Sejarah Ilmu Geografi

Sejarah Ilmu Geografi dan Makna Ruang Triarko Nurlambang Dept. Geografi FMIPA UI

Transcript of Sejarah Ilmu Geografi

Sejarah Ilmu Geografi

danMakna Ruang

Triarko NurlambangDept. Geografi FMIPA UI

Timeline of Geographic HistoryThis is a compilation of key dates in the history of geography and the world.

2300 BCE The first city map was created in stone for Lagash, Mesopotamia

450 Herodotus compiled a map of the known world334 Alexander the Great began conquring the Middle East and India240 Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the earth45 Julian calendar established20 CE Strabo published his 17 volume Geography77 Pliny the Elder wrote his encyclopedia of geography79 Mount Vesuvius erupted and Pompeii was destroyed

150 Ptolmey published his Geography and included a map of the world with places labeled with a coordinate grid system

271 The magnetic compass was in use in China

326 Helena, Constantine's mother, traveled to the Holy Land to identify places sacred to Christianity

476 The Fall of Rome632 Muhammed died and Muslim expansion began982 Eric the Red reached Baffin Island in North America995 Leif Ericson established a colony in Newfoundland1095 The first Crusade began1154 Edrisi's book of world geography was published1170 The letter from Prester John, asking for help against infidels, "arrived" at the Pope1271 Marco Polo headed for China1325 Tenochtitlan founded by Aztecs1347 Bubonic Plague, "Black Death," in Europe, 30 million die1377 ibn-Khaldun completed his history of the world1405-1433 China ruled the seas through the seven voyages of Cheng Ho's Treasure Fleet

1410 A translation of Ptolmey's Geography was published in Europe1418 Prince Henry the Navigator established the Sagres research institute1455 Gutenberg invents the printing press1492 Columbus reached the West Indies1494 Treaty of Tordesillas established Spanish and Portuguese control over new discoveries

Karya Al Idrisi-1154 M

Karya Fra Mauro 1459

Karya Ptolemy world-map 150 M

Cantino Planisphere – 1502 M

1500 Cabral discovered Brazil1505 Portugal established trading posts in East Africa1517 Martin Luther begins Protestant Reformation1519 Magellan began his circumnavigation of the earth1543 Copernicus published his On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres1569 Mercator created his map1582 Gregorian calendar established1602 The Dutch East India company was founded1620 Pilgrims landed in New England1675 The Royal Observatory was established at Greenwich, England

1714 The British government offered a 20,000 pound reward to the person who could accurately determine longitude at sea

1761 John Harrison's chronometer was perfected, allowing determination of longitude at sea1768-1779 James Cook explored the earth

1769 Alexander von Humboldt was born1776 British colonies in America declare independence1779 Carl Ritter was born

1788 Hutton's theory of uniformitarianism was introduced ("no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end")

1789 French Revolution1798 Thomas Malthus' first essay on population1803 Thomas Jefferson completed the Louisiana Purchase 1804-1806 Lewis and Clark explored the western United States

1817 The first volume of Ritter's Die Erkunde was published

1821 Simon Bolivar gains independence for Venezuela, sparking widespread independence in South America

1825 Erie Canal complete1830 The Royal Geographical Society was formed in London

Lyell published his Principles of Geology

Timeline of Geographic HistoryThis is a compilation of key dates in the history of geography and the world.

1831 Charles Darwin began his travels1840 The Geological Survey of Canada was established1845 The first volume of von Humboldt's Kosmos was published1848 Gold was discovered in Calfornia1850 The first use of the camera for mapping takes place in France

William Morris Davis was born1851 The American Geographical Society was formed1855 Maury's The Physical Geography of the Sea was published1859 von Humboldt and Ritter died1864 George Perkins Marsh's Man and Nature was published1867 The USGS was established1869 Japan opened to western influence and trade

Transcontinental railroad established in United StatesThe Suez Canal opened

1874 The first Department of Geography was established in Germany (the Prussian government established a Chair of Geography in every Prussian university)

1884-1885 Berlin Conference divides Africa among European colonial powers1888 The National Geographic Society was formed1895 The first Times Atlas of the World was published1903 University of Chicago established first American Department of Geography1904 The Association of American Geographers was established

Mackinder proposed his Heartland Theory1909 Peary reached the North Pole1911 Amundsen reached the South Pole1912 Wegner proposed his theory of continental drift1913 Greenwich is accepted as 0° longitude1914-1918 World War I

Timeline of Geographic HistoryThis is a compilation of key dates in the history of geography and the world.

