, [01/11/2012], pp 12


SPATIALE, SALINITEN° notice A2012-563Résumé d’auteur The SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) satellite was successfully launched in

November 2009. This ESA led mission for Earth Observation is dedicated to providing soil moisture over continental surface (with an accuracy goal of 0.04 nf/nf) and ocean salinity (with a goal of 0.1 psu). These two geophysical features are important as they control the energy balance between the surface and the atmosphere. Their knowledge is of interest at global scales for climatic and weather research in particular for improving model forecasts. But it also has impact on various domains, ranging from hurricane monitoring to water resource management. The first six months after the launch, the so called commissioning phase, was dedicated to testing the functionalities of the spacecraft, the instrument and the ground segment including data processing. This phase was successfully completed in May 2010, and SMOS has since been in the routine operation phase, providing data products for the scientific community for over two years. The instrument performance and data quality fit the specifications. However, radio frequency interferences have been detected over large parts of Europe, China, Southern Asia, and the Middle East. The generation of Level 2 soil moisture and ocean salinity data is an on-going activity with continuously improved processings.

Titre Pleiades system: High resolution capability suited to users needsAuteur(s) KUBIK (P.), BOISSEZON (H.), TINEL (C.) et al.Source REVUE FRANÇAISE DE PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE ET DE TÉLÉDÉTECTION (SFPT),n° 200, [01/11/2012], pp 28

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OBSERVATION DE LA TERRE, PLEIADES-HR, SATELLITE AGILE, STEREOSCOPIEN° notice A2012-565Résumé d’auteur The successful launch of Pleiades 1A on the night of 16th to 17th December 2011 is a

long-awaited milestone for the users of satellite images. This satellite is operated in a dual-purpose Earth observation system providing high resolution optical images to satisfy the new mission requirements of both defence users and civilian stakeholders (institutions, scientists, etc.). The optical mission consists in Earth optical observation composed of 0.7 m nadir resolution for the panchromatic band and 2.8 m nadir resolution for the four multi-spectral bands. The image swath is about 20 km. The system is based on the use of a set of newly developed European technologies to feature the satellite. Thanks to the huge satellite agility obtained with control momentum gyros as actuators, the optical system also delivers instantaneous stereo images, under different stereoscopic conditions, and mosaic images, issued from along the track thus enlarging the field of view. The system commissioning phase that ran from the launch until march 2012 was dedicated to checking every single piece of equipment in the satellite and every system function, in order to characterize, tune and calibrate all the models that are required to assess the expected behaviour and performances. The thematic assessment of Pleiades data had been prepared since 2007 in the framework of the ORFEO program, gathering many user organisations (IGN, BRGM, INRA, CNRS, Cemagref, CIRAD) and service providers (Astrium Geo-lnformation Services, ACRI, SERTIT).

Titre HYPXIM, an innovative spectroimager for science, security and defence requirements



IMAGE A HAUTE RESOLUTION, IMAGE HYPERSPECTRALE, PLATE-FORMEN° notice A2012-564Résumé d’auteur This paper provides an overview of hyperspectral applications and data requirements

gathered by an ad-hoc group of French scientists and Defence users. This group known by the acronym GSH (Groupe de Synthese sur I'Hyperspectral) has addressed clear and detailed technical requirements for a high spatial resolution hyperspectral mission on the following themes: study of vegetation, coastal and inland water ecosystems, geosciences, urban environment, atmospheric studies, security, and Defence. The synthesis of these requirements substantially helped to set up consolidated space-based system requirements (i.e. mission requirements) in terms of spectral domain, spectral resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, spatial resolution, swath and revisiting period, which revealed the main key drivers for the design of a very innovative hyperspectral space instrument. HYPXIM is a new-generation hyperspectral concept which meets the needs of a wide community of users in the world. During the phase 0, CNES with the support of industry (Astrium et Thales Alenia Space) has compared two different scenarii. The first scenario, named HYPXIM-C, aims at finding out the highest possible resolution level (15 m) achievable using a microsatellite platform, whereas the goals of the second scenario, called HYPXIM-P, are to reach a higher spatial resolution (8 m), and to provide a TIR hyperspectral capability. The HYPXIM phase A was recently decided and focused on the most performing concept, but without TIR capabilities. The challenges for the selected HYPXIM mission were to design an agil high resolution spectroimager on a mini-satellite. Preliminary studies with industrial support show that this challenge can be taken to space around 2020/21 depending on the development of critical technologies (like specific detectors). Expected lifetime in orbit is 10 years, including end-of-life operations.

Navigation et positionnementTitre Ca arrivera près de chez vousAuteur(s) BLOMAC (F. DE)Source SIG LA LETTRE,n° 140, [01/10/2012], pp 2 - 4

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N° notice A2012-477Résumé d’auteur La conférence Where 2012 qui s'est déroulée à San Francisco début avril s'intéresse au

business de la géolocalisation. Entre les conférences, les ateliers, les présentations "éclairs" et les stands, elle offre un assemblage hétéroclite de belles histoires, d'idées décapantes et de projets étonnants. Certains de ces avatars grand public de l'information géographique peuvent faire sourire. Mais d'autres percoleront dans le monde professionnel, d'une façon ou d'une autre. Tous misent sur un couplage plus étroit entre la géolocalisation et les autres données acquises par les téléphones mobiles.

Titre Spoofs, proofs & jamming: Towards a sound national policy for civil location and time assurance

Auteur(s) SCOTT (L.)Source INSIDE GNSS, vol 7, n° 5, [01/09/2012], pp 42 - 53Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ETATS-UNISMots clés BROUILLAGE, INTERFERENCE, LEURRAGEN° notice A2012-506Résumé d’auteur Incidents of GNSS interference and jamming are increasing in the United States.

Successful spoofing of civil GPS signals has been demonstrated. What risks do these pose for companies and individuals using or relying on space-based positioning, navigation, and timing? One expert sizes up the problem and proposes some solutions.

Titre LBS: it's not just where but who and whatAuteur(s) TSIPI (J.)Source GEO: GEOCONNEXION INTERNATIONAL, vol 11, n° 9, [01/10/2012], pp 28 - 29Langue AnglaisMots clés GEOMERCATIQUE, SERVICE FONDE SUR LA POSITIONN° notice A2012-481Résumé d’auteur Giving users on-the-go content that is relevant to their immediate needs signposts the

way ahead for location based services providers, says Tsipi Joseph.

