Segthor > Product Portfolio

Segthor Globe > Destination Management solution for Public entities Segthor Hospitality > CRM customized solution for Hotels Segthor Travel 2.0 > CRM customized solution for Travel Global Web Solution for the Tourism Industry



Transcript of Segthor > Product Portfolio

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• Segthor Globe > Destination Management solution for Public entities

• Segthor Hospitality > CRM customized solution for Hotels

• Segthor Travel 2.0 > CRM customized solution for Travel agencies

Global Web Solution for the Tourism Industry

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1. Why Segthor?

Do you really know your customers? Do you know who are your most valuable customers? Can your system treat your customers in your customer database, by their preferences,

tastes, actions and other characteristics? Can you analyze data on potential costumers and interact with them? Can you promote special offers by customer segment?...and for individual customers? Can you influence your customers decision making process? Do you use your actual customers to promote your business? Do you manage complaints effectively? Can you monitor your customers activities when making a reservation?

Create customer loyalty

Increase customer satisfaction.

Capture new clients

Increased profitability.

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2. What is Segthor?

To maximize our clients profits by using relational marketing through state of the art technologies

and innovative management concepts

Our Mission...

Monitor and analyze your global tourists and entities data (hotels, travel agents,

etc…) and create global campaigns for end

customers in all the world.

Get to know your most valuable customers and

make more profits by creating new sales

opportunities using CRM and web reservation tools.

Create and sell tourist products and campaigns

using the most sophisticated dynamic packaging tools on the


Are you a public entity ?

Are you a hotel or hotel group ?

Are you a travel agency ?

Segthor GlobeSegthor GlobeSegthor Travel 2.0Segthor Travel 2.0Segthor HospitalitySegthor Hospitality

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3. Using Segthor if you are a PUBLIC ENTITY

To maximize customer loyalty to your tourism region and to monitor tourist entities activities

The best benefits:

Know all your clients

Create, organize and segment tourist databases

to promote targeted and global campaigns and

redefining your tourism products and services.

Analyze and manage trends

Monitor hotel and tourist entities data to know end-customers preferences,

quality of services, performance, customer types and international


Create more profits using cross selling 2.0

Promote B2B and innovative cross selling relationships between

hotels and other tourist agents to create more

value to your offers as a tourism region.

Segthor Globe mixes state of the art CRM and Web reservation technology with the latest management and marketing concepts.

Segthor Globe: the solution for public entities managing tourism regionsSegthor Globe: the solution for public entities managing tourism regions

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4. Using Segthor if you are a HOTEL

Generate ROI – Return on Investment more rapidly with database segmentation and powerful web reservation systems

The best benefits:

Interact with your clients

If you know your clients and their preferences you can design and present

new services more related to their needs and wishes,

creating new sales opportunities.

Direct technology

Segthor Hospitality gives you CRM, Web and GDS reservation technology

directly connected to your PMS and other systems

(F&B, Golf, SPA’s, etc…), permitting fast and secure


The power of cross selling

Cross selling is most effective for maximizing the value of customers.

We offer several solutions for designing and

implementing sucessful cross selling strategies.

Segthor Hospitality gives you CRM, Web and GDS reservation technology directly connected to your PMS and other systems (F&B, Golf, SPA’s, etc…)

Segthor Hospitality: know your best clients to gain more value Segthor Hospitality: know your best clients to gain more value

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5. Using Segthor if you are a TRAVEL AGENCY

Transform your customers in power sellers using web 2.0 solutions

The best benefits:

Broadcast yourself

Transform your clients into power-sellers, by creating social portals to promote their travel itineraries and

multimedia tourism content.

Motivate your workers

Create motivation programs for your workers, upgrading their abilities to use Web 2.0 to negotiate

more and sell more through alternative


Automatic dynamic packaging

Generate automatic tourist products using our dynamic packaging tools and implementing them

through several technological platforms.

Segthor Travel 2.0 is a powerful solution to maximize the value of DIY - Do It Yourself clients in traditional travel agencies.

Segthor Travel 2.0: the new era of web travel agencies Segthor Travel 2.0: the new era of web travel agencies

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Backup slidesBackup slides

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Guest Relationship Model

Promotions Managementup-sell and cross-sell

Promotions Managementup-sell and cross-sell

4 – Post-stay evaluation4 – Post-stay evaluation

Evaluation of levels of satisfaction of stay and services rendered.

Sharing experiences with other potential buyers.

Evaluation of levels of satisfaction of stay and services rendered.