1914 The Panama Canal opened1922 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was established1923-1957 Carl O. Sauer taught at the University of California, Berkeley1931 Commonwealth of Nations founded1933 Walter Christaller introduces Central Place Theory1934 William Morris Davis died1939-1945 World War II1945 The United Nations was founded1946 First Levittown1949 Peoples Republic of China formed1953 Hillary and Norgay reached the top of Mount Everest1957-1958 The International Geophysical Year1961 Antarctic Treaty established1969 Humans land on the moon1970 The first Earth Day1979 China established One-Child rule1984 Hole in Ozone Layer was first observed1989 Berlin Wall tumbled down1990 Reunification of Germany1991 The end of the USSR and Yugoslavia

Persian Gulf War1992 The end of the Cold War1994 Channel Tunnel (Chunnel) opened, linking Great Britain to Europe1997 Geography at site established (formerly called Geography at The Mining Company)

Hong Kong returned to China1999 Euro established as currency in 11 European countries

Macau returned to China2000 U.S. President Clinton orders GPS Selective Availability turned off, instantly making GPS more accurate2001 New millenium began

Southern Ocean established by the International Hydrographic Organization2002 East Timor gains independence

Timeline of Geographic HistoryThis is a compilation of key dates in the history of geography and the world.

Geografi 1775 - 1975

Filosofi Geografi1775 1800 1850 1900 1950 19751925

Immanuel Kant

Carl Ritter

Alfred Hettner

Geografi FisikAlexander Van Humbolt

John Wesley

Grove Karl Gilbert

William Moore Davis

Vladimir Koppen

C. Waren Thrornthwaite



Geografi PendudukThomas Malthus

Friedrich Ratzel

Ellsworth HutingtonTeori LokasiJH Von Thunen

Ernst Revenstein

Alfred Webber

Walter Christaller

August Losch

Walter Issard

Torsten Hagerstrand


1. 1965 – 1983: MODERN / PRE-POSTMODERN• Era kuantitatif: Brian Berry dll (kelompok Chicago Univ.), Petter

Haggett, Leslie J. King• Pre-Postmodern: David Harvey, Richard Peet, Reginal G. Colledge,

David Ley, Gunnar Olsson, Nigel Thrift

2. 1984 – 1989: POSTMODERN GEOGRAPHIES• Richard peet, Eric Sheppard, Henri Lefebvre, Edward W. Soja,

Michael J. Dear, David Harvey, dll

3. 1990 – 2000an: THE ALTERED SPACES OF POSTMODERNITY• Julie Graham, Michael Stopper, Martin Dodge (Virtual Geography),

Michael Dear, John Pickel, dll


Quaternary Studies Climatology



Environmental Studies


Natural resources


Conservation, resource planning

Population geography

Regional planning

Regional economicsRegional




Ecological Analysis

Spatial organization


Field methods sampling

Quantitative methods

Economic geography Political


Locational theory

Asian geography Asian


Asian history

Asian anthropology


Spatial optimization

Urban geography

Urban sociology


Operation research

Statistics, probablity


Photogrammetry, remote sensing

Sumber: Peter Haggett, 1983













Ruang dan Kehidupan Kita

RUANG: Jenis dan Tipe1. Tempat (Place) suatu situs terjadinya interaksi dan kegiatan sosial (contoh : sekolah)2. Ruang (Space) adalah suatu kerangka abstraksi yang menjadi acuan (contoh kawasan pendidikan)3. Keduanya dapat dikenali sebagai satu ‘teritori’

Beberapa cara mendasar dalam mendefinisikan ruang

1. Pengalaman2. Fungsi dan tindakan3. Rasa memiliki / kepemilikan4. Makna5. Ukuran6. Geografis: lokasi, struktur, komponen7. Kualitas sensori: warna, bentuk,

temperatur, dll.