PhotogrammétrieTitre Comparaison de méthodes de géoréférencement de plans anciens : cas de la ville

de RomeAuteur(s) BAIOCCHI (V.), MILONE (M.), MORMILLE (M.) et LELO (K.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT,n° 88, [01/09/2012], pp 50 - 53Mots clés géog. ROMEMots clés ANALYSE COMPARATIVE, ANALYSE DIACHRONIQUE, CARTE ANCIENNE,

GEOREFERENCEMENT INDIRECT, PLAN DE VILLEN° notice A2012-474Résumé d’auteur Le but de cette étude est de trouver une méthode précise de géoréférencement de la

carte type 1908 de Rome et ses environs, en treize planches au 1::5 000 ; ceci s'inscrit dans un cadre plus général d'étude diachronique du développement de la Ville éternelle, qui ne peut se faire sans fonds relativement bien calés. L'agglomération romaine a connu diverses fortunes tout au long de l'histoire : son extension maximale a été atteinte pendant la première période impériale (~ 100-200 après J.C.), lorsque sa population dépassait le million d'habitants. Durant le bas Moyen-âge, les collines encerclées par le mur d'Aurélien ont été abandonnées, et le noyau urbain se limitait au méandre du Tibre, la population ayant chuté considérablement pour se stabiliser vers dix mille habitants. C'est le retour des papes après leur bref séjour en Avignon qui redonna le signal d'une nouvelle expansion, laquelle s'accéléra à la Renaissance, date à laquelle le développement de ce qu'il est maintenant convenu d'appeler le « centre historique » s'achèvera. Comme les cartes anciennes demeurent les seules sources d'étude de cette dimension urbanistique historique, il es important de les géoréférencer correctement, ce qui permet au passage non seulement de déterminer les éléments de passage entre les systèmes géodésiques anciens et modernes, mais aussi de tester la précision des différents algorithmes de géoréférencement pour choisir le plus exact. Les nouvelles fonctions du logiciel QGis permettent d'estimer séparément la précision et l'exactitude

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d'un recalage, une capacité intéressante dans le cas de cartes historiques où habituellement, les déformations sont importantes.

Photogrammétrie numériqueTitre Hybrid of shape grammar and morphing for procedural modeling of 3D cavesAuteur(s) ZAWADZKI (T.), NIKIEL (S.) et WARSZAWSKI (K.)Source TRANSACTIONS IN GIS, vol 16, n° 5, [01/10/2012], pp 619 - 633Langue AnglaisMots clés DONNEES LOCALISEES 3D, GRAMMAIRE DE GRAPHES, GROTTE, MODELISATION 3D,

MORPHAGEN° notice A2012-514Résumé d’auteur Procedural modeling of three-dimensional shapes plays a significant role in many areas

nowadays. Methods based on the automation of the modeling process offer a variety of three-dimensional structures, saving time and money. Geometry synthesis is currently used in many fields including digital cinema, electronic entertainment and simulation. There is a need to replace designers' work with intelligent automated algorithms, especially in the case of terrain modeling. This article addresses the problem of modeling virtual caves and tunnels and presents alternative solutions in the form of a hybrid system. The innovative approach combines two independent methods well known in computer graphics: shape grammars and shape morphing for modeling three-dimensional geometry. In the modeling process, it is possible to obtain the characteristics of 3D structures with non-spherical mesh topology. The objects and their transformations are described by functions, while production grammars define the geometry modeling process. The scene graph can be expanded by classic productions and optimized by morphing productions. Obtained shapes can be freely deformed in subsequent productions. The system offers control over the process of modeling and the resulting structure can be rendered up to a high level of realism. We also propose some measures that can be used to verify the modeling results: coefficients indicating the degree of convexity of three-dimensional model topology based on the structure of inequality, the volume of the model, surface model and the number of model elements.

Photogrammétrie spatialeTitre Extraction de MNT à partir de paires ou triplets PRISMAuteur(s) BAIOCCHI (V.), MILONE (M.), MORMILE (M.) et PALAZZO (F.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT,n° 89, [01/11/2012], pp 59 - 63Mots clés géog. ABRUZZESMots clés IMAGE ALOS-PRISM, IMAGE TRI-STEREOSCOPIQUE, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE TERRAIN,

MOYENNE ECHELLEN° notice A2012-560Résumé d’auteur Peut-on extraire des MNT, à la fois étendus et suffisamment précis pour mettre à jour une

carte à moyenne échelle, de paires ou triplettes stéréoscopiques prises par l'instrument Prism embarqué à bord de feu le satellite Alos ? Essais et évaluation des résultats.

Titre Assessment of a photogrammetric approach for urban DSM extraction from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery

Auteur(s) TACK (F.), GOOSSENS (R.) et BUYUKSALIH (G.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD, vol 27, n° 139, [01/09/2012], pp 293 - 310Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ISTANBULMots clés DISTORSION D'IMAGE, EXTRACTION AUTOMATIQUE, IMAGE A HAUTE RESOLUTION,

IMAGE IKONOS, IMAGE TRI-STEREOSCOPIQUE, MODELE NUMERIQUE DE SURFACEN° notice A2012-463Résumé d’auteur Built-up environments are extremely complex for 3D surface modelling purposes. The

main distortions that hamper 3D reconstruction from 2D imagery are image dissimilarities, concealed areas, shadows, height discontinuities and discrepancies between smooth terrain and man-made features. A methodology is proposed to improve automatic photogrammetric extraction of an urban surface model from high resolution satellite

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imagery with the emphasis on strategies to reduce the effects of the cited distortions and to make image matching more robust. Instead of a “standard” stereoscopic approach, a digital surface model is derived from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery. This is based on an extensive multi-image matching strategy that fully benefits from the geometric and radiometric information contained in the three images. The bundled triplet consists of an IKONOS along-track pair and an additional near-nadir IKONOS image. For the tri-stereoscopic study a densely built-up area, extending from the centre of Istanbul to the urban fringe, is selected. The accuracy of the model extracted from the IKONOS triplet, as well as the model extracted from only the along-track stereopair, are assessed by comparison with 3D check points and 3D building vector data.