Sharing experiences with other potential buyers.

1 – Destination decision and trip planning

1 – Destination decision and trip planning

Necessity – Choice of Destination

Search for Information

Evaluation of Offers

Necessity – Choice of Destination

Search for Information

Evaluation of Offers

2 – Initial Contract2 – Initial Contract

Reservations, payment and logistics planningReservations, payment and logistics planning

Buy DecisionRecommendation “Tell a Friend”Repeat buy

3 – Experience of trip and stay3 – Experience of trip and stay

Comparison between experience and expectations

Increased consumption during stay

Comparison between experience and expectations

Increased consumption during stay

Beginning of trip and stay.End of trip and stay

5. How to use Segthor CRM ?

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The hotel executes and mails two promotional activities to existing and potential guest






The marketing department acquires data base lists of potential guests.

Destination decision and trip planningBusiness Opportunities: promotions for potential guests

Common Situation

Future situation with CRM Segthor

The control of the replies generated by each of

the promotions is done manually.

x ?

The hotel imports data from the data base.

Executes a few trial promotional activities in order to test and

decide on the most effective way to communicate with potential


Segthor groups the replies into the system and produces

reports with the results of each activity.

For future guest campaigns the hotel knows, for instances, which guests:

• Were the target of campaigns in the last 6 months.• That participated in the campaign.• That requested to be excluded from such activities.• Had incorrect data entered under their name.

x x






The hotel learns which is the most effective way to

communicate with potential the costumers.

5. How to use Segthor?

For future promotions, the hotel has to

manually sort out the names to be excluded from the mailing list for

each promotion.

The manual work adds on to the

work load and loss of an objective


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$ ?

... ...


The ContractOpportunity captured: On-line reservations

Our potential guest accesses the hotel Site in order to find out more about the hotel and promotional offers.

Common Situation

Future Situation with CRM Segthor

The guest finds some information about the prices and special

offers. Next, he sends an e-mail to get

additional information.

The hotel provides the information, however does

not know the guests preferences.

The hotel is not capable to promote

the up-se l and cross sell


In the hotel Site the guest finds special offers that may interest

him.He proceeds to make

reservations Net (using his personal account area).

The reservations office can confirm the request either

by telephone or through the guest personal account

area in the Site.

? ?

The reservations office uses this opportunity to suggest additional

activities and services according to the guests preferences.





5. How to use Segthor?

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Trip and stay experienceBusiness development: Personalized value proposals

The guest arrives at the hotel and wants to know more about in-house sports and entertainment activities, available.

Common Situation

The guest checks in.

Reception gives him the keys to his room.

During check in the guest is identified as a value client and the

receptionist has instructions to upgrade the room previously

allocated to him.



The guest asks reception for

suggestions of activities and

requests brochures.

The hotel presents the guest with previously

selected activities related to his preferences.

The guest appreciates the personalized






5. How to use Segthor?

Future Situation with CRM Segthor

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Post stay evaluation Campaign directed at frequent guests.

The hotel decides to promote special activities to frequent user guests .

The hotel sends a communication to all

guests in the data base promoting a specific


The control of the replies is made manually.

The hotel executes one promotion directed to the

specific interest groups, one golfers and the other couples close to celebrating wedding


Segthor sorts out the replies by interest group and

produces feedback reports.

The reservations office confirms

guests reservations.

The hotel does the follow-up

on the feedback.

? ?

The hotel then contacts all the guests that showed interest in


The ratio of clients adhering is low because the

communication was not differentiated.





Personalized communications

produce high returns.

5. How to use Segthor?

Common Situation

Future Situation with CRM Segthor

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Post stay EvaluationFollow-up Campaign: Tell a Friend

The guest ends his stay at the hotel and leaves his contact. At a later stage the hotel can, via a promotion, request the guest to recommend the hotel to his friends.

The hotel sends a follow up “thank you for your

preference” communication

Common situation

The satisfied client recommends the

hotel to his friends.

The hotel executes “tell a friend” campaigns to obtain a net work of contacts from the

present guest data base


In future the hotel can not act pro-actively with the guests



Segthor groups the new contacts in a data base of

potential costumers…

…that can be used to send hotel advertising material or





Example: The hotel personalizes a usual costumer presentation that he can send to his friends





The hotel is not able to recognize the origin of the


5. How to use Segthor?

Future Situation with CRM Segthor

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The hotel hands out questionnaires to its


The guest ends his stay and the hotel requests him to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire.