Tempat interpersonal

Tempat berkumpu

l/ kerumnan (crowd) - proxemic

Lingkungan HidupLingkungan HidupDefinisiLingkungan Hidup adalah kesatuan ruang dengan

semua benda, daya, keadaan, dan makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia dan perilakunya, yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan perikehidupan dan kesejahteraan manusia serta mahluk hidup lainnya (UU no. 23 tahun 1997 tentang Lingkungan Hidup, Bab 1, pasal 1)

RuangRuangDefinisiRuang adalah wadah yang meliputi ruang

darat, ruang laut dan ruang udara, termasuk ruang di dalam bumi sebagai satu kesatuan wilayah, tempat manusia dan mahluk hidup lain, melakukan kegiatan, dan memelihara kelangsungan hidupnya (UU no. 26 tahun 2007, tentang Penataan Ruang, Bab 1 , Pasal 1)

(Zone B1 & B4)(Zone B1 & B4)

Sumber: Citra Landsat 30-07-1992

Oleh :Ditjen PenataanRuang dan LAPAN

(Zone B3 & B4)(Zone B5)(Zone B2)(Zone N2 & N2)

(Zone N2)(Zone N2)(Zone N2)

Sumber: Citra Landsat 17-07-2001

Oleh :Ditjen PenataanRuang dan LAPAN





• Hampir semua kegiatan kehidupan dan Pembangunan perlu atau berkaitan dengan tempat/ lokasi/ ruang. • Konsep Ruang identik dengan Lingkungan

Ruang, Kehidupan Kita dan Pembangunan

Information spaces Social spaces




Membangun Persepsi ke-Ruang-an• Persepsi Ruang menggambarkan konstruksi pikiran• Berbasis pada daya tangkap panca indera yang berbeda satu sama lainnya

• Dibentuk oleh pengalaman dan proses pembelajaran

• Dipengaruhi oleh kepribadian, emosional dan faktor kognitif (pengalaman dan pengetahuan)

Peta sebagai kerangka ruang/ space

(persepsi dalam peta)

Declarative componentDeclarative component:pengetahuan akan makna obyek dan tempatnya

Relational and configurationalRelational and configurationalhubungan keruangan (spatial relationship) diantara pengembangan obyek dan tempatnya

Procedural knowledgeProcedural knowledgemenggambarkan proses perkembangan perubahan obyek dalam konteks keruangan

Place Berkaitan

dengan lokasi dan integrasi antara

masyarakat, budaya dan


Setiap manusia (normal sense) memiliki sense of place

Perkembangan sense of place seseorang:

•FisikJenis kelamin, umur, kesehatan, kemampuan finansial

•PsikologisNilai/kepercayaan, keturunan, keperibadian

•Pengalaman/ pengetahuan

Tingkat pendidikan, sosialisasi

Spatial Points

Set of Spatial Points

Spatial universe

Spatial Area

Daerah Aliran Sungai





Jaringan jalan(Sistem Grid)

Struktur Kota(Pola Konsentrik)




Expansion Diffusion



Relocation Diffusion

Combinataion of Expansion and Relocation

TUJUAN (sederhana) SIG• SIG merupakan instrumen untuk merepresentasikan

dunia nyata dalam

bentuk peta dijital


Symbolic models

Analog Models

Iconic Models

Real World



ng a






ng re



Ilustrasi Analisis Spatial

Titik : lokasi / tempat layanan

Garis: jaringan transportasi (jalan, sungai, garis layanan transporatsi udara dapat mempengaruhi alokasi tempat layanan atau sebaliknya

Area: wilayah layanan jasa/ produk tertentu untuk segmen pasar pada entitas wilayah layanan tersebut


Garis batas awal

Kabupaten A

Garis batas pemekaran Daerah

Kabupaten A1:

setelah pemekaran

Kabupaten A2: setelah pemekaran

Tipikal Konflik:•) Konflik antara

pusat dengan daerah (konflik


•Antara Kab A1 dg Kab A2

(konflik horizontal

Banyak keterkaitan fungsional pembangunan yang “terpotong” oleh akibat batas admnistrasi baru dan menimbulkan resiko masalah pengambilan keputusan sampai pelaksanaan di lapangan

sekolah sekolah



Tabungan terbatas

Kurang modal

Produktifitas rendah

Pendapatan/kapita rendah

Daya beli rendah

Pertmbhn eko. rendah

Keluarga besar

Laju kelahiran


Permintaan tenga kerja


Output/ pekerja kurang

Pendidikan kurang


Perumahan tak layak

Kondisi hidup tak sehat

Kesehatan buruk

Kurang gizi

Diet jelek

Ouput pertanian


Sedikit input modern


Jika menggunakan pendekatan

sektoral maka sulit

menentukan prioritas

Jika menggunakan pendekatan regional / spatial maka akan dilihat lebih holistik /komprehensif dan sistemik; prioritas nya adalah kebutuhan stakeholder