Photogrammétrie terrestreTitre A photogrammetric technique for acquiring accurate head surfaces of newborn

infants for optical tomography under clinical conditionsAuteur(s) ABREU DE SOUZA (M.), ROBSON (S.) et HEBDEN (J.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD, vol 27, n° 139, [01/09/2012], pp 253 - 271Langue AnglaisMots clés ENFANT, IMAGERIE MEDICALE, OPTODE, PHOTOGRAMMETRIE METROLOGIQUE,

RECONSTRUCTION 3D, TOMOGRAPHIE, VISUALISATION 3DN° notice A2012-461Résumé d’auteur Optical tomography (OT) generates 3D images that can be used to monitor blood volume

and oxygenation in the brains of newborn infants safely and non-invasively at the bedside. OT image reconstruction requires that source optical fibres and detector bundles (optodes) are brought into optical contact with the head and that the scalp surface geometry and optode positions for each individual infant are accurately known. The photogrammetric challenge is to create affordable tools that can be employed on newborn, and often severely ill, infants in an intensive care environment with a minimum level of intrusion. The paper describes the application and development of a system capable of mapping each individual infant head surface in the clinic and coordinating optode positions and orientations during optical tomography scans. The system developed includes a combination of stereo and multi-photo photogrammetry with a pair of digital SLR cameras and a laser dot projector. A bundle adjustment of the sequential stereo-image pairs is used to generate accurate head meshes that are combined with a photogrammetric network of images from a single camera to bring optodes mounted on a deformable helmet structure into a common coordinate system. This data can then be used in the 3D reconstruction of blood flow in the infant head.

Titre An overview of close-range photogrammetry in FranceAuteur(s) HENO (R.), EGELS (Y.), HEIPKE (C.) et GRUSSENMEYER (P.)Source REVUE FRANÇAISE DE PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE ET DE TÉLÉDÉTECTION (SFPT),n° 200, [01/11/2012], pp 80



N° notice A2012-570Résumé d’auteur There are several approaches which can be adopted to present close-range

photogrammetry in France: historical, eco nomic, technical, or by field of application. The paper starts with a short account of the history of close-range photogram metry. It then presents notable technical progress and its impact on users (the digital era, the laser scanners, and recently the fully automatic tools), and it finally shows the democratization of photogrammetry. The whole paper is mainly focused on cultural heritage applications.

ProjectionsTitre Positional accuracy improvement using empirical analytic functionsAuteur(s) LOPEZ-VASQUEZ (C.)Source CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE, vol 39, n° 3, [01/07/2012], pp 133 - 139

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POSITIONNEMENT, PROJECTION CONFORME, TRANSFORMATION DE COORDONNEESN° notice A2012-490Résumé d’auteur We define as Positional Accuracy Improvement the problem of putting together maps A

and B of the same area, with B of higher planimetric accuracy. To do so, all objects in A might have to be slightly moved according to a mathematical transformation. Such transformation might ideally be of a specific type, like analytical or conformal functions. We have developed a theory to find a suitable analytical transformation despite it is not well defined because the only data available is the displacement vectors at a limited number of homologue control points. There exists a similar problem in fluid mechanics devoted on estimating the complete velocity field given just values at a limited number of points. We borrowed some ideas from there and introduced them into the positional accuracy improvement problem. We shall demonstrate that it is possible to numerically estimate an analytic function that resembles the given displacement at control points. As a byproduct, an uncertainty estimation is produced, which might help to detect regions of different lineage. The theory has been applied to rural 1:50.000 cartography of Uruguay while trying to diminish the discrepancies against GNSS readings. After the analytic transformation, the RMSE error diminished from 116m to 48 m. Other problems with similar math requirements are the transformation between geodetic control networks.

StatistiquesTitre A fast and automatic sparse deconvolution in the presence of outliers Auteur(s) GHOLAMI (A.) et SACCHI (M.)Source IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 50, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 4105 -

4116Langue AnglaisMots clés DECONVOLUTION, SEISME, VALEUR ABERRANTEN° notice A2012-529Résumé d’auteur We present an efficient deconvolution method to retrieve sparse reflectivity series from

seismic data in the presence of additive Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. The problem is first formulated as an unconstrained optimization including a mixed lp - l1 measure for the data misfit and for the model regularization term, respectively. An efficient algorithm based on the alternating split Bregman technique is developed, and a numerical procedure based on the generalized cross-validation (GCV) technique is presented for the selection of the corresponding regularization parameter. To circumvent excessive computations of multiple optimizations to determine the minimizer of GCV curve, we formulate the deconvolution problem in the frequency domain as a basis pursuit denoising and solve it using the split Bregman algorithm with computational complexity O(Nlog(N)). Apart from significant stability against outliers in the data, the main advantage of such formulation is that the GCV curve can be generated during the iterations of the optimization procedure. The minimizer of the GCV curve is then used to properly determine the error bound in the data and hence the optimum number of iterations. Numerical experiments show that the proposed method automatically generates high-resolution solutions by only a few iterations needless of any prior knowledge about the noise in the data.

Systèmes d'information géographiqueTitre Penser le plan archéologique comme un système d'information : L'exemple du site

médiéval de Qalhät (Oman)Auteur(s) BARGE (O.) et REGAGNON (E.)Source REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE GÉOMATIQUE, vol 22, n° 3, [01/07/2012], pp 343 - 365Mots clés géog. OMANMots clés ARCHEOMETRIE, DONNEES GPS, FIABILITE DES DONNEES, FOUILLE ARCHEOLOGIQUE,


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N° notice A2012-522Résumé d’auteur La démarche de relevé conduite sur le site archéologique de Qalhât (Oman) à l'aide d'un

GPS et de photographies aériennes montre l'efficacité des méthodes employées ainsi que l'intérêt pour l'archéologue de penser le plan comme un système d'information. Celui-ci fournit un système vivant qui permet de prendre en compte l'hétérogénéité et les lacunes de l'information inhérentes aux données archéologiques. En outre, la qualification de l'information issue du terrain permet de dresser une carte de fiabilité. Par ailleurs, si les outils géomatiques offrent une grande souplesse pour la rédaction cartographique, ils ouvrent également à la production de vues en perspectives, plus proches d'une perception intuitive : elles permettent d'appréhender la réalité archéologique de la cité, dans une perspective de communication au grand public comme dans une démarche scientifique.