Post stay evaluationCustomer satisfaction evaluation questionnaire

The recovery of the completed questionnaires

is done and processed manually.

The hotel hands out guest satisfaction questionnaires to the

guests.The questionnaires can be sorted

by interest groups.

Segthor treats the answers in the system and produces reports with the results by

interest groups.


The results of the questionnaires are mainly for internal purposes.

The results of the questionnaires may be divulged internally,

communicated to the guests and published or used for advertising






The completed questionnaires may

also be used to determine each individual guest



It is difficult and time consuming to introducing

in the system the information received.

5. How to use Segthor?

Common Situation

Future Situation with CRM Segthor

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Service Description

HelpDesk and user support User call center support service as well as a helpdesk for the reporting and solution of technical problems.

Infra-structure Hosting Secured space for the infra-structure, reserved in a data processing center, backed by the most advanced technological, logics and physical, security systems.

Communication via the Internet Linked to a Internet Service Provider for dedicated Internet access

Preventive and corrective Aplication Maintenance

Error prevention and correction.

On-going technological up-dating On-going hardware technological updating and software actualization.

Service Level Agreement System availability metrics definition.

Besides the advantages already mentioned, it needs to be understood that adhering to Segthor it is not comparable to the acquisition of a technological platform…. …with Segthor you acquire a service!

6. The implementation of a CRM solution.

• When choosing Segthor:

Julgo que se deverá também incluir a manutenção evolutiva
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Example: Expected benefits from a promotional event

5. Reservations control

4. Mailing

3. Communication

2. Identification of your target market

1. The Event


The PGA European TourParticipation by the best European PGA players

Identify, from your customer data base, all contacts with a preference for Golf. (The association to the golf segment was obtained; from a previous stay, from the tour operator or by the guest when registering in his personal area in the Hotel Site)

Personalized e-mails or letters that should include relevant Hotel and other information. The promotion should appear in the news section of Hotel Site and if appropriate be mentioned on previously sent newsletters

The system sorts out and registers all the replies from customers who want to participate as well as all unanswered returned mail.This information will assist in providing willing targets for future promotional activities, thus reducing communication costs.

Propose a promotional package stay for the duration of the tournament, including transfers to and from the course. The entry tickets to the course should be included as well as a proposal for a trip plan and associated costs..

• Nº of Clients in DB: 15.000

• Golf Segment: 10% (1500)• 20% of 1500 costumers have e-mail

• Promotional Rate: Room: $70• No replies due to inaccurate

costumer data: 25%

• Letters mailed: 1200• E-mails sent: 300• Total mail successfully sent: 1125

• Costumer participation rate: 3%• Total nº of reservations: 34• Nº of persons per reservation: 1,7• Average days per stay: 6 nights• Margin of contribution p/ room: 65%

Results Profit: $13,863Revenues: 34x1,7*6*65% = $15,663 Costs: 1,5€ * 1200 (letters) = $1,800

7. Cost/Benefits

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8.3 “Myth” vs. “Reality”


A CRM solution is only about technology

It is difficulty to set up a CRM strategy.

CRM is only for big business groups.

CRM is only a buzzword and I can survive without it.

With what it costs to implement CRM I rather employ someone do the job.

A CRM solution is much more than technology, it is a business strategy.

Segthor does it all for you.

Small and medium sized hotels, due to being patronized by a more specific market, and having lower operating costs per room, derive high benefits from a CRM strategy.

A CRM strategy is becoming a necessity in order to sustain profitable growth. (source: Forrester)

An additional worker does not provide an Internet Site or a customer data base. Also it can not execute marketing initiatives automatically nor provide the organization with the tools to help set up a CRM strategy.


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Client information data base

Personal data Profile Preferences Interaction history Relationship

Customer value grading and segmentation model

Client information data base

Personal data Profile Preferences Interaction history Relationship

Customer value grading and segmentation model

Costumer loyalty support programs

Electronic newsletter capacity

Costumer life cycle management

Promotional campaigns execution

Costumer loyalty support programs

Electronic newsletter capacity

Costumer life cycle management

Promotional campaigns execution

Activities reports

Promotional activities results and results analysis

Costumer information

Activities reports

Promotional activities results and results analysis

Costumer information

9.1 Available Services

Information GatheringInformation Gathering Relational Marketing Relational Marketing Management InformationManagement Information

Multi Channel PlatformMulti Channel Platform

Internet integrated transactional Site

Client and partner, Call-center support

On-site (at work) support