Segment Report6

Visualization of A Customized Player Segment CASINO: DATA PROFILE SNAPSHOT REPORT Prepared by: Cara Cohan - Maverick Marketing 360 Where Data Insight Meets Creative Solutions

Transcript of Segment Report6

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Visualization of A Customized Player Segment


Prepared by: Cara Cohan - Maverick Marketing 360

Where Data Insight Meets Creative Solutions

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• Likes to Gamble on Vacation• Has Visited a Casino in the last 12 months • Has Traveled to Las Vegas in the past 3-5 months and the past 12 months• Age groups: 35-44; 45-54; 50+• Household Income: $45K-$49K; $50K-$59K; $60K-$74K; $75K-$99K• Entertainment Reward / Loyalty Card

Search Terms (terms people search for online in relation to the profile being built):

• Downtown Las Vegas; Downtown Las Vegas Hotels; Las Vegas Downtown Hotels; Hotels in Downtown Las Vegas

BUILD CUSTOM SEGMENTSOn-the-fly audience creation: Build custom segments that matter

Flexible data mining with thousands of consumer attributes to tailor your best customer segment

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• Powerful profiling for better storytelling


Snapshot Report

Crosstab Reports

Digital Behavior Reports

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GENERAL DEMOGRAPHICS:Based on the characteristics entered, as well as internet search terms, here are some findings (based upon a percentage of the target segment size:

59% Married 65% Employed 38% Children in the Household 68% are Homeowners 74% are the Primary Shoppers 36% are Middle of the Road when it comes to their political outlook.

This can break down further with more information. For the purpose of these slides, here is a representation of the Profile Snapshot Report.

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AGE BREAKDOWN:As you can see from here, the 35-44 and 45-54 segments are almost even. There are more Statistics broken down in a spreadsheet report.

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GENDER:We see slightly more women than men – and the ages are broken out.

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MOSAIC – BEHAVIORAL PROFILES:This requires a whole second report dedicated to itself in order to provide the descriptions of the Mosaic profiles, and how to apply them to the various channel execution, creative and copy.

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We can enhance the existing Player Data to see your strongest segments:

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There are many other data findings, which include more in-depth descriptions of the reports above, as well as digital behavior reports, how and where to spend your online dollars and other media budgets, as well as utilize the information on marketing by channel to the various segments.

There are tests that can be applied against the various data findings.

More importantly, these segments can be run for each new event, campaign and different tiers within the player database.

We can also, append, enhance and profile the Active Player database to find similarities and to better define and refine the segments that we build.

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EXECUTION:The final phase is to utilize the data results to create a compelling marketing campaign or event. By utilizing the profiles, we can create print and/or digital campaigns that will resonate with the target audience. The objective is to apply creative, content, copy and offers that will be relevant to the recipient across any channel.