Titre Apport de la géomatique à la cartographie des matières premières naturelles et la gestion des carrières d'exploitations dans le gouvernorat de Gabès pour un développement durable



N° notice A2012-472Résumé d’auteur La région couverte par le gouvernorat de Gabès recèle des particularités naturelles,

géologiques et des potentialités économiques. Le présent travail consiste à intégrer des données géologiques ainsi que les caractéristiques chimiques, minéralogiques et géotechniques des carrières en exploitation de la région de Gabès dans un système d'information géologique. Ce système a été structuré en deux modèles de données cartographiques et attributaires. Le modèle cartographique incorpore une base de données géographiques multicouche formant la carte géologique numérique régionale à partir de laquelle une carte de potentialité en matières premières naturelles a été restituée. Le modèle attributaire constitue la structure d'accueil des données descriptives des objets géographiques. Ce modèle facilite le stockage de données sous une forme structurée et uniforme. Une interface utilisateur sous Visual basic a été développée pour rendre cette application conviviale et consulter la base de données. Cette application SIG, mise à jour, permettra une gestion rationnelle des matières premières naturelles régionales par les promoteurs, décideurs et planificateurs grâce à la mise à disposition des outils d'analyse et des données nécessaires.

Titre Des SIG stratégiques dans l'industrie pétrolièreAuteur(s) POT (J.P.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT,n° 89, [01/11/2012], pp 28 - 31Mots clés INDUSTRIE PETROLIERE, PROSPECTION PETROLIERE, SYSTEME D'INFORMATION

GEOGRAPHIQUEN° notice A2012-556Résumé d’auteur L'utilisation de la géomatique par les compagnies pétrolières demeure en partie secrète,

en raison de son côté stratégique. L'auteur évoque dans ses grandes lignes, quand et pourquoi les SIG sont utilisés dans l'exploitation pétrolière.

Titre A hybrid system of expanding 2D GIS into 3D spaceAuteur(s) YU (L.), SUN (D.), PENG (Z.) et ZHANG (J.)Source CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCE, vol 39, n° 3, [01/07/2012], pp 140 - 153Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE SPATIALE, SIG 2D, SYSTEME D'INFORMATION GEOGRAPHIQUE, VISUALISATION

3DN° notice A2012-491Résumé d'auteur :A hybrid system that integrates two-dimensional (2D) GIS and three-dimensional (3D)

visualization has been developed to provide unique solutions to application domains where traditional 2D GIS and 3D visualization cannot alone provide a solution. In this paper, we focus on three key issues in realizing such an integrated system, including large-scale terrain rendering, 2D and 3D combination display (for example, rendering 2D GIS layers in 3D space), expanding traditional 2D GIS analysis functions into a 3D

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environment, and visualizing 3D geographical data. A generic framework is developed to integrate 3D visualization with various types of 2D GIS, such as commercial GIS software, open source GIS software and spatial databases. A prototype 2D and 3D hybrid system that seamlessly integrates 2D GIS (developed with ArcEngine) and 3D rendering engine (developed with DirectX) is then developed based on the framework. In this hybrid system, 2D and 3D data are viewed within the same scene. Multiple 2D GIS layers are overlaid on the base terrain using a Level of Detail (LOD) model. Advanced query functions, data accessing, data management and spatial analysis, which are executed in the traditional 2D GIS, are provided to users in a 3D environment by continuously transforming information between the 2D GIS subsystem and the 3D subsystem. The 3D data are organized and displayed by Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and textured 3D models in the COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA)*format. The prototype demonstrates that this hybrid system has effectively addressed the three key issues identified above and that it can seamlessly integrate 2D GIS and 3D visualization. The hybrid system has great potential to be employed in many application domains, such as urban planning, landscape design and environmental decision making, among others, to enhance the 3D design capability and facilitate public participation in the planning, design and decision-making process.

TopographieTitre Mesurer les avions de Swisstopo, un mandat plutôt inhabituelAuteur(s) RAY (J.), KISTLER (M.) et SCHITTLI (R.)Source GÉOMATIQUE SUISSE, vol 110, n° 11, [01/11/2012], pp 524 - 526Mots clés AERONEF, ANTENNE GNSS, CHAMBRE DE PRISE DE VUES NUMERIQUE, CONSTANTE,

SYSTEME DE COORDONNEES, TOPOMETRIE DE PRECISIONN° notice A2012-553Résumé d’auteur C'est une demande assez particulière qu'a adressé le service de vol de l'office fédéral de

topographie swisstopo à ses collègues de la géodésie en début d'année: effectuer des mesures sur les deux avions utilisés pour l'acquisition d'images numériques. Concrètement, il s'est agi de déterminer, pour chaque appareil, le vecteur tridimensionnel entre l'antenne GNSS sur le toit et le support du capteur numérique situé à l'intérieur, afin de pouvoir calculer précisément la position de chaque image lors de l'aérotriangulation. Il a ainsi fallu élaborer un concept et effectuer des mesures dans un laps de temps réduit. Une station totale classique complétée d'une matérialisation originale ont permis d'atteindre la précision requise, sans que l'opération soit trop coûteuse et les besoins en matériel spécifique trop grands, vu l'aspect exceptionnel du mandat. Un problème d'horizontalité du support du capteur numérique a par contre obligé swisstopo à puiser dans ses «archives logicielles» pour réaliser les calculs en 3D et non en 2D+1 comme à l'accoutumée.

Traitement d'imageTitre Automatic ICP-based global matching of free-form linear featuresAuteur(s) VASSILAKI (D.), IOANNIDIS (C.) et STAMOS (A.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD, vol 27, n° 139, [01/09/2012], pp 311 - 329Langue AnglaisMots clés APPARIEMENT GEOMETRIQUE, GEOREFERENCEMENT, ITERATIVE CLOSEST POINT

ALGORITHM, LIGNE CARACTERISTIQUE, OBJET GEOGRAPHIQUE LINEAIREN° notice A2012-464Résumé d’auteur The geometric exploitation of linear features has been investigated in various remote

sensing and geospatial problems. This paper introduces a novel and general method based on the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm for the global matching of heterogeneous free-form linear features of the same (2D–2D, 3D–3D), or different, (2D–3D) dimensionality. No constraints are imposed either on the transformation, the projection type or on the geometric nature of the features. The method assumes no prior knowledge of the relative position of the features, or of point correspondences, and is tested with various simulated and real-world heterogeneous data.