   Knowledge  Analysis  Synthesis  Evaluation  Creativity  Professionalism



Broad knowledge and understanding of areas of Geography. Fluency in subject vocabulary

Problem solving ability. Evidence of understanding. Ability to apply concepts to novel situations.

Ability to bring together different facets of material, and to draw appropriate conclusions.

Ability to review, assess and criticise one's own work and that of others in a fair and professional manner.

Ability to make an original, independent, personal contribution to the understanding of the subject.

Ability to act as a practising geographer, to present argument in a skilled and convincing manner and to work alone or in teams


Demonstrate a basic understanding of core subject areas, happy with geographical terminology. Demonstrate a knowledge of appropriate supporting analyticaltechniques (stats., computing, lab and field techniques ..)

Apply geographical techniques to real situations through class and field examples.

Understand that there may be unique or multiple solutions to any issue. Appreciate relative validity of results.

Be able to handle material that presents contrasting views on a topic and develop personal conclusions.

Draw conclusions from results and identify the relative significance of a series of results.

Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of information, results and conclusions.

Offer original comment on geographical material.

Display or present information in different ways.

Be effective in planning time, use of geographical resources including library, computer packages including databases.

Present information orally, and written to a high standard.


Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of specific subject areas. Be able to question the accuracy and completeness of information. Appreciate how different parts of the subject inter-relate.

Apply geographical theories to individual situations critically examine the results. Understand that it may be appropriate to draw onmulti- disciplinary approaches to analyse and solve geographical problems.

To locate and comment on diverse material, add personal research observations and integrate literature based information with personal results.

Review existing literature and identify gaps, appraise the significance of results and conclusions.

Develop original independent research skills, interpret data and offer personal comment.

Be able to display information in a variety of ways.

Confident use of computer packages for analysis and information presentation.

Confident worker in group and collaborative activities.Produce written work to a high professional standard.


Demonstrate a deep understanding of a limited number of specialised subject areas and methods. Appreciate the provisional state of knowledge in subject areas.

Understand how to solve problems with incomplete information, how to make appropriate assumptions. To develop appropriate research hypotheses. Question and verify results.

Appreciate the breadth of information available.

To identify and tap into key elements of the material. Produce coherent reports.

Critically appraise information, evidence and conclusions from personal and others work.

Gather new information through personal research, draw personal conclusions and show where these insights link to the main subject areas.

Be able to set objectives, focus on priorities, plan and execute project work to deadlines. Produce structured, well argued reports. Demonstrate fluency in personalpresentations and electronic communication.


Demonstrate a broad, deep understanding of specialised subject areas and methods.

Understand where this knowledge dovetails withthe subject in general.

Understand the current limits of knowledge.

Demonstrate ability to propose solutions to geographical problems involving appreciation of different approaches, gaps and contradictions in knowledge or data. Differentiation of unique and non-unique answers. Appreciation of reliability of a proposal or result given constraints and assumptions involved.

Be able to collate material from a wide range of appropriate geographical and non - geographical sources, integrate personal research material and collate the whole in a coherent, thoughtful and professionally appropriate manner.

Be able to work to a specified brief.

Perform independent critical evaluation of information, evidence and conclusions, including their reliability, validity and significance.

Be able to form and justify judgements in the light of contradictory information.

Offer insights into the material under discussion that are independent of data immediately available.

Propose investigative approaches to geographical problems utilising geographical and non-geographical methods as appropriate.

Be able to make effective confidentpresentations, answer detailed questions thoughtfully and clearly.

Produce substantive reports that are well structured, well reasoned, wellpresented and clear. Work effectively as a team member and team leader

Skills matrix for geographers, University of Leeds, 1998