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Traitement d'image mixteTitre Extraction du trait instantané de côte à partir d'images optiques satellites haute-

résolution et radarAuteur(s) BAIOCCHI (V.), MILONE (M.), MORMILE (M.) et PALAZZO (F.)Source GÉOMATIQUE EXPERT,n° 89, [01/11/2012], pp 54 - 58Mots clés EXTRACTION SEMI-AUTOMATIQUE, IMAGE COSMO-SKYMED, IMAGE IKONOS, IMAGE

KOMPSAT, IMAGE QUICKBIRD, IMAGE WORLDVIEW, TRAIT DE COTEN° notice A2012-559Résumé d’auteur Cet article fait suite à la première partie publiée dans le n° 86 pages 28 - 35. Il s'agit de la

poursuite du développement d'un processus semi-automatique de traitement d'images satellite diverses pour déterminer l'emplacement exact de la limite terre/mer et évaluer l'intensité des processus érosifs.

Traitement d'image optiqueTitre Mapping impervious surfaces from superresolution enhanced CHRIS/Proba

imagery using multiple endmember unmixingAuteur(s) DEMARCHI (L.), CHAN (J.), MA (J.) et CANTERS (F.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 72, [01/08/2012], pp 99 - 112Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE DES MELANGES SPECTRAUX, IMAGE A ULTRA HAUTE RESOLUTION, IMAGE


N° notice A2012-496Résumé d’auteur In this paper, the potential of superresolution (SR) image reconstruction methods for sub-

pixel land-cover mapping in dense urban areas is studied. A multiple endmember approach (MESMA) is used for unmixing both original hyperspectral CHRIS/Proba and SR enhanced CHRIS/Proba data. Validation based on high resolution orthophotos (25 cm) shows that land-cover fraction maps generated from SR-enhanced CHRIS/Proba data (9 m) have a lower overall fractional error compared to the land-cover fractions produced from the original CHRIS data (18 m), when validating both results at the 18 m resolution. Validation of SR results at the 9 m resolution produces an overall mean absolute error (OMAE) of 16.7% compared to an OMAE of 14.3% at the 18 m resolution, with the original data, yet the impervious surface map produced at 9 m has a much higher level of detail than the original map, better representing the built-up pattern of the urban environment. Detailed analysis of impervious surface mapping results for different reference proportion intervals points at smaller average fractional errors for impervious surface fractions produced from SR-enhanced data when validation is done at the original 18 m resolution, over the entire range of proportions. Only for pixels not containing any impervious surface cover the fractional error is marginally higher than with the original data. These results demonstrate the potential of SR-enhanced data for more accurate impervious surface mapping in dense and heterogeneous urban areas.

Titre Dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data using spectral fractal featureAuteur(s) MUKHERJEE (K.), GHOSH (J.) et MITTAL (R.)Source GÉOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, vol 27, n° 6, [01/10/2012], pp 515 - 531Langue AnglaisMots clés COURBE, DIMENSION FRACTALE, IMAGE HYPERSPECTRALE, REDUCTION, REPONSE

SPECTRALEN° notice A2012-512Résumé d’auteur A new approach for dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral data has been proposed in

this article. The method is based on extraction of fractal-based features from the hyperspectral data. The features have been generated using spectral fractal dimension of the spectral response curves (SRCs) after smoothing, interpolating and segmenting the curves. The new features so generated have then been used to classify hyperspectral data. Comparing the post classification accuracies with some other conventional dimensionality reduction methods, it has been found that the proposed method, with less computational complexity than the conventional methods, is able to provide classification accuracy statistically equivalent to those from conventional methods.

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Titre Semisupervised classification of remote sensing images with active queries Auteur(s) MUNOZ-MARI (J.), TUIA (D.) et CAMPS-VALLS (G.)Source IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 50, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 3751 -



N° notice A2012-524Résumé d’auteur We propose a semiautomatic procedure to generate land cover maps from remote

sensing images. The proposed algorithm starts by building a hierarchical clustering tree, and exploits the most coherent pixels with respect to the available class information. For a given amount of labeled pixels, the algorithm returns both classification and confidence maps. Since the quality of the map depends of the number and informativeness of the labeled pixels, active learning methods are used to select the most informative samples to increase confidence in class membership. Experiments on four different data sets, accounting for hyperspectral and multispectral images at different spatial resolutions, confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach, and how active learning techniques reduce the uncertainty of the classification maps. Specifically, more accurate results with fewer labeled samples are obtained. Inclusion of spatial information in the classifiers drastically improves the classification accuracy, leading to faster convergence curves and tighter confidence intervals. In conclusion, the presented algorithm provides efficient image classification and, at the same time, yields a confidence map that may be very useful in many Earth observation applications.

Titre Spatio-temporal MODIS EVI gap filling under cloud cover: An example in ScotlandAuteur(s) POGGIO (L.), GIMONA (A.) et BROWN (I.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 72, [01/08/2012], pp 56 - 72Langue AnglaisMots clés géog. ECOSSEMots clés CLASSIFICATION PIXELLAIRE, IMAGE CMODIS, INTERPOLATION, KRIGEAGE, NUAGE,

OMBRE, RESIDUN° notice A2012-494Résumé d’auteur Time series of satellite data have an important role in the monitoring of regional and

global ecosystem properties. Satellite images often present missing data due to atmospheric aerosol, clouds or other atmospheric conditions. Most methods proposed to minimise the effects of degradation and to restore signal values do not take into account the spatial and temporal correlation of the values in the pixels. The aim of this study was to propose and test a spatio-temporal interpolation method to reconstruct pixel values in MODIS data time series that are missing due to cloud cover or other image noise. The method presented and tested is an example of a hybrid Generalised Additive Model (GAM)-geostatistical space-time model, including the fitting of a smoother spatio-temporal trend and a spatial component to account for local details supported by information in covariates. The method is not limited by the type of noise or degradation of pixels values, latitude, vegetation dynamics and land uses. The application of cloud masks on the target image provided the data for a quantitative validation through the comparison between the modelled EVI values and those from the MODIS product. The method was able to restore data providing very good to adequate responses in series of simulations of missing data. The comparison of distributions showed good agreement and predictive capabilities. The spatio-temporal method always performed better and the use of kriged residuals was helpful for situations with high percentages of missing data. The spatial pattern and the local features were well preserved for cloud coverage <20%. For higher percentages of missing data, the results were smoother with less local detail retained, but still showing the general spatial pattern of the variable. The method has proved to be flexible and able to provide reconstructed images reproducing spatial patterns and local features of the measured product, even with substantial amounts of missing pixels.

Titre A supervised and fuzzy-based approach determine optimal multi-resolution image segmentation parameters

Auteur(s) TONG (H.), MAXWELL (T.), ZHANG (Y.) et DEY (V.)Source PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING, vol 78, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 1029 - 1044Langue Anglais

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N° notice A2012-484Résumé d’auteur Image segmentation is important for object-based classification. One of the most

advanced image segmentation techniques is multi-resolution segmentation implemented by eCognition®. Multi-resolution segmentation requires users to determine a set of proper segmentation parameters through a trial-and-error process. To achieve accurate segmentations of objects of different sizes, several sets of segmentation parameters are required: one for each level. However, the trial-and-error process is time consuming and operator dependent. To overcome these problems, this paper introduces a supervised and fuzzy-based approach to determine optimal segmentation parameters for eCognition®. This approach is referred to as the Fuzzy-based Segmentation Parameter optimizer (FBSP optimizer) in this paper. It is based on the idea of discrepancy evaluation to control the merging of sub-segments to reach a target segment. Experiments demonstrate that the approach improves the segmentation accuracy by more than 16 percent, reduces the operation time from two hours to one-half hour, and is operator independent.

Titre Temporal mixture analysis for estimating impervious surface area from multi-temporal MODIS NDVI data in Japan



N° notice A2012-495Résumé d’auteur As a proxy measure of the human ecological footprint, impervious surface area (ISA) has

recently become a key concept in the field of urban remote sensing, with a focus on estimation of the ISA at a city-scale by using Landsat-style satellite images. However, ISA estimation is also in demand in disciplines such as the environmental assessment and policy making at a national scale. This paper proposes a new method for estimating the ISA fraction in Japan based on a temporal mixture analysis (TMA) technique. The required inputs for the proposed method are rearranged MODIS NDVI time-series datasets at the temporal stable zone (i.e., the first to the sixth largest NDVI values in a year). Three ISA distribution maps obtained from Landsat-5 TM data were used as reference maps to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results showed that the proposed TMA-based method achieved a large reduction in the effects of endmember variability compared with the previous methods (e.g., SMA and NSMA), and thus the new method has promising accuracy for estimating ISA in Japan. The overall root mean square error (RMSE) of the proposed method was 8.7%, with a coefficient of determination of 0.86, and there was no obvious underestimation or overestimation for the whole ISA range.

Titre Hyperspectral image denoising employing a spectral-spatial adaptive total variation model

Auteur(s) YUAN (Q.), ZHANG (L.) et SHEN (H.)Source IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 50, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 3660 -

3677Langue AnglaisMots clés FILTRAGE DU BRUIT, IMAGE HYPERSPECTRALE, ITERATION, VARIATIONN° notice A2012-523Résumé d’auteur The amount of noise included in a hyperspectral image limits its application and has a

negative impact on hyperspectral image classification, unmixing, target detection, and so on. In hyperspectral images, because the noise intensity in different bands is different, to better suppress the noise in the high-noise-intensity bands and preserve the detailed information in the low-noise-intensity bands, the denoising strength should be adaptively adjusted with the noise intensity in the different bands. Meanwhile, in the same band, there exist different spatial property regions, such as homogeneous regions and edge or texture regions; to better reduce the noise in the homogeneous regions and preserve the edge and texture information, the denoising strength applied to pixels in different spatial

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property regions should also be different. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a hyperspectral image denoising algorithm employing a spectral-spatial adaptive total variation (TV) model, in which the spectral noise differences and spatial information differences are both considered in the process of noise reduction. To reduce the computational load in the denoising process, the split Bregman iteration algorithm is employed to optimize the spectral-spatial hyperspectral TV model and accelerate the speed of hyperspectral image denoising. A number of experiments illustrate that the proposed approach can satisfactorily realize the spectral-spatial adaptive mechanism in the denoising process, and superior denoising results are produced.

Traitement d'image radarTitre RCS of complex targets: original representation validated by measurements-

application to ISAR imagery Auteur(s) BENNANI (Y.), COMBLET (F.) et KHENCHAF (A.)Source IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 50, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 3882 -


RAYONNEMENTN° notice A2012-527Résumé d’auteur In this paper, we propose and investigate a model based on asymptotic methods,

designed to compute the radar cross section (RCS) of complex targets. A combined method of physical optics, geometrical optics, and the equivalent current method is applied to establish an effective backscattering analysis procedure. The scattering model includes shadowing effects, multiple bounce, and diffraction by edges. This model is used for RCS estimation and to generate inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) raw data for imaging applications. We review the theoretical aspects and describe the proposed model and experimental setup in detail. Numerical results are provided and compared with the experimental results obtained in the anechoic chamber of ENSTA Bretagne to validate the approach through the computation of the RCS for canonical objects and a generic boat. Finally, a parallelepiped representation of the RCS is presented to be used for ISAR imagery, and the first results concerning the ISAR imaging of a generic boat are provided.

Titre Deformation monitoring of single buildings using meter-resolution SAR data in PSIAuteur(s) GERNHARDT (S.) et BAMLER (R.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 73, [01/09/2012], pp 68 - 79Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE DIACHRONIQUE, DEFORMATION D'EDIFICEN° notice A2012-545Résumé d’auteur In this paper the feasibility to monitor the shape and deformation of single buildings from

space is investigated. The methodology is based on a fusion of persistent scatterer (PS) point clouds obtained from several stacks of meter-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. This kind of high resolution imagery as well as accurate orbit information is available from, e.g., TerraSAR-X. The stacks are processed individually applying persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI), which provides deformation and height estimates for the PS. However, the geocoded PS point clouds cannot be simply merged in one common coordinate system, like UTM, by reason of residual offsets with respect to their final true positions. These deviations originate from the height uncertainty of the reference point, which has to be chosen during PSI processing of each stack. The presented methodology allows for a fusion of several PS point clouds, i.e., the correct reference point heights can be recovered. The algorithm is based on a point cloud matching procedure that consists of a determination of appropriate point correspondences and a minimization of the distances between all selected pairs of points in a least-squares sense.In addition, the reconstruction of the original motion vector from the deformation measurements in line of sight provided by PSI is desirable. The availability of separated motion components in vertical and horizontal directions greatly enhances the insights into deformation events at buildings and ground. To this end, the fused point clouds are used for a decomposition of motion components. By reason of the limited sensitivity of

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ascending and descending stacks of TerraSAR-X to deformation in north-southern directions the reconstruction of motion vector components is restricted to components in west-eastern and vertical directions. The latter are estimated in a least-squares adjustment including all PS within a spatially limited area. Deformation estimates of stacks from ascending and descending tracks must be included in order to separate motion components. The latter cannot be determined precisely from a combination of solely equal heading tracks, as the line of sight does not differ enough. Finally, deformation maps of the urban area are available that separately show seasonal and linear deformation in horizontal as well as vertical directions. These maps comprise important information on subsidence or uplift as well as structural stress at buildings due to thermal dilation. As a result of the presented methodology (and for the first time) sufficient and precise motion estimates are available for a detailed monitoring of single objects using meter-resolution SAR data in PSI. Several examples are discussed using the results of motion component estimation based on the fusion of four data stacks evaluated by PSI.

Titre An advanced algorithm for deformation estimation in non-urban areasAuteur(s) GOEL (K.) et ADAM (N.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 73, [01/09/2012], pp 100 - 110Langue AnglaisMots clés DEFORMATION DE LA CROUTE TERRESTRE, FILTRAGE DU BRUIT, IMAGE RADAR MOIREE,

IMAGE TANDEM-X, INTERFEROMETRIE DIFFERENTIELLE, ZONE RURALEN° notice A2012-548Résumé d’auteur This paper presents an advanced differential SAR interferometry stacking algorithm for

high resolution deformation monitoring in non-urban areas with a focus on distributed scatterers (DSs). Techniques such as the Small Baseline Subset Algorithm (SBAS) have been proposed for processing DSs. SBAS makes use of small baseline differential interferogram subsets. Singular value decomposition (SVD), i.e. L2 norm minimization is applied to link independent subsets separated by large baselines. However, the interferograms used in SBAS are multilooked using a rectangular window to reduce phase noise caused for instance by temporal decorrelation, resulting in a loss of resolution and the superposition of topography and deformation signals from different objects. Moreover, these have to be individually phase unwrapped and this can be especially difficult in natural terrains. An improved deformation estimation technique is presented here which exploits high resolution SAR data and is suitable for rural areas. The implemented method makes use of small baseline differential interferograms and incorporates an object adaptive spatial phase filtering and residual topography removal for an accurate phase and coherence estimation, while preserving the high resolution provided by modern satellites. This is followed by retrieval of deformation via the SBAS approach, wherein, the phase inversion is performed using an L1 norm minimization which is more robust to the typical phase unwrapping errors encountered in non-urban areas. Meter resolution TerraSAR-X data of an underground gas storage reservoir in Germany is used for demonstrating the effectiveness of this newly developed technique in rural areas.

Titre Bistatic ISAR imaging incorporating interferometric 3-D imaging technique Auteur(s) MA (C.), YEO (T.), GUO (Q.) et WEI (P.)Source IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 50, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 3859 -


RADAR MOIREE, RADAR A ANTENNE SYNTHETIQUEN° notice A2012-526Résumé d’auteur Bistatic inverse synthetic aperture radar (BiISAR) imaging provides complementary

information to monostatic ISAR imaging. A suggestion that the conventional bistatic ISAR can be replaced by an equivalent monostatic radar is shown to be inadequate in this paper. We prove that the BiISAR image is a sheared version of the projection of the target on the range-Doppler plane. A bistatic interferometric radar configuration is proposed to correct this distortion and to form 3-D image. Simulation results have validated our analysis and shown the viability of the proposed 3-D imaging algorithm.

Titre Detecting depolarized targets using a new geometrical perturbation filter

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Auteur(s) MARINO (A.), CLOUDE (S.) et WOODHOUSE (I.)Source IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 50, n° 10, [01/10/2012], pp 3787 -


POLARIMETRIE RADAR, POLARISATIONN° notice A2012-525Résumé d’auteur Target detectors using polarimetry are often focused on single targets, since these can be

characterized in a simpler and deterministic way. The algorithm proposed in this paper is aimed at the more difficult problem of partial-target detection (i.e., targets with arbitrary degree of polarization). The authors have already proposed a single-target detector employing filters based on a geometrical perturbation. In order to enhance the algorithm to the detection of partial targets, a new vector formalism is introduced. The latter is similar to the one exploited for single targets but suitable for complete characterization of partial targets. A new feature vector is generated starting from the covariance matrix and exploited for the perturbation method. Validation against L-band fully polarimetric airborne E-SAR and ALOS PALSAR data and X-band dual-polarimetric TerraSAR-X data is provided with significant agreement with the expected results. Additionally, a comparison with the supervised Wishart classifier is presented revealing improvements.

Titre Coherence evaluation of TanDEM-X interferometric dataAuteur(s) MARTONE (M.), BRAUTIGAM (B.), RIZZOLI (P.) et al.Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 73, [01/09/2012], pp 21 - 29Langue AnglaisMots clés ANALYSE DE DONNEES, COHERENCE DES DONNEES, IMAGE TANDEM-X,


N° notice A2012-311Résumé d’auteur The TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement) mission

comprises two nearly identical satellites: TerraSAR-X (TSX, launched in 2007), and TanDEM-X (TDX, launched in June 2010). The primary objective of the mission is to generate a worldwide and consistent digital elevation model (DEM) with an unprecedented accuracy. During the first 3 months after its launch, the TDX satellite was tested and calibrated in monostatic configuration with both satellites flying in 20 km along-track distance, and it was proven that the system and acquisition performance is almost identical to TSX. Both satellites were then brought into close formation of a few hundred meters distance to begin the bistatic commissioning phase. Since then, TSX and TDX have acted as a large single-pass radar interferometer, which overcomes the limitations imposed by repeat-pass interferometry and allow the acquisition of highly accurate cross- and along-track interferograms. In December 2010, TanDEM-X began with operational global acquisition: bistatic and monostatic SAR images are simultaneously acquired in stripmap mode and processed to interferograms, from which a global DEM is derived. The key parameter in estimating interferometric performance is the coherence, which is deeply evaluated in this paper. The impact of different decorrelation sources as well as the performance stability over time is investigated by means of statistical analyses and dedicated acquisitions on defined test sites, demonstrating the outstanding interferometric capabilities of the TanDEM-X mission.

Titre Shanghai subway tunnels and highways monitoring through Cosmo-SkyMed Persistent Scatterers


HAUTE RESOLUTION, IMAGE COSMO-SKYMED, SURVEILLANCE D'OUVRAGE, TUNNELN° notice A2012-315Résumé d’auteur Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is an alternative technique to obtain

measurements of surface displacement providing better spatial resolution and comparable accuracy at an extremely lower cost per area than conventional surveying methods. InSAR is becoming more and more popular in monitoring urban deformations, however, the technique requires advanced tools and high level competence to be successfully applied. In this paper we report important results obtained by analyzing new

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high resolution SAR data in the Shanghai urban area. The data used in this work have been acquired by the Italian X-band sensor Cosmo-SkyMed. About 1.2 million of individual and independent targets have been detected in 600 sq km, revealing impressive details of the ground surface deformation. Using the SARPROZ InSAR tool and integrating the results with Google Earth, we were able to track subway tunnels recently excavated and several highways. Tunnels are visible due to very localized subsidence of the above surface along their path. On the other hand, highways, standing over the ground, in most cases show higher stability than the surrounding areas. The density of targets is so high to allow studying the profile of the tunnel subsidence, which is very useful to predict building damage. Finally, the identification of targets on high buildings helps checking the stability of high constructions along the subway lines, highlighting possible risky situations.

Titre An analysis of terrain properties and the location of surface scatterers from persistent scatterer interferometry


ANTENNE SYNTHETIQUE, OCCUPATION DU SOLN° notice A2012-314Résumé d’auteur Standard interferometry poses a challenge in heavily vegetated areas due to

decorrelation of the radar signal. To alleviate this problem, we implement StaMPS, a persistent scatterer (PS) technique, to obtain a more spatially complete signal in the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest. In addition to comparing the spatial extent of the signal from standard Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and StaMPS, we further analyze the selection of scatterers over several terrain types in the Cascades, and systematically vary StaMPS parameters to minimize the selection of false positives and negatives. Utilizing the best parameters, we correlate the location of persistent scatterers to geologic units, and vegetation density derived from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. Our findings indicate that persistent scatterers most frequently occur on young, rough basaltic to andesitic lava flows and to a lesser extent on older, reworked basaltic andesitic lava flows exposed as boulder fields in the forests. Very few or no scatterers were found over water, permanent snowfields, evergreen forest, or unconsolidated pyroclastics. Over 90% of the scatterers are located in areas with no or very sparse vegetation cover. Based on surface roughness and the percentage of bare earth within the radar footprint, we are able to predict where PS InSAR is most likely to be successful on natural terrains.

Titre Grouping of Persistent Scatterers in high-resolution SAR data of urban scenesAuteur(s) SCHUNERT (A.) et SOERGEL (U.)Source ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, vol 73, [01/09/2012], pp 80 - 79Langue AnglaisMots clés DIFFUSEUR EN POLARISATION, FACADE, FENETRE, IMAGE RADAR MOIREE, IMAGE


N° notice A2012-546Résumé d’auteur Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) is a technique to simultaneously estimate

surface deformation and 3D structure from stacks of SAR images. It was proposed first about one decade ago to monitor preferably urban areas, where in general the highest numbers of PS are found. At that time no high-resolution satellite SAR data were available. Instead, for example, stacks of ERS imagery were used providing ground range resolution of about 25 m. In data of such kind only the strongest PS can be detected, which are usually caused by corner reflectors built by orthogonal building and road planes of considerable size, whereas smaller structures causing weaker ones signal are averaged by clutter or mutually interfere with others in the same resolution cell. Thus, if any, only a few or even just one single PS are found per building. The advent of a new sensor generation of systems like TerraSAR-X and COSMO-Skymed in 2007 led to a significant improvement of spatial resolution of about one order of magnitude. This comes along with a dramatic rise of PS density: In some cases tens to hundreds are detected at large buildings, which offers the possibility to monitor even individual urban objects. In addition, especially at building façades the distribution of those PS is often quite regular. A reason for that is the usually rectilinear arrangement of façade structures inducing PS

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like windows or balconies. Those patterns contain a lot of information about the objects under investigation, which is mostly ignored in current PSI processing schemes. For example, consider a regular structure of windows on a certain façade of a multi-story building. Assuming the same kind of structure generates one single PS at each window, the phase centers of all scatterers caused by windows of each floor share the same height. This means, we may benefit from such kind of redundancy, for instance, to improve the height estimate by averaging over PS having the same elevation. In this work, we first discuss the regular appearance of PS at urban façades for an urban test scene in TerraSAR-X spotlight mode data. Then, we show how PS analysis could benefit by exploitation of the redundancy due to repetitive patterns of man-made objects. Finally, we propose a PS grouping scheme based on a production system and discuss first results achieved for the test area.

Titre Retrieval of phase history parameters from distributed scatterers in urban areas using very high resolution SAR data



N° notice A2012-547Résumé d’auteur In a recent contribution Ferretti and co-workers (Ferretti, A., Fumagalli, A., Novali, F.,

Prati, C., Rocca, F., Rucci, A., 2011. A new algorithm for processing interferometric data-stacks: SqueeSAR IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49(9), pp. 3460–3470) have proposed the SqueeSAR method, a way to exploit temporally coherent distributed scatterers in coherent SAR data stacks. Elevation and deformation or subsidence estimates are obtained with accuracy similar as in the well known persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI). In this paper, we propose an alternative approach and provide a first demonstration of the optimal estimation of distributed scatterers’ phase histories in urban areas. Different to SqueeSAR, we derive phase histories for each distributed scatterer pixel rather than for groups of pixels. We use the Anderson–Darling statistical test to identify neighboring samples of the same distribution. Prior to covariance matrix estimation required for maximum likelihood estimation we apply a multi-resolution defringe technique. By using TerraSAR-X high resolution spotlight data, it is demonstrated that we are able to retrieve reliable phase histories and motion parameter estimates from distributed scatterers with signal-to-noise-ratio far below the common range.

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